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1. stage fright (n): an acute attack of nerves when getting on stage
2. denouement (n): the last part of a play, movie, or narrative
3. prequel (n): story or movie containing events that precede those of an existing work
4. score (n): the music written for a film, play
5. rave (a): enthusiastic  rave review (from critics)
6. box office (n): money from ticket sales, used as a way of measuring the success of a performer, film, or
public event  box office hit
7. silver screen (n): the movie industry
7.5. trilogy (n): a series of three books written about the same situation or characters
8. hobble (v): walk in an awkward way, typically because of pain
8.5. careworn (a): appearing tired, worried, and unhappy
9. saunter (v): walk in a slow, relaxed manner
10. hoist (v): raise or lift
11. winch (v): lift a heavy object by turning a chain or rope
12. amble (v): walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace
13. clamber (v): climb awkwardly or with effort
14. glide (v): move with a smooth continuous motion
14.5 skid (v): slide along a surface so that you have no control
15. slide (v): move along a smooth surface while maintaining continuous contact with it
16. twirl (v): spin quickly and lightly around, especially repeatedly
17. hard-pressed for sth (a): having a lot of difficulties doing something
18. get one’s teeth into doing sth (v): become fully involved in a new activity
19. hark back to (v): return to or remember sth about the past
20. take to sth like a duck to water (idm): discover when you start to do something for the first time that
you have a natural ability to do it
21. pull out all the stops (idm): try one’s best
22. go for a song (idm): be sold very cheaply
23. change one’s tune (v): express a different opinion
24. not come cheap (v): be of good quality and is therefore expensive
25. set the bar high (v): set high standards
26. dabble with (v): to take a slight and not very serious interest in a subject
27. corporeal (a): physical and not spiritual
28. mime (n): hi kịch
29. hands-on (a): practical
30. microcosm (n): sth regarded as encapsulating in miniature the characteristic qualities
31. verve (n): great energy and enthusiasm
32. bolster (v): support or improve something
33. subtlety (n): a small but important detail
34. sample (v): experience a place or an activity, often for the first time
35. elitism (n): the belief that some things are only for a few people who have special qualities or abilities
36. bantering (a): involving conversation that is funny and not serious
37. frenetic (a): involving a lot of excited movement or activity
38. handstand (n): Tư thê trông chuôi
39. puny (a): small; weak; not effective
40. contortion (n): the action of twisting or bending violently and unnaturally into a different shape or
 contortionist (n)
41. full-on (a): of greatest degree


1. decimation (n): the act of killing a something in large numbers
2. twitter (v): give a call (of a bird)
3. crunch (n): tieng xao xac (of leaf)
4. scrabble (v): scratch or scrape, as with the claws or hands
5. roar (n): loud, deep sound
6. clap of thunder (n): tieng sam
7. patter (of rain) (n): the sound of a lot of things gently and repeatedly hitting a surface
continuous and sometimes funny speech or talk
8. euphoric (a): extremely happy and excited
9. cetacean (n): any of various types of mammal, such as the whale, that live in the sea like fish
10. stand to do sth (v): have a high likelihood of doing something or having something
11. stumble across (v): find by chance
12. be anathema to sb (v): feel completely against an idea
13. leave a bit/lot to be desired (v): be much worse/better than you would like
14. bridle (v): take offence at
15. grant you: acknowledge another view
16. be blown away by: be very impressed by
17. miasmic (a): producing an unpleasant smell
18. refuse (n): matter thrown away or rejected as worthless
19. draconian (a): extremely severe, or go further than what is right (law, rule)
20. devil-may-care (a): not considering or worrying about the results of your actions
21. fester (v): (of an injury) ecomes infected
(of a bad argument/feeling) become worse
22. rancid (a): smelling or tasting unpleasant as a result of being old and stale
23. illicit (a): forbidden by law
24. initiate sb into sth (v): sb be made known about sth
25. superintendent (n): home owner
26. bolshy (a): often argues and makes difficulties
27. compliance (n): the act of obeying an order, rule
28. cut sb dead (a): ignore sb
29. hard and fast (a): fixed and definitive
30. to and fro: in one direction and then in the opposite direction,
31. strut (v): walk in proud way
32. wallow (v): roll around in mud
33. wade (v): walk through deep water
34. conscience (n): the part of you that judges how moral your own actions are
35. scruple (n): feeling that prevents you from doing
36. saline (a): containing salt  desalination (n): Khử muối
37. relish (n): great enjoyment

3. Surviving and thriving

1. confrontational (a): behaving in an angry or unfriendly way that is likely to cause an argument
2. chronic (decision) (a): very bad
3. premise (n): an idea or theory on which a statement or action is based
4. revert (v): reply
5. stance (n): a way of thinking about something
6. (social) pecking order (n): hierarchical system of social organization
7. treadmill (n): any type of repeated work that is boring and makes you feel tired
8. millet (n): cây kê
9. porridge (n): a thick, soft food made from oats boiled in milk or water, eaten hot for breakfast
10. mood swing (n): a very noticeable change in mood
11. catharsis (n): the process of releasing strong emotions through a particular activity or experience
12. get into the festive mood (v): liven up during a period
13. when the mood takes sb: if sb like sth
14. swot (v) = cram (for exam)

4. Information
1. my position on sth is that (argumentative essay)
2. take issue with sth: totally disagree with sth
3. (adopt a) (tough) stance on sth (n): way of thinking about sth
4. keep sth in perspective: look at sth more realistically
5. informant (n): person who gives information to another
6. representational (a): showing things as they are normally seen
7. mindless (job) (a): not needing much mental effort
8. strewn with sth (a): full of sth
9. quirk (n): unusual habit or aspect of personality  quirky (a)
 By some strange quirk/By an odd quirk of fate = unexpectedly (adv)
10. informaniac (n): person having a compulsive desire to check or accumulate news
11. continuously (a): without interruptions # continually (a): repeatedly
12. avant-garde: extremely modern
13. diehard (a): fierce
14. blueprint (n): plan
15. bleak (a): depressing

5. Language and literature

1. jargon (n): biet ngu
2. lingua franca (n): ngon ngu chung
3. burr (n): a way of speaking English in which the "r" sound is more noticeable than usual
4. recital (n): the performance of a program of music
5. rack one’s brains (v): think very hard in order to try to remember something
6. budge an inch (v): make even a slight change in opinion
7. more fool you: to say what sb does or thinks is stupid
8. blurb (n): short description of a book, movie
9. over-inflated (a): excessive
10. as tough as nails (a): strong and very determined
11. disarming (a): making someone like you
12. wacky (a): crazy and weird
13. lesser-known (languages) = minority languages
14. It is a comfort to do sth: It’s convenient to know that
15. shroud (n): vai che (dead person)/ (v): cover or hide sth
16. craze (n): sth extremely popular
17. mainstay (n): tru cot
18. wacky = whacky (a): weird but funny
19. acronym (n): tu viet tat
20. stalwart (a): loyal, especially for a long time; able to be trusted/ physically strong
21. steadfast (a): loyal
22. censure (v) (n): official strong criticism
23. variable (a): changeable/constant
24. varying (a): on different levels
25. illustrious (a): important/ distinguished
# Illustrative (a): serving as an example or explanation
26. rub shoulder with (v): meet sb socially
27. heady (a): having powerful effects/ feeling of high energy
28. a gamut of (n): a range of
29. picking (n): sth can be obtained, often in dishonest way
30. perennial (problem) (a): existing for a long time  perenniality (n)
31. humdrum (a): boring, tedious
32. gruesome (a): very horrible
33. jump on the bandwagon: do sth similar to others
34. mainstream (a): not specialized
35. dumbed down = oversimplified
36. coax (v): persuade someone gently to do by being kind and patient
37. wheedle (v): persuade sb into doing sth by praising them
38. babble (v): talk or say something in a quick, confused way
39. whinge about sth (v): complain about sth in an annoying way
40. rant and rave (v):
41. rabbit on (v): continue saying sth that’s not interesting to the person
42. gabble (v): talk fast or a lot
43. colloquialism (n): a word or phrase that is not formal or literary, typically used in family conversation
44. tete-a-tete (n): informal private conversation between two people
45. bibliophile (n): a book fan
46. be on board with sth (v): be a supporter of
47. think tank (n): an organization that creates theories
48. add-on feature (n):
49. inception (n): the beginning of sth
50. scrawl (v): write quickly and unclear;y

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