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St. Ferdinand College, Inc.


Sta. Ana St., Ilagan, Isabela 3300  (078) 624-2125

Name:________________________________________ Year Level/Section:_______________________

Instructor:_____________________________________ Group #: _________ Date:_______________


NO Performance Indicator Poor Fair Good

. 3+ Error 1-2+ Error No Errors
(1) (3) (5)
1. Assemble equipment and check physician’s order.
2. Identify patient. Repeat check of six rights in medications
3. Explain procedure to patient.
4. Perform hand hygiene. Don disposable gloves.
5. If necessary, withdraw medication from ampule or vial.
6. Select area on inner aspect of forearm that is not heavily pigmented or
covered with hair. Upper chest or upper back beneath the scapulae also
are sites for intradermal injections.
7. Cleanse the area with an alcohol swab by wiping with a firm circular
motion and moving outward from the injection site. Allow skin to dry.
8. Use nondominant hand to spread skin taut over injection site.
9. Remove needle cap with nondominant hand by pulling it straight off.
10. Holding syringe from above, at a 10- to 15-degree angle
(almost parallel to skin), gently insert needle, bevel up,
about 1/8 inch until dermis barely covers bevel.
11. Stabilize needle; inject medication slowly over 3 to 5 seconds while
watching for a small wheal or blister to appear. If none appears,
withdraw the needle slightly.
12. Withdraw needle at the same angle at which it was
inserted. Do not wipe or massage site.
13. Do not recap used needle. Dispose of syringe and needle in sharps
14. Assist patient into a position of comfort.
15. Remove gloves and dispose them properly. Perform hand hygiene.
16. Chart administration of medication as well as the site of administration.
Charting may be documented on CMAR, including location. Some
agencies recommend circling the injection site with ink.
17. Observe the area for signs of reaction at ordered intervals, usually at
24-72 hour periods.
Note: for allergy test usually 30 minutes. Inform the patient of this



(Clinical Instructor)
St. Ferdinand College, Inc.
Sta. Ana St., Ilagan, Isabela 3300  (078) 624-2125

Name:________________________________________ Year Level/Section:_______________________

Instructor:_____________________________________ Group #: _________ Date:_______________


NO. Performance Indicator Poor Fair Good
3+ Error 1-2+ Error No Errors
(1) (3) (5)
1. Assemble equipment and check physician’s order.
2. Identify patient. Repeat check of six rights in medications administration
3. Explain procedure to patient.
4. Don gloves. Prepare the medication. Assist patient to a comfortable
position, and expose only the area to be injected.
5. Select appropriate injection site by inspecting muscle size and integrity.
Consider volume of medication to be injected. Use anatomic landmarks to
locate the exact injection site. Use anatomic landmarks to locate the exact
injection site.
6. Cleanse the site with antiseptic swab, wiping from center of site and
rotating outward.
7. Remove needle guard. Hold syringe between thumb and forefinger of
dominant hand, like a dart. Spread skin at the site with nondominant hand.
Encourage the patient to relax the muscle or use distraction techniques.
8. Insert needle quickly at a 90-degree angle to the patient’s skin surface.
9. As soon as the needle is in place, move your non-dominant hand to hold
lower end of the syringe. Slide your dominant hand to tip of barrel.
10. Aspirate slowly (for at least 5 seconds), pulling back on plunger to
determine whether the needle is in a blood vessel.
11. If blood is aspirated, discard needle, syringe and medication. Prepare a
new sterile setup and inject in another site.
If no blood is aspirated, inject solution slowly (10sec per mL of
12. Remove needle slowly and steadily. Release displaced tissue if Z-track
technique was used.
13. Apply gentle pressure at site with a small dry sponge.
14. Do not recap used needle. Discard needle and syringe in appropriate
15. Assist patient to a position of comfort. Encourage patient to exercise
extremity used for injection if possible.
16. Remove gloves and dispose of them properly. Perform hand hygiene.
17. Chart administration of medication, including the site of administration.
This may be documented on the CMAR.
18. Evaluate patient response to medication within an appropriate time frame.
Assess site, if possible, within 2 to 4 hours after administration.



(Clinical Instructor)

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