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7 SPSS R RHE Ly eRe rear Ree Scanned with CamScanner (ire) @Mohammed_En100 pl Stillalidy eal! Jol © I sawavery(exciting/excited) film on TVIastnight. ec This bookis very (bored/ boring). | fall asleep whenever | trytoread it © wewere very (frightened/frightening) when our Carbrokeinthe desert € Itwas the most (frightened/ frightening) day of mylife € He'savery(interested /interesting) Person.He has lots of great stories to tell. € what's the most (excited / exciting) thing you have ever done? € sheisnotvery(interested/ interesting) infashion é€ The lecture was so(boring/ bored) that | almostfelt asleep. € my flight was (tired/ tiring) because it was atwelve hour's flight & He's aVery (interested/ interesting) man. He's travelled all around the world © Have youseenthat film? it's really (frightened/ frightening) é she was Very (annoyed / annoying) with him for not fortellingherthe truth. 3—_——\ 0. h/t i sbgaiad yaingg abil Joi day st Egegal doll dao lye Jie atlallaaolaine yer laiitl aes @Mohammed_Eni00 plyStillatids peaii cll ¢ Ican'tremember when | (tookup/it) (putinthe correct order) © Can You( Pick up/it)? (Put phrasal verb in order) © Mostsmokers (take up/it)as teenagers (Putinthe correctorder) Scanned with CamScanner € llike those shoes, Can! (try/on/ them)? (Putinthe Gorrectorder). © Can You (turn down/it? (Putinthe correctorder) © They'il(Pickup/him) from the air Port. (PutPhrasal Verbin order) © Canyou/the music/turn down? (Putin thecorrect order). é This Pencilis really old. You can throw away/it (correct the form ofthe verb) © Hi /turn down /it/ina minute. (Putin the correct order) These trousers were too long so(I/tookup/them)tomake them fit. (Putin the ‘ correct order). g Smokingis terrible. You Should (give/up lit) (put inthe correctorder) @ Stamp- Collecting is anice hobby, when did You: (it/up/take)?(Putinthe correct order) @) !can'tremember when! (tookitup/tookupit) € @ Can You (turnitdown/ turn down it)? @ Fii(turn downit/ turn tdown)inaminute ; Albautl Jos dary! esdoalb dats! ‘ — vo em100 ply SLU BLS Le 2¢>g0 Jaullg to) po cll> Spats @ Mohammed _| @ she (wear) glasses, butnow she has contactlenses (use thecorrectformof : usedto) He (like) going out, form of:used to) © tlike) travelting, There (be) ahouse, from of usedto) He (have) his haircutatthe hairdressers, butnow his wife cuts it for (use the rrectformof"usedto”) ; - Films (be) black and white, but now they are usually in Colour. (Usethe correct ilms formof"usedto"). mms Scanned with CamScanner butnowhe always wants to stayat home (usethe correct put! don'tlikeitany more( use:usedto) butthey knocked itdown twoyearsag.(Usethe correct \(drinks) coffee every morning, butnow! drink tea(use the correct form of usedto") Ee \(have) long hair, but now! have short hair. (Use the correct of "usedto") = __ 4 she (not/be) so thin, but she got Veryill last yearandlost alotofweight(use the correct form of use to) E Cities (notbe) Polluted (usedto) Girls (not go) to School (use:useto). She(not/ talks) so much, but nowshe neverstops talking (usethe correct form of usedto). we (not walk) around talking on these Silly mobile things like You people today (usethe correctform of "used to") Ee He(notlike) Chinese food, but nowhe lovesit(usethe correct form of “usedto") @ (giris/gotoSchoo!)? (Question withusedto) @ (You /go) towork by car? (Use: usedto) 1G) He (have) his hair cut atthe hairdresser's, but now his wife (Cut)itforhim. 'G | (have) abicycte, but someone (steal) tlast week. (Usethe correctform of [use toJand the presentorpastSimple) @ usedtohaveabicycle, butsomeone(steal)itlast month. (Usedto) G ‘There (be) ahouse here, butthey (knock) itdowntwoyearsago.(Usetho ‘correct form of “usedto "and presentor past simple). GE ‘Salwa eat) meat, butnow she(be)avegetarian (usedto) E€ she(smoke), butshe(give) up afew years ago. (Usethe correct form of used to” and presentor past simple) GC Did You(useto/ used to) fight with your brother when youwere little? she(doesn'tusetotalks/ didn'tuse to talk) much, but now she neverstop talking, Ee she didn't (used to. fuseto) beso thin, butshe gotvery ill last yearandlost Scanned with CamScanner Aleul Gwaluw) anol © exxr=—-: Ossi dliadl Jide legge dolatldestyo flodilermbire yocladial aes uo @Mohammed_En100 pl,Stillatias 2990 Joly Und 9) pu lls gait © Thefiimis(wonderful/ wonderfully) directed, @ The Story was (beautifully / beautiful) written. € we hope that we can live (Peaceful/ Peacefully) together. @ Sara (carefully / Careful) liftedthe box. € The Picture was (beautiful/ beautifully) Painted. © He drives the car (Careful / Carefully), © wedream ot living (Peaceful/Peacefully) together gnesg Abul LaF ly! pgetgally deol aealyo fle ailolldusLiive yo pledidl aes pe @Mohammed_En100 plyStillatias sg>90 Joly lindo! ancll> agaist (much/ma How (many/much) exercise does hetake a week? : How (much/ many) atime do youspend onyourhomework? € ) How (many/much) apples doyou need? © How (many/much)timeisteft? © Idon'tthink lean fit inthat Parking Place. There isn't(many/much) space @ How(many/much) meals do you eataday? € ) There weren't (many/much) People atthe meeting. © How(many/much) hour's sleep did youget the nightbefore? @ How(many/much) Sleep did yougetthe night? G ) How(many/much) times aweek do you washyourhair? EEE @ we needa (little/ few) more oranges. @ Putyourcaseinthecar. There'sstil.......... Space left.(afew/alittle) money do You Spend amonth? (How much/How many) Scanned with CamScanner © vegot(atew/alittie)worktofinish, socanyouwaltaminute? € There's ona(atew/alittle) orange Juice leftin the bottle. © thavemether (afew /alittle) times. © You'thavetowaita(few/little) minutes. @ weneeda(littie/ few) more fruitto take onthe Picnic. @ Therewere onlya(few/ little) People atthe Party © vemethera few little)times. G The teacher give us a(little/ few) time to prepare before atest. Gc ) Hurry up. Thereisn't......... time before the busleaving. (Use: alittle/much). @ there isn't(much/alittle) Spaceto put all the Stuff. 3. 49 -—______t I. @ Katia (Piay) football when he brokehisankle. (correct) @ Athieftook our clothes as we were (swim).(correct) € She toldus to be we (make)too much noise (correct theform ofthe ferb). @ \(Sit)inthe parkwhen Someone Kicked aballatme. é My Cousin hid my Purse under the stair while! (not /look)[putthe Verbin the correct order] € we were speeding when we (see) the Police Car (correct) c while my baggage (go) through the X-ray machine, | walked through the metal detector.(correct) é As he wasrunning, he(fall) down (putthe verb in the correctform). Gg while Salamwas driving too fast, a boy(run) on the road (correctthe Verb) ©) Hetwistedhis ankle whilehe (Play) football @ MyPhone rang whilewe (watch) the movie. (Correctthe Verb) @ Asshewasdoing the washing up, she (drop)on(correct) € | (think) about you and then you rang me. (Correct the verb). Scanned with CamScanner ¢ while Ali was havinga shower, somebody (Knock) atthe front door (correct ie form ofthe verb). g She (tell) us to be quiet as we were making too much noise (correctthe form ofthe Verb). Khaled was playing football when he (breaks) his ankle. (Correct the form of Verb) € Iwas eating breakfast and abird (fly) into the Kitchen. (Correct the form of the ferb) whenImetheratthe airport, Muna(wear) along blue dress. (Correctthe form of theverb. They (Camp) inthe desert whentheysawalarge Snake. (Correcttheform of Verbinthe brackets) AsShe (carry) the shopping fromthe Gar, my grandmother slippedand ke herankle (correcttheform of theverbin brackets) & Athiettookourciothes while we(ewim) (correctthe form of the Verb) My Sister hid my Purse underthe bed while | (not /look) (correct the form of jeVerb). € Iwas driving to hospital when my mobile phone (Ring)(correctthe form of Verb) Abeeflewinthe kitchen through the open window whilel (make) a birthday cake. (Correctthe form of the Verb) while | was eating breakfast, abird (flow) intothekitchen.(Correcttheform ofthe verb) while Ali (have) ashower, somebody knocked atthe frontdoor(correctthe form of theverb). G iwasice-skating and! (fall) over. (Correctthe formofthe verb) I(Clean) my roomand | (find) £30 undermy bed (put one Verbinthe Past ntinuous and oninthe past simple) she (tell) astobe quietaswe (make) toomuch noise, (Putone Verbinthe Past ‘simple and oneinthe Past Continuous) e MySister (hide) my Purse underthe bed while | (notlook) (correct) He (fall) overashe (come) down the stairs. (Puttheverb in bracketsinthe orrect form) @ while! (read) astory, | (hear) astrangenoise.(Gorrect) Scanned with CamScanner while Ali (have) ashower, some body (knock) atthe front door (correctthe rm of the Verb) @ Iwas thinking about you andthen You. She (walked / was walking) home from School when she heard the Police (Ringing /rang /rings). iren €& whilewe(swam/ were swimming), athiet took our clothes. © They... inthe desert when they........... Large Snake (Camp/see). @ Luckily, Sharita didn'tdrive very fast. The child raninto theroad.(Join use: when) <3—_—_—_—@\ to —______ GET. orang aliswdl Joslin)! Egsdgall declall dno|yo fle dill bambino yo clatter ye @Mohammed_En100 pS) EE pascal Jolly las gl po cll> aga G (Films/tunny/usedtobe) (use: as.....astomakea Comparison) @ (education / Good). Compare today with so years (Than) @ Doctors are (good / better)trained than they used to be @ families are not as (big/bigger)as before @ Doctors are notas (cheap /cheaper) asthey usedtobe @ Liteis notas (easy /easier)asit usedto be @ Doctors.are (well better) trained than they usedtobe 3 —————60\ h/0————————_9e @eduuiq ((useimperative togiveanadvice)) easyg alist Jodclayyl egedgall doll aealye Sls AalaIlbasLine (yo plait wey cya @Mohammed EntO0 plSiillatids KG gaovall Louls Lad gl zac cll> dg Getthem tested once ayear.(Usean imperative togive advice) toti ¢ D Teais better for yourheartand caneven loweryourblood pressure. an imperative to give advice) . Atleastaliter and half every day. Tea, Coffee. andsoftdrinks are not water (use an imperative to giveadvice) Scanned with CamScanner ... An average of eight hoursanightis about right. (Use animperativeto Qiveadvice) aes lt’ the most important meal of the day, (Usean imperativeto give advice) ..... Make Sure you are up todate with Vaccinations and take malaria Medication if necessary. (Use animperative to give advice) sonoma deally, do Sport three timea week foran hour. If youhate sport, gofora 0-minute towalk every day. (Use an imperative to dive advice) € .......Andbrush yourteeth three times aday. (Use animperativetogive advice) 84a eee ts ese) oA wilgag Jiguu aie © ¢ whatwas Zaid Tariq doing when theshark attacked him? They Bll dae Le Lose § ple ay} Jad IS file Zaid Tariq was floating on his airbed (a plastic mattress) ( dolboe shld) eiilgnll dialing te gab GS gpl} © why didZaid Tariqscream? or// why did Zaid Tariqstart praying? -pleally GU as5 hay lalad gf, Gyles} ¢ yo filed ~-Because he thought that he was dying. Signy GMS ail adic! © wherewasZaid Tariqand staying? S panda G yl 25 GIS Gut -AtSharm Elsheikh, Egypt pee, Bll aps Bo € whatdidthe Shark dotoTariq? Gols! gipBl Jad lite -bithisarm chs pace Scanned with CamScanner * was Zaid Tariq bitten bythe shark? $obpall yo pal Gylbay) 9p be -Yes, hewas apa aa © whatwas Zaid Tariq doing when he sawthe shark? pal gh Loni Gyles} Jods GIStile -He was swimming when hesaw the shark slayaill gly Loaiic essay IS PI Sader eT ne ae ferry Premise ge lol sa) (heard Tariq’s 443 old yoga. gis gl boat ylill Jc rescued sail figiacllS lil juy The Coastguard Jameel El Alawi golall {a> J>Igull p45 4155(Screams ©) whatSaved Tariq? gytb sail gill le Six dolphins Saved Tariq gylb Sail 545% dw ©) whorescued Tariqby boat? cyla gia ule Gal sail gill ge orwho heard Tariq's Screams andrescued him by boat? LEI he Le oiaily 5ylbe Elpo pas yo -The Coastguard, Jameel El alawi ggLall Jaa> Joga! pid @ what did Zaid tell the reporters from his hospital bed? jinésvesJl ja5-( (ibe -He told him that the shark wanted to have him for breaktast butthe dolphins Savedhim GBH (5388 N 5G yell Je gh aly asl loys! See rye eee Paget ETP @ ZaidTariqisatouristfrom Iraq Glpall a pila 3th 045 Zaidthought Perhaps his airbed hadhitapiece of word lS po debra lnghol 15 ApS Vall (Aig dialog) Qla5 QB © Zaid Tariqwasbittenby the dolphins (True/faise) Gadd! Mad yo saa S25 Gb a) Scanned with CamScanner eet rere les Pri ereriye ty ]) Zoid TariqW98 unum (a.abadswimmer,b.on holiday, c.working inEgypt). (ona Jasr-7- dle wi eau chil... iS Gale as} (a. bit the shark, b, madea lot of noise, c. protected Tariq) @ Sixaotphins.. (Gylla cauny> —¢ pladgedll je lS calne yyhryall ude |) gub%odins when Zaid Tariq got back tothedrylandhewastaken. (a. straightback tohis lotel, b. back tolraq, get medical attention) OS SEL Sa @ Tariqwasrescuedby, (ab dia 3 stg 8 die -f) yl cuss € when Zaid Tariq was attacked bythe shark, he (a- waslaying onaplastic mattress b-was ina boat, C-hititwithaPieceof wood) (a.two children, b.sea) (ilo dalle 1) Jad ya gt 5 4 ~ Protected Tariq (a. Sixsharks, b. Six dolphins) 929 ub pAll Sess pgnal gla} 5 pailosic (BN a dala da Ad ye 2 yb GIS Sita align aialing Le atin GIS -1) 4)0)954 Laila ggSlun” always be proudot him” //Lst @ whatdoes Mustafa's mother suffer from? Abooially jleilile (y2 -she suffers from: diabetes. ¢pSssi!l y)0 50 Jlai ett eee eet eer Oe Te Dv cer te tela) ocean © whywasLatita proud of Mustafa? jlacolaislyg5é adits ~ Because he was calm and intelligentand he saveherlife Lathe Sil9 S39 bale ols ail © why was Mustafa puzzled? |psriedbune yts ils - Because his mother didn'tcome into his roomin the morning Chal padi st ISS al ally ot Scanned with CamScanner © why mustafahadto stand Onachair? uM Le Sgigll JI dlress sls lila! ~To openthefrontdoorforthe Paramedics (yuasauoll alot plu aad * How did Mustafa openthe front doorforthe Paramedics? Gadassall pala ul ibacre gid aS ~ by Standingon chair yuiySil ule uigiglly © whywas Mustafa'smother unconscious? yesiadlé Alaane lp cls tila Or/why did Mustata’s mother lose Consciousness? FAI Abeaballg cass filed ~ Because the levels of Sugarinherblood had dropped Very low Hap adsl a5 tans 5 Sul pga gt € Howdid the Paramedics treat Mustafa's mother? pAbosre ball ypiassall alle wins ~ They gave her an injection to raise herblood. sugarleveltoregain Consciousness, Ungcg Ssleinud Lass 6 ySuull gia gay) did> lagbe! g How did the Paramedics know that Mustafa’s mother was diabetic? prSull Glos sbsdally | ogdeualldpeas ~The Paramedics knew that she was diabetic when theySpottedherinsulin user'sidentity card. Oslgasidl paSciune dg Ailey Iga Losie Sass! Spay dibne Lil lgate ase Gg what did Mustafatell the emergency operator? salle dikige laero 5451 like . -fatold the emergency operatorthathis motherwas sick andneededa gale I ging aids yo dilly Gl tgplgball dikign jalaere ya} ’ ‘hy was Mustafa the only one whocouldhelphis mother? Gillgdscbisa te pala arog gm place yl Iilel ~Because hisfather was away on abusiness trip Jacdley disse WS oallg st GB) whatdothe diabetics haveto do every day? PH SS Soll ydp0 fats idle -Haveinjection of insulin jug suidl yo aia> alain Scanned with CamScanner OPE erence ya ee ete elle Sy Tea eel terete iitlg ts leccul * Where did Mustafafind his mother? ally alana 429 (i! «He foundhismotherinher bedroom Usagi diyé ya dially arg Mustafa found his mother in the (a- Kitchen. b.bedroome- bath room). (plasdl~z pail aye ~ i faboall-l) Jaiallg tbcoary ‘> Mustafa found his motherin the kitchen (True/ false) guaall 4 dalarg Abe ‘> Mustafa found hismotherin herbedroom (True/false) lnagiddyé,d lascg <3—_———o.ra—_ (Far Perea ED) pias chy sah iadlg Land cally psig 5155 eal y cil y2 10 ciamg (A/3) JIpassy thins Hurts -Pills- take up- ankle-skin el te ei eek ee @ myvack hurts all thetime, itonly feeisokwhen|'mlying down dada gpStleaie Bape allay il abl adsl Jig Jali grabs GvVounavetotaketwoofthese Pills three timesaday Pah bolp0 45 salsa em Spo iil Joli Oliy most smokers takeup the habit of Smoking when theyare teenagers adalps IgigSs Loic (325 ailldole Qggay Quid sali abbas twisted my ankle Playing football paillayS cial a lols cugh Gre Skinon mylegsisvery dry jap ale alunale € I've gotaterrible headache. Can! have Some Painkillers aliSassall pies ole Jona jie Jo quad glace gal G@taiways Sneezewhen IputPepperon my food pla ule Jalil atl eae jue Laila bl @ my eyesareSoretromthe chemicalsin thePoo! quusall biog gall asia sigall jod> sale cline Scanned with CamScanner AD EDS cade ial! Aa ule ody guy adel slg Jl pach GLI Solel ga). all abil Gn Britain, the number of diabetics goes upevery Years ple JS ySaull eb p0sse gays. lulls 5 @ twisted myankle playing football. Pails al a lots Cush @ She Can't Play tennis; she has brokenher rightarm. Pessll lily) Sopaaas al gun!) aed Laisa a G@wrereexactlyis the pain andhowlonghave youhadit? AS oe GLI CS Cig 0 Sg aed IU alll om oul @ Hove You taken any medicationtorthe Pain? S ll cloagleulgtis tn GE smokingis destroying alot of people health Oulill dou (0 SI pos ada & Ican'tswallow. | have a Sore throat. Shall Sb lal ga alll asiat G@alicoveredhis mouth whenheSneezed Gites lie aad le ae & The Story was beautifully written ane JSiieydygiSe denall ils Scanned with CamScanner Have you gota Cold? No, lalways sneeze when.| Put Pepper onmyfood pala yf Jalal! gsdl esc suuere! Laila Lid 5 op2 Ajay Cocl Jom € We often say "Bless You "When somebody Sneezes Lo pass aula Losi "chy lil ely" pai loaie GE mviipsare really dry and sore do pAlagdiile li> jasis € The Skin on mylegsisvery dry sot have toPutthis cream on every day 92 JS pypSII lie gad! ol ary Lia vile alan aly G@wytocis bleeding, tcutiton aPiece of glassonthebeach bbl feels) dala ai y> si) sais oad ato! Wve gotaPaininmyknee - It's really Swollen Lo dindiie Lal Judy fall gai G@ the —— we take proper Cite of themselves pacsssdibrsgsaniliol aa Ds eduu on 2 Silla gia5 51 dogSal! isis 4 @ we don'tsay'Bless You" if Somebody Goughs ol Lea (31 chad al yl: gail Ee Cover Your mouth whenyou Sneeze @. Take two Pills with water aftereach meal Seg SS azsclalliee julie Jolt @) Surprised plate > puzzled jline Pushing gia; > Shaking j3/ a5.) 2) without Success 94> 94) > to noavail.gga> jg Scanned with CamScanner e€ The Police, fire department, ambulance > emergencyservices {s)IgbJl Gloa> € dropping (water, milketc...) > spilling wii ¢ medical helpers (not doctors not nurses) > Paramedics (judsuuall € woke up 4asiuu! > regainedConsciousness ,

immoral * Popular> unpopular * Pleased displeased * Pleasant > unpleasant (yrs) dls yS35(a/d/ cle). .615 Noli ag Lalesiiul (in) dis + Correct 3 incorrect Biliisoa>g jury lac + Connect >disconnect Stora gai Jladallagglalaaiaal (ir) * Regular+irregular Bal ages Jladallayg lalasianl (il) . jal > illegal Sasg Glitae 2 Like >dislike Af Laathgy Jl gatie J! Sle 439 (un) © Happy?unhappy Blsasghe © formal informal Scanned with CamScanner * Fair, unfair; Patient, impatient * Happy, unhappy; legal, illegal er La) uausdl a>lg gino (po dal SI Cri gS515! More aalSil dglasll assed! 3519] yuttede (po dolSN CaigS5151 (eu, irae yereery eva rer) er gus lad| auaflla>lpzbndolasiong>longer + sBy> OB aly ebado ) psiss yuny(a/e) Male jud)> lay ygbodigl.clean? cleaner er bid isdid 15g gbio Seiad A gLailly (€) lay ys 9 (a) Sige Jibadi sol abode csi Galarge > larger ghia Bp oll Be Laid so lg dle cdys dladg eine ciy> dunia big lI gilla Big > bigger (er) wapedig ayo! er edushig i Jl uldsd y you Andie happy JIgillay:Happy> happier + more icll dslall ascdid alodo ye y3SI Loy gil lay Beautiful > morebeautiful + ales Jitiatally * Big, bigger; funny, funnier + Fast,faster;Safe, Safer good, Well 44> > better Jail(4omc) bade > Worse gan! farss2) > farther ss! little Jul > less Jal safe, safer, good, better happy, happier; bad, worse Scanned with CamScanner wiilghiny aly eLiil Je gginy unit? "Cigarette advertising shouldbe illegal” Auigil ye 5955 Shan tual! Gel 0955 799 Ls [gale SLLAIL) Lng Sli 29 pLibial aS A>I Ciljzgi + Libis! @Mohammed_Enl00(dillafaaou ads plo + Lia!) Uli 02) BU crigull anal yas As Ailol bas lice ye cladidliey bo Loulg Uns ol aan aSle ygbgsii yas atiuidl yolad aSuush @Mohammed_Enl00 plSMalldtias!pSUi prov c | (mustn't/needn't) be back laterthan 8 o'clock tonight or my parent's @ Please put out your Cigarette you (mustn't/ must). Smoke in the hospital © You (must/mustn't/needn't) smoke inthe Police Station é when you getin a Car. You (must/mustn't) put on your Seatbelt © ) Hiba (needn't/mustn't) go to the supermarket today because Dana went Yesterday € You (mustn't/don't have to)smokein Police Station € Youare driving fast. You (have to/needn't) Slow down © There'sPetrotinthe CarSoYou(needto/ needn't) gotothe Petro! Station € You are driving too fast. You (must/mustn't)Slow down g ) Please putout YourCigarettes You (needto /mustn't)Smoke inthe Police tation é you(don'thave to/ must) pick me upinthe car. ligetthebus é€ ) Police officers (must /don'thaveto) prevent Crime é when yougetinacar, you (need to/ needn't) put onyour Seatbelt Scanned with CamScanner € You're driving fast. You(needto/ needn't) slowdown & There's Petrol inthe car, Soyou(have to/needn't) gotothe Petrol station. 1 (must/mustn’t) bebacktaterthan 8 o'clock tonight ormy parent's willbe angry @ You(don'thaveto/ needn't) giveme lift, iitake ataxi © Drivers (mustn’t/ don'thaveto) Jumpred Signals g You (mustn't / don't haveto) Speakstothe driverwhenthe bus is movingitis jangerous. Albaneedn't(go/goto) to the Supermarket today because Danawent ‘esterday @ ) Youmustn't (drove) without yourseatbelt @ Give advice dapai gael o Suggestions elisa! © ofter ps1) © politerequest vagal! alta! Ree @) Keep YourPassportina safe place (giveanadvice) @) (leave Keys inthe flower Pot).(Give advice) Peete cue ») Gotothe shops before the Planeleave. (suggestion) Buysome magazines before boarding the Plane (suggestion) Take ataxitothe airport (suggestion) Meetat 3:00 inthe departure lounge. (suggestion) ) Let's (watch/watched)thefilm, Help you with your baggage (offer). (openthe window)(offer, use "Shall”) AABAAAAA Scanned with CamScanner ce ctatees coo ¢ Give meyour Passport.(Politerequest) @ _showmeyour Passport(makearequest) é (see yourticket) (Polite request) é (getmeadrink of water) (Polite requestuse Woutd). Expectation Reet) @ Ivestudied hard forthetest, solthink!'ll Pass. (Expectation) g You havealways wanted tofly. Ithinkyouwill like theairforce (use hould/shouldn'ttoexpress expectation) é This is anew computer, so!think itis faster than ‘the other one.(Rewritethe sentence with should or shouldn't) € Youlike exercising, Soldon'tthinkyou'll have trouble getting fit(Expectation) € Theytrained hard.| don'tthink they willlosethe match. (Expectation) © | The hotels luxurious. Ithink youwillenjoy being there (Expectation) @ The Journey normally takes fourhourssal think we will getthere aboutsix (use: Should/shouldn't forexpectation) € ) Helearntaboutcomputersin the military. So, think he will beableto helpme fixmine (expectation) © Mary has somany friends, sol think there will bea verybig crowd atthe Party expectation) @ They leftthree hours: early, [think they willbe here bynow (Expectation) © Theylearntalot inthe military, soldon't think they'll have trouble gettingajob ‘©xpectation) € ) She's in 6th preparatory, think shewill graduate thissummer. (Expectation use "should”), © Salwahas prepared herself sowellforthe exam. | think she will. gethigh marks expectation) Scanned with CamScanner g Suzan has prepared herself sowell forthe exam, so! don't think she will fail expectation) The Police found fingerprints atthe: scene, sol think they will arrest the thief Soon.(Expectation) g Ilsendyouthe directions by e-mail. They are Veryclear.|don'tthink you'll ave any trouble finding us (Expectatian). @ Tom has prepared himself so well forthe exam. | think he'll Pass(Expectation) ¢ she's in 6th preparatory. she (Should/Shouldn't) graduate this Summer @ Hestudiedhard. He(should/ shouldn't) passthe exam. @ weletttwohours early. We (Should/shouldn't) missthe plane. € Therearesecurity Cameras inthe building. The Security guard should/shouldn't)seeifanyone comesin. & Police tound fingerprints atthe Scene, they (Should/Shouldn't) arrestthe thiefsoon. © we (Should/shouldn't)gotlost. We have aGPS Systemin our car. 3 —_§#_———ovo—_____te ee AE Te eer pity ‘Laity Coe ee nit) @) Mymotherasked somebody to Paintthe house. (Rewrite usingthe correct formofgetormake) @ ) laskedthe mechanic tochecksthe brakes. (Rewrite with the correct form of have /make) € APhotographer took her picture she (Re-write the Sentence using "have”) E ) lasked Somebody to cut my hair.(Rewrite using the correct form of "have") S ) APhotographertook a Picture of the witness. The witness. (Re-writethe sentence withthecorrectform of have") é ) Heasked Somebody to cuthis hair. (Re-write using the correctform of "get") ¢ ') Myfatherasked somebody tofixthe computer. My father....(Re-write with \ the correct from of have). Scanned with CamScanner herasked somebody to cleanthe car. (Re-write with thecorrectfrom myfather €.0; é My father: ; Somebody stole theirtelevision. They... (Re-writewith the correct fromof askedSomeone to fixthe computer. my father... (Useget) ave") Bobasked somebodyto: repairthe washing machines, Bob... (Rewrite with @ orem of got") urs Coe Lal SE Theyarrived late because of thetrafficjam. The trafficjam....(Completethe ‘sentenceuse: made). Theleaves fell because of the wind. Thewind......(Rewritewith the correct formof:make) He looked outside because he heard anoise(rewrite with the correct form of make) My mothertold me to turn down the music (Rewrite the sentence using make). &é Myfathertold me to clean the room (use the correct for form of “make”) ShyLas-al Igo she(got/made)herwindowfixed She had her Picture (take/taken) Thad my hair(cuts/cut) Somebody stole my television.! had my television. (Steal/ Stolen). Ihad mytelevision (Stolen /stole). The red Signal made him (stop/ stopped) The noise(made/had) her look outside she asked Somebody to fixthe window she got the window (fix/fixed) The wind made the leaves (fall/ fallen) AAAAA AAD AGA My father made me(wash/washed) the car Scanned with CamScanner eed ps sry erred er PRR PRPC erie ies Agi ¢ why do people have tofollowthe law? HLA gL ull Le any fated ~People have to follow the lawsothat wecan all live together safety lal Leo heal yo gSaii Jo gill Ela pulill de aes Prepare yecerte atari le cenye eae ul iecee eee, CN ree ceed @) Theduties of aPotice officeristo.. rdbpill blud ple —Directtratfic y9j0/14S p> psbaii - Investigate crimes gilpol yo Gani! -Prevent andsolvecrimesailpall [og aio —HelpPeople yulilloscluse ©) doPoliceotficers havealotof different duties? abel pleall ye A5I amyl will bid Jn - Yes, theydopmJ psi @ ) why mustn'tdrivers speed? Igc pansy Al cyatiLlaull Le ansliled -Because Speeding is one of the leading causes ofdeathonthe road Gap le gall Apagall sual yo bay deal 9 PR arla re re ele rele lee LCS OIL were € Howcan witnesses help the Polic Moy ogi aclu gy! hors lookslike orwhattime a crime was committed. ~Bytelling them what acriminal Kags cig gl yi gl ppralllgan dsSambish € ) whydosome officers directtraffic? Fygpal da aka flay pases abby Liles Scanned with CamScanner _tomakesurethathedrivers can use theroad accident. algal vopaill ge Aigmaanns al pascal paisag settle ast _ortoavoidaceidents. algal aia! -ortoletthe drivers drivesately (jlal gag. (ysd5luull faod € ) footprints and fingerprints can beused by police offersto the Criminal identify and ai apdllstallalazaad Jot ab pal ote Ju8 Ge ayleal lacayg phil tases lai (say poral te @ ) Police officers try to prevent and solve crimes Ailpall log ie db pris lad alot <3 @ 4a CeCe tt Ee tan hep erry uit @ wnatisaradar detector? Sal seaatsls gm Lo -Amachine that detects radarspeed guns. Ae pall puliddjmol je eas ps sisi all Leif @ Howdoes the radarspeed gunwork? sMalylljlm> Joss uass ~The radar Speed gun works by Sending radio Waves towards the Car Syluuull ga5 gus[ pl ile ge flay! Grp gc Jassail @ why doPoliceuse radarspeedguns? Ge pull yulsddjpmol db yall padduas fale! -tocatchthe Speeders ue guuall Le yall @) when wastheradarinvented? Moll Eli a5 So ~ Second World waror/ || World War AGU apalladl yt IS Scanned with CamScanner ) é How Can drivers avoid radarSpeed gun? pasa pula jn cain adil yay aS -Theyuse radar detectors thatdetectifaradar gunis being used nearby Soh de pssall guild jn oacdciansy (gS Il Lo dale ZI fal Makes Bjasl ygosdiuy aye € CanradargunstakePictures? spell Laid yaull yas ilnad say La - Yes, some cantake Pictures deal] BUI yaa pS asi @) RadarSpeed guns canbemaintainedifthey are checked and fixedregularly PUBGIL Leasleig laern dais gl de piall puliidjme! te bbiodl yes Jig certye rare Oe ete TETSU Oye cor) @ Radar gunsareused to Catch Speeders on theroads over 50 yearsago. Llc 50 50 ysl iio gpa Je Guesssuall Le saad fal Majnol padiaus @ Police department don't use radar guns any more (True/false) Ae pall pubs Lassie padtaut db pst asi € Radar gunsCanonly Calculate the speed of acar moving towards them True/false) pmgaicladi Uliyluall dca olurs bide pall pols olursuual Say € Some radargunsare shapeda bite like guns (True/false) dad! [Sb dass dc peel pubs Glivsine yaa ’) aradardetectormakes abeeping noise if it Senses a radarbeing usedin the area (true/false) adbaiadl 6 dc pull yulsd purassno o9>g1 pasts Sl plsgsd lal Ml dahl jacy © there are two main problems with radar detectors (true/false) shlllcastilgS aolgl phish GULie clio Scanned with CamScanner € Some People think radar guns don'twork well (true/false) sep Sally asi Hdepaall Lurssite of solid] ses sates ¢ police must betrained to use the radar gun correctly (true/false) cae J de aul gules ba asite plats le dla yiany € radar guns don'tneed any maintain (True /false) Miho Meliss A de pull Gulad olursis Pieneaas ¢ Don'tleave your Keys intheignition aah! Gao pila @ None of the missing Property has beenfound Sogdian all (0.61 ie sgiall ais al € footprints Can tell you whattype of shoes athief was wearing al lanai IS Baio gis pla Uhl SS OI Ses G_whenthePoice gttothe crime scene, theyfoundfootprintsand Sebeal laa 9 plll jUilga>9 ssa pall ago Jia yslull cubang Laie € ) Don'tleave your walletunattended onabus bench alll aside Acasilye seo cline iy ©) crowdedareasattract Pickpockets who try to Steal People’s wallets HUN Bale ai psu yolglos Guill Qullahil dam sjall Gbotiall uias c There is nothinginthe bag: It's empty Mojo Ril dda ae og @. anhide behind trees and bushes. CAlypatalla Lash elyg LES Galaull Say Scanned with CamScanner & @ Gg @2aMAAAAARAA A leo yak ail alll fasianal 0 tard The Police officer investigated the criminaland puthim inprison Graiaall yb dadyg pprvsl ae Gado Ab pslsll boul our company needstechnicians tosupervise new employees. Sag Qudlapall Je Igo paiaal uid JUS ci etins You must pay A finewhenyou getaticket. 35a de Jeasilasic dalyé ada yluins ) Arobbery occurred yesterday and Valuablethings Werestolen gad peal ad pasag jsolll glow dale aig ) The Police gotaCall about arobberylastnight ALS] ALU a asad Igo Zale Ue hall cals You mustn't drive Withoutyourseatbelton. OLell alm oar Syleuull edi Glan y If YouCommita crime, the police willarrestYou, Abo shal Mind a gas day p> AS55131 Drivers must obey the speed|imit. de pull sion ygdtlenll SEL Toy The Security guard saw the thieves because he was watching the Screen ALI salt GIS aid Joga oil guyl> gly 'fYouCommita crime, the Police willarrestyou ho pall cAdiad agassd dias p> cusSiy1 31 when youridea motorcycle, you must wearahelmet Biig& slaigl cake words idolys 95) sic You must let People Cross the street at a Pedestrian Crossing Blaine ye aie F LE ygemy uli clasuall acy The Land Force, the Navy and the AirForce are all branches ofthe ‘military Scanned with CamScanner a» Earls aipatigds sally a pall olgat @ Many People have insurance that Paysforthings that get stolon Ba paal elt aS ada, ual gnal gull 5a is @ Pickpocket Jui > a Person who steals money from yourPocket Lidone yo Jlall Gyn gill yas tal} empty £;la> Thereis nothing init al5a) es a2 5s2 witness saLisll > a Personwhosaworheard Somethingatthe time of acrime Fagpalhciig Laligad gas gl gly gill ashi unattended sil)ps j1¢ } Without Someone looking after it A AH Bly yada gl ogog (99 arrest Jc, 9318) PutSomeonein prison Gaul Loach ad They should be very Comfortable > because itis very nice hotel Ayal Sao GyolgigSs Glan aye aul) Jabs aid ) YouShouldn't have any trouble doing the work > Because itisveryeasy Saal pliaill 6 dlSaien of oly 9S O! aiid (ap Juans cist © Imustget up early tomorrow > Because! don'twanttobe late again. fae IySe0 Baul Sty $5150 561 Sl as3!8 58 @ shehasto lake wig: > wearauniformathernewjob . Sayre Lniaalig § 2>g0 6) elaiyl @ if he'sused computerbefore > He should know howto use this Software Jab 0 pages ps diaaay 15131 qalipsll im plain! dads pes hoy @) Youneedto getaspeciallicense > Todrivealorry wb esi eestiigtes — dinLivléalal A AA Scanned with CamScanner @ wemustn'tforget > Totake our passport oui alas Gpdian jlo 556 oh ©) teon'thaveto passa aul > leave So Soonly ,S5yaleall © |canspeakEnglishand Arabic > So should be able to talk tomost of the Visitors. Aayally SaplGAl utAMy Sool GiSas slg} plan Jltanill Ae [yslé 9S! ohne ©) Youncedn'ttakesomuch baggage> onaweekend trip dake ys p85 Jas Jl eins et Eguulll laidloy © Civilian j22> outside the military yuligy ©) dispose of js 2155-9 throw away a) @) Supervise il sist bein charge of ‘se Aybuue SS @ declare le: say youare carrying something you need to pay duty on dale pga gba yl ztind lias Jai clil yaya @ laws \jailga!| > Rules that everybody in the Country must follow Anclail aaa be gery @ investigate 32=i!-> Get informationaboutthe crime dazpell Jg> Cloglaall de Jao @ baggage dsied|-> Bags and suit cases that Carry Your Possession cline Joos Ziad ©) ttshouldn'ttake me more than 15 minutesto drive there-> Because there isn't much traffic ia il Jgogll 48915 0 pS] js Aly ju pl>sjlargid 5% ©) |tYousendthetettertoday-> Sheshould get itby Monday epall AlLawy cab HS Ont pg lngle Jonas laa © officer Ll > Someoneinahigher Position ame gigas osu . @ maintain ailia > Make sureit keeps working asi {33 Lail Scanned with CamScanner @ ‘You must be 18 years oldto(join/belong) the military hago! Ml adil 1B pre Ges Olay © inthe military, youcantakeatestto become an (officer/official) Uayle gull Lidtelp>| cliser sill Le € If You Pass the test, you have more responsibility and you (investigated/ supervise) other people Ocodh oldu Le apts duly h usall Jon ile Lida lim yb coma [al @) The Land force, the Navy and Airforce are all (branches/Types) of the military Shall dso £9 pd Lal dug aallg da youll ds pall algal © when youleave the military, youtraining can help youfind (Criminal/ Civilian) Apian dis g te Coll pou pail else lass 1 ySo9 sina si Leake € Themilitary needs People to(care for/ maintain) its equipmentand Vehicles Glycgdilaeediluad yulill JI Gina cling @ itis/that)is Samir Esam plas yeu fin € I'm Calling (about / because) youradvert in yesterday's Paper uel Bas y> A clinhe! yoga Leni bil € Good morning (isthat /are you)Mr.Hazim pj ssull pi zluo @) (couldispeakto/iwanttotalk to) Mr. Hazem? pile sual! aa cisodll Sas Scanned with CamScanner dais Peet) | office buildings office bldgs. Speak Englishand Arabic Spk.Engl.and Arab. avalable weekends rang eenee Appointment Street St. CEN yyw)! tS Fy inal jo gual Banat @ MaHi JG laill pd 9545 Lads Las tinal) 51 @) ells i1ldyé pat5 Abbreviations dals iysi pity @) - The abbreviation of Computer is co. ch eee eae ¢ Computer, Comp; 18 years, yrs . @) 18yrs.18 years; office bidgs.,officebuildings . gleakSal any gual gf ylenid- dl as jig doll cleans Lol) inal po Sosa Bani pid agi (40S GSS Uayyag é The abbreviation of (speak) is:SPK . } ges Jls absaill puiihd sisal Scanned with CamScanner Injured wiles Alerted jlait Investigate ja perty alerted, called; injured, hurt investigates, find out; Alerted, Called hurt, injured; find out, investigate detect 9 detector ushl< Secure > Security 4ila> teach D teacher ju)s0 rob robber gjluy AAA ARMA | * teach, teacher, rob, robber * detect, detector; Secure, security Security Gamera or quard aie! 8 21S metal detector ,)steall aiuls x-raymachine dsuucsiall 42th poral! jla> Speed|imit dc paul! add! aol Speedinaticket dc yuo ai/ino radarspeedgun dc psuI lal) puss Conveyorbelt Jalil alj> CrimeScene das;2J!aasiso Seatbelt yLo4l plj> PRT Ty), AAAAMAAAAA Scanned with CamScanner gies aoly elaisil be ggisy Unit2 tothe interview UN Witetrel ares AbLaall Secs! o> gilei @Mohammed_En100 BUA Laps gy pba Loy pSbastcoljgi clubs | Unit 103) Definethe Jobs wiligll aye Nios) Gpamygalinull Joga Epespalls deals dS palldeetys fle Als Hbas Line ys elaaiall as, @Mohammed_En1OO pl,SUl tity Ag) ao Jot dois ee © Define an architect use (designs buildings) @) Define a Cameraman use (operate the CameraforfilmorTV Programmers) @ Define anurse.(Uselooks aftersick People) @ Define a Cartoonist, (use draws amusing Pictures) @) Define atawyer. (use giveadvicetoPeople about the law) © Define asecretary. (use does generaloffice work) ¢ Define a marketing manager (use “responsible for advertising and Selling products”) © Define a Surgeon, (useoperates onPeople in hospital) @ Define a Piumber.(usefixand installs Pipes for water) Scanned with CamScanner ER eTa eet pera ©) DefineaPilot(usefiiesaplane) @) Define aliteguard (use “is responsible for the Safety of swimmers”) @) Deine artightattendant (use looks after Passengers ona Plane) ©) Define ahotel manager (use: responsible for running ahotel’). ee De teerieae tae | @ Defineatourguide Bolqrell> sors pani dliswdl Iai legdoall aolaiiaslstaselins po laialosy @Mohammed_En100 plSulstidc | @ Unfortunately, late three bars of chocolate That's why | felt sick (Regretuse if only). Unfortunately, |spentall my money atthe weekend. That's why Ican't buy jose bags (Regret). @ unfortunately, I didn't wake up early. That's why! missed my bus. (Regret use! wish) @ unfortunately, my sister phoned me, but! wasn'tathome Gero: he fell over during the rare. That's why he didn'twin (Regret use: only). Qo, you drovethrough the red light. You failed the driving test(show egret) @ntortunately, she forgot theiraddress. That's whysheCouldn'twritetothem (Regretuseifonly) unfortunately, you were rude to your brother, now hewon'tgive us alifetothe Cinema(regretuse if only) @®unrortunatety, imissed my ight. That's why! won'tgettoBostonin time forthe meeting. (regret) }) Unfortunately, |wenttobedso late yesterday. That's why! wastired (Regret use| wish) Unfortunately, she lost theiraddress. That's why she Couldn'twritetothem jegretuse ifonly) Scanned with CamScanner @ unfortunately, they didn't train everyday. That's why they lostthe match egretuscif only) g unfortunately, left my cameraat Faten's house. That's why! Couldn't get a icture of the dolphin. (Regretuse if only) g unfortunately, you didn'tlock the car. That's why thief Stole Some Valuable ings of yoursfromit (Regret usel wish) & she losttheir address. That's why she couldn't writeto them. (Regretusel wish") & They didn'ttrainevery day. That's why they lostthe match (Regret starting with if only orl wish). é you failed the driving test because youdidn'tfollowthe rules (show Regret). @you Parked illegally and you gotafine(if only) G ‘They ostthe match. (show regretusing only.) g youbought Some Shoes last week. you've decided you don'tlikethem. egret use only) | @ He exceeded the Speedlimit. Asa result, he failed the drivingtest. (Regret use: only) € you decided notto goto the park with your friends. Now you regret it. (use: if only) @ yourteam didn’ttrain well. They lostthe match. (Regretuse"if only”). @ youdrankalet of coffee. Now youarein bedand you Gan'tSleep (regretuseif only) @ youdecided not to go tothe park with your friends. Nowyou regretit. (Regret | use: wish). | GQiyoustntrwviestoryourEnatch exam and you gota bad mark.youfeelsorry about this. (Regret use:| wish] @ you've eaten toomuch chocolate and nowyou feel sick. (Regretuse “Iwish”) youdidn'tlock the carand athief stole Some Valuable thingsof yours fromit, jegret useif only) @ youare atthe park with Would like to take some photos, but you have forgotten to bring your Gamera (Regret) @ |ronly hadn't eaten/ eat) three bars of Chocolate. Scanned with CamScanner rrvlace eC aer ee ee yang dliudl Joi day po dgall aotall dentys Jlsedlodl bambino yo plaid aes @Mohammed_Enl00 plpSUillSles ule Yo! po Jol @ tasked Saab “How do youstartyour business? (Reported questions) @ do Youstilllike thejob? sheasked me (reported question) @ How Short do youwant yourhair? The hairdresser asked me (reported question) @ Latifaasked Zaha When did youdecide to be anarchitect? (Reported question) ©) wheredidyoulose yourpurse? tasked her. (Reported questions) E) Howdidyou feelon yourfirstsolo flight? she askedme. (Reported question) @ whendidyoutose your bag? lasked her (Reported question) @ Can! borrow Some money? Sheasked me (Reported question) € will you be able tocome to the Party? | asked Layla (reported question) @ what's your favorite route? (Write the direct question as areported question begin with he askedme). é ) Howlong have you been waiting for Samir? (Write the direct questionas a reported question: begin with he asked me) GE) whatareyoudoing? He asked me(Reportthe question) Sous @ Have you ever had a Scary experience when flying? she asked (reported question) Gc whenare you going to get out of bed? my mother asked me. (reported question) @ Howlong was the training? He asked me (reported question). G) Howiong have you beenaPilot? He askedme (Complete witha reported question). @ Howoften do you clean yourteeth? He asked me (reported question) @ whatare you doing on Friday afternoon? Adam asked me. (reported question) _ @ isthereajacket ok tor you? The shop assistant asked me. (reported question) ©) witlyoube abletocometomy party? lasked Layla (Reported question). Scanned with CamScanner why haven'tyou answered allthe question? My English teacher asked me. eported question). © wherehas sheboen?! asked (Reported question) willyoube free to playin the match on Saturday? the football coach asked me. (Reported question). Gg whatare you doing on Friday afternoon? Laylaasked me (Reported question). Ce eiilh cee Lal a> |pall adlloy ¢ psla] Le U5 clas I yo) galjgll yb api al: Zero conditional 4 4a! dito (Soil! JLaM cbaslan! yo GY agsigull le Low deol sBouiti jen dliudl Joi cls ylpordgall dolatideotys fle dala sm Laine 0 ¢laiis! ay @Mohammed_En100 ply Sill 65 fe Ln gf uo cli La Jou ____ rep ¢ ifthe traffic isn'ttoo heavy, I(be) atthe airport at 12:30 (correct the form ofthe Verb) @ itNoor(go)to the shop tomorraw, | won'thaveto go (correct) @ lwon'thelp youif you (not lend) me youreamera. (correct) @ ifyouwantto workin the media, you(get) well Pard. (correct) | @ if she (notapply) foraScholarship, of Course She won't get one(putthe Verb inthe correct order) © if my plane (notleaved)on time, I'll miss my connection this afternoon (correct). @ unless he makes abig effortthis term, he(notget through) the end of year exams (correct). @ if don't Passthe highschool exam this year, (take) itagain next year, (correct the formoftheverb) | ifyouare offered a place at Carnegie university, (Youaccept) it? (Correctthe formofthe Verb). ) which course will Muna apply for if she(Pass) all her examsthis years? correcttheformofthe Verb) @ He gets angry it his sister(borrow) his CDs (Correctthe form of the Verb) Scanned with CamScanner Wry’; yy °. @ fanyone(need) advice about their application forms, I'l be here tomorrow t help(correctthe verb) © iti(see/saw) him, twilltett him yournews. io ¢ ifi(have) lots of money, lwould buy a racehorse. (putthe Verb intothe Correct lorm). € Aliwould be happy if he (can) Spendthe summer studyingin London, (Putthe verbin the correctform) € He(be) more attractive if he shavedhis beard off. (correct) E iftwereyou,1(Study) hard. (put the verb in Correct form) € ttipiayeatennis, |(Join)the tennis Club. (correct the form ofthe Verb between brackets) she would look much nicer if she (wear) contact Lenses instead of glasses. Correctthe form of the Verb brackets). ¢ If|(have) my own car, I'd take my friends on Picnics every weekend (Correct the Verb) é Ifyou(find) a Snake in your bed, what would you do? (correctthe form ofthe Verb). G itmyfatherknewthat! driveso fast. he (be) furious (correcttheformofthe Verb.) g I(not/marry) him evenif hewasthe last man on earth! (correct the form of the lerb) & Itl(play)tennis, lwould Join the tennis Club (correct) € !would learnto Parachute if my friend(say) She Would do itwith me. (Correct ie Verb) € what would you buy if you (win) a million Pounds? (complete using the correct conditional) @ whatwould youlike to change if you (can) change onthing aboutyour appearance? (correct the formoftheverb) & if!(played/ have played) tennis, |wouldjointhetennis club, «€ ifI(had / have) a Computer, we couldsearch the internet € she would look much nicerif she (wear/ wore) contact lenses instead of glasses. Scanned with GamScanner octamer @ 11(See)himvesterday.1wouldhavetold himyournews correct) @ if (not/ have) the operation, I would have died. (correctthe formof the Verb). € ifNour(notget) aloan, he wouldn't have been able to buy acar(correctthe lorm ofthe verb) @ She wouldn't have got Sunburnt if she (wear) a hat (correctthe form of the verb). é !would have studied medicine if my parents (have) enoughmoney to Pay for the Course. (Correctthe form of the verb). € you would have met my aunt Salima if you (come) toour Party. (correctthe form oftheverb) @ itt(nothave)the operation, lwould have died. (correct) © shewouldn't have got sunburntif she(had worn/wore) a hat. ©) itthadpassedthe test, I(would become/wouldhave become) Pilot. ETT Pe We all BEVee | PSPNTER et or] @ whatis samira al-mahmoud? sganallpaw ese - Samira Al-Mahmoudis aConferenceinterpreter 41558 40>. ab € why shouldinterpreters read newspapers? arc i¢ls5 yso>siel| Le Cony [akal. - Tohavegood general Knowledge and to know what is going oninthe world. pllall yd gslediyangiss> dole dipen chal 39S @ what does “working freelance "mean? ji Jax!l syle jsilale - Working freelance means working when you want and forthe organizationthat you wanttoworkfor Mand Lassa yi Ul aabiially sisile io foal jim) pall Joall @ whatare themostimportant qualities inaninterpreter? a> yiall jijs0 asl la or// what are the qualifications of aninterpreted? a>siallodajo plo ~To remain Galm under pressure and to be ableto think fast de pasty Saill Le fyald oghs lg ball ni bole nol Scanned with CamScanner ES=arrey €D © whyShouldn'taninterpreterwastetime thinking? psSaGll po Cal andy hae sald Asi A ital ~Inordernottomisstherestofthespeech wills ads digded > € Howisitthere aretwointerpreters working togetherinthe same both? Syguadial pani yo Saas jlar ye clin WISI pol gm Ass - Itwill beless stressful because they can take turns sNgsl Jal pnisin, yA Lily) Jal yoann epg HALES] JS le alianl Samira's active languages Arabic 44s allo alleall 3 yas aid @ Samiraread aboutthe subjectof oil in order to get infamiliarwith thetechnical term Audi olaLlorall le 29.055 1 Lote badill page ge olyddyouws € Totrain as interpreter, you must getadegreein.........and.. Interpreting hbalanad le Jqmroull Si zlind gr9f ashes saya € The Course in Conference interpreting was very (easy/ difficult) sees) aig da ygiill dom jl f dygall calls € Samira AlMahmoud grew up speaking Arabic at home but Englishin school Aang sell ogi Sg Jia yf duped ioc ag dye Obs © Samira Al-Mahmood wasin (Iraq/ Britain) billay,.,5 cialy agnnall’ yaaa [Ree eN ey pu] a I certvura ceria reer es ry * Freelance means People who Can tbearto be away from the office for more than afew hours(True/ false) ' rhe bans dy po yiS ST pe lags ell ans yoaalaiiany d yall ey poll ool « Interpreter must have three active languages (True/ false) CU NG 699i A Sal gal G98 1 Gay Scanned with CamScanner * Conference interpreter musttranslate each worldliterally (True/false) Uiay> dal Sdn si arya paar olin * Afterleaving School, Samiradidadegree inEnglish atthe University of London (True/ false) Gail dale (yo dy jlSGall Aad § Soleus Led paaucibas, duysoll Laiysleore, * Itisveryeasytogeta place on an interpreting Course. (Ture/false) apg bdnm 58 y93 4b JIS le gna rssh go * Agoodinterpreterfollowthe news and is well-information (True/ False). Eeclgall yo spaall Ae alloy jledHl ail sali a> sia * Interpreters have adegree before they doan interpreting (True/ false) 4a sill doghs le Ighaay yl Jab dale d>y2 fe ubol> Gear siall ye olan ¢ Literal translation doesn't Gonvoythe Sense ,ixalllails Said daayo| dom sill @ wasn'ta goodtourguide because Ididn'tspeak enoughlanguages. 48S OW a Sasil al Gidlaue botushadse sta! ~My Sisterisa tour quideshe takes tourists Sightseeing in London every day. é The lifeguard Saved my brother who was abouttodrown Gril being Le GS gill 51 iail daiall -Jamee! neari drowned atthe beach yesterday. Luckily the lifeguard Sawhim andrescuedhim, daily AdbaM oly Lol Cyastod jute boLaiall Le bpd yf June lS € ) she Pays money from her irregularfreelance work into the Couple Gaz gill albaill jt soll labor (yo flail esas é Literaltranslation doesn'talways give the right meaning, Teva Gall bails $6254 1d oJ] de> sil! Scanned with CamScanner acl yo. @ 43 © Hehas.aPostaraduatediplomaintourguiding plead alallolanll agli le Lol gn ¢ Therewere Speakers from every oil - Producing country's atthe conference diigall yo bail dade alga JS ja ygisnio lia GIS © Salwaworks with the director of the Company. She writesall his letters and ‘answer the telephone she ishis secretary BpsiSan yo ileal he sdy aliliny JS SAS patil ose po gli Jost @ Haveyouread the article about dhows in this magazine? itisby aunt whoisa journalist Adee s UG a Lail Saleall oni dae patil aS pall ye Jlaall lsd @ who designed that amazing building? myuncleHe'safamousarchitect Jpcuiie glane prime dil ac Se iall jullie ame © 'mhungry-Let'shavelunchinthe College Canteen ASI HdNS A rl atl! Jolie eile Ul ~ Breakfastis provided and studentscan buy other meals inthe on-Site Canteen Le siLSI aon 86.51 Ghog chal Ula yS.a49 jlaatl ding azsai ais ©) Mostprivatehomestays donot Permit Smoking indoors Lola § Ges sl ganas H eolSl ySLusall alien © mveryinterested in ecologyand the environment isa digs alc sine pimatil © authe Statf are realtytriendiyand helptut Lim dginlaing y90909 Hudboall eae © tcanitgetthatiob because ldon'thave the right qualification Apulia MaballelLial a JY aiubiglloia ule Jgsaadl eubsiuls @ Pease tiltinthistorm, write yourname here andall otherdetalls Weiss 65H Jyaldll IS9 lest SI zSgaill linia oy, Scanned with CamScanner € Ididn't knowwhatto do afterleaving school, but one of myteachers gave me some goodadvice Jadigitoill aes jlbae! jiiluul a>! yay salldyalio aay Jail filodyel SI pd © whatisyourtitie? ts itMrs.,Miss of Dr? SagiSall pl asuiHl Baral gm fm Fscledl gm lo ¢ Studying engineeringneeds Knowledgeintechnicalterms. ial OlaLboally ddye0 Jl clias dual! dusty ¢€ weoffera choice of accommodation Suit yourneeds Dike Leola Al SLal (po oplidode gone padi God Captain yousoufhas aPilot forten years now. At the moment, he flies Planes irom Europe tothe gulf AMUpghige ciple jal, Jou caigll 3 Gal go lpia pale Gojsleb ciaug, SIG Jams will € !would like to go ona Computer Course improve my skills Aisle Gein igueSioge MH oloUlog! choose fromCourses of one week to 3 months durations Hash! 3 ya salgggeitdrel togall ye pid! © ididatesttofind out whatlevel my English was Ajab Sell po coiasaall dd peal LIS! Cayo] aad Classes are small, which means that you will be Sure of highlevel of individual attention. sulla 25. plana geiause (52 Sia ygSiau lil jim Le Byadio dal all Jose @ iwantiogotouniversity and getasciencedegree Beale dojo uhe fers |sigdmalall Juss! fay! © we havecolleges in 24 differentlocation acrossthe Country ll eloil aia> alas oladga TES Lls Lisl Scanned with CamScanner repel fe Wash) PTT ET) eva 0) @wehave ourownstudentshostels dub Ls plaid € Allourteachers are qualified and highly experienced Alle Bad 6959 Gulnjo lial aleallara> 0" o. bo—__—_—___ @ Both chss > The boxlikeroomwhere interpreters work. Sib Lal Jb Le 5G ySaall oo 0902 yall Jasy cur §qsriolidssis ade @ in adifficult Situation 12.0 éig0.,8-> under pressure bill CoG © unemployed julble > outot ajob 4455 %y @ Yearly ¢9isu > Annual ois @ wantedand needed upltrallg ullnall > in demand llall ass © Headphones, uly Glelaw > things you Put over your earstolisten Privately ol gas gle clas cli Lo tn ill lal @ iflend my brother CDs 31 <.8 13113 > he always loses them Laila aaaaa, © tcan'tgetto steep pgill guksiust4 > if drinka lot of coffee sgl pa p85] cu ysl @ Foodgoesbad suis plata unless YouKeepitinthe fridge slyll bay Ladin alla ©) myParents getworried galls cally pai > if comehometate jjsiie Jjiall cae | @) ityouworkinmarketing gsi Jlae yd Jost cus il > Yourjobisto encourage People tobuy Squall Le sul! ersis gm cllae @) tousendthetettertoday pel Lun! clan ft > she should getit by Sunday a> pg: laule Jari glusy @) twouldhavetrainedas aPilotif > the eye test had Passed gE LES1 So} g lady gles Cu ys5 ad cals g Imighthave become an engineerif |hadn'tbeen (Si [ifLussine 951 a5 > Scaredof blood pall 0 Lai @) would have beenadoctorif hadn'tbeen 35 alli! iusb ypSlus cas > Scared of blood pall 32 las Scanned with CamScanner ityoudistike something clits loss 0555 cS 11> don'ttolike it. uli oid @ ityoudistrust someone ulilé le yadity $5 4 Gis iI don'thaveconfidencein them. 33 € Ifyou disconnect your TVyou > Can'tsee the Picture any more cH chy pol gq ALU jla> Joos cued 13 GH as; qerlldygy Ga QSaiid €© ityoudiscourage Someone you > make them feel they can't dosomeone oleae aah woah HS 131 Lory Jad poasbiiayS aaily yeahs E) ityoudisobey Someone you> don'tdowhatthey say, BU pmol cueac 1 digladsle asi agree gilg> disagree appear ,a4:> disappear approve $45,> disapprove connect Lai, > disconnect Like wo dislike obey aby? disobey please s2uu> displease trust gu> distrust encourage gasiu> discourage AAAAARARE 7a dis aul ye encourage Jlos>g 55119 }5) lac dis jal Cis jay ynlS 531955) o discourage juni6 en Jlaini Bi pe ong agai yaw cil (iI/Un/in/im/ir) pl adsall yuki dag LSbas ys Eg.dgaliliing lall dis asad dasssill Scanned with CamScanner * like, dislike; trust, distrust * appear, disappear; encourage,discourage * Correct, incorrect; encourage, discourage Salidis aid Lal, gins sly eLdail te unit spins Meer ener ete ae eatloaui ied (illog ya dajulSil dll dans silpo a> lpalh aol ply SEN ELE 8 (Clg JSG Le) alle Bast + pbiisitl yg: Stil @Mohammed_En100 Unit 05) tosinaRy tila as aSepipaly dl ila Misalin palais anf ED @Mohammed_En100 plyStillatis Lec Und ol pun cll> igus Lalyg Pee caesar cy veer Pitt siev Nae v Tels Te eS " Rives ners Prater weet nen ¢ Have You(ever/never) camped inthe desert? (oq Have you (ever/never ) seen ournewwebsite? © Sabatihas (ever/never) travelled outside Iraq E Have You (ever/never) stayedinareally unusual hotel? Scanned with CamScanner € Have You ( ever/never) boughtairplanetickets online? © Have You (ever/never) ridden an clephant? € my parent's aren'tat home this evening. Thoy have (gene/go) out € (Have you ever/Did you ever) Spent the whole nightawake looking atthe Stars? @ venever(ride/ridden) an elephant € Have youever (ate/eaten) octopus? They've been talking (for/since) eight o'clock She has been talking on the Phone (tor/since)the last 20 minutes. Have youworked here (Since/for) you graduated? we haven't met(Since/for) we wore in School. They have been married (Since/for)threeyears. thaven't seen her(Since/for) 2001. my family has lived inthe Same house (since/for) 15 years. You have been married (for/since) 2003. thaven'tseen her(Since/for) threemonth. Hehas had that motorbike(since/for)three years. Ihave had this Car(since/for)November Ihaven'tseen agood film (since/for) last January The teacherhasn'tknown theclass (Since/for) along time He lived there (for/since) twoyears My family has lived inthe same house (since/for) 1970 Ihaven't Seen Mahmoud (Since/for) he came back from holiday DAAA ARADO AAMAAAAAAA Ihaven'tseen agood film(since/for) three months -——____——_ @EEEEZZE® Pa (You/book) ahotel yet? (Complete with the correct from ofthe presentPerfect), € .(you/every/sleep) underthe stars inthe desert? (Use: Present ‘erfect Simple) y mysister (not be) to college forthree daysbecause of aCold (Correctthe lormofthe Verb) Scanned with CamScanner with the correctform © You (everfride) an etephant?(Correctthe Verb) The teacher (not know) theclass fora longtime. (correct the formoftheverb in brackets) |] taven'toennnnns (Pack) mysuitcaseyet. (correcttheverb). € lam reading anovelnowand I have............ (cover) ten chapters Sofor. € Ascorpion (hold) [writetrue sentence with "never"about You] Gc (nevertouch aSnake). Make atruesentence aboutyourself @ caniborrowthat book afteryou? Hereyouarel ...(Completetheresponse using justand an appropriate verb) iq SeeKhalid, canyou ask him about tonight? Hecan Come .|.... mplete the response using “already” and anappropriate Verb) & Would you like acup of coffee? No, response using “just” andan appropriateVerb) g fadiadidn’t Speak tomesince her sister's wedding, (rewrite the sentence rectly) g Let's take Jameel tothenew Italianrestaurant. Heneverwent there (Rewrite ‘Sentence correctly) € Whattime (havethey gone) to bedlastnight? (correct the sentence) © did Satwa's family moved house yet? (correctthe sentence) Adamhas come back from Beinityesterday.(Correctthe Sentence) © Wehaveallbeentothe parklastweekend.(Rewritethe Sentence correctly) @_whattime have you Come home Yesterday? (correcttheSentence) é I bought him anew mobile Phone lastweek andhe already lostit(correct the sentence) @ 'vewoken up really latethis morningand Iwas late forschool (correct) é Youlook nice. Did youchange yourhairstyle? (Correctthe sentence) Salwadidn't Speak to mesincehersister's Wedding (correctthe Sentence) @ wefirstmet themin July (know). (Complete the Second Sentence Sothatit asimilarmeaningtothe first one, Putting the Verbin brackets inthe Present Perfect Simple). Scanned with CamScanner (Been/g6ne) gu Gul GUjhy L. ¢ mysisterisn’tat homeat the moment. She has (| been/gone) Shopping. Ee \(haven'tbeen/haven't gone) to Chinayet, but would like to one day Caserta iairepe creer) Pie) Faye-v| Pre Yr) IG Bid Je lod glac lls sgitsigrg 5 pgsdgall dol Zalatsanliine po rlaiitl sepals te @Mohammed_En100 gl,Siill © Laylaisinthe kitchen. She (hasbeen Gooking / Gooks)forthree hoursnow. © Look! Somebody (has dropped/ hasbeen dropping) his Wallethere Peeper nets ery ees ¢ They are films producers............. (make) films: Since they graduated from university (put the Verbin brackets in thecorrect form) © (Cook) fortwo hours (use Present Perfect Simple or Continuous) She's writing letters, she start attwo o'clock (write in presentPerfect ‘ontinuous with Since/for) Heisawriter. He (write) fortwenty years. (Present Perfect Simple of ntinuous) Pane ep reety. | ¢ You meeta Pilot You asked: (Howlong/ be aPilot)(writea question usingthe wordinbracket) c lam Sorry.lam late (how long /you/wait)? (Present Perfect Simple or continuous) é You know your friend (Question: use how long) E Youhaveafriendwhoislearning Japanese, Youask(Howlong/learn/ Japanese) (write aquestionusing the wordin brackets) (Howlong /you/ bea Pilot) (Questionuse Present Perfect Simple or Continuous) Your Sister is busy Cooking. (Howlong/ cook) (Question: PresentPerfect jimple or Continues) He is awriter. He (write) fortwenty years. (Present Perfect Simple of Continuous) Scanned with CamScanner PCE EV) pyre | Fre] perv) & sigas Lalygg dlLudl gles aSiojl gd gall deol AI ARLE so Liive 0 pladill ass: dao dLe @Mohammed_Ent00 pl Sill sti Le gl peo cll Wer eye cee eter © ! couldn't boardthe plane becausel.......(lose) my boarding Card. (correct) g | .asnsermene (lock) the door before | leftthe house (use the Past Perfect or Past imple ) € After we (Speak) tothe teacher, we left the classroom (correct) when entered the classroom, the teacher (start) the lesson(use the Past ple of Past Perfect) The wedding went well because they (organize) everything carefully. (correct Verb) @ He Couldn'trecognize the place becauseit(Changed/Changed) alot @ whenwegottothe Cinema. Thefilm (already/had)Started E€ when we got tothe Cinema, the film (has /had) Started € Athief got into their house because they (haven'tlocked/hadn'tlocked) the door properly 3 —_—$—$—$\—§ 0. h/0——_—__ fe Relative Cla Ney pereyert yy Lanois ¢ The Story won the first Prize. It Pleased many writers (Combinewith arelative clause) ©) Myunete alistill ride. (heis 80) (Joinuse who) ¢ ) His car has broken down. He boughtit last month. The Car..........has down combine these Sentences with arelative clause) @ Salwawantsto be an interpreter. She speaks three languages (Join by using e correctrelative pronoun) € The Person stole the money. He must be Punished. (combine with “who"). Scanned with CamScanner € The Star Restauranthasalovely garden.(You canhaveamealthereon summerevening) (usethe Correctrelative pronounto makea: sentence) Cc The Tigris hotel hasa fabulous Pool. (The Pool opened two month ago] [use the correctrelative pronoun to makeone Sentence] The bookwas missing. Ithasthe information | wanted the book.......... Combineto make definingrelative clause) € ISpoketoalady onthe phone. She told metocall back later. The lady........ (US the Correct relative Pronoun to make one Sentence) ‘0 The university hostel was comfortable. | stayed there forfour years. (Combine use "where") g Thehotelhasaswimming pool. (is very big) € lalways go to that garage for repairs. Itwas closed today. The garage...... Was closed today. (Combine to make adefining relative clause) & _Mygrandmotherstillremembers herchildhood (She ls go) Bashiris going to buy acarvery soon(he Passed his driving test lastweek) use the correct relative pronounto make onesentence]. é My uncleis 70. He Still rides a bike. Combing with "relative pronoun” € My friend Adam caught three huge fishyesterday, Heloves fishing (Combine e two Sentencewitha relative Pronoun) They've Knocked down therestaurant. We had ameal there last year jombine to make defining relative Clause) Rripeperrn reniry @ Horse riding (whose/which)ismy brother Andy's favourite Sport, is expensive € Beirut (where/which) is fullof cafes, is very interesting € Babylon City (that/where) Peoplelike to go Sightseeing, is abeautiful place. @ Sohaib, (who's/whose) brotherlives in California, is Planning a tripte USASoon € The Person(who/whose) Stole the money mustbe Punished *) Morocco(which/where) is one of the most beautiful Countiesinthe world, attracts lots of tourists every year. ¢ My uncle Albert, (who/whose) is 86.Stillridesabike ) Khalil Gibran, (who/whose) wrotea book called the prophet, was afamous banese Poet. Scanned with CamScanner 1 SENeSY ity Ey f @ Fatimawwh - '0o/whose) photo was inthe Newspaper yesterday. very talented ©@ Riverside cinema |, (wher usually has good forte ~ /which)the tickets only cost($6 )forStudent'’s Bab; @ ai vion City (which/where) peoplelike te go Sightseeing, isabeautitul place - Edinburgh (which/where) 4 there's h exciting placetoSpendaholiday (ian. a ee eene CHa SI RUCu Oeics) © domo la> Jirslllitel aw = why are holiday important? dame jiali (ile! - The stress of life and work can cause health problems. dino [Skike Jaalls dhol bys euuad E what Can high blood pressure cause? pall bas uuu I ySailile ~ High blood pressure can cause Strokes and heartattacks andit hasaneffecton our minds. Lilet le ps5 aly dsslall lagilly aad Lol! ciSauall ansany yf Ser pall bos play! Eé whoare the workaholics? Jasll jossae ye The workaholics are People who think that theirworkistooimportantthanto leave inhands of other apd Hl gasleaSy5 ge dpltll maple | ogadinnyalullan Jeall joss _Define aworkaholic? (s)42 2>19 Gose ) Saath jose gis oLlsys lise 553 work in hands of other QaySH gash J alae ju gill yadalallg _HeisaPersonwhodoesn'tleave his: é ) why do brain and body needabreak? 4>lyiaul JI puucally Glosll cau lilel Brainandbadly needa break because ifwe pushthem too far, they will eventuallyletusdown (iielidaagen ppl oe 9351 Lingle Lilet (3 List dolpll JI glestly pei zl Scanned with CamScanner ~Boththe brain andthe body needabreak q Some People don'ttake holiday because s MlamiSassus5H jl jgadiand 3 OMlae ygid bd yulill waar e The pressure of life will cause health Problems na Stas igus Sodas or// The Stress of modern life Can Cause health problems duswo JSliise nau SLSas lout shoul as € Holidays areimportant for everyone, not justthe businessman (true/false) lac Slo) badd uusly. gana dame Joa! © Some People find outtoolatethat. juydtia yeahs) yulill yas a.worksis not the only thing in life soul, as>9!l pill yas Joss! é We need togivefamilies and friends Wisoly Gabe 635 4! glad a.alotofourtime liidg 5038)! € Holidayscan giveusachance to 4p all lishai jf Say ciljloal a.Stop thinking about ourproblems Wistisa, ».Saill yc Abgill > (sia Jl dp Lou assay ELoall 4a JS <«¢ a 4a ————t RPE Perera =) Self-Catering apartment, package deal, Package, boarding Card, excursion, Seen Anes cls if we getaSelf-Cateringapartment in Spain, wecan buy food atthe market and make ourownmeals ' Scanned with CamScanner let's notgotona a GF etenct 2th pet rskeaedealto Italy, if would be morefunto choose ourown We I siaai bai BI hats A8 gun lt laid aid Gi Arabs are famous fortheir hospitality ala yas cy ygmahua iH — : o Theyservedus witha vari: = nea lety of food. Their hospitality was incredible was @ sa Garand Gls ileal aySoplaball sod gia degre poligess aif can'tfind my boarding CardIwon'tbe able to get onthe planeif| don'tfindit Umsch alliliyStball agS 2 a5 lg 6 Sat I agmsall allay le yglall iat & Hotels willottengiveyou Packed lunchif you're goingon atull-time excursion als play als yi iS 15 apie clad Galil dubs Lisle © Takingholiday's andleaving your mobile switched offis good foryourwell- being. ina) u1> pal gio Lilia gaol! chile clyig citiaall i5! Cc weare looking for a package deal alo dado jc Goud God ; © Asthe Sunbegantoset, wehad Spectacular View of the City igs gily pie lina GS. pdt gunutill olay Losi ' i ing andwatch the Sunsetover Let's go fora walk along the Seafrontthis evening ani ns €' water, rlall Gga juss! pe an Liisg ¢Liuall ie Ay youllamo lal) tc pasusi ies © The foodwas exceptionally good lal > UI plat! € Holiday are Vitalto ourgeneral well-being. 4alall ia liys gsi 121 dlfaail E Lockatthe noticeboard. There'san advert for English Gourses AyjulSial 2a clygal del ap92- Ola salldo gh Jy) © dontike booking flightontine. Let's go.andbuy our ticketsat that travel agency inAl- Saad Street . i / Luts 0d Ula yi tisSlidel a ules cil pe dpallclostlia> old - ih henwill make a Packed unch for anyone who's goingonthetour The hotel Kite! tomorrow ~_a ana hAAAn aman ee Scanned with CamScanner inc dlgatl pais yadch 6 paipasiad Gabi gylae pairdgan € Severalislanders invited us into their homes forminttea and Cakes. cLaSdy glial glitll Jgliil malian Japa tSau (yo ayaa les | & Youcan'tretyon public transport. Youshould find out aboutCarhire so you cantravel independently daa 30 Sai Joc dd yaa che uy. aolall cLogall Jc slated elisa JBiuo [Susy & 1Spentthe morningatthe beach and inthe afternoon Sightseeing Itook lots of Photos of the Roman did sometemples bail Ae Laull allel Samii) tind abil) ae Lo6yid og obi! fe ¢luall cada Asilog ll sglecll yguc yo Sl Rey fered] errr ey ‘about that transport People and goods ailastly yulill Jai aS p0 2-luxurious ado extremely comfortable |a> qu 50 3-Spectacular Joie Something whichis wonderfulto lookat dull bill ginal yogis 4-Specialty diogo> Something thatis special tothe Peeve catgut att 7 -boarding Card sg20 dalb; ifyoulosethis, youcan'tsetona Plane (yo ySeii yp pill Ud cuss ol Gyles 9S) fin plisiul lin ojlol plas elisa, 9 -Five - Starhotel agai 5 gaid Aluxurious Placeto Stay ads ySo ial: 10-self-cateringapartment 4a | Aplacetostaywhere you cookyour Prervy ves) Pry own food fbi cur jSuull iio eLauiiy chalk Scanned with CamScanner

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