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11. units of measurement usually use a singular verb.

1. " Ten kilometers is a long way to walk."

2." Ten hours is a long time to wait."

In each case, the singular form of the verb "is" is used because the measurement is considered as a
single unit.

12. collective nouns usually take a singular verb.

"The flock of birds was flying south for the winter."

"The committee has reached a decision."

In each sentence, even though the collective noun refers to multiple individuals, it is treated as a single
unit, hence the singular verb agreement.

13. titles of books, movies, novels, etc. are treated as singular.

"The Great Gatsby captures the essence of the Jazz Age."

"Jurassic Park was a groundbreaking film in the realm of special effects."

the titles of the works ("The Great Gatsby" and "Jurassic Park") are treated as singular nouns, hence
requiring singular verb agreement ("captures" and "was").

14. two infinitives separated by "and" take a plural verb

"To read and to write are important activities for developing literacy."

"To travel and to explore new cultures broaden one's perspective."

In each of these sentences, the subjects closest to the verbs ("to read and to write," "To travel and to
explore”) are plural, so the verbs ("are," and "broaden,") are also plural to agree with them.

15. gerunds alone take a singular verb. gerunds linked by and take a plural verb

"Writing requires patience and perseverance."

"Reading helps improve comprehension skills."

In each sentence, each gerund ("writing," "reading") is the sole subject, so it takes a singular verb
("requires," "helps").


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