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What Does Your Bible Version Say?

By Jeanine Shumway

What Does Your Bible Version Say?

Copyright 1999 Jeanine Shumway All Rights Reserved. First printing 1999

Published by: WBT Publishers 44320 Brookside Miramonte, CA 93641 E-mail address: jshumway@psnw. Com

Printed in the United States of America by: MORRIS PUBLISHING 3212 East Highway 30 Kearney, Nebraska 68847 800-650-7888

Table Of Contents

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Scriptural Index

Take It As It Reads Satan The Great Counterfeiter The Immortal Soul? Line Upon Line - What Is Essential? Christ, Who Was He? Wine Of Babylon Prophet Or Non-Prophet? Catholicizing Of The Bible Contradictions And Cursings Easy To Read? What Doth The Lord Require? The Sanctuary Message Paraphrases And Testaments Men Or Wolves?

2 9 16 21 27 39 45 58 67 75 78 86 90 96

Chapter 1 Take It As It Reads

The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. Psalms 19:7
In writing this book, I feel that it is here necessary to explain a few things. First, this book is not written by a biblical scholar that has spent years in the study of Greek or Hebrew. It is not intended to address the minds of those of great learning. It is written by a layperson and is intended for the layperson. It is based on the idea of taking the Bible as it reads and comparing the doctrine found in the translations to see if there is reason to reject or accept a translation based on how it compares with the KJV. As a Seventh-day Adventist that believes that the doctrines we hold are found in the Bible, including what constitutes a true prophet, I will refer to the writings of Ellen White. As I have done this comparative study my understanding of what is in the Bible and just how strongly Ellen White's writings agree with the Bible has been greatly strengthened. I will therefore refer to her in the same way that 1 would refer to the writings of Paul or James or Matthew or any other prophet. But I wish to let the Bible speak for itself and allow the compared verses to speak for themselves. I would like to mention here that I whole heartily agree that some words in the KJV are very difficult to understand, and I agree that a translation using words that are more common would be very helpful, but I reject any bible that has doctrinal changes. If I cannot find a bible in modem English that maintains the doctrines of the KJV then I will find the meanings of those old English words. Perhaps the reader of this thesis has even at this early stage felt that the author's position is extreme and that she has an unbalanced view of the Bible. However, I hope that you will consider a couple of facts. One is that this author had for about 10 years used and studied from the NIV and trusted that all Bibles were basically the same, and that God's word was without counterfeit. Second, I have written to several Seventh-day Adventist pastors and scholars, and to date, none have answered my inquiries based on the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Some of the subject matter, which I here present, I used to pass over as of little consequence. When I read my NIV, I thought that the text I was reading was different because I found the wrong text and that the one I had memorized as a child was somewhere else. I hope that the reader will consider what is here presented with an open mind. I have been on both sides of the issue as one who trusted the other translations and one who now feels the old KJV is our safest guide, and I feel I have faced the subject with an open mind. I have based my conclusions on Gods Word, comparing the versions side by side.

I have received many conflicting stories about the example of Ellen White but what I have as yet been shown would in a court of law be considered hearsay. I'm not here to argue what someone said they saw her do or what theologians think. I wish to here discuss the merits (or lack of merits) of the Bible translations and how the doctrine found in them compare with Seventh-day Adventist beliefs. I want God's word to be the basis for my doctrine. I am well aware of the fact that Ellen White used the ARV on occasion (about 5%). However, I can find no place where she accepted doctrine that was contrary to the KJV in that Bible or that she used the description of Biblical events found in our modern versions that contradict the KJV account. Also, the quotes I have seen where she used it reveal that that version did not have the problems I will here present. Or if it did she did not refer to it when quoting a text. I ask that you carefully and prayerfully consider my position. I pray that the reader will search out these things for themselves and know the Bible and its Author. My only credentials I humbly confess are the many hours I have spent following along with another version of the Bible while listening to the KJV on audio tapes and the God given powers of reason. The biblical library the author has to date consists of the following: New International Version copyright 1978, King James Version, New King James Version, The Webster Bible, Catholic Life Edition, New American Bible, Philips New Testament, New American Standard, Goodspeed, Clear Word, Good News for Modern Man (New Testament), New Testament according to the Eastern Text translated by George M. Larnsa from Original Aramaic Sources, Reader's Digest Bible, Revised Standard Version, New English Bible, Contemporary English Version, Living Bible (Catholic Edition), Dir Bibel (German translation by Martin Luther printed 1906), Santa Biblia Revision de 1960 (Spanish Bible) and the Interlinear Literal Translation of the Greek New Testament with the Authorized Version (taken from various Received Text dating from1624 to 1870). With my German Bible, I have a German/English Dictionary printed in 1958. I will not address all the translations but will address the ones more commonly used among the Seventh-day Adventist people. I will not be able to address all the problems that I have found in some of the translations. To do that would make this book much more involved than the author intends. By not addressing some translations, I am in no way endorsing or condemning them but wish the reader to carefully consider the doctrines contained in any new translation. Know your Bible so well that you will know if things are not in agreement in doctrine and "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." 1 Thessalonians 5:21 I am not saying here there are no good translations (other that the KJV), or the old English used in the KJV is in some way sacred. What I am saying is doctrine is changed in most of the new translations the surface reader may be unaware of. These doctrinal changes are some the prophet of God, Ellen White, prophesied would be used by Satan to lead the world astray. What I want to do here is to make the reader aware that we need to look beyond the proof texts when choosing a Bible and carefully consider what the texts are saying. I also think we need to ask ourselves, 'If this were the only version of the Bible I had what could I prove about my beliefs? I am a layperson and I have no education in the fields of the biblical languages or theology. My educational background is in the area of Occupational Therapy. One may say since I am no scholar of the ancient languages I cannot possibly have an understanding of what the Bible really says. Some may say since I have a very limited knowledge of Greek or Hebrew, and since I 3

don't have access to the ancient manuscripts I cannot know the truth in this matter. Nevertheless, I would like to point the reader to a few references: To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah 8:20 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little and there a little ... Isaiah 28:10 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. Deuteronomy 4:2 The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple. Psalm 119:130 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever. Isaiah 40:8 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matt. 4:4 For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ. 2 Cor. 2:17 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalms 119:105 The Holy Ghost is the author of the Scriptures and of the Spirit of Prophecy. These are not to be twisted and turned to mean what man may want them to mean, to carry out man's ideas and sentiments, to carry forward man's schemes at all hazards. Letter 92, 1900. Selected Messages Book 3 p.30 I take the Bible just as it is, as the Inspired Word. I believe its utterances in an entire Bible. Men arise who think they find something to criticize in God's Word. They lay it bare before others as evidence of superior wisdom. These men are, many of them, smart men, learned men, they have eloquence and talent, the whole lifework [of whom] is to unsettle minds in regard to the inspiration of the Scriptures. They influence many to see as they do. And the same work is passed on from one to another, just as Satan designed it should be, until we may see the full meaning of the words of Christ, "When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8). Selected Messages Book 1 p.7 I am intensely in earnest that our people shall realize that the only true education lies in waking humbly with God. The teachings of the Word of God are opposed to the ideas of those who think that our students must receive the mold of an education that is according to human ideas. Some are departing from the faith, as a result of receiving from the world what they regard as a "higher education." The

word of God, just as it reads, contains the very essence of truth. The highest education is the keeping of the Law of God. Medical Evangelist 10-01-09
The arm of the Lord is not shortened that it cannot save. His ear is not heavy that it cannot hear. God can and will work through human agencies. He can sanctify the heart, and make the human agent a vessel unto honor. Take the word; read it, consider, pray over it; let it enter into your understanding; let the light flood the soul temple, that you may testify of these things in the churches. The word of God is infallible; accept it as it reads; look with confidence to God; trust him to qualify you for his service. We are not authorized to trust in ourselves; Christ is our helper, our sufficiency. It is his to give us the victory. Christ has brought life and immortality to light, and we are to look unto him, and take this great salvation which he has won for us through his own death. Only believe; walk by faith, not by sight. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 02-11-96

The Word of God, just as it reads, is the ground of our faith. That Word is the sure word of prophecy, and it demands implicit faith from all who claim to believe it. It is authoritative, containing in itself the proof of its divine origin. "We have not followed cunningly-devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eye-witnesses of His majesty." "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." Signs of the Times 06-02-98 Will you take the Word of God just as it reads? Will you as a responsible agent seek to realize your accountability to God? God is the sovereign of the world. He has entrusted human beings with sacred gifts and endowed them with precious faculties. They are responsible to Him for the right use of these endowments. . . . Upward Look p.4
Satan is a cunning worker, and he will bring in subtle fallacies to darken and confuse the mind and root out the doctrines of salvation. Those who do not accept the Word of God just as it reads will be snared in his trap. Maranatha p.56 "The words that I speak unto you," said Christ, "they are spirit, and they are life." Jeremiah testifies to the word of God, saying, "Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart." There is divine healing in God's word, which the so-called wise and prudent cannot experience, but which is revealed to babes. "The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple." If this word is enshrined in the heart, it becomes the treasure-house of the mind, from which we bring forth things new and old. We no longer find pleasure in thinking of the common things of earth, but say, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 05-04-97 The word of God is light and truth--a lamp to the feet and a light to the path. It is able to guide every step of the way to the city of God. For this reason, Satan has

made desperate efforts to obscure the light that men may not find and keep the path cast up for the ransomed of the Lord to walk in. Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students p. 461 The Bible is its own interpreter. With beautiful simplicity one portion connects itself with the truth of another portion, until the whole Bible is blended in one harmonious whole. Light flashes forth from one text to illuminate some portion of the Word that has seemed more obscure. Our High Calling p. 207 Those who believe the Word of God as it reads are walking in the light; for the Bible is its own interpreter. Manuscript Releases Vol. 18 p. 145 Christ's servants are to do the same work. In our day, as of old, the vital truths of God's word are set aside for human theories and speculations. Many professed ministers of the gospel do not accept the whole Bible as the inspired word. One wise man rejects one portion; another questions another part. They set up their judgment as superior to the word; and the Scripture which they do teach rests upon their own authority. Its divine authenticity is destroyed. Thus the seeds of infidelity are sown broadcast; for the people become confused and know not what to believe. There are many beliefs that the mind has no right to entertain. In the days of Christ the rabbis put a forced, mystical construction upon many portions of Scripture. Because the plain teaching of God's Word condemned their practices, they tried to destroy its force. The same thing is done today. The Word of God is made to appear mysterious and obscure in order to excuse transgression of His law. Christ rebuked these practices in His day. He taught that the word of God was to be understood by all. He pointed to the Scriptures as of unquestionable authority, and we should do the same. The Bible is to be presented as the word of the infinite God, as the end of all controversy and the foundation of all faith. Christ's Object Lessons p. 39 The Bible, just as it reads, is to be our guide. Nothing is so calculated to enlarge the mind and strengthen the intellect as the study of the Bible. No other study will so elevate the soul and give vigor to the faculties as the study of the living oracles. The minds of thousands of ministers of the gospel are dwarfed because they are permitted to dwell upon commonplace things, and are not exercised in searching for the hidden treasure of the Word of God. As the mind is brought to the study of God's Word, the understanding will enlarge and the higher powers will develop for the comprehension of high and ennobling truth. Mind, Character, and Personality Vol. 1 p. 93 Those who cry unto God for deliverance from the terrible spell that Satan would weave about them, will set a high estimate upon the Scriptures. Our only safety is in receiving the whole Bible, not taking merely detached portions, but believing the whole truth. Your feet are upon sliding sand if you depreciate one word that is written. The Bible is a divine communication, and is as verily a message to the soul as though a voice from heaven were heard speaking to us. With what awe and reverence and humiliation should we come to the searching of the Scriptures, that we may learn of eternal realities. When the spell of Satan is

broken, and the Bible becomes to us the living Word of God, we shall be safe in following our convictions of duty; for if we watch unto prayer, they will be inspired by the Spirit of God. Let everyone study the Bible, knowing that the Word of God is as enduring as the eternal throne. If you come to the study of the Scriptures in humility, with earnest prayer for guidance, angels of God will open to you its living realities; and if you cherish the precepts of truth, they will be to you as a wall of fire against the temptations, delusions, and enchantments of Satan. Signs Of The Times 9/11/1893 The truths most plainly revealed in the Bible have been involved in doubt and darkness by learned men, who, with a pretense of great wisdom, teach that the Scriptures have a mystical, a secret, spiritual meaning not apparent in the language employed. These men are false teachers. It was to such a class that Jesus declared: "Ye know not the Scriptures, neither the power of God." Mark 12:24. The language of the Bible should be explained according to its obvious meaning, unless a symbol or figure is employed. Christ has given the promise: "If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine." John 7:17. If men would but take the Bible as it reads, if there were no false teachers to mislead and confuse their minds, a work would be accomplished that would make angels glad and that would bring into the fold of Christ thousands upon thousands who are now wandering in error. Great Controversy p. 598 Some who are unacquainted with the Bible think that what the ministers tell them must be true. They do not, like the noble Bereans, search the Scriptures for themselves; but they accept the statements of those who have studied the word of God, not to learn the truth, but to sustain false doctrines, to justify their own theories. Many times these false theories are a jumble of inconsistencies; and if men would use their reason, and take the Bible as it reads, they would see the absurdity of their positions. The plain "Thus saith the Lord," would dispel their errors, as the mist is dispelled by the glories of the rising sun. Signs of the Times 8/5/1886 He who has a knowledge of God and His Word has a settled faith in the divinity of the Holy Scriptures. He does not test the Bible by man's ideas of science. He brings these ideas to the test of the unerring standard. He knows that God's Word is truth, and truth can never contradict itself; whatever in the teaching of so-called science contradicts the truth of God's revelation is mere human guesswork. 8 Testimonies p. 325 Men act as though they had been given special liberty to cancel the decisions of God. The higher critics put themselves in the place of God, and review the Word of God, revising or endorsing it. In this way, all nations are induced to drink the wine of the fornication of Babylon. These higher critics have fixed things to suit the popular heresies of these last days. If they cannot subvert and misapply the Word of God, if they cannot bend it to human practices, they break it ...Upward Look p. 35

The Word is the great lesson book for the students in our schools. The Bible teaches the whole will of God concerning the sons and daughters of Adam. The Bible is the rule of life, teaching us of the character we must form for the future, immortal life. Our faith, our practice, may make us living epistles, known and read of all men. Men need not the dim light of tradition and custom to make the Scriptures comprehensible. It is just as sensible to suppose that the sun, shining in the heavens at noonday, needs the glimmerings of the torchlight of earth to increase its glory. The fables or the utterances of priest or of ministers are not needed to save the student from error. Consult the divine Oracle, and you have light. In the Bible every duty is made plain, every lesson is comprehensible, able to fit men with a preparation for eternal life. The gift of Christ and the illumination of the Holy Spirit reveal to us the Father and the Son. The word is exactly adapted to make men and women and youth wise unto salvation. In the word is the science of salvation plainly revealed. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." "Search the Scriptures," for therein is the counsel of God, the voice of God speaking to the soul. Special Testimonies on Education p. 228 How earnestly we should search the word of God; for it is our only safe guide, our only safeguard. The gospel of God is able to make us wise unto salvation. It is not incomprehensible, and placed above us, but its plain, inspired utterances can simplify the perplexing problems of this life, and enlighten each single-hearted believer with the bright beams of heavenly wisdom. As so great a reward attends the earnest searching of the word of God, should we not with more painstaking effort seek to enter into God's plans, and strive to his designs in diffusing the light of truth? Paul writes to Timothy, "Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also." This is God's plan for diffusing light. Those who are called to preach the gospel, are not simply to be preachers, but they are to be teachers, to be educators. They are to look deeper than the surface, they are to realize the responsibility which rests upon them as instruments through which God would accomplish his great designs in the salvation of the lost. The servants of God have a most solemn work to do, and they should seek to comprehend the conditions upon which they are accepted to serve a crucified Redeemer. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 3/24/1891

Chapter 2 Satan, the Great Counterfeiter

Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:12
The foe of all mankind is on the warpath. The Bible says, "the Devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." Rev.12:12. His greatest desire is to find and destroy the children of God. Read what God says in His word through His prophets: For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Matt. 24:5 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matt. 24:24 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their hits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Matt. 7:15& 16 Deception, to be a good deception must look like what is true and good. It would never work for me, being a woman, to walk up to someone and claim to be a man unless I put on a mans clothes and walked like a man and at least attempted to speak in a deep voice. It would not be very deceptive if I had on a dress and had my long hair in a braid with pink ribbons. So how will Satan deceive? Will he act like a devil and only have evil books written? Would blatant evil deceive a Bible believing Christian? No. That is what is meant in Matthew 7 by sheep's clothing. A sheep represents Christ. Christ is "the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world." John 1:29. To put on sheep's clothing means to try to look Christian. How could the very elect be deceived if something appeared evil on the superficial inspection? We are left to conclude, that if Satan were to be successful in his deception, that he could deceive, if possible, the very elect. His plan will be to deceive by 'Christian' means. To have his people in God's churches talking like Christians. My dear Grandmother had the idea that if something was written down it was true. That a book, no matter what it said was to be believed. But I have read things that I knew were lies. They were in print. Being in print didn't make it true any more than me having a picture of myself in a mans suit would make me a man. Lies are put in print every day. Murderers and other wicked people write books full of lies. The label of 'fiction' on a book means that someone created the 9

Book based on something that only happened in their head, in their imagination. One can't say that it was a falsehood while being cooked up in his head, but once it was published it become truth. It is still fiction. So if Satan had a deceptive book, it could be false and it could appear 'Christian', right? Could a writer print something that was 99.9% truth and .l% lie? Yes. Would a person be able to easily recognize where the .1% lie was? What if a book had 1412 pages and each page had over 600 words per page and only one or two words per page were changed? How much reading would it take to find the problem words? Have you, my dear reader read the Bible comparing one version with the other? If you have, have you given thought to what, if any, meaning is changed? Have you asked yourself if it changes your doctrine? How does Satan regard the Bible? Satan well knew that the Holy Scriptures would enable men to discern his deceptions and withstand his power. It was by the word that even the Saviour of the world had resisted his attacks. At every assault, Christ presented the shield of eternal truth, saying, "It is written." To every suggestion of the adversary, He opposed the wisdom and power of the word. In order for Satan to maintain his sway over men, and establish the authority of the papal usurper, he must keep them in ignorance of the Scriptures. The Bible would exalt God and place finite men in their true position; therefore its sacred truths must be concealed and suppressed. This logic was adopted by the Roman Church. For hundreds of years the circulation of the Bible was prohibited. The people were forbidden to read it or to have it in their houses, and unprincipled priests and prelates interpreted its teachings to sustain their pretensions. Thus the pope came to be almost universally acknowledged as the vicegerent of God on earth, endowed with authority over church and state. Great Controversy p.51 Notice here that the Bible enables man to discern Satan's deceptions and gives us power to withstand his power. Another quote: Satan could no longer keep the Bible from the people; it had been placed within the reach of all. But he led thousands to accept false interpretations and unsound theories, without searching the Scriptures to learn the truth for themselves. He had corrupted the doctrines of the Bible, and traditions which were to ruin millions were taking deep root. The church was upholding and defending these traditions, instead of contending for the faith once delivered to the saints. Spirit of Prophecy vol. 4 p. 195 False interpretations? What if those false interpretations were put into print? Could they be put into print? Yes! Would God allow it to happen? Yes! Now that Satan can no longer keep the world under his control by withholding the Scriptures, he resorts to other means to accomplish the same object. To destroy faith in the Bible serves his purpose as well as to destroy the Bible itself. Spirit of Prophecy vol. 4 p. 40 Would it please Satan for us to be ignorant of his history and his plans? How important is it for us to know these things? God's prophet says:

And now Satan comes with his temptations to the children of men, who are often ignorant of his devices, and here he has better success. One of his most successful devices is to keep men in ignorance of his devices; for they will not be on their guard against an enemy of whose existence they are ignorant. Signs Of The Times 8/19/86 We are dependent on the Bible for a knowledge of the early history of our world, of the creation of man, and of his fall. Remove the Word of God, and what can we expect but to be left to fables and conjectures, and to that enfeebling of the intellect which is the sure result of entertaining error. We need the authentic history of the origin of the earth, of the fall of Lucifer, and of the introduction of sin into the world. Without the Bible, we should be bewildered by false theories. The mind would be subjected to the tyranny of superstition and falsehood. But, having in our possession an authentic history of the beginning of the world, we need not hamper ourselves with human conjectures and unreliable theories. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 11/10/1904 Did you notice that? We need the authentic history of the fall of Lucifer. With this in mind, let's look at Satan's history in the KJV. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: Isaiah 14:12&13 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightening fall from heaven. Luke 10:18 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Rev. 12:7-9 Compare Isaiah 14:12 & 13 as found in some of the other versions: How you have fallen from heaven, bright morning star, felled to the earth, sprawling helpless across the nations! You thought in your own mind, I will scale the heavens; I will set my throne high above the stars of God, I will sit on the mountain where the gods meet in the far recesses of the north. I will rise high above the cloud-banks ... Is 14:12 & 13 NEB How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! Is. 14:12 RSV How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! Is. 14:12 NASB 11

How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! Is. 14:12 NIV You, the bright morning star, have fallen from the sky! Is. 14:12 CEV Who is the bright morning star? Who is the day star? If you do a word study in the Bible, you will find that Christ is both the morning star and the day star. Christ was prophesied of in Numbers 24: 17 as 'a Star out of Jacob' KJV. In II Peter 1:19 it says: 'We have also a more sure word of prophecy; where unto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:' Christ himself makes it clear that He is 'the bright and morning star.' in Revelation 22:16 KJV. I find it interesting how the other versions of the Bible keep Rev. 22:16 in tact. This text points to Christ as the morning star. Who would want Christ to appear to be the fallen angel? Perhaps we can find out by looking at Christ's sufferings in the wilderness. Clothed as an angel of light, the artful foe presented his specious temptations to the Saviour. He sought to persuade Christ to turn from the path of self-denial and cross bearing. He assured Him that God was satisfied with his willingness to endure the trial, but that as He stayed the hand of Abraham when about to sacrifice Isaac, so now, satisfied with Christ's willingness to set his feet in the bloodstained path, He had sent an angel to deliver Him from the long fast by which He was to overcome the power of appetite in man's behalf. This specious reasoning was a temptation to Christ. His humanity made it a temptation to Him, and it was only by trusting his Father's word that He could resist the power of the enemy. He waked by faith, as we must walk by faith, and turned from the artful deceiver, who feigned to doubt his divinity. Satan declared that a powerful angel of heaven had been banished to the earth, and that Christ's appearance indicated that instead of being the King of heaven, He was this fallen angel, forsaken of God and deserted by man. If He were the Son of God, He was equal with God, and could make this evident by working a miracle. He said, "If Thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread." He promised that if Jesus would do this, he would acknowledge his supremacy and no longer contest his claims. The arch deceiver hoped that under the force of despondency and extreme hunger, Christ would lose faith in his Father, work a miracle in his own behalf, and take Himself out of his Father's hands. Had He done this, the plan of salvation would have been broken; for it was contrary to its terms that Christ should work a miracle in his own behalf. Bible Echo and Signs of the Times 11/15/1892 Satan would like the world to believe that Christ is that fallen angel. This same deception he is trying to use on the Christian world of today. Please note that this is the only place in the Bible where Satan is addressed as Lucifer. Without the KJV rendering, we are left to believe that Jesus is the fallen angel. Are you willing to let doubt come into your mind about your dear Saviour? How do you teach a Bible student who Christ is if you are using the other versions that change this texts wording? Was Mrs. White correct in her use of these texts? She only referred to Christ as the Morning Star and the day star. And she only referred to Lucifer as the 'son of the 12

morning' and never, that I can find, did she refer to Satan as either morning star or day star. (See DA p. 435; Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 9/24/01; GC 659) A great work can be done by presenting to the people the Bible just as it reads. Carry the Word of God to every man's door, urge its plain statements upon every man's conscience, repeat to all the Saviour's command, "Search the Scriptures." Admonish them to take the Bible as it is, to implore divine enlightenment, and then, when the light shines, to gladly accept each precious ray, and fearlessly abide the consequences. 5 Testimonies p. 388 If you take other translations as they are and do a word study on morning star or day star, what do you find? That Christ is a fallen angel. You may be thinking that the majority of translators must be correct, but is the majority a safe group to join? Have you ever read in the Bible where the majority was on the Lord's side? Does the Bible teach that the majority know the way of salvation? Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13 & 14 Are you the very elect? I hope so! Does Satan wish to deceive you? Yes! Can he put his deceptions in print? Of course he can! Satanists write books all the time. Why would Satan make his deceptions look Christian? It was by deception that Satan seduced angels; thus he has in all ages carried forward his work among men, and he will continue this policy to the last. Should he openly profess to be warring against God and His law, men would beware; but he disguises himself, and mixes truth with error. The most dangerous falsehoods are those that are mingled with truth. It is thus that errors are received that captivate and ruin the soul. By this means Satan carries the world with him. But a day is coming when his triumph will be forever ended. Patriarchs and Prophets p. 338 Satan looks with great satisfaction upon those who profess the name of Christ, yet closely adhere to the delusions which he himself has originated. His work is still to devise new delusions, and his power and art in this direction continually increase. He led his representatives, the popes and the priests, to exalt themselves, and to stir up the people to bitterly persecute and destroy those who were not willing to accept his delusions. Oh, the sufferings and agony which the precious followers of Christ were made to endure! Angels have kept a faithful record of it all. Satan and his evil angels exultingly told the angels who ministered to these suffering saints that they were all to be killed, so that there would not be left a true Christian upon the earth. I saw that the church of God was then pure. There was no danger of men with corrupt hearts coming into it; for the true Christian, who dared to declare his faith, was in danger of the rack, the stake, and every torture 13

which Satan and his evil angels could invent or inspire in the mind of man. Early Writings pg. 22 1 Eve really believed the words of Satan, but her belief did not save her from the penalty of sin. She disbelieved the words of God, and this was what led to her fall. In the judgment men will not be condemned because they conscientiously believed a lie, but because they did not believe the truth, because they neglected the opportunity of learning what is truth. Notwithstanding the sophistry of Satan to the contrary, it is always disastrous to disobey God. We must set our hearts to know what is truth. All the lessons which God has caused to be placed on record in His word are for our warning and instruction. They are given to save us from deception. Their neglect will result in ruin to ourselves. Whatever contradicts Gods Word, we may be sure proceeds from Satan. Patriarchs and Prophets p. 55 Please notice what it says here: "Whatever contradicts God's Word, we may be sure proceeds from Satan." God's Word says that Lucifer fell from heaven. As you read further in this book, remember this quote. Satan wants our worship. In the NIV, he changes a text forbidding the worship of devils in Leviticus 17:7. First, let's look at the KJV: And they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto devils, after whom they have gone a whoring. This shall be a statute for ever unto them throughout their generations. Leviticus 17:7 KJV The NIV says, "They must no longer offer any of their sacrifices to the goat idols ..." So it is okay to worship images of Mary or St. Peter, they are not goat idols. The CEV also uses that term goat idols. A similar thing happens in 2 Chronicles 11:15. Here it is in the KJV: And he ordained him priests for the high places, and for the devils, and for the calves which he had made. 2 Chronicles 11:15 Now look at what happens with this text in the NIV, 'for the high places and for the goat and calf idols he had made.' Where did that devil go? The CEV adds the term 'goat' to the text too. Satan is slowly fading from the Bible. In Psalms 109:6 in the KJV, it reads: Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand. However, the NEB says, They say, Put up some rascal to denounce him, an accuser to stand. The RSV says let an accuser stand at The NIV and the NASB do the same thing. The NEB uses the word adversary also in Zechariah 3:1 & 2 in place of Satan. Luthers German Bible however, uses Satan in these texts. In the Bible we are given instruction concerning how to fight Satan and his angels. Christ, when He was here on earth gave us directions. In Matthew 17:21 He said this about casting out the devil:


Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. Matthew 17:21 KJV But the NIV, RSV, CEV and NEB don't have this verse. Would Satan be pleased with that? This statement is repeated in Mark. This time the fasting is missing in these same versions. Read it in the KJV: And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. Mark 9:29 KJV It takes both prayer and fasting! Will we be effective in casting him out if we only do one of the two? I don't see how. How did Christ speak to Satan? 'Get thee behind Me.' It is recorded in Luke 4:8, unless you are reading the NIV, NASB, NEB, CEV or RSV. That part is missing in those versions. Should we ask God to deliver us from Satan's temptations? In the perfect example that we have, given by Christ himself, we are instructed to pray, 'lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.' Luke 11:4 KJV. However, if you rely on the NASB, NEB, RSV, CEV and NIV, you don't have the plea for God to deliver you from evil. Do you want to be delivered from evil? We are to fight Satan with the Bible, our sword of the spirit. But that sword is being dulled. How sharp is your sword?


Chapter 3 The Immortal Soul?

Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 1 Corinthiansl5:52
Someone at work asks you, "What is a soul? Is a soul immortal? Are animals souls?" How do you prove the answer to these questions? If you take the Bible alone as your guide, can you find the answer to these questions? With only the NIV in your hand, let's see what we can prove. Turn to Genesis 2:7- it reads, "And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being." That's nice, but what is a soul? That doesn't prove that Adam is a soul. Well, let's try Revelation 16:3, "...and every living thing in the sea died." That doesn't say anything about a soul does it? So what is a soul? Let's try 1 Corinthians 15:45, "The first man Adam became a living being." I still don't see any mention of a soul. What is a soul? Here's one Acts 27:37, "Altogether there were 276 of us on board." No mention of a soul there. Can a soul die? Let's look at Ps. 78:50, "...He did not spare them from death ..." No death of the soul there. How about Exodus 31:14? Ps. 33:19? No. Then how about, Ps. 89:48, or James 5:20? These should be able to show that a soul can die, but do they? No. So is there such thing as a soul? Is soul ever mentioned in the NIV? Yes, in many places; Ps. 77:2, "...and my soul refused to be comforted." Okay, we have a soul, but what is it? Ps. 84:2 says, "My soul yearns, even faints...", Ps. 86:13 says, " have delivered my soul from the depths of the grave." But still, what is a soul? Where are those texts that would give you a clear definition? Now take the New KJV and look at the same texts. Now remember we are not going to use the old KJV here, only the NKJV. Give me a Bible study on what a soul is. Is it a whole person? Gen. 2:7 doesn't explain what it is. Revelation 16:3 doesn't tell you that souls live in the sea. 1 Corinthians 15:45? Acts 27:37? No. Ps. 78:50? Oh, here we find that a soul can die, but what is a soul? Okay, we have Ezekiel 18:4 in the NKJV and the NIV stating that a soul can die, but still what is a soul? Is it an ethereal entity that floats off to heaven? Remember, the Bible and the Bible only. And we are only using the NKJV. Using only this version, you cannot prove that a soul is a person. Well, let's try the RSV. Gen. 2:7 calls Adam a living being. Rev. 16:3 says, ''that every living thing died". 1 Cor. 15:45 states that "Adam became a living being". I don't see any concrete evidence that a soul is made up of breath and dust. Is it an intangible ghostly thing that floats off at death? It is if this is the version you rely on for doctrine. Where do those silly Adventists get the idea that a soul is a person? I have a soul according to these bibles but I'm not a soul. Let's keep trying to see what a soul is. How about the NEB?


Same thing. There is no mention of Adam becoming a soul. Going on to the NASB, we find that in 1 Cor. 15:45 it quotes Genesis as "Adam became a living soul" but in Genesis 2:7 it has man as a living being. But the souls in the ocean are described as 'living things'. Therefore, in this bible, man is a soul in one place, but not in another, and animals are not souls. So four of the five bibles use the term soul, but only when it leaves an impression that a soul is an ethereal thing separate from the body. Job says this in Job 19:26 KJV, And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: He is here speaking of the resurrection. But the RSV says, then without my flesh I shall see God. Isnt that a direct contradiction of the KJV? The NIV, NAB and Neb change the verse so dramatically I can barely recognize it. The NEB reads, and I shall discern my witness standing at my side and see my defending counsel, even God himself, Where in this is there mention of his skin being eaten and seeing God in his flesh? If we leave this text alone as it is in the KJV we have a text that reveals that we will have flesh and bones at the resurrection like Christ when He was resurrected. So what does the KJV teach? That a soul is you, me, my pet dog, and the fish in the sea! Do you see? It is consistent and we can plant our feet firmly on it. The Eastern Text translated by George M. Lamsa uses the word soul in Rev. 16:3 and 1 Cor. 15:45. Luther's German translation uses 'Seele' and 'Leben' both according to my German/English dictionary are the same as soul. Webster's Bible used the word soul in Gen. 2:7, Acts 27:37, 1 Cor. 15:45 and Rev. 16:3. Now that we have determined that a soul is ethereal using the NIV, NKJV, RSV, NEB and NASB, let's see what else we can prove. How about sleep in the grave? What happens after death? In the KJV Old Testament, there are 36 references to people that 'slept with their fathers'. From 1 Kings to 2 Chronicles the kings that died are said to be sleeping with their fathers. Deut. 31:16 says, "Thou shalt sleep with thy fathers." As does 2 Sam. 7:12. Dan. 12:2 speaks of those who 'sleep in the dust of the earth.' Psalm 13:3 says, "Consider and hear me, 0 Lord my God: lighten my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death: So when Christ spoke of death as sleep in Matt. 9:24 and John 11:13 concerning two different people His doctrine was well established in the Old Testament which was the only Scriptures there was. Christ didn't teach a new doctrine. He was just directing His hearers to the doctrines that were written in the Scriptures. Luther's German Bible uses the words for 'slept with fathers' for those texts. For 'fathers the word 'vatern' is used. Which my German/English dictionary says is the word for fathers. It also uses the term entschlanfen, which the dictionary translates as sleep. The Webster Bible uses the term 'slept with his fathers'. Now, let's see how this doctrine would fair if we have only these other "more reliable" versions of the bible. The NIV states in 1 Kings through 2 Chronicles that people 'rested with their fathers' when it is mentioned that they died. What kind of rest is that? Do they sit on a cloud playing a harp? Do they go to Hades and burn? Do they go to eternal bliss or limbo? Is it a 'higher plane' as some new agers would describe it? Where is this rest? And what is it like? By accepting this translation, we have just lost 36 references for the doctrine of soul sleep. Deut. 31:16 and 2 Sam. 7:12 use the term rest also. There goes two more. What about the other texts? 17

They are left as sleep, but we have lost 88.37% of the proof texts for sleeping in the grave (references that Christ must have used to teach his disciples that the dead slept), and all the texts that shows that a soul is flesh and bones. Again let's look at the same texts in the other versions. NIV and NKJV say, 'rested' for slept. Contemporary English Version says that he died. The Living Bible has 'join your ancestors' in Deut. 31:16 and died for the other places where 'slept with his fathers' is used. Now while it is true that those people are resting with their fathers in their graves and they did die, I believe God had a purpose for the wording found in the KJV. He wanted us to know what happens at death. The doctrine of soul sleep was to be firmly established with the wording of these texts. Moreover, they match the theology of our Saviour. It was not new doctrine Christ taught! How about this text: For this we say unto you by the word of the, Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 1 Thessalonians 4:15 The CEV reads, 'Our Lord Jesus told us that when He comes, we won't go up to meet Him ahead of His followers who have already died.' Where is soul sleep in this text? Doesn't this text lean to the idea of going straight to our reward at death, rather than the dead sleeping until Christ's return? How important is the doctrine of soul sleep at death? If we misunderstand the doctrines concerning death, what will be the result? I saw that the saints must get a thorough understanding of present truth, which they will be obliged to maintain from the Scriptures. They must understand the state of the dead; for the spirits of devils will yet appear to them, professing to be beloved friends and relatives, who will declare to them that the Sabbath has been changed, also other unscriptural doctrines. They will do all in their power to excite sympathy and will work miracles before them to confirm what they declare. The people of God must be prepared to withstand these spirits with the Bible truth that the dead know not anything, and that they who appear to them are the spirits of devils. Our minds must not be taken up with things around us, but must be occupied with the present truth and a preparation to give a reason of our hope with meekness and fear. We must seek wisdom from on high that we may stand in this day of error and delusion. Early Writings p. 87 Will the dead receive their reward at the end of the world, or do they go directly to their reward when they die? Isaiah 26:19 in KJV says, Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: Job 21:30 reads, That the wicked is reserved to the day of destruction. They shall be brought forth to the day of wrath. 2 Peter 2:9 reads, "The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished." Luther's translation uses the word 'behalten' where the word reserved is used, which the dictionary states is a word for reserved. Again, Luther's translation matches the KJV and not the others. 18

Now if we throw out the KJV, what doctrine are we left with? How about punishment beginning at death? NIV adds a little comment to 2 Peter 2:9 "...and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment." Continuing what punishment? What does the NKJV do with this text? God reserves the "unjust under punishment." To me that says that the dead are being punished. Is the Bible consistent? Does God's word change? Does He say one thing in one place and the opposite somewhere else? For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Corinthians 14:33 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Ecclesiastes 9:5 How repugnant to every emotion of love and mercy, and even to our sense of justice, is the doctrine that the wicked dead are tormented with fire and brimstone in an eternally burning hell, that for the sins of a brief earthly life they are to suffer torture as long as God shall live. Yet this doctrine has been generally embodied in the creeds of Christendom. Says a learned doctor of divinity: "The sight of hell-torments will exalt the happiness of the saints forever. When they see others who are of the same nature and born under the same circumstances, plunged in such misery, and they so distinguished, it will make them sensible of how happy they are." Another uses these words: "While the decree of reprobation is eternally executing on the vessels of wrath, the smoke of their torment will be eternally ascending in view of the vessels of mercy, who, instead of taking the part of these miserable objects, will say, Amen, Alleluia! Praise ye the Lord!" Spirit of Prophecy Vol. 4 p. 355 Is there a difference between being spared something and being reserved for it? If you are spared punishment, are you reserved for punishment? Remember Job 21:30 mentioned above? In the NIV and the RSV it says the evil man is spared from the day of calamity,. The RSV goes on to say, he is rescued in the day of wrath. The CEV takes that text another step further, those who do wrong never suffer disaster, when God becomes angry. If these interpretations are correct then how do you explain Gods destruction of Korah, Dathan and Abiram? How about Sodom and Gomorrah? And Ananias and Sapphira? Job was not ignorant of Gods dealings with the wicked. Why would a righteous man like him say such things? Moreover, look at Isaiah 26:19 in the CEV, "Your people will rise to life! Tell them to leave their graves and celebrate with shouts." Communication with the dead? NEB says, "But thy dead live, their bodies will rise again." Notice the 'shall' is missing between dead and live. Have you heard the idea promoted by some religions that the soul goes to heaven at death and the body goes later at Christ's return? It has become a popular belief. It is a way for them to explain the resurrection while retaining the idea that people go to their reward at death. Now they have a text to support their doctrine. 19

How about reincarnation? Reading from the NEB in Isaiah 26:19 we read, "and the earth will bring those long dead to birth again." Departed spirits is what you find mentioned in the NASB in Isaiah 26:19, "And the earth will give birth to the departed spirits." The belief in communion with the dead is still held, even in professedly Christian lands. Under the name of spiritualism the practice of communicating with beings claiming to be the spirits of the departed has become widespread. It is calculated to take hold of the sympathies of those who have laid their loved ones in the grave. Spiritual beings sometimes appear to persons in the form of their deceased friends, and relate incidents connected with their lives and perform acts which they performed while living. In this way they lead men to believe that their dead friends are angels, hovering over them and communicating with them. Those who thus assume to be the spirits of the departed are regarded with a certain idolatry, and with many their word has greater weight thin the word of God. Patriarchs and Prophets p. 684 Satan wants to communicate with us. He wants us to communicate with him and he uses the dead as an emotional tie to the living. He can gain access to us through our emotions and our love for our sleeping loved ones. The Bible tells us over and over not to go to those that have familiar spirits. A correct understanding of "what saith the Scriptures" in regard to the state of the dead is essential for this time. God's Word declares that the dead know not anything, their hatred and love have alike perished. We must come to the sure word of prophecy for our authority. Unless we are intelligent in the Scriptures, may we not, when this mighty miracle-working power of Satan is manifested in our world, be deceived and call it the workings of God; for the Word of God declares that, if it were possible, the very elect should be deceived. Unless we are rooted and grounded in the truth, we shall be swept away by Satan's delusive snares. We must cling to our Bibles. If Satan can make you believe that there are things in the Word of God that are not inspired, he will then be prepared to ensnare your soul. We shall have no assurance, no certainty, at the very time we need to know what is truth. Our feet should be shod with the preparation of the gospel, and the truth of God should be our shield and buckler. We must know for ourselves that we have the truth of God. Therefore let no one entertain the question whether this or that portion of the Word of God is inspired. Go to work; gird on the armor of Christ's righteousness. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 12/18/1888 The state of the dead in the KJV is so deeply grounded in scripture that it cannot be denied. To make the changes that are found in most of the bibles would be like taking a very thick rope and break all but one or two thin strands, then trying to use it to anchor your ship in a storm. If we rely on these bibles, we will be like the hundreds of cults that build their doctrines on one or two verses taken out of context. Are you ready to do that when God has given us such firm foundation? Why trade such a strong everlasting rope for the fragile threads of truth that are left in those bibles!


Chapter 4 Line Upon LineWhat is Essential?

For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: Isaiah 28:10
What if one of our conference leaders sat down to read his Bible and upon reading it he came to the conclusion that what the Bible said didn't matter much anymore. He decided that the Ten Commandments and the Sabbath were no longer binding and he was going to leave the church. Being an influential man, he might take many people with him. If he used the Bible to convince you, would you go with him to join a Sunday keeping church? Could he prove his position from the Bible? "Impossible!" you say? Well it has happened to one Sabbath keeping church. The World Wide Radio Church of God founded by Armstrong has had one of its top leaders quit the Sabbath truth and has taken the greater portion of the church with him. He read his Bible and found the quote, "For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:" Isaiah 28:10. As he read, he came to the conclusion that this was just the ramblings of a drunk and that it wasn't talking about how we ought to study the Bible and prove doctrine. How could someone come to such an outrageous conclusion? Look at the context beginning at verse 7: But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment. For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean. Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breast. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear. But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken. Isaiah 28:7-13 KJV I hope that by now you are asking yourself, which Bible is he reading? Because it is a question we all ought to ask. The version he was reading is the NEB. Here is the same verses from that bible:


These too are addicted to wine, clamouring in their cups: priest and prophet are addicted to strong drink and bemused with wine; clamouring in their cups, confirming topers, hiccupping in drunken stupor; every table is covered with vomit, filth that leaves no clean spot. Who is it that the prophet hopes to teach, to whom will what they hear make sense? Are they babes newly weaned, just taken from the breast? It is all harsh cries and raucous shouts, 'A little more here, a little there!' So it will be with barbarous speech and strange tongue that this people will hear God speaking, this people to whom he once said, 'This is true rest; let the exhausted have rest. This is repose', and they refused to listen. Now to them the word of the Lord will be harsh cries and raucous shouts, 'A little more here, a little there!' and so, as they walk, they will stumble backwards, they will be injured, trapped and caught. Isaiah 28:7-13 NEB This man had such a poor understanding of the Bible beyond a few proof texts that Satan was able to introduce something that led him to believe that basic Bible doctrines were no longer of any consequence, even a doctrine as basic as the Sabbath. This church leader used to understand that this text was referring to how one should study the Bible. Because of this changed text, he lost his belief in the importance of the fourth commandment. Do you have a thorough knowledge of the truths of the Bible beyond a few proof texts? When is the last time you looked at those texts and compared them with your favorite translation? Do you know why your church holds the doctrines it does? Are you grounded in the Bible? I hope so, dear reader. I pray that the Lord will help all of us to cling to Him and His Word as never before. The wine mentioned in the above reference is false doctrine. The 'priests and prophets' are drunk on the wine of falsehood. When they should be taking Gods Word and comparing scripture with scripture. How ironic that this poor man was himself drunk with false doctrine. Read what God's prophet says: When faithful teachers expound the Word of God, there arise men of learning, ministers professing to understand the Scriptures, who denounce sound doctrine as heresy, and thus turn away inquirers after truth. Were it not that the world is hopelessly intoxicated with the wine of Babylon, multitudes would be convicted and converted by the plain, cutting truths of the Word of God. But religious faith appears so confused and discordant, that the people know not what to believe as truth. The sin of the world's impenitence lies at the door of the church. Great Controversy [I888 edition] p. 389 This is the same message that was given by the second angel. Babylon is fallen, "because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication." What is that wine?--her false doctrines. She has given to the world a false Sabbath instead of the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, and has repeated the falsehood that Satan first told to Eve in Eden--the natural immortality of the soul. Many kindred errors she has spread far and wide, "teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. ... Maranatha p. 171 Without realizing it, this man was becoming drunk with the wine of falsehood. He no longer keeps the Sabbath. 22

Could it happen to our church? Yes, read what Ellen White wrote on that very subject: If we believe not, it will not make of none effect the word of God; for if we deny him, he will also deny us. God's word is faithfully; and how terrible will be the situation of the man whom Christ shall disown at last. God's threatenings of judgment and of wrath, will just as surely be fulfilled, as will his promises. Neither one nor the other will fail. If we are false to Christ, if we dishonor him by doing works that are contrary to the character of Christ, we deny him, and put him to an open shame. Especially is this the case, when men who have been set apart for the work of the gospel, give up their allegiance to the cause of truth. Those who have been put in trust of the gospel, should be of the excellent of the earth, that they may be able to impart blessing of the highest order to those with whom they come in contact. Although there are many who preach the oracles of God, there are some among them who are not made better by the truth which they preach. The law of God is on their lips, but it has not been written upon their hearts. After a time, if they are not sanctified by the truth, they will develop the fact,--they will work the works of unrighteousness. The development of those who are not of the truth, will become of more frequent occurrence, as we near the close of time. Many will show that they are not one with Christ, that they are not dead to the world, that they may live with him; and frequent will be the apostasies of men who have occupied responsible positions. To be dead with Christ, means to be dead to all sin,--dead to the pleasures, the enjoyments, the profits, the honors, of the world; and, if we are partakers of Christ's self-denial and suffering, we shall lose nothing by it, for we shall be partakers with him of his glory. It is at the peril of our souls that we prove unfaithful. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 09-11-88 The time is not far distant when the test will come to every soul. The observance of the false sabbath will be urged upon us. The contest will be between the commandments of God and the commandments of men. Those who have yielded step by step to worldly demands and conformed to worldly customs will then yield to the powers that be, rather than subject themselves to derision, insult, threatened imprisonment, and death. At that time the gold will be separated from the dross. True godliness will be clearly distinguished from the appearance and tinsel of it. Many a star that we have admired for its brilliance will then go out in darkness. Those who have assumed the ornaments of the sanctuary, but are not clothed with Christ's righteousness, will then appear in the shame of their own nakedness. Prophets and Kings p. 188 Notice that these quotes refer to us, not to those of other churches. Who do we admire for their brilliance? Are they living the truth?

Do you know the Bible so well that you would know if part of it was left out? How much of your Bible are you willing to part with? 5%? 10%? 25%? How about 35%? Perhaps you have seen the Reader's Digest Bible. If you have, are you aware that 40% is missing? Now if you were to sit down and read this book could you, without another Bible next to it, know with

certainty what was left out? I have had opportunity to do a little study of this book and compare it with the KJV and I find it truly telling that the following quote is missing: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Revelation 22:18 & 19 They removed 40% including the warning not to remove anything. Now, does that mean that their names will be in the book of life? No! Removing the warning doesn't remove the consequences mentioned in that warning. How many words can be removed from the Bible and this warning not apply? 40% is of course too many. But where does one draw the line? 35%? 30%? 25%? 20%? 15%? 10%? 5%? 1%? The Bible says: Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him. Proverbs 305 KJV But He answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matt. 4:4 KJV And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. Luke 4:4 KJV Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. Deut. 4:2 KJV Thus saith the LORD; Stand in the court of the LORD'S house, and speak unto all the cities of Judah, which come to worship in the LORD'S house, all the words that I command thee to speak unto them; diminish not a word: Jer. 26:2 KJV And He humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that He might make thee know that man-doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live. Deut. 8:3 KJV Ellen White, a true prophet of God, wrote this: The Bible contains all the principles that men need to understand in order to be fitted either for this life or for the life to come. And these principles may be understood by all. No one with a spirit to appreciate its teaching can read a single passage from the Bible without gaining from it some helpful thought. But the most valuable teaching of the Bible is not to be gained by occasional or disconnected study. Its great system of truth is not so presented as to be discerned by the hasty or careless reader. Many of its treasures lie far beneath the surface, and can be obtained only by diligent research and continuous effort. The truths

that go to make up the great whole must be searched out and gathered up, "here a little, and there a little." Isaiah 28:10. When thus searched out and brought together, they will be found to be perfectly fitted to one another. Each Gospel is a supplement to the others, every prophecy an explanation of another, every truth a development of some other truth. The types of the Jewish economy are made plain by the gospel. Every principle in the word of God has its place, every fact its bearing. And the complete structure, in design and execution, bears testimony to its Author. Such a structure no mind but that of the Infinite could conceive or fashion. Education p. 123 God spoke pretty strong about the subject. He says that every word is important to our salvation. Man shall live by every word of God. He admonished that his words should not even be diminished. How shall man live? By every word, right? Now read Christ's words on this subject as found in some of the other translations: And Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone.' " Luke 4:4 RSV Jesus answered, "The Scriptures say, 'No one can live only on food.' " Luke 4:4 CEV Jesus answered, 'Scripture says, "Man cannot live on bread alone." ' Luke 4:4 NEB Didn't we just read that every word is important? Christ's own words on this very subject have been removed. Why? He was quoting Deuteronomy, and as we can see in Deuteronomy that the last part belongs to the text. We have the testimony of Luke that Christ said the whole thing, so why is it removed here? God said diminish not a word. If we can excuse that one omission, perhaps we can excuse the 17 omissions of entire texts found in the New Testament of most all of these bibles. And if we can excuse those 17, perhaps we can excuse the hundreds of other words and partial verses that are missing in the Old and New Testaments of these same bibles. Then if we can excuse those hundreds, perhaps we can excuse the 40% in the Reader's Digest Version. Where does one draw the line? Where have you drawn the line? Do you know how many partial verses are missing from the Old Testament of any of the bible versions that are found in the KJV? I don't. I know that there are about 180 in the New Testament but I don't know if any one has looked at the Old Testament. I have found a few but my study on this subject is far from complete. One example is found in Deuteronomy 28:13. It reads: And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath, if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them: Deuteronomy 28:13 KJV The NIV omits, 'and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath'. Why? Why has the NIV omitted this? How many other things have been omitted? 25

The last half of Psalms 52:1 is missing in the NEB. How many other partial verses are missing?


Chapter 5 Christ, Who was He?

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. John 1:1-4
The above text gives you Christ's preexistence in a nutshell. It is clear that Christ was active here on earth throughout Biblical history. He is part of the Godhead and is our Saviour. 'Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron." Before the last developments of the work of apostasy there will be a confusion of faith. There will not be clear and definite ideas concerning the mystery of God. One truth after another will be corrupted. "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." There are many who deny the preexistence of Christ, and therefore deny his divinity; they do not accept him as a personal Saviour. This is a total denial of Christ. He was the only begotten Son of God, who was one with the Father from the beginning. By him the worlds were made. Signs of the Times 05-28-94 It is our individual duty to walk humbly with God. We are not to seek any strange, new message. We are not to think that the chosen ones of God who are trying to walk in the light compose Babylon. The fallen denominational churches are Babylon. Babylon has been fostering poisonous doctrines, the wine of error. This wine of error is made up of false doctrines, such as the natural immortality of the soul, the eternal torment of the wicked, the denial of the preexistence of Christ prior to His birth in Bethlehem, and advocating and exalting the first day of the week above God's holy, sanctified day. Ellen G. White Volume 4 The Australian Years 1891-1900 p.81 What are those four errors mentioned above by God's messenger? 1. Natural immortality of the soul. 2. Eternal torment of the wicked. 3. The denial of the preexistence of Christ prior to His birth in Bethlehem. 4. Advocating and exalting the first day of the week. Do we see these being brought into the doctrines of the 'bibles' being printed today? Yes! We have already seen how the first two have been introduced into them. Now let's look at the third, the denial of the preexistence of Christ. The last one will be dealt with in a later chapter.


Old Testament
If there is any record of Christs preexistence it should be found in the Old Testament as well as the new. That would be where the apostles would have gotten their doctrine. In the book of Daniel, we read of the three Hebrews that were thrown into the fiery furnace. Read carefully what king Nebuchadnezzar said when he saw the fourth person in the fire: He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God. Daniel 3:25 KJV Here we have a statement from the king that he recognized Christ. He knew that this fourth person was more than another man. Christ revealed Himself to king Nebuchadnezzar. These faithful Hebrews possessed great natural ability, they had enjoyed the highest intellectual culture, and now occupied a position of honor; but all this did not lead them to forget God. Their powers were yielded to the sanctifying influence of divine grace. By their steadfast integrity they showed forth the praises of Him who had called them out of darkness into His marvelous light. In their wonderful deliverance were displayed, before that vast assembly, the power and majesty of God. Jesus placed Himself by their side in the fiery furnace, and by the glory of His presence convinced the proud king of Babylon that it could be no other than the Son of God. The light of Heaven had been shining forth from Daniel and his companions, until all their associates understood the faith which ennobled their lives and beautified their characters. By the deliverance of His faithful servants, the Lord declares that He will take His stand with the oppressed and overthrow all earthly powers that would trample upon the authority of the God of heaven. The Sanctified Life p. 39 The king was confessing that the God of the Hebrews was greater than all gods, and that he had seen Jesus. Now look at what some of the other versions do with the king's comment: "...and the fourth looks like a son of the gods", is what the NIV, RSV, Reader's Digest & NASB say. "...and the fourth looks like a god", is what the NEB, CEB & Living Bible say. These are the two most common interpretations of the text found in modem translations. By wording it the way they did, they changed Nebuchadnezzar's confession of his respect for the true God, and have made it a comment about having seen something. The king witnessed the preexistence of Christ. But in these other versions, his words are diminished, and the preexistence of Christ is called into question. It is one of the few instances where Christ's preexistence is directly mentioned in the Old Testament. Christ revealed Himself to the king, and the kings own words were recorded for us. Micah 5:2 is another text that reveals Christ's preexistence. Read it:


But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. Micah 5:2 KJV This is a prophecy of Christ's first advent. It states that His existence is from everlasting, which is forever. He always existed. But the RSV says, 'from ancient days.' Compared to today, Christ's first advent is from ancient days. That is not everlasting! The NIV says, 'from ancient times.' Again, that is not everlasting. NEB says, 'whose roots are far back in the past, in days gone by.' My 'roots' go far back in the past but I am not from everlasting. My roots go back to Adam, as we understand the term 'roots' today. Again, 'in days gone by' does not express the same meaning as everlasting. Christ is infinite. Another Old Testament text that mentions Christ directly is Psalms 2:12. When this verse is read in context with the previous text one can see more clearly that it is referring to Christ our Lord. It reads: Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. Psalms 2:11&12 KJV Ellen White referred to this text in this way: Every day you remain in sin you are grieving God by your impenitence. Will you not remember that the time is just upon you when the last day of mercy will come? Then God will rise up out of his place to punish the world for its iniquity. Then the earth shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain. The clouds of wrath which have been gathering will burst with pitiless fury upon the world. I beg of you who shall read these words to hear for your soul's sake. Venture not one step M e r in your impenitence. "Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little." Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 12-01-96 But the NEB changes the word 'son' to 'king'. It is written with a small 'k' as though it were referring to an earthly king. It is true that Christ is our King, but if we accept this textual change, we are left without one of the clearest Old Testament references to Christ as the preexisting son of God. Why would we want that? The RSV says, 'kiss his feet'.

New Testament
As we look at the New Testament on this same subject of the preexistence of Christ, we will see that there are several places throughout the Bible where His preexistence is diminished in versions other than the KJV. In Ephesians 3:9, we are told that it was through Christ that all things were created: And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: Ephesians 3:9 KJV

The RSV, NEB, NASB, NIV & Living Bible omit mention of Jesus Christ and simply state that God created all things. Now it is true that God through Christ created all things but we are told in this text that Jesus Christ created all things. Again, His preexistence is diminished. The New Testament has several passages that speak of Christ being more than a mere man. The testimony of several people makes that clear. Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. Matt. 27:54 KJV The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God; Mark 1:1 KJV And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God. Mark 15:39 KJV And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God. John 1:34 KJV Here we see that Christ was acknowledged as more than a man He was the Son of God. Is there a difference between a son of God and the Son of God? We all can become sons of God, but we are not the Son of God. There is a difference. Christ was the only begotten of the Father. He holds a special place above us, above angels, above all creatures. He is our Saviour, Redeemer and Lord. He is not a mere man. He had no earthly father. The above texts read different in some of the other bibles. "Truely this was a son of God!" Matt. 27:54 RSV & NEB "Truely this man was a son of God." Mark 15:39 RSV & NEB "This is God's Chosen One." John 1:34 NEB Here we see Him as one of Gods children but the uniqueness of Christ is not stated. The witnesses to His death are no longer giving their testimony to His being the Son of God. His position has been diminished. The Phillips translation makes the same change with these texts. With John 1:34 I am reminded of the text 'Many are called but few are chosen'. Christ was more than 'chosen', He is the Son of God. Again, Christ is lowered to a mere man. The eunuch that Philip studied with spoke of Christ this way: And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Acts 8:37 KJV But if you have the RSV, NIV, NAB, NEB & CEV that whole text has been omitted. Why? The NASB puts the text in parenthesis, thus casting doubt on it. 30

Many of us are quick to reject the Jehovah Witnesses' idea that 'the word was a god', but we use and defend bibles that turn the Son of God into a son of God. Why? I haven't yet had a chance to read a Jehovah Witness bible but for all I know it may be more like the KJV yet why are we so concerned about their false interpretation and so ready to receive these other versions that have hundreds of contradictions with the KJV? I don't understand it! We carry bibles around but how many of us are reading, carefully reading, comparing scripture with scripture. We are no longer the people of the Bible! Are we taking the word of learned men without checking these things for ourselves, as we should? In Mark 1 : 1 of the KJV we read, "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the son of God;" But the NEB, NIV, NASB & RSV have a footnote stating that 'the Son of God' is omitted in 'most' or 'some' manuscripts. By doing this they give many infidels just what they are looking for to say that Christ is not God. Another text is diminished and relegated to the doubt pile. Who was Christ's father? Was Joseph His father? No. He had only God as His Father. In many modern versions there is an interesting change in favor of Joseph being His father, though. The KJV reads: And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him. Luke 2:33 KJV The NIV, NEB, RSV, CEV and NASB say, 'The childs father and mother... This is one more text that puts us one step closer to a bible that totally denies the divinity of Christ. How close do I you want to get to that point? The same thing is repeated in verse 43 of that same chapter, the KJV states it as 'Joseph and his mother ...' but the NIV, NEB, RSV, CEV and NASB all read, '...his parents ...' All of those bibles are in agreement on this point; they all deny the supreme fatherhood of God concerning Christ. Ephesians 3:14, written by Paul, states that God the Father is the Father of Jesus Christ. He writes: 'For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ... But in the NIV, NASB, RSV and CEV all omit 'of our Lord Jesus Christ' leaving it open to this being our father or speculation that perhaps this is a priest. Now it is true that God is our heavenly Father, but the text is talking about Him being the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. At Christ's assention, it is recorded in Luke 24:51 that Christ was taken into heaven. And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven. Luke 2451 KJV In the KJV, we see that He was not some yogi who eventually died but He had a supernatural event that concluded His work on earth and is now with His Father in heaven. In the RSV, NASB and NEB we read: "While he blessed them, he parted from them." Was He leaving on a short trip? Was He just waving goodbye as He walked away? There are only two of the four gospels that speak of this event, Luke and Mark. If you take this omission and

combine it with what some translators of the Bible do of omitting or discrediting the end of Mark, then you are left with a Saviour that no one witnessed leave this earth. Luke was an eyewitness of the event. If you read the account in the NIV found in Mark you will find this added above the verse as a disclaimer: (The two most reliable early manuscripts do not have , Mark 16:9-20) Now tell me, who says that these are the most reliable? What makes these men think that these are more reliable? Were the printers of this bible present during the writing of the book of Mark? Of course not! Then how can they make such an absurd assertion? If you believe Ellen White to be a true prophet of God then you will understand that the KJV came from the more reliable manuscripts. She used these texts as they are in the KJV. Read Acts of the Apostles p. 32 and 1 Selected Messages p. 306. What did Ellen White write about old forgeries? Satan has wrought with deceiving power, bringing in a multiplicity of errors that obscure the truth. Error cannot stand alone, and would soon become extinct if it did not fasten itself like a parasite upon the tree of truth. Error draws its life from the truth of God. The traditions of men, like floating germs, attach themselves to the truth of God, and men regard them as a part of the truth. Through false doctrines, Satan gains a foothold, and captivates the minds of men, causing them to hold theories that have no foundation in truth. Men boldly teach for doctrines the commandments of men; and as traditions pass on h m age to age, they acquire a power over the human mind. But age does not make error truth, neither does its burdensome weight cause the plant of truth to become a parasite. The tree of truth bears its own genuine fruit, showing its true origin and nature. The parasite of error also bears its own fruit, and makes manifest that its character is diverse from the plant of heavenly origin. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 10-22-95 Still the absence of scriptural authority for Sunday-keeping occasioned no little embarrassment. The people questioned the right of their teachers to deny the positive declaration of Jehovah, "The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God," in order to honor the day of the sun. To supply the lack of Bible testimony, Satan was ready with expedients. A zealous advocate of Sunday, who about the close of the twelfth century visited the churches of England, was resisted by faithful witnesses for the truth; and so hitless were his efforts that he departed from the country for a season, and cast about him for some means to enforce his teachings. When he returned, the lack was supplied, and in his after-labors he met with greater success. He brought with him a roll purporting to be from God himself, and containing the needed command for Sunday observance, and awful threats to terrify the disobedient. This precious document-as base a counterfeit as the institution it supported--was said to have fallen from heaven, and to have been found in Jerusalem, upon the altar of St. Simeon, in Golgotha. The pontifical palace at Rome was the source whence it proceeded. Frauds and forgeries to advance the power and prosperity of the church have in all ages been esteemed lawful by the papal hierarchy. Spirit of Prophecy Vol. 4 p. 393 He who has a knowledge of God and His word has a settled faith in the divinity of the Holy Scriptures. He does not test the Bible by man's ideas of science. He 32

brings these ideas to the test of the unerring standard. He knows that God's word is truth, and truth can never contradict itself; whatever in the teaching of so-called science contradicts the truth of God's revelation is mere human guesswork 8 Testimonies p. 325 Remember what the Bible says: Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him. Proverbs 30:5 KJV All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 2 Timothy 3:16 KJV To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah 8:20 KJV Notice, it doesn't say, 'there is some light in them'. You may say, "Is it all that important? It seems like such a little thing." But what does God tell us: He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. Luke 16:l0 KJV Those who cry unto God for deliverance from the terrible spell that Satan would weave about them, will set a high estimate upon the Scriptures. Our only safety is in receiving the whole Bible, not taking merely detached portions, but believing the whole truth. Your feet are upon sliding sand if you depreciate one word that is written. The Bible is a divine communication, and is as verily a message to the soul as though a voice from heaven were heard speaking to us. With what awe and reverence and humiliation should we come to the searching of the Scriptures, that we may learn of eternal realities. When the spell of Satan is broken, and the Bible becomes to us the living word of God, we shall be safe in following our convictions of duty; for if we watch unto prayer, they will be inspired by the Spirit of God. Let everyone study the Bible, knowing that the word of God is as enduring as the eternal throne. If you come to the study of the Scriptures in humility, with earnest prayer for guidance, angels of God will open to you its living realities; and if you cherish the precepts of truth, they will be to you as a wall of fire against the temptations, delusions, and enchantments of Satan. Signs of the Times 09-1 8-93 Repeatedly Ellen White quoted from these texts that the publishers of those bibles claim did not belong. Why? Was she less reliable in the same way that the KJV is less reliable? I don't see how the received text (from which the KJV is taken) and the manuscripts from which the other versions come from can both be right. Either one has added several verses or one has deleted several. The translators of one has had his name removed from the book of life. Are you willing to put your eternal salvation into the hands of someone who is not listed in the book of life? I'm not.


What is in those verses that Satan doesn't want people to know? That Christ is sitting at the right hand of the Father. That Christ is divine. That Christ is our only Saviour. There are many in this age of the world who act as if they were at liberty to question the words of the Infinite, to review His decisions and statutes, endorsing, revising, reshaping, and annulling at their pleasure. We are never safe while we are guided by human opinions, but we are safe when we are guided by a "Thus saith the Lord". We cannot trust the salvation of our souls to any lower standard than the decisions of an infallible Judge. In Heavenly Places p. 132 If men could realize the blighting influence of doubt upon their minds, if they could but see into the future, they would realize the imperative need of cultivating firm trust in God and implicit confidence in his promises. They would not sow one grain of unbelief; for every single grain blossoms into fruit. Satan is a living, active agent. It is his business to encourage skepticism, and every word of doubt is carefully nourished by the adversary of souls. While men sleep in indifference, suggestions that weaken faith are insinuated into the heart. Influences that confuse the perception of truth are brought to bear upon the life. In every way possible, Satan strives to turn souls from the narrow path that leads to heaven; and because men love darkness they follow the voice of strangers, and reject the call of the Good Shepherd who gave his life for the sheep. The plain, authoritative "Thus saith the Lord," is refused for some winding sophistry of error. Infidelity has increased in proportion as men have questioned the word and requirements of their Maker. They have taken up the work of cheapening character, and lessening faith in the inspiration of the Bible. Men claiming great wisdom have presumed to criticise and cut and cull the words of the living God, and have started questions to make shipwreck of the happiness of their fellow-men and to ruin their hopes of heaven. This is a work that is pleasing to the enemy of all righteousness. The arguments that men bring against the Bible are the result of the counsels of the evil one. The door of their minds was opened to his suggestions, and the more they drifted into error, the greater grew their desire to draw other souls into the same channel of darkness. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 01-10-88 Has anyone been cutting and culling the words in your Bible? Have they been creating doubt about the reliability of your Bible? Again, on the subject of His assention Christ stated that it would happen. In John 16:16 we read: A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father. John 16:16 KJV But if you read this same passage in the RSV, NASB, NEB or Living Bible you won't find the statement 'because I go to the Father'. I ask you, where was He going? On a short trip? God says, 'diminish not a word'. Is Christ in heaven now? Yes! John 3:13 tell us so. 34

And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. KJV But read the RSV, 'No one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from heaven, the Son of man. The fact that He is in heaven is omitted. The NASB and NIV also omit mention of Christ being in heaven. So where is the Son of man of your bible? 1 John 5:7 clearly identifies who the Trinity is composed of: For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 1 John 5:7 KJV When you view this in the light of John 1:1-3 you see clearly that Jesus is the Word mentioned here. Now look at what the NIV, RSV, NEB, NASB and the Living Bible do with that text. They remove the entire text. But the way they do it reminds me of what the Romanists do with the Ten Commandments in their catechism. They divide verse 8 to keep the numbering. 'For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.' 1 John 5:7 & 8 NIV 1 John 5:7 in the KJV gives us a definition of the Godhead. It is specific and clear who makes up the Godhead. The term Godhead is used three times in the KJV Bible. However, if you were to try to find the term 'Godhead' in the RSV you won't find it you will find the word, 'diety' with a small 'd'. In the NASB it has, 'Divine Nature or 'divine nature' or 'Diety'. By putting diety or even divine nature in its place, you blur the concept of the Godhead. Christ has a divine nature but He is not the total of the Godhead, there is also the Father and the Holy Spirit. The NIV goes further and says, 'the divine being' in two of those places and 'Diety' in the other. What about this text? And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. 1 Timothy 3:16 KJV Who does it say was manifest in the flesh? God! Now if your bible has eliminated so many of the verses that prove Christ is God what do you do with their interpretation of this text? NIV says, 'He appeared in a body ...' What kind of body and who is 'he'? RSV reads, 'Great indeed is the mystery of our religion: He was...' Our religion? The KJV says that the mystery is about godliness, not a religion! And who is 'he' referring to? The NASB reads, 'by common confession ... He who was revealed ...' What is this common confession? And he who? The NEB reads, '...mystery of our religion: He who was manifested ..." CEV reads, 'Here is the great mystery of our religion: Christ came as a hum an...' Now if in the four gospels we have already lowered Christ to a mere man, as this book has done, what is so mysterious about Him coming as a human? The mystery of God being made flesh like us is totally gone here! 35

Christ's Human Nature

Was Jesus like us? Did He take humanity? The Bible says: Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:14-17 KJV In context, you see here that verse 16 is speaking of Christ's humanity. But look at what happens in some other translations: For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham's descendants. Heb. 2:16 NIV For assuredly He does not give help to angels, but He gives help to the descendant of Abraham. Heb. 2:16 NASB For indeed He does not give aid to angels, but He does give aid to the seed of Abraham. Heb. 2:16 NKJV It is not angels, mark you, that he takes to himself, but the sons of Abraham. Heb. 2:16 NEB For surely it is not with angels that he is concerned but with the descendants of Abraham. Heb. 2:16 RSV Why wouldn't God care for the angels? Is His love limited? Why would this text be written like this? One might excuse it by saying that the KJV translators made additions, but if you look at the context, you can see that they are correct in the direction they took it. Try reading it leaving out the italicized words. "For verily He took not on angels; but He took on the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behooved Him to be made like unto brethren ... When you do that leaving it in its context it is clear that the KJV translators were correct. Why would the writer of Hebrews change the subject in the middle of what he was writing? God's care for the angels is expressed clearly in Desire of Ages p. 758: To the angels and the unfallen worlds the cry, "It is finished," had a deep significance. It was for them as well as for us that the great work of redemption had been accomplished. They with us share the fruits of Christ's victory. Again, God's love for the angels is mentioned: 36

The death of Christ upon the cross made sure the destruction of him who has the power of death, who was the originator of sin. When Satan is destroyed, there will be none to tempt to evil; the atonement will never need to be repeated; and there will be no danger of another rebellion in the universe of God. That which alone can effectually restrain from sin in this world of darkness, will prevent sin in heaven. The significance of the death of Christ will be seen by saints and angels. Fallen men could not have a home in the paradise of God without the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Shall we not then exalt the cross of Christ? The angels ascribe honor and glory to Christ, for even they are not secure except by looking to the sufferings of the Son of God. It is through the efficacy of the cross that the angels of heaven are guarded from apostasy. Without the cross they would be no more secure against evil than were the angels before the fall of Satan. Angelic perfection failed in heaven. Human perfection failed in Eden, the paradise of bliss. All who wish for security in earth or heaven must look to the Lamb of God. The plan of salvation, making manifest the justice and love of God, provides an eternal safeguard against defection in unfallen worlds, as well as among those who shall be redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Our only hope is perfect trust in the blood of Him who can save to the uttermost all that come unto God by Him. The death of Christ on the cross of Calvary is our only hope in this world, and it will be our theme in the world to come. Oh, we do not comprehend the value of the atonement! ... Signs of the Times 12-30-89 This text is used by Ellen White as the KJV reads: Through the victory of Christ the same advantages that he had are provided for man; for he may be a partaker of a power out of and above himself, even a partaker of the divine nature, by which he may overcome the corruption that is in the world through lust. In human nature Christ developed a perfect character. "For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succor them that are tempted." "Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto Him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared; tho he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; and being made perfect, he became the Author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him." Signs of the Times 01-16-96 But many say that Jesus was not like us, that He was not as we are in the world, that He was divine, and that we cannot overcome as He overcame. But Paul writes, "Verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted" (Heb. 2:16-18). "For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of

grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" (chap. 4:15, 16). Jesus says, "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my father in his throne" (Rev. 3:21). Selected Messages Book 3 p.197 You may remember this text: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 1 John 4:3 KJV The RSV quotes it with a key phrase missing. "and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God. This is the spirit of antichrist ... Do you see the difference? You say, 'but the missing part is also mentioned in the previous text!' That is true, but how long before they put a footnote on it stating that it doesn't belong? Or how long until they just delete it without explanation? It would be far safer to allow the Bible to repeat itself than to lose an important definition of the antichrist.


Chapter 6 Wine of Babylon?

And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. Revelation 14:8
In the Adventist church, despite evidence to the contrary the idea has become common that the Catholic Church was responsible for the preservation of the Bible and that we Protestants ought to be thankful to them for it. We are being told that without Roman Catholicism we would be without the Bible. How absurd that such a thing would be promoted by our own people! If you, dear reader have come to believe that idea I ask that you go back and read The Great Controversy. There you will learn what every Protestant used to know, that it was the pope and priests that tried to destroy it. The priests were alarmed at the thought that the common people would now be able to discuss with them the precepts of God's word, and that their own ignorance would thus be exposed. The weapons of their carnal reasoning were powerless against the sword of the Spirit. Rome summoned all her authority to prevent the circulation of the Scriptures; but decrees, anathemas, and tortures were alike in vain. The more she condemned and prohibited the Bible, the greater was the anxiety of the people to know what it really taught. All who could read were eager to study the word of God for themselves. They carried it about with them, and read and reread, and could not be satisfied until they had committed large portions to memory. Seeing the favor with which the New Testament was received, Luther immediately began the translation of the Old, and published it in parts as fast as completed. Great Controversy p. 194 The Waldenses were among the first of the peoples of Europe to obtain a translation of the Holy Scriptures. Hundreds of years before the Reformation they possessed the Bible in manuscript in their native tongue. They had the truth unadulterated, and this rendered them the special objects of hatred and persecution. They declared the Church of Rome to be the apostate Babylon of the Apocalypse, and at the peril of their lives they stood up to resist her corruptions. While, under the pressure of longcontinued persecution, some compromised their faith, little by little yielding its distinctive principles, others held fast the truth. Through ages of darkness and apostasy there were Waldenses who denied the supremacy of Rome, who rejected image worship as idolatry, and who kept the true Sabbath. Under the fiercest tempests of opposition they maintained their faith. Though gashed by the Savoyard spear, and scorched by the Romish fagot, they stood unflinchingly for God's word and His honor. Great Controversy p. 65


The war against the Bible, carried forward for so many centuries in France, culminated in the scenes of the Revolution. That terrible outbreaking was but the legitimate result of Rome's suppression of the Scriptures. It presented the most striking illustration which the world has ever witnessed of the working out of the papal policy-- an illustration of the results to which for more than a thousand years the teaching of the Roman Church had been tending. Great Controversy p. 265 The suppression of the Scriptures under the dominion of Rome, the terrible results of that suppression, and the final exaltation of the word of God, are vividly portrayed by the prophetic pencil. To John the exile on lonely Patmos was given a view of the 1260 years during which the papal power was permitted to trample upon God's word and oppress his people. Said the angel of the Lord: "The holy city [the true church] shall they tread under foot forty and two months. And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth."[REV. 11:2, 31 The periods here mentioned are the same, alike representing the time in which God's faithful witnesses remained in a state of obscurity. Spirit of Prophecy Vol. 4 p. 188 Satan well knew that the Holy Scriptures would enable men to discern his deceptions and withstand his power. It was by the word that even the Saviour of the world had resisted his attacks. At every assault, Christ presented the shield of eternal truth, saying, "It is written." To every suggestion of the adversary, He opposed the wisdom and power of the word. In order for Satan to maintain his sway over men, and establish the authority of the papal usurper, he must keep them in ignorance of the Scriptures. The Bible would exalt God and place finite men in their true position; therefore its sacred truths must be concealed and suppressed. This logic was adopted by the Roman Church. For hundreds of years the circulation of the Bible was prohibited. The people were forbidden to read it or to have it in their houses, and unprincipled priests and prelates interpreted its teachings to sustain their pretensions. Thus the pope came to be almost universally acknowledged as the vicegerent of God on earth, endowed with authority over church and state. Great Controversy p. 51 Does that sound like we should have an appreciation to Rome for the preservation of the Bible? I don't think so. Has Rome changed her ways? The Lord has pronounced a curse upon those who take from or add to the Scriptures. The great I AM has decided what shall constitute the rule of faith and doctrine, and he has designed that the Bible shall be a household book. The church that holds to the word of God is irreconcilably separated from Rome. Protestants were once thus apart from this great church of apostasy, but they have approached more nearly to her, and are still in the path of reconciliation to the Church of Rome. Rome never changes. Her principles have not altered in the least. She has not lessened the breach between herself and Protestants; they have done all the advancing. But what does this argue for the Protestantism of this day? It is the rejection of Bible truth which makes men approach to infidelity. It is a

backsliding church that lessens the distance between itself and the Papacy. The Signs of the Times 02-19-94 Now Satan can no longer keep the Bible from the people. He still hates it and its Author so how does he try to destroy its influence? As Satan saw that he had failed to crush out the truth by persecution, he again resorted to the same plan of compromise which had led to the great apostasy and the formation of the church of Rome. He induced Christians to ally themselves, not now with pagans, but with those who, by their worship of the god of this world, as truly proved themselves idolaters. Satan could no longer keep the Bible from the people; it had been placed within the reach of all. But he led thousands to accept false interpretations and unsound theories, without searching the Scriptures to learn the truth for themselves. He had corrupted the doctrines of the Bible, and traditions which were to ruin millions were taking deep root. The church was upholding and defending these traditions, instead of contending for the faith once delivered to the saints. Spirit of Prophecy Vol. 4 p. 195 How Satan would exult to have a message go broadcast, that the only people whom God has made the repositories of His law, are the ones to whom this message applies. The wine of Babylon is the exalting of the false and spurious Sabbath above the Sabbath which the Lord Jehovah hath blessed and sanctified for the use of man, also the immortality of the soul. These kindred heresies, and the rejection of the truth convert the church into Babylon. Kings, merchants, rulers, and religious teachers are all in corrupt harmony. Manuscript Releases Vol. 1 p. 302 The wine of Babylon is the exalting of the false and spurious sabbath and the immortality of the soul. That is what it says here, right? So if Rome wanted to promote those ideas wouldn't they attempt to make Protestants think that those doctrines were biblical? As we recall again the texts that say not to diminish a word of God, and we remember that Christ said that not a jot or tittle would pass from the law, let's look at the Ten Commandments as viewed by the translators of some versions of the Bible. Here it is in the KJV: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Exodus 20:l0 & 11 KJV But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. Deut. 5:14 KJV


Now here is what some other versions do with those texts: "but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord ..." Ex. 20:10 and Deut. 5:14 NIV "but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord ..." Ex. 20:l0 and Deut. 5:14 RSV "but the seventh day is a Sabbath of the Lord ..." Ex. 20:10 and Deut. 5:14 NEB How many Sabbaths are there? God made only one. God recognizes only one. There is no other day mentioned in the Bible as being God's Sabbath. To say that the seventh day is a Sabbath is like saying that our president lives in a white house. Which white house does he live in? I live in a white house, does the president live with me? No. His white house is the white house. And God's Sabbath is the one and only Sabbath! Those who have true Bible religion will yield their will to God's will as supreme, and will reverence God by rendering obedience to his righteous and just laws. They will place themselves under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel, and acknowledge themselves as under the control of the Ruler, not only of earthly intelligences but of the hosts of heaven. Can man frame a constitution for the governing of the world that is better adapted to the purpose than that which God has framed? In what particular is the moral code wanting? Can it be amended by finite men? If so, then man can exalt himself to the place of God. Can the human family afford to do without one of the commandments that God has given? Read the Ten Commandments carefully, and see which one can be dropped out. The man of sin thinks himself able to change the times and the laws of God, and the Protestant world have accepted the authority of the papal power, and in so doing have apostatized from God. All nations have been made drunk by partaking of the wine of Babylon, by accepting the presumptuous work of the man of sin, who has tampered with the law of God, and thought to change the precepts of Jehovah. Signs of the Times 11-14-95 Satan decided to go still further. He told his angels that some would be so jealous I of God's law that they could not be caught in this snare; that the ten commandments were so plain that many would believe that they were still binding; therefore he must seek to corrupt the fourth commandment which brings to view the living God. He led on his representatives to attempt to change the Sabbath, and alter the only commandment of the ten which brings to view the true God, the maker of the heavens and the earth. Satan I presented before them the glorious resurrection of Jesus, and told them that by his rising on the first day of the week, he changed the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day of the week. Thus Satan used the resurrection to serve his purpose. He and his angels rejoiced that the errors they had prepared took so well with the professed friends of Christ. What one might look upon with religious horror, another would receive. The different errors would be received, and with zeal defended. The will of God plainly revealed in his word, was covered up with error and tradition, which have been taught as the commandments of God. But although this heaven-daring deception was to be suffered to be carried on down through time until the second appearing of Jesus, yet through all this time of error and 42

deception, God has not been left without a witness. There have been true and faithful witnesses keeping all of God's commandments through the darkness and persecution of the church. Spiritual Gifts Vol. 1 p. 111 Who says that Satan cannot put the above deception in writing? Why would Christ promise us that not one jot or tittle would pass until all be fulfilled unless it were going to be attempted? Why didn't Christ say, "Jots and tittles will pass from the law but don't worry, somehow you will figure out what is right." Why would we be warned that if possible Satan could deceive the very elect? If Satan couldn't make 'an almost overpowering delusion', why did God warn us about one? God's messenger, Ellen White, in vision saw the following: It was represented to me that the remnant followed Jesus into the most holy place and beheld the ark and the mercy seat, and were captivated with their glory. Jesus then raised the cover of the ark, and lo! the tables of stone, with the Ten Commandments written upon them. They trace down the lively oracles, but start back with trembling when they see the fourth commandment among the ten holy precepts, with a brighter light shining upon it than upon the other nine, and a halo of glory all around it. They find nothing there informing them that the Sabbath has been abolished, or changed to the fist day of the week. The commandment reads as when spoken by the voice of God in solemn and awful grandeur upon the mount, while the lightnings flashed and the thunders rolled; it is the same as when written with His own finger on the tables of stone: "Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God." They are amazed as they behold the care taken of the Ten Commandments. They see them placed close by Jehovah, overshadowed and protected by His holiness. They see that they have been trampling upon the fourth commandment of the decalogue, and have observed a day handed down by the heathen and papists, instead of the day sanctified by Jehovah. They humble themselves before God and mourn over their past transgressions. Early Writings p. 255 She saw them in heaven written just as the KJV has quoted it. Not as the NIV, the RSV, or the NEB has quoted it. I know that the language of heaven is not the old English of the KJV but the meaning of what she was shown was the same. There was only one Sabbath, the Sabbath. The one and only immutable, unchangeable, eternal Sabbath. God recognizes no other Sabbath! Is the Sabbath for everyone or is it just for the Jews? For everyone, right? "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath". It was instituted at creation. It is for all mankind. That point is made clear in the text in Acts 13:42 by the example of the Gentiles: And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath. Acts 13:42 KJV They kept the Sabbath, as they became Christians. But look at what some translations do with this text: And as Paul and Barnabas were going out, the people kept begging that these things might be spoken to them the next Sabbath. Acts 13:42 NASB 43

As they were leaving the synagogue they were asked to come again and speak on these subjects next Sabbath, Acts 13:42 NEB As they went out, the people begged that these things might be told them the next Sabbath. Acts 13:42 RSV As Paul and Barnabas were leaving the synagogue, the people invited them to speak further about these things on the next Sabbath. Acts 13:42 NIV Who did the KJV say were leaving? The Jews. Who did the KJV say asked them to preach in the synagogue on the next Sabbath? The Gentiles. But everyone of these makes it appear that the same people that heard the first sermon were the same ones inviting them back to speak on the same subject. Weren't they listening? A couple of these translations change the Jews into Paul and Barnabas. Now I am sure that Paul and Barnabas were Jews but they were not preaching to themselves. Why did they change this text? I propose it is because it cut across their teaching that the Sabbath was only for the Jews. Ellen White quotes the text according to the KJV. Read it in Acts of the Apostles p. 173. It was prophesied in Lamentations 1:7 that the world would mock the Sabbath. Jerusalem remembered in the days of her affliction and of her miseries all her pleasant things that she had in the days of old, when her people fell into the hand of the enemy, and none did help her: the adversaries saw her, and did mock at her Sabbaths. Lamentations 1:7 KJV Read the whole book of Lamentations, it is a prophecy for us. But this prophecy is changed in all of the other versions. The NKJV, RSV, NIV, NASB, NEB, Clear Word, Living Bible and CEV all change the word 'Sabbath' into words like destruction, ruin, fallen state or downfall. What did Ellen White write? Isn't Lamentations 1:7 a companion text for what she wrote in this reference: But while anguish was upon the loyal and true who would not worship the beast or his image and accept and revere an idol sabbath, One said, "Look up! Look up!" Every eye was lifted, and the heavens seemed to part as a scroll when it is rolled together, and as Stephen looked into heaven, [so] we looked. The mockers were taunting and reviling us, and boasting of what they intended to do to us if we continued obstinate in holding fast our faith. But now we were as those who heard them not; we were gazing upon a scene that shut out everything else. 3 Selected Messages p. 428 Would it be wise to trust in a bible that didn't support one of Gods true prophets?


Chapter 7 Prophet or Non-Prophet?

To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah 8:20
Four basic subjects will be considered here in this chapter: 1. Biblical signs of a true prophet. 2. Changes in prophetic doctrine. 3. Prophecies concerning Christ. 4. Ellen White's use of texts.

Biblical proof of a True Prophet

In the little book by J. N. Loughborough entitled, Prophetic Gift in the Gospel Church, he enumerates the biblical tests of a true prophet. He was a contemporary of Ellen White and witnessed her being in vision. As I have reviewed his book, I have found that some texts he refers to have become obscured in some bible versions. There are several physical manifestations found in Daniel chapter 10. The first is a loss of strength when the vision begins. The second is no breath. The prophet does not breathe while in vision. Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me: for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength. Daniel 10:8 KJV For how can the servant of this my lord talk with this my lord? for as for me, straightway there remained no strength in me, neither is there breath left in me. Daniel 10:17 KJV The 'no strength in me' was also a sign of a true prophet going into vision. But in the NIV this is diminished to 'I am helpless'. It is true that he was feeling unworthy but the totally without strength condition is what is here addressed. The CEV says, 'I became weak and pale'. Weak is not the same as no strength. I am a physically weak person compared to a man but I have some strength. In verse 17, the subject of being without breath is mentioned. This is another sign of a true prophet. In the NIV this is changed to, 'I can hardly breath'. No breath is found in a true prophet, it is not a case of just being short of breath. They simply do not breathe during vision. The CEV says, 'when I am almost too weak to get my breath'. The 'Clear Word' says, 'I can't breathe to talk. That isn't correct. Plenty of people heard Ellen White speak while in vision, but she didn't breathe. She would often quote scriptures while in vision but without breath. The true prophet can talk but without breath.


Another aspect is while in vision their eyes are open. This is revealed in the experience of Balaam who was a true prophet at one time. And he took up his parable, and said, Balaam the son of Beor hath said, and the man whose eyes are open hath said: He hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open: Numbers 24:3 & 4 KJV And he took up his parable, and said, Balaam the son of Beor hath said, and the man whose eyes are open hath said: He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open: Numbers 24:15 & 16 KJV To understand the significance of one change made here it is good to know a little about the new age movement and some of the eastern religions' like the Hindu religion. You may have seen people from India with a dot on their forehead. In their religion, they have a belief that they have a spiritual eye; it is called the third eye. When they reach a level of spiritual attainment, they are said to have their third eye opened. When that happens, they paint that dot on their face to signify that they have the third eye. This same concept has become common in the new age movement. Now look at the NIV in verses 3 & 15, 'the oracle of one whose eye sees clearly'. There is a difference between being in a true vision from God with both of your eyes physically open and your 'spiritual eye' seeing clearly. The RSV reads the same way in those two verses then puts this, 'having his eyes uncovered.' in verses 4 & 16. Then they add a footnote on the 'uncovered'. On the bottom of the page it reads, 'Or closed or perfect'. So his eyes were either uncovered, closed or perfect. Just choose whichever idea suits you. The NASB says, 'The oracle of him who hears the words of God ... having his eyes uncovered.' Is all this confusing to you? Is God the author of confusion? If, instead of trying to make sense of it, you take the KJV as it reads and look at what a true prophet does while in vision, you will see that while in vision they have their eyes open as God is revealing things to them that others cannot see. Another aspect of a true prophet is that the Holy Spirit spoke through them, physically. In vision God would use the human to speak audibly. Three texts are given by Loughborough: For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Peter 1:21 KJV The spirit of the LORD spake by me, and his word was in my tongue. 2 Samuel 23:2 KJV Men and brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus. Acts 1:16 KJV 46

I would like you to notice one very important thing about 2 Peter 1:21. The men were holy men. God does not give prophecy and visions through rebellious, vile people that have no thought of the things of God. The true prophets are godly. They love the Lord and are in harmony with His will. He cannot use wicked people living in willful sin. 'Holy men of God spake ... The NIV, NASB, RSV k CEV all omit the word 'holy'. They simply say that 'men spoke'. Is it good to omit the fact that Gods prophets are holy? I think it delights Satan and makes provision for his false prophets to be believed. Revelation 22:6 also mentions that the prophets were holy: And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to show unto his servants the things which must shortly be done. KJV Again, this concept of holy men being God's prophets is changed. The NIV, RSV and NASB say, 'The Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets...' The NEB says, 'The Lord God who inspires the prophets has sent... There is no mention of the prophets being holy. Don't you think Satan loves that? Oh, and what about this important text that many of us have memorized: To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah 8:20 KJV You may be wondering what happens to it. Well, the NASB says, 'they have no dawn', the NIV says, 'they have no light of dawn'. Whatever that means! The RSV says, 'To the teaching and to the testimony! Surely for this word which they speak there is no dawn.' The NEB says, 'They will surely say some such thing as this; but what they say is futile.' And the CEV says, '...what it should do." None of those who talk like that will live to see the light of day!' The NAB says, 'then this document will furnish its instruction. That kind of thing they will surely say.' I can only ask, "What are they talking about?" Those are a long way from the KJV. Each one of them takes the text further and further from what the KJV says. If we accept them, how do we prove a true prophet from a false one? So collectively, what are we left with? A man, perhaps Charles Manson, feeling weak and out of breath with his eyes either open, closed, uncovered, or perfect maybe with a dot in the middle of his forehead being a prophet of God. But he might not see the light of day. I don't know about you but I don't like that prospect. The Holy Ghost is the author of the Scriptures and of the Spirit of Prophecy. These are not to be twisted and turned to mean what man may want them to mean, to carry out man's ideas and sentiments, to carry forward man's schemes at all hazards.--Letter 92, 1900. Selected Messages Book 3 p. 30 A correct understanding of the texts here addressed will keep us from looking to the false prophets that will in these last days fill the churches with falsehood. These texts are foundational 47

to prove that Ellen White and anyone is a true or false prophet. Without these building blocks, our house is built on sand. There are right now 'visionaries' in the Roman Catholic Church that see things. They stand gazing up and see things that others don't. Many of them had no thoughts of religion prior to these 'visions'. They, by their own admission, were not holy. They have breath during their 'visions'. They are not touched by the one seen in 'vision' and given superhuman strength. Many of them do become weak and have their eyes open but they don't manifest all the characteristics of a true prophet. To understand all of these texts is important. If a friend of yours was 'seeing visions', would you know from the Bible whether those visions were from God? Have you studied these things out?

Changes in Prophetic Doctrine

We as Adventists have always held that prophecy is an important aspect of our religion. Without prophecy, we would not be Adventists. The name means that we are looking for the advent of our Lord. To rely on the Bible truth of Christ's return one needs true prophecy. This church was built on prophecy as it is found in the Bible. Without it, we would not have a purpose. Moreover, without true prophecy we would be drifting. If it were of little importance, why would God have written so much about it? So much of the Bible is prophecy. We need prophecy to survive the final events of this world's history. Even many of the stories in the Old Testament are prophecies, and they are written for our instruction. If we allow these prophecies to be changed, we might be left without the instruction God put there for us. Read what is found in Selected Messages: Never are we absent from the mind of God. God is our joy and our salvation. Each of the ancient prophets spoke less for their own time than for ours, so that their prophesying is in force for us. "Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come" (1Cor.10:11). "Not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into" (1 Peter 1:12). Selected Messages Book 3 p. 338 Read what Ellen White wrote about truth and error in Manuscript Releases: Heresies are now arising among the people of God, and they will continue to arise. As we near the end of time, falsehood will be so mingled with truth, that only those who have the guidance of the Holy Spirit will be able to distinguish truth from error. We need to make every effort to keep the way of the Lord. We must in no case turn from His guidance to put our trust in man. The Lord's angels are appointed to keep strict watch over those who put their faith in the Lord, and these angels are to be our special help in every time of need. Every day we are to come to the Lord with full assurance of faith, and to look to Him for wisdom. The ministers who teach the truth for this time are to strengthen their hearts by studying the word of God. "It is the spirit that quickened," Christ said, "the flesh profited nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life" (John 6:63). Those who are guided by the word of the Lord will 48

discern with certainty between falsehood and truth, between sin and righteousness. Manuscript Releases vol. 7 page 359 Are there changes in the prophecies that would affect the doctrines of our church? Let's look at them and see. One of the most basic prophecies is Daniel 8:14, "And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed." This prophecy points to the beginning of the investigative judgment. It tells us when the end of the earth is drawing near. The cleansing of the sanctuary here mentioned was illustrated by the cleansing of the sanctuary of the Old Testament. It represented Christ's work in the heavenly sanctuary. One of the key words in this text is the word 'cleansed'. It represents a specific act. If one were to change that one word, we would not understand the connection to the Jewish practice that illustrates it. God's prophet explains it so beautifully: At the termination of the 2300 days, in 1844, no sanctuary had existed on earth for many centuries; therefore the sanctuary in Heaven must be the one brought to view in the declaration, "Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed." But how could a sanctuary in Heaven need cleansing? Turning again to the Scriptures, the students of prophecy learned that the cleansing was not a removal of physical impurities, for it was to be accomplished with blood, and therefore must be a cleansing from sin. Thus says the apostle: "It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the Heavens should be purified with these [the blood of animals]; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these [even the precious blood of Christ]."[HEB. 9:23.] To obtain a further knowledge of the cleansing to which the prophecy points, it was necessary to understand the ministration of the heavenly sanctuary. This could be learned only from the ministration of the earthly sanctuary; for Paul declares that the priests who officiated there served "unto the example and shadow of heavenly things." [HEB. 8:5.] Spirit of Prophecy Vol. 4 p. 262 Now look at some of the other versions. The NASB says, 'for 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the holy place will be properly restored.' The NIV says, '2,300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be reconsecrated.' The RSV says, 'the sanctuary shall be restored to its rightful state.' The CEV says, '...evenings and mornings before the temple is dedicated and in use again. The NEB says, '...evenings and mornings; then the Holy Place shall emerge victorious.' Where else in the Bible do you see 'evening and morning' mentioned? In Genesis in reference to the literal days of creation. Is it possible that Satan would like for us to believe that here in Daniel the days mentioned are to be considered literal too? I think so. What reason might he have for doing this? The chain of truth teaches us that a prophetic day represents one year. See Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34. The earthly sanctuary was a representation of the heavenly. By changing the word 'cleansed, we lose the connection between the symbol and the thing symbolized. Tell me, did anyone see a holy place 'restored' in 1844? Was there a sanctuary that was 'reconsecrated' or 'dedicated and in use' in 1844? Did any 'Holy Place emerge victorious' in 1844? I can't find any evidence for any of that. Nor can I find any evidence for it if you take their literal days change.


What might be Satan's purpose here? Look at this quote: While Christ is cleansing the sanctuary, the worshipers on earth should carefully review their life, and compare their character with the standard of righteousness. As they see their defects, they should seek the aid of the Spirit of God to enable them to have moral strength to resist the temptations of Satan, and to reach the perfection of the standard. They may be victors over the very temptations which seemed too strong for humanity to bear; for the divine power will be combined with their human effort, and Satan cannot overcome them. Reflecting Christ p. 296 Satan does not want us to be overcomers! He wants us to be lost! He is as a roaring lion. The change of the word, cleansed to 'properly restored', 'reconsecrated', 'restored to its rightful state' or 'temple is dedicated and in use again' goes along with what many of the worlds false prophets are preaching, that the temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt and the animal sacrifices will again be practiced. I don't know what they are using as their beginning of this 23,000 days but it is a common belief among many religions that this will happen. The book of Hebrews gives a clear interpretation of the work of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary 'not made by hands' that this prophecy is pointing to. The day for a year interpretation in the Bible is even more obscured with the change found in Daniel 9:24. The understanding that a week is seven days or years and that the seventy weeks should be interpreted in a similar manner to the 2,300 days is lost when you don't call these weeks but instead call them 'sevens'. Sure, you come out with the same number but what does that figure represent? I could print out a page with seventy sevens on it and what would I have? What would it point to? Could you prove anything with that? I don't see how you could! By calling it 'sevens' instead of weeks it no longer represents time. This is a time prophecy. Read what God's prophet, Ellen White wrote on this subject: The angel had been sent to Daniel for the express purpose of explaining to him the point which he had failed to understand in the vision of the eighth chapter, the statement relative to time--"unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed." After bidding Daniel "understand the matter, and consider the vision," the very first words of the angel are: "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy Holy City." The word here translated "determined" literally signifies "cut off." Seventy weeks, representing 490 years, are declared by the angel to be cut off, as specially pertaining to the Jews. But from what were they cut off! As the 2300 days was the only period of time mentioned in chapter 8, it must be the period from which the seventy weeks were cut off, the seventy weeks must therefore be a part of the 2300 days, and the two periods must begin together. The seventy weeks were declared by the angel to date from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem. If the date of this commandment could be found, then the starting point for the great period of the 2300 days would be ascertained. Great Controversy p. 326 These prophecies being connected, as they should, would make sense to use the term 'weeks' in reference to the 'seventy' rather than call them 'sevens'. Why change it? What good purpose 50

could one have for changing it? I can't think of one. Is the term 'weeks' too difficult? Do we need an easier term for that? Is it an archaic term that is no longer in use? Will Christ have anything as a result of His death on the cross? Did He redeem anyone? The KJV in Daniel 9:26 states of Christ's death on the cross that "And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off but not for Himself." In other words, His death is for us. According to the NIV, RSV, NASB and the CEV they all say that He 'will have nothing'. Would you like to believe that Christ gave up all heaven for nothing? Are there no souls saved? I don't think so. Praise God He will have His redeemed! The NEB says, 'one who is anointed shall be removed with no one to take his part;' Throughout earth's history there have been people who have been anointed, sick people, priests, kings and others have been anointed. Some of them have been removed from their position. Many have died or in some other way been 'removed'. I'm sure that many of them didn't have a person to 'take their part'. Where is Christ in this text? Where is our Messiah? This pointed to the Messiah! With the firm anchor of this text removed where is your foundation for the texts surrounding it? Please read the chapters in The Great Controversy on this subject entitled, An American Reformer and What Is the Sanctuary? You may say that an understanding of this prophecy is not important to us now. It is all history. However, look at this paragraph from the chapter in Early Writings entitled, End Of The 2300 Days: I saw the Father rise from the throne, and in a flaming chariot go into the holy of holies within the veil, and sit down. Then Jesus rose up from the throne, and the most of those who were bowed down arose with Him. I did not see one ray of light pass from Jesus to the careless multitude after He arose, and they were left in perfect darkness. Those who arose when Jesus did, kept their eyes fixed on Him as He left the throne and led them out a little way. Then He raised His right arm, and we heard His lovely voice saying, "Wait here; I am going to My Father to receive the kingdom; keep your garments spotless, and in a little while I will return from the wedding and receive you to Myself." Then a cloudy chariot, with wheels like flaming fire, surrounded by angels, came to where Jesus was. He stepped into the chariot and was borne to the holiest, where the Father sat. There I beheld Jesus, a great High Priest, standing before the Father. On the hem of His garment was a bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate. Those who rose up with Jesus would send up their faith to Him in the holiest, and pray, "My Father, give us Thy Spirit." Then Jesus would breathe upon them the Holy Ghost. In that breath was light, power, and much love, joy, and peace. I turned to look at the company who were still bowed before the throne; they did not know that Jesus had left it. Satan appeared to be by the throne, trying to carry on the work of God. I saw them look up to the throne, and pray, "Father, give us Thy Spirit." Satan would then breathe upon them an unholy influence; in it there was light and much power, but no sweet love, joy, and peace. Satan's object was to keep them deceived and to draw back and deceive God's children. Early Writings p. 55-56 51

Are you praying to that throne? Do you know where Jesus is? Have you followed Him? We need to follow Him wherever He goes. What is missing in the NIV in Revelation 2:13? I know thy works and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. Revelation 2:13 KJV I know where you live--where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city--where Satan lives. NIV What is missing in the NIV in Revelation 5:14? And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever. KJV The four living creatures said, "Amen," and the elders fell down and worshiped. NIV What is different here in Revelation 6:17? For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? KJV For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand? NIV Or here in Revelation 8:13? And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound! KJV As I watched, I heard an eagle that was flying ... NIV, RSV, NEB, and Clear Word How about the prophecies concerning the beast: Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:18 KJV The NIV says, 'it is man's number', the RSV says, 'it is a human number ... (As opposed to an animal number or an angelic number?). The NEB says, 'The number represents a man's name ...' Do you see the difference? Martin Luther, the Waldensees and many Protestants through out history recognized' it as the pope's title not his name that added up to 666. It is a title that he still claims.


What is different here in Revelation 13:1? And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. KJV And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea .... NIV He took his stand on the sea-shore. NEB What had its existence 'from the foundation of the world' in Revelation 13:8? KJV says that it is the Lamb that was slain. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. KJV However, the NEB says, '...roll of the living, written there since the world was made.' The NASB, RSV, NAB and CEV do the same thing. Is that predestination? Little by little, things are changing in the bibles. Each time a new NIV comes out it has changes that weren't in the previous version. Yours may read different h m mine since I have one of the older ones. What I have here shared with you is just a part of the things I have found.

Prophecies Concerning Christ's First Advent

In Psalms, we have a prophecy concerning Christ's crucifixion: For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. Psalms 22:16 KJV The NEB says, '...they have hacked off my hands and my feet.' The virgin birth prophesied in Isaiah in the KJV reads: Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14 The NEB says, 'a young woman is with child ...' Now tell me how many young women do you know have fulfilled that prophecy? Christ was prophesied in Numbers: I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the comers of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth. Numbers 24:17 KJV Here is what NEB does with this text, 'I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near: a star shall come forth out of Jacob, a comet arise from Israel.' Was Moses stargazing?

Throughout the New Testament there are references made by the writers that point the reader to how Christ's life was a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. One of them is Mark 15:28, it reads: And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors. KJV The NIV, NEB, CEV, RSV and NAB have omitted that text. It would appear to me that Christ didn't read the Old Testament manuscripts from which the NEB is taken. In John 13:18 He says, 'I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen: but that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me.' The NEB reads, '...who ate at my table, exults over my misfortune.' The reference in John 19:28 where we read this, 'After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst.' refers to Psalms 69:21. However, if you take some versions you could come to the conclusion that Christ committed suicide or died of poisoning. For several of the versions say that poison was put in His food instead of gall. This is in NEB, Clear Word, CEV and RSV. Ellen White wrote this about the gall: In another prophecy the Saviour declared, "Reproach hath broken My heart; and I am full of heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none. They gave Me also gall for My meat; and in My thirst they gave Me vinegar to drink." Ps. 69:20, 21. To those who suffered death by the cross, it was permitted to give a stupefying potion, to deaden the sense of pain. This was offered to Jesus; but when He had tasted it, He refused it. He would receive nothing that could becloud His mind. His faith must keep fast hold upon God. This was His only strength. To becloud His senses would give Satan an advantage. Desire of Ages p. 746

Ellen White's Use of Texts

All the texts mentioned in this chapter on prophecy that Ellen White quoted she quoted in agreement with the interpretation of the KJV. Many examples I have already shown you. Look at her use of Numbers 24:17: Before returning to his people, Balaam uttered a most beautiful and sublime prophecy of the world's Redeemer, and the final destruction of the enemies of God: "I shall see him, but not now. I shall behold him, but not nigh. There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and shall destroy the children of Sheth." He was permitted to look down through the ages to the first advent of Christ, and then forward to his second appearing, in power and glory. He would see the King above all kings, but not at present. He would behold his majesty and glory, but at a great distance. He would be among the number of the wicked dead, who should come forth in the second resurrection, to hear the awful doom, "Depart from me, 54

ye cursed." He would behold the redeemed ones in the city of God, while he himself would be shut out with the wicked. Signs of the Times 12-16-80 Daniel in verse 8 said that his 'comeliness was turned into corruption'. Here is how Ellen White interpreted that phrase: We need to be refined, cleansed from all earthliness, till we reflect the image of our Saviour, and become "partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." Then we shall delight to do the will of God, and Christ can own us before the Father and before the holy angels as those who abide in him, and he will not be ashamed to call us brethren. But we shall not boast of our holiness. As we have clearer views of Christ's spotless and infinite purity, we shall feel as did Daniel, when he beheld the glory of the Lord, and said, "My comeliness was turned in me into corruption." We cannot say, "I am sinless," till this vile body is changed and fashioned like unto His glorious body. But if we constantly seek to follow Jesus, the blessed hope is ours of standing before the throne of God without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; complete in Christ, robed in his righteousness and perfection. Signs of the Times 03-23-88 The NASB says, 'for my natural color turned to a deathly pallor'. The RSV says, 'my radiant appearance was fearfully changed'. The NIV says, 'my face turned deathly pale'. Somehow, to me that doesn't match with Ellen Whites use of the text. Over and over as I have studied this subject, I have seen complete agreement between Ellen White's writings and the KJV on the texts I have brought out in this book. When she has quoted from other translations, the texts do not change in thought or meaning from that of the KJV. Some say that she used the RSV but the one now in print is not the same book she so rarely used. One omission found in the NIV, CEV, Living Bible, Clear Word and RSV was written about in Thoughts From The Mount Of Blessings, Matthew 6: 13. Read this portion from that book: "Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory. Matthew 6:13 The last like the first sentence of the Lord's Prayer, points to our Father as above all power and authority and every name that is named. The Saviour beheld the years that stretched out before His disciples, not, as they had dreamed, lying in the sunshine of worldly prosperity and honor, but dark with the tempests of human hatred and satanic wrath. Amid national strife and ruin, the steps of the disciples would be beset with perils, and often their hearts would be oppressed by fear. They were to see Jerusalem a desolation, the temple swept away, its worship forever ended, and Israel scattered to all lands, like wrecks on a desert shore. Jesus said, "Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars." "Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24:6-8. Yet Christ's followers were not to fear that their hope was lost or that God had forsaken the earth. The power and the glory belong unto Him whose 55

great purposes would still move on unthwarted toward their consummation. In the prayer that breathes their daily wants, the disciples of Christ were directed to look above all the power and dominion of evil, unto the Lord their God, whose kingdom ruleth over all and who is their Father and everlasting Friend. Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing p. 120 This is just the first paragraph of two pages on just this one verse that some bibles leave out. Now look at this text: (For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast.) Luke 23:17 KJV Ellen White refers to it in Desire of Ages but the Living Bible, RSV, NIV and CEV omit it from their versions. Read this quote: Pilate's face grew pale. He was confused by his own conflicting emotions. But while he had been delaying to act, the priests and rulers were still further inflaming the minds of the people. Pilate was forced to action. He now bethought himself of a custom which might serve to secure Christ's release. It was customary at this feast to release some one prisoner whom the people might choose. This custom was of pagan invention; there was not a shadow of justice in it, but it was greatly prized by the Jews. The Roman authorities at this time held a prisoner named Barabbas, who was under sentence of death. This man had claimed to be the Messiah. He claimed authority to establish a different order of things, to set the world right. Under satanic delusion he claimed that whatever he could obtain by theft and robbery was his own. He had done wonderful things through satanic agencies, he had gained a following among the people, and had excited sedition against the Roman government. Under cover of religious enthusiasm he was a hardened and desperate villain, bent on rebellion and cruelty. By giving the people a choice between this man and the innocent Saviour, Pilate thought to arouse them to a sense of justice. He hoped to gain their sympathy for Jesus in opposition to the priests and rulers. So, turning to the crowd, he said with great earnestness, "Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ?" Desire of Ages p. 733 It doesn't sound to me as though she doubted its validity. Another text left out of some bibles is this one: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretense make long prayers: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation." Matthew 23:14 But Ellen White quoted it and wrote about the subject of the text, look: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretense make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation." The Pharisees had great influence with the people, and of this they took advantage to serve their own interests. They gained the confidence of pious

widows, and then represented it as a duty for them to devote their property to religious purposes. Having secured control of their money, the wily schemers used it for their own benefit. To cover their dishonesty, they offered long prayers in public, and made a great show of piety. This hypocrisy Christ declared would bring them the greater damnation. The same rebuke falls upon many in our day who make a high profession of piety. Their lives are stained by selfishness and avarice, yet they throw over it all a garment of seeming purity, and thus for a time deceive their fellow men. But they cannot deceive God. He reads every purpose of the heart, and will judge every man according to his deeds. Desire of Ages p. 614 Hebrews 2:16 that even the NKJV changes is used by Ellen White the way the KJV translates it. Here is the text: For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Hebrews 2:16 KJV Now look at one of the many references she made to this text: Christ might have come to earth clothed with the glory of his Father. But he did not do this. He did not even take the form of an angel. "Verily," the apostle says, "he took not on him the nature of angels, but he took on him the seed of Abraham." Divinity took humanity, that humanity might touch humanity. With his human arm Christ encircled the race, while with his divine arm he grasped the throne of the infinite God. The world that was separated by sin from the continent of heaven, he drew back into favor with God. Youth's Instructor 02-22-00 I could fill pages on the subject of how Ellen White used texts that are missing or changed, and the fact that her use of them agree with the KJV. If you doubt what I'm saying, check it out for yourself.


Chapter 8 Catholicizing of the Bible

Go ye forth of Babylon, flee ye from the Chaldeans, with a voice of singing declare ye, tell this, utter it even to the end of the earth; say ye, The LORD hath redeemed his servant Jacob. Isaiah 48:20
Protestants as true Protestants reject the false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. It would follow that the language of the Protestant would be different from that church. However, many of us being several generations removed from the Catholic Church are quite ignorant of the terms used in that church and what meaning is attached to those terms. Because of this ignorance, we may find ourselves using those terms without realizing their significance. The same holds true of our use of heathen terms. We, in a large degree, are ignorant of Satan's various religions like Hindu, Buddhist and such. Each of those many religions have terms for things that we as Bible believing Christians should reject. In this chapter, I wish to review various aspects of the Catholic Church and how those are incorporated into many of the new translations. As you read, keep in mind that the Roman Catholic Church could no longer keep the Bible from the people with the advent of the printing press so other means have been devised to incorporate that church into the Bible. Not all of the translations change the words the same in each text but collectively many of the catholic doctrines and phrases can be found scattered here and there throughout. I will not be able to address all of the problems but will address as many as I can.

Image Worship
In the Living Bible, we find that worshipping idols of the saints is allowed in the Ten Commandments. It says, "You shall not make yourselves any idols; any images resembling animals, birds, or fish." Exodus 20:4. Do you see the difference in the meaning between that and the meaning found in the KJV? "Anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:" The KJV rendering includes humans, angels, deities and dead people. There are actually two changes that are important here. Besides the narrowing of the things included, the change to idols from graven images is also important. You see, to justify the use of statues of 'saints' they make a distinction between images and idols. Images are acceptable in the Catholic theology and idols are not. In fact, throughout the bible versions that follow the Vulgate and such bibles that have been promoted by the Catholic Church you will see the change of the tam image to idol frequently. I recognize that the word 'images' is in this text but it is defined so narrowly that the text fits Catholic theology with no problems. Another example is found in Deuteronomy 7:5; the KJV reads this way:


But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire. Deuteronomy 7:5 KJV The NIV uses the terms 'sacred stones' and 'idols'. Another example of that is 2 Kings 3:2. There is no mention of an image of Baal in the NIV like there is in the KJV but a 'sacred stone of Baal' is the term used. The changes are not 100% but give earth's history more time and you will probably see 100% changes.

Infant Baptism
How could infant baptism be introduced into the Bible? Partly by omission of texts stating what is required for baptism and partly by the introduction of an object used in infant baptism. True baptism is more that getting wet. It should be preceded by an understanding of the doctrines of God. It means belief in Jesus Christ as our Lord. Turn to one of the best texts for an understanding of this fact: Acts 8:37. Here Philip and the eunuch are studying God's word. The eunuch becomes convicted and converted and desires baptism. He requests it in verse 36 and in verse 37 is Philip's response: And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Acts 8:37 KJV If you are reading from most of the new translations, you won't find this text in the bible. Instead, the eunuch makes the request and without question, he is baptized. Now, turn to the Old Testament. In Numbers 7:55 there is a list of items used in the Sanctuary. In that list in the NIV you will read that a silver 'sprinkling' bowl is there included. In the KJV, that is simply a bowl. We are not told what these bowls are used for in the KJV, whether they are used for the grain offering or for the priest to eat from or to catch the blood that was to be sprinkled on the alter. They may have been for any of these things. The bowls contained flour when they were given to the priests. Remember that God said not to add to His word. In trying to understand the reason for this addition, I asked a former Catholic what a sprinkling bowl was without giving her a reason for my question. She said that it is the big basin that is under the baby to catch the water during baptism.

Flagellation and Penance

The KJV reads: But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. 1 Corinthians 9:27 59

The RSV reads: "but I pommel my body and subdue it." The NIV says, "I beat my body and make it my slave ..." The NASB says, "I buffet my body and' make it my slave... The NEB says, "I bruise my own body ..." My dictionary says that pommel means, to beat soundly and buffet means, "a blow with the hand; beat." I much prefer how Ellen White used this text: We are under solemn obligations to God to keep the spirit pure and the body healthy, that we may be a benefit to humanity and render to God perfect service. The apostle utters these words of warning: "Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof" He urges us onward by telling us that "every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things" He exhorts all who call themselves Christians to present their bodies "a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God." He says, "I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway." Adventist Home p. 123 Martin Luther lived for years a life of severe exaction and penance, thinking he could thus purchase the favor of God. And when Christ was presented to him as the sinner's friend and advocate, a Saviour who so loved man that he gave his precious life to save him, the thought that this salvation was a free gift, not to be purchased by tedious journeys, long and rigorous fasts, or by scourging the body, seemed too great for him to comprehend. He need no longer invoke all the saints to plead with Christ in his behalf. How eagerly his thirsty soul drank in the precious draught! His hand tremblingly grasped the promises of God. He accepted Jesus as his Saviour, who would pardon and redeem his soul. Signs of the Times 09-11-84 How can we render to God perfect service if we are beating and bruising our bodies?

In 1 Corinthians 7:25, 34 & 36 the KJV reads: Now concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord: yet I give my judgment, as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful. 1 Corinthians 7:25 KJV There is difference also between a wife and a virgin. The married woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband. 1 Corinthians 7:34 KJV But if any man think that he behaveth himself uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry. 1 Corinthians 7:36 KJV

The NEB reads, "On the question of celibacy ... "The unmarried or celibate woman cares for the Lord's business;" "But if a man has a partner in celibacy ..." In Revelation 14:4 the KJV reads: These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. Philips translation reads, "These are the men who have never defiled themselves with women, for they are celibate." There is a difference between being celibate and being a virgin. A virgin has never had sexual relations but a celibate person makes a decision not to have relations at some point but may have had a sexual relation.

The Virgin
In the same way that there is a difference between a Sabbath and the Sabbath there is a difference between a virgin and the virgin. The Catholic Church venerates the virgin; Mary whom they claim remained a virgin. She is regarded as the Virgin. The prophecy of Christ's birth in Isaiah 7: 14 in the KJV reads: Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. It is again quoted in Matt. 1:23: Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. But the NIV reads, "The virgin will be with child ..." and "The virgin will be with child ..." The NKJV reads, "A virgin" in Matthew but, "the virgin" in the book of Isaiah. So Matthew misquoted Isaiah, is that it? The NASB does just the opposite of the NKJV, it has Matthew saying, "the virgin" and Isaiah saying "a virgin". So which is it? Is God the author of confusion? NEB and RSV have "the virgin". In English classes as children, we learned that to capitalize a noun made it a proper noun and is used to express a name. Like taking the words united and states, you make the United States. It is a name. Now look what happens to the word virgin in the NIV. It is capitalized in 11 Old Testament verses. "The Virgin Daughter of Zion despises you and mocks you." 2 Kings 19:21; "He said, 'No more of your reveling, O Virgin Daughter ..." Isaiah 23:12; "Return, 0 Virgin Israel ... My understanding of a virgin is based on Revelation 14:4 that reveal that a virgin is one who has not defiled themselves with false religions. A religion being a church, which is symbolized as a woman. However, that verse in the NIV says, "for they kept themselves pure." Out goes that biblical definition of a virgin. So what we are left with is The Virgin. A proper name often given to Mary the 'Mother of God'. 61

While Christ becomes a son of God, something or someone else is given the title, The Virgin. Another small change in favor of Mariolatry is found in the angel's greeting of Mary in Luke 1:28. The KJV read this way: And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. Luke 1:28 KJV The RSV, NEB, NASB, NIV, CEV and the Living Bible all omit 'blessed art thou among women." Leaving it up for speculation as to whether Mary is a mere human or if she is 'the mother of God' the 'queen of heaven' or some diety. Perhaps, she is part of the Godhead since 1 John 5:7 is omitted. As with so many other texts, this is one of the clearest that show a right doctrine that has been changed. Why? The Old German Bible translated by Luther includes 'blessed art thou among women.

In the same way that a soul is changed, the saints are no longer all of God's people. They have become a select few living in heaven. In the NEB the word prophets is replaced with saints in Matt. 13:17 and 23:29. In Deuteronomy 33:2 & 3 the NEB, RSV & NASB replaced the ten thousand saints (that are to come with Christ at His return) with holy ones. I guess that was more saints than Rome has on record. I think they only have about 320. A verse giving a clear definition of who the saints are is Psalms 30:4: Sing unto the LORD, 0 ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. Psalms 30:4 KJV According to the NASB, you are 'His godly ones', and according to NEB, you are 'his loyal servants'. But sainthood is not for you. I cannot cite all the changes but be sure that your place in heaven has been diminished and the job of doling out sainthood is taken by Rome. All through out the NIV, NASB, NEB, RSV and CEV saints when referring to all of God's redeemed children, is changed to something else, yet they keep the term when it fits into the Catholic theology. Look at Dan. 7:22. They keep it there. 1 Sam. 2:9 in the KJV shows that there are two classes of people, saints and the wicked. It reads: He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail. However, the word 'saints' is changed to 'faithful ones' in the RSV. The NASB changes it to 'godly ones'. CEV reads, 'loyal people'. Of course the 'saints are faithful, godly and loyal but they are saints. There are saints that Rome didn't canonize.

Have you heard of the Pope demoting a saint? According to one book on the 'saints', I found that Saint Barbara and Saint Christopher were dropped from the calendar of feast days because their existence could not be proven. So, you can imagine why this text had to be changed in the NASB, NIV, NEB, CEV, NAB and RSV: For the LORD loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off. Psalms 37:28 For further study on this look at Ps. 50:5; 89:5 & 7; 97:l0; Proverbs 2:8 and Dan. 7. The claim is made that the wording was changed because the old English was too difficult. Is the word saint difficult? What Protestant did not understand that term? If it is so difficult, why wasn't it changed consistently?

Confession and Prayer

The doctrine of confessing to a priest rather than to God is gradually gaining Biblical proof in some of the newer bibles. The first that I have found is in Joshua 7:19. Here Joshua is speaking to Achan. The KJV says, And Joshua said unto Achan, My son, give, I pray thee, glory to the LORD God of Israel, and make confession unto him; and tell me now what thou hast done; hide it not from me. The NIV changes the remark about confession to, 'and give him the praise'. The NASB says, 'and give praise to Him.'. The RSV says, 'and render praise to him'. The CEV quotes Joshua as saying, "Tell me what you did, and don't try to hide anything." In the last one here, the CEV, Joshua is telling him to make a 'good confession'. That is a term used by Rome for when the person tells absolutely everything. Look at this text: For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. Romans 14:11 KJV In the RSV and NASB, the same change that is found in Joshua is made here. Confess to God is changed to 'shall give praise to God'. The Good News bible says, 'everyone will confess that I am God. The NEB says, 'acknowledge God'. Romans 15:9 again has the same change: And that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy; as it is written, For this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name. Romans 15:9 KJV The RSV, NEB, NN and NASB all say, 'I will praise you... The Good News says, 'I will give thanks to you... Now I whole heartily agree that God should be praised but the important doctrine here being conveyed is that our confession is to God. There are many other texts that 63

address the subject of praise and they are important but let's not lose the Protestant doctrine of confessing to God and not to man! When you combine those changes with this one you are left without defense. James says: Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16 KJV The NASB, NIV, RSV and NEB all change faults into sins. Therefore, it reads, 'confess you sins one to another'. The CEV says, 'If you have sinned, you should tell each other... Tell me, what biblical defense do we have against Rome if we accept these bibles? I don't see how we can say that confession to a priest is unbiblical if we believe the interpretation of these books. Our confession of sin is to be made to God. It is God, our Father who we are to represent to the world that has been dishonored and crucified afresh by our sin. Apology to other people that we have wronged is important but that is not the same as confessing our sins to them. Another instance of confessing to God is found in 2 Chronicles 30:22. The KJV reads: And Hezekiah spake comfortably unto all the Levites that taught the good knowledge of the LORD: and they did eat throughout the feast seven days, offering peace offerings, and making confession to the LORD God of their fathers. The RSV and NASB say, 'and giving thanks to the Lord... The NIV says, 'and praised the Lord ... The CEV says, 'and by praising the Lord God of their ancestors.' So one of the few texts we have left that speak about confession is this one: I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickened all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession; 1 Timothy 6:13 KJV So, Christ and Pilate went into the confessional. Now how do you explain to someone that the confessional as taught by Roman Catholicism is wrong? What used to be upheld by the Bible is now primarily found in the writings of Ellen White. How much better it would be if we kept the KJV and confirmed our belief in Ellen White as a true prophet of God by the Bible rather than rejecting the Bible and finding ourselves out on a limb with the cults that have some false, non-biblical prophet that is not founded on the Bible. Read what Ellen White wrote about confession. In the work of overcoming there will be confessions to be made one to another, but the word of God forbids man to put an erring man in God's place, making confessors of frail humanity. We are to confess our faults one to another, and pray one for another that we may be healed. The appointment of men to the 64

confessional of the Roman Church is the fulfillment of the design of Satan to confer upon men power which belongs to God only. God is dishonored by the absolution of the priest and by the confession of the soul to man. Confessions of secret sins are made to men whose own hearts may be as sinks of iniquity. There are sins which are to be confessed to God only, for he knows the whole heart and will not take advantage of the trust reposed in him; he will not betray our confidence, and if we submit ourselves to him, he will cleanse the heart from all iniquity. Signs of the Times 04-20-91 She once again is in agreement with the KJV and not in agreement with the other 'new' versions. Now consider the Lord's prayer found in Luke 11 as you think of the confessional in the Romish church. Read it as it is found in the NIV, RSV and NASB: 'Father, hallowed be your name ... Who is this father? The 'which art in heaven' is removed. He is no longer the one in heaven. What do people call their priest? Father!

Miscellaneous Terms
Some terms and descriptions used in the various bibles lean toward the Catholic terms that have significance to the people of that church but not to Protestants. One I have noticed in the RSV is the term votive. I first noticed this term in reference to votive candles. I have seen candles in the stores for years with a picture of some saint painted on them. The term is found in several places in the Old Testament of the RSV. A few of them are Leviticus 22:23, 23:38, Numbers 29:39, Deuteronomy 12:6, 11 & 17. Another term is libations in reference to the drink offerings. The RSV uses this term in Jeremiah 44:17, 18, 19 & 25, 2 Chronicles 29:35 and Psalms 16:4. My dictionary states that libations were practiced by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The term is used very inconsistently here sometimes to describe the drink offering in the sanctuary, sometimes to describe the offerings to the queen of heaven. If it were consistently used when referring to the queen of heaven, I would not see a problem. However, it is used for both the sacred and the profane inconsistently. The term today, as I have heard it used is in reference to fermented wine, which was not used in the sanctuary. Ellen White used the term 'libations' only three times, that I can find. Here is a sample: Once a year, special ceremonies were held at Ephesus in honor of the goddess Diana. These attracted great numbers of people from all parts of the province. Throughout this period, festivities were conducted with the utmost pomp and splendor. The gods were represented by certain ones of the people chosen for the purpose, who were regarded as objects of worship, and were honored by processions, sacrifices, and libations. Musical contests, feats of athletes, and fierce combats between men and beasts, drew crowds to the vast theaters. The whole city was a scene of brilliant display and wild revelry. The air rang with the shouts of mirth. The people gave themselves up to feasting, drunkenness, and the vilest debauchery. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 09-14-11


All three references are concerning the heathen deities as described above. None refers to the drink offering of the sanctuary. Now take a minute to picture in your mind a man in a 'richly ornamented robe'. Who do you see? What does the robe look like? Does it have gold threads, and jewels? Does the coat have gaudy embellishment? Pearls and rare fabric like silk, perhaps. What about the person wearing that robe, how do you think he would behave, kingly? Proud perhaps? How does that man compare with the boy Joseph? The NIV in Genesis 37 states that Jacob made him a 'richly ornamented robe' rather than a coat of many colors. Somehow, I can't picture anything but a Romish Pontiff when I think of a richly ornamented robe. I don't see Joseph developing the kind of character that would fit him for the Lords service if he grew up wearing a 'richly ornamented robe'. The RSV says, 'long coat with sleeves'. Was he the only one in his family to have a coat with sleeves? The NEB says, 'long, sleeved robe'. What would be unique about that? Mrs. White speaks of it as a coat of many colors. Was he the only one in his family to be warm in winter? Is there a cloister in you bible? There is if you read from one version of the NEB. I have a concordance for the NEB New Testament that states that cloister is used in place of porch in John 10:23; Acts 3:11 & 5:12. The NEB adds the word ecstasy or ecstatic to the verses about speaking in tongues. In Catholicism, this is a term used in reference to the false visions that their 'visionaries' have. St. John of the Cross, a priest who lived from 1542 to 1591, is said to have had ecstasies. He wrote books on the subject. Who removed this text from some translations? Why might they do it? Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. Matthew 23:14 KJV How long will it be before the other texts that repeat Christ other denunciations of hypocrites are deleted? The term celebrate is used frequently in reference to many of the ceremonies of the Romish Church. During the dark ages, the burning of 'heretics' was 'celebrated'. It was called the auto de fe. The term celebrate has replaced 'keep a feast' in the NIV, NASB & CEV.


Chapter 9 Contradictions and Cursings

How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed? or how shall I defy, whom the LORD hath not defied? Numbers 23:8
The prophet of God, Ellen White wrote: Eve really believed the words of Satan, but her belief did not save her from the penalty of sin. She disbelieved the words of God, and this was what led to her fall. In the judgment men will not be condemned because they conscientiously believed a lie, but because they did not believe the truth, because they neglected the opportunity of learning what is truth. Notwithstanding the sophistry of Satan to the contrary' it is always disastrous to disobey God. We must set our hearts to know what is truth. All the lessons which God has caused to be placed on record in His word are for our warning and instruction. They are given to save us from deception. Their neglect will result in ruin to ourselves. Whatever contradicts God's word, we may be sure proceeds from Satan. Patriarchs and Prophets p. 55 Do some bibles contradict the KJV? Judge for yourself from the following examples. Beginning at Genesis 16:12 we read this: And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. KJV The NIV says, 'He will live in hostility toward all his brothers.' The NEB says, 'he shall live at odds with all his kinsmen.' The NASB says, 'he will live to the east of all his brothers.' The RSV says, 'he will live over against all... The NIV and the NASB also add that he will be 'a wild donkey of a man'. The NEB also makes mention of him being 'like the wild ass'. Would an angel of God speak that way? I don't think so. Genesis 25:18 says: And they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur, that is before Egypt, as thou goest toward Assyria: and he died in the presence of all his brethren. KJV The NIV says, 'they lived in hostility toward all their brothers.' The RSV says, 'he settled over against all his people.' The NASB says, 'he settled in defiance of all his relatives.' The NEB says, ' the east of his brothers.' How can this text be talking about where he settled or how he settled, when in the preceding verse it is talking about his death.


Think of this statement by Christ as you think about the next contradiction: "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?" Matthew 7:11 KJV Isaac, when giving blessings to his sons, said this to Esau after Jacob had taken his blessing: And Isaac his father answered and said unto him, Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above; Genesis 27:39 KJV Isaac had a blessing for both sons. He didn't love one and hate the other. He favored one but that in no way meant that he would pronounce a curse on the one less favored. However, in the NIV it reads, 'Your dwelling will be away from the earth's richness, away from the dew's of heaven ...' The same change is seen in the NASB, RSV and NEB. 'Away from' is inserted into all of them, making the meaning just the opposite. Instead of it being a blessing it is changed into a curse. In Numbers 11, we have the story of God giving the seventy elders the same spirit that was on Moses. In verse 25, we read this: And the LORD came down in a cloud, and spake unto him, and took of the spirit that was upon him, and gave it unto the seventy elders: and it came to pass, that, when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease. Numbers 11:25 KJV The NIV says, 'but they did not do so again.' The NASB says, 'but they did not do it again.' The RSV says, 'they did so no more. The NEB says, 'they fell into a prophetic ecstasy, for the first and only time.' Now read God's prophet: "And Moses went out, and told the people the words of the Lord, and gathered the seventy men of the elders of the people, and set them round about the tabernacle. And the Lord came down in a cloud, and spake unto him, and took of the Spirit that was upon him, and gave it unto the seventy elders; and it came to pass, that when the Spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease." This prophetic gift rested upon the judges and elders, to establish the confidence of the people in them, and to be a sign that God had chosen them to unite their authority with that of Moses, and assist him in the work of subduing the murmurings of the people during their sojourn in the wilderness, and thus ease the task upon Moses. Spirit of Prophecy Vol. 1 p. 283 How can a sword make someone childless? The KJV in Deuteronomy 32:25 says: The sword without, and terror within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs. KJV How does that compare with the NIV? It says 'In the street the sword will make them childless;... The NEB says, 'The sword will make orphans in the street.' 68

In Joshua 6, we have the story of the destruction of Jericho. In verse 17, the KJV says: And the city shall be accursed, even it, and all that are therein, to the LORD: only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all that are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers that we sent. Joshua 6:17 KJV The NIV and RSV say that the city is a 'devoted thing'. The NASB and NEB use the expression, 'under the ban'. I ask, how can a city that is going to be destroyed be considered devoted? Is it some human sacrifice? What is it devoted to? And 'ban' makes it sound as though it was just under quarantine. Ellen White wrote this: The city of Jericho was devoted to the most extravagant idolatry. The inhabitants were very wealthy, but all the riches that God had given them they counted as the gift of their gods. They had gold and silver in abundance; but, like the people before the Flood, they were corrupt and blasphemous, and insulted and provoked the God of heaven by their wicked works. God's judgments were awakened against Jericho. It was a stronghold. But the Captain of the Lord's host Himself came from heaven to lead the armies of heaven in an attack upon the city. Angels of God laid hold of the massive walls and brought them to the ground. God had said that the city of Jericho should be accursed and that all should perish except Rahab and her household. These should be saved because of the favor that Rahab showed the messengers of the Lord. The word of the Lord to the people was: "And ye, in anywise keep yourselves from the accursed thing, lest ye make yourselves accursed, when ye take of the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it." "And Joshua adjured them at that time, saying, Cursed be the man before the Lord, that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in his first-born, and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it." 3 Testimonies p. 264 They were devoted alright, to idolatry. But they were accursed by God. Remember Samson, and how he killed a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass. What did he say after the fight? The KJV quotes him this way: And Samson said, With the jawbone of an ass, heaps upon heaps, with the jaw of an ass have I slain a thousand men. Judges 15:16 KJV But the NIV puts some rather crude words in his mouth. It reads, 'with a donkey's jawbone I have made donkeys of them.' What is the meaning of this text? Saul reigned one year; and when he had reigned two years over Israel, Saul chose him three thousand men of Israel; whereof two thousand were with Saul in Michmash and in mount Bethel, and a thousand were with Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin: and the rest of the people he sent every man to his tent. 1 Samuel 13:1 & 2 KJV 69

It seems pretty clear, don't you think? It is telling about the beginning of Sauls reign as king. Why would anyone want to change anything here? However, the strangest thing happens with verse one. Compare it with as many of the other versions as you can find. Here is what I have found: Saul was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned over Israel forty two years. NIV Saul was fifty years old when he became king, and he reigned over Israel for twentytwo years. NEB Saul was a young man when he became king, and he ruled Israel for two years. CEV Saul was...years old when he began to reign; and he reigned ... and two years over Israel. RSV Saul was forty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned thirty-two years over Israel. NASB Saul was ...years old when he became king and he reigned ... (two) years over Israel. NAB Saul was thirty years old when he began to reign and he reigned for forty years. Clear Word Saul was a child of one year when he began to reign, and he reigned two years over Israel. Catholic Life Edition What do we do with this? Can God have so many versions of the same text? Is He the author of confusion? How can all these bibles be correct? The German Bible by Luther matches the KJV in this verse. Why do you suppose that is? Which of these bibles is correct and which ones are not. There are 4 different ages for the beginning of his reign and there are 6 different ones for how long he reigned. Two of them are unwilling to commit to anything. One says he was an infant when he began to reign and reigned until he was three years old. The Reader's Digest version just omits chapters 12 through 14. Remember that every fact has its bearing. The lives recorded in the Bible are authentic histories of actual individuals. From Adam down through successive generations to the times of the apostles we have a plain, unvarnished account of what actually occurred and the genuine experience of real characters. It is a subject of wonder to many that inspired history should narrate in the lives of good men facts that tarnish their moral characters. . . . The inspired writers did not testify to falsehoods to prevent the pages of sacred history being clouded by the record of human frailties and faults. Conflict and Courage p. 7 70

The Bible is the most ancient and the most comprehensive history that men possess. It came fresh from the fountain of eternal truth, and throughout the ages a divine hand has preserved its purity. It lights up the far-distant past, where human research in vain seeks to penetrate. In God's word only do we behold the power that laid the foundations of the earth and that stretched out the heavens. Here only do we find an authentic account of the origin of nations. Here only is given a history of our race unsullied by human pride or prejudice. Education p. 173 The Word of God is to be our guide. About the truths that this Word contains there is no guesswork. Let us not leave this unerring guide in order to seek for something new and strange. . . . There are many such doctrines that have not for their foundation, "It is written." They are but human suppositions. It was with the word "It is written" that Christ met every temptation of Satan in the wilderness, and armed with this weapon, He could say to the enemy, "Thus far shalt thou come, and no farther." That I May Know Him p. 210 Oh, dear reader, I plead with you to have discernment. Know your Bible! Read it. Compare it. Ask yourself why those changes were made. What I'm sharing with you is not all there is. Many will tell you that the Bibles are all alike and that one is as good as another, but have you studied to prove that to your own satisfaction? In a few more years, how many more versions will there be and how many more changes will there be in them. Please study! Ask the Lord to give you a love for reading His Word. Not books about the Bible but the Bible itself. He will answer your prayer. Don't give in when you are tempted to think that the Bible is boring or that you don't have time. Make time, your salvation is found in God's Word. Ask the Lord to give you a love of reading His word. He will answer and give you a love of the truth. Men act as though they had been given special liberty to cancel the decisions of God. The higher critics put themselves in the place of God, and review the Word of God, revising or endorsing it. In this way, all nations are induced to drink the wine of the fornication of Babylon. These higher critics have fixed things to suit the popular heresies of these last days. If they cannot subvert and misapply the Word of God, if they cannot bend it to human practices, they break it. . . Upward Look p. 35 God knew that Satan would try every art to destroy man; therefore He caused His word to be written out, and made His purposes in regard to the human race so plain that the weakest need not err. After having given His word to man, He has carefully preserved it from destruction by Satan or his angels, or by any of his agents or representatives. While other books might be destroyed, this was to be immortal. And down near the close of time, when the delusions of Satan should increase, it was to be so multiplied that all who desired might have a copy, and, if they would, might arm themselves against the deceptions and lying wonders of Satan. Bible Echo and Signs of the Times 08-10-96


Paul in the book of Galatians wrote this: 'I would they were even cut off which trouble you.' Galatians 5:12. What did he mean by this statement? Ellen White explains it very clearly in 5T p. 243. She wrote this: False teachers had brought to the Galatians doctrines that were opposed to the gospel of Christ. Paul sought to expose and correct these errors. He greatly desired that the false teachers might be separated from the church, but their influence had affected so many of the believers that it seemed hazardous to take action against them. There was danger of causing strife and division which would be ruinous to the spiritual interests of the church. He therefore sought to impress upon his brethren the importance of trying to help one another in love. He declared that all the requirements of the law setting forth our duty to our fellow men are fulfilled in love to one another. He warned them that if they indulged hatred and strife, dividing into parties, and like the brutes biting and devouring one another, they would bring upon themselves present unhappiness and future ruin. There was but one way to prevent these terrible evils and that was, as the apostle enjoined upon them, to "walk in the Spirit." They must by constant prayer seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, which would lead them to love and unity. Nevertheless, some bible translators would have you believe that Paul wished these people something else. The RSV and NASB say that he wished that they would 'mutilate themselves'. The NIV quotes him thus, 'would go the whole way and emasculate themselves'. The NEB reads, 'make eunuchs of themselves'. The CEV reads, 'would not only get circumcised, but would cut off much more! '. Does any of this fit the picture of a Christ like character? No! Paul meant these people no physical harm but that they would no longer trouble the church. But I guess it fits the thinking of people that would (and did) cut out this part of Christ's words: 'bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you ...' Matt. 5:44, or this text: 'But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.' Mark 11:26 How accurate is the history found in your bible? Let's compare a couple of texts. 1 Kings 22:38 in the KJV reads: And one washed the chariot in the pool of Samaria; and the dogs licked up his blood; and they washed his armour; according unto the word of the LORD which he spake. 1 Kings 22:38 KJV The NASB adds this, '...his blood (now the harlots bathed themselves there), according. .. '. The NIV does the same thing. The RSV and the NEB say, 'and the harlots washed themselves in it...' and the CEV makes a similar remark. Where did this come from? How did his armor become harlots? In 1 Kings 10:28 KJV reads: And Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt, and linen yarn: the king's merchants received the linen yarn at a price. 1 Kings 10:28 KJV 72

The RSV reads, ...from Egypt and Kue, and the kings merchants procured them from Kue ...' The NASB, NIV and NEB say basically the same thing. The CEV says he bought horses and chariots from Musri and Kue with no mention of Egypt. Where are they getting these things and why are these changes put there? Back up to verse 22 of that same chapter. The KJV reads: For the king had at sea a navy of Tharshish with the navy of Hiram: once in three years came the navy of Tharshish, bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks. I Kings l0:22 KJV This list is repeated in 2 Chronicles 9:21. The NIV changes the peacocks into baboons. The NEB changes it to monkeys. Why? Is there a difference between being exiled and being in captivity? Yes. If someone is exiled, they are forced out of their country, they have freedom to locate somewhere else in another country, but if they are in captivity, they are kept a prisoner and have no freedom. 1 Chronicles 5:22 of the NIV, NEB, RSV & NASB all have the term exiled in place of captivity, which the KJV uses. If I said, 'Don't kill your neighbor' would it change the sentence if I were to add the word 'just' to the sentence so that it read, 'Don't just kill your neighbor'? Yes, it would! I would be saying go beyond killing your neighbor. In Romans 15: 1 in the NASB, we have an example of that kind of change. The KJV reads, We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Romans 151 KJV The NASB adds the word 'just' so that it reads, '...not just to please ourselves.' If I were to add the word 'merely' to my sentence above so that it read, 'Don't merely kill your neighbor.' Would the new sentence be different from my original sentence? Yes, it would mean just the opposite of the original. It too would mean to do more than kill your neighbor. Another text that the NASB has changed is found in 1 Peter 3:3. It reads, Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 1 Peter 3:3 KJV This is changed to read, 'And let not your adornment be merely external... Does that change agree with the example of Christ? No, he had one simple robe. Does it agree with the example of John the Baptist? No, he had a camel hair coat. Does it agree with 1 Timothy 2:9? No! 1 Timothy 2:9 reads: In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 1 Timothy 2:9 KJV Does it agree with the writings of Ellen White? No! She wrote this:


Self-denial in dress is a part of our Christian duty. To dress plainly, abstaining from display of jewelry and ornaments of every kind, is in keeping with our faith. Are we of the number who see the folly of worldlings in indulging in extravagance of dress as well as in love of amusements? If so, we should be of that class who shun everything that gives sanction to this spirit which takes possession of the minds and hearts of those who live for this world only and who have no thought or care for the next. 3 Testimonies p. 366. Does God kill? Yes, it is described as His strange act. He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked but He does kill. God says this of Himself in Deuteronomy 32:39: See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. Look at what happens to the following text in the NIV. The KJV reads: For we must needs die, and are as water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again; neither doth God respect any person: yet doth he devise means, that his banished be not expelled from him. 11 Samuel 14:14 KJV The NIV says, 'But God does not take away life; ...' Doesn't that contradict the KJV? Have you ever given any thought to the addition of the word 'wild' to the description in Genesis 1:24 & 25 of the animals in the garden of Eden as it is found in the NEB, NAB and NIV? If that were a correct rendering then why in Genesis 9:2 did God tell Noah that He would put 'the fear of you and the dread of you' in every animal? Is that a compromise with evolutionists? The Pope recently spoke in favor of evolution. In the next chapter, you can find more changes that support evolution in the new translations. The changes I present here are only a part of what I have found. Do you know what changes there may be that I have not presented, or that I have not noticed? How many texts are allowed to be directly contradictory to the KJV before someone should reject a bible translation?


Chapter 10 Easy To Read?

But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 2 Corinthians 11:3
While it is true that sometimes more modern terms have made some texts easier to understand in the newer translations and some terms in the King James have become nearly extinct, we need to move very cautiously so our doctrines are not compromised when choosing a translation. What I have seen however is a trade off. What we gain with some terms being made simple we lose somewhere else with another term becoming more difficult. Some examples of what I mean I will here diagram for you. The first column is words from the KJV. The second column is the equivalent word taken from another version. The third column is the scriptural reference and the version that the second term comes from. You be the judge. ARCHES --------------------- PORTICO* ----------------- EZ. 40:33 NIV CAPTIANS ----------------- PERFECTS* ---------------- DAN. 3:3 NIV, NEB, RSV & NASB COWON HALL ------------ PRAETORIUM* ----------- MATT. 27:27 NIV, RSV & NASB COUNTRY ------------------ PROCONSUL -------------- ACTS 13:7 NIV, NEB, RSV & RSV DISTRUCTION ------------- ABADDON ----------------- P S. 88:11 NASB DRINK OFFERING -------- LIBATIONS* --------------- PS. 16:4 NIV, NEB, RSV & NASB DUNG ------------------------ OFFAL* --------------------- LEV. 8:17 NIV &NEB FALSE ------------------------ MALICIOUS --------------- DEUT. 19:16 NIV FALSEHOOD --------------- DISILLUSIONMENT ----- PS. 7: 14 NIV FAN --------------------------- WINNOWING FORK ----- MATT. 3: 12 NIV, NASB & RSV FAN --------------------------- SHOVEL -------------------- MATT. 3:12 NEB FURLONGS ----------------- STADIA---------------------- REV. 21:16 NIV FURNACE ------------------- BRAZIER ------------------- GEN. 15:17NEB FURNACE OF EARTH---- CRUCIBLE------------------ PS. 12:6 NEB GIANT ----------------------- NEPHILM* ----------------- NUM. 13 :33 NIV, NEB, RSV & NASB GIANT------------------------ REPHAITES* -------------- DEUT. 2:20 NIV, NEB, RSV & NASB GIANT. ----------------------- RAPHA* -------------------- 2 SAM. 21:16 NIV GIVE -------------------------- ASCRIBE* ----------------- PS. 29:l NIV, NEB, NASB & RSV GIFTS-------------------------- TRIBUTE ------------------ 1 CHRON. 18:2 NIV GLUTTON ------------------- PROFLIGATE ------------- DEUT. 21:20 NIV GLUTTON ------------------- WASTREL ----------------- DEUT. 21:20 NEB GOVERNORS --------------- VICROYS* ---------------- DA N. 3:3 NEB GRAVE ----------------------- SHEOL* -------------------- PS. 30:3 NASB GREAT STORM ------------ F URIOUS SQUALL ----- MARK 4:37N IV GREAT STORM ------------ FIERCE GALE ------------ MARK 4:37 NASB GREAT STORM ------------ HEAVY SQUALL -------- MARK 4:37 NEB 75

GROVE75 ------------------- ASHERAH POLES* -------- 1 KINGS 16:33 NIV GROVE ---------------------- ASHERAH* ------------------ 1 KINGS 16:33 NEB, RSV, CEV &NASB HOLY CROWN ------------ SACRED DIADEM --------- EX. 39:30 NIV HOLY CROWN ------------ ROSETTE -------------------- EX. 39:30 NEB LIBERTY -------------------- MANUMISSION ----------- EX. 46:17 NEB MEASURE------------------- SEAHS ----------------------- 1 KINGS 18:32 NIV MESSENGERS ------------- DELEGATION ------------- 1 CHRON. 19:2 NIV MOLTEN IMAGES -------- EFFIGIES* ------------------ IS 41:29 NEB NARROW LIGHTS -------- CLERESTORY ------------- 1 KINGS 6:4 NIV NARROW LIGHTS -------- EMBRASURES------------. 1 KINGS 6:4 NEB PENNY ----------------------- DENAMUS ----------------- MATT. 20:2 NIV, NASB & RSV PERFECT -------------------- CONSUMMATE ----------- JOB 37:16 NEB PIECE OF MONEY -------- FOUR-DRACHMA COIN--MATT. 17:27 NIV PLAINS ---------------------- TEREBINTHS -------------- GEN. 18:l NEB PORCH ----------------------- PORTICO* ------------------ 1 KINGS 7:12 NIV PORCH ----------------------- PORTICO* ------------------ JOHN 10:23 NASB, RSV & NEB PORCH ----------------------- COLONNADE* ------------ JOHN 10:23 NIV PORCH ----------------------- VESTIBULE* -------------- 1 KINGS 7:12 RSV & NEB POSTS ------------------------ JAMBS* --------------------- EZ. 40:24 NIV PRIDE ------------------------ INTRIGUES ----------------- PS. 31:20 NIV PRINCES -------------------- SATRAPS * ------------------ DAN. 3:3 NIV, NEB, RSV & NASB PRISON ---------------------- GAOL* ----------------------- IS. 24:22 NEB PROUDLY -------------------ARROGANCE -------------- PS. 17:l0 NIV PROVOKE ------------------ E XASPERATE ------------- COL. 3:21 NASB STRIKER & GREEDY---- PUGNACIOUS -------------- 1 TIM. 3:3 NASB REMEMBERANCES ----- MAXIMS --------------------- JOB 13:12 RSV ROSE ------------------------ ASPHODEL ----------------- SONG OF SOLOMON 2:1 NEB SEASONS ------------------ EPOCHS ---------------------- DAN. 2:21 NASB SERVANTS ---------------- VASSALS -------------------- 1 CHRON. 19:19 NIV SHERIFFS ------------------MAGISTRATES* ------------ DAN. 3:3 NIV, NEB, RSV & NASB SLIME ---------------------- BITUMEN --------------------- GEN. 11:3 NEB SNAIL ---------------------- SKINK -------------------------- LEV. 11:30 NIV STORE---------------------- KNEADING TROUGH ------ DEUT. 28:17 NIV, RSV, NASB & NEB STRONG ------------------- BESEIGED -------------------- PS. 31:21 NIV SOUTH --------------------- NEGEV ------------------------ NUM. 21:1 NIV SWEARING---- ------------A DJURATION--------------- LEV. 5:l RSV SWIFT SHIPS ------------- REED BUILT SKIFFS ------ JOB 9:26 NEB SWFT SHIPS -------------- SKIFFS OF REED------------ JOB 9:26 RSV TOLD ----------------------- CONSCRIPTE ---------------- 2 CHRON. 2:2 NISI UNBELIEF ---------------- INCREDULITY --------------- MARK 16:14 NEB UNRULY ------------------ TRACTABLE ------------------ JAMES 3:8 NEB WARN ---------------------- DISSUADE--------------------- EZ. 3:18 NIV WHOLE BAND ---------- WHOLE COHORT------------- MATT. 27:27 NASB WHOLE BAND ---------- WHOLE BATTALION -------- MATT. 27:27 RSV WHORE ------------------- PROMISCUOUS --------------- DEUT. 22:21 NIV WINDOWS --------------- D OVECOTES ------------------ IS 60:8 NEB WINGS -------------------- PINIONS ------------------------- DEUT. 32:11 NIV, NEB, NASB & RSV

WISE MEN ---------------- M AGI* ------------------------ MATT. 2:1 NIV & NASB WISE MEN ---------------- ASTROLOGERS*------------ MATT. 2:1, 7, 16 & 17 NEB WONDERS ---------------- PORTENTS ------------------- JOEL 2:30 RSV & NEB

* These terms are used in several texts. The one used here is an example.
This list is not all that there is on this subject. This reflects a very brief survey of the changes from simple terms to more difficult ones. I have not here included times when several difficult words replace one or two easier words. The question may come to mind, "Why did they do that? Why did they make some words more difficult?' You need only to look at the copyright laws to find your answer. You see the writers of other translations wanted to make money off their version and to do that they copyrighted the book. The original KJV text has no copyright. To copyright a new version they have to make it significantly different from all others. Therefore, each new version goes further and further away from the original. You may notice a copyright note in your KJV, but it refers to the marginal notes, maps and extra study helps they have added and not to the text itself. This one law has made it 'necessary' for the new versions to differ both with the KJV and with each other. Where is the interest of the translators of your bible? Is it to edify the reader or is it to make money? I will cover more of this subject in Chapter 14.


Chapter 11 What Doth the Lord Require?

He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8
The most important thing to be gained from the Bible is our eternal salvation. That is the whole purpose of God for us on this sin-polluted world. The Bible was written for us that we might know what God's will is for us. Ellen White wrote this: Enoch, the seventh from Adam, was ever prophesying the coming of the Lord. This great event had been revealed to him in vision. Abel, though dead, is ever speaking of the blood of Christ, which alone can make our offerings and gifts perfect. The Bible has accumulated and bound up together its treasures for this last generation. All the great events and solemn transactions of Old Testament history have been, and are, repeating themselves in the church in these last days. There is Moses still speaking, teaching self-renunciation by wishing himself blotted from the Book of Life for his fellow men, that they might be saved. David is leading the intercession of the church for the salvation of souls to the ends of the earth. The prophets are still testifying of the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow. There the whole accumulated truths are presented in force to us that we may profit by their teachings. We are under the influence of the whole. What manner of persons ought we to be to whom all this rich light of inheritance has been given. Concentrating all the influence of the past with new and increased light of the present, accrued power is given to all who will follow the light. Their faith will increase, and be brought into exercise at the present time, awakening an energy and an intensely increased earnestness, and through dependence upon God for His power to replenish the world and send the light of the Sun of Righteousness to the ends of the earth. Selected Messages Book 3 p. 339 Satan, our enemy, would like nothing better than for us to be lost. That is his goal and he is more active now than at any other time for he knows he has a short time. He would love to have the whole world, even the very elect, caught in his web of destruction. He does not want us to overcome sin. He wants us unprepared for the judgment. He uses different deceptions for different minds. For one it might be to convince them God's standards are not as high as they thought. For another it might be to convince them God won't kill them, or they are saved no I matter what they do. For another it might be God's requirements are no longer binding. For another it might be to excuse their sin and keep them in sin. He has many ways of accomplishing his goal, and he has had 6,000 years of practice at his deceptions. If he were to imitate Gods written word with a counterfeit, we might expect to see some of these deceptions incorporated


into his counterfeit. So what do we find in the modern translations in regard to our salvation and our Christian duty? Let's compare a few texts and see. Is prostitution or homosexuality in any form permitted by God? The KJV in Deuteronomy 23:17 & 18 says: There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow: for even both these are abominations unto the LORD thy God. Deuteronomy 23:17 & 18 KJV But the NIV, CEV, RSV, NASB, NEB and NAB all make allowance for prostitution and sodomy. Just as long as it isn't a 'cult', 'temple' or 'shrine' prostitute. They claim that there were people that were part of the pagan religions of that time that were, as part of the religion, prostitutes and that this is what God objected to. Throughout these versions of the bible, this change is done... How many sodomites and prostitutes will read those bibles and see that they need to repent and change their lives? Won't they look at it and say, 'Well, my 'job' or my 'sexual preference' is not related to any pagan religion, so I'm okay.' Will they be found weighed in the balances and found wanting? The Bible says: Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 1 Corinthians 6:9 KJV If God required us to be perfect, what would Satan want? Wouldn't he want us to be less than perfect? Yes. I have seen many mature people in nursing homes. They are very mature but they are not perfect. Mature people can be very hateful and full of sin. So when God say, 'But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.' (James 1:4) is it really fair to replace perfect with mature? No! That is what the NIV, CEV & NAB change the word perfect to in this text. What does it mean to be perfect? Christ says, 'The disciple is not above his master: but everyone that is perfect shall be as his master.' Rather than this text giving us a definition of a perfect person the RSV says, 'every one when he is fully taught... When reading this version, how will one know how to be perfect or that it is even asked for by God? Many versions will replace the word perfect for 'blameless'. But is that the same? One can have secret sins that only they and God know. While having those sins they can be in good standing with other people. But as long as those sins remain in their life they are not perfect by God's standards. To me it seems to soften what is asked by God. Is ours a prosperity gospel? Does God promise earthly riches? No, it is the heavenly things that He promises. Well, that is if you believe the KJV. However, if you rely on the NEB, RSV and NIV people are promised their fortunes restored in the following texts. The KJV reads: That then the LORD thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath scattered thee. Deuteronomy 30:3 KJV Turn again our captivity, O LORD, as the streams in the south. Psalms 126:4 KJV

And the coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah; they shall feed thereupon: in the houses of Ashkelon shall they lie down in the evening: for the LORD their God shall visit them, and turn away their captivity. Zephaniah 2:7 KJV At that time will I bring you again, even in the time that I gather you: for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, saith the LORD. Zephaniah 3:20 KJV In Proverbs 8:18 and 21:21, the word righteousness is changed to prosperity in the NIV & RSV, why? Does God want righteous people or rich people? What is mercy? My Webster's dictionary has 'Forbearance from inflicting harm; disposition to exercise compassion; pity; forgiveness; the power to be merciful; a merciful act, as of God; compassionate treatment.' If I were to show someone mercy it would mean that I would be kind to them. An example of the word used in the Bible would be this one: With the merciful thou wilt show thyself merciful, and with the upright man thou wilt show thyself upright. 2 Samuel 22:26 KJV Mercy is not the same as faith. Someone can have faith in something and not be a merciful person. Nevertheless, the NIV changes this text and replaces the word 'merciful' with the word 'faithful'. Why? This same text is repeated in Psalms 18:25, and in both places they make this change. I would not want to lose a text that spoke of God's mercy. We need His mercy. The RSV and NEB change it to 'loyal'. A bank robber can be loyal to a fellow bank robber but he is not merciful. Christ said: But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; Matthew 5:44 KJV When the other versions were written, someone decided that He didn't really say that. When they copied this verse, they wrote it as, ' your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.' So what happened to 'bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you ... them which despitefully use you'? If that really didn't belong, God didn't mention it to Ellen White. She used it in about 20 places. Here is one: "Love your enemies," He bade them; "bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven;" "for He is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil." "He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." "Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful." Matthew 5:44, 45; Luke 6: 35, 36. 8 Testimonies p. 286 80

Satan would like us to manifest an unkind spirit. He delights to see professed Christians being anything but Christ like. Wouldn't it please him for us to miss this important lesson? He would like us to have a spirit of un-forgiveness too. Did you know that this text is missing from many Bibles?: But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses. Mark 11:26 If this verse didn't belong, why does the numbering of the verses skip number 26 in the other bibles? The numbering in them reads, 24, 25, and 27. It is that way with most of the other verses that are missing. Why? Repentance is an important aspect of the Christian life. The Bible says: I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance. Luke 15:7 KJV If repentance brings joy to heaven, it is bound to upset Satan. Matthew 9:13 and Mark 2:17 quote this of Jesus: But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Matthew 9:13 KJV When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Mark 2:17 KJV Why though are the words, 'to repentance' removed from the NASB, NIV, RSV, CEV, NAB and NEB? The NAB says that He didn't come to call 'self righteous but sinners'. Does that mean that the self-righteous are not sinners? Those people He was talking to were sinners. They were also selfrighteous. He was calling them to repentance. Without the words, 'to repentance' what was He calling them to? To join His club of unrepentant sinners? What does the Bible say about the love of money? Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death. Proverbs 11:4 KJV And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Matthew 19:24 KJV And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! Mark 10:24 KJV 81

Why is, 'for them that trust in riches' removed from Mark 10:24 in the NASB, CEV, RSV, NEB, NAB & NIV? Christ is telling us how to enter heaven. Is that important? Trusting in riches instead of God is where so many of us fail. How are we sanctified? The Bible records Christ saying this: And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. John 17:19 KJV Is being 'sanctified through the truth' the same as being 'truly sanctified'? I don't think so. The first one tells how to be sanctified; the other one just makes a statement about the genuineness of the sanctification. The first one is from the KJV; the second one is how the NIV renders the text. To follow Jesus we must do something. Christ says: Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me. Mark 10:21 KJV What does it mean to take up our cross? It means giving up those things that stand between us and serving God. It means taking a life of humility as Christ did. It is the will of God that each professing Christian shall perfect a character after the divine similitude. By studying the character of Christ revealed in the Bible, by practicing His virtues, the believer will be changed into the same likeness of goodness and mercy. Christ's work of self-denial and sacrifice brought into the daily life will develop the faith that works by love and purifies the soul. There are many who wish to evade the cross-bearing part, but the Lord speaks to all when He says, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me" (Matt. 16:24). Lift Him Up p. 171 The above text, Mark 10:21 in the NIV, NEB, NASB, CEV, RSV & NAB has, 'take up the cross' missing. Do you think that pleases those mentioned in the quote above that wish to evade the crossbearing part? However, unless we take up that cross we will not experience that Christlikeness we must have to be in heaven. I am aware that this cross bearing is mentioned in several places but I can't help but wonder how long before it will be removed from them when future translations are made. What would we have then? There is no excuse for sin, or for indolence. Jesus has led the way, and he wishes us to follow in his steps. He has suffered; he has sacrificed as none of us can, that he might bring salvation within our reach. We need not be discouraged. Jesus came to our world to bring divine power to man, that through his grace, we might be transformed into his likeness. When it is in the heart to obey God, when efforts are put forth to this end, Jesus accepts this disposition and effort as man's best service, and he makes up for the deficiency with his own divine merit. But he will not accept those who claim to have faith in him, and yet are disloyal to his Father's commandment. We hear a great deal about faith, but we need to hear a great deal 82

more about works. Many are deceiving their own souls by living an easy-going, accommodating, crossless religion. Nevertheless, Jesus says, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." Signs of the Times 06-16-90 What is the 'beauty of holiness'? The term is used four times in the Bible. We have heard the hymn, 'worship the Lord, in the beauty of holiness'. How many of us have given any thought to where the phrase comes from and what it means. One example of it is Psalms 29:2, which reads: Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. Psalms 29:2 KJV This outward splendor, pomp, and ceremony, that only mocks the longings of the sinsick soul, is an evidence of inward corruption. The religion of Christ needs not such attractions to recommend it. In the light shining from the cross, true Christianity appears so pure and lovely that no external decorations can enhance its true worth. It is the beauty of holiness, a meek and quiet spirit, which is of value with God. Great Controversy p. 566 Somehow, for me that does not convey the same idea as 'holy array, which is the term used in the RSV and NASB, or the term, 'holy attire' found in the NAB. I'm sure that the priests of some churches consider their clothing holy attire or holy array. One of the definitions for array I found in my dictionary is 'rich or beautiful apparel'. That seems to be just the opposite of the quote above. It is the holiness that is beautiful, not the clothing of our mortal bodies being holy. A Christlike character is what it is. The CEV reads, 'Worship the Lord, Majestic and holy'. There is no mention here of our need to be holy.

Heavenly Reward and Promises

What has God promised you, a mansion? Or are you getting just a room? Maybe that is a one-room apartment. If you choose to believe the NIV, CEV or RSV you will get just a room. If you choose the NEB, NASB or NAB you won't know for sure what you are getting until you get there because you are promised a 'dwelling place'. It might be a shack on the edge of town, it might be a grass hut, or maybe it is limbo. If you would rather have a mansion then perhaps the KJV is what you would prefer. When you consider the death of some of the martyrs, don't you think they deserve more than just a room? Christ said, Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Matthew 5:12 KJV That sounds like more than a room. If it were just a room, God didn't bother to tell His prophet Ellen White. Repeatedly she refers to the mansions of heaven. Here is just one of the many examples: The great God, whose glory shines from the heavens, and whose divine hand upholds millions of worlds, is our Father. We have only to love Him, trust in Him, 83

as little children in faith and confidence, and He will accept us as His sons and daughters, and we shall be heirs to all the inexpressible glory of the eternal world. All the meek will He guide in judgment, the meek will He teach His way. If we will walk in obedience to His will, learn cheerfully and diligently the lessons of His providence, by and by He will say: Child, come home to the heavenly mansions I have prepared for you. 4 Testimonies p.653 In Early Writings in her first vision given her, she was shown the houses that the righteous would live in when the Holy City would be brought to this earth. With Jesus at our head we all descended from the city down to this earth, on a great and mighty mountain, which could not bear Jesus up, and it parted asunder, and there was a mighty plain. Then we looked up and saw the great city, with twelve foundations, and twelve gates, three on each side, and an angel at each gate. We all cried out, "The city, the great city, it's coming, it's coming down from God out of heaven," and it came and settled on the place where we stood. Then we began to look at the glorious things outside of the city. There I saw most glorious houses that had the appearance of silver, supported by four pillars set with pearls most glorious to behold. These were to be inhabited by the saints. In each was a golden shelf. I saw many of the saints go into the houses, take off their glittering crowns and lay them on the shelf, then go out into the field by the houses to do something with the earth; not as we have to do with the earth here; no, no. A glorious light shone all about their heads, and they were continually shouting and offering praises to God. Early Writings p. 17 That sounds like more than a room to me. To whom does God wish to give His blessings? All of us or just a few? Everyone, right! Well, maybe not. It depends on which bible you read. The KJV says, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14 What if you use the NIV? Then it is restricted to 'men on whom his favor rests.' If you use the Living Bible then the peace is for 'all those pleasing him. The RSV & NASB says, 'men with whom he is pleased. The CEV says, 'everyone who pleases him.' The Clear Word says, 'those on earth who receive his son.' How long will Christ be with you? The KJV says, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:20 Isn't that a wonderful promise? This world has not ended so this promise applies to us, right. However, if some translators are correct this promise has expired. You see, it only goes to the end of that age not the end of the world. The NIV, RSV, NASB and NKJV say that the promise is only to the 'end of the age'. That age was before the dark ages so it doesn't apply. Of course the 84

disciples of these bibles weren't looking for the end of the world, see Matthew 24:3. In these bibles, the disciples are quoted as asking Jesus when would be the end of the age. Do you like the following words of hope? For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. Matthew 18:11 KJV Isn't that a good promise? Wouldn't we all be lost without Christ? Well, the writers of the RSV, NIV & CEV have removed this text from those bibles. I want all of God's promises! Don't you? I wonder how many other promises that God has given us have been changed or diminished.


Chapter 12 The Sanctuary Message

Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God? Psalms 77:13
Is the sanctuary of the Old Testament important to us? Should we be concerned about what is written about it and what was done in it? Ellen White wrote much on the subject. Here is a sample of many of her instructions: Those who would share the benefits of the Saviour's mediation should permit nothing to interfere with their duty to perfect holiness in the fear of God. The precious hours, instead of being given to pleasure, to display, or to gain seeking, should be devoted to an earnest, prayerful study of the word of truth. The subject of the sanctuary and the investigative judgment should be clearly understood by the people of God. All need a knowledge for themselves of the position and work of their great High Priest. Otherwise it will be impossible for them to exercise the faith which is essential at this time or to occupy the position which God designs them to fill. Every individual has a soul to save or to lose. Each has a case pending at the bar of God. Each must meet the great Judge face to face. How important, then, that every mind contemplate often the solemn scene when the judgment shall sit and the books shall be opened, when, with Daniel, every individual must stand in his lot, at the end of the days. Great Controversy p. 488 The ministers of God are not to be content to remain in ignorance of the deep things of his word. Many do not make any progress in attaining knowledge; they are slothful servants, who do not realize the importance of the truth for this time. They fall easily under temptation, and are content to meet a low standard. They are not self-sacrificing, because they have not the spirit of Christ. They do not become more and more efficient in the work, because they do not become more and more intelligent in the Scriptures of truth. They do not seek to place themselves in harmony with the work of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary, where he is making an atonement for his people. While Christ is cleansing the sanctuary, the worshipers on earth should carefully review their life, and compare their character with the standard of righteousness. As they see their defects, they should seek the aid of the Spirit of God to enable them to have moral strength to resist the temptations of Satan, and to reach the perfection of the standard. They may be victors over the very temptations which seemed too strong for humanity to bear; for the divine power will be combined with their human effort, and Satan cannot overcome them. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 04-08-90


This is the great day of preparation, and the solemn work going on in the sanctuary above should be kept constantly before the minds of those employed in our various institutions. Business cares should not be allowed to absorb the mind to such a degree that the work in heaven, which concerns every individual, will be lightly regarded. The solemn scenes of the judgment, the great day of atonement, should be kept before the people, and urged upon their consciences with earnestness and power. The subject of the sanctuary will give us correct views of the importance of the work for this time. A proper appreciation of it will lead the workers in the publishing houses to manifest greater energy and zeal to make the work a success. None should become careless, blinded to the wants of the cause and the perils that attend every soul; but each should seek to be a channel of light. 5 Testimonies p. 420 In 1844 our great High Priest entered the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary, to begin the work of the investigative judgment. The cases of the righteous dead have been passing in review before God. When that work shall be completed, judgment is to be pronounced upon the living. How precious, how important are these solemn moments! Each of us has a case pending in the court of heaven. We are individually to be judged according to the deeds done in the body. In the typical service, when the work of atonement was performed by the high priest in the most holy place of the earthly sanctuary, the people were required to afflict their souls before God, and confess their sins, that they might be atoned for and blotted out. Will any less be required of us in this antitypical day of atonement, when Christ in the sanctuary above is pleading in behalf of His people, and the final, irrevocable decision is to be pronounced upon every case? Selected Messages Book 1 p. 125 The earthly sanctuary was God's visual aid to explain to man the plan of salvation. It kept before the people the painful results of sin with the sacrifices. As you study it, you can find many truths and prophecies that pointed to Christ, both His sacrifice and His work in heaven now, and also what God desires of us. The typical service was the connecting link between God and Israel. The sacrificial offerings were designed to prefigure the sacrifice of Christ, and thus to preserve in the hearts of the people an unwavering faith in the Redeemer to come. Hence, in order that the Lord might accept their sacrifices, and continue His presence with them, and, on the other hand, that the people might have a correct knowledge of the plan of salvation, and a right understanding of their duty, it was of the utmost importance that holiness of heart and purity of life, reverence for God, and strict obedience to His requirements, should be maintained by all connected with the sanctuary (ST Dec. 1, 1881). Bible Commentary Vol. 2 p. 1010 Every part of the sanctuary had a purpose. If it is an example of the sanctuary in heaven as is written in the book of Hebrews then its description should be consistent. The colors used in the sanctuary represented a part of God's character and His plan for our redemption. The red represented blood.


This heifer was to be red, which was a symbol of blood. It must be without spot or blemish, and one that had never borne a yoke. Here, again, Christ was typified. The Son of God came voluntarily to accomplish the work of atonement. There was no obligatory yoke upon Him, for He was independent and above all law. The angels, as God's intelligent messengers, were under the yoke of obligation; no personal sacrifice of theirs could atone for the guilt of fallen man. Christ alone was free from the claims of the law to undertake the redemption of the sinful race. He had power to lay down His life and to take it up again. "Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God." 4 Testimonies p. 120 The Lord says: Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 1:18 KJV The yellow gold represented love and faith. The gold mentioned by Christ, the True Witness, which all must have, has been shown me to be faith and love combined, and love takes the precedence of faith. Satan is constantly at work to remove these precious gifts from the hearts of God's people. All are engaged in playing the game of life. Satan is well aware that if he can remove love and faith, and supply their place with selfishness and unbelief, all the remaining precious traits will soon be skillfully removed by his deceitful hand, and the game will be lost. 2 Testimonies p. 36 Christ in Revelation speaks of the gold this way: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. Revelation 3:18 KJV The blue represented Gods' law. Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue: And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do them; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring: Numbers 15:38 KJV However, the NEB changes the word blue to violet throughout the Old Testament. The NASB changes it in 2 Chronicles, Jeremiah and Ezekiel even though the Hebrew word used is the same as the blue used in other parts of the Bible. I looked up the word violet in the dictionary and found that it is blue mixed with a little red, in other words it is a blue purple. In Crayola Crayons the word 88

violet is used for a mixture of blue and red (i.e. purple). Is the word blue too archaic? Why is this color changed? Is blue too difficult to understand? Many times that this word is used it is right next to the word purple. Where in the Bible do we see the colors purple and scarlet mentioned without blue? In the descriptions in Revelation of the woman on the beast and that great city. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: Revelation 17:4 KJV And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! Revelation 18:16 KJV Now if blue represents God's law, then the church above is represented as not having God's law. Instead, we see the colors of blood and the mixture of blood and law. Therefore, by changing the color blue Satan can make God's true church look like the church described in Revelation. What was on the outside of the tabernacle? Ram skins and badger skins. See Exodus 25:5. Unless you are reading the NASB. In that bible, it is ram skins and 'porpoise' skin. Tell me, how did the Israelites catch these porpoises? Did the porpoises jump out of the Red Sea while they crossed it? Common sense tells you this term used is wrong. Most of us that have even the briefest study of the sanctuary would know there is a difference between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. It is understood that the Holy Place is the first part of the temple that contained the candlestick and the showbread. It is a specific place and is distinct from the Most Holy place where the Ark of the Covenant was located. Nevertheless, these distinctive labels are blurred in some instances in the NIV and the CEV. In Leviticus 16:16, 20, 23, 27 & 33 the term 'holy place' is changed to Most Holy Place. If God's way is in the sanctuary, as it says in Psalms 77:13, would it please Satan for the information about the sanctuary to be obscured? Yes, it would. Look at the verse at the beginning of this chapter in another translation. If what this text in the KJV says is true, we can learn of God's way by studying the sanctuary. However, the NIV, NASB, Living Bible, CEV, NEB and RSV make no mention of the sanctuary. They say that God's way is holy. While that is true, an important truth is lost. The chain of truth is broken.


Chapter 13 Paraphrases and Testaments

Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. Deuteronomy 4:2
The writers of the books of the Bible were moved by the Holy Spirit to write. The warnings of God are that we should not diminish from it or add to it. If each generation before us were to add to or take from God's Word at will what would we have? Moses, being the writer of the first five books of the Bible, would be the most obscure. By the time of Christ, would the writings of Moses be reliable? To that add the almost 2000 years since Christ and again consider that each generation was to add or subtract at will from the Bible, what would the final edition look like? The Reader's Digest version is an extreme example, but what if each generation took that kind of liberty and subtracted 40% of what was written. Matthew 1:17 states that there are 42 generations from Abraham to Christ, if we just take those 42 generations and the five books of Moses, what would we have if we removed just 1% from those books during each generation? We would have 42% removed from it. That would be the equivalent of all of Genesis and most of Exodus. What if we added 1% of our own ideas to the text, wouldn't the text look very different from what it is now? What if each generation just sat down, imagined themselves into the stories, and just wrote what came to mind. Moreover, what if their 'translation' was the only surviving one from their generation? What would we have? Would it be accurate? I'm reminded of the game I played as a child called Gossip. A row of people begins at one end to relay a statement from one person to the next until it reaches the other end. The statement can be said only once. When the remark reaches the other end of the line the last person says aloud what they heard. I don't remember a time when the final remark had any resemblance to the original. That is how the Bible would be if care is not taken in adding or subtracting from it. God has preserved it from such things happening, but Satan is continually attempting to obscure what God has made plain. How freely paraphrases are written is disturbing to me. One author in his preface equivocates on the literal understanding of creation and uses what is called 'interpretive freedom'. Another says that his translation cannot be used as a basis for doctrinal disputes. Can we really put our trust in a translation for doctrine that is written by someone who doesn't take God at His word when He says, "The evening and the morning were the first day?" If he doesn't have even that much faith in God, why should I trust this author? Moreover, if I cannot use a bible for doctrinal purposes what good is it? I wouldn't even feel safe reading it for 'devotional' as some people argue. Why take the chance with our eternal life? This is an eternal life and death subject. We should want to know who God really is, not what someone else imagined Him to be.


The work called the Clear Word is one man's notes made from his own personal study. I am sure they were a great benefit to him and I would hope that everyone would spend as much time in God's Word, but to take ones personal notes and call that a bible does not seem right to me. I know that it is now called a Clear Word Paraphrase which is more honest but, it is still considered by many to be a 'bible' and it is still sold in the bible section of our stores. Why? I have seen the users of these trying to prove doctrine from them. By doing that, are we not putting ourselves on the level with the Jehovah's Witnesses in producing, using and preaching from our own Bible? Aren't we like the Mormons who have their own 'scripture', the Book of Mormon if we extol a particular paraphrase? The paraphrases I have looked at follow, with few exceptions, the reading of the other bibles mentioned in this book. The NIV, NASB, NEB, RSV and CEV are more commonly followed than is the KJV. However, this paraphrase goes beyond those using 'interpretative freedom'. One example of that is in 1 Kings 22:38 of the Clear Word. The KJV reads: And one washed the chariot in the pool of Samaria; and the dogs licked up his blood; and they washed his amour; according unto the word of the LORD which he spake. 1 Kings 22:38 KJV The Clear Word reads: As they were washing his chariot by the pool of Samaria where the prostitutes of the city came to get their water, dogs came and lapped up Ahab's blood just as the Lord had said. Then Amon, the mayor, released Micaiah, the prophet of God, from prison. But Zedekiah, the false prophet, who had slapped Micaiah hid himself in the back room of one of the houses just as Micaiah had said he would. Where did all this extra stuff come from? Is this 'interpretive freedom' or is this what happens when someone 'visualize' themselves 'into each biblical scene'? What about the 'hollow pillars' used in the building of the sanctuary found in Exodus 26:32. The KJV makes no mention of these pillars being hollow. Is God's earthly representation of His heavenly sanctuary a cheap imitation? or is the heavenly sanctuary made with hollow material? What would that say about God? Does He cut comers? The story of Samson in Judges 16 makes me wonder too. This doesn't agree with any of the translations of the Bible in several places. In verse 9, we are told in the KJV that the men that were lying in wait were 'abiding in the chamber'. The Clear Word says that one man was in the next room while the rest were outside. This same idea is repeated in verses 12. Words are put in Samson's mouth in verse 11. Verse 21 in the KJV reads: But the Philistines took him, and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; and he did grind in the prison house. Judges 16:21 KJV The Clear Word says:


He went after the Philistines but they could tell that he wasn't the same as he had been before. So they jumped on him, wrestled him to the ground and tied him up. Then the Philistines put out his eyes and took him to Gaza on the coast where sometime before he had carried away the city gates. They put his ankles and wrists in shackles and put him to work pushing the arm of a 'huge millstone to grind grain. Verse 28 of the KJV reads: And Samson called unto the LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, 0 God, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes. Judges 16:28 The Clear Word reads: Then Samson prayed to the Lord and said, "O Sovereign Lord, I have asked you to forgive me my sins so many times, I believe you have forgiven me. So please give me back my full strength just one more time. I want to let these Philistines know that their god is nothing. Besides, why did they have to gouge out both my eyes and bring me here to make fun of me?" Does the Clear Word version live up to its name in the following verse? The KJV reads: Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matthew 7:15 It reads, 'Some spiritual leaders seem to be very interested in the things I'm telling you, but you can't always be sure which way they're leading you.' How about Matthew 24: 1 l? The KJV reads: And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. Matthew 24:11 The Clear Word reads, 'False preaching will be going on everywhere, and many people will be deceived.' What happened to the false prophets? With this 'bible' a person can claim to be a prophet of God and the Bible texts warning about false prophet won't be there to guide people. These are just a very few of the many changes in this book. How do we know that the rest of the book is true? Maybe, I could write my own version and add that Delilah painted Samsons face with a clown face while he was asleep. Wouldn't it be as good as what we see here? Whos to say that my 'translation' of the bible is wrong? Could it be that these two texts are applicable here? To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah 8:20 KJV


But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2 Peter 2:1 KJV I just don't get it! Why are we so easily led? Joseph Smith was a Mormon and he wrote his 'scriptures'. Mary Baker Eddy was Christian Scientist and she wrote her 'scripture'. I guess we need ours too! Is that it? We are supposed to be the people of the Bible. Line upon line, precept upon precept should be our motto. We should be people of the real Bible! Now I want you to know that I care very much for Jack Blanco and perhaps his study was helpful to him, but what he wrote cannot be called a Bible. Moreover, being a Seventh-day Adventist doesn't mean one is always right. His opinion is just that, his opinion. If the Bible doesn't say that someone said or did something I am on dangerous ground if I tell others that those people did it. We should let the Bible speak for itself. If you are as some people I have shared my concern with I might hear you say, "Well, the King James translators made additions, just look at the italicized words in the texts." I agree, they did add some words. However, in humility and respect for God's word it has been italicized so that the reader would know what was added and what was not. They gave the reader the choice to take their rendering or if they chose, they could read the text without their words. They were honest about what they did. However, look what the other versions do. If you put them to the same standard that you put the KJV then they have added to the text too but you no longer know what is theirs and what original text is. They don't make a distinction. Consequently, you are led to believe that all those words were in the original text. Often we say that we want Bible study to be easy. That is often the reason for the interest in a paraphrased version. We want it on our terms. However, the Lord wants us to search the scriptures. He never promised that understanding it would be easy or that the meaning would be right on the surface. The Bible says this in Matthew 13:10, 11 & 15: And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, "Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given ... For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them." KJV Further, on in verses 44-46 our Lord likens it to hidden treasure and a pearl of great price. It is by searching that we will find the treasures of God. Things that we consider to be of the greatest value are those things we work for. When you work hard to own your own house, you care for it. The same is true of the truths of the Bible. God could have put it all out in the front, a list of rules, but it would not have the value for us. In my own experience, I have found that a verse means much more to me and I remember it longer if I have to look up a difficult word that I don't understand. I remember it because I have to work for it. 93

Christ's hearers could choose to understand by asking questions or they could pass over what He said. We can ask the Bible questions by praying and asking the Holy Spirit to guide us and then by reading other passages on the same subject. We are to think about it. In the same way that we eat a meal, we are to eat the Word of God. Break it up, and chew it. Don't just swallow it whole. A word study, allowing the Bible to speak for itself is one valuable way we should study. "Here a little and there a little" the Bible says. When I take this approach with a paraphrase, it is nearly impossible because the words are so different. Many think that they must consult commentaries on the Scriptures in order to understand the meaning of the word of God, and we would not take the position that commentaries should not be studied; but it will take much discernment to discover the truth of God under the mass of the words of men. How little has been done by the church as a body professing to believe the Bible, to gather up the scattered jewels of God's word into one perfect chain of truth? The jewels of truth do not lie upon the surface, as many suppose. The master mind in the confederacy of evil is .ever at work to keep the truth out of sight, and to bring into full view the opinions of great men. The enemy is doing all in his power to obscure heaven's light through educational processes; for he does not mean that men shall hear the voice of the Lord, saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it."[ISA. 30:21.] Christian Education p. 85 Compare the number of pages of your KJV with the Clear Word bible. The foreword of the Living bible I have has this quote in it, "We caution those who wish to engage in theological disputes not to use this volume." They say that most people who chose that version will not be interested in technical and theological things. On the subject of the publication of Bible parts like the New Testament or Psalms or one of the gospels I will refer you to these quotes: Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old. Matthew 13:52. In this parable, Jesus presented before His disciples the responsibility of those whose work it is to give to the world the light which they have received from Him. The Old Testament was all the Scripture then in existence; but it was not written merely for the ancients; it was for all ages and for all people. Jesus would have the teachers of His doctrine diligently search the Old Testament for that light which establishes His identity as the Messiah foretold in prophecy, and reveals the nature of His mission to the world. The Old and the New Testament are inseparable, for both are the teachings of Christ. The doctrine of the Jews, who accept only the Old Testament, is not unto salvation, since they reject the Saviour whose life and ministry was a fulfillment of the law and the prophecies. And the doctrine of those who discard the Old Testament is not unto salvation, because it rejects that which is direct testimony of Christ. Skeptics begin with discounting upon the Old Testament, and it takes but another step to deny the validity of the New, and thus both are rejected. Bible Commentary Vol. 5 p. 1094 94

The two witnesses represent the Old and New Testament Scriptures. Both are important testimonies to the origin and perpetuity of the law of God. Both are witnesses also to the plan of salvation. The types, sacrifices, and prophecies of the Old Testament point forward to a Saviour to come. The Gospels and Epistles of the New Testament tell of a Saviour who has come in the exact manner foretold by type and prophecy. Spirit of Prophecy Vol. 4 p. 188 With these references in mind, I will not spend much time in writing about them. One that most closely matches the New Testament of the KJV is the one done by George Lamsa. It is translated from the Eastern Text. It is very readable. Goodspeed on the other hand has some unusual things about it. Like the fact that John 7:53 through John 8:12 is missing. The version I have has it in a parallel form with each page having both the KJV and the 'American Translation' side by side. On the pages that these texts are missing from, there are big blank spaces. In fact, there are several places where there are blank pages on that side while the KJV has text. Some of the texts missing are Matthew 16:2-3, 18: 11, 23: 14, 27:35(end), Mark 6:11(end), 7:16, 10:44 & 46, 11:26, Luke 22:19(end) & 20, 22:43-44, 23:17, 23:34 (beginning), 24:12, John 5:4, Acts 9:5(end), 24:7 and 1 John 5:7. I have not looked very closely at this but these are what I have found at a glance. I'd like to close this chapter with this very important quote: Satan is watching that he may find the mind in an unguarded moment and so get possession of it. We do not want to be ignorant of his devices, neither do we want to be overpowered by his devices. He is pleased with the pictures that represent him as having horns and hoofs, for he has intelligence; he was once an angel of light. Those who trust in their intelligence he will make believe that they can correct the Scriptures. You are going to meet this infidelity in high places. You need the Holy Spirit of God, the divine power to cooperate with you to discern the trap that the devil is preparing, and escape it. He is going to lead the religious world captive (see 2 Thess. 2:11). How dare they to lay their sacrilegious hands upon the Scriptures! We must bring the Sabbath of the Lord to the front. It is so plain, and so decided. It is a sign between the children of God and the children of the world. . . . Upward Look p. 101


Chapter 14 Men or Wolves?

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; Ephesians - 4:14
Who are the 'translators' of some of the bibles we have in our libraries? Do you know anything about them? Do they love the Lord? Do they love God's Word? Here is a quote from one of them on .the subject of the Received Text from which the KJV is translated: "Think of that vile Textus Receptus". That is from LIFE OF HORT vol. 1 p.2 11. Here is a quote from another, 'No one now, I suppose, holds that the first three chapters of Genesis, for example, give a literal history. I could never understand how any one reading them with open eyes could think they did." LIFE OF WESTCOTT vol. 2, p. 69 The Bible asks the question: Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 KJV Do you think it's too harsh to call them unbelievers and infidels? Here are more quotes: "I wish I could see to what forgotten truth Mariolatry bears witness." WESTCOTT "But the book which has most engaged me is Darwin. Whatever may be thought of it, it is a book that one is proud to be contemporary with...My feeling is strong that the theory is unanswerable. If so, it opens up a new period." HORT Can you put your faith in a bible that is written by people with these ideas? I refuse to do so! These men lived in the 1800s. They were behind the translations that the NIV, NASB, NEB, RSV, NAB, CEV & Living Bible come from. They worked subtly. That effort they began is being taken further and further with each new version.


I challenge you to contact a Catholic bookstore and see if you get the same answer I got when I asked if they sold the old KJV. I was told sternly that they 'only sell Catholic bibles'. When I asked what bibles they sell, I was told: NIV, NASB, NEB, NAB, RSV, NKJV & Living Bible (among others). Now if those are "Catholic bibles" what are you reading from? Are you a Protestant? When Satan could not induce all the angels to revolt against the law of God, he made the earth the scene of his rebellion, and through the man of sin seeks to carry out his diabolical purpose. Through the Papacy, the Roman power, the man of sin, the purpose of Satan is carried out among men; the law and the time of God are set aside. In this we see that Protestantism is giving encouragement to popery; and false systems of worship, against which our fathers manfully opposed themselves, imperiling even property and life, are fostered and cherished and encouraged to extend and gain wide influence. Protestants do not search their Bibles as they should, and do not heed the warning that has been given concerning the work of the man of sin. The Roman Church claims that the pope is invested with supreme authority over all bishops and pastors, and this claim of supremacy was once denied by Protestants. They took the position that the Bible, and the Bible alone, constituted the rule of faith and doctrine, that the Word of God is the only unerring guide for human souls, and that it is unnecessary and harmful to take the words of priests and prelates instead of the Word of God. Signs of the Times 02-19-94 If these men are Mariolaters, hated the Received Text and translated what Catholic bookstores call 'Catholic bibles' are we not following the man of sin? Will there ever be a time when we will be deprived of our Bibles? We are told there will: Study the Word of God. Commit its precious promises to memory so that, when we shall be deprived of our Bibles, we may still be in possession of the Word of God. l0MR 298 (1909) Last Day Events p. 67 "May God help us to understand that we must be laborers together with him. Let us begin right here to be co-workers with Heaven. Let us put away the foolish readingmatter, and study the Word of God. Let us commit its precious promises to memory, so that, when we are deprived of our Bibles, we may still be in possession of the Word of God. Let us cultivate the attributes of earnestness, bringing into all our labors for others the simplicity of true godliness. When this experience of overcoming is ours, our labors for others will not be without fruit. Our position in life may be ever so humble, but through the co-operation of heavenly agencies, we may take with us through the gates of the city of God many who have accepted the truth through our efforts." Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 01-06-10 The time will come when many will be deprived of the written Word. But if this Word is printed in the memory, no one can take it from us.--MR760 24 (1906). Last Day Events p. 67


How might that happen in a country where there are so many Bibles? I have dozens of them of many different translations. There was a time when I only had one or two King James Versions. The rest of them were NIV and the Good News New Testament. When there was a request for Bibles to give to prisons I remember giving away several of my favorite KJV. One, to this day I especially regret giving away, I had from childhood. What if I had not replaced them with another KJV? I am convinced I would be without a Bible. Do you have a King James Bible? I saw that young and old neglect their Bibles. They do not make that book their study and the rule of life, as they should, especially the young. Most of them are ready, and find plenty of time, to read almost any other book. But the Word that points to life, eternal life, is not perused and daily studied. That precious, important book that is to judge them in the last day, is scarcely studied at all. Idle stories have been attentively read, while the Bible has been passed by, neglected. A day is coming, of clouds and thick darkness, when all will wish to be thoroughly furnished by the plain, simple truths of the word of God, that they may meekly, yet decidedly, give a reason of their hope. This reason of their hope, I saw, they must have to strengthen their own souls for the fierce conflict. Without this they are wanting, and cannot have firmness and decision. Spiritual Gifts Volume 4B p. 20 I call upon the young men who are entering the ministry to search the Scriptures for themselves. Know for yourselves what is truth. Do not accept any man's theories as authority. This has been done by ministers to the injury of their experience, and it has left them ignorant and strengthless, when they should be wise in the Scriptures and strong in the strength of God. Take your Bibles, and weep and pray and fast before the Lord. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 10-29-03 I urge my brethren and sisters to read their Bibles as they have never yet read them. The evidences that we are in the last days are being given us right in our own ranks. Some who have become self-sufficient, and have rejected the counsel of the Lord, are being left to follow their own human judgment. Let those who have been influenced by the words and works of such, discern the signs of the times, and see in these men the very ones of whom the apostles have warned us. And as we see these predictions being fulfilled before our eyes, 'may we be led to a more earnest study of the Scriptures, and to a determination to believe and to teach the word of the living God. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 03-26-08 Let us follow all the light. Let us resist temptation as Christ resisted it. In the day when every case will be forever decided, there will be many who will wish that they had studied their Bibles more, and more fully met its requirements. Will you not lay aside the story magazines, and study the Word of God? At such times angels of heaven are right around you to strengthen your understanding. We need to have God come into our families; we want our children to be saved. Our schools that are established should be giving an education in the things of God. The students should be learning how to escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 01-21-09 98

I would like to refer the reader to this quote from Upward Look. It is so important that we understand what is written here. Prayerfully consider this: We do not study the Scriptures as much as we should. Instead of spending our time in studying the various themes of the day we need to devote that time to the study of the Scriptures. We want to come on our knees before God with our Bibles and ask for wisdom from God to comprehend the treasures of truth. We cannot have root in ourselves unless we do this, for everything is to be shaken that can be shaken. . . . Satan is watching that he may find the mind in an unguarded moment and so get possession of it. We do not want to be ignorant of his devices, neither do we want to be overpowered by his devices. He is pleased with the pictures that represent him as having horns and hoofs, for he has intelligence; he was once an angel of light. Those who trust in their intelligence he will make believe that they can correct the Scriptures. You are going to meet this infidelity in high places. You need the Holy Spirit of God, the divine power to cooperate with you to discern the trap that the devil is preparing, and escape it. He is going to lead the religious world captive (see 2 Thess. 2:11). How dare they to lay their sacrilegious hands upon the Scriptures! We must bring the Sabbath of the Lord to the front. It is so plain, and so decided. It is a sign between the children of God and the children of the world. . . . We do not know how soon we shall be singled out as not being law-abiding citizens, because the prince of the power of the air is getting possession of the minds of men. We can choose between obeying the powers that be, and dishonoring God, or disobeying the powers that be, and honoring God. If we obey God, His Holy Spirit is resting upon us, and we are not fighting with our own assertions, but with "It is written." All we have to do is to go back to the fourth commandment. Read the testimony of Jesus Christ that not even a little dot was to be altered, but it is just as written by the finger of God on the tables of stone. We should love the truth because it is truth. It every difference or not, You may be summoned to the courts, and in these emergencies think on the Saviour's promise: "I am there." We cannot stand on sliding sand, but we can on Christ Jesus. And we can stand there though the whole world may be arrayed against us. . . . God has covenanted, and He will be with His people. Manuscript 11, March 28, 1893, "Search the Scriptures." Upward Look p. 101


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