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Assessing the participation of female students in volley ball practical

class in the Sodo Comprehensive secondary schools

The Research Proposal Submitted In Partial Fulfillment the Department Of Sport

Sciences in the Wolaita Sodo University Bsc Degree in Sport Sciences


JAN, 2023


Table of Contents Page
CHAPTER ONE...................................................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................1
1.1Back Ground of the Study........................................................................................................................1
1.3. Research Questions...............................................................................................................................3
1.4. Objective of the Study...........................................................................................................................3
1.4.1 General Objective of the Study........................................................................................................3
1.4.2. The specific objective of study........................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO..................................................................................................................................................5
2. Review of Related Literature........................................................................................................................5
2.1. What Is Valley Ball?...............................................................................................................................5
2.2. Responsibility of the Teacher................................................................................................................5
2.3. Personality.............................................................................................................................................5
2.3.1The Personal Aspect.........................................................................................................................5
2.3.2. Emotional Aspect............................................................................................................................6
2.3.3 Social aspect....................................................................................................................................6
2.1.2 Supervision....................................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER THREE..........................................................................................................................................9
3. The Research Design and Methodology.......................................................................................................9
3.1. Description of the Study Area................................................................................................................9
3.2Research Design......................................................................................................................................9
3.3. Source of Data.....................................................................................................................................10
3.4. Method of data collection...................................................................................................................10

1. Introduction
1.1Back Ground of the Study
Volley ball is thought in all over the world with an interest of developing female student or
trainer in a physical, moral terms. When we speak that is thought all over the world, we
actually have recall the significant role and presence of obstacles or problem in the teaching,
learning process. In our country especially in the schools when I am conducting this
investigation there are a lot of problems in giving basic volley ball for female students in
physical education. The skill of volley ball is necessary for the completeness of the school
physical education course of study. it is given school children to young to be formal
education and as well as to students in the higher educational institutions. Phy. Ed. text book
of grade 12 students

The special quality of one achieve from taking part in volley ball are great in number. These
are:- Strength, flexibility, endurance, kinesthetic, agility, self-confidence and self-discipline
students use any kids of games skill as self-evaluating activity to deflect his/her capacity to
do any development. Phy. Ed. text book of grade 11th

Volley ball skill can be given in different grade levels according to philosophy Phyllis cooper
( 1982)“Volley ball should be integral parts of secondary school physical educational
curriculum offered in kindergarten through high school and college”

Volley ball skill forms an important part of physical education program in schools
encouraging the learner to develop skill and confidence according to their individual ability.
Volley ball as include in the majority of physical education program activity.

It is Obvious that unless there different factor are overcome an expecting successful education in
volley ball is meaningless. The high to search to the solution is the essential one

In a study conducted in Saskatchewan, Avery Girolami and Humbert (1998) “State in the
school selected for our study, over 80% of the young women who participated in Ph/Ed
when it was compulsory did not enroll in optional physical ed. Classes” Another study
focusing on participation in PhyEd - specially in valley ball

( King and Coles 1992) . Determine that “young females participate less often in physical
activity. than young males and also consider themselves less fit ad less likely to be
physically active at age 20”. If girls are turnoff by physical education in high school
they are much less likely to remain active as adults. The data from the health behavior
“in school aged children survey demonstrated that adolescent girls in Grades 6-10
spent less time than adolescent boys participating in vigorous physical activity during
class time ( Boyce, WF 2004 ). Young people in Canada

Why Are Girls Turnoff by physical education especially in valley ball?

The first indicates that previous negative experiences in Ph E, particularly during

elementary school, are the number one reason girls dislike Phy. Ed. ( Girolami and
Humert, 1998) “ many girls have found previous physical education classes to be too
competitive, and they feel that teachers show gender bias and make students engage
in intense activity ( such as running laps or doing pushups) as a form of punishment.
They also feel that student athletes are favored and that teachers have minimal
expectations for almost all girls”

The research by Myrick ( 1996) “ Indicates that when high school students convene for
physical education, the skill level of both girls and boys declines. The competitive
nature of the boys subdue the girls: - “the girls will avoid play Budris( 1993,)“ found
that new activities can positively affect the atmosphere in Phy.Ed.classes :- “ You
can improve the psychological atmosphere of your classes with new activities, and
you can improve the physical environment even more easily”.

Aicinena (1991) States that “the prudent teacher would seem to be one who allows some
input in to class room decision making, yet maintains control of the process involved in
instruction. Such actions would seem most likely to affect positive attitudes toward
Phy.Ed class.
1. 2 Statement of the Problem
This research is factors that affect the participation of female students in valley ball practical
class in sodo town.

The educational system of any country is designed to develop the learner’s problem capacity
and adaptability by building up knowledge, ability skill and attitude.

The teaching learning process the educational police of the country and are required to be
backed by suitable methods and strategies (Sidentop, 1998).

How ever female participate towards PhyEd. Practical class with comparison to male they
are less than of them. Therefore to improve performance of female students in volleyball
practical class should have to achieve its objectives. It has been observed that this study
is not properly maintained to assist the work of students only. It has significant role in
achieving the overall objectives of both teachers and students.
1.3. Research Questions
The researcher has raised the following questions in order to investigate the problem under
1. What are the main factors, which affect the participation of female students in volley
ball practices at sodo comprehensive secondary schools of sodo town?
2. What are the problems associated which the teaching of female students about the
practical aspect of volley ball in the specified secondary Schools?
3. What are the roles of the teachers & student to the effective teaching practice of
volley ball the particular secondary schools?

1.4. Objective of the Study

1.4.1 General Objective of the Study
The main objective of study will be to investigate the main problem that exists in practical
participation of female students in volley ball skill in sodo comprehensive secondary
schools of sodo town.

1.4.2. The specific objective of study

The specific Objective of the study will be to;

1. To identify the main factors which affect the female student’s practical participation
of volley ball skill in sodo comprehensive secondary schools of sodo town.

To suggest possible solution and way of avoiding the factor which affect female students’ practical
participation in volley ball skill at sodo comprehensive secondary schools of sodo town.
1.5 Significance of the Study
The major significance of this research will be as follows:-
- It was expected that from the findings of this study teachers of the sample schools might
get the same useful ideas as to the type and the nature of the factors, which can affect the
teaching of volley ball at sodo comprehensive secondary schools of sodo town
- To gain usable technique in providing a good opportunity for female students to express
their feelings towards practical participation of this game
- It might also serve as sparing board for further studies in the area.

2. Review of Related Literature

2.1. What Is Valley Ball?

Valley ball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each
team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team’s court under organized
rules. It has been a part of the official program of the summer Olympic Games since
1994. Some factors that influence the participation of female students in the practical
teaching & learning process of volley ball according to different literatures are:-

2.2. Responsibility of the Teacher

The roles play by the physical education teachers are many valid & evolve from
responsibility. These Phy. Ed. teachers should know the pupils and has the responsibility
to help them.

“Teaching first responsibility is to the students. Physical education teacher should know the
student back ground, their characters and their needs. The teacher should view the
students as a growing and maturing human being can be shaped by the teacher and
helped to progress toward worthwhile educational goal. The teacher has responsibility to
help the students develop the skill master the knowledge and acquire attitude and social
qualities “ Bucher ( 1974)
2.3. Personality
The personal qualifications of the physical education are extremely important consideration.
Administrators regard such characteristics as professionalism, promptness and the ability
to maintain control as attributes of primary importance, while female students hold
patience, understanding and fairness as desirable qualities in a teacher well not areas as

2.3.1The Personal Aspect
The preparation of teacher in volley ball skill practices class should approximate standards
require for teacher of academic subject. In secondary the physical education teachers
must have physical education degree graduates the physical education teacher must be
mentally, physically, socially and emotionally qualified. In order to conduct satisfactory
teaching lesson

“ The physical skill and abilities of the physical education should be exemplary in order to
conduct of satisfactory demonstrates and teaching lesson teachers should be able to
perform well not many areas as possible. This does not means that must ’’Story in all
events but their background of basic coordination’s should be above average” Bucher
2.3.2. Emotional Aspect
It is important that every teacher a stable mature individual, well-adjusted life in his or her
chosen occupation this is particularly true of the physical educator needs intellectually
qualities that are equally important for him both as teachers and has an influence on
female students. In relation to this: “the nature and tenor of the work require on
emotional, cultural and responsiveness that are easily defined. In order to establish
effective teaching report, the teacher must have patience and understanding mixed
firmness and composure. The teacher must offer a sympathetic understanding ear,
indicating to the students and sincere interest in the personal difficulty” Bucher (1974).

The physical educator needs intellectual qualities that are equally important for him but has
a teacher has an influence on female students.

2.3.3 Social aspect

The physical educator has many social objective of physical education. It is important that
the teacher be represent active of mature social development. In relation to teaching
volley ball “ as person the teacher should meet and treat all individual with respect and
consideration. It is these qualities that the female students should be achieve important
skill to recognize in their learning aspect”. Bucher (1974)

2.1.2 Supervision
The teacher must supervise various games activities effectively and simultaneously in
teaching different kinds of games. In relation to this “a teacher must give careful
consideration to planning activities in volley ball in order to keep safety first and single
teacher can’t supervised more than one activity at a time. Therefore other female
students or students with advanced ability should be utilized whenever possible.” Bucher

2.1.3 Motivation

There are various definitions given to the concept of motivation from psychological point
view. It is seen as field of study dealing with understanding the activation organization
and direction of behavior motivation are regard as ‘spring to action’ with the female
students in motor skill learning its role most important to physical education is action
usually the greater motivation the more rapid is learning.

Physical education teachers have the responsibility for evaluating female students
achievements becomes a method of teaching when it benefits the students by giving
them an opportunity to measure their own progress and practice in team all during the a
unit. Even students evaluation may be accomplished through or physical skills. In
relation to this:“Students are motivated to work hard for improvement female students
wants to look now the basis up on which they are judged, through testing , oral
questioning, written tests, physical skills and fitness testing. They know that is expected
of them and can rate themselves in comparison to their own previous” Bucher 1974

Physical education teachers must devise program of evaluation suitable to the philosophy
and objectives of their particular school situation and physical education program,
evolution of pupil achievement should determine to what extent program objective s are
being met.

“Evolution should reveal levels of female students development towards each of the four
measures goals physical fitness, physical skills, knowledge and appreciation and social
development” Bucher (1974)

2.1.4 Demonstration and Use of Model

The preparation of teacher in physical education should approximate standards required

for teachers of academic subjects.

The use of models can be done by the teacher him or herself and competent female students.
Above all the teacher who is there to motivate learners as professional in this fields of
skill of service as model whenever you wants to emphasize the essential skill of volley
ball. In order to arouse the learners so they can select some competent students and
make them models of the rest of class. This helps the learners to attempt to make new
modified responses after observing the model of performance by “avoiding little things
which remain unnoticed. This can be prevented by period checking and by examining
the equipment for possible effected poor alignment or inappropriate manipulation.”
William (1976)

We must use the volley ball equipment appropriately and we must listen (observe) observe
the rules for participants’ be all students regarding to thus: “instruction should be offered
in proper care and handling of mats. Safety checks equipment’s and spotting technique
for partners. Rules for participants must be observed by all students if the unit is to meet
success.” Bucher (1974)

When students are encouraged to do different activities in groups; they should be trained to
start and stop when they are told to do so to shift quickly from one activity to another
and to listen quickly and interact.

Female students should be use appropriately or effectively the volley ball equipment.
Female students are expected to use equipment in order to find the basic skills the
appropriate use of volley ball equipment’s supports teaching learning process and reduce
injury. This is caused by poor placement of equipment. That means if pupil falls in the
field we have go to make sure that points objects, miss placed mats, or other things that
likely bring danger to falling objects must be avoided from the working areas.

3. The Research Design and Methodology
3.1. Description of the Study Area
The study will be to conduct on the survey study on the challenges and opportunities of
learning physically disabled students and physical education: the case of high school
sodo town in wolaita zone.Wolaita zone was bordered on the west south by Damot
sore woreda on the west by the Boloso sore woreda Areka, on the north Damot Gale
Boditi, on the east by Damot woyde badessa and on the south Humbo woreda Abala.
Sodo was the administrative center of the Wolaita. Wolaita zone which is
administrative center of the Wolaita. Locate in Wolaita zone of the SNNPR. It was
the zones of southern nation’s nationalities of Ethiopia.
3.2Research Design
The research design was survey method.
“to answer questions that have been raised, to solve problems that have been
posed or observed, to assess needs and set goals, to determine whether or not
specific objectives have been met, to establish baselines against which future
comparisons can be made, to analyze trends across time, and generally, to
describe what exists, in what amount, and in what context.” (Isaac & Michael,
1997, p. 136)
Kraemer (1991) identified three distinguishing characteristics of survey research (p. xiii). First,
survey research is used to quantitatively describe specific aspects of a given population. These
aspects often involve examining the relationships among variables. Second, the data required for
survey research are collected from people and are, therefore, subjective. Finally, survey research
uses a selected portion of the population from which the findings can later be generalized back
to the population.

In survey research, independent and dependent variables are used to define the scope of
study, but cannot be explicitly controlled by the researcher. Before conducting the survey,
the researcher must predicate a model that identifies the expected relationships among these
variables. The survey is then constructed to test this model against observations of the

In contrast to survey research, a survey is simply a data collection tool for carrying out
survey research. Pinsonneault and Kraemer (1993) defined a survey as a “means for
gathering information about the characteristics, actions, or opinions of a large group of
people” (p. 77). Surveys can also be used to assess needs, evaluate demand, and examine
impact (Salant&Dillman, 1994, p. 2). The term survey instrument is often used to

fully relay on the information. Because this study will be based fully on the information
is gathered from the respondents. The researcher also believed that the qualitative and
quantitative method-to draw our precise information about a problem what the researcher
will study some high schools physical education teachers and the female students were
the respondents

3.3. Source of Data

The data will be collected from primary and secondary data source. The primary data will be
secondary school Phy.Ed teachers and the sample of female students from both schools.
The secondary data source will be physical education text book (9 th -12th), Internet and

The questionnaire will be distributed to female student and the teachers in the sample
schools analysis interpretation made about the overall study that was held. Also
Interview will be used to gather some data from teachers and students.

3.4. Method of data collection

Researcher will use the most commonly methods of collecting information interviews and

These interviews will be prepared for selected teachers and female students. A self-
administration questionnaire will be used. The self-administrated questionnaire will be

read by the respondent and fill in the answer by himself questionnaire will collect the
necessary information from respondents. In this study two sets of questionnaire will be
prepare one set is for physical education teachers and the other is for sample female
students. The female students’ questioners will consist 10 items. 5 close ended and 5
open ended questions.

The researcher will use quantitative data analysis methods this research is quantitative
research 10 first questionnaires will be distributed to the sample population. Then the
questionnaires will be collected after all necessary information’s are filled by

Finally data will be organized; tabulated and analyzed by using percentage lastly these
analyzed data will be interpreted.
Budget Breakdown
This study is expected to use the following cost and materials.
No Item Unit Quantity Unit price Total Price
1 Photocopy paper 1Pack Pack 250 550
2 Flash disk No 1 300 300
3 Pen Packet 1 150 150
4 CD RW No 2 30 60
5 Printing cost 5 5000
6 Thesis binding 500 500
7 Hand book and marker 350
Sub total 6910.00

1. Aicinena ( 1991). The prudent teacher would seem to be one----- specially on own
2. Boyce ( 2004). Young people on Canada
3. Bucher(1974). Methods & materials for second any school physical education
4. Budris ( 1993). New activities can positively affect the atmosphere in physical
5. GirolamiandHumbert. ( 1998). The researcher of on school female participate in
physical education
6. Isaac, S., & Michael, W. B. (1997). Handbook in research and evaluation: A collection of
principles, methods, and strategies useful in the planning, design, and evaluation of
studies in education and the behavioral sciences. (3rd Ed.). San Diego: Educational and
Industrial Testing Services.
7. King and Coles (1992)young females participate less than young males
8. Myrick ( 1996). The pre performance of female students
9. Phyllis cooper (1982). Teaching gymnastic skills to men and women. India,
Burgess, Pablising Company.
10. William T–bone (1796).illustrated hand book of gymnastics, tumbling and Tram


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