IX WS - 1 (Communication Skills)

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Worksheet No: 1
Communication Skills
Class: IX Subject: Information Technology
Maximum Marks: 10 Time Allowed: 15 Minutes

Q.No. Questions Marks

4 x 0.5
I Multiple Choice Questions. =2
1. Which of the following is not an element of Communication Cycle?
(A) Sender (B) Time (C) Feedback (D) Receiver
2. What is the process called when a receiver communicates his/her response back
to the sender?
(A) Decoding (B) Encoding (C) Feedback (D) Communication Channel
3. Who initiates the process of communication?
(A) Feedback (B) Sender (C) Receiver (D) Communication Channel
4. Which of the following enhances the impact of verbal communication?
(A) Gestures (B) Touch (C) Hand shake (D) Voice modulation
4 x 0.5 =
II Fill in the blanks. 2
1. ______________ is a medium through which the message is transmitted to the
2. A child trying to study notes when mother is watching TV in the same room is
example of ______________ barrier.
3. Classroom teaching, business conferences and public speeches are examples of
4. The ______________ process helps in sharing of a common meaning between the
sender and the receiver.
III Short Answer (SA) type questions. 6
1. Give an example of Language barrier?
2. What is encoding? Explain its significance in the communication cycle?
3. What is visual communication? List any 2 advantages of visual communication.
End of Worksheet

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