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5 Zakupy i usługi

Zadanie 1: Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli

Podczas wakacji pracujesz za granicą. Zostałeś zaproszony/Zostałaś zaproszona na eleganckie przyjęcie

w twojej firmie. Nie masz odpowiednich ubrań i robisz zakupy w sklepie odzieżowym.
W rozmowie z egzaminującym porusz poniższe cztery kwestie.

rodzaj i kolor ubrania rozmiar

cena formy płatności

(Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminujący).

1 Work in pairs. Student A: you are the student. Student B: you are the examiner.
Complete the dialogue below.

Examiner Good morning. Can I help you?

Student Yes. (Powiedz, jakiego ubrania szukasz
i w jakim kolorze).
Examiner I’ll just have a look. How about this one?
Student It looks really smart. (Poproś o swój rozmiar).
Examiner Here you are. Would you like to try it on?
Student Yes. (Zapytaj, gdzie są przymierzalnie).
Examiner Over there. Next to the casual wear. ... How does it fit?
Student (Poproś o większy lub mniejszy rozmiar).
Examiner I’m afraid we haven’t got it in that size. Would you like to try it in blue/red?
Student (Zgódź się i zapytaj o cenę).
Examiner It’s €29.99. It’s on special offer.
Student I (Powiedz, że to weźmiesz). Can I pay
? (Zapytaj, czy możesz zapłacić kartą płatniczą).
Examiner I’m really sorry but the machine’s broken.
Student (Wyraź niezadowolenie z tego powodu). I’ll pay
(Zaproponuj inną formę płatności).

2 Act out the dialogue in pairs. Then swap roles.

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5 Zakupy i usługi

Zadanie 2: Opis ilustracji i odpowiedzi na trzy pytania

Opisz poniższą ilustrację i odpowiedz na pytania egzaminującego.

Pytania dla egzaminującego:

1 Do you think the man and the woman are shop assistants or bakers? Why do you think so?
2 Do you like shopping in big supermarkets? Why? / Why not?
3 Describe the last time you went shopping for food.

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5 Zakupy i usługi

Zadanie 3: Wypowiedź na podstawie materiału stymulującego i odpowiedzi na dwa pytania

Popatrz na zdjęcie 1. i zdjęcie 2. Zbliżają się urodziny twojej koleżanki. Niestety nie możesz jej osobiście
złożyć życzeń i postanawiasz zamówić dla niej prezent przez internet. Wyraź swoje zdanie na temat
ofert dwóch poniższych produktów.
• Wybierz ten produkt, który, według ciebie, będzie bardziej odpowiedni, i uzasadnij swój wybór.
• Wyjaśnij, dlaczego odrzucasz drugą ofertę.

1 2

Not happy? We'll exchange it Free delivery

Pytania dla egzaminującego:
1 Do you think jewellery is a suitable present for teenagers? Why? / Why not?
2 What are the disadvantages of shopping online? Why? / Why not?

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5 Zakupy i usługi

Zadanie 1: Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli

Teacher’s suggestions
Photocopy one copy of the task and dialogue for every two students.

1 Tell students that they have been invited to a formal party. Ask: What clothes are most
suitable for a formal party? In a lower level class, write the words from the Useful vocabulary
box below on the board.

Useful vocabualry:
blouse dress hat high heels shirt skirt smart shoes suit top trousers

2 Ask students if they know how to ask a shop assistant for clothes in a shop. In a lower level
class, write the words from the Useful phrases box below on the board and ask students to
complete them. In a higher level class, elicit the full phrase.

Useful phrases:
I’m a pair of black trousers. (looking for)
Have you got them in ? (a size 40/medium)
I’m afraid they’re big. Have you got them in a smaller ?
(too, size)
Where are the rooms? (changing)

3 Ask: How do you usually pay for clothes?

Elicit and write the words in the Useful phrases box below on the board.

Useful phrases:
in cash
by credit/debit card

4 Ask students to work in pairs. In a lower level class, hand out the task and ask the students
to prepare and act out the dialogue. Then they should swap roles and do the task again.
In a higher level class, ask the students to create their own dialogues without using the
printed dialogue. Remind them that they need to mention all of the points specified in
the exam task.

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5 Zakupy i usługi

Zadanie 2: Opis ilustracji i odpowiedzi na trzy pytania

Teacher’s suggestions
In a lower level class, do exercise 1. In a higher level class, go straight to exercise 2.

1 Brainstorm vocabulary for describing the photograph. Write the words in the Useful phrases
box below on the board and ask the students to add one word or expression to each category.
Ask: What kind of shop is it? What does it sell? What are the shop assistants doing?

Useful phrases:
Place: shop (bakery)
Things: rolls croissants pies (bread)
People: woman in her early twenties (a man aged 20–25)
Activities: selling standing (smiling)

2 Tell students to describe the photograph.

3 Ask students to answer examiner question 1: Do you think the man and the woman
are shop assistants or bakers? Why do you think so? In a lower level class, give prompts,
e.g. What are they wearing? What has the man got on his head? Who usually sells bread in
a bakery?

4 Ask students to give you two reasons why shopping in a big supermarket is good and why
it is bad. Write the prompts below on the board.
Goods: wide/narrow selection
Price: cheap/expensive, special offers
Shop assistants: helpful/unfriendly, (not) enough
Location: easy/difficult to get to

5 Tell students to answer examiner question 2: Do you like shopping in big supermarkets?
Why/Why not?

6 Ask students to answer examiner question 3: Describe the last time you went shopping
for food. In a lower level class, give prompts, e.g. Who did you go with? How did you
get there? What did you buy?

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5 Zakupy i usługi

Zadanie 3: Wypowiedź na podstawie materiału stymulującego i odpowiedzi na dwa pytania

Teacher’s suggestions
1 Ask students to describe each picture. Write the words in the Useful vocabulary and phrases
box below on the board.

Useful vocabulary and phrases:

chain silver diamond wooden beads colourful

2 Tell students to read the slogans and ask: Which offer seems a better deal? Why? Which
offer is better for someone who can’t make up his/her mind? Why?

3 Ask students to work in pairs. They take it in turns to do the first part of the task
(picture comparison).

In a lower level class, do exercises 4–6. In a higher level class, go straight to exercise 7.

4 Ask students to work in groups and talk about the best and worst presents they have
received from family or friends. Then ask students to decide what kind of presents are most
suitable for a friend.

5 Discuss examiner question 2 with the class. Ask: Why is shopping online for clothes not
advisable? Is it wise to order food? Why? What’s the average delivery time? Is delivery free in
most cases?

6 Ask students to answer examiner questions 1 and 2 in pairs.

7 In a higher level class, write the two extra questions below on the board. Ask students to
take turns to ask and answer examiner questions 1–2 from the flashcard, and these two
extra questions. Each student should ask and answer two questions. They should give at
least one argument/reason for each question.
Do you think people buy things they don’t need? Why/Why not?
What are the advantages of shopping with a friend?

Oxford Solutions Flashcards 2 Teacher’s notes photocopiable © Oxford University Press

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