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‫مفردات الوحدة األولى‬

Word ‫الكلمة‬ Meaning ‫المعنى‬ Word ‫الكلمة‬ Meaning ‫المعنى‬

1. treatments ‫عالجات‬ 25-seaside-beach ‫ساحل‬

2. joints ‫مفاصل‬ 26-circle ‫دائرة‬

3. inside ‫داخل‬ 27-give up ‫يترك‬

4. out side ‫خارج‬ 28-look after ‫يعتني‬

5. medicine ‫ دواء‬/ ‫دواء‬ 29-pressure ‫ضغط‬

6. bones ‫عظام‬ 30-pollution ‫تلوث‬

7. finger ‫اصبع‬ 31-diabetics ‫مرض السكري‬

8. bleed ‫ينزف‬ 32-proud ‫افتخر‬

9. heal ‫يشفي‬ 33-puzzled ‫متحير‬

10. dizzy ‫دوار‬ 34-faint ‫لغماء‬

11. shoulder ‫كتف‬ 35-spill ‫يسكب‬

12. headache ‫صداع‬ 36-ambulance ‫سيارة االسعاف‬

13. temperature ‫حمى –درجة حرارة‬ 37-previous ‫السابق‬

14. painkillers ‫مسكنات األلم‬ 38-plastic mattress ‫وسائد هوائية‬

15. cold ‫زكام‬ 39-paramedics ‫مسعفون‬

16. Skin ‫بشرة – جلد‬ 40-Dinner ‫عشاء‬

17. Ankle ‫كاحل‬ 41-Coastguard ‫خفر السواحل‬

18. knee ‫ركبة‬ 42-blood pressure ‫ضغط الدم‬

19- Wrist ‫رسخ‬ 43-risk ‫مغامرة‬/ ‫يغامر‬

20- Sore ‫ متقرح‬- ‫مؤلم‬ 44-normally ‫عادة‬

21- Leg ‫قدم‬ 45-identity card ‫بطاقة الهوية‬

22- Pain ‫الم‬ 46-intellgent ‫ذكي‬

23- Throat ‫حنجرة‬ 47-advertisment ‫إعالنات‬

24- Stomach ‫معدة‬ 48-adult ‫بالغين‬

‫جدول األفعال‬

Words ‫الفعل‬ Past form ‫الماضي‬ Past participle Meaning ‫المعنى‬

‫التصريف الثالث‬

1. Go Went Gone ‫يذهب‬

2. Want Wanted Wanted ‫يريد‬
3. Walk Walked Walked ‫يمشي‬
4. Meet Met Met ‫يلتقي‬
5. Take Took Taken ‫يأخذ‬
6. Swim Swam Swum ‫يسبح‬
7. Play Played Played ‫يلعب‬
8. Think Thought Thought ‫يفكر‬
9. Study Studied Studied ‫يدرس‬
10. Come Came Come ‫يأتي‬

1. See Saw Seen ‫يرى‬
2. Fly Flew Flown ‫يطير‬
3. Steal Stole Stolen ‫يسرق‬
4. Fall Fell Fallen ‫يسقط‬
5. Find Found Found ‫يجد‬
6. Tell Told Told ‫يخبر‬
7. Wake Woke Woken ‫يستيقظ‬
8. Buy Bought Bought ‫يشتري‬
9. Sleep Slept Slept ‫ينام‬
10. Make Made Made ‫يصنع‬
11. Spend Spent Spent ‫يصرف – ينفق‬
12. keep Kept Kept ‫يحفظ‬
13. build Built Built ‫يبني‬
14. feel Felt Felt ‫يشعر‬
15. get Got Got ‫يحصل‬
16. have Had Had ‫يملك‬
17. hear Heart Heart ‫يسمع‬
18. write Wrote Written ‫يكتب‬
19. speak Spoke Spoken ‫يتكلم‬
20. ring Rang Rung ‫يرن‬
21. wear Wore worn ‫يرتدي‬
22. hide hid Hidden ‫يخفي‬
23. sell Sold Sold ‫يبيع‬

1. teach Taught Taught ‫يعلم – يدرس‬
2. pay Paid Paid ‫يدفع‬
3. be Was / were Been ‫يكون‬
4. slip Slipped Slipped ‫ينزلق‬
5. do Did Done
6. knock Knocked Knocked ‫يقفل‬
7. kick Kicked Kicked ‫يرمي‬
8. believe Believed Believed ‫يعتقد‬
9. watch watched watched ‫يشاهد‬
10. clean Cleaned Cleaned ‫ينضف‬
11. fix Fixed Fixed ‫يصلح‬
12. cut Cut Cut ‫يقطع‬
13. Organize Organized Organized ‫ينضم‬
14. Leave Left Left ‫يغادر‬
15. Finish Finished Finished ‫ينهي‬
16. Know Knew Known ‫يعرف‬
17. Start Started Started ‫يبدأ‬
18. Drop Dropped Dropped ‫يسقط‬
19. Eat Ate Eaten ‫يأكل‬
20. Book Booked Booked ‫يحجز‬
21. Run Ran Run ‫يركض‬


Hurt(v.) , sore(n), pain(adj)

1-Hurt ‫ ( يؤلم‬V. ): ‫هذه الكلمة فعل وتأتي بعد الفاعل مباشرة‬
2- Sore ‫ ( مؤلم‬adj.): ‫هذه الكلمة صفة وتأتي بعد األفعال المساعدة‬
3- Pain ‫ ( ألم‬n ): (a, an , the ( ‫هذه الكلمة أسم وتأتي بعد االدوات‬


1-I have a _______ in my stomach . ( hurts , sore , pain )

2-My back _______ all the time . ( pain , hurts , sore )
3- I have a _______ throat ( hurt , pain , sore )
4-My lips are _______ ( hurts , sore , pain )

P. / A Spelling ‫االمالء‬

Treatment Joints Verbs Inside and out side the

‫العالجات‬ ‫المفاصل‬ ‫االفعال‬
‫داخل وخارج الجسم‬

Bandage‫ضماد‬ Wrist ‫الرسخ‬ Faint ‫يغمى علية‬ Blood ‫دم‬

Cream‫مرهم‬ shoulder ‫الكتف‬ swallow ‫يبتلع‬ Bones ‫عظام‬

Plaster ‫لصقة‬ Knee ‫الركبة‬ sneeze ‫يعطس‬ Heart ‫قلب‬

Pills ‫اقراص‬ elbow ‫المرفق‬ cough ‫يسعل‬ skin ‫بشرة‬

medicine ‫دواء‬ ankle ‫الكاحل‬ breathe ‫يتنفس‬ stomach ‫معدة‬


Complete the following with correctly spelt words.

1- Joint in the arm W____

2- Joint in the leg K______
3- Joint in the arm _______
4- Inside the body __________
5- Joint in the arm: e _____
6- Things that covering the cut ........................., .............................. .
7- Name two joints in the leg : .......................... , ............................. .
8- An elbow is a (join / joint) in the arm.
9-Name three things for treatments, ……………..,………………….,…………

Complete the sentence with a word from the box

‫اكمل الجمل بكلمة من الصندوق‬

( bleeding ‫ ينزف‬/ broken ‫ كسرت‬/ hurts ‫ يؤلم‬/ pain ‫ ألم‬/ sick ‫ يتقيء‬/ dizzy ‫ دوار‬/
sore ‫ مؤلم‬/ sneeze ‫) يعطس‬

1-Have you got a cold ? ' No , I always sneeze when I put pepper ‫ فلفل‬on my
food .
2-He was sick three times in the night , I think the food at the restaurant
where he ate wasn't fresh .
3- She cut her hand while she was chopping ‫تقطع‬vegetable,‫ الخضروات‬it was a
very deep cut and it was bleeding a lot , so she had to go to hospital and
have it stitched.

4-My back hurts all the time. it only feels OK when I'm lying down.

5- she can't play tennis . she has broken her right arm.

6-I went swimming yesterday and now my eyes are sore from the

chemicals )‫ )مواد كيمياوية‬in the pool ‫في المسبح‬

7- where exactly is the pain and how long have you had it.

8- It was very hot day and she hadn't eaten or drunk anything all day. that's

why she suddenly went pale and felt dizzy during the lesson


( fractured ‫ كسر‬/ ankle ‫ كاحل‬/ swollen‫ متورم‬/ painkillers ‫ مسكنات‬/ swallow

‫ يبتلع‬/ bucket ‫دلو‬/ sprained ‫ لوى‬/ dizzy ‫)دوار‬

1- I've got a broken leg . I fractured it in a motorbike accident .

2- I've got a pain in my knee . It's really swollen

3-Ive got a terrible headache . can I have some painkillers

4-Iv'e got a sore throat . Its hurts so much that I can't ( swallow / swollen )

5-I need this bucket because I think I'm going to be sick.

6-Iv'e got a bad wrist . I sprained it lifting weights

7-I twisted my ankle playing football .

8-I feel dizzy . I think I'm going to faint . I need to lie down

‫‪Past simple‬‬ ‫الماضي البسيط‬

‫• زمن الماضي البسيط‪ :‬هو زمن بدأ وانتهى في الماضي‪.‬‬

‫• الدالئل والظروف التي تدل على هذا الزمن هي ‪:‬‬

‫( ‪)yesterday , ago , last , 1990 , in the past , ...‬‬

‫االثبات ‪Affirmative :‬‬

‫تكملة ‪ +‬شاذ ‪S + V – ed /‬‬

‫‪Ex . She travelled to India last night .‬‬
‫‪Ex . It rained heavily yesterday.‬‬
‫‪Ex. she saw a bird on the tree.‬‬

‫االفعال نوعان ‪ :‬افعال قياسيه هي التي يضاف لها (‪ )ed‬عند تحويلها للماضي مثل ‪:‬‬
‫‪Play → played , cook → cooked , talk → talked‬‬
‫وافعال غير قياسية هي الي تتحول الى كلمة اخرى عند تحويلها للماضي مثل ‪:‬‬
‫‪Write → wrote , steal → stole , give → gave‬‬

‫النفي ‪Negative :‬‬

‫تكملة‪ . +‬مصدر ‪S + didn't +‬‬

‫لتحويل الجملة الى النفي في زمن الماضي البسيط نضع )‪ )didn't‬بعد الفاعل وفعل‬
‫الجملة يكون خالي من اي اضافة اي نرجع الفعل الى المصدر المجرد ‪.‬‬

‫‪EX. She didn't buy anything yesterday.‬‬

‫‪EX. She didn't wait him last night.‬‬

Question : ‫السؤال‬

Did+ ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ مصدر‬+ ‫ تكملة‬... ?

.‫) في بداية الجملة اي قبل الفاعل مباشرة‬did) ‫لتحويل الجملة الى سؤال نضع‬
Ex. did Ali visit the castle two month ago ?
Ex. Did he buy anything yesterday ?

• Exercises
1- We ( see ) rose in the mall a few days ago . ( correct )
► We saw rose in the mall a few days ago .
2- She ( not / buy ) anything yesterday .(correct)
► She didn't buy anything yesterday

Past continuous ‫الماضي المستمر‬

) ‫نستخدم الماضي المستمر لحدث كان يحدث بالماضي ولفترة مستمرة ( حدث طويل‬ :‫الماضي المستمر‬

Affirmative : ‫االثبات‬

S + was / were + v – ing + ‫تكملة‬

)He , She , It )‫ ) اذا كان فاعل الجملة مفرد‬was) ‫ نستخدم الفعل المساعد‬-1
)you , we , they ( ‫( اذا كان فاعل الجملة جمع‬were ( ‫ نستخدم الفعل المساعد‬-2

Ex . She was driving a car .

Ex . Ali was cutting the grass .

Negative : ‫النفي‬

S + was / were + not + ‫ – فعل‬ing + ‫تكملة‬

was, ‫) بعد الفعل المساعد اي بعد‬not) ‫لتحويل الجملة في هذا الزمن للنفي فقط نضع‬

Ex . she was not cleaning the room

EX. They weren't playing tennis in the garden .

Question : ‫السؤال‬

Was / were +‫ فاعل‬+ v – ing +‫? تكملة‬

)was / were( ‫لتحويل الجملة الى سؤال فقط نقدم الفعل المساعد على الفاعل اي نضع‬
. ‫في بداية الجملة ونضع عالمة استفهام في النهاية‬

EX . Was she cutting the grass ?

EX . Were they playing in the garden ?

1-They (study) in the library. (past continuous)

►They were studying in the library.

2- She ( not / wait ) for the bus . ( past continuous )

►She wasn't waiting for the bus.

3-(they / repair ) the car ? (past continuous)

►Were they repairing the car?

‫الماضي البسيط والماضي المستمر ‪Past continuous and past simple‬‬

‫‪ .1‬نستطيع ان نستخدم الماضي المستمر والماضي البسيط في جملة واحدة لنوضح ان حدثا واحدآ حصل في‬
‫منتصف حدث اخر كان يحصل لفترة مستمرة في الماضي ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬نستخدم الماضي البسيط للحدث االقصر والذي يكون حدث منتهي ونستخدم الماضي المستمر للحدث‬
‫االطول والذي يشير الى استمرارية الحدث ‪.‬‬

‫ربط جملة الماضي البسيط بالماضي المستمر نستعمل هذه االدوات ‪:‬‬
‫( ‪)As , while , and , when‬‬
‫حيث ان ‪ As / while‬تدخل على جملة الماضي المستمر‬
‫و ‪ and / when‬تدخل على جملة الماضي البسيط وحسب القاعدة التالية‬

‫)ماضي مستمر ‪ ( + ( while / as +‬ماضي بسيط (‬

‫) ماضي بسيط ‪ ) + ( when / and +‬ماضي مستمر (‬

‫اما اذا جائت االداة في بداية الجملة فتكون القاعدة كالتالي‪:‬‬

‫)ماضي بسيط ‪ +‬ماضي مستمر ‪(While / as +‬‬

‫)ماضي مستمر ‪ +‬ماضي بسيط ‪( When / and +‬‬

‫يجب ان نميز الحدث االطول ونحوله للماضي المستمر والحدث االقصر ونحوله للماضي‬

‫‪1-He (study ) English when I (get) home‬‬

‫‪► He was studying English when I got home .‬‬

‫‪2- Ali ( have) a shower when I ( call) him .‬‬

‫‪► Ali was having a shower when I called him .‬‬

3-She ( walked / was walking ) when I saw her .

4-She was studying when ....................................... ( complete )

► She was studying when I arrived home

put one verb in the past continuous and one in the past simple
‫ضع فعل في الماضي البسيط وفعل في الماضي المستمر‬
1-I (think ) about you and then you (ring) me .

► I was thinking about you and then you rang me .

2-while Ali ( have)a shower ,somebody (knock)at the front door .

►while Ali was having a shower , somebody knocked at the front door .

3-I was cleaning my room and I ( find ) 30 $ under my bed .

►I was cleaning my room and Ifound 30$ under my bed .

4-Luckly, Sharifa (not drive)very fast when the child run into the road .

► Luckily, Sharifa wasn't driving very fast when the child run into the road.


1-She (break) the glass while I ( clean) the room .(correct )


2-She had dinner as I (clean ) the yard .


3-She talked to him while he (replaced / was replacing) the door.

4-As he (drive )the car , he (see) an accident .


5- While he (see) his friend, he (wait) for the bus. (correct)


6-He ( study ), the light ( go ) off .( join : when)


Complete these sentences with your own ideas . put the verb
in the past simple ‫ ضع الفعل في الماضي البسيط‬. ‫اكمل الجمل بأفكارك‬

1- I was running and I hit the wall

2- I wasn't looking where I was going and I fell over

3- I was getting ready for school when I saw my friend Ahmed

4- My little brother was playing football when he broke his leg

5- I was thinking about the answer when the teacher suddenly shouted at me

6- While I was waiting for the bus , I met my teacher

He was floating when he felt something push him
‫كان يعوم عندما شعر بشيء ما يدفعه‬

It was a calm morning in the beautiful seaside town of Sharm Al-sheikh

Egypt . Twenty years old Zaid Tariq a tourist from Iraq , was floating
peacefully 150 meter from the shore when he felt something push him .I
don't know what it was , he told reporters . I thought perhaps my airbed
had hit a peace of wood . Then it pushed even harder and I
fell into the water . That's when I saw it was a shark .

‫ كان زيد طارق وهو سائح من‬. ‫مصر‬, ‫كان صباح هادى في المدينة الساحلية الجميلة شرم الشيخ‬
‫ متر من الشاطئ عندما حس بشي ما‬150 ‫العراق يبلغ من العمرعشرين عاما يعوم بأمان على بعد‬
‫ اعتقد ربما اصطدمت بقطعة من الخشب ثم دفعت‬. ‫ قال للمراسلين الصحفيين لم اعرف ما هو‬. ‫يدفعه‬
‫ عندها رأيت انه قرش‬. ‫بقوة وسقطت في الماء‬

He was trying to swim away when the shark bit his arm . Tariq , who was
losing a lot of blood and thought he was about to die . Screamed as loud
as he could , I was prying to God to save me . He said . when some
dolphins swam up and frightened the shark away .
There were at least six of them and they made a circle around me . The
shark couldn't get near me .

‫ كان يفقد الكثير من الدم وظن انه على وشك‬.‫كان يحاول السباحة مبتعدا عندما عض القرش ذراعة‬
‫ عندما قامت بعض الدالفين بأخافة القرش‬. ‫ كنت اصلي هلل ان ينقذني‬: ‫ صرخ بأعلى صوته قال‬, ‫الموت‬
. ‫ لم يستطيع القرش الوصول الي‬. ‫ شكلوا دائرة حولي‬. ‫ كا ن هناك ماال يقل عن ست دالفين‬. ‫وأبعاده‬

Coast guard Jamel El-alawi heard Tariq's screams and rescued him by
boat . While he was giving Tariq first aid on the boat , his partner Ahmed
Al-Masri , called the emergency services .
an ambulance was waiting for Tariq on the shore and he was immediately
taken the hospital at Sherm Al- Shaikh . it was the most frightening day
of my life . Tariq told reporters from his hospital bed .'' that shark wanted
to have me for breakfast but the dolphins save me . Thank God

‫ بينما كان يعطي طارق االسعافات‬. ‫خفر السواحل جميل العلوي سمع صراخ زيد وانقذه بواسطة القارب‬
‫ كانت سيارة االسعاف‬. ‫ شريكة احمد المصري اتصل بخدمات الطوارئ‬, ‫االولية على متن القارب‬
‫ كان هذا اكثر يوم‬. ‫ وتم نقلة على الفور الى المستشفى في شرم الشيخ‬, ‫تنتظر طارق على الشاطئ‬
‫مخيف في حياتي " طارق اخبر المراسلين الصحفيين من سريرة في المستشفى "هذا القرش اراد ان‬
. ‫يتناولني على الفطور ولكن الدالفين انقذتني‬


1- Who was Zaid Tariq ? ‫من هو زيد طارق‬

► He was a tourist from Iraq .‫هو سائح من العراق‬

2- Where was Zaid Tariq on holiday ? ‫اين كان زيد في العطلة‬

► He was in Sharm-El sheikh , Egypt . ‫ مصر‬, ‫في شرم الشيخ‬

3-What was Tariq doing when he saw the shark ? ‫ماذا كان طارق يفعل عندما شاهد القرش‬

► He was swimming ‫كان يسبح‬

4- What did the shark do ? ‫ماذا فعل القرش‬

►The shark bit his arm ‫القرش عض ذراعة‬

5- Why did Tariq scream ? why did he start prying ‫ لماذا بدأ يدعو‬/ ‫لماذا صرخ‬

► Because he thought he was dying . ‫ألنه اعتقد انه سيموت‬

6-What saved Tariq ? ‫كيف أنقذ طارق‬

► Six dolphins ‫ستة دالفين‬

7-How did the dolphins protect Tariq ? ‫كيف حمت الدالفين طارق‬

►They made a circle around him and frightened the shark away . ‫عملوا دائرة‬
‫حولة وأخافوا القرش‬

8-Who rescued Tariq by boat ?‫من انقذ طارق بواسطة القارب‬

►The coastguard Jamel El- Allawi .‫خفر السواحل جميل العلوي‬

9- What was waiting Tariq on the shore ?‫ماذا كان ينتظر طارق على الشاطئ‬

► An ambulance ‫سيارة االسعاف‬

10- Where was Tariq taken ? ‫اين اخذ طارق‬

►To the hospital at Sharm El-sheikh ‫الى المستشفى في شرم الشيخ‬

11- who call the emergency service? ‫من اتصل بخدمات الطوارئ‬

►his partner Ahmed Al masri

P.6 /A/ circle the correct answer ‫اختر االجابة الصحيحة‬

1-Zaid Tariq was ...........................

A ) a bad swimmer b) on holiday c) working in Egypt

2-When he was attacked by the shark , he ..................................

a)Was in a boat b)hit it with a peace of wood c)was lying on a plastic matters

3-Tariq .........................................

a) was bitten by the shark b) lost his arm c) wasn't hurt at all

4- Six dolphins .......................... .

A- Bit the shark B- made a lot of noise C – protected Tariq

5-Tariq was rescued ............................. a) by sea b) by air c) by two children

6-When he got back to dry land , he was taken ..................................

a) Straight back to his hotel b) back to Iraq c) to get medical attention

Adjective ending with ( ed / ing ) ‫الصفات المنتهية بـ‬
‫ بينما الصفة‬. ‫) تصف شعور شخص معين وتأتي مع العاقل فقط‬ed( ‫الصفة المنتهية ب‬
‫( تصف االشياء وتأتي مع غير العاقل‬ing) ‫المنتهية ب‬
. ‫ ← لوصف شعور االشخاص تجاه شيء معين‬ed
‫ ← لوصف االشياء‬Ing

: ‫) في الحاالت التالية‬ing ( ‫نستخدم‬

‫ اذا بدأت الجملة(فاعل الجملة ) باسم غير عاقل‬-1
)man , person , thing , film , day, party, ( ‫ اذا جاء بعد االختيار اسم مثل‬-2
Ex. she is am ( amazed / amazing ) person
Ex. What is the most ( excited /exciting) thing , you have ever done ?
Ex. she is ( excited / exciting ) woman.
Ex. I'm so( bored / boring ).
Ex. The movie was ( interesting / interested ) . I want to watch it again .
Ex. Ken had no thing to do , he was very ( bored / boring )

P. 8 / E / underline the correct answer ‫ضع خط تحت الكلمة الصحيحة‬

1- She is not ( interested / interesting ) in fashion , he prefers books and music .
2- I saw a very ( excited / exciting ) film last night .
3- This book is very ( bored / boring ) . I fall sleep whenever I try to read it .
4-We were very ( frightened / frightening ) when our car broke down in the
desert .
5-He is very (( interested / interesting ) person , he has lot of great stories to tell .

‫اذا وجدنا بعد االختيار ( ‪ )in / at‬نختار الصفة التي تحمل ‪ed‬‬

‫‪►She is not ( interested / interesting ) in fashion‬‬

‫الصفات ( ‪ ) ful‬الظروف ( ‪) fully‬‬

‫الصفات تصف االسماء ويكون موقعها غالبا بد االفعال المساعدة ( ‪am , is , are ,‬‬
‫‪)was , were‬‬
‫نختار ‪ ful‬عندما تكون الجملة اسمية ونستعمل ‪ fully‬عندما تكون الجملة فعلية‬
‫• نضيف (‪ )ful‬لتحويل االسم الى صفه مثل ‪:‬‬
‫‪Peace → peaceful , care → careful‬‬
‫• نصيف (‪ ) ly‬لتحويل الصفة الى ظرف مثل ‪:‬‬
‫‪Beautiful → beautifully, sad → sadly‬‬

‫يكون موقع الصفات التي تنتهي بالمقطع (‪ )ful‬قبل االسماء او بعد فعل الكينونة مثل ‪:‬‬

‫‪Ex . My house is wonderful.‬‬

‫‪Ex. she drives carefully‬‬
‫‪Ex . Yesterday, we had a (wonderful/ wonderfully) dinner in a French‬‬
‫‪Ex. She is a (Beautiful / beautifully) singer.‬‬

‫اذا وجدنا فعل رئيسي في الجملة نختار الظرف الذي ينتهي ب ‪. ly‬واذا لم نجد فعل رئيسي‬
‫في الجملة نختار الصفة المنتهية ب ‪ful‬‬

‫♦ اذا وجدنا (‪ ) a , an‬قبل االختيارات نختار الصفة التي تنتهي ب ( ‪) ful‬‬

‫)‪1. Please listen (careful / carefully‬‬
‫‪2. The story was (beautiful /beautifully) written.‬‬

3. He drives the car (careful / carefully)
4. she is singing (beautiful /beautifully).
5. The plan was (careful / carefully) designed.
6. the plan was (successful / successfully) carried out.
7. Sara (careful / carefully) lifted the box. is a (wonderful/ wonderfully) car
9. we see a (peaceful / peacefully) world in unity


1- The picture was (beautiful / beautifully) painted

2- She sings (wonderful / wonderfully)

3- The novel was (beautiful / beautifully) written

4- We hope that we can live (peaceful / peacefully)

5- She is a (beautiful / beautifully) lady.

Phrasal verbs ‫االفعال المركبة‬

.‫ هي افعال تتكون من فعل وضمير وحرف جر وتكون بالترتيب التالي‬:‫االفعال المركبة‬

()‫ فعل‬+ ‫ بة‬.‫ ضمير م‬+ ‫)) حرف جر‬

) away, up , down , of , at , in , over , off , on( ‫♦ حروف الجر هي‬
Ex. Try on / turn on / give up / take off
)it , me , them , us , him ( ‫♦ ضمائر المفعول به‬

. ‫اذا كان المفعول به اسم يمكن وضعة في الوسط او في نهاية الجملة‬
Ex. Turn the light on / turn on the light
. ‫♦ اما اذا كان المفعول به ضمير يكون موقعه بين الفعل وحرف الجر فقط‬
Ex . these trousers were too long so(I / took up / them )to make them fit
►I took them up

Ex. Can you (turn it down / turn down it)in a minute .

Ex. I forgot to (turn it on / turn on it )

Ex. Can you (the music turn down / turn down the music)?

Ex . she (woke up me / woke me up) last night.

P . 11 / B / write the sentences , putting the verbs and objects

in the correct order ‫ واضعا الفعل والمفعول به في الترتيب الصحيح‬. ‫اكتب الجمل‬
1- Can you / turn on / the television ?

► can you _________________________

2-I have ready / turn on / it

► _______________________________
3- Smoking is terrible. you should / give up / it .
4-When did you / take up / stamp – collecting
5-I can't remember when I / took up / it
6-I like these shoes . can I / try on / them ?

7- Can you / turn down / the music ?
8-I will / turn down / it / in a minute .

How to recognize a ( verb , noun , an adjective , an adverb )

‫كيف نميز بين الفعل واالسم والصفة وحرف الجر‬
1-A verb : a word or phrase that describe an action : ex. Feel , look , drink .
‫ كلمة او عبارة تصف حدث معين‬:‫الفعل‬

2-A noun :a word that refer to a person, place, thing, event, man, cat, oil, party)
‫ كلمة تشير الى شخص او مكان او حدث او شيء‬: ‫االسم‬

3-An adjective :a word that describe a noun :big , quick , beautiful ,……
‫ كلمة تصف االسم‬: ‫الصفة‬

4-an adverb : a word modifies adjectives : well , fast , hard ,

Prefixes meaning (not) (opposite ) ‫السوابق التي تعني العكس‬

: ‫) مثال‬m / p ( ‫) قبل الصفة التي تبدأ بالحروف‬im( ‫ نضيف‬-1

Moral → immoral , polite → impolite
Patient → impatient , perfect → imperfect
Possible → impossible
paved → unpaved , pleased → displeased , popular → unpopular : ‫الشواذ‬

: ‫ ) مثال‬L ( ‫) قبل الصفة التي تبدأ بالحروف‬IL( ‫ نضيف‬-2
‫ قانوني‬Legal → illegal, literate →illiterate, lucky → unlucky, limited, unlimited
( ‫)شاذة‬
: ‫) مثال‬r( ‫) للصفات التي تبدأ بالحرف‬ir( ‫ نضيف‬-3
‫ منتظم‬Regular → irregular, rational →irrational, responsible → irresponsible ‫مسؤول‬

: ‫) مثال‬c / d / e ( ‫) للصفات التي تبدأ ب‬in( ‫ نضيف‬-4

‫ صحيح‬Correct → incorrect , efficient→ inefficient ,
‫ معتمد‬dependent →independent , ‫غالي‬Expensive →inexpensive ,
‫ مالئم‬convenient → inconvenient
Able , unable / attractive , unattractive / countable , uncountable :‫ماعدا‬

‫ مثل‬. ‫) مع بقية الكلمات االخرى‬un( ‫ نستخدم‬-5

‫ سعيد‬Happy → unhappy , usual → unusual , fair → unfair
‫ صحي‬Healthy → unhealthy , fortunate → unfortunate
‫ ذكي‬Intelligent → unintelligent , worthy , unworthy


1-Correct → incorrect, patient →………….. , usual,……………….

2- Happy → unhappy, moral →…………….., legal , ………………
3-Polite → impolite, popular → possible ,…………, healthy,…………….
4-Pleasant → unpleasant, efficient → fair ,………….,lucky,……………..

Imperativ e ‫صيغة االمر‬

. ‫ هي الجمل المبدوء بفعل أمر مجرد وتستخدم إلعطاء األوامر والنصائح والتعليمات‬: ‫صيغة االمر‬

‫( اذا كان لغرض االمر النهي عن عمل شيء ما‬don't) ‫نستعمل‬

10). ‫) لغرض التشديد على النهي‬never) ‫نستعمل‬

1-Get enough sleep .‫احصل على نوم كافي‬

an average of eight hours a night is about right .

2-Eat a balanced diet .‫كل بنظام غذائي متوازن‬

make sure you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetable .

3-Never miss breakfast ‫ال تفوت الفطور ابدأ‬

its the most important meal of the day .

4-Take some exercise every day ‫قم ببعض التمارين الرياضية كل يوم‬

ideally , do sport three times a week for an hour .

5-drink plenty of water ‫اشرب الكثير من الماء‬

at least a litre and a half every day .

6-See the dentist for regular check-ups ‫اذهب لطبيب االسنان ألجراء فحوصات منتظمة‬

and brush your teeth three times a day .

7-Don't drink too much coffee ‫ال تشرب الكثير من القهوة‬

tea is better for your heart and can lower your blood pressure .

8-Dont smoke ‫ال تدخن‬

if you do , ask a doctor for help with giving it up .

9-Look after your eyes ‫اعتني بعينيك‬

get them tested once a year

10-Be safe when you travel ‫كن أمن عندما تسافر‬

make sure you are up to date with vaccinations and take malaria medication
if necessary .

‫طريقة السؤال في االمتحان‬

1- ………………………. ideally, do sport three times a week for an hour.

(use an imperative to give advice)

2-…………………………. get them tested once a year. (use an imperative to

give advice)

Expressions of quantity ‫تعابير الكمية‬

: ‫االسماء نوعان‬
countable )‫االسم معدود (يمكن عدة‬
uncountable )‫االسم الغير معدود (ال يمكن عدة‬

Countable Uncountable
‫المعدود‬ ‫غير المعدود‬
books, students, churches, times , Food, milk, bread, sleep, time,
exercises , works , meals, minutes, work, money, rice, tea, fat, sugar,
coffee, oil, fruit ,space
: ‫الشواذ‬
Water , information , exercise
litre of water, men , women , idea , News , fat , advice, sport ,salt
orange vegetable feet, people, orange juice,
children , oxen, Teeth

: ‫) مثل‬s / es( ‫االسم المعدود هو غالبا ما ينتهي ب‬

. ‫ ) قبل االسم المعدود فقط‬many , a few ( ‫نستخدم التعابير‬
. ‫ ) قبل االسم الغير معدود‬much , a little ( ‫نستخدم التعابير‬
Ex. We need a ( little , few ) more orange .
Ex. You'll have to wait ( a few , little ) minute .

:‫( مثال‬much , many ( ‫) نختار اما‬How( ‫اذا بدأت الجملة بأداة االستفهام‬
Ex. How ( many , much ) apples do we need ?
Ex. How ( many , much ) exercise does he take a week ?
‫) مثال‬few , little ( ‫( نختار اما‬a( ‫اذا سبقت االختيارات ب‬
Ex. I've got a ( few , little ) people at the party .

Ex. I've met her a ( few , little )times

) many , much ( ‫) نختار اما‬not( ‫اذا كانت الجملة منفية‬

Ex. I don't think I can fit in that parking place, there isn't (much , many) space
Ex. There isn't ( a little , much ) space tom put all the stuff.
. ‫) بعد الفراغ نعتمد على االسم الذي بعدها‬more ( ‫اذا وجد كلمة‬
Ex. We need ( a few, a little ) more orange
many / much ‫) نختار اما‬too ( ‫اذا وجدنا قبل الفراغ‬
Ex. we have too .................. friends ( many , much , a few , a little )

‫أحيانا نجد االسم المعدود او االسم الغير معدود في الجملة التي تسبق الفراغ‬
Ex. how much money have you got just (a few / a little)


1- I've got ( a few , a little ) work to finish so can you wait a minute ?

2- How much money have you got left ? just ( a few , a little )

3- Can you lend me a ( many , a few , much , little ) money ?

4- How ( many , a few , much , a little ) meals do you eat ?

5-Hurry up there isn't ( much , little ) time before the bus leaves .

any, some, a lot of, ( :‫نستخدم بعض التعابير مع االسماء المعدودة والغير معدودة‬
)plenty of enough

Ex. plenty of vegetables / some sugar / some sweets

P. 13 / C: Complete the questions with much or many
1- How ............... ..... food do we need to bring to the picnic ?
2- How ................... apples do we need ?
3- How .............. meals do you eat a day ?
4- How ............. sleep do you get last night ?
5- How ................. exercise does he take a week ?
6- How .............. hour's sleep did you get the night before ?
7- How ........... time do you spend on your homework ?
8- How .............. times a week do you wash your hair ?

P .13 / D/complete these sentences with a few or a little

1- There were only .................. people at the party.
2- I've got ............. work to finish, so can you wait a minute ?
3- You'll have to wait ................... minutes.
4- There is only .............. orange juice left in the bottle .
5- How much money have you got left? just...................... .
6- I've met her ................. times .
7- Put your case in the car .there is still ................... space left .
8- We need ............... more orange .

Used to ‫اعتاد على‬

‫ للتحدث عن عادات او نشاطات كانت تحدث في الماضي وتوقفت في الماضي او في الوقت‬used to ‫تستخدم‬

Affirmative : ‫ فاعل‬+ used to + ‫ مصدر‬...

Negative : ‫ فاعل‬+ didn't use to + ‫مصدر‬....
Question : did + ‫ فاعل‬+ use to + ‫ مصدر‬...

) ‫ استفهام‬, ‫ نفي‬, ‫يكون الفعل بين االقواس خالي من اي اضافة وفي كل الحاالت ( مثبت‬

Ex. they ( like ) travelling . ( use : used to )

► they used to like travelling .

Ex. He (drive ) to school ? . ( use : used to )

► Did he use to drive to school ?

Ex, What ( you / do ) in your free time? ( use : used to )

► What did you use to do in your free time ?

Ex. You (play) football when you (be) a little ?( use : used to )

► Did you use to play football when you were a little ?

‫ ) وتكون اما في الماضي البسيط او المضارع‬but ( ‫) جملة اخرى بعد كلمة‬used to) ‫قد تأتي بعد جملة‬
. ‫البسيط‬
‫ ) تكون الجملة مضارع‬now , always , never ( ‫ هذه الظروف‬but ‫اذا وجدنا في الجملة الثانية بعد كلمة‬
‫) تكون الجملة ماضي بسيط‬last , ago ( ‫ هذه الظروف‬but ‫اذا وجدنا بعد كلمة‬

Ex. She (smoke) a lot but now she (stop) smoking . (use: used to with presenter
past simple)
► She used to smoke a lot but now she stops smoking
Ex. I ( have) a bicycle , but someone ( steal ) it last week .( use : used to )
►I used to have a bicycle , but someone stole lt last week .

. ‫) للفعل اذا كان الفاعل مفرد‬-s) ‫اذا كانت الجملة في المضارع البسيط يجب اضافة‬
Ex. She (clean) the house but now she ( not/ want ) that . ( use the correct
form of used to '' and the present or past simple )
►She used to clean the house but now she doesn't want that.
Ex. Films (be) in black and white but now they (be) in colours. (Use the
correct form of used to '' and the present or past simple)
► Films used to be in black and white but now they are in colours.

P. 22 . F / write sentences with used to / didn't use to and the

present or past simple .

1-He ( have ) his hair cut at the hair dresser's , but now his wife ( cut ) it for him
2-I ( have ) a bicycle , but someone ( steal) it last month .
3-He ( like) going out , but now he always ( want ) to stay at home .
4-She ( wear ) glasses but now she ( have ) contact lenses .
5-She ( not / talk ) so much , but now she never ( stop) talking .

‫المقارنة ‪Comparison‬‬

‫مالحظات مهمة حول المقارنة ‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬الصفات التي تحتوي على حرف علة واحد فقط نضيف ‪ er‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪cold → colder , tall →taller‬‬
‫‪ -2‬الصفات المنتهية بالحرف ‪ e‬فقط نضيف ‪ r‬مثل‪:‬‬
‫‪brave →braver , nice →nicer‬‬
‫‪ -3‬الصفات المنتهية بحرف صحيح مسبوق بحرف علة نضاعف (نكرر) الحرف األخير ونضيف ‪ er‬مثال‪:‬‬
‫‪hot →hotter , big →bigger‬‬
‫‪ -4‬الصفات المنتهية بحرف ‪ Y‬يقلب ‪ Y‬الى ‪ I‬ونضيف ‪ er‬مثال‪:‬‬
‫‪happy →happier , heavy →heavier‬‬
‫‪ -5‬الصفات التي تحتوي على اكثر من حرف علة تسبق بكلمة ‪ more‬مثال‪:‬‬
‫‪important →more important‬‬ ‫‪, beautiful →more beautiful‬‬
‫‪ -6‬هناك كلمات شاذة‪:‬‬
‫‪good – better , well →better , bad →worse , much – more‬‬

‫‪1-Cold, colder, wide,………. Hot,………… violent,……..…… bad,…………….‬‬

‫للمقارنة بين الماضي والحاضر تستعمل القاعدة التالية‬

‫‪ -1‬قاعدة ‪← than‬‬

‫‪ + Now than + ( it / they ) used to be‬صفة المقارنة ‪ + ( is / are ) +‬االسم‬

‫لتحويل الصفة الى المقارنة نضيف ( ‪ ) er‬اذا كانت تتكون من مقطع واحد ‪,‬‬

‫ونضع (‪ )more‬قبل الصفة اذا كانت تتكون من اكثر من مقطع ‪.‬‬

← ) as..... as( ‫– قاعدة‬2

‫ االسم‬+ ) Isn't / aren't ) as + ‫ صفة‬+ as + ( it / they ) used to be

Ex. (towns / big / used to be )( use : than to make a comparison )

►Towns are bigger than they used to be .
Ex. (Education / good)(compare education today with association 50 years ago .
use: then )
►Education is better now than it used to be .
Ex. Films are finnier now day they used to be. (as..... as)
►Films aren't as funny as they used to be.
Ex.(doctors / expensive / they used to be )
►Doctors are more expensive than they used to be .
Ex. Streets are (dangerous, more dangerous, most dangerous) now they used to
be .
Ex. Use as----as to compare life today with life before 20years ago (easy)

)Test yourself( ‫اختبر نفسك‬

P19/ B/ Write the correct answer ‫اكتب االجابة الصحيحة‬

1-Name three joints in the arm: wrist , elbow , shoulder
2-Name two joints in the leg: knee , ankle
3-Name two things for covering a cut: plaster, bandage

P19.C/ complete the words ‫اكمل الكلمات‬

1-I feel dizzy .I think I'm going to faint

2-I can't swallow, I have a sore throat and a temperature of 39 degree.
3-You have to take two of these pills three time every day.
4-The skin on my legs is very dry so I have to put this cream on every day.
5-We often say 'bless you ' when somebody sneeze. But we don't say it if somebody

P.21/ E/ complete the sentence with much, many, few, little

1-Hurry up , there isn't _______ time before the bus leave .

2-Can you lend me a ________ money? I've left my purse at home.

3-How_____ times do I have to tell you my phone number? Why can't you
remember it?

4-We need a _____ more fruit to take in the picnic. Can you buy some, please .

5-I don't think I can fit in that parking please, there isn't _________ space.

6-There weren't people at the meeting, I think quite a ________ had left early.

I will always be proud of him‫سأكون دائما فخورة به‬

When four –years Mustafa Ahmed woke up, he got straight out of bed and
went to look for his mother. He was a little puzzled because she normally
came into the room first thing in the morning to woke him up and helped
him to get dressed. He had no idea why she wasn't there that sunny morning
in April. He went to look for her in the kitchen first. There was no sign of
her there. and the bathroom was empty too. Then he opened the bedroom
door and saw that she still sleep. He tried to wake her up by shaking her
and calling, but to no avail. For some reason, he couldn't wake her up.

‫عندما استيقظ مصطفى احمد البالغ من العمر اربع سنوات خرج مباشرة من سريرة وذهب يبحث عن‬
‫ تيقظه وتساعده على‬, ‫ كان في حيرة قليال الن اول شيء تفعله في الصباح هو ان تأتي لغرفته‬. ‫والدته‬
‫ذهب‬. ‫ لم تكن لديه اي فكره عن سبب عدم وجودها في ذلك الصباح المشمس من نيسان‬, ‫ارتداء مالبسة‬
‫ ثم فتح‬. ‫ وكان الحمام فارغا ايضا‬. ‫ ليس هناك اي عالمة على وجودها‬. ‫للبحث عنها في المطبخ اوال‬
. ‫ حاول ان يوقظها عن طريق هزها ومناداتها ولكن دون جدوى‬. ‫باب غرفتها ورأى انها ال تزال نائمة‬
. ‫ لمن يستطيع ايقاظها‬, ‫لسبب ما‬

Latifa Mustafa's mother, suffer from diabetes. This mean she has to control
his blood sugar with injection of insulin. But sometimes, the level of suger
in her blood drop too law and then she can lose her conciseness. That is
what had happened . During the night, Latifa's blood sugar had dropped
very law and she had lost consciousness . Without help she could have died
on a few hours.
‫ وهذا يعني ان عليها السيطرة على سكر دمها بحقن‬. ‫ ام مصطفى تعاني من مرض السكري‬, ‫لطيفة‬
‫ لكن في بعض االحيان مستويات السكر في بدنها تنخفض جدا وبعد ذلك يمكن ان تفقد وعيها‬. ‫االنسولين‬

‫ بدون مساعدة يمكن‬. ‫ انخفضت نسبة السكر في دم لطيفة وفقدت وعيها‬, ‫ خالل الليل‬. ‫وهذا ما حدث‬
. ‫ان تموت في بضع ساعات‬
Mustafa's father was away on a business trip, so Mustafa was the lonely one
who could help her. Mustafa knew that when his mother needed sugar
quickly, she usually drank something sweet, so he went back to the kitchen
and took a can of cola out of the fridge. He brought it back to his
unconscious mother and tried to make her drink it , he couldn't , of course
, so after spilling quite a lot of the cola on the bed , he decided on another
plan –to call the emergency services . luckily, his grandmother had taught
him how to do that just the previous week .

‫ يعلم‬. ‫ لذلك كان مصطفى الوحيد الي يمكنه ان يساعدها‬. ‫كان والد مصطفى بعيدا في رحلة عمل‬
‫ لذلك عاد الى المطبخ واخذ‬. ‫ فأنها عادة تشرب شيء حلو‬, ‫مصطفى انه عندما تحتاج السكر بسرعة‬
‫ لم تستطيع‬. ‫علبة كوال من الثالجة وعاد بها الى امة التي كانت فاقدة الوعي وحاول ان يجعلها تشربه‬
‫ قرر العمل على خطة اخرى –االتصال‬, ‫ لذلك وبعد اراقة الكثير من الكوال على السرير‬, ‫ بالطبع‬,
. ‫ علمته جدته كيفية القيام بذلك االسبوع الفائت‬, ‫ ولحسن الحض‬, ‫بخدمات الطوارئ‬

I can't remember a thing about all this, Latifa says , but Mustafa called the
emergency serviced all on his own '' emergency operator Safia Khooury
took the call '' the little boy was very calm . he just said , my mummy is sick
. She needed a doctor. I asked him for his address and he told me.''
An ambulance arrived at the house fifteen minutes later. Mustafa had to
stand on a chair to open the front door for the paramedics . They rushed
upstairs, found Latifa unconscious and spotted her insulin user's identity
card. They knew at once that she was diabetic, and gave her an injection to
raise her blood sugar level. Latifa regained consciousness very quickly. '' I
will be proud of Mustafa, Latifa says, he was calm and intelligent when he
needed to be and that's how he saved life .

‫ كان على مصطفى ان يقف على كرسي لفتح الباب‬. ‫وصلت سيارة االسعاف بعد خمسة عشر دقيقة‬
‫ وجدوا لطيفة فاقدة الوعي والحظوا بطاقة هوية‬, ‫ هرعوا الى الطابق العلوي‬.‫االمامي للمسعفين‬
‫ عرفوا في الحال انها مصابة‬. ‫مستخدمي االنسولين‬

1-How old was Mustafa Ahmed ? ‫كم كان عمر مصطفى احمد‬
►four years old ‫اربع سنوات‬

2-Why was Mustafa a little puzzled ?‫لماذا كان مصطفى متحير قليال‬
► Because his mother didn’t come into his room .‫الن امة لم أتت لغرفته‬

3-where did Mustafa look for his mother , Latifa ?‫ لطيفة‬, ‫اين بحث مصطفى عن امة‬
►He looked for his mother in the kitchen and in the bathroom. ‫بحث عنها في‬
‫المطبخ وفي الحمام‬

4-Where did Mustafa find his mother ? ‫اين وجد مصطفى امة‬
► He found her in her bedroom asleep ‫وحدها في غرفة النوم‬

5-How did he try to wake her up ? ‫كيف حاول ان يوقظها‬

► By shaking her and calling ‫بواسطة هزها ومناداتها‬

6-what does Latifa suffer from? ‫من ماذا كانت تعاني لطيفة‬
► She suffer from diabetes ‫تعاني من مرض السكري‬

7-How does she control her blood sugar ? ‫كيف كانت تسيطر على مستوى السكر في الدم‬
►with injection of insulin ‫بواسطة حقن االنسولين‬

8-What happen to Latifa during the night? ‫ماذا حصل للطيفة اثناء الليل‬
►The level of sugar in her blood drop too low .‫مستوى سكر الدم قد انخفض كثيرا‬

9- What happens to the diabetes when their blood sugar drops too low?
►They lose their consciousness ‫فقدت وعيها‬

10- Where was Mustafa's father (Latifa husband)? )‫اين كان والد مصطفى (زوج لطيفة‬
►He was away on a business trip . ‫كان بعيدا في رحلة عمل‬

11-what did Mustafa give his mother when he found her unconscious? ‫ماذا‬
. ‫اعطى مصطفى لوالدتة عندما وجدها فاقدة الوعي‬
►He gave her a can of cola . ‫اعطاها علبة كوال‬

12- Why did Mustafa take a can of cola out of the fridge? ‫لماذا مصطفى اخرج علبة‬
‫الكوال من الثالجة‬
►To raise her mother's blood sugar . ‫ليرفع مستوى السكر في دم امة‬

13- What did Mustafa do when he couldn't help his mother? ‫ماذا فعل مصطفى‬
‫عندما لم يستطيع مساعده امة‬
►he called the emergency services . ‫اتصل بخدمات الطوارئ‬

14- Why did Mustafa have to stand on as chair ? ‫لماذا وقف مصطفى على الكرسي‬
►To open the front door for the paramedics . ‫لفتح الباب للمسعفين‬

15- What did the paramedics do to Latifa? ‫ماذا فعل المسعفون للطيفة‬
►They gave her an injection of insulin to raise her blood sugar . ‫اعطوها حقنة‬
‫لرفع مستوى السكر في‬

16-Why was Litafa proud of her son? ‫لماذا كانت لطيفة فخوره بولدها‬
►Because he was calm and intelligent and save her life ‫ألنه كان هادئ وذكي وانقذ‬-

P.24/ A )‫مرادفات ( تحفظ من الجانبين‬

1-surpised ‫مندهش‬ Puzzled ‫متحير‬

2-pushing ‫دفع‬ Shaking ‫هز‬

3-without success ‫بدون‬ To no avail ‫بدون جدوى‬


4-faint ‫اغماء‬ Lose consciousness

5-dropping ‫سقط‬ Spilling ‫سكب‬

6-the police , fire The emergency

department , ambulance services ‫خدمات طوارئ‬

7-medical helper paramedics ‫مسعفون‬

8-woke up ‫يستيقظ‬ Regained ‫يستعيد الوعي‬


write 100-120 words on this topic “Cigarettes advertising
should be illegal “

Cigarettes advertising should be illegal

‫من الواجب ان تكون اعالنات السجائر غير قانونية‬

Smoking cigarettes is very harmful habit because it causes many diseases

like lungs cancer and heart attacks. Lastly. It is a deadly risk for the both
smokers and non- smokers .
Every one children and young people can see cigarettes advertisements in
TV, streets, newspapers or public places. Furthermore, they give a message
the children and teenagers that smoking is popular and attractive as well as
it leads to be fame and success.
A lot of advertisements don’t mention the danger of smoking. The young
people are easily influenced by those advertisements, so now days, smoking
is very common among young people.
Personally, I think cigarettes advertisements should be illegal because they
do warm or remind people about the bad effects of smoking.

،‫تدخين السكائر يعتبر عادة سيئة ألنها تسبب العديد من االمراض مثل سرطان الرئة و النوبات القلبية‬
‫ كل شخص ( االطفال و الشباب ) يمكن ان يشاهدوا‬.‫اخيرا هو خطر مميت لكال المدخنين و غير المدخنين‬
‫ اعالنات السكائر‬, ‫ الصحف وفي االماكن العامة عالوة على ذلك‬, ‫ الشوارع‬, ‫اعالن السجائر في التلفاز‬
‫ الكثير‬. ‫تعطي رسالة الى االطفال و المراهقين بان التدخين منتشر وجذاب و يقود الى النجاح و الشهرة‬
‫ لذلك هذه االيام التدخين‬, ‫ الشب اب بسهولة يتأثرون بهذه االعالنات‬, ‫من االعالنات ال تذكر خطر التدخين‬
‫ شخصيا اعتقد انه ينبغي ان تكون اعالنات السجائر غير مشروعة الن هذه‬. ‫منتشر جدا بين الشباب‬
. ‫االعالنات ال تحذر او تذكر الناس حول االثار السلبية للتدخين‬

‫أسئلة شاملة حول الوحدة األولى‬

Q 1 // Text book passages .

1- Where was Zaid Tariq on holiday ?


2-What was Tariq doing when he saw the shark ?


3- Why did Tariq scream ?


4-Who rescued Tariq by boat ?


5-What was waiting Tariq on the shore ?


6-where did Mustafa look for his mother , Latifa ?


7-what does Latifa suffer from?


8-How does she control her blood sugar ?


9-What happens to the diabetes when their blood sugar drops too low?


10-What did Mustafa do when he couldn't help his mother?


11- What did the paramedics do to Latifa?


12- Mustafa found his mother in the ... ………………………….…. ( complete )

Q 2 // Do as required.

1-6-Ali ( play ) football and broke his ankle .( correct )


2-While They (wait) the bus, they (see) Sara .(join with past simple and past continuous)


3-I need to buy those shoes . can I (try / on / them ) (re-order)


4-while Ali ( have) a shower , somebody ( knock) the door .

5-You ( smoke) cigarette when you( be ) a little ( used to )
6- As he ate breakfast when the birds flew into the kitchen , (correct )
7-Salwa (eat)meat , but now she ( be ) a vegetarian .(use the correct form of
used to with past or present simple )

8-She was studying when ..................................................................... ( complete )

9-she (break) the glass while I ( clean) the room .(correct )

10-she talked to him while he (replaced / was replacing ) the door .
11-use than to comparison between towns today and towns 40 years ago .( small)
12-the accident happened while I ......................................... . ( complete)

13-there ( not / be ) a hotel in my town , but now it (have) ten of them . (re-write
the sentence with the correct form of used to and past or present simple)
…………………………………………………………………………………….. least a litre and a half every day . ( use an imperative To
give advice )

15 .................... and brush your teeth three times a day. ( use an imperative To
give advice )

Q 3 // Choose the correct word

1-We need a ( little , few , much , many ) butter for this cake .

2-I ( tool up them / them took up / took them up )

3-famliles aren’t as(big / bigger ) as before .

4-We needn't spend ( a little / much ) more money on such kind of clothes .

5-I will ( pick you up / pick up you )in my car .

6-I saw a very (terrified / terrifying ) movie .

7-Sara (carefully / careful )lifted the box .

8--can you ( the music turn down / turn down the music / down the music turn )

9-The medicine is( harmful / harmfully) for children .

10-Streets aren't as ( safe / safer ) as they used to be .

Q4//Fill the blankets with a suitable word from the box

[ dizzy ,broke , hurts , temperature , skin , cream , pills , throat , pain ]

1-She can't play tennis , she has ................... her right arm .
2-You have to take two of these ........................... three times a day .
3-The ............. on my leg is very dry so I have to put this ............ on every day .
4-My back ................ all the time . it's only feels ok when I’m lying down.
5-I can't swallow , I have a sore ..................... and a ................ of 39 degrees .
6-Where exactly is the ............. and how long have you had it

Q 5 //Complete the following with correctly spelt words

1-I feel ....................... . I think I'm going to faint . I need to lie down .

2-Healthy , unhealthy , patient , ......................... , correct ,…………………..

3-Fast , faster , bad , ............................ ,important , ……………………..

4-Bandage , treatment , ankle ,..............................

5-Join the arm w...........................

6-Surpised , puzzled , without success ......................., dropping ,.............................

7-Name two things that covering the cut .............................. , ..............................

Q6/ write 100-120 words on this topic Cigarettes
advertising should be illegal

‫مفردات الوحدة الثانية‬
Word ‫الكلمة‬ Meaning ‫المعنى‬ Word ‫الكلمة‬ Meaning ‫المعنى‬
Law ‫قانون‬ Duty ‫واجب‬

Follow ‫يتبع‬ Prevent ‫يمنع‬

Legal ‫قانون‬ Robber ‫لص‬-‫سارق‬

Evidence ‫ادلة‬ Crime ‫جريمة‬

Criminal ‫مجرم‬ Crime scene ‫موقع الجريمة‬

Finger print ‫بصمات األصابع‬ Footprint ‫اثار االقدام‬

Seatbelts ‫حزام األمان‬ Radar detector ‫كاشف الرادار‬

Commit ‫يرتكب‬ Witness ‫الشاهد‬

Attract ‫يجذب‬ Direction ‫توجيهات‬

Worry ‫خائف‬ Investigate ‫يحقق‬

Land force ‫القوة البرية‬ Branches ‫فروع‬

Join ‫يلتحق‬ Maintenance ‫يصلح‬

Navy force ‫القوة البحرية‬ Supervisor ‫مشرف‬

Scare ‫خوف‬ Alarm ‫منبه‬

Calculator ‫حاسبة‬ Civilian ‫مدني‬

Empty ‫فارغ‬ Expert ‫خبير‬

Put on ‫يلبس‬ Hook ‫كالب المفاتيح‬
Flowerpot ‫مزهرية الورد‬ Pickpockets ‫النشالين‬
Baggage ‫امتعة‬ Keys ‫مفاتيح‬
Advice ‫نصيحة‬ Property ‫ملكية‬

P. 27. B //complete the sentences with a word or a phrase from the box

(Used to watch, were speeding, was watching, was walking, didn't have,
walked Used to like, didn't use to have)

1-I Used to like travelling, but I don't like it more.

2-We were speeding when he saw the police car
3-While my baggage was going through the x-ray machine, I walked through the
metal detector.
4-We didn't use to have security camera, but now we have six of them
5-I didn't have my passport, so they didn't let me get on the plane.
6-She was walking home from school when she heard the police siren.
7-I used to watch action films on Tv, but now I prefer documentaries.
8-The security guard saw the thieves because he was watching the screen.

A police officer's duties ‫واجبات ضابط الشرطة‬

People have to follow the law so that we can all live together safely. There are
lots of different laws, so police officers have a lot of different duties. Some
officers direct traffic to make sure that drivers can use the roads easily and
without having accidents, there also use radar guns to identify people who are
driving so fast this is very important

‫ لذلك‬.‫ هناك الكثير من القوانين المختلفة‬.‫يجب على الناس اتباع القانون حتى نتمكن من العيش معا بأمان‬
‫ بعض الضباط ينظم حركة المرور للتأكد من أن السائقين‬.‫لدى ضباط الشرطة الكثير من الواجبات المختلفة‬
‫ كما انهم يستخدمون مسدسات رادار السرعة لتحديد‬.‫يمكنهم استخدام الطرق بسهولة ودون وقوع حوادث‬
‫ وهذا مهم جدا‬،‫االشخاص الذين يقودون السيارات بسرعة كبيره‬

Drivers mustn't speed because speeding is one of the leading causes of death on
the road. Police officers also check that drivers and passengers are wearing
their seat belts. some people get angry because they don't like to wear them,
but seat belts can prevent series injuries if you have an accident. So remember,
when you get into a car, you must wear your seatbelts

‫يجب ان ال يقودوا سائقو السيارات بسرعة الن السرعة هي واحده من االسباب الرئيسية المؤدية للوفاة على‬
‫ بعض الناس يغضب ألنهم ال‬.‫ يتحقق الضباط ايضا من أن السائقين والركاب يرتدون احزمة االمان‬.‫الطريق‬
‫ عندما تدخل‬،‫ لذا تذكر‬.‫ لكن احزمة االمان يمكن ان تمنع اصابات خطيرة عند وقوع حادث‬.‫يحبون ارتدائها‬
‫ يجب عليك ارتداء حزام االمان الخاص بك‬،‫السيارة‬

Of course, police officer also investigates crimes like robberies. When there has
been a crime, police officer sent to the place where it happened. They need to
look for evidence, like fingerprints and footprints, which can be used to identify
and arrest the criminal. Of course, they don't have to recognize the fingerprints
themselves. They are fingerprints experts who do that

‫بالطبع‪ ،‬يحقق ضباط الشرطة ايضا في جرائم مثل السرقات‪ .‬عندما تكون هناك جريمة‪ ،‬يرسل الضباط‬
‫للمكان الذي حدثت فيه‪ .‬يبحثون عن االدلة‪ ،‬مثل بصمات االصابع واثار االقدام‪ ،‬التي يمكن استخدامها‬
‫للتعرف والقاء القبض على المجرم‪ .‬بالطبع‪ ،‬ليس عليهم التعرف على بصمات االصابع بأنفسهم‪.‬‬
‫هناك خبراء بصمات االصابع الذين يفعلون ذلك ‪.‬‬

‫‪Police officer have to ask a lot of questions, they interview witness who they‬‬
‫‪think might have information about the crime. Witnesses can help the police‬‬
‫‪by telling them what a criminal looks like or what time a crime was committed.‬‬

‫يطرح ضباط الشرطة الكثير من االسئلة ايضا ‪ .‬يق ابلون الشهود الذين يعتقدون ان لديهم معلومات حول‬
‫الجريمة ‪ .‬يمكن للشهود ان يساعدوا الشرطة بأخبارهم عن شكل المجرم او وقت ارتكاب الجريمة‬

‫‪Police officers try to prevent crimes as well as solve crimes .They often watch‬‬
‫‪places where they think crimes are likely to happen. For example, crowded‬‬
‫‪areas attract pickpockets who‬‬

‫‪try to steal people's wallets. Shops that sell expensive items also attract thieves.‬‬
‫‪But police officers also help people with every day problem. For example if you‬‬
‫‪are lost, you needn't worry, you can just ask a police officers for directions.‬‬

‫يحاول ضباط الشرطة منع الجرائم باإلضافة الى حلها ‪ .‬يراقبون االماكن التي يحتمل وقوع الجرائم فيها ‪.‬‬
‫على سبيل المثال ‪,‬المناطق المزدحمة تجذب النشالين الذين يحاولون سرطة محافظ الناس ‪ .‬المتاجر التي‬
‫تبيع السلع الباهظة الثمن تجذب اللصوص ايضا ‪ .‬يساعد ضباط الشرطة الناس في المشاكل اليومية ‪ .‬على‬
‫سبيل المثال اذا تهت ‪ ,‬ال تقلق يمكنك ان تطلب من ضباط الشرطة االتجاهات ‪.‬‬


1- Why do people have to follow the law? ‫لماذا يجب على الناس اتباع القانون‬
► to live together safely. ‫ليعيشوا معا بسالم‬
2- Why do police officers have a lot of duties? ‫لماذا الشرطة لديها الكثير من الواجبات‬
► because there are a lot of different laws . ‫الن هناك الكثير من القوانين المختلفة‬

3-What are the duties of the police officers ? ‫ماهي واجبات ضباط الشرطة‬
►direct traffic, investigate crimes . ‫ التحقيق في الجرائم‬.‫تنظيم حركة المرور‬

4- Why drivers mustn’t speed? ‫لماذا يجب على السائقين عدم السرعة‬
►because speeding is one of the leading causes of death on the road
‫الن السرعة تقود الى الموت على الطريق‬
5-What do the police officers need When there has been a crime? ‫ماذا يحتاجون ضباط‬
‫الشرطة عندما تكون هناك جريمة‬
► They need to look for evidence, like fingerprints and footprints
‫يبحثون عن الدالئل وبصمات االصابع واالقدام‬

6- Why do some police officers direct traffic ? ‫لماذا بعض ضباط الشرطة يوجهون حركة‬
► To make sure that drivers can use the roads easily and without having
accidents.‫للتأكد ان السائق يستخدم الطريق بسهولة وبدون وقوع حوادث‬

7- Why do police officer investigate? ‫بماذا يحقق ضباط الشرطة‬

►They investigate crimes like robberies . ‫يحققون بالجرائم مثل السرقات‬

8- Who is witness ?‫من هو الشاهد‬
►A person who saw or heard something at the time of crime. ‫الشخص الذي رأى او‬
‫سمع شيء ما وقت وقوع الجريمة‬

9-How can witness help the police ? ‫كيف يستطيع الشاهد مساعدة الشرطة‬
►Witnesses can help the police by telling them what a criminal looks like or
what time committed. ‫اخبارهم كيف يبدو المجرم او في وقت ارتكبت الجريمة‬

10-What can seat belts prevent ? ‫ماذا يمنع حزام االمان‬

►-Seat belts prevent serious injuries if you have an accident. ‫يمنع االصابات الخطيرة‬
‫اذا تعرضت لحادث‬

11-The officers direct traffic to make sure that drivers can use the roads safely

12-Pickpocket is a person who steal people's wallets. ‫النشال هو الشخص الذي يسرق‬
‫محافظ الناس‬

13-Fingerprint and footprints can help to identify and arrest the criminal.

14-drivers mustn't speed because speeding is one of the leading causes of death in
the road

15-the police officer need to look for evidence, like Fingerprint and footprints

16-what do police officer try to do ?

►they try to prevent crime as well as solve crimes .

P.28 /A Match the words and the definitions .

1-Rules that every body in the country must follow laws ‫قوانين‬
2-get information about the crime investigate ‫يحقق‬
3-put someone in the prison arrest ‫يعتقل‬
4- a person who saw or heard something at the time of the crime witness ‫الشاهد‬
5-a person who steal money from your pocket pickpocket ‫النشال‬

Necessary &not necessary ‫الضرورة وعدم الضرورة‬

-: ‫هناك مفردات نستخدمها للتعبير عن (الضرورة االلزام ) ويكون استخدامها كاالتي‬

( must , need to , have to ( ‫نستخدم‬
) ‫للتعبير عن وجوب فعل شيء معين ( أي من الضروري فعلة‬

Ex. Police officers (needn't, mustn't, have to)look for evidence .

Ex. You _________ study hard before the exam. (Mustn't, must)
Ex. You (needn't, mustn't, must) have a lot of experience when you join the
Ex. You …….. drive too fast when the roads are wet (need to, needn't, mustn't)
) mustn't ( ‫ عندما نريد ان نقول ان شيء ما يجب ان ال يحدث تستخدم‬-2

‫ فعل‬+ mustn't + ‫فاعل‬

Ex. You ……. go to store today ,there is plenty of food in the fridge. (must, needn’t)

Ex. Drivers ________ speed. ( mustn't , must , needn't )

) needn't / don't have to ( ‫ عندما نريد ان نقول انه ليس من الضروري عما شيء ما نستخدم‬-3

‫ فعل‬+ needn't / don't have to + ‫فاعل‬

Ex. You _________ work over time (don't have to, must )
Ex. You _________ wash the car today, it looks clean . (needn't , must )

P.29 / D .use (must, mustn't , have to , don't have to , need

to, needn't ) to complete the sentences .
1-When you get in a car , you ______ put on your seat belts ‫ حزام األمان‬.

2-There is petrol in the car, so you _______ go to petrol station ‫محطة الوقود‬.

3-You are driving too fast, you _________ slow down ‫يخفف السرعة‬.

4-Please put out your cigarette. you ________ smoke ‫ يدخن‬in the police station .

5- You _____ pick me up in the car , I will get the bus .

6- Officers _______ prevent crimes ‫يمنع الجرائم‬.

7-I ______ be back later than 8 o'clock tonight or my parents will be angry .

P. 29 / A much the words and the definition. write the

words.(‫)تعاريف واسقاطات مهمة جدا‬

1- Without someone looking after it unattended ‫متروك‬

2-Bags and suitcase that carry your possessions on a journey baggage ‫أمتعة‬
3-There is nothing in it empty ‫فارغ‬
4-Throw away / get rid of dispose ‫يتخلص من‬
5-Say you are carrying something you need to pay duty on declare ‫يصرح‬

Giving advice ‫اعطاء نصيحة‬

) should / shouldn't ( ‫إلعطاء النصيحة تستخدم‬

‫ فاعل‬+ should + ‫فعل مجرد‬

. shouldn't ‫) واذا كانت النصيحة سلبية نستخدم‬should) ‫اذا كانت النصيحة ايجابية نستخدم‬
Ex. Keep your passport in a safe place (give advice)
►You should keep your passport in a safe place.

Ex. Waste your time. (Give advice)

►You shouldn't waste your time

Ex. Stay up for late. (Give advice)

►You shouldn't stay up for late

shouldn't ‫ ) نختار‬miss , waste , fail ,leave ( ‫اذا كان الفعل سلبي مثل‬

Making polite request ‫عمل طلبات مؤدبة‬

‫نستخدم هذه التعابير لعمل طلبات مؤدبة‬

► Would you + ‫مصدر‬+ ‫?تكملة‬
► Could you+ ‫ مصدر‬+ ‫?تكملة‬
► Can you + ‫ مصدر‬+ ‫?تكملة‬
► May I + ‫ مصدر‬+ ‫?تكملة‬

‫ ) في جملة‬ask / see ( ‫ ) فقط اذا طلب في الوزاري او عند وجود المصدر‬may I ( ‫نستعمل‬
. ‫السؤال‬
Ex. Get me a glass of water . (make polite request)
►Could you get me a glass of water ,please ?
Ex. See your ticket .( make a request )
►May I see your ticket ?

my ‫ الى‬your ‫ و‬me ‫الى‬you ‫ معا في جملة واحدة نحول‬you / your ‫اذا وجدنا‬
Ex. help you with your baggage. (Polite request)
►could you help me with my baggage?
Ex. Make a polite request, use (show me your passport)
►Could you show me your passport, please?
Ex. ask Muna to use her dictionary. (use: may I)
►May I use your dictionary?

Making suggestion ‫االقتراح‬

‫لعمل اقتراحات نستخدم األساليب التالية‬

► Shall we +‫ مصدر‬+ ‫? تكملة‬

► Let's +‫ مصدر‬+ ‫تكملة‬
► We could + ‫ مصدر‬+ ‫تكملة‬

Ex. go to the cinema this evening. (make a suggestion)

►let's go to the cinema this evening
Ex. get some magazine before boarding (suggestion)
►we could get some magazine before boarding.

Offers ‫العروض‬

‫لعمل العروض تستعمل االساليب التالية‬

►Shall I + ‫ مصدر‬+ ‫? تكملة‬

►I'll +‫ مصدر‬+ ‫تكملة‬
►Would you like me to + ‫ مصدر‬+ ‫? تكملة‬
Ex. Open the window. (make an offer )
► Shall I open the window?
Ex. offer to help your friend with his baggage.
► Shall I Help you with your baggage?

‫اذا كان المعروض اسم ولم تجد مصدر )فعل) في الجملة تستعمل التعبير التالي‬

Would you like + ( ‫الشيء المعروض ) اسم‬

Ex. A cup of tea. (Make an offer)
►would you like a cup of tea?
Ex. Close the door (offer)
►Shall I close the door ?

P.30 / B/ ‫ اقتراحات وعروض‬, ‫عمل طلبات‬, ‫استخدم العبارات التالية إلعطاء نصيحة‬

1- ………………………….give me your passport , please ( polite request )

2………………..………….help me with my baggage ?( offer use : shall )
3……………………………keep your passport in a safe place ( give advice )
4…………….…………….. see your ticket?( polite request )
5- …………………………. go to the shop before the plane leave (suggestion)
6………………...………… take a taxi to the airport (suggestion)

Abbreviations ‫االختصارات‬

30 A/ Re-write the following words and phrases without

abbreviations. ‫اعد كتابة الكلمات بدون اختصارات‬

A) Office bidgs → office buildings

B) 18 yrs → 18 years
C) Spk. Eng .and. Arb→ speak English and Arabic
D) Avail. At w_ e → available at weekends
E) Driving lic → driving licence

Find abbreviations in the advert which mean ‫جد اختصارات‬

A) Company → co.
B) Computer → comp.
C) Appointment → appt.
D) Experience → exp .
E) Frequent → freq .

1- App . →Appointment , co. → ____________

2- The abbreviation of comp is _____________
3- Computer → com. freq.→ ______________
4- Comp is abbreviated of ………………………

P/32 / D/ Underline the best alternative) ‫) اختيارات حفظ‬

1- ( Could I speak to / I want to speak to ) Mr. Hazem ?

2-( Will / may ) I ask who is calling ?

3-( This / that ) is Samir Esam ?

4-( Just a moment / just wait ), please

5-Good morning .(is that / are you )Mr . Hazem

6-Im calling ( about , because ) your advert in yesterday's paper

7-All right then , ( would / do ) you like to come in for an appointment ?

8-Yes , I would ( what is a good time / when do I come ) ?

P 32 / E /Much the beginnings with endings ‫اوصل البدايات بالنهايات‬

1-You shouldn't have any trouble doing the work (B) because its very easy

2-It Shouldn't take me more than 15 minutes do drive there (d) because there isn't

much traffic

3-They should be very comfortable (e) its very nice hotel

4-I can speak English and Arabic (f) so I should be able to talk to most of the

visitors .

5-If he's used computers before ( c) he should know how to use this software

6-if you send the letter today, ( a ) she should get it by Monday .

Expectation ‫التوقع‬

. ‫ ) للتعبير عن التوقع‬should / shouldn't ( ‫نستخدم‬

) ‫ (الجملة االولى‬, so + S + ( should / shouldn't ) +inf..

: ‫خطوات الحل‬
so ‫ننزل الجملة األولى كما هي الى الفارزة او الى كلمة‬-1
will ‫ بدل‬should ‫ ) ونضع‬I think ( ‫ نحذف كلمة‬-2
will ‫ بدل‬shouldn’t ‫(ونضع‬I don’t think) ‫ نحذف كلمة‬-3

Ex. I've studied hard for the test , so I think I will pass . (Re-write the sentences
with should or shouldn't)
► I've studied hard for the test , so I should pass .

‫ (الموجود في الجملة الثانية‬is / are(‫ نحذف الفعل المساعد‬Will ‫لم نجد في الجملة الثانية‬
‫كما في المثال ادناه‬shouldn't be ‫ او‬should be ‫ونضع اما‬
Ex. I bought a new computer , so I think it is faster than other one (Expectation)
► I bought a new computer, so it should be faster than other one .

P.34/D/ Re-write the sentences with should or shouldn't ,

as in the example ‫اعد كتابة الجمل‬

1-You have always wanted to fly , I think you will like the air force ( expectation
use : should/ shouldn't)
►You have always wanted to fly, so you should like the Air Force .

2-I have studied hard for the test , so I think I will pass (expectation)

3-You like exercising , so I don't think they will have trouble getting fit

4-They learned a lot in the military , so I don't think they will have trouble getting
a job .

5-This is anew computer , so I think it's faster than the other one .

‫ ) نختار‬miss , waste , fail ( ‫اما في حالة االختيارات اذا كان المصدر سلبي مثل‬
P.33/ A ‫مرادفات‬

N ‫ الكلمات‬Words ‫المرادفة‬ ‫المعنى‬

1 Branches parts ‫ اجزاء‬- ‫فروع‬
2 Join Become a member of ‫ يرتبط‬- ‫ينضم‬
3 Install Put in ‫ يعين‬-‫ينصب‬
4 Maintain Make sure it keeps working ‫يصلح‬- ‫يديم‬
5 Officer Someone in a higher position ‫ضابط‬
6 Supervisor Be in charge of ‫يشرف‬-‫يراقب‬
7 Civilian Outside the military ‫مدني‬

‫االفعال السببية‬
‫(للمضارع) ‪Have / get / make‬‬
‫) للماضي) ‪Had / got / made‬‬

‫عند وجود هذه الكلمات في الجملة ( ‪ ) somebody , ask somebody , a photographer‬نستعمل اما‬
‫‪ . had , got‬وتحذف هذه الكلمات عند الحل‬

‫‪ ) +.....‬التصريف الثالث ‪ +( P.P‬م‪ .‬به ‪ + had / got +‬فاعل‬

‫‪- 1‬نضع الفاعل في بداية الجملة وحسب الجدول أدناه‬

‫وعند حذف ( ‪ ) somebody , ask somebody , a photographer‬نشتق الفاعل من ضمير التملك‬
‫‪N‬‬ ‫ضمير التملك‬ ‫الفاعل المشتق‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪My‬‬ ‫‪I‬‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪His‬‬ ‫‪He‬‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪Her‬‬ ‫‪She‬‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪Their‬‬ ‫‪They‬‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪Our‬‬ ‫‪We‬‬

‫‪ -2‬بعدها تستخدم اما (‪( Had / got‬‬

‫‪ - 3‬نجد المفعول به ويكون موقعة بعد فعل الجملة‬
‫‪-4‬نحول الفعل للتصريف الثالث‬
‫‪Ex. He asked someone to repair his car‬‬
‫‪►He had his car repaired.‬‬
‫‪2-Somebody stole my mobile‬‬

►I had my mobile stolen
3-Aphotographer took her picture .
►She had her picture taken .
4-Hy father had his computer ________ ( steal , stole, stolen )

) told / because of ( ‫ ) اذا وجد في الجملة‬made ( ‫*نستخدم‬

‫ فاعل‬+ made / + ‫ به‬. ‫ م‬+ ‫مصدر‬

‫ ) في نهاية الجملة‬because of ( ‫ نضع الفاعل والذي نجدة بعد كلمة‬-1

‫ ) للمضارع‬make ( ‫ ) للماضي و‬made ( ‫ نضع‬-2
‫ نجد المفعول به في بداية الجملة اذا كان اسم نستخدمه واذا كان ضمير نشتق منه المفعول به وحسب‬-3
‫الجدول ادناه‬
N ‫فاعل الجملة‬ ‫ضمير مفعول به‬
1 I me
2 he him
3 she her
4 they them
5 we us
6 you you
7 it it
‫ نرجع فعال الجملة الى المضارع‬-4
‫ وال نغير في الجملة شيء‬to ‫ ) ونحذف‬made ( ‫ ) تحذف ونستخدم بدلها‬told ( ‫ عند وجود‬-5
Ex. Because of the red signal, I stopped my car ( use : make )
►The red signal made me stop my car
Ex. The rain was heavy , he stayed at home .
►The heavy rain made him stay at home .

1-She had her picture _______ . (Take, taken)
2-They found the car of the man
3-he looked outside because he heard a noise .
4-Layla asked somebody to fix her computer
6- he failed because the exam was difficult .

Spelling P,36 ‫امالء‬

N Formal Informal
‫رسمي‬ ‫غير رسمي‬
1 Occurred ‫حدث‬ Happened
2 ‫اصيب‬Injured Hurt
3 ‫ابلغ‬Alerted Called
4 ‫يحقق‬Investigate Find out
5 ‫أشياء‬Properly Stuff
6 ‫ لص‬Robber Burglar

1.( 2015 – 2 ) alerted , called ; investigate , --------------- .

2. ( 2015 -3 ) injured , hurt ; Alerted , ---------------.
3. ( 2016 – Feb )show , display ; stuff , --------------

‫ لص‬/ ignition ‫ مكان التشغيل‬/ footprints ‫ اثار اقدام‬/conveyor belt ‫الحزام الناقل‬
‫ بدون مراقبة‬/ crime scene ‫ موقع الجريمة‬/fingerprints ‫ بصمات االصابع‬/ burglar
‫ عاطفية‬robber ‫لص‬/ lock ‫ يقفل‬/ solid ‫ صلب‬/ hook ‫ خطاف‬/unattended
branch ‫ فرع‬/ property ‫ ممتلكات‬/sentimental

1. You can get a lot of information from a crime scene . ‫يمكنك الحصول على معلومات من‬

‫موقع الجريمة‬

2. footprints Can tell you what type of shoes a thief was wearing .

3- People can leave fingerprints even when their hands are clean .

4. Would you put your bag on the conveyor belt , please ?

5. Don't leave you wallet unattended on the bus bench .

6. The air force is a branch of military. ‫ صنف من الجيش‬- ‫القوه الجوية هي فرع‬

7. -None of the missing property has been found .

8. The police believe the robber may have got in through the window .

9. The police remind homeowners to lock their doors .

10 . burglar can hide behind trees and bushes

11. Jewellery can have sentimental value

12. solid doors make your house secure .

13 You shouldn't keep keys on a hook by the window .

14. Don't leave your keys in the ignition.‫ االشتعال‬-‫ ال تترك مفاتيحك في مكان التشغيل‬.

Test yourself
P41/ A / underline the correct words )‫ضع خط تحت الكلمة (حفظ‬


1-The land force, the navy and the air force are all (branches ‫صنوف‬/ types ) of the
2-You must be 18 years old to (belong/ join ‫ )ينظم‬the military .
3-The military needs people to (care for/maintain ‫ )صيانة‬its equipment ‫معدات‬and
vehicles .
4-In the military , you can take a test to become an ( officer‫ ضابط‬/ official )
5-If you passed this test , you have more responsibility‫ مسؤوليات‬and ( investigate /
supervise‫)يشرف على‬other people .
6-When you leave the military, your training can help to find a (criminal/
civilian ‫)مدني‬

P .41/B/ complete the phrases below with words from the

box. there is one extra words

1- Security camera ‫كاميرة مراقبة‬ 5-Speeding ticket ‫مخالفة السرعة‬

2- Metal detector ‫كاشف المعادن‬ 6-Radar speed gun ‫رادار كشف السرعة‬
3- X-ray machine ‫االشعة السينية‬ 7-Convyor belts ‫حزام ناقل‬
4-Speed limit ‫حدود السرعة‬

P. 42 .C complete the sentences with an appropriate verb
(‫ضع كلمة مناسبة ) اسقاطات حفظ‬

1-Drivers must obey the speed limit ‫يجب على السائقين ان يحترموا السرعة المحددة‬

2-You mustn't drive ‫تقود‬without your seat belts ‫ال يجب القيادة بون حزام األمان‬

3-Your car mustn’t have broken light ‫سيارتك يجب ان ال تحتوي على مصباح مكسور‬

4-You can take the bus , so you don't have to take your car

5-When you ride the motorcycle, you must wear a helmet ‫يجب ان ترتدي الواقية‬

6-You must pay ‫تدفع‬a fine when you get a ticket ‫يجب ان تدفع الغرامة‬

7-You must slow down at a roundabout, but you don't have to stop .

8- You must let ‫تدع‬people cross the street at the pedestrian ‫ استدارة‬crossing

9-If you commit a crime; the police will arrest you ‫ الشرطة ستقبض عليك‬.‫اذا ارتكبت جريمة‬

P.43/ E much the beginning and the ending of the sentences

‫اوصل البدايات بالنهايات‬

1-I must get up early tomorrow ( c) because I don't want to be late again.
2-You needn't take so much baggage (a)on a weekend trip
3-We mustn't forget (f) to take our passports
4-You need to get a special licence (b) to drive a lorry.
5-She has to (d)wear a uniform at her new job
6-I don't have to ( e)leave so soon

P 43 / F : Expectation ‫التوقع‬
1. We left tow hour early . We ( should / shouldn't ) miss the plan .
2. The police found fingerprints at the scene . They ( should / shouldn't ) arrest
the thief soon.
3. He studied hard. He (should / shouldn't ) fail ‫ يفشل‬.
4. He learnt about computer in the military. He(should / shouldn't ) be able to
help me fix ‫ يصلح‬mine .
5. There are security cameras in the building . The security guard ( should /
shouldn't ) see if anyone comes in .
6-She in 6th preparatory ‫االعدادي‬. She (should / shouldn’t) graduate ‫تتخرج‬this

P 45 / J : Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of

get , have or make )‫)االفعال السببية‬

Example :A photographer took her picture . She had her picture taken .
1.Somebody stole their television .
They had -------------------------------------------------------------------
2.My father asked somebody to fix the computer .
My father had -------------------------------------------------------------
3. My mother told me to turn down the music.
My mother made me ------------------------------------------------------
4-He asked somebody to cut the hair .
He had -----------------------------------------------------------------------
5.Yesterday my father asked somebody to clean the car .
Yesterday my father had -----------------------------------------------

1-I had my house (cleans / cleaned / cleaning )( choose)

2-The difficult exam made me (failed / fail / fails) ( choose)

3-The teacher told us to study hard . (make)

4-He asked somebody to type his text .(informal passive )

5-A pickpocket stole Marwa’s mobile last night. (use the correct form of have / make)

6-I laughed because of his funny jokes .(make )

7-They made me (look / looked ) outside. ( choose)

8-Muna passed the exam because the exam was easy .(make)

9-The teacher told us to study hard . ( make )

Home safety
‫هذه األمثلة تأتي في سؤال اعطاء نصيحة‬
Things people shouldn’t to do .( advice )
1- -keep keys on a hook by the window. ( give advice )
2-keep keys in a flower spot by the door .( give advice )
3--tell strangers when will you be a way. ( give advice )
4--plants trees and bushes near the windows .

Things people should do
1-leaves lights on when going out after dark . ( give advice )
2--give a family member a key . ( give advice )
3-ask a neighbor to collect mail . ( give advice )
4-tell your neighbor if you are going on holiday. ( give advice )


Security Technology ‫التكنولوجية االمنية‬

Radar was invented during world war II to detect enemy aircraft and ships .
After that , it was used for many other things , including weather prediction .
Police officers started using radar speed guns to catch speeders over 50 years
ago . Although new technology is being developed today , radar speed guns are
still one of the most common tools in law enforcement

‫ تم استخدامه للعديد‬, ‫ بعد ذلك‬. ‫اخترع الرادار خالل الحرب العالمية الثانية للكشف عن طائرات و سفن العدو‬
‫ بدأ ضباط الشرطة باستخدام رادارات كشف السرعة للقبض‬. ‫بضمنها التنبؤ بالطقس‬, ‫من االشياء االخرى‬
‫ رادارات السرعة‬, ‫ على الرغم من تطور التكنولوجيا الجديدة اليوم‬. ‫ عاما‬50 ‫عن المسرعين منذ اكثر من‬
. ‫ال تزال واحدة من اكثر االدوات شيوعا في فرض القانون‬

A radar speed gun works by sending radio waves towards a car . When the
waves hit the car . they bounce back towards the radar gun . If the isn't moving
, the radio waves are the same as when they were sent . If the car is moving .
however . the space between the radio waves changes. The radar gun uses
information of calculate the speed of the car . Radar guns work when the car
is moving towards or away from them . So you can't avoid a ticket by speeding
a way .

‫ عندما تضرب االمواج السيارة فأنها تعود‬. ‫رادار كشف السرعة يعمل عن طريق ارسال موجات نحو السيارة‬
‫ اذا كانت السيارة‬. ‫ تعود الموجات نفسها عند ارسالها‬, ‫ اذا كانت السيارة ال تتحرك‬. ‫مرة اخرى نحو الرادار‬
‫ تعمل الرادارات‬. ‫ يستخدم الرادار المعلومات لحساب سرعة السيارة‬. ‫تتحرك فان المسافة بين الموجات تتغير‬
. ‫ لذلك ال يمكنك تجنب المخالفة عن طريق الهرب‬, ‫عندما تتحرك السيارة باتجاهها او مبتعدة عنها‬

There are different types of radar guns .Some are hand-held and are shaped
a like guns. They can be used by the police officers who are waiting for
speeders by side of the road. Police officers can also use them from moving
vehicles. In that case , the radar gun takes into account the speed of the police
vehicle. Some radar guns can take a picture of a car's license plate as well as
measure its speed. With this type of radar gun , police don't have to stop the
speeding car . They use the information on license plate to identify the owner
of the car .They then send him or her a speeding ticket .

‫ يمكن ان يستخدمها ضباط الشرطة‬. ‫ بعضها محمول باليد مثل االسلحة‬. ‫هناك انواع مختلفة من الرادارات‬
‫ يمكن لضباط الشرطة ايضا استخدامها في المركبات‬. ‫الذين ينتظرون المسرعين على جانب الطريق‬
‫ يمكن لبعض الرادارات اخذ صورة‬. ‫ في هذه الحالة يأخذ بنظر االعتبار سرعة سيارة الشرطة‬. ‫المتحركة‬
‫ مع هذا النوع من الرادارات ال تضطر الشرطة الى ايقاف‬. ‫للوحة رقم السيارة وكذلك قياس سرعتها‬
‫ ثم يرسلون‬, ‫ يستخدمون المعلومات على لوحة رقم السيارة لتحديد صاحب السيارة‬. ‫السيارة المسرعة‬
. ‫مخالفة سرعة له او لها‬

Some drivers try to avoid radar guns so that they won't get tickets .They use
radar detectors that detect if radar gun is being used nearby .These machines
make a beeping sound when they detect a radar gun, and the driver slows
down. However , some police officers don't turn on their radar guns , until
they see a car that they think is speeding .If that happens , the radar gun
measure the driver's speed before the driver even knows the radar gun is
there . Another problem is that , in some places , radar detectors are illegal
and you can get a fine for having one .

‫يحاول بعض السائقين تجنب الرادارات حتى ال يحصلوا على مخالفة ‪ .‬يستخدمون كاشفات الرادار التي‬
‫تكشف فيما اذا كان هناك رادار يستخدم بالقرب ‪ .‬هذه اآلالت تصدر صوت تنبيه عندما تكتشف رادار ‪ ,‬و‬
‫يخفف السائق سرعته ‪ .‬ومع ذلك ‪ ,‬ال يقوم بعض ضباط الشرطة بتشغيل الرادار الخاصة بهم حتى يروا‬
‫سيارة يعتقدون انها قد تسير بسرعه ‪ .‬اذا حدث ذلك يقيس الرادار سرعة السائق قبل ان يعلم بوجود‬
‫الرادار ‪ .‬مشكلة اخرى ‪ ,‬في بعض االماكن ‪ ,‬كاشفات الرادار غير قانونية ويمكنك الحصول على غرامة‬
‫المتالك واحدة ‪.‬‬
‫‪Some people claim radar gun can make mistakes and that drivers get tickets‬‬
‫‪when they shouldn't. However , there aren't many mistakes if the radar gun‬‬
‫‪are used correctly and police officers are trained to use them properly .There‬‬
‫‪are also rules about radar gun maintenance . If the radar guns are checked‬‬
‫‪and fixed regularly , they are an essential tool in helping keep our road safe‬‬

‫بعض الناس يدعي ان الرادار يمكن ان يخطئ وان السائقين قد يحصلون على مخالفة ال يستحقونها ‪ .‬ومع‬
‫ذلك ‪ ,‬ليست هنالك الكثير من االخطاء اذا كان الرادار يستخدم بشكل جيد ويتم تدريب ضباط الشرطة على‬
‫استخدامها بشكل مناسب ‪ .‬هناك ايض قواعد حوا صيانة الرادار ‪ .‬اذا تم فحص و اصالح الرادار بانتظام‬
‫‪ ,‬فهي اداة اساسية للمساعدة في الحفاظ على طرقنا امنة‬

1- When was the radar invented ? why ? ‫متى اخترع الرادار ولماذا ؟‬
►Radar was invented during the world war II to detect enemy aircraft and ships.
‫خالل الحرب العالمية الثانية ليكشف الطائرات والسفن‬

2-Why do police use radar speed guns ? ‫لماذا الشرطة يستخدمون رادار كشف السرعة‬
►To catch the speeders ‫لالمساك بالمسرعين‬

3-How does radar speed works ?‫كيف يعمل الرادار‬

►By sending radio waves towards a car and they bounce to it . ‫بواسطة ارسال موجات‬
‫باتجاه السيارات‬

4- How can drivers avoid radar speed gun ?‫كيف يتمكن السائقين تجنب الرادار‬
►By using radar detectors .‫باستخدام كاشف الرادار‬

5-What are the types of radar guns ? ‫ماهي انواع الرادارات‬

►Some are hand-held a bit like guns , others can take pictures as well as measure
the speed.
‫ والبعض االخر يلتقط صور‬, ‫بعضها محمول باليد مثل االسلحة‬

6- What the drivers do when radar detectors detect radar speed guns ?
► They slow down ‫يخففوا السرعة‬

7-What are radar detectors ? ‫ما هو كاشف الرادار‬

►They are machine used by drivers to detect radar guns . ‫ألة تستخدم لكشف رادار كشف‬

8-Why do some people claim about radar speed guns ? ‫لماذا بعض الناس‬
‫يشتكون من جهاز كشف السرعة‬
►Because radar speed guns can make mistake ‫الن البعض منها تصنع اخطاء‬

9-What can some radar guns take ? ‫ماذا تستطيع بعض الرادارات ان تلتقط ؟‬
►They can take a picture of a car' license plate as well as measure its speed
. ‫تستطيع ان تلتقط للوحة ورقم السيارة‬

10-How should radar speed guns be maintained ?

►By checking and fixing regularly . ‫بواسطة فحصها وتصليحها بصورة دورية‬

11-Radar speed guns are still one of the most common tools in law enforcement
‫مسدس كشف السرعة اليزال احد الوسائل المنتشرة في فرض القانون‬

12-When the waves of the radar speed gun hit the car , the bounce back towards
the radar gun
‫عندما تضرب موجات الرادار السيارة تعود باتجاه الرادار‬

13-Radar speed can be used by police officers who are waiting speeder by the side
of the road

14-Radar guns are an essential tools in helping keep our roads safe

15-what are the other uses of radar ?

Radar is used for weather prediction and to catch the speeders .

16- radar speed gun can be maintained if they are checked and fixed regularly.

P. 47/ B : ( True / False )

1-Radar guns don't need any maintenance .F ‫رادار كشف السرعة ال يحتاج ألي صيانة‬

2-Police department don't use radar guns anymore F ‫دوائر الشرطة ال يستخدموا كاشف‬

‫السرعة بعد االن‬

3-Some people think radar guns don't work well T ‫بعض الناس يعتقدون كاشف السرعة ال‬

‫يعمل بشكل جيد‬

4-There are two main problem with radar detectors T ‫هناك مشكلتان رئيسيتان ألجهزة‬

‫كاشف السرعة‬

5-Some radar guns are shaped a bit like guns T ‫تكون بعض الرادارات على شكل اسلحة‬

6-Police officers must be trained to use radar guns correctly T

‫يجب ان يتدربوا رجال الشرطة على اجهزه كاشف السرعة‬

7-A radar detector make a beeping noise if it senses a radar being used in the area


. ‫يصدر الجهاز صفيرا عند استشعار بوجود رادار مستخدم في المنطقة‬

8.Radar guns can only calculate the speed of a car moving towards them .(F)

‫يحسب الرادار سرعة السيارات التي تتجه نحوه فقط‬

Ahmed wants to be a security guard , he is meeting the manger of a security
company tomorrow morning at 9.00 it take thirty minutes to go from his
house to the security company , the manager sent him directions and maps
. write a letter to Ahmed of 100 -120 words giving him ''advice how to get
the job'' . use you should/ shouldn’t in your letter at least five times. write
two paragraphs

Dear Ahmed
I’d like to give you some advice you may need. You should arrive the security
company at the exact time of the interview. Firstly you should wake up early and
never miss breakfast.
Secondly you shouldn't go by the bus since it moves slowly , so you'd better a
taxi. Be prepared for the interview before a day .
It's always important to dress properly for the interview to look well-dressed .
You shouldn't talk neither loudly nor in a low voice. In addition , Your answers
should be specific and accurate according to the questions. You should to be quite
and confident during the interview .
Finally , you should be grateful for the interviewer .
Best Wishes ,
‫عزيزي احمد‬
‫ اوال‬،‫ يجب ان تصل الى الشركة االمنية بالوقت المحدد للمقابلة‬.‫اود ان اقدم لك بعض النصائح التي ربما تحتاجها‬
‫ وثانيا انصحك بان ال تذهب بالحافلة ألنها تسير ببطيء‬. ‫يجب عليك ان تستيقظ مبكرا وال تضيع وجبة الفطور‬
‫ من المهم ان ترتدي المالبس المناسبة في المقابلة لكي‬.‫ تهيأ للمقابل قبل يوم‬.‫لذلك من الفضل الذهاب بالتاكسي‬
‫ يجب ان تكون اجوبتك دقيقة ومطابقة‬.‫ يجب ان ال تتحدث بصوت مرتفع جدا وال منخفض جدا‬.‫يكون مظهرك جيد‬
‫ اخيرا يجب ان تكون ممتنا للشخص المقابل‬.‫ يجب ان تكون هادئ وواثق من نفسك خالل المقابلة‬.‫لألسئلة‬
‫اطيب االمنيات‬

‫اسئلة شاملة حول الوحدة الثانية‬

Q 1 / Textbook passage
1-Why do police use radar speed guns ?
1- How can drivers avoid radar speed gun?
3- What the drivers do when radar detectors detect radar speed guns ?
4-What are radar detectors ?
5-Can radar guns take pictures ?
6-How should radar speed guns be maintained ?
7-Police department don't use radar guns anymore ( F/ T )
8-Why do police officers have a lot of duties?
9-Why mustn’t drivers speed?
10-Why do some police officers direct traffic ?
11-Why do police officer investigate?
12- Who is witness

13-How can witness help the police ?

14-Pickpockets are………………… ) complete )

15-drivers mustn't speed because ……………………………. ( complete

Q 2 // grammar
1-Take a taxi to the air port ( suggestion)
2 - I have studied hard for the test , so I thing I will pass .(expectation )
3-Help you with you baggage ( offer )
4-You have always wanted to fly, I think you will like the air force .(expectation )
5-Meet 3:00 in the departure lounge ( suggestion )
6-Offer to drive your brother to the match .( use :shall )
7-They arrived late because of the traffic jam ( use : made )
8-My mother asked somebody to paint the house .( re-write using get or made )
9-Leave keys in the flower spot .( give advise )

10-I asked somebody to paint the house of white .( use : get )
11-Show me your passport .( request )
12- advice your friend to keep his passport in a safe place .
13-use ( may I ) to ask someone to see his ticket .
14- I asked the mechanic to check the brakes (use the correct form of have / made)
15- my father told me to go back to my room ( make )

Q 3// choose the correct answer

1- I (must / needn’t) be back later 8 o'clock or my parents will be angary.
2-The red signal made him (stop / stopped)
3- The noise (have / made) her look outside
4-She had her picture (take / taken)
5-When you get in a car , you ( must / needn't )put on your seat belts .
6-You ( must / don't have to )speak to the driver when the bus moving , its
dangerous .
7- The wind ( made / get )the leaves fall .
8- She got the window ( fix / fixed )
9-that film made me (cry , cries , crying )
10-could I speak to / I want / I want to talk to Mr. Hazem ?
11-you ( must / mustn't / needn't ) drive so fast when the roads are wet .

Q 4/spelling
1-Computer → comp . Experience → ............................ freq .→ ___________
2-(Will / may ) I ask who is calling ?
3-Good morning .(is that / are you )Mr . Hazem
4-All right then , ( would / do ) you like to come in for an appointment ?
5- ( This / that ) is Samir esam ?
6-branches → parts , officer ................................ , join ....................................
7-security , security camera , metal …………………….., speed
8-the abbreviation of appointment ………………………

Q 4 /Choose the correct word from the box

[ unattended ,dispose of ,drive , let , pay , empty , rules ]
1-Your car mustn't .......................... broken light .
2- You must ............... people cross the street at a pedestrian crossing .
3-You must ........ a fine when you get a ticket .
4-There is nothing in it .......................
5-Throw away / get ride of .......................
6-.................... that every one in the country must follow .
7-Without someone looking after it ..........................

Q/6 /write a letter to Ahmed of 100 -120 words giving him ''advice how to get
the gob''. use you should/ shouldn't in your letter at least five times . write two

Definitions of jobs )‫تعريف المهن (الوظائف‬

A/An + ‫ مهنة الشخص‬+ is someone who+ V - S + com

Is responsible for
)define( ‫نجد مهنة الشخص في السؤال بعد كلمة‬-1
. ‫) قبلها وبنفس خطوات الحل‬is) ‫) فعند الجواب نضع‬responsible for( ‫اذا اعطى لنا بين االقواس الصفة‬-2
‫في بعض االسئلة الوزارية تعطى الوظيفة فقط لذلك يجب حفظ التعاريف في التمارين الالحقة‬-3
1-Define a typist (use :write on the typewriter )
► A typist is someone who writes on the typewriter
2-Define a chef
►A chef is someone who makes fine dishes in the restaurant
3-Define a hotel manager (responsible for running a hotel )
►A hotel manger is someone who is responsible for running a hotel.
4-Define a nurse ( look after sick people and helps doctors )
►A nurse is someone who looks after sick people and helps doctors.

1-Define a lifeguard (responsible for the safety of swimmers )
2-Define a sale person (sell things in a shop)
3-Define a TV presenter (introduce programmes on TV)

4-Define a writer (writes article for newspapers)

P.50 / C / Write definition for following sentences

)‫اكتب تعاريف الوظائف التا لية (للحفظ مهم‬

1-A nurse is someone who looks after sick people and helps doctors.
2-A fashion designer is someone who designs clothes.
3-A hotel manager is someone who runs a hotel.
4-A sales person is someone who sells things in a shop .
5-A TV. Presenter is someone who introduces programmes on TV.
6- A marker manager is someone who is responsible for advertising and selling
products .
7-A cartoonist is someone who draws amusing pictures.

Conditional sentences (IF ) ‫الجمل الشرطية‬

zero conditional
‫) او األشياء دائمة‬fact ( ‫ او الحالة الصفرية عند الحديث عن االشياء الحقيقية‬zero conditional ‫نستعمل‬
)repeated action( ‫الحدوث‬

If + ‫ مضارع بسيط‬, ‫مضارع بسيط‬

‫) اذا كان الفاعل جمع في‬s( ‫( اذا كان الفاعل مفرد وال نضع‬s ) ‫في حالة المثبت نضع للفعل‬
Be → is , am , ‫ مع الجمع‬don't ‫ مع المفرد ونضع‬doesn't ‫حالة النفي نضع‬

Ex. If she ( be ) late , he usually phone her .( correct )
Ex. If she is late , he usually phone her .
Ex. You need to improve your English language if you _________ to study in
Britain ( want , wanted )
Ex. If you click on this icon, the computer (save) your document (zero conditional)
► If you click on this icon, the computer saves your document

Match the sentence halves and complete the sentences.

1- I can't get to sleep A-if I come late .
2- If I lend my brother CDs , B-if I drink a lot of coffee .
3-If you work in marketing C-he always loses them.
4-If you are good at language , D-you can be an interpreter .
5-My parents get worried E-unless you keep it in the fridge.
6- You need to improve your English F-your job is to encourage people to
buy .
Food goes bad G-if you want to study in Britain.

1- If you work in marketing , your job (be) to encourage people to buy .(correct)
2-if his favourite team wins a match , he ( feel) happy . (correct )
3-plants die if you ( not water ) them . ( correct )

First conditional ‫الحالة الشرطية االولى‬
‫ عندما نتكلم ع ن شيء محتمل الحدوث في المستقبل‬First conditional ‫نستخدم‬

If +‫مضارع بسيط‬+ will + inf....

)if clause ( + ( main clause)

‫ مع‬doesn't ‫ اما في حالة النفي نضع‬, ‫ اذا كان الفاعل مفرد‬s ‫في المضارع البسيط نضع‬
) will( ‫) كما هي مع‬be( ‫ مع الجمع وتبقى‬don't ‫المفرد و‬

Ex. If people (not /stop) polluting the air, animals and plants will soon die. (correct)
If people don’t stop polluting the air , animals and plants will soon die
Ex. If I see him ,I (tell) him your news .( use the correct conditional )
► If I see him ,I will tell him your news .
Ex. If the traffic isn't too heavy , I ( be ) at the airport at 12:00 .( correct )
► If the traffic isn't too heavy, I will be at the airport at 12:00.
Ex. If she (have) enough money, she will buy anew dress ( correct )
► If she has enough money, she will buy anew dress .

‫اذا كانت الجملة استفهامية (سؤال) نقدم الفعل المساعد على الفاعل في العبارة الرئيسة فقط‬

(your brother /get) annoyed if he doesn't win at chess? (use the correct conditional)
►will your brother get annoyed if he doesn't win at chess ?
don’t ‫ و‬doesn’t ‫ اذا كان الفاعل مفرد وفي حالة النفي نضع‬s ‫في المضارع البسيط نضع للفعل‬
‫ في حالة النفي‬will not ‫ الى‬will ‫في المستقبل نغير‬
‫ كما هي في المستقبل‬be ‫ في المضارع وتبقى‬is /am/ are ‫ الى‬be ‫في المضارع البسيط نحول‬

P.51 /B/Write theses sentences using the correct form of
the verbs in brackets

1-If I(not / pass ) the high school exam this year , I( take ) it again next year
2-If she ( not / apply ) for a scholarship , of course she(not / get )one.
3-If anyone (need)advice about their application forms , I (be) here tomorrow to
help .
4-If he( log on ) to the British council site , he (find)quite a lot of useful
information course in Britain.
5-If you want to do a degree in Britain, you ( have to )do a one –year foundation
course first .
6-unless he (make ) a big effort this term , he (not/ get ) through the end – of –
year exams .
7-If you are offered a place at Carnegie university , ( you / accept ) it ?

P . 53/ complete these sentences in the first conditional
‫اكمل الجمل التالية في الحالة الشرطية االولى‬
1-If you do really well in the exam , I will pass
2-If you want to work in the media , you should be educated
3-If my parents can afford it , I will buy a computer .
4-If you don't get a place at university , I will try next year
5-If you want to study languages , you must join the college of languages

Second conditional ‫الحالة الشرطية الثانية‬

)unreal situation( ‫ الحالة الشرطية الثانية للتكلم عن االشياء الغير حقيقية‬Second conditional ‫نستعمل‬

If + ‫ماضي بسيط‬+ s +(would/ could)+‫مصدر‬

)if clause ( + ( main clause)
Ex. If she studied harder, she would pass her exam
Ex. If I have enough money, I go to Britain to study .( second conditional )
►If I had enough money, I would go to Britain to study
Ex. If we (live) in Mexico, we (speak) Spanish (second conditional)
►If we lived in Mexico, we would speak Spanish.
Ex. If I (play) tennis, I would join the tennis club (correct)
► If I played tennis, I would join the tennis club.
Ex. Ali would be really happy if he(can) spend the summer studying in London.
►Ali would be really happy if he could spend the summer studying in London.
Ex. If I were you, I (study) hard.

►If I were you, I would study hard.
Ex. If I be you, I would apply to two or three colleges (correct the verb)
►If I were you, I would apply to two or three colleges.

‫ ) واذا‬did ( ‫ ) في جملة فعل الشرط نضع قبلها‬not( ‫في الحالة الشرطية الثانية اذا وجدنا‬
) would/ could ( ‫وجدناها في جملة ( جواب الشرط ) نضع قبلها اما‬
) would / could ( ‫ ) كما هي مع‬be( ‫) مع الماضي وتبقى‬was / were( ‫) الى‬be( ‫نغير‬

Ex. If you (not tell) me about tour birthday, I would forget it. (put the verb in the
correct form )
►If you did not tell me about tour birthday , I would forget it.
Ex. if you didn't walk in this rain , you (not get ) very wet . (put the verb in the
correct form )
► If you didn't walk in this rain , you would not get very wet .

‫في موضوع اذا الشرطية بصورة عامة اذا وجدنا عالمة استفهام في نهاية الجملة فأننا نقدم‬
‫الفعل المساعد على الفاعل‬
Ex. If you found a snake in your bed, what (you /do)? (put the verb in the correct
►If you found a snake in your bed, what would you do?

P.54/ Write sentences in the second conditional using the

verbs in the blankets. ‫الحالة الشرطية الثانية‬
1- If I ( have ) lots of money, I (buy) a racehorse.
2- I (not have) to spend so long on my homework if I (have) computer of my own .

3-Where (you choose ) to live if you (can) live anywhere in the world ?
4- I ( learn ) to parachute if my friend (say) she would do it with me .
5- If I (be) you , I (not ask) this advice about anything.
6-She (look) much nicer if she ( wear ) contact lenses instead..
7-He (be) more attractive if he shave his bread off.
8- I (not marry ) him even if he (be) the last man on the earth!

P.55 / C/ Complete the sentences orally with you own ideas .

1. If I had my own car , I'd take my friends on picnics every weekend.
2.If my father own a million pounds , he'd open private company.
3. If I had one wish , I would build a mosque.
4.If I had three wishes , I would go round the world, buy very big house and new
The prefix (dis-)

like dislike please displease

obey disobey connect disconnect
trust distrust encourage discourage
appear disappear agree disagree
approve disapprove

‫‪Ex. Correct , incorrect ; encourage , ------------- .‬‬
‫‪Ex . Approve , disapprove ; fortunate , ------------ .‬‬
‫‪Ex. Like , dislike ; legal , ----------- .‬‬

‫االسئلة المنقولة ‪Reported question‬‬

‫لتحويل السؤال المباشر الى سؤال غير مباشر (منقول) نتبع القاعدة التالية‬

‫‪( + S + (v-d) +‬أداة استفهام ‪ + (if /‬جملة (‪)asked‬‬

‫خطوات الحل ‪:‬‬

‫‪-1‬نضع جملة (‪ )asked‬في بداية الجملة واين ما وجدت‬
‫‪-2‬اذا بدأ السؤال بأحد ادوات االستفهام (‪ )where , when , what, how ,...‬نضعها بعد جملة )‪)asked‬‬
‫واذا لم نجد احد ادوات االستفهام نضع (‪)if , whether‬‬
‫‪-3‬نضع الفاعل (نقدم الفاعل على الفعل المساعد)‬
‫‪-4‬اذا كان الفاعل (‪ )you‬نحوله حسب المفعول به الموجود بعد كلمة (‪ )asked‬كما في الجدول‬
‫‪-5‬نحول الفعل الموجود في الجملة الى الماضي ‪.‬‬
‫‪-6‬نحذف عالمة االقتباس("") وعالمة االستفهام (؟)‬

‫‪your‬‬ ‫‪you‬‬ ‫المفعول به‬ ‫‪Is , am →was / has , have →had‬‬

‫‪I‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫‪Are →were / will→ would‬‬
‫‪my‬‬ ‫‪I‬‬ ‫‪me‬‬ ‫‪Can-- could‬‬
‫‪his‬‬ ‫‪he‬‬ ‫‪him‬‬
‫ماضي → الفعل المضارع‬
‫‪her‬‬ ‫‪she‬‬ ‫‪her‬‬
‫اذا كان الفعل الموجود ماضي فيحول الى الماضي التام‬
‫‪Their‬‬ ‫‪they‬‬ ‫‪them‬‬
‫‪Was, were →had been‬‬
‫‪our‬‬ ‫‪we‬‬ ‫‪us‬‬
‫)تصريف ثالث( ‪did→had+‬‬

‫) ان وجدت ونحول الفعل الى الماضي‬do, does( ‫نحذف افعال العمل‬
. ‫) نحذفها ونحول الفعل للماضي التام‬did( ‫اما‬
Ex. Can you help? '' she asked me .(reported question)
►She asked me if I could help .
Ex. Do you know ? I asked him (reported question)
►I asked him if he knew.
Ex .Are you OK? He asked me (reported question)
►He asked me if I was ok .
Ex. What are you doing ? he asked me (reported question)
►He asked me what I was doing.
Ex. Where has she been ? I asked (reported question)
►I asked where she had been.
Ex. What will they say? she asked (reported question)
►She asked what they would say.
Ex. I asked Saab ''how do you start your business?''(reported question)
►I asked Saab how he started his business .
Ex. What's your favourite route ? he asked me (reported question)
►He asked me what my favourite route was .

‫يبقى النفي مع الفعل المساعد عند تحويل السؤال الى المنقول‬

Ex. Why haven't you answered all the questions?'' my English teacher asked me
► My English teacher asked me why I hadn't answered all the questions.

)asked( ‫) نحوله الى نفس الفاعل الموجود قبل كلمة‬I) ‫اذا كان الفاعل في السؤال‬

‫‪Ex. Can I borrow some money? she asked me‬‬
‫‪►She asked me if she could borrow some money.‬‬

‫الندم ‪Regret‬‬

‫للتعبير عن الندم تستخدم القاعدة التالية ‪.‬‬

‫تصريف ثالث ‪ + )had / hadn't ) +‬فاعل ‪(I wish / if only( +‬‬

‫خطوات الحل ‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬نضع (‪ (I wish / if only‬في بداية الجملة ثم بعدها الفاعل‬
‫‪ -2‬نضع ‪ hadn't‬اذا كانت الجملة مثبتة ‪ ,‬ونضع ‪ had‬اذا كانت الجملة منفية‬
‫‪ - 3‬نحول فعل الجملة للتصريف الثالث‬
‫‪-4‬اذا وجدنا كلمة (‪ )because / but‬تكون جملة الندم بعدها‪ .‬وإذا وجدنا كلمة (‪ )and‬تكون جملة الندم قبلها‬
‫) ‪Ex. They lost the match. ( show regret using if only‬‬
‫‪►If only they hadn't lost the match .‬‬

‫‪ -1‬نحذف كلمة ()‪ (unfortunately‬ان وجدت‬

‫‪ -2‬جملة الندم تكون الجملة االولى ‪ ,‬ونحذف الجملة الثانية التي تبدا بعد النقطة او بعد كلمة‬
‫‪. and‬‬
‫‪ -3‬نحول ضمير الفاعل ‪ you‬الى (‪ . )I‬ونحول ضمير التملك ‪ your‬الى ‪my‬‬
‫‪ -4‬نحول ( ‪)too much – so much / a lot of – so much‬‬
‫‪Ex. unfortunately, I didn't wake up early . that's why I missed my bus .( regret‬‬
‫)‪use : I wish‬‬
‫‪►I wish I had woken up early .‬‬

Ex. Unfortunately, my sister phoned me , but I wasn't at home .( use : if only )
►If only I had been at home .
Ex. If only I hadn't ( eat / eaten) three pars of chocolate . ( choose )
Ex. you failed the driver test because you didn't follow the rules ( chow regret )
-I wish I had follow the rules .
Ex. you didn't' revise for your geography exam and you got a bad mark . you
feel sorry about this . ( show regret )
-I wish I had revised for my geography exam .

write regrets starting if only , I wish for the situations below

1- Unfortunately , I ate three bars of chocolate , that's why I felt sick
-If only I hadn't eaten three bars of chocolate .
2- Unfortunately, he fell over during the race , that's why he didn't win
3- Unfortunately , you were rude to your brother . now he won't give us a lift to
the cinema
4- Unfortunately , I spent all my money at the weekend
5- Unfortunately , they didn't train every day , that's why they lost the match
6- Unfortunately, I left my camera at Fatan's house . that's why I couldn't get a
picture .
7- Unfortunately, she lost their address. That's why she couldn't write to them .

Third conditional ‫الحالة الشرطية الثالثة‬

‫نستخدم الحالة الشرطية الثالثة للحديث عن المواقف الغير حقيقية في الماضي‬

if + ‫ ماضي تام‬+ S +)might. could . would( + have + ‫تصريف ثالث‬

Ex. If I ( not have )the operation, I would have died ( correct )
►If I hadn't had the operation , I would have died .
Ex. We ( not eat ) at that restaurant if I had known it was so expensive . ( correct )
►We wouldn't have eaten at that restaurant if had known it was so expensive .
Ex . If I see him yesterday, I would have told him your news. ( correct )
►If I had seen him yesterday, I would have told him your news.
Ex. She wouldn't have got sunburnt if she ( had worn / worn ) a hat.

P. 62 / A/ much the beginning and the endings ‫اوصل‬

‫البدايات بالنهايات‬

1-I would have trained as a pilot if I had passed (e) the eye test

2-I would have been a doctor if I hadn't been (b)scared of blood

3-I might have become an engineer if I hadn't been (a) scard of heights

4-I would have stayed in the police force if I hadn't been(d) so unfit

5-I could have been a good tour guide if I'd spoken (c) more language

P .62/ B/ make sentences in third conditional by
putting the verb in the correct form

1-If I (know) about her problems , I would have lent her some money

2- If we (leave) a little earlier , we would not have missed the bus


3-We (not eat )at that restaurant if we had known it was so expensive

4-I would have studied medicine if my parents (have )enough money to pay for the

5-What would you have done if nobody (come)to rescue you ?


6-We (die)of thirst in the desert if Adnan and Ali had not come for us in
their truck

7-If Salwa hadn't told me about the next time for the class , I (be )really late .

P.63 / C/complete these sentences in third conditional ,
use an appropriate verb in the correct form

‫ استخدم فعل مناسب في الصيغة الصحيحة‬. ‫اكمل هذه الجمل في الحالة الشرطية الثالثة‬
Ex. You would have met my aunt Salima if you had come to our party.

1. I wouldn't have missed the plane if I had got up early.

2. We wouldn't have camped there if we'd known about the snakes the bushes.

3. If we had looked at the map , we wouldn't have got lost .

4. If I hadn't had the operation ,I would have died.

5. You wouldn't have broken you ankle if you hadn't worn those ridiculous shoes.

6. If you had stayed in bed and rested , you would have got better more quickly .

7. She wouldn't have got sun burnt if she had worn a hat.

8. They would have won the match if their best player hadn't been sent off.

P.68 A : Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box

Architect ‫ معماري‬/ engineer ‫ مهندس‬/ flight attendant / journalist ‫ صحفي‬/ lawyer‫ محامي‬/
lifeguard ‫ منقذ‬/pilot ‫ طيار‬/ plumper ‫سباك‬/ secretary ‫ سكرتير‬/ surgeon ‫ جراح‬/ tour guide
‫ مرشد سياحي‬/ headphone

1- Salwa works with the director of the company . She writes all his letters and
answers the telephone . She is his secretary.

2- Captain Yousef has been a pilot for ten years now .At the moment , he files
planes from Europe to the Gulf .

3- Jameel nearly drowned at the beach yesterday. Luckily ,the lifeguard
saw him and recused him.

4- '' Who designed that amazing building?'' '' My uncle. He a famous Architect
you know''

5- My sister is a tour guide. she takes tourists sightseeing in London every day .

6- Have you read the article about dhows in this magazine ? It's buy my aunt ,
who is a journalist .

7- things you put over your ears to listen privately…………….

P.68 / B/ Circle the correct answers .

1-If you dislike something , you (b) don't like it .
2. If you distrust someone , you : (c) don't have confidence in them .
3. If you disconnect your TV , you : (c) can't see the picture anyone .
4. If you discourage someone , you : (a) make then feel they can't do something .
5. If something has disappeared , you (c) can't see .

P.68/C/ complete these sentences with a appropriate

words ‫اكمل الجمل بكلمات مناسبة‬
1-I'm hungry , let’s have lunch in the college canteen ‫كافتيريا‬.

2-You will really enjoy studying there , all the staff are really friendly and helpful

3-Please fill in this form , write your name and all the other details ‫تفاصيل‬

4-Whats your title ‫ ?عنوان‬is it Mrs or Miss or Dr

5-I would like to go in a computer course ‫ دورة‬to improve my skill

6-I didn't know what to do after leaving school, but one of my teachers gave me
some very good advice ‫نصيحة‬

7-they didn't know which class I should be in , so I did a test to find out what my
English was

8- I 'can't get that job because I don't have the right qualifications ‫مؤهالت‬

9-I want to go to university ‫ جامعة‬and get‫ احصل‬a Science degree

10-I'm interested in the environment . I would like career in ecology

P.70 D / Use the prompts to complete the sentences ,

using the correct conditional
1-What would you like to change if you(can ) change one thing about your
appearance ?

2-If you go to the bed now , you ( probably feel )better in the morning .

3-What would you buy first if you(win) a million pounds?


4-what would we have done if our car (break down )in the desert

5-I won't help Sharifa with her maths if she (not lend ) me her camera .

6-If you (find) a snake in your bed , what would you do ?

P.70/E / for each situation, write a sentence with I wish or if only

1- You have eaten too much chocolate and now you feel sick.
►I wish I hadn't eaten so much chocolate
1-You drink a lot of coffee, now you are in the bed and you can't sleep .

2- You decided not to go to the park with your friends , now you regrets it

3-You didn't revise for your geography exam and you got a bad mark , you feel
sorry about this

4-You bought some shoes last week , you have decided you don't like them.

5-You are at the park with your friends , you would like to take some photo but
you have forgotten to bring your camera .

P.71/ F / write who asked each question and report the question
(‫)السؤال المنقول‬

-How short do you want your hair ?

►The hair dresser asked me how short I wanted mu hair

1-How often do you clean your teeth ?

►The dentist asked me ________________________________

2-Why haven't you answered all the questions ?

►My English teacher asked me ___________________________

3-Will you be free to play in the match on Saturday ?

►The football coach asked me ______________________________

4-When you are going to get out of bed ?

►My mother asked me ________________________________

5-Is the red jacket ok for you ?

►The shop assistant asked me ___________________________

Write the direct questions as a reported questions

‫اكتب االسئلة المباشرة اسئلة منقولة‬
1-Can I borrow some money?
►She asked me …………………………………………………………………………..
2-Where did you lose your purse?
►I asked her ……………………………………………………………………………..
3-How long have you been waiting for fasial ?
►He asked me …………………………………………………………………………...
4-Will you be able to come to my party ?
►I asked Layla ………………………………………………………………………….

p.60/ C Write two regrets for each situation using I wish / if only
1-you were late for school and got into serious trouble
2-your team lost the match on saterday
3-you got a bad mark in your last science exam .
4-your brother is very annoyed with you
5-you didn’t lock the car and a thief stole some valuable things of your from it.

Focus on career – conference interpreter
‫مترجم المؤتمرات‬- ‫التركيز على الوظائف‬
The Place is the Hilton, Abu Dhabi, and the annual Arab oil industry
Conference is about to break for lunch. Samira AL Mahmoud who has been
interpreting from English to Arabic, removes her headphones.

‫ سميرة‬. ‫ مؤتمر النفط العربي السنوي على وشك التوقف الستراحة الغداء‬, ‫ ابو ضبي‬, ‫مكان فندق هيلتون‬
‫ تنزيل سماعتها‬, ‫التي تترجم من االنجليزية الى العربية‬, ‫المحمود‬

Asked how she prepared for this conference Samara says, I knew the topic was
oil, so I read about the subject to get Familiar with technical terms . You can't
use a general word like the ground , for example, when you actually mean The
source rock . In my work, its very important to listen to the news every day and
read the newspapers. That way, you have good general knowledge and know
what is going on in the world. Some interpreters read three or four newspapers
a day.

‫ لذا قرأت عن هذا‬, ‫ كنت اعرف ان الموضوع عن النفط‬,‫ تقول سميره‬, ‫سألت كيف أعدت لهذا المؤتمر‬
‫ ال يمكن استخدام كلمه عامه مثل (االرض) على سبيل المثال‬. ‫الموضوع للتعرف عن المصطلحات الفنية‬
‫ من المهم جدا االستماع الى االخبار كل يوم وقراءة الصحف سيكون‬,‫عندما تعني( حجر المصدر ) في عملي‬
.‫ بعض المترجمون يقرأون ثالثة او اربع صحف يوميا‬. ‫لديك معرفه عامه جيده واطالع لما يجري في العالم‬

Samira was born in Britain but her parents are both from Iraq. Samira grew
up speaking Arabic at home but English at school, she did a degree in Arabic
at the University of London, then a nine-month postgraduate course in
conference interpreting They was lot of competition to get into the course and
the course was very fact only 50 percent of the students who were
accepted their final diploma exams

‫ولدت سميره في بريطانيا لكن والديها من العراق ‪ .‬نشأت سمير تتكلم بالغه العربية في المنزل واللغة اإلنجليزية‬
‫في المدرسة ‪ .‬بعد المدرسة ‪ ,‬حصلت على بكالوريوس في اللغة العربية في جامعة لندن ثم الدبلوم العالي بعد التخرج‬
‫في ترجمة المؤتمرات لمدة تسعة اشهر ‪ .‬وهناك الكثير من المنافسة للوصول الى الدورة والدراسة كانت صعبه‬
‫للغاية في الواقع ‪ %50‬فقط من الطالب الذين تم قبولهم اجتازوا امتحانات الدبلوم النهائية‬

‫‪Samira like most conference interpreters, works freelance she only works when‬‬
‫‪she want to and for the want to works For. She often works for the UN New‬‬
‫‪York and Geneva, and the world Bank and UNESCO in Paris .She earns‬‬
‫‪around{450 A day. The amount you get depends on who you are working for‬‬
‫‪who many of you are working its less stressful if their Are tow of us in the next‬‬
‫‪this morning whomever the speaker said figures like 5250,389,462or 85,637‬‬
‫‪barrels of oil, my Colleague work them down, so I didn't t have to memorize‬‬

‫سميرة كمعظم مترجمو المؤتمرات تعمل بشكل مستقل تعمل عندما تريد وللمنضمة التي تريد العمل معها ‪.‬‬
‫غالبا تعمل لصالح االمم المحتدة في نيويورك وجنيف والبنك الدولي واليونسكو في باريس تكسب حوالي‬
‫‪ 450‬جنيه استرليني في اليوم المبلغ الذي تحصل اليه يعتمد على من تعمل ألجله وعدد المترجمين الذين‬
‫يعملون يقل الجهد كان هناك اثنان منا في الكابينة ثم يمكننا تبادل االدوار اترجم حديثا ثم يقوم الزميل بترجمة‬
‫التالي هذا الصباح كلما قال المتحدث عدد ‪85,637‬او‪ 5250,462‬برميال من النفط ‪ ,‬يدونه زميلي لذلك ليس‬
‫علي ان احفظه‪.‬‬

‫‪Samira says that remaining calm under pressure is the most important quality‬‬
‫‪in an interpreter. It’s important to convey The sense, even if you can’t think of‬‬
‫‪a particular word sometime you will be feeling bad because you know the word‬‬
‫‪it’s on the tip of your tongue but you mustn't t waste time trying to remember‬‬
‫‪it. If you do, you will miss the rest of the speech‬‬

‫تقول سميرة البقاء تحت الضغط هي الميزة االكثر اهميه في المترجم‪ .‬من المهم ايصال المعنى ‪ .‬حتى لو‬
‫تتمكن من التفكير في كلمه معينه في بعض االحيان تشعر بشعور سيء ألنك تعرف الكلمة‪ .‬إنها على طرف‬
‫لسانك ولكن ال يمكنك تذكرها‪ .‬لكن يجب ان ال تضيع الوقت في محاوله تذكرها فسوف تفوتك بقية الحديث‬

‫‪Samira says it's also important to be able to think fast. She explained why.‬‬
‫‪Most interpreters only go into one language is Arabic, but very occasionally,‬‬
‫‪she goes into English. Recently she was translating from Arabic to English for‬‬
‫‪in Iraq speaker on TV. Speaking in Arabic. He said,Akl il-inab habba habba-‬‬
‫‪words not have been clear to English listener. Thinking quickly, she translated‬‬
‫‪the phrase into English as One stab at a time.‬‬

‫تقول سمير ه من المهم كذلك أن تكون قادرا على التفكير‪ .‬بسرعه اوضحت لماذا‪ .‬معظم المترجمين يختصون‬
‫بلغه واحده‪ .‬لغة سمير النشطة هي العربية‪ ,‬لكن في بعض االحيان اللغة اإلنجليزية في اآلونة األخيرة تترجمن‬
‫من اللغة العربية الى اإلنجليزية لمتحدث عراقي ‪ .‬وهو يتحدث بالعربية ‪,‬قال‪ ,‬اكل العنب حبه حبه الكلمات‬
‫التي تترجم من العربية حرفيا الى اإلنجليزية اكل العنب حبه حبه لكن هذه الترجمة الحرفية ليست مفهومه‬
‫للمستمعين االجانب‪ .‬فكرت بسرعه ‪ ,‬ترجمت العبارة الى اإلنجليزية على انها ؛خطوه واحده في كل مره؛‬

‫‪Even if you have lived all your life in Iraq don't come from an international‬‬
‫‪family like samira s', it is still possible to become an interpreter. Arabic is a‬‬
‫‪language which is very much in demand > and if you can interpret from‬‬
‫‪Arabic to English you will never be out of a job . the way to train as‬‬
‫‪interpreter is to first get a degree in English , then do a postgraduate‬‬
‫‪diploma in interpreting.‬‬

‫حتى لو عشت حياتك كلها في العراق ولست من عائلة دوليه مثل سميرة ‪ ,‬اليزال بإمكانك ان تصبح مترجم‬
‫‪ .‬اللغة العربية من اللغات المطلوبة جدا ‪ ,‬واذا كنت تستطيع ان تترجم من العربية الى االنكليزية فلن تكون‬
‫خارج الوظيفة ابدا ‪ .‬الطريقة للتدريب كمترجم هو الحصول على بكالوريوس في اللغة االنكليزية ‪ .‬ثم الدبلوم‬
‫العالي بعد التخرج من الترجمة ‪.‬‬

1-who is Samira Al-Mahmoud ?‫من هي سميرة المحمود‬
►She is a conference interpreter . ‫هي مترجمة‬

2-where was Samira born ? ‫اين ولدت سميرة‬

►She was born in Britain but her parents from Iraq . ‫ولدت في بريطانيا لكن ابواها من‬

3-Where was the conference hold ? ‫اين اقيم المؤتمر‬

►At Hilton hotel in Abu Dhabi ‫في فندق هلتون في أبو ضبي‬

4-Why should interpreters listen to the news and read newspapers ? ‫لماذا يجب على‬
‫المترجم اين يقرا الصحف‬
►To get general knowledge and know what is going on the world .
‫للحصول على معرفة عامة واالطالع على ما يجري في العالم‬

5-What does Samira work ?//what does working ‘’freelance’’mean?

►She works freelance. she only works when she needs to and for the organization
that she wants to work for ‫تعمل بحرية تعمل فقط عندما تريد والمنضمة التي تريد ان تعمل لها‬

6-How did Samira prepare for that conference ? ‫كيف استعدت سميرة لذلك المؤتمر‬
She knew the topic was oil so she read about the subject to get familiar with the
►technical terms

‫عرفت ان الموضوع عن النفط لذلك قرأت عنة لتكون على دراية بالمصطلحات التكنلوجية‬
7-Whom does Samira often works for ‫ألي جهة غالبا تعمل سميرة‬
►Samira often works for the UN in the New York and Geneva and the world
bank and UNESCO
‫هي غالبا تعمل لألمم المتحدة في نيويورك وجنيف والبنك العالمي واليونسكو‬

8-What are the most important qualities of a good interpreter? ‫ما هي اهم صفات‬
‫المترجم الجيد‬
►Remaining calm under pressure , convey the sense and to be able to think fast
‫ ايصال المعنى وان يكون قادر على التفكير بسرعة‬, ‫يبقى هادى تحت الضغط‬

9-What does the amount the interpreter get depends on ‫على ماذا يعتمد المبلغ الذي يحصل‬
‫علية المترجم‬
►It depends on who you are working for and how many of you are working
‫يعتمد على ألي جهة تعمل وكم عدد الذين يعملون معك‬
10-What's Samira active language? ‫ماهي لغة سميرة الحية‬
►Samira's active language is Arabic ‫لغة سميرة الحية هي العربية‬

11-How is it if there are two interpreters working together in the same booth ?
►It will be less stressful ‫سيكون اقل إرهاقا‬

12-why is it important for the interpreter to listen to the news and read the
►to have a good knowledge and know what is going in the world

13-why mustn’t an interpreter waste time trying to remember a word ?

►because he will miss the rest of the speech.

A.B.p.33 (True) or(False)
A. Good interpreter follows the news and is well-informed on many topics.(T) ‫يتابع‬
.‫المترجم الجيد االخبار ويكون مطلع على العديد من الموضوعات‬
B. Interpreter have to have a degree before they do an interpreting
diploma.(T).‫يجب ان يحصل المترجمون على شهادة قبل نيلهم الدبلوم في الترجمة‬
C. It is easy to get a place on an interpreting course.(F) ‫من السهل جدا الحصول على مقعد‬
.‫في دراسة الترجمة‬
D. Interpreters must have three active languages.(F) ‫يجب ان يمتلك المترجم ثالث لغات‬
E. Conference interpreters must translate each word literally.(F) ‫يجب ان يترجم مترجمو‬
.‫المؤتمرات كل كلمة حرفيا‬
F. Freelance means people who can't bear to be away from the office for more
than a few hours.(F) ‫يقصد بالعمل المستقل االشخاص الذي ال يتحملوا االبتعاد عن المكتب ألكثر من بضع‬

P. 74/B / ( ‫)مرادفات اسقاطات مهمه‬

1.yearly → annual ‫سنوي‬

2. things you put over ears to listen privately ‫ → لتسمع بخصوصية‬headphones
‫سماعات الراس‬
3.the box-like room where interpreter work → booth / ‫كابينه‬

4. in a difficult situation ‫في موقف صعب‬ → under pressure ‫تحت الضغط‬

5. give an idea of the meaning ‫اعطاء فكرة المعنى‬ → convey the sense ‫ايصال المعنى‬

6. wanted and needed → in demand ‫مطلوب‬

7. unemployed → out of job ‫بدون عمل‬

Britain is the first choice for many students who are looking forward to
learning English.
There are lots of advantages of studying English in this place. Most
importantly, learners can hear people speak native English all the time and
every day and every where .

There are a lots of opportunities to practice speaking in many different

situations, especially if they are staying with British family. Besides, the learner
can also watch TV, films and listen to radio. Furthermore , they can also read
newspapers, notices and advertisement in English language. As a result , you
skill will improve rapidly.
Finally, they can observe the British way of life including their culture, habits
and lifestyle, especially if they are staying with British family.

‫ هنالك العديد من المزايا‬. ‫بريطانيا هي الخيار االول لكثير من الطالب الذين يتطلعون لتعلم اللغة االنكليزية‬
‫ الميزة االهم هي بأمكان المتعلمين ان يسمعوا اللغة االصلية في كل وقت وفي‬. ‫في التعلم في هذا المكان‬
. ‫كل مكان‬
, ‫ خاصة عند السكن مع عائلة بريطانية‬, ‫هنالك الكثير من الفرص لممارسة التكلم و بمواقف مختلفة‬
‫ اضف الى ذلك يمكنهم‬. ‫عالوة على ذلك يمكن كذلك للمتعلم مشاهدة التلفاز و االفالم واالستماع الى الراديو‬
. ‫ كنتيجة لذلك ستتحسن مهارتك بشكل سريع‬. ‫قراءة الصحف و المالحظات واالعالنات باللغة االنكليزية‬
‫اخيرا يمكنهم مشاهدة طريقة الحياة البريطانية ومن ضمنها الثقافة والعادات و نمط الحياة خاصة لو كانوا‬
. ‫يقيمون مع عائلة بريطانية‬

‫أسئلة شاملة حول الوحدة الثالثة‬

Q 1 //Textbook passage
1- It is easy to get a place on an interpreting course.(F / F)
2- How did Samira prepare for that conference ?
3- What are the most important qualities of a good interpreter ?
4- What's Samira active language ?
5-Why should interpreters listen to the news and read newspapers ?
6-What does Samira work ?

Q 2 //
1-Howlong have you been waiting for Samir . he asked me ( reported question )
2-What is your favourite route ? he asked me . ( reported question )
3-Will you be able to come to the party ? I asked Layla . ( reported question )
4-Latifa asked Zahra , when did you decide to be an architect ? ( reported
question )

5-I asked Saab ''how do you start your business ? ( reported question )
7-you decided not to take a taxi and you arrived to work late . ( regret )
8-what ( you / buy ) if you won a million pounds ? ( correct )

9-If I ( see) him ) yesterday , I would give him new news . ( correct )
10-Unfortuntely , I ate three bars of chocolate , that is why I fell sick . ( regret : I
wish )
11-If I ( not / have ) the operation , I would have died . ( correct )
12-If you leave your bag unattended , it ( take ) by the police . ( correct )
13-If I ( have ) a computer , I ( search ) the internet . ( second conditional )
14-If I ( be ) you , I would apply for that course this week . ( correct )
15 – If it ( be ) sunny today , I (wear ) sunglasses ( first conditional )

Q 3 // choose the correct word

1- I wish( I had / I hadn't) driven through a red light.
2- If I (had seen / have seen) him yesterday, I would told him your news .
3- If I (had / have) a computer , we could search the internet .
4- I asked Saab how he (start / started) his works .

Q 4 //
(qualifications , university , course , canteen , lifeguard , Architect , tour guide )
1-I'm hungry , lets have lunch in the college…………………..
2-I would like to go in a computer ………………….to improve my skill
3- I 'can't get that job because I don't have the right …………………..
4-I want to go to ……………………and get a Science degree
5. Jameel nearly drowned at the beach yesterday. Luckily ,the ……………..saw
him and recused him.
6.'' Who designed that amazing building?'' '' My uncle. He a famous
…………… know''
7. My sister is a ………………... she takes tourists sightseeing in London every day

Q 5 /Write a paragraph /about The advantage of studying English in Britain

)1,2,3( ‫الوحدة الرابعة هي فقط مراجعة للوحدات السابقة‬

Complete the sentence with the past simple of an appropriate verb

‫اكمل الجمل بفعل مناسب في الماضي البسيط‬
1. Rana sent an e-mail to Badria to tell her about her new clothes company.
2. She and her brother, Rashid, set up the company last September.
3. They went to Le banon and morocco to choose cloth two months ago.
4. They had a lo t of success at London fashion week.
5. They signed important new contacts there and sold a lot of shirts to
influential people.
6. At Heathrow airport, they saw an old school friend called Muna.
7. (2)016-2 )Muna got married to Ghassan two years ago.(got/gets)

P. 77 /C/ Put the correct verb in the correct tense: past simple or
past continuous‫ماضي بسيط او مستمر‬

1. I was sitting in the park when somebody kicked a ball at me (sit/kick)

2. We were driving to the beach when we heard a loud crash (hear/drive)

3. They were camping in the desert when they saw a large snake (camp/see)

4. When I met her at the airport, Muna was wearing a long blue dress


5. Khalid was playing football when he broke his ankle (play/break)

P.8 2/C/ Use the prompts to complete the sentence using
the correct conditional. (If)

1. If I were (be) you, I would apply for that course this week.
2. I will help (help) you with your application form if you bring it around on Saturday.
3. What would you do (you do) if you woke up (wake up) and found (find)you had
turned into a fly?
4. Ali would be really happy if he could (can) spend the summer studying in London.
5. Which course will Muna apply (Muna apply) for if she passes all her exams this
6. Will your brother get (your brother get) annoyed if he doesn't win at chess?

Complete each word with the right ending.

‫اكمل كل جملة بالنهاية المناسبة‬

1. fracture ‫كسر‬ 4. Independent ‫مستقل‬ 7.supervise ‫يشرف‬

2. inefficient ‫غير فعال‬ 5.unusual ‫غير اعتيادي‬ 8. Witness ‫شاهد‬
3. unfortunate ‫غير محظوظ‬ 6. Identify ‫يتعرف على‬ 9. Application ‫طلب‬
10. Discourag ‫يشجع ال‬

P.85/A/ Match the words and phrases with their definitions.‫تعاريف‬

1. a competitive salary e) a good salary, compared with other employer
2. ambitious ‫طموح‬ c) this means that you really want to succeed
3. vacancy ‫وظيفة شاغرة‬ a) the company has a space for a new employee
4considerable ‫كثير‬ d) a lot of
5. equivalent ‫مساوي‬ b) the same as or similar to

Page 38/ student book / match the sentences halves (how to be the

1-if you want to have a successful a-you don’t have to pay for plane tickets.
2-to make a good impression at a job B-you have to be ambitious
3-if you want to have a successful party, c-you should turn your mobile off.
4- if you want to be successful in business d- you must employ a good chef.
5- to be a good secretary , e- you need good computer skills
6- if you want to be healthy, f- you must do a lot of exercise.
7-if you work for an airline , g-you should dress well and be punctual
8-when you are in a meeting , h-you should make sure there is plenty of
good food

Q. write an e-mail of 100 to 120 words telling a friend about
a company you have recently set up with a friend or relative.
The company could be producing one of the following : jewellery ‫مجوهرات‬,
cosmetics ‫مكياج‬, Perfume ‫عطر‬, food ‫ طعام‬or footwear ‫حذية ا‬

A company you have recently set up with a friend or relative ‫انشاء شركة‬

Dear Ameer
I'm sorry I haven't in touch recently because I have been very busy . my brother
Ahmed and I set up a company for perfume productions last year . its called
''brother company for perfumes'' . I'm the manager and my brother do all the
‫عزيزي امير‬
‫ انا واخي احمد انشأنا شركة إلنتاج العطور السنة الماضية‬. ‫اعتذر لعدم تواصلي معك مؤخرا ألنني كنت مشغوال‬
‫ انا المدير واخي يقوم بكل التسوق‬. ‫تدعى شركة االخوين إلنتاج العطور‬
We have invested a lots of money and we expect to get benefit soon . Ahmed and
I made a trip to Paris to import modern light perfumes which consumed by young
people in Iraq . our products become very popular in Iraq and Arab Gulf
‫ انا واحمد سافرنا الى باريس الستيراد العطور العصرية‬.‫استثمرنا الكثير من االموال ونتوقع تحقيق االرباح قريبا‬
.‫ منتجاتنا اصبحت مشهورة في العراق والخليج العربي‬.‫الخفيفة والتي يستهلكها الشباب في العراق‬
Last month , we participated in Baghdad international fair .many Arab visitors
liked our products . some businessmen signed a contract with our company to
provide them with our products . we had a big success
‫ بعض رجال‬. ‫العديد من الزوار العرب اعجبوا بمنتجاتنا‬. ‫الشهر الماضي شاركنا في معرض بغداد الدولي‬
‫ حققنا نجاحا كبيرا‬. ‫االعمال وقعوا عقد مع شركتنا لتزويدهم بمنتوجاتنا‬
Best wishes

Q/ write an e-mail of 100 to 120 words about a really bad day out
where every thing went wrong .use your imagination.

‫ يوم سيئ‬a really bad day out

Dear Rana
I had a terrible day last Saturday . I wish I had stayed in bed than all this world
not have happened
I had a very unlucky day. I got up late because I forget to set my alarm clock.
It was raining heavily. While I was running to catch my bus. I slipped and fell
down. I was reached my office a bit late and very wet, so the manager was angry
at me.
In the evening, while I was cooking dinner, a close friend called me on the mobile.
It was a long phone call, and I forget about my dinner. As soon as I saw the smoke
getting out of the kitchen, I realized that I burned my food. I went to bed without
having anything. It was a really bad day.
‫عزيزتي رنا‬
‫ لقد مررت‬. ‫ تمنيت لو انني بقيت في البيت لما حصل لي في ذلك اليوم‬. ‫لقد مررت بيوم سيئ السبت الماضي‬
‫ كانت تمطر بغزارة حينما كنت اركض‬. ‫ استيقظت متأخرة ألني نسيت توقيت المنبه‬. ‫بيوم غير محظوظ جدا‬
‫ وصلت الى دائرتي متأخرة قليال و مالبسي مبللة لذلك غضب‬. ‫ألجل االلتحاق بالحافلة فانزلقت ووقعت ارضا‬
‫المدير علي‬
‫وفي مساء ذلك اليوم حين كنت اطبخ العشاء اتصلت بي احدى صديقاتي وتكلمنا طويال و نسيت العشاء على‬
‫ ذهبت الى الفراش بدون‬. ‫ حين نظرت الى الدخان المتصاعد من المطبخ ادركت ان طعامي قد احترق‬. ‫النار‬
. ‫ كان حقا يوما سيئا‬. ‫تناول اي شيء‬

‫االسماء المركبة ‪Compound nouns‬‬
‫االسماء المركبة تتكون من مقطعين او اكثر لغرض تكوين كلمة ذات معنى وهي على انواع‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬كلمتان منفصلتان مثل ‪packed lunch :‬‬
‫‪ -2‬مقطعين تفصلهما شارحة (‪ )-‬مثل ‪five- star hotel :‬‬
‫‪ -3‬ككلمة واحدة مثل ‪cardboard , lifestyle :‬‬

‫االسماء المركبة ( كتاب الطالب ) ‪P.44 / S . B‬‬

‫بطاقة مغادرة ‪1. boarding card‬‬
‫وكالة سفر ‪2. travel agency‬‬
‫‪3. five –star hotel‬‬ ‫فندق ذو خمس نجوم‬
‫صفقة متكاملة ‪4. package deal‬‬
‫غذاء معلب ‪5. packed lunch‬‬
‫‪6. ski resort‬‬ ‫منتجع تزلج‬
‫‪7. car hire‬‬ ‫تأجير سيارة‬
‫‪8. self-catering apartment‬‬ ‫شقة متكاملة‬
‫‪9. sightseeing‬‬ ‫زيارة المعالم السياحية‬
‫‪10. sea front‬‬ ‫واجهة البحر‬

‫‪AB/89/ A: Use the compound nouns on page 44 of the student's‬‬

‫استعمل الكلمات المركبة إلكمال الجمل ‪book to complete the sentence below‬‬
‫‪1-If we get a self-catering apartment in Spain, we can buy food at the market and‬‬
‫عندما نحصل على شقة ذاتية الخدمة في اسبانيا ‪.‬يمكننا شراء الطعام في السوق ‪make our own meals.‬‬
‫ونصنع وجباتنا الخاصة‬

2-let's not go on a package deal to Italy. It would be more fun to choose our
own hotels and tours when we get there. . ‫دعنا ال نذهب على شكل حملة الى ايطاليا‬
‫سيك ون اكثر ممتعا لو نختار فنادقنا وجوالتنا الخاصة عندما نصل هناك‬

3- I can't find my boarding card. I won't be able to get on the plane if I don't
find it. ‫ سوف لن اكون قادر على الركوب بالطائرة اذا لم اجدها‬. ‫ال استطيع ايجاد بطاقة السفر‬

4-Let's go for a walk along the sea front this evening and watch the sunset over the
water. ‫دعنا نذهب في جولة بمحاذاة شاطئ البحر هذ المساء ونشاهد غروب الشمس فوق الماء‬

5-I don't like booking flight online. Let's go and buy our tickets‫ تذاكرنا‬at that travel
agency in Alsaad street. ‫دعنا نذهب ونشتري التذاكر من‬. ‫ال احب حجز الرحالت الجوية عبر االنترنيت‬
‫وكالة السفر تلك في شارع السعد‬

6-If you order it now, the hotel will make a packed lunch for anyone who is going
on the tour.‫مطبخ الفندق سيضع غداء جاهز ألي شخص سيذهب في الجولة غدا‬. ‫اذا طلبتها االن‬

7-I spent the morning at the beach and in the afternoon we did some sightseen. I
took lots of photos of the Roman temples. ‫قضيت الصباح على الشاطئ وفي المساء قمنا بزيارة‬
‫التقطت الكثير من الصور للمعابد الرومانية‬. ‫بعض معالم المدينة‬

8-You can't rely on ‫ يعتمد‬public transport ‫ النقل العام‬on that island ‫الجزيرة‬. You should
find out about car hire so you can travel more independently. ‫ال يمكنك االعتماد على النقل‬
. ‫ليكون بإمكانك ان تسافر بشكل مستقل‬, ‫ينبغي لك ان تجد تأجير سيارة‬. ‫العام على تلك الجزيرة‬

AB/89/ A: Use the compound nouns on page 44 of the student's
book to complete the sentence below ‫استعمل الكلمات المركبة إلكمال الجمل‬

1-If we get a self-catering apartment in Spain, we can buy food at the market and
make our own meals. ‫يمكننا شراء الطعام في السوق‬. ‫عندما نحصل على شقة ذاتية الخدمة في اسبانيا‬
‫ونصنع وجباتنا الخاصة‬

2-let's not go on a package deal to Italy. It would be more fun to choose our own
hotels and tours when we get there. ‫ سيكون اكثر ممتعا‬. ‫دعنا ال نذهب على شكل حملة الى ايطاليا‬
‫لو نختار فنادقنا وجوالتنا الخاصة عندما نصل هناك‬

3- I can't find my boarding card. I won't be able to get on the plane if I don't find
it.‫ سوف لن اكون قادر على الركوب بالطائرة اذا لم اجدها‬. ‫ال استطيع ايجاد بطاقة السفر‬

4-Let's go for a walk along the sea front this evening and watch the sunset over the
water.‫دعنا نذهب في جولة بمحاذاة شاطئ البحر هذ المساء ونشاهد غروب الشمس فوق الماء‬

5-I don't like booking flight online. Let's go and buy our tickets‫ تذاكرنا‬at that travel
agency in Alsaad street. ‫دعنا نذهب ونشتري التذاكر من‬. ‫ال احب حجز الرحالت الجوية عبر االنترنيت‬
‫وكالة السفر تلك في شارع السعد‬

6-If you order it now, the hotel will make a packed lunch for anyone who is going
on the tour.‫مطبخ الفندق سيضع غداء جاهز ألي شخص سيذهب في الجولة غدا‬. ‫اذا طلبتها االن‬

7-I spent the morning at the beach and in the afternoon we did some sightseen. I
took lots of photos of the Roman temples. ‫قضيت الصباح على الشاطئ وفي المساء قمنا بزيارة‬
‫التقطت الكثير من الصور للمعابد الرومانية‬. ‫بعض معالم المدينة‬

8-You can't rely on ‫ يعتمد‬public transport ‫ النقل العام‬on that island ‫الجزيرة‬. You
should find out about car hire so you can travel more independently. ‫ال يمكنك‬
‫ليكون بإمكانك ان تسافر‬, ‫ينبغي لك ان تجد تأجير سيارة‬. ‫االعتماد على النقل العام على تلك الجزيرة‬
. ‫بشكل مستقل‬

Present perfect simple ‫المضارع التام البسيط‬

‫نستخدم المضارع التام البسيط للتعبير عن االحداث التي حدثت في الماضي واستمر اثرها‬

Affirmative : ‫االثبات‬

S + has / have +P.P + ...

He has worked in our company.

Negative : ‫النفي‬

S + hasn't / haven't +P. P

+ ...
He hasn't worked in our company.

Question :‫السؤال‬

Has / have + S + P.P +...?

Has she worked in our company?

‫نستعمل الفعل المساعد(‪)has‬مع الفاعل المفرد ( ‪ )he, she, it‬ونستعمل ( ‪ )have‬مع‬
‫الفاعل الجمع ( ‪(they, we ,you, I‬‬
‫)‪Ex. He finish his homework. (present perfect‬‬
‫‪► He has finished his homework.‬‬
‫‪Ex. He travel outside of Iraq‬‬
‫‪► He has travelled outside of Iraq .‬‬

‫الظروف والدالئل المستخدمة في زمن المضارع التام هي ‪:‬‬

‫‪ already /‬مسبقا ‪ yet /‬بعد ‪ /‬منذ ‪/ /since‬لمدة ‪ / for‬حتى ‪)so far‬‬

‫(‪ ever‬من قبل ‪ never /‬ابدآ ‪just /‬توا‬

‫◄نستخدم (‪ )never‬للتعبير عن تجارب شخصية وتأتي مع الجملة المثبتة لتنفيها‬

‫?‪► Have you ever smoked‬‬
‫‪► She has never played tennis .‬‬

‫◄ نستعمل ( ‪ ) just‬للتعبير عن حدث انتهى قبل قليل ويكون موقعها بعد الفعل المساعد‪.‬‬
‫‪► Ali has just got back from holiday .‬‬

‫◄ نستعمل ( ‪ ) already‬للتعبير عن حدث تم بوقت سريع جدا ويكون موقعها بعد الفعل المساعد‪.‬‬
‫‪► It's only eight o'clock but Samira has already gone to bed .‬‬

‫◄ نستخدم (‪ )yet‬مع الجمل المنفية واالستفهامية(السؤال) وتكتب دائما في نهاية الجملة‬

‫‪►I haven't done my exams yet .‬‬

‫◄ نستعمل ( ‪ )so far‬مع الجملة المنفية واالستفهامية وتأتي في نهاية الجملة ‪.‬‬
‫◄ نستعمل (‪ (ever‬مع الجملة االستفهامية وتأتي بعد الفاعل‬
‫‪► Everything is going well , we haven't had any problem so far .‬‬

Ex. (you , ever , buy )airport ticket online ?( correct the verb )
► Have you ever bought airport ticket online?

Ex. Have you ( ever / never ) camped in the desert ? (choose)

Ex. the train ( already / leave ) the station .(put the verb in the correct form )
► the train has already left the station .

Ex. She ( just / finish ) her homework (correct )

► she has just finished her homework.

Ex. I (never / eat ) Indian food .(correct )

► I have never eaten Indian food.

Ex. Everything is going well , we(not, have )any problems so far .(correct )
► Everything is going well. we haven't had any problems so far .

: ‫) نستخدم القاعدة التالية‬never( ‫اذا كان المطلوب منك تكوين جمل حقيقية عنك باستخدام‬

I have never + p.p. ( ‫)االسم الموجود في البداية‬

Ex. A scorpion (hold) . (write true sentence with never about you)
►I have never held a scorpion

P.91 /B . write true sentences with never about you , your family
and your friends never ‫اكتب جمل حقيقية عنك او عن عائلتك او االصدقاء مستعمل‬

1-Animals (ride / hold / see / touch )

► I have never held a scorpion.
► I have never ridden an elephant .
►I have never seen a dolphin .

2-A game (play)

► My mother has never played football.

3-Food(eat , try , make)

► I have never eaten octopus.
► my friend has never tried fajita .

4-A place ( to be / visit )

► I have never been to Britain.
► I have never visited national stadium .

5-A sport or activity (do / run / swim )

► I have never done my homework.
► they have never run in a marathon.
► I have never swum in the river.

P.93/ complete the responses, using: just, already, yet and an
appropriate verb ‫اكمل الردود مستخدما احد الظروف وفعل مناسب‬

Ex. Would you like a cup of coffee ?

► No, thanks . I've just had one .

1-Does Samira know about the meeting

► I'm sorry , ...................................................

2-Would you like to come to see the new film with us

► Thanks for asking , but ...........................................

3-Can I borrow that book after you ?

► you are . ................................................

4-Look at the notice board , there is an advert for English course

► I know , ..............................................

5-If you see Khalid , can you ask him about tonight
► He can come . ....................................................

P.97/ A/ Write the past participle of these irregular verbs
1-bee ………. 2-buy………… 3-do…………. 4-find……….. 5-go……………
6-leave……… 7-meet……… 8-see………… 9-spend…………

P. 93 / A/ find the collections for the following words

‫جد المتالزمات اللفظية للكلمات التالية‬
1-Throroughly enjoy ‫مستمتع للغاية‬
2 –I can honestly say ‫اقول بصدق‬
3-Lived up to my expectations ‫ترقى لمستوى توقعاتي‬
4-To name a few ‫على سبيل المثال‬

Since ‫منذ‬/ For ‫لمدة‬

. ‫هذه الظروف تستخدم من زمن المضارع التام البسيط والمضارع التام المستمر‬

Since for
3 o’clock ‫الساعات‬-1 3 hours /6 hours ‫عدد الساعات‬-1

Sunday / Monday ‫األيام‬-2 3days / 4 weeks ‫عدد األيام واالسابيع‬-2

June / July ‫ األشهر‬-3 2 months ‫عدد األشهر‬-3

1999/ 1993 ‫ السنين‬-4 3years / 4 years ‫عدد السنين‬-4

last week-5 the last week -5
morning / yesterday -6 a long time -6

spring / winter ‫ فصول السنة‬-7 several days / months -7

i was born ‫ منذ والدتي‬-8 ages / centuries ‫العصور والقرون‬-8

when I was six ‫عندما كنت في سن‬
graduated ‫ التخرج‬/ childhood

1-I have been reading ....................... three hours . (since , for )
2-He has been living in Najaf ...............ten years . (since , for )
3-I have known her ............... a long time . (since , for )
4-We have known them ...................July. (since , for )
5-I have been in Iraq ............... twenty years . (since , for )

P/94/B/choose for or since to complete the phrases

Ex. Since Friday

1-.................... I was at nursery school. ‫كنت في الروضة‬

2-.................... last January ‫كانون الثاني الماضي‬
3-………........ yesterday ‫البارحة‬
4-………….... three weeks ‫ثالث أسابيع‬
5-.................... a month and a half ‫شهر ونصف‬
6- .................... I was six
7-…………..... ages‫لعصور‬
8-..................... I was born ‫منذ والدتي‬

9-.....................the first of March ‫األول من اذار‬
10-................... about 1993
11-...... two hours‫ساعتان‬
12-....... a very long time ‫لفترة طويلة جدا‬

P.95/D/ ‫تحويل الجمل من الماضي البسيط المضارع التام‬

)last.../first / was / yesterday ( ‫نحذف اي شيء يدل على الماضي مثل‬
.‫← نحذف فعل الجملة ونستعمل الفعل الموجود بين االقواس للتصريف الثالث‬
)since( ‫) ونستخدم بدلها‬in, at( ‫) وايضا نحذف‬for( ‫) ونستعمل بدلها‬ago(‫← نحذف‬

S + has/have + P.P ‫ الفعل الجديد‬since/ for + ‫تكملة‬

Ex. The last time I saw her was in 2001.(not see)(present perfect :use : since / for )
► I haven't seen her since 2001.
1-We first met them in July. (know)
► ----------------------------------------------------------
2-He bought that motorbike a long time ago .(have)
► ----------------------------------------------------------
3-She last went to the dentist in September .(not be )
► ----------------------------------------------------------
4-We last ate there in July .(not eat )
5-He got angry at lunchtime. (be)
6-The last time he wrote phoned was six months ago .(not be in touch )

1-I haven't been a good film (since / for ) last January .
2-Have you worked here (since / for) your graduated.
3-...........(you, ever, sleep) under the stars in the desert ? (present perfect simple)
4-Can I borrow that book after you? here you are. I ............ (complete the
response using just and an appropriate verb)
Lesson 3

Present perfect continuous ‫المضارع التام المستمر‬

‫نستخدم هذا الزمن للحديث عن االحداث التي حدثت في الماضي وانتهت او الزالت مستمرة‬
. ‫ ) ايضا تستخدم مع هذا الزمن‬since / for ( ‫ الظروف‬.‫حتى االن‬

Affirmative : ‫االثبات‬
S+ has / have + been + v – ing + ....
Ex. She has been sleeping well recently .

Negative : ‫النفي‬
S + has / have not + been + v – ing +...
Ex. She hasn't been sleeping well recently .

Question : ‫السؤال‬

has / have+ S + been + v – ing +... ?

Ex. Has she been sleeping well recently ?

.‫االفعال التالية تأتي فقط مع المضارع التام البسيط‬
have, be , know , see , live , like drop , work , finish, recognize , (
)hear , understand

‫ ) تأتي في بداية الجملة سواء في زمن المضارع التام البسيط او‬How long ) ‫اداة السؤال‬
‫ ) وبعدها عند السؤال كمل في المثال‬since / for ( ‫المستمر حيث نقوم بحذف‬
Ex. I have lived here since 1993.(make a question use :How long )
►How long have you lived here ?
Ex. How long / you / be a pilot . (correct )
► How long have you been a pilot ?
Ex. You know your friend . (question: How long )
► How long have you known your friend ?
Ex. I cook for two hours. (present perfect or continuous )

P.96/ Write questions using the words in brackets. Use the Present
perfect simple or present perfect continuous

Ex. You arrive late for your appointment . you ask (How long/ wait )
► How long have you been waiting ?
1- You have a friend who is learning Japanese . you ask (How long / learn /
Japanese )
► How long have you been learning Japanese ?
2- You meet a pilot . you ask (How long/ be a pilot ?)
► ------------------------------------------------------------------------
3-You meet somebody who is a waiter . you ask (How long / write? )
► ------------------------------------------------------------------------
4-You are going to meet a friend of your cousin. You ask (How long / know?)
► -----------------------------------------------------------------------

5-Your sister is busy cooking for a party . you ask .(How long / cook ?)
► -----------------------------------------------------------------------

The difference between (been / gone)

‫) عندما نريد‬been( ‫ بينما تستخدم‬, ‫ ) عندما نريد ان نقول بان شخص ذهب الى مكان ولم يعد بعد‬gone( ‫نستخدم‬
. ‫ان نقول بان شخص ذهب الى مكان معين وعاد‬

. ‫) اذا كانت الجملة تحتوي على مضارع‬gone( ‫◄ نستخدم‬

)saw / bought / good time / there / yet / never ( ‫) عند وجود‬been( ‫◄ نستخدم‬
)been( ‫) نختار‬never / ever( ‫◄عند وجود‬
Ex. have you ever (been / gone) in India?
1-Are you going to the bank ? no , I have already ( been / gone )to the bank
2-Helen has (been / gone) Out , she will be back in about an hour .
3-Muna is not here at the moment , she has ( been / gone )To the shop to get a
4-Help, h have just ( been / gone )To the shop , I have lots of things .
5-Jane is on holiday , she has ( been / gone )to Italy .
6-You look nice , have you just ( been / gone )to the hairdresser.
7-What is the best holiday destination you have ever (been / gone) to do
8-Have you ever ( been / gone )To china
9-I have ( been / gone )To the china , I saw a really good film
10-I’m afraid she has (been / gone) Out with her sister , they left about tem
minutes ago.
11-Let’s take Jameel to the new chines restaurant. she has ever (been/gone)
12-I have not ( been / gone )to china yet , but I would like to one day .
13-My aren’t at home this evening, they have (been / gone)out.

P.98/B/complete the sentence with the correct form of the
present perfect . choose an appropriate verb in each case

1-Let's not watch this DVD . I have seen it four times already.(seen )
2-I ...................................... (find)my mobile at last . it was under the bed now I can
phone Beth
3-I ...................................... (buy)a fantastic new cd .do you want to come round
and listen to it
4-I ...................................... to cinema . I saw a really a good film .(be )
5-I cant see the screen. I ............................. my classes at home .(have )
6-I'm afraid souad ............................... out with her sister . they left about ten
minutes ago .(go )

P.99/ C/ Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the present
perfect or past simple ‫اكمل الحوار بالشكل الصحيح للمضارع التام او الماضي البسيط‬
A-I'm really exited because I'm going to London in the Summer
B-(1)have you bought (you / buy )your plane ticket yet ?
A:yes ,(2)I have (have ).1(3)bought (buy)it last week
b-(4)................................................ (you/book )a hotel yet?
A-no, I (5) haven’t .but my uncle and aunt in London
(6)................................................... (just /write )to me inviting me to stay with them
B(7)..........................................(you /buy )any maps of London or guidebook yet?/
A-yes , I (8)have . I (9).................................(buy )a maps and two guidebooks last
week .

Past perfect simple ‫الماضي التام البسيط‬

. ‫يستخدم هذا الزمن للتعبير عن حدث وقع في الماضي قبل حدث اخر‬
: ‫وعندما نريد ان نتحدث عن التغيير ونميز ذلك من خالل وجود بعض االفعال‬
)change , move , grow , build , become , ... (

Affirmative : ‫االثبات‬

S + had + P.P. )‫(التصريف الثالث‬+comp

Ex. The match had started ...

Negative : ‫النفي‬

S +Hadn't +P.P.(‫)التصريف الثالث‬

Ex. The match hadn't started ......

Question : ‫السؤال‬

Had + S+ P.P.( ‫?)التصريف الثالث‬

Ex. Had the match started ..... ?
Ex. When it was time to go , I still (not / find my passport . (past perfect )
►When it was time to go , I still hadn't to found my passport .
Ex. I met my old friend and he (not / change )much .(correct )
►I met my old friend and he hadn't changed much .

Past simple and past perfect ‫الماضي التام والماضي البسيط‬

‫للربط بين جملتين احداهما في الماضي البسيط والثانية في الماضي التام نستخدم القاعدة‬
: ‫التالية‬

‫ ماضي تام‬+)When / before / so) + ‫ماضي بسيط‬

‫ ماضي بسيط‬+ )Because / after) + ‫ماضي تام‬

. ‫ هذه االدوات تربط بين جملتين احداهما في الماضي التام واالخرى في الماضي البسيط وحسب القاعدة أعاله‬-1
... ‫ كل اداة يأتي بعدها زمن معين يالزمها سواء كان موقعها في بداية الجملة او في الوسط‬-2
. ‫) يشير للماضي البسيط‬be ( ‫الفعل‬-3
Ex. After we (speak), to the teacher, we left the classroom. (correct)
► After we had spoken to the teacher, we left the classroom.
Ex. we couldn't get room because we (not / book) . (correct )
► We couldn't get room because we hadn't booked .
Ex. Last week ,I went back to my hometown for the first time in 10 years . it
(change) a lot .
► Last week , I went back to my hometown for the first time in 10 years it had
changed a lot
Ex After I (do) my homework ,I ( go ) to the cinema . (use past perfect and past
simple )
► After I had done my homework , I went to the cinema .

P.114 // G // Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form
–past simple or past perfect to complete the sentences

‫اكمل االفعال بين االقواس في الماضي البسيط او الماضي التام‬

1-Last week I met ( meet ) an old frien d from primary school and he hadn't
changed ( not / change )
2-When I arrived (arrive ) at Pete’s house , there was ( be ) no one there , he had
gone (go) out .
3-After we ........................ (speak) to the teacher , we ............ ( leave)the classroom
4-When we ................ (arrive ) at the airport , we ...................... (discover ) that the
travel agent ................... (change) our hotel .
5-The wedding ....................... ( go) well because they ............................ (organize )
every thing very carefully .

P.103 /C .Find words in the text that mean the following

: ‫تعاريف ومرادفات مهمة جدا‬

1-A boat that transports people and goods → ferry ‫ زورق‬-‫عبارة‬

2-Extremely comfortable →luxurious ‫مترف – فخم‬
3-Something which is wonderful to look at → spectacular ‫مثير – مذهل‬
4-Something special to a locality → speciality ‫ميزه – خاصية‬
5-A fine welcome → hospitality ‫ضيافة‬
6-A show ‫عرض‬/ performance ‫اداء‬ → display ‫عرض‬

Relative clauses ‫عبارات الوصل‬

Relative pronouns ‫ ضمائر الوصل‬: who , which , that , where , whose

: ‫ هي العبارات التي تقدم معلومات حول اسم معين وهي على نوعين‬: ‫عبارات الوصل‬
‫) وهي العبارات التي تقدم معلومات ضرورية حول االسم‬definite ( ‫ عبارات معرفة‬-1
‫) وهي العبارات التي تقدم معلومات غير ضرورية حول االسم ويجب ان‬non-definite ( ‫عبارات غير معرفة‬-2
. ‫نضع فوارز حولها‬

:‫الحالة االولى‬
-:‫في حالة االختيارات نتبع القاعدة التأليه وحسب ما قبل وبعد الفراغ‬

‫ اسم عاقل‬+who + ‫فعل – فعل مساعد‬

‫ اسم عاقل‬+ whose + ‫اسم‬
‫ اسم غير عاقل‬+ which / that + ‫فعل مساعد‬-‫فعل‬
‫ اسم مكان‬+ Where + ‫اسم او ضمير‬

Ex this is Mary ……….. mother went to university with me(where , whose , who )

Ex. The man (who, whose) I saw yesterday was Alex .

Ex. The university of Basra ........... I studied English, is excellent . (which, where )

Ex. Alex (whose / which) mother is an math teacher lives in London .

Ex. I lent the book to Saeed (which / whose / who ) loves reading .

‫الحالة الثانية‪:‬‬
‫اما في حالة ربط جملتين باستخدام ضمير وصل مناسب ( ‪)combine with a relative pronoun‬‬

‫‪ -1‬الربط يكون حسب موقع االسم الموصول والذي يكون في الجملة االولى فقط اما في بدايتها او في الوسط‬
‫او في النهاية‬
‫‪ -2‬نختار ضمير وصل مناسب حسب االسم الموصول ونحذف الضمير الذي يعود علية في الجملة الثانية ‪:‬‬
‫◄ للعاقل نستخدم )‪ (who‬ونحذف فاعل الجملة الثانية‬
‫◄ لغير العاقل نستخدم )‪ )which‬ونحذف فاعل الجملة الثانية‬
‫◄ للتملك نستخدم (‪ )whose‬ونحذف ضمير التملك ) ‪ )your , our , their , her , his‬من بداية‬
‫الجملة الثانية‬
‫◄ السم المكان نستخدم )‪ )where‬ونحذف ‪ there‬ان وجدت ‪.‬‬

‫ضمير الوصل في الجملة الثانية دائما ما يحدد اذا كان الفاعل عاقل او غير عاقل او حتى مكان‬
‫‪ -A‬اذا كان االسم الموصول في بداية الجملة نتبع هذه القاعدة ‪:‬‬

‫تكملة الجملة االول ى ‪ +‬الجملة الثانية ‪ +‬ضمير الوصل ‪ +‬االسم الموصول‬

‫‪Ex. the book was missing , it has the information I wanted .( combine with a‬‬
‫)‪relative pronoun‬‬
‫‪►The book which has the information I wanted was missing.‬‬
‫‪Ex. Salwa wants to be an interpreter. she speaks three languages. (combine with a‬‬
‫)‪relative pronoun‬‬
‫‪►Salwa, who speaks three language, wants to be an interpreter .‬‬

‫ اذا كان االسم الموصول في منتصف الجملة‬-B

‫) وايضا نحذف‬a , an , that , this ( ‫عادة يكون االسم الموصول في وسط الجملة بعد‬
‫ضمير (فاعل) الجملة الثانية‬

The + ‫ االسم الموصول‬+ ‫ ضمير الوصل‬+ ‫ تكملة الجملة االولى‬+ ‫تكملة الجملة الثانية‬

Ex. I spoke to a lady on the phone .she told me to call back later .''relative clause''

► the lady who I spoke to on the phone told me to call back later .

Ex .I always go to that garage for repairs .it was closed today . ''relative clause''

►the garage (that / which) I always go to that garage for repairs was closed


. ‫ اذا كان االسم الموصول في نهاية الجملة‬-C

‫ الجملة االولى‬+ ‫ ضمير الوصل‬+ ‫الجملة الثانية‬

Ex. The Tigris hotel has a fabulous pool . the pool opened two months ago .

► The Tigris hotel has a fabulous pool which the pool opened two months ago.

Ex. The hotel has a swimming pool . its very big .''relative clause ''

► The hotel has a swimming pool that its very big.

1-The man has just bought a private jet . he lives next door .(combine use :who )
►The man who lives next door has just bought a private jet.

2- The cafe sells the best ice –cream . I work there .

►The cafe where I worked sells the best ice-cream

3-The university of Basra is excellent . I studied English there . ('relative clause '')
►The university of Basra, where I studied English there is excellent

4-I went to the cafe . I had met my friend there


5-my brother is in hospital. his car was on accident yesterday.


6-Beirut , ( where/ which )is full of cafes , is very interesting

7-The person stole the money . he must be punished . (combine with who )

8-Babylon city , ............. people like sightseeing , is beautiful place (which , where ,
that )
9-Fatima ........... photo was in the newspaper yesterday , is very talented girl .(who ,
whose , which)
10-His car has broken down . he bought it last month .(combine with relative clause )

P. 106/B. Combine these sentences with (who , that , where) to make
defining relative clauses ‫اربط هذه الجملة بأحد الضمائر الوصل لعمل عبارات وصليه معرفه‬

1.I spoke to a lady on the phone. She told me to call back later
►The lady who I spoke to on phone told me to call back later
2.They' ve knocked down the restaurant. We had a meal there last year
►They' ve knocked down the restaurant where We had a meal last year
3.) I always go to that garage for repairs. It was closed today
►The that garage(which / where ) I Always go to the for repairs. It was closed
4- (2014-3) His car has broken down. He bouget it last month.
► The car--------------------------------------------------------------------has broken down
5. The book was missing . it has the information I wanted
►The book that has the information I wanted was missing

P.106/ C. complete the sentences with (who, which, where or

whose) and add commas ‫اكمل الجمل بضمير وصل‬

1- Riverside cinema where the tickets only cost $6 for student usually has good

foreign film

2- Beirut, which is full of good cafes and restaurant , is a really interesting city.

3- My cousin Mick Who loves skiing is going to bay holiday home in the Swiss Alp

4- My sister Whose favourite food is pizza is having her birthday party at an


5-Fatima whose photo was in the newspaper yesterday , is a very talented girl .

P.106/ D / use the correct relative pronoun to make one sentence the
sentence in brackets becomes the relative clause .add commas where necessary

‫ اضف فارزة عند‬. ‫ الجملة بين االقواس تصبح عبارة وصل‬.‫استخدم ضمير وصل صحيح لعمل جملة واحدة‬
‫الضرورة‬ uncle albert still rides a bike .(he is 86)
Ex. Salwa wants to be an interpreter . she speaks three language .
2- The Tigris hotel has a fabulous pool . the pool opened two months ago .
3-Bashir is going to buy a car very soon .(he passed his driving test last week )
4-The star restaurant has a lovely garden .(you can have a meal there on summer

P.106/ D / use the correct relative pronoun to make one sentence .the
sentence in brackets becomes the relative clause .add commas where necessary

‫ اضف فارزة عند‬. ‫ الجملة بين االقواس تصبح عبارة وصل‬.‫استخدم ضمير وصل صحيح لعمل جملة واحدة‬
‫الضرورة‬ uncle albert still rides a bike .(he is 86)
Ex. Salwa wants to be an interpreter . she speaks three language .
2- The Tigris hotel has a fabulous pool . the pool opened two months ago .
3-Bashir is going to buy a car very soon .(he passed his driving test last week )
4-The star restaurant has a lovely garden .(you can have a meal there on summer


Test yourself

P.111 / A Write the compound noun for the following definitions.

‫تعاريف مهمة‬

1-If you lose this .you can't get on an airplane board card

2-You can have a winter holiday here ski resort

3-A luxurious place to stay five star hotel

4-A place to stay where you cook own food self-catering apartment

5-Hotels will often give you this if you are going on a full- packed lunch
day excursion

6-This protect you when you are driving or flying seatbelts

P.111/B : Choose the best collection ‫المتلزمات اللفظية‬

1-When the plane takes off , you have to (fasten ‫ يربط‬/ attach )your seatbelts

2-To cross the river we had to (sail / board ‫) نركب‬a ferry

3-The ferry‫( العبارة‬works / operates ‫)تشتغل‬throughout ‫ على طول‬the year

4-The holiday completely lived up‫ وفقا‬to my (wishes / expectation ‫)توقعاتي‬

5-Ican (honestly ‫ بصدق‬/ absolutely ) say that it was the best holiday I ever had .

6-We (considerably / thoroughly ) enjoyed ‫ استمتعنا‬all the entertainment

P.112/ C:use the correct endings to make adjectives from theses
nouns and verbs ‫استخدم النهايات الصحيحة لعمل صفات من هذه االسماء‬

1-attract → attractive ‫جذاب‬ 2-luxury → luxurious ‫مترف‬

3-wonder → wonderful ‫رائع‬ 4-peace → peaceful ‫مسالم‬
5-excite → exciting ‫مشوق‬ 6-colour → colourful ‫ملون‬
7-spectacle → spectacular ‫مدهش‬ 8-delight → delightful ‫بهيج‬

P.112/ C: complete the sentence by putting the verb in the brackets

in the present perfect simple. then underline the correct alternative for or since .

1-I have had (have ) this car since / for November

2-I (not see ) Mahmoud since / for he came back from holiday .
3-My sister (not be) to college since / for three days because od a cold.
4-My family ----------------------------- (live) in the same house since / for 15 years .
5-My teacher -------------------------------- (not know) the class since / for a ling time .
6 -------------------------------- (you work here )since / for you graduated ?

P.112 / E / Re-write the sentence correctly .

1-Fidaia didn't speak to me since her sister's wedding .×

2-Didn't Salwa's family move house yet ?×
3-I bought him anew mobile phone last week and she already lost it ×
4-I'm tired , I just walked all the way back from the shops ×
5-I have woken up early late this morning and I was late for school ×
6- He's lost his glasses and he can't find them anywhere √)‫)محلولة‬
7-Adam has come back from Beirut yesterday. ×
8-We have all been to the park last week ×
9-What time have they gone to bed last night. ×
10-You look nice , (did you change) have you changed your hairstyle ? √) ‫(محلولة‬

P.114 /F/put the verb in the correct tense , present perfect simple
or present perfect continuous
‫ضع الفعل في الزمن الصحيح اما مضارع تام بسيط او مضارع تام مستمر‬

Ex-Where have you been ? have you been playing (you . play )football ?

Ex-We have played (play )football three times this week already

1-Look , somebody has dropped (drop)their wallet on the pavement

2-Souad looks tired , I don't think she has been sleeping (sleep )very well recently .

3-Have you ever slept (you /ever / sleep )under the stars in the desert , no . never
4-Tariq is away on holiday ' oh , is she ? where ---------------------------(he / go )?

5-I-------------------------(lose ( my passport )-----------------------------(you / see)it any


6-Im so sorry I'm late . how long -------------------------------(you / wait )?

7-Latifa is learning Japanese .'how long --------------------------(she / study )it ?

8-I -----------------(paint)a picture of Amina all day but I -------------------------(not /

finish) it yet

P.115 complete these sentences with the correct relative pronoun

and add commas ‫اكمل الجمل بضمير وصل مناسب‬
Ex-Khalil Gibran who wrote a book called the prophet , was a famous Lebanese
poet .

1-Morroco, ................ is ne of the most beautiful countries in the world , attractive

lots of tourists every year .

2-The person ............ stole the money must be punished.

3-My friend Adam , ............... loves fishing , caught three huge fish yesterday .

4-Maria , ................ camera cost more than 300$ , is still not very good taking photos

5-Horse ridding , ............... is my brother Andy's favourite sport , is expansive and

dangerous in my opinion .

6- The restaurant ................. serve the best food is in the high street .

7-Edinbugh , ....................there is a huge cultural festival every summer , is
an exciting place to spend a holiday .

P.115/ I / Choose the correct word for each sentences

‫اختر الكلمة الصحيحة لكل جملة‬
ex. She has been talking on the phone ............. the last 20 minutes
a)-since b)-for c)- with

1-I hadn't seen a good film ............... last January

a)-since b)-for c)-from

2-When we got to the cinema , the film .......... started

a)-already b)-has c)– had

3-Howmany letters far today.

a)-Did you write b)-have you been writing c)-have you written

4-bablyon city, .............people like to go sightseeing, is a beautiful place .

a)-Which b)-that c)-where

5-I .................... to the cinema yet , but would like to one day?
a)-didn't go b)-haven't been c)-haven't gone

6-A thief got into their houses they .................the door property .
a)-haven't locked b)-haven't been locking c)-hadn't locked

7-Souhaib ........... brother lives in California , is planning a trip to the USA soon
a)-which b)-whose c)-who's

8-.................spend the whole night awake looking at the stars ?

a)-have you ever b)-did you ever c)-had you ever

9-I'm in a really good mood because exams

a)-I have just finished b)-I have just been finishing c)-I was just finishing

Why are holidays so important ‫لماذا العطل مهمة جدا‬

A: today it is more important than ever to ensure that we take enough breaks
and holidays Life is so fast and we spend such a large part of our time working
hard that we really need To take sufficient time out . if we don't, the pressure of
life can affect both our physical and Mental health

‫ الحياة سريعة جدا ً ونحن نقضي‬. ‫اليوم اهم من أي وقت مضى يجب ان تتأكد من أخذ استراحات و عطل كافيه‬
‫ ضغط الحياة ان‬, ‫ إذا لم نفعل‬.‫جزء كبير وقتنا نعمل بجد لذلك نحن بحاجه إلى اخذ ما يكفي من الوقت للراحة‬
‫يؤثر على كِال من صحتنا البدنية والعقلية‬

B: the stress of modern life can cause severe problems. It can cause high blood
pressure Which can then cause strokes and heart attacks. It also has an effect
on our minds. If we are Always on the move, we don't get enough sleep and our
free time is often interrupted by Phone calls. The human body cannot continue
like this indefinitely. Both brain and body need a break. If we push them too far,
they will eventually let us down.

‫ الذي يمكن ان‬، ‫ من الممكن أن يسبب ارتفاع ضغط الدم‬.‫يمكن أن يسبب ضغط الحياة العصرية مشاكل خطيرة‬
‫ لن نالحظ‬، ‫ إذا كنا دائمي الحركة‬.‫كما أنها لها تأثير على عقولنا‬. ‫يسبب السكتات الدماغية و النوبات القلبية‬
‫ ال نحصل على قدر كافٍ من النوم وغالبا ً ما يقاطع‬،‫ ال نأكل وجبات منظمة‬.‫دائما الى اي مدى نرهق اجسامنا‬
‫ يحتاج كِال من الدماغ والجسم‬. ‫ ال يمكن أن يستمر جسم اإلنسان هكذا الى االبد‬. ‫وقت الراحة بمكالمات هاتفية‬
. ‫سيخذلوننا في النهاية‬، ً ‫إلى استراحة إذا ارهقناهم الى حد بعيد جدا‬

C: there are more and more (workaholics) these days think that their work is
too important to leave in the hands of other. They put off holidays or breaks
because there is always another deadline or another deal around the corner.
They often discover too late that there is more to life than work.

‫هناك الكثير والكثير من "مدمني العمل" هذه االيام الذين يعتقدون ان عملهم اهم من ان يترك في‬
‫ هؤالء الناس ال يمكنهم تحمل االبتعاد عن المكتب ألكثر من بضع ساعات يؤجلون اخذ‬.‫ايدي االخرين‬
‫ غالبا يكتشفون بعد‬. ‫العطل او االستراحات ألنه هناك موعد نهائي دائما او صفقه على وشك ان تتم‬
‫فوات االوان ان هناك الكثير في الحياه اهم من العمل‬

D: People like this risk hurting not only their health but their personal
relationships too everyone needs to spend to spend time with family or
friends, and this time needs to be more then the occasional snatched house
or there . People who are close to us need to know that we care about
them. giving them a significant amount of our time is how we show this .
holiday time can give us this opportunity.

1-Why are holidays so important ‫لماذا العطل جدا مهمة‬
►Because life is so fast and we spend a lot of our time at work
‫الن الحياة سريعة جدا ونحن نقضي اغلب وقتنا في العمل‬

2 -What would happen if people do not take enough breaks and holidays ?
‫ماذا يحدث اذا الناس لم يأخذوا قسط كافي من الراحة‬
►The pressure of life would affect both their physical and mental health
‫ضغط الحياة ممكن ان يسبب مشاكل صحية وجسدية‬

3-What can stress of modern life cause ‫ماذا يمكن ان يسبب ضغط الحياة الحديثة‬
►It can cause problems like high blood pressure
‫يمكن ان تسبب مشاكل كثيرة مثل ارتفاع ضغط الدم‬

4-What can high blood d pressure cause ‫ماذا يمكن ان يسبب ارتفاع ضغط الدم‬
►It can cause strokes and heart attacks and its also has an affect on our minds
‫يمكن ان تسبب سكتات دماغية ونوبات قلبية وايضا يؤثر على عقولنا‬

5-What will happen if we don't give brain and body enough breaks
‫ماذا سوف يحدث اذا لم نعط الدماغ والجسم استراحة كافية‬
►They will eventually let us down
‫سوف يخذالنا في نهاية المطاف‬

6-How can make our holidays vital ‫كيف نجعل عطلنا حيوية‬
►By changing of routine and leaving the mobile switched off.
‫بتغيير الروتين وترك الهاتف مغلق‬

7-Who are workaholics ‫من هم مدمني العمل‬

►Those people who think that their work is too important to leave in the hands of
others .
‫الناس الذين يضنون ان عملهم اهم من ان يترك في ايدي االخرين‬

8-What do the workaholics risk ? ‫ماذا يخاطر مدمني العمل‬

►Their health and their relationships ‫بصحتهم وعالقتهم الشخصية‬

9-Why don't some people take holidays ? ‫لماذا بعض الناس ال يأخذوا عطلة‬
►Because they think that their work is too important to leave in the hands of others.
‫النهم يضنون ان عملهم اكثر اهمية من ان يترك في ايدي االخرين‬

10-what must workaholics give their families ?

►They must give them a significant amount of their time

11-what will happened if we are always on the move ?

►We don’t always notice how far we push our bodies, we don’t eat regular meal,
we don’t get enough sleep.

12-what do workaholics often discover late ?

►They discover too late that there is more to life than work .

B// Complete the sentences from your textbook passage

1-Hoildays are vital to our general wellbeing ‫العطل هي مفيدة لصحة الجسم بشكل عام‬
2-Our families and friends feel that we care about them when we give them a lot of
our time ‫عوائلنا واصدقائنا يشعرون باننا مهتمون بهم عندما نحن نمنحهم قدر كبير من وقتنا‬
3-A change of routine often help us to look at our lives in different way
‫تغيير الروتين غالبا ما يساعدنا عل ان ننضر لحياتنا بطريقة مختلفة‬

P.117 / A circle the correct answer

1-the pressure of life will:
A) Kill us
B)cause health problems‫يسبب المشاكل الصحية‬
C)make us lose our jobs

2-some people don't take holidays because :

A) they don't think other can do their work
B)they wants to make lots of money
C)the company doesn’t let them

3-some people find out too late that :

A)they should have a different job
B)work is not the only thing in life
C)they missed their holiday

4-we need to give families and friends:

A) A good holiday
B) B)at least an hour of our time
C) a lot of our time ‫الكثير من وقتنا‬

5-holidays can give us a chance to:

A)Learn new activities
B) stop thinking about our problems ‫نوقف التفكير في مشاكلنا‬
C)recover from illnesses

P.118/ C . ‫مرادفات مهمة‬
1-make certain Ensure‫ضمان‬-‫يتأكد‬
2-forever indefinitely‫لالبد‬
3-a time limit deadline ‫موعد نهائي‬
4- about to happen around the corner ‫على وشك ان‬
5-taken quickly snatched ‫مأخوذ بسرعة‬
6-health wellbeing ‫الصحة‬
7-very important vital ‫ مهم‬, ‫حيوي‬

Complete the sentences with a suitable words

(exceptionally ‫بشكل استثنائي‬, excursion‫ سفرة‬, balance‫ رصيد‬, luxurious ‫ مريح‬,

withdrawal‫ يجري سحب‬,venue, spectacular ‫ رائع‬Businessman ‫رجل اعمال‬, packed
lunch‫ غذاء معلب‬, board card (
1-hotels will often give you packed lunch if you are going on a full –time ………….
2-there must be a mistake in my statement ,I didn’t make this ……………….
3- it is …………… place to stay .
4-the food was ……………good .
5-the total ………….. was less than a million .
6- the place where you hold a course or concert for example ……………….
7-as the son began to set , we had a …………. View of the city
8-holidays are important for every not , not just ………………
9- Hotels will often give you this if you are going on a full-day
10- If you lose this .you can't get on an airplane………………….

Write s short article for a travel magazine of about 100 - 120 words on A
wonderful holiday I have had . your letter should include : an introduction
containing : time , place , with whom and activities

A wonderful holiday ‫عطلة رائعة‬

Last year , I went on holiday to Lebanon with my family . Lebanon is a
beautiful tourist country . it was a package deal and us 1,000$ . we stayed in a
luxuries hotel overlooking the beach in Beirut, it had a swimming pool , two
tennis courts anda big restaurant .
On the first day , we hired a taxi to do some sightseeing . in the evening we went
tomarkets and malls to do some shopping . another day we took a ferry on a
wonderful tour in the sea . on the last day we visit Baalbek and its temples .
we weren't bored for a moment .the atmosphere was peaceful . the people
were friendly and helpful with tourists and we took beautiful photos with
some of them . we really enjoyed our time .

.‫ دوالر‬1000 ‫ كانت صفقة سفر كاملة وكلفتنا‬.‫ لبنان بلد سياحي جميل‬.‫العام الماضي ذهب في عطلة الى لبنان‬
‫ ملعبين للتنس ومطعم كبير‬،‫أقمنا في فندق فخم يطل على الشاطئ في بيروت ويحتوي على حوض سباحة‬
‫في اليوم التالي استأجرنا سيارة تكسي لمشاهدة معالم المدينة وفي المساء ذهبنا الى االسواق والموالت‬
. ‫وفي اليوم التالي اخذنا عباره في جولة رائعة في البحر وفي اليوم التالي زرنا بعلبك ومعابدها‬. ‫للتسوق‬
‫الجو كان هادئ والناس كانوا ودودين ومتس اعدين مع السواح واخذنا بعض الصور‬, ‫لم نشعر بالملل للحظه‬
. ‫حقا استمتعنا بوقتنا‬

Write a short article for a travel magazine of about 100-120 words on Advice to
tourist in Iraq.
Talk about( historical places , sightseeing , parks and public places and food )

Advice to tourists in Iraq ‫نصائح للسائحين في العراق‬

Iraq is considered as tourist country and it's full on interesting places , so if you
have holiday you should go there . I advice you to stay at Babylon hotel . It's
nice and it has a good view river Tigris .
in addition to that the service is very good In Baghdad there are a lots of places
. You should go to Al-Moutanabi street , it's a great historical street and you
should also visit the national museum . although , there are a lots of new malls
also you should visit the historical places in Babylon Ur and you will be
surprised to see theses great runs
Finally , if you interested in beautiful nature you can go to north of Iraq to see
the waterfalls and mountains . You will be luckily and surprised to see the
beautiful nature
. ‫يعتبر العراق بلد سياحي وهو ممتلئ باألماكن الممتعة لذلك اذا كانت لديك عطلة يجب عليك قضائها فناك‬
‫ باإلضافة الى ذلك‬. ‫ انه جميل ويملك اطاللة جميلة على نهر دجلة‬. ‫انا انصحك في البقاء في فندق بابل‬
‫الخدمة جيدة جدا‬
‫ انه شارع تاريخي عظيم‬, ‫ يجب عل يك الذهاب الى شارع المتنبي‬, ‫في بغداد هناك العديد من االماكن الممتعة‬
‫ على الرغم من كون بغداد ممتلئة بمراكز التسوق أيضا يجب‬. ‫وكذلك يجب عليك زيارة المتحف الوطني‬.
‫عليك زيارة االماكن التاريخية في بابل وآور وستكون متفاجئ برؤية االثار العظيمة‬
. ‫ اذا كنت مستمتع بالطبيعة ال جميلة تستطيع الذهاب الى شمال العراق لرؤية الشالالت والجبال‬, ‫أخيرا‬
‫ستكون محظوظ ومتفاجئ برؤية الطبيعة الجميلة‬

‫أسئلة شاملة حول الوحدة الخامسة‬

1-Why are holidays so important ?
2-What can stress of modern life cause?
3-How can make our holidays vital ?
4-Who are workaholics ?
5-What do the workaholics risk ?
6-Why don't some people take holidays ?
7-holidays can give us a chance to …………………. . ( complete )

1- Tom ( call) his friend before he( visit) him .( correct )
2-My friend has never ( went ) to London .( correct )
3-After I ( do ) my homework , I go to the cinema .( correct )
4-The student should stand up , his phone just rang up .(use a suitable relative
pronoun )

5-Ali is going to Italy for holiday , he has never left the country .(use a suitable
relative pronoun )
6- You ( ever / fly )in a helicopter ?
7-he ( never / hold ) a fox
8-Thai food (eat) (write true sentence with ( never ) about her) .
9-you meet a pilot . you as ( how long / be / a pilot )
10-the boy broke the chair . he was in the garden ( relative clauses)
11-the car in the garage . it belongs to me ( relative clauses)
12-i lost my books .I had bought them last week . ( relative clauses)
13-The wedding go well because the had organized everything carefully . ( correct )
15-after I ( do ) my homework . I went to the cinema . ( correct )


Q 3 // Choose the correct word
1-She hasn't seen her friend ( since / for ) he come back .
2-She (wrote / has written )three stories about the family so far .
3-What have you done with the letter (which / who) was on the table .
4-The house has been empty (since / for) many years .
5-The ferry (works / operates) throughout the year

Q 4 // Write the missing words

1-go , gone , spend …………… , see ………….., drink ………………………….……..
2-a show , display , affine welcome ,………………. ,
3-colour , colourful , luxury ,………………… , spectacle ,…..………………………..
4-write , writing , cut , ………… fly ,……………., lie ,…………………………………

Q5 // complete the sentences with a suitable word

(sea front , hospitality , atmosphere , spectacular , boarding card ,ski-resort )
1-arabs are famous for their …………………..
2-as the sun began to set , we had a ………………….. view of the city
3- Let's go for a walk along the …………..this evening and watch the sunset over
the water .
4-you can have a winter holiday in …………………
5- the …………….. was really peaceful , that’s what I really liked .
6 -I can't find my……………….. I won't be able to get on the plane if I don't find

Q5 // writing

A- Write a short article for a travel magazine of about 100-120 words on Advice
to tourist in Iraq .
B- Write s short article for a travel magazine of about 100-120 words on A
wonderful holiday I have had

► Making money
‫مفردات الوحدة السادسة‬

‫الكلمة‬ ‫المعنى‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫المعنى‬

Cheque ‫ الصك‬require ‫يتطلب‬
Loan ‫ قرض‬Particularly ‫خصوصا‬
Paid ‫ يدفع‬Approve ‫يقبل‬
Take out- ‫ يسحب‬cancel ‫يلغي‬
Current ‫ جاري‬Hand bag ‫حقيبة يدوية‬
cash ‫ نقدا‬Expired ‫منتهي الصالحية‬
Interest ‫ فائدة‬Casher ‫امين صندوق‬
Charge a fee ‫ يفرض اجرا‬Owner ‫المالك‬
Renovate ‫يرمم‬-‫ يجدد‬Value ‫قيمة‬
Pay interest ‫ يدفع فائدة‬Investment ‫استثمار‬
Attract ‫ يجذب‬Instilled ‫فطري‬-‫مغروس‬
Costumers ‫ زبائن‬Property ‫العقار‬
Varity ‫ التنويع‬Pay back ‫يسدد‬
Knowledge ‫ معرفة‬worth ‫يستحق‬

P.119 /A/match the words and definitions
‫تعاريف واسقاطات مهمة‬
1-Bank statement (b) paper that tell you about what happened to your bank
account in the last month ‫ورقة تخبرك ماذا حدث لحسابك الشهر الماضي‬
2- Account number (c)the number that is used to identify your account
‫الرقم المستخدم لمعرفة حسابك‬
3-Balance (e) the total amount of money in tour account ‫المبلغ الكلي في حسابك‬
4-Transaction (f ) activity in your bank of your account ‫التحويالت في حسابك المصرفي‬
5- Withdrawal (d)money taken out of account ‫المال المسحوب من حسابك‬
6-Deposit (a) money that you put in your bank account ‫المال المدخل في حسابك‬

P.120/ C/ complete the definitions

1-Bank card → a piece of plastic you can use to pay for things or get money in
the street
‫قطعة من البالستك يمكن استخدامها لدفع ثمن االشياء او الحصول على االموال من‬: ‫البطاقة المصرفية‬
2-ATM → Somewhere you can get money using a bank card.
‫مكان تحصل فيه على المال باستخدام البطاقة المصرفية‬: ‫الصراف االلي‬
3-PIN →A secret number you can use with a bank card to stop others using it
‫ رقم سري يستخدم مع البطاقة المصرفية لمنع االخرين من استخدامها‬:‫الرقم التعريفي الشخصي‬
4-Cheque → a piece od paper you can use pay things
‫ ورقة يمكن استخدمها لدفع ثمن االشياء‬: ‫الصك‬
5-Credit card → a piece of plastic you can use to buy things and pay for them
‫قطعة من البالستك يمكن استخدمها لشراء االشياء او دفع ثمنهم الحقا‬: ‫بطاقة االئتمان‬

P. 55/S. B /Glossary
1-overdraft facilities: ability to use more money than you have in your account .
‫القدرة على استخدام اكثر من المال الموجود في حسابك‬: ‫تسهيالت السحب على المكشوف‬
2-minimum balance : smallest amount of money you can have in your account
without paying bank charges .
‫ اقل مقدار من المال تضعه في حسابك دون دفع رسوم مصرفية‬: ‫الحد االدنى للرصيد‬
3-ATM: a machine you can withdraw cash from
‫الة يمكن ان تسحب منها المال نقدا‬: ‫جهاز الصرف االلي‬
4-Credit card fee : money you pay the bank every year if you have a credit card
‫ المال الذي تدفعة كل سنه عند امتالكك للبطاقة االئتمانية‬: ‫رسوم بطاقة االئتمان‬

P.121 /B/much the verbs and nouns to make collocations

‫اوصل االفعال باألسماء لعمل متالزمات لفظية‬
1-open an account ‫يفتح حساب‬
2-pay interest ‫يدفع فائدة‬
3-deposit 5 million Iraqi dinars ‫ مليون دينار عراقي‬5 ‫يودع‬
4-make a withdraw ‫يجري سحب‬
5-maintain a minimum balance ‫يحافظ على الحد االدنى للرصيد‬
6-charge a fee ‫يفرض رسوم‬

‫انواع المبني للمجهول ‪Passive form‬‬

‫نستخدم صيغة المبني للمجهول عندما نريد التركيز على الحدث نفسه وليس من قام به‬
‫(فاعل الجملة) او عندما النعرف اصال فاعل الجملة ‪.‬‬
‫كما يمكن اضافة الفاعل مسبوق بكلمة (‪ )by‬في نهاية الجملة اذا كان ذكرة ضروري ‪.‬‬

‫هناك سبعة انواع للمبني للمجهول حيث تعتمد هذه االنواع على زمن الجملة االصلي ‪.‬‬

‫طريقة الحل ‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬نحدد زمن الجملة‬
‫‪ -2‬نحذف الفاعل ونضع المفعول به في بداية الجملة (غالبا ما نجد المفعول به بين الفعل الرئيسي والظرف‬
‫وعادة ما يبدأ‬
‫الظرف بحرف جر ‪)in , to‬‬
‫‪ -3‬نستخدم فعل مساعد مناسب حسب زمن الجملة وحسب المفعول به ( مفرد او جمع )‬
‫‪ -4‬نحول فعل الجملة الى التصريف الثالث (‪.) P.P‬‬
‫‪ -5‬تكملة الجملة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -6‬احيانا قد يكون المفعول به الموجود في الجملة اكثر من كلمة وايضا قد يكون الفاعل الموجود في الجملة‬
‫اكثر من كلمة‬

‫‪1-present simple‬‬

‫‪ + is /am / are + P.P‬م‪.‬بة‬

‫''‪Ex. She buys a book every month . ''passive‬‬

‫‪►A book is bought every month .‬‬

2-past simple

‫بة‬.‫ م‬+ Was / were + P.P

Ex. she broke the window yesterday . ''passive ''
►The window was broken yesterday .

3-future simple

‫بة‬.‫ م‬+ Will be + P.P

Ex. How will discover the secret . ''passive ''
►The secret will be discovered.

4-present continuous

‫بة‬.‫ م‬+ Is /are / am + being + P.P

Ex .they are renovating the bank .
►The bank is being renovated .

5-Past continuous

‫بة‬.‫ م‬+ Was / were +being + P.P

Ex. They were painting the wall yesterday . '' passive ''
►The wall was being painted yesterday .

6-Present perfect simple

‫بة‬.‫ م‬+ Has / have + been + P.P

Ex. She has written three letters .''passive ''
►Three letters have been written .

7-Past perfect simple

‫بة‬.‫ م‬+ Had + been + P.P

Ex. They had seen this film before . ''passive ''

►This film had been seen before

1-Somebody is cleaning the room right now .(re-write in the passive form)
2-Was / the / yesterday / bank / rebid ) (re-order to make passive sentence)
3-Somebody teaches English every month . (re-write in the passive)
4-The police found fingerprints in the crime sense . (re-write in the passive)
5-Somebody will grade our homework over the weekend . (re-write in the
6-The machine ( is repaired / is being repaired ) at the moment . ( choose )

7-( by / the / down /previous / owner / were / tree / cut ) ( re – order )
8-They are building some new houses .( change into passive )
9-People use these coins in Egypt . ( change into passive )
10-My father wrote this letter . (re-write in the passive)

P.142/G /re-write the sentences in the passive form.

‫اعد كتابة الجمل في المبني للمجهول‬
1-Somebody left these books in the classroom.
2-Somebody teaches history every day .
3-Somebody is cleaning the room right now .
4-Somebody will grade our homework over the weekend.
5-Somebody was opining the gates when we arrived .

P.122/ D/unscramble the words to make passive sentences
)‫رتب الكلمات لعمل جملة مبني للمجهول ( مهم جدا‬
1-Somebody stole my wallet last week .(wallet week was my last stolen)
►My wallet was stolen last week .
2-Somebody robbed the bank yesterday .( was the yesterday bank robbed )
3-Somebody will pay the bill tomorrow .( tomorrow will bill the pay be paid )
4-People use these coins in Egypt .(Egypt are in used coins theses )

H . W /P .124 complete the sentences with the correct passive

form of the verbs in brackets
1-The cheque ................................ (sign) last week .
2-A fee .................................. (charge ) if you don't have enough money in your
account .
3-This letter .........................(write ) by my father .‫زمن ماضي من خالل المعنى‬
4-The magazine ............................. ( publish ) every month .
5-I used my father's car while my car ...............................................(repair )
6-My bedroom ....................................( paint ), so I'm sleeping in the living room .
‫لكون الطرف الثاني مضارع مستمر تكون الجملة األولى أيضا مضارع مستمر‬
7-My ATM card .....................................( steal ) yesterday , so I have to get a new
one .
8-Bank statements ............................ (send) at the end of each month . ‫مضارع بسيط‬

P126/D/complete the sentence with the passive or active form
of the verb in brackets
1-The money in a bank account .................................. ( use ) in many ways .

2-The machine ................................................ (repair ) at the moment .

3-The loan .............................. (pay back) with the interest at the end of the year .

4-The decision ................................... ( make) tomorrow by the bank manager .

5-fatima .............................( get ) a loan last week to buy her flat )‫)مبني للمعلوم‬

6-The business ............................... ( start ) two years ago by two brothers

7-Bankers usually ................................(like) helping their costumers )‫)مبني للمعلوم‬

8-Was the information .......................................(send) to you by mail last week ?

Meet A banker ‫مقابلة مصرفي‬
I have been a banker for twenty years and I love my job. What makes it
particularly interesting is the verity. I have to do many different things and
use a number of different skills. Now two days are ever the same. Most
importantly, we have to convince people to use the bank, and one way to do
this to offer new service. For example, we can attract people students by
offering special student accounts if the bank is close to a university or college.
We also advise people on the most suitable accounts for their needs.

‫انا اقوم بالعديد‬. ‫ التنوع يجعلها ممتعه بشكل خاص‬. ‫انا اعمل مصرفي لعشرين عاما واحب وضيفتي‬
‫ واالهم‬. ‫ ليس هناك يومان متشابهات تماما‬. ‫من االشياء المختلفة واستخدم عدد من مختلف المهارات‬
‫ على‬, ‫ واحد الطرق للقيام بذلك هو تقديم خدمات جديدة‬, ‫من ذلك هن ان نقنع الناس الستخدام المصرف‬
‫اذا كان البنك يقع بالقرب من كلية‬ ‫سبيل المثال يجب ان نجذب الطالب بعرض حسابات خاصة للطالب‬
. ‫ وايضا ننصح الناس بالحسابات التي تالئم احتياجاتهم‬. ‫او جامعة‬

Another of my main responsibilities is to decide whether or not to give people

or businesses loans. This is one way the bank uses the money people put
into their accounts. The money doesn't simply sit there but is used to
make more money. Many people need loans on for a special project such as
buying a car at a house. We also lend money to people who want to start their
own businesses. It must make suggestions to improve their plans. For
example, if a man wants to open a bookshop on a street that already has
several bookshops, I might suggest always approve a loan. This is a difficult
part of my job as I do not like to disappoint my clients.

‫ هذه احدى الطرق البنك‬.‫من مسؤولياتي الرئيسة ان اقرر ان امنح او ال قروض لألشخاص او الشركات‬
‫ ال يبقى المال هناك ببساطة ولكن يستخدم لربح مال‬.‫الستخدام اموال الناس التي أوضع في حساباتهم‬

‫أكثر‪ .‬كثير من الناس بحاجة الى قروض لمشروع خاص مثل شراء سيارة او منزل‪ .‬كذلك نقرض المال‬
‫لألشخاص الذين يرغبون في بدأ اعمالهم الخاصة‪ .‬غالبا يعود االمر لي ألقرر اذا كانت فكرة العمل جيدة‬
‫ام ال وفي بعض االحيان يجب ان اقدم اقتراحات لتحسين خططهم‪ .‬على سبيل المثال‪ ،‬اذا كان رجل يريد‬
‫فتح مكتبة في احد شوارع التي فيها العديد من المكتبات‪ ،‬ربما اقترح ان يفتح المكتبة في شارع اخر حيث‬
‫يمكنه الحصول على زبائن اكثر ‪ .‬لسوء الحظ‪ ،‬ال يمكن الموافقة على القرض دائما‪ .‬وهذا الجزء الصعب‬
‫في عملي ألني ال أحب ان اخذل عمالئي‪.‬‬

‫‪Some banks work mostly with large companies, while others have to do with‬‬
‫‪small businesses and individuals. Both types of banking can enjoyable.‬‬
‫‪Banks that work with large companies can help them improve and extend‬‬
‫‪their businesses. This can very interesting and exciting, as you have to be‬‬
‫‪quite knowledgeable about many different subjects. If you work with‬‬
‫‪company that makes chemical products for example, you have to understand‬‬
‫‪how the products are made and used. My main‬‬ ‫‪work is with individuals‬‬
‫‪and small businesses. What I particularly enjoy about this is‬‬ ‫‪that I meet a‬‬
‫‪range of different people. It is also very satisfying to be able to help them‬‬
‫‪with their problems and make a difference in their lives.‬‬

‫يعمل بعض المصرفيين في الغالب مع شركات كبيرة ‪ ,‬في حين يعمل اخرون بشكل اكبر مع المشاريع‬
‫التجارية الصغيرة واالفراد ‪ .‬كال النوعين من االعمال المصرفية يمكن ان يكوم ممتعا ‪ .‬ان البنوك التي‬
‫تعمل مع الشركات الكبيرة تساعدهم في تحسين وتوسيع اعمالهم ‪ .‬هذا يمكن ان يكون مشوقا بحيث يجب‬
‫ان تكون على دراية تامة بالعديد من الموضوعات المختلفة ‪ .‬اذا كنت تعمل مع شركة تصنع المنتجات‬
‫الكيميائية ‪ ,‬على سبيل المثال عليك ان تفهم كيفية صنع المنتجات واستخدامها ‪ .‬عملي الرئيسي مع االفراد‬
‫والمشاريع التجارية الصغيرة‪ .‬ما استمتع به بشكل خاص في هذا هو انني التقي مجموعة مختلفة من‬
‫الناس كذلك تشعر بالرضا عن نفسك عندما تكون قادرا على مساعدتهم في مشاكلهم واحداث فرق في‬
‫حياتهم ‪.‬‬

Being banker requires many different skills. To being with, you have to be
good at Math and able to read and understand graphs and charts quickly .
Another important skill is being able to work with other experts who can
give you important information . When a client want a loan to buy a house
, for example, I need to know about the value and structure of the house and
what sort of neighbourhood it is in . A specialist can give this information .
Finally , a banker needs to be good communicator. Your clients need
information about many different things , some of them quite complex . They
need banker who can explain these things and who enjoy helping them

‫ يجب ان تكون جيدا في الرياضيات وقادر‬،‫ لنبدأ بـ‬،‫ان تكون مصرفيا يتطلب العديد من المهارات المختلفة‬
‫ مهارة اخرى هامة هي القدرة على العمل مع‬. ‫على قراءة وفهم الرسوم البيانية والمخططات بسرعة‬
‫ عندما يرغب عميل في الحصول على قرض‬. ‫الخبراء االخرين الذين لمكن ان يوفروا لك معلومات مهمة‬
‫ يمكن‬. ‫ على سبيل المثال احتاج الى معرفة القيمة وهيكل المنزل ونوع الحي الذي يقع فيه‬،‫لشراء منزل‬
. ‫ يجب ان تكون المصرفي قادر على التواصل بشكل جيد‬, ‫ واخيرا‬. ‫للمختص ان يعطيني هذه معلومات‬
‫ يحتاجون للمصرفي‬.‫ بعضها معقد جدا‬،‫يحتاج عمالؤك الى معلومات حول العديد من االشياء المختلفة‬
.‫الذي يمكنه تفسير هذه االشياء بوضوح والذي يسعد بمساعدتهم‬

1-what makes the job of the banker interesting ‫ما الذي يجعل وضيفة المصرفي ممتعة‬
► the variety ‫التنوع‬

2-what is the way to convince people to use the bank ‫كيف يقنع المصرفي الناس الستعمال‬
►to offer new services ‫بعرض خدمات جديدة‬
3-How can the bank attract the students? ‫كيف يتمكن المصرف من جذب الطالب ؟‬
►By offering special students accounts ‫بعرض حساب طالب خاص‬

4-What the main responsibility of the banker ‫ماهي المسؤولية الرئيسة لدى المصرفي ؟‬
► To decide whether or not to give people or businesses loans ‫هي ان يقرر فيما اذا او‬
‫ال يعطي المشاريع او الناس‬

5-What is the way that the bank uses the money people put into their accounts ?
‫ماهي الطريقة التي يستخدم فيها المصرف اموال الناس التي يضعونها في حساباتهم‬
►The way is to give the money as loans ‫هي اعطاء االموال على شكل قروض‬

6-What does the banker sometime do to improve the customers plans ?

‫ماذا يفعل المصرفي احيانا لتطوير من خطط الزبائن‬
►The banker sometime make suggestions to improve the customers plans .
‫يعمل اقتراحات لتطوير خطط الزبائن‬

7-What is the difficult part in the job of a banker ? ‫ما هو الجزء االصعب في عمل‬
►He can't always approve a loan . ‫ال يستطيع دائما ان يوافق على القروض‬

8-What skills does the job of a banker require ? ‫ماهي المهارات التي يتطلبها عمل المصرفي‬
►To be good at maths, able to read and understands graphs and charts , able to
work with experts and be a good communicator .
‫ قادر على العمل مع خبراء‬, ‫ قادر على قراءة وفهم الرسوم والمخططات‬, ‫يتطلب ان يكون جيد في الرياضيات‬
‫ذو تواصل جيد‬

9-how can the experts help bankers? ‫كيف يمكن للخبراء ان يساعدوا المصرفيين‬
►By give them an important information . ‫يعطيهم معلومات مهمة‬

10-Banks that work with large campiness can help them improve and extend
their busines

11-Why do people need loans ? ‫لماذا الناس يحتاجون الى القروض‬
►for special projects such as buying a car or a house . ‫لمشاريع خاصة مثل شراء‬
‫سيارة او بيت‬

12-Client: is a person or organization who makes use of a professional

. ‫العميل هو الشخص او المنضمة التي تستعين بشخص محترف‬

13-why does a banker need to be a good communicator ?

-to explain information about many things, some of them complex.

P.124 / A
1- My job has a daily routine (f) ‫( في وضيفتي روتين يومي‬not two days are the same )
2-We don't encourage students to open accounts ( f) ‫ال نشجع الطالب على فتح حسابات‬
3-I have to asses new business ideas (t) ‫يجب ان اقيم االفكار التجارية الجديدة‬
4-Sometimes I can't agree to give a loan (t) ‫في بعض االحيان ال اوافق على منح قرض‬
5-Bankesr only need to know about financial subjects .( f) ‫المصرفيون فقط يحتاجوا ان‬
‫يعرفوا حول المواضيع المالية‬
6-I do all my work alone ( f ) ‫انجز كل اعمالي بمفردي‬

Definitions ‫تعاريف‬
1-Traveler's cheque :a special cheque that can be use in any bank ‫صك خاص يصرف‬
‫من اي مصرف‬
2-Currency: money or a system of money . ‫مال او نضام اموال‬
3-Pounds :the currency used in the UK ‫العملة المستعملة في المملكة المتحدة‬
4-Exchange rate :the amount of the money you get when changing from one
currency to another ‫مقدار المال الذي تحصل علية عندما تستبدل عملة اخرى‬

P.131 / B/ match the clauses to make conditional sentences.
‫زاوج العبارات‬
1-If the cases are too heavy ,(b)you have to pay extra
2-If the traffic isn't too heavy , (d) I will be at the airport at 12:00
3-If I had the time and the money (a)I'd come with you
4-If you spend a lot of money on me (e)I'll be very cross
5-If you would told me you were going to London (c)I would have lent you my

P.133 / B / ‫تعاريف‬
1-Down payment :part of the total cost that is paid first
‫جزء من الكلفة الكلية الذي يدفع اوال‬
2-Monthly instalments: part of the total cost that is paid every month
‫جزء من الكلفة الكلية التي تدفع كل شهر‬
3-Investment :something you buy that makes money . ‫شيء تشتريه يعود عليك بالمال‬
4-Go up in value :the amount you can sell something for increases
‫ارتفاع قيمة الشيء الذي تشتريه‬
5-Car insurance :money you pay to a company so you can get money if your car
is lost or damaged.
‫المال الذي تدفعه لشركة ألجل ان تحصل على المال اذا فقدت او تضررت السيارة‬

Test yourself

P.140 / A / underline the correct alternative:

1-My father (opened ‫ فتح‬/ made ) an account for me when I was quite young.
2-I (deposited ‫ اودعت‬/installed ) 5 million Iraqi dinars this morning .
3-Banks usually (pay/charge ‫ ) تحمل‬a fee if you are overdrawn
4-If you ( stay / maintain ‫ )حافظت على‬balance , you don't have to pay a fee.
5-I can ( take / make ‫ )اخذ‬a withdrawal at an ATM at any time.
6-Some account (cost / pay ‫ ) تدفع‬more interest than others .

P.140 /B / complete the sentences with the correct words

from the box

withdrawal ‫ سحب‬/ expired ‫ منتهي الصالحية‬/ branch ‫ فرع‬/ down payment

‫ دفعة واحدة‬/ statement ‫ كشف‬/ instalment ‫ اقساط‬/ online ‫فعال‬/ ‫على االنترنيت‬
valid ‫ صالح‬/ back
1-I'm afraid your card is no longer valid . it expired a week ago.
‫اخشى ان بطاقتك لم تعد صالحة انتهت صالحيتها االسبوع الماضي‬
2-This bank statement shows I have a lot of money in my account
‫هذا الكشف المصرفي يظهر اني املك الكثير من االموال في حسابي‬
3-There must be a mistake . I didn't make this withdraw last week.
. ‫يجب ان يكون هناك خطا لم اعمل هذا الحساب االسبوع السابق‬
4-Howmony instalment do you have to make to pay back your loan
‫كم عدد االقساط التي يجب ان تدفعها لتسديد قرضك‬
5-My father lend me a money to put down payment in anew car .
‫والدي اقرضني المال لدفع مقدم لسيارة جديدة‬
6-If you have internet access you can bank online
‫اذا كان لديك اتصال باألنترنيت يمكنك ان تقوم باألعمال المصرفية على االنترنيت‬
7-There is a branch of our bank near the university ‫يوجد فرع لمصرفنا بالقرب من‬

P.141/ C /Complete the sentences ) ‫اكمل الجمل ( اسقاطات مهمة‬

1-A current account comes with a cheque book . ‫يعطي مع الحساب الجاري دفتر شيكات‬
2-You can withdraw money from an ATM machine.
‫يمكنك سحب المال من الة الصراف االلي‬
3-The minimum balance is 1,000 Iraqi dinars . ‫دينار عراقي‬1000 ‫الحد االدنى للرصيد هو‬
4-The value of an investment can go down as well as up .
‫قيمة االستثمار تنخفض وكذلك يمكن ان ترتفع‬
5-If you don't have enough money to buy something , you can ask the bank for a
. ‫ يمكنك ان تطلب من المصرف قرض‬, ‫اذا لم تملك المال لشراء شيء ما‬

D.141. underline the correct form in each conditional sentences .

1-if I open a student account , ( I would have to / will have to )maintain a
minimum balance.
2-if I had known it was raining when I felt , ( I would have / would had )brought
an umbrella.
3-if I ( had seen / had seen ) him yesterday , I would have told him a new news .
4-if we ( hadn’t gone / didn’t go) swimming , we would had time to go for a boat
ride .
5-if I ( played / had played ) tennis ,I would join the tennis club .

E . 141 . Complete the conditional sentences .
1-if you go out in this rain , ………………………………………………………….
2-if my mother know that I drove so fast , …………………………….……………
3-if you cook an egg for a half an hour , ……………………………..……………..
4-if I had asked me to help him , ……………………………………...……………..
5-if he really wanted to go to the university , ……………………………..………..
6-if the car hadn’t broken down , ……………………………………..……………

F. Put the verbs in the correct order to make passive sentences

1-was delivered when mail the ?
2-next being are week the replaced windows
3-be sold the end house will before the year the of .
4-by the down the previous were tree cut
5-have stairs avoid been the accidents to repaired.

Making money ) ‫) جمع االموال‬
Saving for the future is something that is instilled in us from early age . As
children, we learn not to spend all our pocket money at once but to put some
aside to buy something bigger later on . When we start work , we are
encouraged to put money into pension plans to save for our retirement so
that we can continue to enjoy a good standard of living when we are older .

‫ نتعلم ان ال ننفق كل المصروف‬،‫ ونحن كأطفال‬. ‫االدخار للمستقبل هو شيء غرس فينا من عمر مبكر‬
‫ عندما نبدأ العمل يتم‬.‫في وقت واحد ولكن نضع البعض منه جانبا لشراء شيء أكبر في وقت الحق‬
‫تشجيعنا على وضع المال في خطط راتب التقاعد لالدخار لتقاعدنا حتى تنمكن من االستمرار في التمتع‬
.‫بمستوى معيشة جيد عندما نتقدم بالعمر‬

There are many ways in which we can make our money work for us . Banks
inform us of different types of saving accounts , with more or less interest
the longer we leave our money with them . Some saving accounts suite
regular savers , others are more appropriate for those of us who wish to
invest a fixed sum . Saving accounts benefit people who do not need to
access this money , and if we can forget it is there , so much the butter

, ‫ تطلعنا البنوك على انواع مختلفة من حسابات التوفير‬. ‫هناك العديد من الطرق لتشغيل اموالنا لصالحنا‬
‫ بعض حسابات التوفير تناسب للمدخرين‬. ‫بفائدة اكثر او اقل حسب طول فترة تركنا االموال معهم‬
‫ حسابات التوفير‬. ‫ والبعض االخر اكثر مالئمة ألولئك الذين يرغبون في استثمار مبلغ ثابت‬, ‫المنتظمين‬
‫ فكلما كان ذلك افضل‬, ‫ واذا تمكنا من نسيانه هناك‬, ‫تفيد االشخاص الذين ال يحتاجون الوصول لهذا المال‬

Financially-minded people who follow the market invest in stocks and share
For many , this can be both a hobby and a way of making a lot of money .
It's risky business , however , and there are no guarantees . The major
‫‪players on this game are the specialists. You can certainly lose a lot of money‬‬
‫‪as well as again it and it is not the answer for people who need a fixed sum‬‬
‫‪at the end of their investment period .‬‬

‫اصحاب العقول التجارية الذين يتبعون اسواق االستثمار في االوراق المالية واالسهم ‪ .‬بالنسبة للكثيرين‬
‫‪ ,‬يمكن ام يكون هذا هواية وطريقة ربح الكثير من المال ‪ .‬ومع ذلك فهي اعمال محفوفة بالمخاطر وليس‬
‫هناك ضمانات ‪ .‬الالعبين الرئيسين في هذا اللعبة هم المختصين‪ .‬بالتأكيد يمكن ان نخسر الكثير من المال‬
‫كذلك كسبه ‪ ,‬وهذا ليس الشيء المنتظر بالنسبة لألشخاص الذين يحتاجون الى مبلغ من المال في نهاية‬
‫فترة استثمارهم‬

‫‪Money can also be made through investing in property a lot of money to begin‬‬
‫‪with can bring significant profit if the property is sold on at a later when‬‬
‫‪property price have increased. Once again , there is no guarantee that you‬‬
‫‪will make a profit or even break is safe in the long term . It is this type of‬‬
‫‪investment that becoming more and more popular in the UK at the moment‬‬
‫‪. People are beginning to see the value of buying up property to rent out . The‬‬
‫‪rent pays the instalment on the loan or mortgage , and then when the investor‬‬
‫‪needs the money he or she can sell and realize the profit .‬‬
‫‪This is particularly popular with people who inherit an amount of money who‬‬
‫‪want to do more with the money than let it sit in a saving account .‬‬

‫كذلك يمكن جني المال من خالل االستثمار في العقارات ‪ .‬انفاق الكثير من المال كبداية يجلب ربح كبير اذا‬
‫تم بيع العقار في وقت الحق ع ندما تزداد اسعار العقارات ‪ .‬مرة اخرى ليس هناك ما يضمن ان يحقق الربح‬
‫او استرجاع نفس المبلغ ‪ ,‬ولكن بشكل عام ‪ ,‬فان االموال المستثمرة في العقارات امنة على المدى الطويل‬
‫‪ .‬هذا هو نوع من االستثمار الذي اصبح اكثر شعبية في المملكة المتحدة في الوقت الراهن ‪ .‬بدأ الناس‬
‫معرفة قيمة شراء العقارات لتأجيرها ‪ .‬االيجار يسدد االقساط التي على القرض او الرهن العقاري ‪ ,‬وعندما‬
‫يحتاج المستثمر الى المال يمكنه بيعه وجني االرباح ‪ .‬هذا يحظى بشعبية خاصة للناس التي ترث مبلغ من‬
‫المال ويرغبون في استثمار المال بشكل اكبر من ابقائه في حسابات التوفير‬
However people choose to invest their money , whether it is in saving
accounts , pension plans , stocks and shares or property , etc. ., it is more
sensible than keeping it in a box under the bed as our grandparents often
used to do ! And although some young people cannot see the value in saving
for their old age when they are still in their twenties , there are a lot of retired
people today who wish they had done more with their money when they were
younger .

‫ سواء كان في حسابات التوفير او خطط التقاعد او االسهم‬, ‫على اية حال يختار الناس استثمار اموالهم‬
‫ االستثمار منطقي اكثر من االحتفاظ بالمال في صندوق‬. ‫ وما الى ذلك‬, ‫او االوراق المالية او العقارات‬
‫تحت السرير كما اعتاد اجدادنا ان يفعلوا ! وعلى الرغم من ان بعض الشباب ال يستطيعون رؤية قيمة‬
‫ هناك الكثير من االشخاص المتقاعدين‬, ‫االدخار لشيخوختهم عندما ال يزالون في العشرينات من العمر‬
. ‫اليوم يتمنون لو انهم استثمروا اموالهم بشكل اكبر عندما كانوا شباب‬

1-What is instilled in us from early age ? ‫ما الذي يغرس فينا من عمر مبكر‬
►Saving for the future ‫االدخار للمستقبل‬

2- What are we encouraged to do when we start work? ‫ماذا نشجع ان نفعل عندما نبدأ بالعمل‬
►To put some money into pension plans ‫وضع بعض المال في خطط التقاعد‬

3- Why should people save money for the future? ‫لماذا يجب على الناس ان يدخروا للمستقبل‬
►To save for their retirement and continue to enjoy a good standard of living when
they are older ‫لكي يدخروا لتقاعدهم ويستمروا بالتمتع بمستوى معيشي جيد عندما يتقدمون بالسن‬

4- How can we make our money work for us ? ‫كيف يمكن تشغيل المال لصالحنا‬
►By butting it in saving accounts ‫بوضعه في حسابات التوفير‬

5- When do people get a lot of interest of their saving accounts ?

‫متى يحصل الناس على فوائد كبيرة من حسابات التوفير‬
►When they leave their money in the saving accounts .
‫عندما ستركون اموالهم مدة اطول في حسابات التوفير‬

6-Saving accounts benefit people who do not need to access this money .
‫حسابات التوفير تفيد الناس الذين ال يحتاجون للوصول لهذا المال‬

7- Financially- minded people who follow the markets invest in stocks and
‫اصحاب العقول التجارية الذين يتابعون االستثمار في سوق االسهم واالوراق المالية‬

8- How can people invest their money ? ( mention two ways )

‫كيف يستطيع الناس ان يستثمروا اموالهم‬
► People can invest their money in stocks and shares or property
‫يستطيع الناس استثمار اموالهم في االوراق المالية واالسهم او العقارات‬

9- In UK , the most popular investment is in investing in property .

‫في المملكة المتحدة االستثمار االكثر شيوعا في العقار‬

10- Why investing in stocks and shares is a risky business?

‫لماذا االستثمار في االسهم واالوراق المالية مخاطرة‬
►Because there are no guarantees . You can loss a lot of money or again it .
‫ يمكن ان تخسر المال او تربحه‬. ‫ألنه ال توجد ضمانات‬

11-what do we learn as children
As children, we learn not to spend all our money at once but to put some
aside to buy something bigger later on.

12-who are the major player in the game of making money ?


13-what do a lot of retired people today wish ?

They wish they had done more with their money when they were younger .

P/ 145/ B/Circle the correct answer according to the text

1- When we are children: (b) We are taught the value of saving ‫عندما كنا صغار تعلمنا‬
‫قيمة االدخار‬
2-Wecan get more interest :(a)if we keep our money in our account for long time
‫يمكن ان نحصل على اموال كثيرة عندما نضع اموالنا في حساباتنا لوقت طويل‬

3-Ivesting in stocks and shares :(c)is fun for some people

‫يعد االستثمار في االسهم واالوراق المالية ممتعا لبعض الناس‬

4-If you buy property : (c)you may get a lot of money when we sell it
‫اذا اشتريت عقار قد تحصا على اموال كبيرة عند بيعه‬

P.146.C. ind words in the text that complete the following phrase
1- put some aside ‫يدخر بعض المال‬ 6- A risky business ‫عمل محفوف بالمخاطر‬
2- pension plans ‫خطط المعاش‬ 7- Major players ‫الالعبوا االساس‬
3- Regular savers ‫مدخرون منتظمون‬ 8- Break even ‫دون ربح او خسارة‬
4- Affixed sum ‫مبلغ ثابت‬ 9- Realize the profit ‫يحقق ربح‬
5- Financially minded ‫ذو العقول‬

write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdraw shown on your

statement that you didn't make. write 100 – 120 words.
. ‫ اكتب رسالة شكوى الى مصرف لتشتكي حول عملي سحب ظهرت في كشفك المصرفي والتي لم تقم بها‬-

A letter of complain to the bank

‫رسالة شكوى الى المصرف‬
Dear sir ,
I would like to inform you that I'm one of your customers . I opened my account
in your bank four months ago . I wanted to thank you so much for good banking
services but there was a problem faced me yesterday for the first time . I went to
the bank to check my account balance and to make a deposit of two million Iraqi
dinars . I discovered that there was a big mistake in my account . the statement
showed that there was some money had been withdrawn from my account . I
didn't do that in cash or using my ATM card . I enclosed all required information
in details with this letter . I'm waiting for you to solve this problem and please let
me know as soon as possible .
thank you for your help
your sincerely,

‫سيدي العزيز‬
‫احب اعالمكم بانني احد زبائنكم‪ .‬فتحت حسابي في مصرفكم منذ اربعة اشهر مضت‪ ,‬ارت ان اشكركم‬
‫الجيدة لكن واجهتني مشكلة الليلة الماضية وللمرة االولى ‪ .‬ذهبت الى‬ ‫المصرفية‬ ‫كثيرا لخدمتكم‬
‫المصرف لمراجعة رصيدي ولكي اعمل وديعة بمليوني دينار عراقي ‪ .‬اكتشفت ان هناك خطا كبير في‬
‫حسابي ‪ .‬الكشف اظهر وجود بعض المال قد سحب من حسابي ‪ .‬انا لم افعل ذلك ال نقدا وال باستعمال‬
‫بطاقة الصراف االلي‪ .‬ارفق لكم المعلومات المطلوبة بالتفاصيل مع هذه الرسالة‪ .‬انا انتظركم لتحلو هذه‬
‫المشكلة ودعوني اعلم بذلك بأسرع وقت ممكن‪.‬‬
‫شكرا لمساعدتكم‪..‬‬

‫‪Formal and informal letters‬‬

‫الفقرة‬ ‫الرسالة الرسمية‬ ‫الرسالة الغير رسمية‬

‫‪Formal letter‬‬ ‫‪Informal letter‬‬
‫‪Addressing the letter‬‬ ‫‪Dear Mr. Smith,‬‬ ‫‪Drear Ali,‬‬
‫لقب المرسل الية‬ ‫‪Dear sir,‬‬
‫‪Starting the letter‬‬ ‫‪This letter is to inform‬‬ ‫‪Thanks you for your‬‬
‫بداية الرسالة‬ ‫‪you ...‬‬ ‫‪letter‬‬
‫‪Thank you for your‬‬
‫‪letter of..‬‬
‫‪I am writing to‬‬
‫‪Making request‬‬ ‫?‪Could you ……….‬‬ ‫?‪Would you ……….‬‬
‫الطلب‬ ‫?‪Would you ………..‬‬ ‫? ‪Can you……..‬‬

Could you ……?
Saying you are sorry I apologize for…………. I’m sorry I …………..
To say you are sending Please find enclosed…… Here’s…………….
something with the I enclose…………..
‫للقول بـأنك أرسلت شيئا ما‬
Closing the letter Yours sincerely Best wishes
‫انهاء الرسالة‬ Yours faithfully See you soon

1-when you say you are sending something with the letter, you say ( here’s / I

2-what will you write if you want to close a formal letter?

a)best wishes b)see you soon

3-in which letter will you write thanks for your letter ?
-informal letter

‫أسئلة شاملة حول الوحدة السادسة‬

Q 1 // Textbook passage:

1-What is instilled in us from early age ?

2- What are we encouraged to do when we start work ?
4- How can we make our money work for us ?
5- In UK , the most popular investment is in investing in …………………………
( complete )
6-Why investing in stocks and shares is a risky business?
7-what makes the job of the banker interesting ?
8-What the main responsibility of the banker ?
9-What is the way that the bank uses the money people put into their accounts ?
10-What does the banker sometime do to improve the customers plans ?
11-What is the difficult part in the job of a banker ?

Q 2 // Grammar and functions
1- He can use the cards at any ATM ( passive )
2- I deposited this money last week ( passive )
3- Somebody is cleaning the room right now . ( passive )
4- Somebody took my wallet last week ( passive )
5- Somebody will clean the house every Saturday ( passive )
( wallet / week / was / my / last / stolen )(unscramble the words to make a passive
6- (by, the down , previous, owner , were , tress , cut) (unscramble the words to
make a passive voice)
7- Somebody stole my cheque book yesterday ( passive)
8- My father paid this bill last week .( passive )
10-somebody teaches English every month ( passive )

Q 3 // choose the correct word
1-My father ( open / made ) an account for me when I was quite young.
2-If you ( stay / maintain )balance , you don't have to pay a fee.
3-I can ( take / make )a withdrawal at an ATM at any time.
4-moblie phone are ( bough / bought ) by millions of people .
5-was the information (send / sent ) to you by the mail last week ?

Q4//Complete the sentences with the suitable words

( online , loan , Investment, statement , withdraw , Down payment )

1-This bank …………..shows I have a lot of money in my account
2-There must be a mistake . I didn't make this …………………last week.
3-If you have internet access you can bank …………………..
4-………………….:part of the total cost that is paid first
5-……………….. something you buy that makes money .
6-If you don't have enough money to buy something , you can ask the bank for a

Q 5 // Match the beginning and the endings of the sentences

1-if the cases are too heavy a) a would save a lot of time
2-if you spend a lot of money on me b) you have to bay extra
3-if you could check my account balance by the telephone c) I will be cross
4-credit card d) we are taught the value of saving
5-when we are children e) a piece of card

Q 6// write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdraw
shown on your statement that you didn't make . write 100 – 120 words

‫مفردات ومعاني الوحدة السابعة‬

‫ الكلمة‬word ‫المعنى‬meaning ‫ الكلمة‬word ‫المعنى‬meaning

enrol ‫يعزز‬ illustrate ‫يوضح‬

Admit ‫يسمح‬ Catalogue ‫دليل‬

Register ‫يسجل‬ Priority ‫اسبقية‬

Apply ‫يقدم طلب‬ Technique ‫اسلوب‬

workshop ‫درس علمي‬ Volunteer ‫متطوع‬

Attend ‫يحضر‬ Removal ‫يزيل‬-‫ينقل‬

Quality ‫يؤهل‬ Essay ‫مقالة‬

Application ‫تطبيق‬-‫طلب‬ Inform ‫يخبر‬

Select/choose ‫يختار‬ Describe ‫يصف‬

Course fee ‫األجور الدراسية‬ Find out ‫يبحث‬

Minimum ‫حد ادنى‬ Chat ‫يتحدث‬-‫يناقش‬

Maximum ‫حد اعلى‬ Enhance ‫يحسن‬

Placement test ‫اختبار موقعي‬ Qualifications ‫مؤهالت‬

Intensive ‫مركز‬-‫مكثف‬ Pay off ‫مثمر‬

Skilful ‫ماهر‬ Surprised ‫مندهش‬

Publish ‫ينشر‬ Librarian ‫مكتبي‬

Graphic design ‫رسم بياني‬ Daily ‫يومي‬

Spread ‫ينشر‬ materials ‫مواد‬

Website ‫موقع الكتروني‬ Vacancies ‫وضائف شاغرة‬

P.148.B : definitions ‫ تعاريف‬Lesson 1
1- get on a list people = register ‫سجل‬
2- a large meeting to discuss something = conference ‫مؤتمر‬
3- a practical lesson ‫درس عملي‬ = workshop ‫ورشة عمل‬
4- a written request = application ‫طلب‬
5- working quickly and well = efficient ‫كفؤء‬
6- be on a list for a class = enrol ‫يسجل‬
7- make something better = enhance ‫يعزز‬
8- allowed into a place = admitted ‫مقبول‬

Verb ‫فعل‬ P.148/C Noun ‫اسم‬

enhance ‫يعزز‬ enhancement ‫تعزيز‬

enrol ‫يسجل‬ enrolment ‫تسجيل‬

apply ‫يقدم طلب‬ application ‫تقديم طلب‬

admit ‫يقبل‬ admission ‫قبول‬

attend ‫يحضر‬ attendance ‫حضور‬

register ‫يسجل‬ registration ‫تسجيل‬

Ex. enhance → enhancement , register → .............................
Ex. apply → application , enrol→ ........................................
EX. the noun of register is ……………..

P 149 / complete the sentences with a word from the box

.(‫) اسقاطات مهمة‬

register, application, admitted, conference , enhance , qualification

1- You can enhance‫ تعزز‬your computer skills by taking an evening class .

2- You must send your application‫ تطبق‬to the school by 10 May if you want to

start in July

3- Many scientists will be giving presentations at the conference‫ مؤتمر‬on the


4- Because she is in excellent pianist , Ameera way admitted to very good

music school.

5- You can register ‫ تسجل‬for the class by completing a form

6- When I left school I had few qualification ‫ مؤهالت‬, but I got a good job after

taking a computer class

P.149/A . Complete the sentences using the words in blood in
the broacher on page 56 of the student's book ( ‫)اسقاطات مهمة‬
1- On the first day , the students take a placement test ‫اختبار موقعي‬.

2- Many students take an intensive ‫ مكثف‬language course ‫ كورس لغة‬.

3 -The maximum ‫ اعلى حد‬number of students is 10.

4- You have to pay your course fees ‫األجور الدراسية‬in advance .

5- A qualification in English is mandatory‫ اجباري‬if you want to study in

England .

Future tenses ‫ازمنة المستقبل‬

1- Will‫سوف‬
Future simple (prediction) ) ‫المستقبل البسيط (التوقع‬
‫يستعمل هذا النوع من المستقبل عند التوقع او التمني او إعطاء وعود او عند وجود‬
(sure ,probably, hope , promise , opinions , expect ( :‫كلمات‬


S + will + ‫ فعل مجرد‬+ ‫تكملة‬

Ex. I hope it will rain tomorrow.
Ex. I hope you will come to the party .
Ex .I expect she will pass the exam .
Ex. I think the new plan will succeed .

1-I hope she (will be / is going to be ) a famous doctor .
2-I thing they (will get / is going to get )high marks
3-I think I (will be / am going to be )able to finish it tonight .
4-The weather is bad , I hope it ( be ) sunny tomorrow .(use a suitable form of

2- Going to ( plans and intentions ) ‫خطط ونوايا‬

‫يستخدم هذا النوع من المستقبل عندما تكون عندنا ( خطة او نية ) خطط لها ان‬
: ‫نطبقها في المستقبل واالفعال الدالة عليه هي‬
) decided / computer/ language/visit/ tell / clean (


S + is / am / are + going to + ‫فعل مجرد‬+ ‫تكملة‬

Ex. we are going to buy a new car

1-i have decided I (am going to study / will study )to be a doctor.

2-. Dans is( going to volunteer / volunteers) at the hospital when she has more time.

3-I (am going to learn / learn)a new language to improve my skills.

4-I (am going to work / work )on my English a lot this year .

5-Ahmed ( take ) a computer class so he can get a better job. Correct the verb .

3-Present continuous for future ‫المضارع المستمر للمستقبل‬
‫نستخدم المضارع المستمر لإلشارة الى المستقبل عندما نتحدث عن الترتيبات‬
‫ ويكون فاعل‬. ‫الشخصية المستقبلية مثل زيارة دكتور او حضور حفلة او غيرها‬
‫الجملة عاقل وتنتهي الجملة بضرف زمان‬
) leave / meet / visit / take a exam ( ‫االفعال الدالة علية هي‬

S+ is / am / are + v-ing + ...

1-We ( are having /will have ) a meeting tomorrow.

2-She (meets / is meeting) the director tomorrow morning .
3-I (am playing / play / will play ) football
4-I can’t go with you I ( will go / am going )to the dentist .
Ex. we have a party on Monday . can you come ?
► Are having a party on Monday. can you come?

3-Present simple for future ‫المضارع البسيط للمستقبل‬

‫نستخدم المضارع البسيط لإلشارة الى المستقبل عندما نتحدث عن االحداث المرتبطة‬
: ‫بالجداول الزمنية وعادة ما يكون فاعل الجملة غير عاقل او نجد احد هذه الكلمات‬
(the film , the match , the lecture , the term ,the train)

S + V – S + ‫جدول زمني‬

Ex. The plane leaves at 7 o'clock .

Ex. The chasses start at 8 : 00 o'clock .

Ex. The film begins on the first of the month .

P.153/ E // put the verbs in brackets in the correct future form .
‫ضع الفعل في الزمن المستقبل الصحيح‬

1-someday , Ahmed ............................ ( take ) a computer class so he can get a

better job .
2-my new class ..................................... (start) tomorrow .
3-he ................................(tell)Dana she passed the exam .
4-they ........................... (leave) at 10.00 .
5-we....................................( have ) a party on Wednesday , can you come ?
6-the term .......................(begin )on September 3 .

4-Future continuous ‫المستقبل المستمر‬

( fixed time on the future with focus on the action ‫وقت محدد في المستقبل‬
‫)والتركيز على الحدث‬
‫نستخدم زمن المستقبل المستمر للتعبير عن استمرار الحدث في وقت محدد في‬
‫وغالبا ما تكون الفترة الزمنية في بداية الجملة‬. ‫المستقبل‬

S +will be + v-ing

1-tomorrow morning we (will be sitting / will sit )on plane in our way to London

2-next semester we (will be studying / will study )biology at school.

3-in the morning I (will be sitting / will sit) in my computer class.

future in the past ‫المستقبل في الماضي‬
‫عندما نتحدث عن المستقبل من وجهة نضر الماضي نستخدم الصيغ لتالية‬

‫عند تحويل الجملة من المستقبل للمستقبل في الماضي نحول الفعل المساعد الموجود الى‬
‫ كما في الجدول أدناه‬. ‫ اما اذا وجدنا مضارع بسيط محول الفعل الرئيسي للماضي‬, ‫الماضي‬

Present simple → past simple

Is ,am → was , are →were
Has , have→ had , can→ could
may→ might , will → would
‫) نغير الظروف‬knew / said / found out / promised / decided( ‫هذه األفعال تدل على هذا الزمن‬
: ‫كالتالي‬
tomorrow→ the following day

next week →the following week

Ex. She is going to her computer course tomorrow night

► She was going to her computer course tomorrow night .

Ex. they are going to be a librarian .

►They were going to be a librarian .

Ex. Ammar will be working late ...

►Ammar would be working late .....

Ex. I know the classes ( start ) in summer .

► I know the classes started in summer .

Ex. When I was 10 , I thought I ( will be / would be ) a pilot .

P.168// G / Re-write the sentences using the future un the past
‫اعد كتابة الجمل في المستقبل في الماضي‬

1-She is going to her computer course tomorrow night .

►I found that she .......................................................

2-He is going to be a librarian

►He decided ..............................................................

3-Hassan thinks he will enjoy a career in graphic design .

►Hassan thought .....................................................

4-Ammar will be working late , so I won't call him early in the morning .
►I knew Ammar......................................................

5-The internet connection will be working again soon .

►Our teacher promised that ..................................

6-They can't come to the beach because they are taking an exam the next day .
►They couldn't ......................................................

7-I'm very disappointed to hear that the health club is closing down.
►I was ....................................................................

P.150./ C/ Read sentences 1-5 .Decide what type they are . Write
letters a-e in the boxes
1- I'm feeling really happy . Tomorrow morning I'll be sitting on a plan on
my way to London .
(e) Fixed time in the future with focus on the action ( future continues)

2- I've talked to my parents about next year and I've decided I'm going
to study to be a doctor
(c) Plans and intention ( going to)

3- I'm sorry I can't come out tonight , but I'm playing football at 6.30
and I will be tired afterwards.
(b) fixed arrangement ( present continues)

4- I hope to give you that book back tomorrow . I think I'll be able to
finish it tonight
(d) Prediction ( future simple)

5- The football match finishes at 8 .p.m.

( a) Schedules ( present simple)

p.151 / a / Definitions ‫تعاريف مهمة‬

1-able to make yourself do things even when you self –disciplined

don't to do them ‫منضبط النفس‬
2-a programme that lets you arrange information Spreadsheets‫جدول بيانات‬
in tables
3-a person who is looking for a job jobseeker ‫باحث عن وضيفة‬
4-creating a website web design ‫تصميم موقع‬
5-cresting picture for books , brochures , etc. . graphic design ‫تصميم بياني‬

P.150 /homework. Write five different types of future sentence
‫اكتب خمسة جمل مختلفة للمستقبل‬

1-schedules Ex. The match starts at 5.00pm

2-fixed arrangement ex. I'm waken up at. 6 .00 am

3-plans an intention ex I'm going to work on my English a lot this year .

4-predictions ex. I will get a better job quickly .

5-fixed time in the future with focus on the action ex. I will be sitting in my
class at 8 .00 am

P.155 // C. match the beginnings and endings of the sentences

‫اوصل البدايات والنهايات‬
1-when I was 10 , ( b ) I thought I would be a pilot .

2-I can't stay long because ( g) I'm meeting my brother at 6.00

3-Next semester we ( f) will be studying biology at school .

4- They didn't stay for dinner because ( c) they were having dinner with a friend .

5-She left sleepy and decided ( d ) she was going to get to bed early .

6- she studied English because ( h ) she know she would be travelling for work.

7- If you leave now, I think ( e)you will get there on time

8- When I read the catalogue , I (a) saw that classes started in June .

P.158 / d/ underline the correct form of the verb .
‫ضع خط تحت االختيار الصحيح‬
1- She decided she ( is becoming / was going to become) a volunteer after
watching a programme on the television.
2- Layla thought she ( would like / likes ) nursing , but now she's not sure .
3- Ibrahim can't stay out late because he (was starting / is starting) his new job
4- Ibrahim had to leave early because he (was having / had) to meet his friend.
5- I know he ( will be sleeping / would be sleeping) when I get home , as he
always goes to bed early .
6- In my old job, my shift ( started /start ) at 6.00every Wednesday ,and I
worked until 9.00
7- The volunteer promised the children he ( was / would be ) back the
following week .

P.166 /D/ Choose the best alternative. ) ‫المستقبل (اختيارات‬

1- Dana is (is going to volunteer / volunteer) at the hospital when she has more


2- Volunteer traing ( will be beginning / begins) on the first of the month .

3- She ( is meeting / meets ) the director tomorrow morning .

4- I think she ( will like / will be liking) the work .

5- She ( learns / will be learning) a lot of new skills.

P165/ A / ‫توصيل‬

1-Internet connection ‫اتصال انترنيت‬

2-Course fees ‫اجور الدورة‬

3-Self-discipline ‫منضبط‬

4-Web design ‫تصميم موقع‬

5-Computer skills ‫مهارات استخدام الحاسوب‬

P. 166 /B . Write words for these definition ‫اكتب التعاريف‬

1- A computer program that is useful if you are working with numbers = spreadsheet

‫ برنامج حاسوب يكوم مفيد اذا كنت تعمل باألرقام‬: ‫جداول‬

2- The place where you hold a course of concert , for example = nevus ‫موقع‬

‫المكان الذي تقوم فيه دورة او حفلة موسيقية‬

3- Improve ‫( يحسن‬for example , job prospect ‫ = ) امكانيات العمل‬enhance ‫يعزز‬

4- An organization that provides help or raise money for people in need = charity

‫االحسان منظمة انسانية تقدم المساعدة او تعطي المال للناس المحتاجين‬

5-Talk or communicate informally, for example on the Internet = chat

‫ مثال عبر االنترنت‬،‫محادثة (دردشة) التحدث او التواصل بشكل غير رسمي‬

P.166 / C : Complete the sentences ‫اكمل الجمل‬

(medical ‫ طبي‬/ enrol ‫ يسجل‬/ conference ‫ مؤتمر‬/ supervise ‫يشرف‬/

librarian ‫)امين المكتبة‬
1- I'd like to train as a librarian because I love books and libraries‫المكاتب‬
2- She's a medical student. She should qualify as a doctor in two years’ time.
3- Next year I plan ‫ اخطط‬to enrol on a course‫ دورة‬to improve my English.
4- If you are a manager , you have to supervise other employees‫ موظفين‬.
5- Last summer my father , who is a scientist‫ عالم‬, attended‫ يحضر‬a big
conference in London

P.166 /E/ Circle the correct ending for the sentences

‫ضع دائرة على النهاية الصحيحة للجمل‬
1- If we don't hurry , we'll be late . The train -------------------

A ) leaves at 11.00 B) will leave at 11.00

2- I'm sorry I can't go with you I ---------------------

A) will go to the dentist's then B) am going to the dentist's then

3-Your room is a mass ‫فوضى‬. When ----------------

A) are you going to clean it up ? B) do you clean it up ?

4- Think of me tomorrow at 9.00 . I ------------

A) will be taking a really difficult exam . B) will take a really difficult exam .

5-She didn't pass the exam last time . I hope ----------------

A) she will be doing better this time B) she will be do better this time .

Using the library ‫استخدام المكتبة‬

When I left school , I started worked for a bank . I gave people information
about their accounts and cashed cheques. I enjoyed it for a while , but then
I decided it wasn't what I wanted to do for the rest of my life . I had this idea
that I would quite like a job which involved travelling . However I didn't
know what sorts of jobs there were or what I need to study. So I started
coming to the Central Library of Baghdad regularly to look for information
that might help me . I was astounded by the help that is available to people
like me.

‫ بدأت العمل في احد البنوك اعطي معلومات للناس حول حساباتهم والصكوك‬, ‫عندما تركت المدرسة‬
‫ كان لدي هذه‬. ‫ ولكن بعد ذلك قررت انه لم يكن ما اريد ان افعل لبقية حياتي‬, ‫ استمتعت به لفترة‬. ‫النقدية‬
‫ ومع ذلك لم اكن اعرف ما هي انواع الوظائف الموجودة‬.‫الفكرة انني ارغب كثيرا بوظيفة تتضمن السفر‬
‫ لذا بدأت القدوم الى المكتبة المركزية في بغداد بانتظام للبحث عن المعلومات التي‬. ‫او ما احتاج للدراسة‬
‫ دهشت من المساعدة المتوفرة ألشخاص امثالي‬. ‫قد تساعدني‬

The library has a rang of information for people who are looking for the
right career. Firstly , there 's a whole section of books different careers. They
describe the various jobs and also tell you what skills or qualifications you
need to do them. I've been taking a different book out each week. It’s really
interesting. A lot of the time we only think about the jobs that we often hear
about, but there are so many unusual jobs around , And with new technology
, new jobs are appearing all the time . There are also books with advice on
who find jobs vacancies and also how to prepare for and get through
interview. I've learnt how important body language is in a interview and also
how to look business like. They explain how to write a good CV too, which is
really important.

‫في ا لمكتبة مجموعة من المعلومات لألشخاص الذين يبحثون عن المهنة المناسبة ‪ .‬اوال ‪ ,‬هناك قسم‬
‫كامل من الكتب حول وظائف مختلفة ‪ .‬تصف مختلف الوظائف وتخبرك ايضا ما هي المهارات او‬
‫المؤهالت التي تحتاجها للقيام بها ‪ .‬لقد كنت استعير كتابا مختلفا كل اسبوع ‪ .‬انها مثيرة لالهتمام حقا ‪.‬‬
‫كثيرا من االوقات نفكر فقط في الوظائف التي نسمع عنها غالبا ‪ ,‬ولكن هنالك الكثير من الوظائف الغير‬
‫عادية ‪ .‬ومع التكنلوجيا الجديدة ‪ ,‬تظهر وظائف جديدة طوال الوقت ‪ .‬هناك ايضا كتب للنصائح حول كيفية‬
‫العثور على وظائف شاغرة وكذلك كيفية التحضير واجتياز ا لمقابالت ‪ .‬تعلمت عن اهمية لغة الجسد في‬
‫المقابلة وايضا كيف تبدو كشخص عملي ‪ .‬تشرح الكتب كيفية كتابة السيرة الذاتية بشكل جيد وهذا مهم‬

‫‪If I need to learn new things or take extra qualifications , I can get‬‬
‫‪information about classes at the library , too . They have some school and‬‬
‫‪college catalogues , and there are computers where I can look for‬‬
‫‪information about evening and summer classes . I hadn't realized there were‬‬
‫‪so many different things I could study! Since I want to travel, I'm sure I'll‬‬
‫‪need better language, too. In addition to information about the classes. the‬‬
‫‪library also has a lot of its own materials to help me do this . It has books in‬‬
‫‪English , and also lets you borrow DVD's with language-learning games and‬‬
‫‪exercises They have information about language tests, and practice books to‬‬
‫‪help prepare for examinations if you need the qualifications.‬‬

‫اذا كنت بحاجة الى تعلم اشياء جديدة او الحصول على مؤهالت اضافية ‪ ,‬يمكنني الحصول على معلومات‬
‫حول الفصول الدراسية في المكتبة ‪ ,‬ايضا ‪ .‬لديهم كتلوك المدارس والكليات ‪ ,‬وهناك اجهزة الكمبيوتر‬
‫حيث يمكنني البحث عن معلومات حول الفصول الدراسية المسائية والصيفية ‪ .‬لم اكن ادرك ان هناك‬
‫الكثير من االشياء المختلفة التي يمكنني دراستها ! بما انني اريد السفر ‪ ,‬انا متأكد انني محتاج الى‬
‫مهارات لغوية افضل ‪ ,‬لذلك انا بالتأكيد بحاجة التي تحسين لغتي االنكليزية وربما تعلم لغة اخرى ايضا ‪.‬‬
‫باإلضافة الى المعلومات حول الفصول الدراسية ‪ ,‬تحتوي المكتبة ايضا على الكثير من المواد الخاصة‬
‫بها لتساعدني في القيام بذلك ‪ .‬فيها كتب باللغة االنكليزية ‪ ,‬كذلك تتيح لك استعارة االقراص المضغوطة‬
‫مع العاب تعلم اللغ ة وتمارين ‪.‬فيها معلومات عن اختبارات اللغة ‪ ,‬وكتب للتمرن لتساعدك في التحضير‬
‫لالمتحانات اذا كنت بحاجة للمؤهالت‪.‬‬
Another important section at the library is its daily selection of newspapers
and magazines. I look through these to find job offers because it's good to
know what jobs are available . I also look at interesting job sites on the
Internet . The librarians have told me how to get information about the
companies . I can find out where they are , what they do and how big they
are . This will be useful information when I decided to apply for a new job .
I'm sure all this research will pay off and that one day I will have my dream
job .And it will all be thanks to the library.

‫ ابحث خاللها للعثور على عروض‬. ‫قسم اخر مهم في المكتبة هو الصحف والمجالت اليومية المختارة‬
‫ كذلك ابحث في مواقع الوظائف المهمة على االنترنت‬. ‫وظائف ألنه من االفضل معرفة الوظائف المتاحة‬
‫ يمكنني ان اكتشف‬. ‫ لقد اخبرني امناء المكتبات عن كيفية الحصول على معلومات عن الشركات‬.

1-When the writer started working for a bank , what information did he give to
people? ‫ ماهي المعلومات التي كان يعطيها للناس ؟‬, ‫عندما بدا الكاتب العمل‬
►He gave them information about accounts and cashed cheques.
‫حول الحسابات ويصرف الشيكات‬

2-In using the library , did the writer enjoy in the bank ? ‫هل استمتع الكاتب بعملة‬
►He enjoy it for a while ‫هو استمتع بعملة لفترة‬

3-What kind of job would the writer like ? ‫اي نوع من الوظائف يفضل الكاتب‬
►A job which involved ravelling . ‫وضيفة تتضمن السفر‬

4-Why did the writer decide to leave his job in the bank than?
‫لماذا قرر الكاتب ان يترك وضيفته في المصرف‬

►Because it wasn't what he wanted for the rest of his life.
‫ألنها لم تكن ما يريد ان يقوم به لبقية حياته‬

5-why did the writer start coming to central library of Baghdad regularly ?
‫لماذا بدا الكاتب بالمجيئ الى المكتبة المركزية في بغداد بشكل منتظم؟‬
►to look for information might help him find a job which involved travelling .
‫ليبحث عن معلومات ربما تساعده بإيجاد وضيفة تتعلق بالسفر‬

6-why are new jobs appearing all the time ? ‫لماذا تظهر وظائف جديدة طول الوقت‬
►because of the new technology. ‫بسبب التكنلوجيا الجديدة‬

7-what advices do books in the library have about jobs?

‫اي نصائح تحمل الكتب في المكتبة حول الوظائف‬
►Books have advice on how to find jobs vacancies and how to prepare for
interviews. ‫الكتب فيها نصائح حول كيفية ايجاد الوظائف الشاغرة وكيف تتهيأ للمقابلة‬

8-What did books on the library describe jobs ? ‫كيف وصفت الكتب في المكتبة الوظائف‬
►They describe the various jobs and tell you what skills or qualification you need
to do them. ‫وصف وضائف مختلفة ويخبرك ماهي المهارات والمهارات التي تحتاجها لتلك الوظائف‬

9- The library has a range of information for people who are looking for the right
carrer . .‫المكتبة فيها نطاق من المعلومات للناس الذين يبحثون عن الوظيفة المناسبة‬

10-In the library , the writer has learnt a lot about how important the body
language is in an interview and how to write a good CV.
‫ الكاتب يتعلم في المكتبة كثيرا عن اهمية لغة الجسد وكيف يكتب سيرة ذاتية جيدة‬, ‫في المكتبة‬

11-How is the daily selection of newspaper and magazine in the library help you ?
‫كيف يكون قسم الصحف والمجالت اليومية مفيدا‬

►they can help you to find jobs offers ‫يساعدك في ايجاد وضائف مقترحة‬
12-What can the library borrow you ? ‫ماذا يمكن ان تعيرك المكتبة‬
►It can borrow books in English and DVD with language –learning games
and exercise .
‫يمكن ان تعيرني كتب في االنكليزية واقراص تحتوي على العاب تعليمية وتمارين‬

13-What have the librarians told the writer ? ‫ماذا اخبر امناء المكتبة الكاتب‬
►They told him to get information about companies , where they are ,what they do
and how big they are . ‫اخبروه كيف يحصل على حول الشركات واين يجدهم وماذا يعملون‬

14-where did the writer start working when he left school?

He started working in a bank .

P.170 / decide if these statements are True or False

1-The writer want to find a job in his country ( F )

2-At the library the writer can learn how to apply for jobs (T)
3-The writer can borrow DVD from the library (T)
4-He reads newspapers at the library to find out what is happening on the world (F)
5-He has already applied to some companies ( F )

P.170 / B // ‫مرادفات مهمة جدا‬

1-astounded → surprised ‫مندهش‬

2-body language → how to sit and move ‫كيف تجلس وتتحرك‬

3-appropriately → in the correct way ‫بطريقة صحيحة‬

4-since → because ‫الن‬

5-pay off → bring the right results ‫تحقيق النتائج المناسبة‬

Write a short essay giving your opinion about these statement studying
while you are working is worth all the hard work . write 100-120 words .

studying while you are working is worth all the hard work

‫الدراسة والعمل تستحق كل الجهد‬

some students study while they are working , this is not easy . so they have to
balance between studying and working . they may face many difficulties and
they may not able to do their social activities .
on the other hand there are many benefits of studying while working . firstly ,
the student can earn some money to pay the cost of studying or sell clothes and
books or any things .
secondly, they get their education and at the same time are able to improve their
experience and skills which enhance of getting a good job in the future.
furthermore , they will know how to deal with people at work .
finally. they will learn to depends on themselves and make their life better

. ‫ لذا يجب عليهم ان يوازنوا بين الدراسة والعمل‬. ‫ هذا االمر ليس سهال‬, ‫بعض الطالب يدرسون اثناء العمل‬
. ‫انهم ربما يواجهوا بعض الصعوبات وليس بمقدورهم اي ان يمارسوا حياتهم االجتماعية‬
‫ الطالب يمكنهم كسب النقود ليسددوا تكاليف‬, ‫اوال‬. ‫ توجد كثير من الفوائد للدراسة اثناء العمل‬. ‫من ناحية اخرى‬
. ‫الدراسة او شراء المالبس او الكتب او غيرها‬
‫ ان يحصلوا على تعليمهم وفي نفس الوقت يكونوا قادرين على تحسين فرصهم في الحصول على وضيفة‬, ‫ثانيا‬
‫ يستعلموا ان‬, ‫ واخيرا‬. ‫ سيعرفوا كيف يتعاملوا مع الناس في العمل‬, ‫ عالوة على ذلك‬. ‫في المستقبل‬ ‫جيدة‬
. ‫يعتمدوا على انفسهم وجعل حياتهم افضل‬

‫أسئلة شاملة حول الوحدة السابعة‬


1-When the writer started working for a bank , what information did he give to
people ?
2-In using the library , did the writer enjoy in the bank ?
3-Why did the writer decide to leave his job in the bank then ?
4-what advice do books in the library have about jobs ?
5-The library has a range of information for people who
6-In the library , the writer has learnt a lot about how
7-What can the library borrow you ?
8-The writer can borrow DVD from the library ( T . F )
9-He reads newspapers at the library to find out what is happening on the world . (

Q 2 // Grammar and functions

1-Salwa ( take ) an exam at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. ( put the verb in the
correct future form )

2-she can't come to the party because she is taking an exam the next day ( future
in the past)

3-the term ( begin ) in September . ( put the verb in the correct future form )

4-the class ( start ) at 6.00 . ( put the verb in the correct future form )

5-he is going to be a librarian .( future in the past )

6-he is going to her computer course tomorrow .( future in the past )

7-he ( leave ) at 10:00 . ( put the verb in the correct future form )

8-between 10 and 11 I (write) a report . (put the verb in the correct future form)

9- the weather is bad, I hope ( be ) sunny tomorrow (use a suitable form of future )

10-i meet Hassan at 7:00 o’clock ( put the verb in the correct future form)

B // Choose one of the two words between brackets

1- She decided she ( is becoming / was going to become) a volunteer after watching
a programme on the television.
2- Layla thought she ( would like / likes ) nursing , but now she's not sure .
3- Ibrahim can't stay out late because he (was starting / is starting) his new job
4- In my old job, my shift ( started /start ) at 6.00every Wednesday ,and I worked
until 9.00
5-Dana is (going to volunteer / volunteer) at the hospital when she has more time.
6-Volunteer training ( will be beginning / begins) on the first of the month .
7-She ( learns / will be learning) a lot of new skills.

Q 3 // Write the missing wards

1. enhance → enhancement , register → ......................, enrol , …………….

. apply → application , register , ………….., attend
2-course , course fees , web , ………….. internet , ………………….
3- go , went , teach , …………. ,hit , ………….., bring ,……………….
4- since , because , pay off , …………………………, body language ,

(qualification, register, enhance, placement test. Maximum, application)

1-You can …………….your computer skills by taking an evening class .

2-You can ……………for the class by completing a form
3-When I left school I had few………………., but I got a good job after taking a
computer class
4- On the first day , the students take a …………………..

5-The …………………number of students is 10.

6-You must send your ………………to the school by 10 May if you want to
start in July

Q 5 //writing

Write a short essay giving your opinion about these statement studying
while you are working is worth all the hard work . write 100-120 words .

228 228
‫مفردات ومعاني الوحدة الثامنة‬

Word ‫الكلمة‬ Meaning ‫المعنى‬ Word ‫الكلمة‬ Meaning ‫المعنى‬

Nature ‫طبيعة‬ dam ‫سد‬
Essential ‫جدا ضروري‬ Shallow ‫ضحل‬
Renewable ‫قابل للتجديد‬ Bury ‫يدفن‬
Replace ‫يحل محل‬ Waste ‫نفايات‬
Possibly ‫محتمل‬ Extinct ‫منقرض‬
Contribute ‫يساهم‬ Turbine ‫مولد‬
deforestation ‫عملية التصحر‬ Resources ‫مصادر‬
Endanger ‫يهدد‬ Generation ‫جيل‬
Destroy ‫يدمر‬ Rubbish ‫نفايات‬
Dangerous ‫خطر‬ Wisely ‫بحكمة‬
Recycle ‫يعيد شيء‬-‫يكرر‬ Bank(n) ‫ضفة النهر‬
solve ‫يحل‬ Sail ‫يبحر‬
Method ‫طريقة‬ Separated ‫تفصل‬
pollution ‫تلوث‬ Scientist ‫عالم‬
Spoil ‫يفسد‬ Environment ‫بيئي‬
Landscape ‫منضر طبيعي‬ Geology ‫علم األرض‬
Project ‫مشروع‬ Full of ‫ممتلئ‬
Enforce ‫يفرض‬ prefix ‫السابقة‬
Deep ‫عميق‬ suffix ‫الالحقة‬

P. 172. Match these words from the text on P.74 of the student
book with their definitions

P.172/ A. Definitions
1-effciently ‫بكفاءة‬ c. working well and quickly ‫عمل جيد وبسرعة‬
2-essential ‫ضروري‬ d. extremely necessary ‫ضروري جدا‬
3-loging ‫قطع االشجار‬ a. cutting down trees for wood
4-wisely ‫بحكمة‬ b. in a sensible manner ‫بطريقة جيدة‬

P.173 guess the meanings of the following words

P.173 / C . Definitions
1-deoxygenation -- removing the oxygen from something ‫نزع االوكسجين من شيء ما‬
2-depopulation -- reducing the depopulation od any area ‫تقليل عدد سكان المنطقة‬
3-devaluation -- reducing the value of something ‫تقليل قيمة شيء ما‬

P.174 Match these words with their definitions

P.174 . A// match these words with their definitions

1-bury ‫يدفن‬ put something in the ground‫ ارض‬and cover‫ يغطي‬it with
2-waste ‫نفاية‬ b- useless materials‫ مواد‬that are left after you have used
3-pollution‫تلوث‬ a-the process of damaging the air, water or land with chemicals

230 230
4-encourage d-to suggest that someone does something that you believe‫يعتقد‬
‫يشجع‬ would be good ‫انه جيد‬

P.175 /D/ (if conditionals) ‫ حاالت‬IF ‫الشرطية‬

1-If they........................... (build) more wind farms on the coast , they would
score away the fish .
2-If solar farms were built , they .............................. (provide )a cheap form of
energy .(‫)مهم جدا‬
3-If birds ...................................(fly ) into the wind turbines , they will be
4-If wind turbines .......................( be) less noisy , people wouldn't complain
about them so much
5-If we ....................( find) alternative source of energy , we will be able to meet
all our energy needs .

A renewable resource ‫المصدر المتجدد‬

The wind is a natural resource that people have been using for thousands of
years . people have used it to power sailing boats all over the world .and it was
used in Europe of a long time to grind corn into flour for bread . now we have
developed ways it use it to provide electricity many other purposes
‫ استخدمها الناس لتحريك الزوارق الشراعية في‬. ‫الرياح هي مصدر طبيعي يستخدمه ال ناس ألالف السنين‬
‫ االن قمنا بتطير طرق‬. ‫استخدمت في اوربا لشحن الذرة الى دقيق للخبز‬. ‫ ولفترة طويلة‬.‫جميع انحاء العالم‬
. ‫استخدامها لتوفير الكهرباء ألغراض كثيرة‬
the main advantage of wind power is that it is clean energy . wind power doesn't
produce any waste of greenhouse gases. another advantage is that it is
renewable. wind is caused by changing temperatures in the air . and it will never
run out . faunally , wind power is efficient .because wind turbine are quite tall .
the land under the turbine can still be used for agriculture .
‫ طاقة الرياح ال تنتج اي غازات او نفايات تسبب االحتباس‬. ‫الميزة الرئيسة لطاقة الرياح هي انها نضيفه‬
‫ ولن تنفذ ابدا‬,‫ سبب لرياح هي تغيير درجات الحرارة في الهواء و‬. ‫ ميزة اخرى انها قابلة للتجدد‬. ‫الحراري‬
‫ طاقة الرياح منتجة الن تور بينات الرياح مرتفعة جدا فباإلمكان استخدام االرض تحت تور بينات‬. ‫ اخيرا‬,
wind power does have some disadvantage, however . people who live near
the turbine find them unattractive , and think they spoil the landscape . the
turbine are also said to be quite noisy , although it is quite possible that new
technologies make them quitter in the future . their are also a lot of
expensive involved in installing and maintaining the wind turbine . faunally
, wind turbine can't supply all if our energy needs , so we will always have
to rely on additional sources of energy .

232 232
‫هناك بعض العيوب لطاقة الرياح الناس الذين يعيشون بالقرب من تور بينات الرياح يجدونها غير جذابة‬
‫ويعتقدون انها تفسد المناظر الطبيعية ‪ ,‬ويقال ايضا ان التور بينات صاخبة جدا على الرغم من المحتمل‬
‫ان تجعلها التقنيات الجديدة اكثر هدوء في المستقبل ‪ .‬هناك ايضا الكثير من النفقات التي ينطوي عليها‬
‫تركيب وصيانة تور بينات الرياح ‪ .‬اخيرا‪ ,‬تور بينا ت الرياح ال تستطيع تزويدنا بكل احتياجاتنا من الطاقة‬
‫‪ .‬لذلك نستعين دائما بمصادر اضافية للطاقة ‪.‬‬

‫?‪1-In what ways has wind power been used for thousands years‬‬
‫في اي المجاالت استخدمت طاقة الرياح‬
‫لتحريك القوارب الشراعية وطحن الذرى ‪►To power sailing boats and grinned corn .‬‬

‫?‪2-What ways have we developed to use the wind now‬‬

‫ماهي الطرق المتطورة في استخدام الرياح في الوقت الحاضر‬
‫لتوفير الكهرباء ألغراض اخرى ‪►To provide electricity for many other purposes .‬‬

‫?‪3-What the most important aspect of wind power‬‬

‫ماهي الصفة االكثر اهمية لطاقة الرياح‬
‫انها طاقة نضيفه ‪►It is clean energy .‬‬

‫لماذا طاقة الرياح تعتبر طاقة نضيفه ? ‪4-Why wind power is a clean energy‬‬
‫ألنها ال تخلف اي نفايات ‪►Because it doesn't produce any waste or greenhouse gases .‬‬
‫او غازات الدفيء الكوني‬

‫? ‪5-What two complain do people who live near wind turbine have about them‬‬
‫ما الشيئين اللذان يشكوا الناس القريبة من التور بينات منهما ‪.‬‬
‫غير جذابة وصاخبة ‪► unattractive and noisy .‬‬

6-What are the advantage of wind power ? ‫ماهي ايجابيات طاقة الرياح‬
►It is clean energy , renewable and it is efficient . ‫ متجددة ومنتجه‬, ‫انها طاقة نضيقه‬

7- What are the disadvantage of wind power ? ‫ماهي مضار (سلبيات ) طاقة الرياح‬
►It is unattractive , quite noisy , it can supply all of our energy . ‫ صاخبة‬, ‫غير جذابة‬

8-Why can't we only use wind power to supply our energy ?

‫لماذا ال يمكن استخدام طاقة الرياح فقط لتزويدنا بالطاقة ؟‬
►Because wind turbine can't supply all of our energy needs . ‫ال يمكن ان تزودنا بطاقة‬
‫كافية لسد احتياجنا‬

9-wind power doesn’t produce any waste or greenhouse gases

B//172.Read the text again and answer the questions

1-why are natural resources essential to human life?
►Because we use them for many things like food , water and energy

2-what is the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources

►A Renewable resources don’t disappear when they are used .

►A non-renewable resources will disappear .

3-how do greenhouse gases harm the environment

►They contribute to global warning

234 234
B/ Complete
1-Waste is either burnt or buried ‫غالبا النفايات تحرق او تدفن‬

2-The main advantage of wind power is that it is clean energy

‫الميزة الرئيسة لطاقة الرياح هي طاقة نضيفه‬

3 -Wind turbine are quite noisy although new technology make them quitter in
the future.
‫محركات الرياح هي مزعجة جدا رغم ان التكنلوجيا الحديثة ربما تجعلها اكثر هدوء في المستقبل‬

4-In Europe the wind was used for a long time to grinned corn into flour for bread
. ‫في اوربا الرياح استخدمت لوقت طويل لطحن الذرى الى الطحين للخبز‬

P.181 //A complete the sentences with a word from the box

(deforestation ‫ازالة الغابات‬, limit ‫ حد‬renewable‫متجدد‬, regulations‫انضمة‬,

replace ‫يبدل‬, wisely ‫بحكمة‬, essential ‫ضروري‬, buried ‫تدفن‬, spoil‫)تفسد‬
1-If deforestation continues , many species of animal will disappear‫تختفي‬
completely‫ تماما‬.
2-Scientists‫ العلماء‬are finding ways to limit damage to the environment ‫البيئة‬
3-Wind is a renewable source of energy ‫مصادر الطاقة‬
4-We have to follow‫ نتبع‬a lot of safety regulations at works
5-We need to replace the trees that are cut down
6-We need to use the earth's resources‫ مصادر االرض‬wisely
7-It is essential that something is done about the destruction if the rainforests
8-Waste is often burnet or buried ‫غالبا النفايات تحرق او تدفن‬

9-Some people say that wind farms spoil the landscape ‫الطبيعة‬

P.181 / B /match ‫توصيل‬

1-park ranger ‫حارس المنتزه‬
2-renewable energy source ‫مصدر متجدد للطاقة‬
3-wind turbine ‫محرك الرياح‬
4-natural resource ‫مصدر طبيعي‬
5-greenhouse gas ‫الغازات الدفينة‬
6-globel warming ‫االحتباس الحراري‬

P.181 / D /match ‫توصيل‬

1- Many wind turbine (b) have been build on Europe

2-People who live near wind farms (c) complain about the noise
3-The land under the wind turbines (a) can be used for agriculture
4-Building a wind turbine (d) is an expensive project
5-Wind power (e) has been used for thousands of years

P /185 Find words in the text that have the following meanings
1-The opposite of deep → shallow ‫ضحل‬
2-The remains of a buildings → ruins ‫اثار‬
3-An area that contains water for distribution → reservoir‫خزان‬
4-A general word for cotton , wheat , barley and so on → crops ‫محاصيل‬

236 236
P.184 /H. write 100-120 words about ways people can help to
improve the environment

Ways people can help to improve the

‫على تحسين البيئة‬ ‫طرق يساعد بها الناس‬
A safe and healthy environment is very important thing for all creature those
live on it . we can say that the environment include the air, water and land. there
are several problems which make the environment unsafe and unhealthy . we
can identify those problems with air pollution, water pollution and rubbish
.certainly, there are several causes which made those problems .to improve the
environment , we should encourage people to build factories and petrol
refineries away because their smoke damage the climate and causes the air
pollution . they sometime throw their waste into the rivers and made the water
dirty . waste is one of the most effective factors to the environment , so it should
be burnt or buried . we have to recycle the waste well .
finally, we can say the most important way to improve our environment is by
looking after the land , water and air by following the regulations of the
‫ يمكننا ان نقول البيئة تشمل‬. ‫البيئة الصحية واالمنة هي شيء مهم جدا لجميع المخلوقات التي تعيش عليها‬
‫ يمكننا تحديد تلك‬. ‫الهواء والماء واالرض توجد العديد من المشاكل التي تجعل البيئة غير صحية وغير امنة‬
‫ لكي نحسن‬. ‫ بالتأكيد توجد اسباب عديدة جعلت تلك المشاكل‬. ‫المشاكل بتلوث الهواء وتلوث الماء والنفايات‬
‫ يجب ان نشجع الناس ان يبنوا المصانع ومصافي البترول بعيدا الن دخانها يلوث الجو ويسبب تلوث‬, ‫البيئة‬
‫ النفايات هي واحده من اغلب العوامل المؤثرة في‬. ‫ احيانا يرمون نفاياتهم في االنهر وتجعل الماء قذر‬. ‫الهواء‬
‫البيئة لذا يجب ان تكون محروقة او مدفونة وايضا يجب علينا تدوير النفاية جيدا‬
‫ يمكن ان نقول ان اهم طريقة لتحسين البيئة هو ان نعتني بالهواء والماء واالرض وذلك باتباع قواعد‬, ‫اخيرا‬
. ‫البيئة‬

Mohammed Khudhair‫محمد خضير‬
1-Who is Mohammed Khudhair ? ‫من هو محمد خضير‬
► He is an Iraqi writer . ‫هو كاتب عراقي‬

2-Where was he born ? When ? ‫اين ومتى ولد‬

► He was born in Basra in 1942 . 1942 ‫ولد في البصرة سنة‬

3- Where did he finish his primary , intermediate and secondary study ?

‫اين انهى دراسته االبتدائية والمتوسطة واإلعدادية‬
► He finished his study in Basra . ‫انهى دراسته في البصرة‬

4- When did he finish his study at High school for teachers?

‫متى انهى دراسته في دار المعلمين العالي‬
► He finished his study there in 1961 . ‫انهى دراسته هناك‬
1961 ‫عام‬

5-Where did he teach ? ‫اين درس‬

► at schools in Diwaniya , Nasiriya and Basra . ‫درس في الديوانية والناصرية والبصرة‬

6- How long did he teach at schools ? ‫كم المدة التي درس فيها في المدارس ؟‬
► more than thirty years . ‫درس في المدارس ألكثر من ثالثون سنه‬

7- Where did his first short stories appear ? When?

‫اين ظهرت قصصه القصيرة االولى ومتى‬
► in The Iraqi Writer ( Al Adeeb Al Iraqi ) magazine in
1962 . 1962 ‫في مجلة االديب العراقي سنة‬

238 238
8- Are his short stories translated into English , Russian and French ?
‫هل ترجمت قصصه القصيرة الى اللغة اإلنكليزية والروسية والفرنسية ؟‬
►Yes , they are . ( ‫ كذلك هم‬, ‫نعم‬

9- Has he won many prizes ? What are they ? ‫ ماهي‬, ‫هل فاز بعدة جوائز‬
►He has won many prizes including the Sultan Al Owais's Award in the united
Arab Emirates in 2004 and the Gold Pen Award from the General Union of
Iraqi Writers in 2008 . ‫فاز بعدة جوائز ضمنها جائزه السلطان العويس في االمارات وجائزة القلم‬
‫الذهبي من االتحاد العراقي لألدباء‬

10-When did he achieve fame in the Middle East ? ‫متى حقق الشهرة في الشرق االوسط‬
► after publishing his two short stories '' The Swing " and " Melodies
on the string of Rubaaba " in the Beirut Arts magazine .
‫حقق الشهرة بع نشره قصتيه القصيرتين األرجوحة وتقاسيم ع وتر الربابة في مجلة اآلداب البيروتيه‬

11-Mention five of his short stories(best works ‫قصصه القصيرة )افضل أعماله‬
His best work are '' the black kingdom'' , At 45 centigrade '' , and Autumn dream
. garden of faces , embalmment and the navel basraita .

The Swing ‫االرجوحة‬

1-What is '' The Swing stress on ‫على ماذا تشدد قصة األرجوحة ؟‬
► War destroy everything, war leads to nothings but death, deprivations and

2- When did Mohammed Khudhair write '' The Swing"?

‫متى كتب محمد خضير "األرجوحة؟‬
► after the summer 1967 war against Israel . ‫ ضد إسرائيل‬1967 ‫كتبها بعد حرب صيف‬

3- How old was Mohammed Khudhair when he wrote " The Swing"?
‫كم كان عمرة عندما كتب القصة‬
► He was 25 years old. . 25 ‫كان عمرة‬

4- Why did he find it was very difficult to control the personal feelings ?
‫لماذ اوجد ان من الصعب مواجهة مشاعره الشخصية ؟‬
► because he was a young man with crude experience in politics and war .
‫ألنه شاب بخبرة بسيطة بالحرب والسياسة‬

5- Was he fully aware of the conditions of story-writing?

‫هل كان على وعي بشروط كتابة القصة ؟‬
► Yes , he was . ‫نعم هو كذلك‬

6-What is the message of '' The Swing " ? ‫ماهي رسالة االرجوحة ؟‬
► It's a severe condemnation of war wherever it happens . It's a sincere invitation
to sustain family life , to make childhood secure and to love one another .

240 240
7- What does '' The Swing " tell about ? ( What is the plot of '' The Swing " ? )
) ‫حول ماذا تخبرنا االرجوحة (ماهي حبكة االرجوحة‬
►It tells about two friends . One of them , Ali , was killed in the war between
Arab and Israel . ‫تخبرنا حول صد يقين احدهما علي الذي قتل في الحرب بين العرب واسرائيل‬

8- What are the main characters in the '' The Swing " ?
‫ماهي الشخصيات الرئيسية في االرجوحة‬
► They are Sattar and Haleema . ‫هما ستار وحليمة‬

9-Who's Sattar ? ‫من هو ستار؟‬

► He's a soldier who tries to convey the death of his friend Ali to the family .
‫هو الجندي الذي حاول ان ينقل خبر وفاة علي لعائلته‬

10-Who's Haleema ? ‫من هي حليمه ؟‬

► She's a little girl whose father died in the battle recently.
‫هي فتاة صغيرة الذي مات والدها مؤخرا في المعركة‬

11-Why did Sattar come to his friend's house ? ‫لماذا اتى ستار الى منزل صديقة ؟‬
► He came to his friend's house to tell the family about Ali's death .
‫جاء الى منزل صديقة ليخبرهم بوفاة علي‬

12-what is the moral lessons does the writer try to give in '' the swing ''
‫ماهي الدروس األخالقية التي حاول الكاتب ان يوصلها‬
►War destroy everything, was leads to nothings but death , deprivations and
13-discuss how the visitor tried to convey his massage

‫ناقش كيف حاول الزائر ان يوصل رسالته ؟‬
►By saying that her father is just like a smoke and she can see him if only when
he close her eyes .

14-what does Mohammed Khudair think of war? ‫ما هو اعتقاد محمد خضير في الحرب‬
►He thinks that war destroy everything, war leads to nothing but death,
deprivations and destruction ‫الحرب تدمر كل شيء وال تقودنا لشيء سوا الدمار‬

15-what the swing invitation to ? ‫ماهي دعوة االرجوحة‬

►it is a sincere invitation to sustain family life and make childhood secure and
love one another ‫دعوة خالصة لتعزيز حياة األسرة وجعل الطفولة امنة ويحب واحدهم االخر‬


A-Choose and complete the following statement with information from the test
1-In 1967 , Iraq was at war against Israel .
2-Satar and Haleema ate a hot leaf of bread before lunch ‫ستار وحليمة تناولوا رغيف‬
‫حار من الخبز قبل الغداء‬
4-Mohammed Khudair was born in ( Nasiriya / Basra )‫محمد خضير ولد في البصرة‬
5-The swing is considered as (a- tragic b-comedic ) )‫تعد االرجوحة بأنها قصة مأساة ( حزينة‬
6- Muhammed Khudair wrote ( the swing , the canary ) ‫كتب محمد خضير االرجوحة‬
7-The swing is one of the best short stories about ( peace ‫ السالم‬/ war ‫) الحرب‬
‫االرجوحة من افضل القصص عن الحرب‬
8-The visitor describe the child's father as ( smoke / water ) to express that
her father had gone forever ‫يصف الكاتب والد الطفلة كالدخان ليعبر بانة قد ذهب الى االبد‬

242 242
9-Mohammed Khudair wrote the swing before the summer 1967 war against
Israel ( true , false)
1967 ‫كتب محمد خضير االرجوحة قبل الحرب ضد اسرائيل صيف‬
10-the visitor found it (a-easy b-difficult) to convey the death of his friend

‫مرادفات مهمة‬
A. Crude = simple and not skilful ‫بسيط‬/ ‫خام‬
B. Sustain = support ‫يعزز‬
C. Sways = moves from side to side ‫يتأرجح‬
D. Vanished = disappeared ‫ اختفى‬/‫تالشى‬
E. Deprivation = taking something necessary away from someone ‫حرمان‬
F. Condemnation = disapproval ‫استنكار‬

Kathrine Mansfield
1-What is Kathrine Mansfield ? ‫من هي كاثرين مانسفيلد‬
► She was a famous modernist writer . ‫كاتبة عصريه مشهورة‬

2- Where and when Kathrine Mansfield born ? ‫اين ومتى ولدت كاثرين مانسفيلد‬
►She was born in wellington , new Zealand 1888‫ولدت في مدينة ولنجتون في نيوزلندا‬

3-Kathrine Mansfield was the third of five children in a wealthy family . ‫هي كانت‬
‫الثالثة من خمسة افراد من عائلة مشهورة‬

4-Where did she move in 1930 ? why ? ‫ ولماذا‬1903 ‫الى اين انتقلت عام‬
► she moved to London to study music at queen's college . ‫انتقلت الى لندن لتدرس‬
‫الموسيقى في كلية الملكة‬

5-When did she begin to write short stories ? ‫متى بدأت بكتابة القصة القصيرة‬
►after she get returned to new Zealand in 1906 .

1906 ‫بدأت بكتابة القصة القصيرة بعدما عادت الى نيوزلندا عام‬

6-What did Kathrine do between 1903 – 1906? 1906 ‫ و‬1903 ‫ماذا فعلت بين عامي‬
►She travelled around Europe between 1903-1906 ‫سافرت حول اوربا‬

7-When did she move back to London ? ‫متى عادت الى لندن‬
►She move back to London two years later . ‫بعد سنتين‬

244 244
8-What happened to her in 1917?1917 ‫ماذا حدث لها عام‬
►In 1917 , she become ill with tuberculosis. ‫ اصيبت بمرض السل‬1917 ‫عام‬

9-When did she die ? ‫متى توفيت‬

►She died in January 1923 at the age of 35 . 35 ‫ بعمر‬1923 ‫توفيت في يناير‬

10-She remains famous for her collections of poem and short stories , especially
bliss and the garden party .
)‫بقيت مشهورة بمجموعاتها من القصائد والقصص القصيرة خاصة (النعيم) (و حفلة الحديقة‬

The Canary // ‫قصة الكناري‬

1-What are the main character of the story of the canary ? ‫ماهي الشخصيات الرئيسة في‬
‫قصة الكناري‬
►A lonely woman , a dead canary , a chainman and three young men . ‫امرأة وحيدة‬
‫رجل صيني وثالث شباب‬, ‫ كناري ميت‬,

2-What kind of story the canary is ‫ما نوع قصة الكناري‬

►A tragic story . ) ‫قصة مأساوية ( حزينة‬

3-What does the canary tell us ‫ماذا تخبرنا قصة الكناري‬

►It tell us about the loneliness . ‫تخبرنا عن الوحدة‬

4-What did the canary do to attack the attention of his owner ? ‫ماذا يفعل الكناري ليجذب‬
‫انتباه مالكة‬

►The canary used to hop hop from one perch to another . ‫يقفز من مكان الى اخر وينقر‬
‫على القضبان‬

5-What was the canary singing ? ‫كيف كان الكناري يغني‬

►The canary was singing wonderfully . ‫كان يغني يشكل رائع‬

6-How does the woman describe the flowers? ‫كيف تصف المرأة االزهار‬
► Flowers respond wonderfully but they don't sympathize. ‫الزهور تستجيب بشكل رائع‬
‫لكنها ال تتعاطف‬,

7-What was the canary to the woman ? ‫ماذا يمثل الكناري للمرأة‬
►He was her best friend . ‫صديقها المفضل‬

8-Why was the woman happy to have the canary . ‫لماذا كانت المرأة سعيدة المتالكها الكناري‬
►Because she lived lonely life . ‫ألنها عاشت حياة سعيدة‬

9-Where was the big nail ? ‫اين كان المسمار الكبير‬

► on the right of the front door . ‫في يمين الباب االمامي‬

10-Why did the woman forget the evening star ? ‫لماذا نسيت السيدة نجمة السماء‬

246 246
►Because the bird canary came into her life . ‫الن طير الكناري جاء لحياتها‬

11-Where did the woman in the canary use to hang the canary cage ? ‫اين اعتادت‬
‫المرأة ان تعلق قفص الكناري‬

►On the right of the front door .‫في يمين الباب االمامي‬

12-Why couldn't the woman in the canary take the nail out ? ‫لماذا لم تقلع المرأة المسمار‬
►Because it brought back sweet memories of the canary to the woman . ‫ألنه يذكرها‬
‫بذكريات جميلة للكناري‬

13-Do you find it easy to sympathize with the woman ? why ? ‫هل تجد من السهولة‬
‫ لماذا‬, ‫التعاطف مع المرأة‬
►Yes , I do , because she treated the canary as her perfect company , but she lost
‫ ألنها عاملت الكناري كصديق مثالي ولكنة فقدته عندما مات‬, ‫ نعم‬him at last when the canary died .

14- Do you agree with Kathrine that man should remember his sad memories ?
‫هل تتفق مع كاثرين على ان االنسان يجب ان يتذكر ذكرياته الحزينة ؟‬
►No, I don't agree with her, because human should forget his past anyway and
begin a new white page of his life . ‫ ال اتفق معها الن االنسان يجب ان ينسى ماضية ويبدأ‬, ‫ال‬
‫صفحة بيضاء جديدة من حياته‬

15-How does the story of the canary end ? ‫كيف انتهت قصة الكناري‬
►It ends sadly with the death of the canary . ‫انها نهاية حزينة بموت الكناري‬

16-What did the woman in the canary suffer from? ‫ماذا كانت تعاني المرأة في قصة الكناري‬

►She suffers from loneliness. ‫تعاني من الوحدة‬

17-Could the woman in the canary have another bird? ‫هل كانت المرأة تمتلك طير اخر‬
► No, she couldn’t

18-What did the woman in the canary use to see from the window? ‫ماذا اعتادت المرأة‬
‫ان تشاهد من خالل النافذة‬
►She used to see people stop at the gate to listen or lean over the fence to the
canary for a long time. ‫اعتادت ان تشاهد الناس يقفون امام البوابة لالستماع لصوت الكناري‬

19-Why did her heart feel hollow? ‫لماذا قلبها شعر بالفراغ‬
►Because she lost the only thing she loved in her life ‫ألنها فقدت الشيء الوحيد الذي أحبته‬

20-How did the bird greet the woman ‫كيف كان الكناري يحيي المرأة‬
►He greeted her with a drowsy little not.? ‫يحييها بنوتة ناعسة صغيرة‬

21- What did the woman use to scold the canary? ‫ماذا كانت المرأة تستعمل لتوبيخ الكناري‬
►By saying that he was a regular little actor ‫صغيرا منتظ اما‬
‫ا‬ ‫ا‬
‫ممثال‬ ‫بالقول إنه كان‬

22-In the canary, what were the people carried away by ‫بماذا تجرفهم العاطفة‬
►By the wonderful singing of the canary . ‫بالغناء الجميل للكناري‬

248 248
B// Complete
1-When the woman said ''when I found him lying on his back with his eyes dim
'' she meant he was dead
‫عندما قالت السيدة "عندما وجدته مستلقيا على ضهره مع عينين خافتتين "" كانت تعني انه ميت‬the

2-The wan bought the canary from the china man ‫اشترت المرأة الكناري من رجل صيني‬

3-Creaturesl to the right of the front door brought back the sweet memories of
the birds to missus ( true , false )

4-People have the idea that birds are heartless and cold little creature.(true ,
false) ‫لدى الناس فكرة على ان الطيور مخلوقات صغيرة باردة بدون قلب‬

5-The woman was happy to have the canary because she lived a lonely life.
‫كانت المرأة سعيدة المتالكها الكناري ألنها كانت تعيش حياة وحدانية‬

7-missus was happy to have the canary because she live ( a lonely / an un lonely )
Missus == the woman =the owner ‫كل هذه األسماء تعود للمرأة في قصة الكناري‬

‫أسئلة شاملة حول الوحدة الثامنة‬

text book passage

1-In what ways has wind power been used for thousands years ?
2-What ways have we developed to use the wind now ?
3-What the most important aspect of wind power ?
4-What two complain do people who live near wind turbine have about them ?
5-What are the advantage of wind power ?
6- What are the disadvantage of wind power ?
7-Waste is either burnt or …………………..
8 -Wind turbine are quite noisy although new technology
9-In Europe the wind was used for a long time to

250 250
Complete the sentences eith a suitable words

( spoil, essential, replace , renewable , limit , deforestation )

1-If ……………………..continues , many species of animal will disappear

completely .
2-Scientists are finding ways to …………………damage to the environment
3-Wind is a ………………source of energy
4-We need to ………………the trees that are cut down
5-It is ……………..that something is done about the destruction if the
6-Some people say that wind farms ……………..the landscape

Match the words and the definitions

1-deoxygenation a) a-the process of damaging the air , water or land with

2-devaluation b) to put something in the ground and cover it with earth
3- bury c) removing the oxygen from something
4-pollution d) to suggest that some one does something that you
believe would be good
5-encourage e) reducing the value of something

Write the missing words

1-park ranger , -…………….. energy source

-wind ……………… 4-natural ………………..
2-The opposite of deep → ……………………….
3-An area that contains water for distribution → ………………………..
4-A general word for cotton , wheat , barley and so on →

write 100-120 words about ways people can help to improve

the environment
‫أسئلة القواعد المهمة التي تحتوي على إشكاالت وهي أيضا ضمن مرشحات القواعد ( يجب االنتباه‬

) ‫اليها‬

1. I will / turn down / it / in a minute .

2. I bought a new computer , so I think it is faster than other one (Expectation)
3. he looked outside because he heard a noise .(Causative verbs)
4. keep keys on a hook by the window. ( give advice )
5. keep keys in a flower spot by the door .( give advice )
6. If you work in marketing , your job ( be ) to encourage people to buy .
7. If the traffic isn't too heavy , I ( be ) at the airport at 12:00 .( correct )
8. If she ( not / apply ) for a scholarship , of course she(not / get )one.
9. If he( log on ) to the British council site , he (find)quite a lot of useful
information course in Britain

252 252
10. unless he (make ) a big effort this term , he (not/ get ) through the end – of
– year exams .
11. If you are offered a place at Carnegie university , ( you / accept ) it ?
12. If I be you, I would apply to two or three colleges (correct the verb)
13. If I ( have ) lots of money, I (buy) a racehorse.
14. He (be) more attractive if he shave his bread off.
15. Everything is going well , we(not, have )any problems so far .(correct )
16. I have ( been / gone )To the china , I saw a really good film
17.The wedding ( go) well because they (organize ) every thing very carefully
18. I always go to that garage for repairs .it was closed today . ''relative clause''
19. The Tigris hotel has a fabulous pool . the pool opened two months ago .
20. The hotel has a swimming pool . its very big .''relative clause ''
21. His car has broken down . he bought it last month .(combine with relative
clause )
22. uncle albert still rides a bike .(he is 86)
23. Fidaia didn't speak to me since her sister's wedding .
24. Didn't Salwa's family move house yet ?
25. You look nice , (did you change) have you changed your hairstyle ?
26. ( by / the / down /previous / owner / were / tree / cut ) (re – order )
27. They are building some new houses .( change into passive )
28. This letter .........................(write ) by my father .‫زمن ماضي من خالل المعنى‬
29. I used my father's car while my car .............................(repair ) (change into
passive )
30. My bedroom .......( paint ), so I'm sleeping in the living room . (change into
passive )
31. Bank statements .....(send )at the end of each month .) ‫((مضارع بسيط‬change into
passive )

32. People use these coins in Egypt .(Egypt are in used coins theses )
33. The loan .............................. (pay back ) with the interest at the end of the year
34. fatima .............................( get ) a loan last week to buy her flat )‫)مبني للمعلوم‬
35. Bankers usually ................................(like) helping their costumers )‫)مبني للمعلوم‬
36. If we don't hurry , we'll be late . The train -------------------
A ) leaves at 11.00 B) will leave at 11.00

37. I'm sorry I can't go with you I ---------------------

a- will go to the dentist's then B) am going to the dentist's then

38. Your room is a mass ‫فوضى‬. When ----------------

A-are you going to clean it up ? B) do you clean it up ?

39. Think of me tomorrow at 9.00 . I ------------

A)will be taking a really difficult exam . B) will take a really difficult exam

40-She didn't pass the exam last time . I hope ----------------

A)she will be doing better this time B) she will be do better this time .

254 254
Read these texts carefull(10M)

A man who had broken his right leg was taken to a hospital a few weeks before
Christmas. He was afraid of spending Christmas in hospital .Though the doctor
did his best, the patient's recovery was slow. On Christmas day the man still had
his right leg in plaster. He spent a miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he
was missing. The following day; however the doctor comforted him by telling him
that his chance of being able to leave hospital in time for new year's celebrations
were good. When the man left the hospital he was excited and sure enough on New
year's Eve he was able to walk with the help of a stick to a party. The man enjoyed
himself completely and kept telling everybody how much he hated hospital. He was
still saying something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a
piece of ice and broke his left leg.

Now answer (five) of the following questions:

1. What hopes did the doctor give the patient?
2. How was the patient's day in the hospital?
3. When was the man taken to hospital?
4. How did the man break his left leg?
5. Choose a suitable title for the passage.
6. What was the patient afraid of?

Grammar and Functions: (20 Marks)

A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10M)

1. Somebody will grade our homework over the weekend. (Re write in the
passive form)
2. Salwa wants to be an interpreter. She speaks three languages. (Join by using
the correct relative pronoun)
3. If birds fly into wind turbines, they (kill). (Correct)
4. ''Can I borrow some money? "She asked me………............……. (Reported
5. Khaled (play) football when he broke his ankle. (Correct)
6. After we (Speak) to the teacher, we left the classroom. (Correct)

B) Choose one of the two words between brackets to achieve better use of the
language (Choose 5 only) (10M)
1. I (mustn't / needn't) be back later than 8 o'clock tonight or my parents will be
2. This book is (bored / boring).
3. She has been talking on the phone (for / since) the last 20 minutes.
4. We (considerably / thoroughly) enjoyed all the entertainment.
5. Can’t remember when I (took up it / took it up).
6. How (much / many) exercise does he take a week?

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

A) Match the following words with their definitions. (5 M)

1. Vacancy a. Without someone looking after it.
2. Pollution b. A computer program that is useful if you are working with.
3. Unattended c. The company has a space for new employee.

256 256
4. Pickpocket d. A person who steals money from your pocket.
5. Spreadsheet e. The process of damaging the air, water or land with

B) Complete the sentences with a word from the list below. (10 M)

[qualification, librarian, course fees, valid, hurts, sneeze]

1. My back ……....…....…… all the time. It only feels o.k. when I am lying down.
2. I'm afraid your card is no longer……….......………..
3. I'd like to train as a…….........…………because I love books and libraries.
4. You have to pay your……….........…….. in advance.
5. When I left school. I had few…............…… but I got a good job after taking a
computer class.

C) Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)

1. colour, colourful; luxury, …......................……
2. do, done; spend, ………......................
3. apply, application; enhance, ……................…...
4. like, dislike; legal, ….........................……
5. see, saw; fly, …...............……
6. computer, comp; experience, ….............…….

Reading passages: (15 Marks)

A) A nswer any(five) of the following questions with information from your

text-book: (5only) (10 M)
1. What is Samira Al- Mahmoud?
2. Who are the workaholics?
3. What are the three main ways of studying computer skills?
4. Can radar guns take pictures?
5. What does Mustafa's mother suffer from?
6. Why are new jobs appearing all the time?

B) Match the words and expressions in list A with their synonyms in list B: (5 M)
List A: 1. yearly 2. to no avail 3. a time limit 4. surprised 5. dropping
List B: a. without success b. dead line c. spilling d. annual e. puzzled

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

A) Choose two:
1. What moral lesson does the writer to give in the swing?
2. Do you find it easy to sympathise with the woman? Why?
3. Discuss how the visitor tried to convey his message?
B) Choose five: (5 M)
1. Satar and Haleema ate …………...........…before lunch.
2. The womam forgot .......................... when Canary came into her life.

258 258
3. The woman bought the Canary from ……..............……..
4. Mahmoud Khudhair is …….........……..
5. In 1967 ……….............…...
6. Satar came to his friend's house to give …..........…………

written Component (20 Marks) Choose either A or B

Choose either A or B
A) Write an e - mail of 100 to 200 about a bad day out where everything went
B) Write 100 to 120 words on "Cigarette advertising should be illegal"

Read these texts carefull(10M)

Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people around the world. About 1.5
million people a year die from diabetes, and on real cure has been discovered
for the disease. People who suffer from diabetes have high blood sugar levels,
because their bodies are not able to produce enough insulin. Diabetes can be
sometimes be inherited from your parents, but also be caused by your lifestyle:
being overweight, having a poor diet or being stressed can also cause diabetes.
The effects of diabetes can include feeling very thirsty or hungry, losing weight
very quickly, problems with your eyes and skin and heart disease. Although
there is no cure for diabetes, it can be treated by injections of insulin, as well as
losing weight and taking regular exercise.

Now answer (five) of the following questions: (10 M.)

1. What is diabetes?
2. Write two main causes of diabetes.
3. How can diabetes be treated?
4. Scientists have discovered cure for diabetes. (a. true b. false)
5. Diabetes can be treated by …..................…. a. drinking water b. eating more c.
regular exercise
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.

B- Answer (5) of the following using the information from your textbook: (10 M.)
1. What is the most important aspect of wind power?
2. What did Anna really like about the hotel?
3. Why is investing in stocks and shares a risky business?
4. Why was the mother proud of Mostafa?

260 260
5. What can high blood pressure cause?
6. What is a radar detector?

Grammar and Functions: (20 Marks)

A) Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets:

(Choose 10) (20 M)

1. If I (have) lots of money, I would buy a race horse. (Put the verb into the correct
2. She lost their address. That's why she couldn't write to them (Regret. Use "I
3. Take a taxi to the airport. (Suggestion)
4. …......…….. an average of eight hours night is about right (Use imperative to
give advice)
5. Somebody is cleaning the room right now. (Rewrite in the passive form)
6. I've studied hard for the test, so I think I'll pass. (Expectation)
7. A thief took our clothes as we (swim). (Correct)
8. A photographer took a picture of the lady. The lady got …................…… taken.
9. The story won the first prize. It pleased many writers. (Combine with a relative
10. I asked Saab "How do you start your business?" (Reported question)
11. (Egypt are in used coins These.) (Unscramble the words to make a passive

12. Define a cameraman. Use (operate the camera for films or programmers)
B) Choose one of the two words between brackets. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. She (is meeting/ meets) the manager tomorrow morning.
2. The red signal made him (stop / stopped).
3. In my old job, my shift (started / starts) at 6.00 every Sunday.
4. It was the most (frightened/ frightening) day of my life.
5. We (used to / didn't use to) have security cameras, but now we have six of them.
6. They've been talking (for / since) eight o'clock.

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

A) Compete the sentences with the suitable word from the box. (10 M)

( renewable - allergies - tour guide - pills - body language - take up)

1. You have to take two of these …………......…… three times a day.

2. Wind is a ………...…….... source of energy.

3. Most smokers ……...…….…… the habit of smoking when they are teenagers.
4. 1wasn't a good ……...…………. because I didn't speak enough languages.
5. Being able to read ……...……….. is vital for good social communication.

B) Match the beginnings in list A with the suitable endings in the list B. (Choose
5 only) (5 M)
List A List B
1. I'm writing to inquire a. because it is very easy.
2. If the cases are too heavy b. because it's a very nice hotel.

262 262
3. You shouldn't have any trouble doing the work! c. about my ATM card.
4. Food goes bad d. complain about the noise.
5. They should be very comfortable e. you have to pay extra
6. People who live near wind farms f. unless you keep it in the fridge

C) Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) (5M)

1. correct, incorrect; encourage ………..……….
2. see, seen ; buy, …............……
3. injured, hurt; alerted, ………….....……….
4. appt, .appointment; co, ……..............…….
5. joint in the arm, w….......…..t
6. The opposite of deep, ……...........……...

written Component (20 Marks) Choose either A or B

Answer or complete the following: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)

1. In "The swing" Sattar came to his friend's house to ……..........……….
2. Where did the woman in "The canary" use to hang the canary cage?
3. Where was Mohammed Khudhair bom?
4. The visitor described the child's father as ………............…….
5. What did the woman in "The canary" suffer from?
6. When did Mohammed Khdhair write "The Swing"?

Q5): Written Component. (20 Marks) Choose either A or B:
A) Write 100 to 120 words on the advantages of studying English in Britain.
These notes may help you: - you can hear people speaking English all day, in
many different situations. - lots of opportunities to practise speaking,
especially if staying with a British family. - watch TV. and films in English
and listen to radio. - read English newspapers, advertisements, notices. -
observe the British way of life. - Possibly stay with a British family.

B) Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your

statement that you didn't make. Write 100 to 120 words.

264 264
Read these texts carefull(10M)

Smoking is considered to be dangerous to the health, it is especially difficult for

children. Our tobacconist, Mr. Kamal, has always been careful about this. If his
customers are very young, he always asks them whom the cigarettes are for. One
day, a little girl walked boldly into his shop and demanded twenty cigarettes. She
had the exact amount of money in her hand and seemed very sure of herself. Mr.
Kamal was so surprised by her confident manner that he forgot to ask his usual
question. Instead, he asked her what kind of cigarettes she wanted. The girl replied
promptly and handed him the money. While he was giving her the cigarettes, Mr.
Kamal said laughingly that as she was so young, she should hide the packet in her
pocket in case a policeman saw it. However, the little girl didn't seem to find this
very funny. Without smiling, she took the packet a nd walked towards the door.
Suddenly she stopped and looked steadily at Mr. Kamal and declared "My dad is
a policeman" and with that she walked quickly out of the shop.

Now answer (FIVE) of the following questions: (10 M.)

1. Why did the little girl go to the shop?
2. What did Mr. Kamal advise the girl after giving her the cigarettes?
3. What was the reason that the girl wasn't afraid of the police?
4. What was Mr. Kamal?
5. Did Mr. Kamal ask the girl whom the cigarettes were for?
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.

B- Answer or complete (5) of the following using the information from your
textbook. (5 only) (10M.)

1. Why are spreadsheets used a lot in businesses?
2. Where did Anna and her cousin go by taxi?
3. How does the radar speed gun work?
4. Some people don't take holidays because ….............…….
5. Mustafa had to stand on a chair to …..............……….
6. Samira's active language is …..............………

Grammar and Functions: (20 Marks)

A) Do as required: (Choose 10 only) (20 M)

1. If my plane (not leave) on time, I'll miss my connection this afternoon.
2. You like exercising, so I do. I think you'15 have trouble getting lit.
3. I like those shoes. Can I (try / on / them) (Put in the correct order)
4. Keep your passport in a safe place. (Give an advice)
5. Unfortunately, I ate three bars of chocolate. That's why I felt sick. (Regret use:
If only)
6. Latifa asked Zaha "when did you decide to be an architect?" (Reported
7. Somebody took my wallet last week. (Change into-passive)
8. …………. (you / book) a hotel yet? (Complete with the correct form of the
present perfect)
9. My uncle Ali still rides a bike. (He is 8o). (Join - use- who)

266 266
10. He is going to be a librarian. He decided he…………. (Future in the past)
11. After we (speak) to the teacher, we left the classroom. (Correct)
12. She (wear) glasses, but now she has contact lenses. (Use the correct form of -
"used to")

B) Choose one of the two words between brackets. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. The noise (made / had) her look outside.
2. She (learns/ will be learning) a lot of new skills.
3. Babylon city, (which/where) people like to go sightseeing, is a beautiful place.
4. Please. Put out your cigarette. You (mustn't / must) smoke in the hospital.
5. We need a (little / few) more oranges. 6. Have you (ever / never) camped in the

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the suitable word from the box. (10 M)

ignition - freelance - withdrawal - engineer - ankle – skin

1. There must be a mistake in my statement. I didn't make this…………………
2. I twisted my ……………….......playing football.
3. Don't leave your keys in the……………….......
4. The……………….......on my legs is very dry.
5. She pays money from her irregular……………… into the couple.

B) Match the words and the phrases in List A with their meanings in List B. (5 M )
List A List B
1. Ambitious a. out of job
2. unemployed b. witness
3. a fine welcome c. want to succeed
4. a large meeting to discuss something d. hospitality
5. a person who saw or heard something e. conference

C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5M)
1. boy, boys; church, ……………… 2. big, bigger; funny, ……………...……
3. polite, impolite; popular, …………………… 4. be, been; spend, ……………
5. pushing, shaking; surprised, …...……………… 6. attract, attractive; delight,

Reading passages: (15 Marks)

Answer or complete the following: (Choose 5 only)

1. The two main characters in "the swing" are and
2. How does the story of "The Canary" end?
3. What does the story of "The swing" stress on?
4. In "The Canary" the woman was happy to have the Canary because
5. In 1967 a war 6. Who is Mohammed Khudhair?

written Component (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B

268 268
Q5) Writing (20 Marks) Choose either A or B:
A) Ahmed wants to be a security guard. He is meeting the manager of a security
company tomorrow morning at 9.00. It takes thirty minutes to go from his house to
the security company. The manager sent him directions. Write a letter to Ahmed of
100 to 120 words giving him advice on how to get the job. use (you should or you
shouldn't) in your letter at least five times.
B) Write a short article for a travel magazine of 100 to 120 words on "A

Read these texts carefull(10M)

One day, Jane and her sister Sally were walking along a path by the river. It was
a sunny morning and they were to have lunch at a restaurant near the river. There
were some boats on the river. One of them was coming towards the two girls.
There was a man in it. He looked too tired to control the boat. Suddenly the boat
turned over and the man fell into the water. He tried to reach the river bank but
he couldn't. "Help" he cried. At first the two girls didn't know what to do. There
was nobody to offer help. Then, they decided to save the man. They jumped into
the water. Jane pushed the boat away. Then Jane and Sally pulled the man to the
bank. The man wasn't hurt, but he had swallowed a lot of water.
Now answer (5) of the following questions:
1. Where were the two girls walking?
2. Could the man reach the river bank?
3. The man couldn't control the boat because he was (a drunk \ tired)
4. Who saved the man?
5. Where did the man fall?
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.

B) Answer (5) of the following using the information from your textbook:
1. A good interpreter follows the news and is well- informed on many topics. (True
\ False)
2. Radar was invented during
3. Where did Anna and her cousin go on holiday?
4. Why was Mustafa's mother unconscious?

270 270
5. Some radar guns are shaped a bit like guns? (True \ False)
6. Mustafa had to stand on a chair to

Grammar and Functions: (20 Marks)

1. Last year my friend Zeina (get) hurt in a car accident. (Correct)

2. I'll/ turn down it / in a minute. (Put in order)
3. Can I borrow some money? She asked me.................. (Reported question)
4. Fatima, was in the newspaper yesterday, is a very talented
girl. (Complete with a relative pronoun)
5. Unfortunately, he fell over during the race. That's why he didn't win. (Regret
starting with: If only)
6. After we (speak) to the teacher, we left the classroom. (Correct)
7. Keep your passport in a safe place. (Give advice) 8. The wind (got \ made) the
leaves fall.
9. She (not talk) so much, but now she never stops talking. (Use the correct form
of: used to)
10. Adam has come back from Beirut yesterday. (Rewrite the sentence correctly)
11. Which course ……......…… (Muna apply) for if she passes all her exams this
year? (Complete using the correct conditional)
12. We left two hours early. We (should / shouldn't) miss the plane. (Choose)

B) Choose the correct answer: (Choose 5 only) (10 Marks)

1. You (don't have to / must) pick me up in the car. I will get the bus
2. I haven't seen a good film (for / since) last January.
3. Hurry up, there isn't (much / little) time before the bus leaves.

4. I (haven't been / haven't gone) to China yet, but I would like to one day
5. Have you ever (eat / eaten) abroad?
6. This book is very (bored \ boring). I fell asleep whenever I try to read it.

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

(tour guide, bleeding, vital, broken, title, obey)

1. She can’t play tennis, she has ….........….. her right arm.
2. Drivers must …...........….. the speed limit.
3. My sister is a ............................... . She takes tourists sightseeing in London
every day.
4. What is your ……...............….? Is it Mrs., Miss. or Dr.?
5. It was a very deep cut and it was ................. a lot

B) Complete the following with correctly spelt words: (Choose 5 only)

1. happy, unhappy; possible, …...........…. . 2. injured, hurt; occurred, …..........
3. see, seen; find, …............…. 4. cold, colder; dangerous, ….............…
5. Joint in the arm; e….............….. 6. cook, cooking; swim, …..........….

B) Match the words and the phrases in List A with their meaning in List B.
(Choose 5 only) (5M)

272 272
Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Q.4) Choose the correct answer:

1. Satar described the child's father as (a. water b. smoke)
2. The woman was happy to have the canary because she lived (a. lonely b.
unlonely) life
3. The swing is considered as (a. comedic b. tragic) story
4. In "The Canary" people have the idea that birds are heartless and cold little
creatures. (a. true b. false)
5. The visitor found it (a. difficult b. easy) to convey the death of his friend.
6. Mohammad Khudhair wrote (a. the canary b. the swing)

written Component (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B

1) Ahmed wants to be a security guard. He is meeting the manager of security
company tomorrow morning at 9.00. It takes thirty minutes to go from his house
to the security company. The manager sent him directions and a map. Write a
letter to Ahmed of 100 to120 words giving him advice on how to get the job. Use
you should or shouldn't in your letter at least five times two paragraphs: - advice
on getting to the interview - advice on the interview; what to wear, what to say,

2) Write a e-mail of 100 to 120 words telling a friend about a company you
have recently set up with a friend or relative. The company could be
producing one of the following: jewelry, cosmetics, perfume, food or footwear.

3) Write 100 to 120 words on this topic: "Cigarette advertising should be illegal

274 274
Read these texts carefull(10M)

You do not have to be a passenger to go inside an airport, Sometimes you may

have to pay to enter an airport but it is always a small amount. An airport is
usually full of people. Some of them will be passengers. Some have just arrived
by plane and they are now waiting for a car or a bus to take them home. Others
are wailing to go on planes that will take them to another city or another
country. They are buying books to read on the plans or talking to their friends
or relatives. Many of the people at an airport are not passengers. They have
come to meet passengers who are arriving or lo say goodbye to friends or
relatives who are leaving.
Now answer (FIVE) of the following questions:
1. Why do some passengers bay books‘?
2. Only passengers can enter an airport (True / False)
3. How much do you sometimes have to pay lo eater1 an airport?
4. Some of the people ace not passengers. Why are they at the airport?
5. An airport is usually crowded. (True / False)
6. Give a suitable title.
B) Answer (5) of the following questions using the information from your
textbook. (10 M.)
1. Name two activities Anna mid her cousin did during the day.
2. Mustafa, found his mother in the ................. (a. kitchen b. bedroom c.
3. Why shouldn‘t an interpreter waste time thinking?
4. Holidays can give us a chance to……...……. (a. learn new activities b.
recover from illnesses c- stop talking about our problems)

5. How did the paramedics treat Mustafa's mother?
6. Radar guns don't need any maintenance. (True/false)

Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

A) Re-write the following sentences, follow- the instructions between brackets:

(Choose 10) (20 M)

1. Stamp collecting is a nice hobby, when did you (it / up / take) {put in the
correct order)
2. His ear has broken down. He bought it last month, The car………...…....has
broken down, (combine these sentences with a relative clause)
3. They learnt, a lot in the military, so I don't think they will have trouble
getting a job (Use should or shouldn't
to express expectation)
4. Will you be able to come to the party? I asked Layla …………….. (reported
5. Define an architect. Use (designs buildings)
6. Unfortunately, I spent all my money at the weekend. That's why I can‘t buy
those bags (Regret)
7. I (clean) my room and I (find) £30 under my bed, (Put one verb in the past
continuous and one in the past simple)
8. She is going to her computer course tomorrow. I found out she ...............
(Future in the past)
9. (Was / The / Yesterday / bank / robbed) (unscramble the words to make a
passive sentence)

276 276
10. He (have) his haircut at the hairdresser's but now his wife (cut) it for him.
(U se the correct form of (Used to) and the present or past simple)
11. Help you with your baggage, (offer)
12. If I (play) tennis, I would join the tennis club. (Correct)

B) Choose one of the two words between brackets. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. She had her picture (take / taken).
2. Layla is in the kitchen. She (has been cooking/ cooks) for three hours now.
3. You are driving too fast! You (have to / needn‘t) slow down.
4. She (walked / was walking) home from school when she heard the police siren.
5. How many letters (did you write / have you written) so far today?
6. A thief got into their house because they (haven't locked / hadn't locked) the
door properly.

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the suitable word from the box. (10 M)
sneeze / honestly / stressful / booth / footprints / replace
1. We need to ..….........…... the trees that are eat down.
2. I always …….....……. when I put pepper on my food.
3. ……….....………. can tell you, what type of shoes a thief was wearing.
4. I can ….....………...…. say that it was the best holiday I ever had.
5. A ……….....………. is a box - like room where interpreters work.

B) Match the beginnings in List A with the suitable ending in List B. (Choose
5) (5 M)

List A List B
1. you need to get a special licence. a-to take our passports
2. If he's used computers before b- because I don’t want to be late
3- We mustn't forget c- leave so soon
4. I must get up early tomorrow d-to drive a lorry
5. I don't have to e-When I will receive my card?
6. Could you please let me know f- he should know how to use this

C) Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)

1. fair, unfair; patient, …....……........…….
2. exp., experience; yrs, ……..............…….
3. go, gone; break, ………..........…….
4. unemployed, out of job; in a difficult situation, …......…............
5. excite, exciting; peace, ……........….
6. fast, faster; safe, …..........…….

278 278
Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete the following: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.)

1. Sattar came to his friend‘s house to….......…….
2. Sattar and Haleema ate ………..... before lunch.
3. Could the woman in the Canary have another bird?
4. Mohammed khudhair's short storied are translated into English, ……...…....
and …….....………
5. The nail to the right of the front door brought back the sweet memories of the
bird to the woman (True / False)
6. What is Mohammed Khudhair?

Q5) Writing (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B:
A) Really bad day out where everything went wrong.
B) Studying while you're working is worth all the hard work

Read these texts carefull(10M)

A/ Read the following text carefully then answer five of the questions that

follow: (10 M.)

Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. First, it is easier to find
work, and there is a choice of public transport, so you don't need to own a car.
Also, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. For example,
you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums or go to theatres. What is more,
when you want to relax, you can usually find a park where you can sit on a
bench and read a book. City life is full of variety and you need never feel bored.
However, living in a city is expensive, you can't afford many of the things you
need to do. It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap accommodation.
Furthermore, public transport is sometimes very crowded and dirty. Last of all,
it is still possible to feel lonely in a city In conclusion, I think city life can suit
young people who like the excitement of the city and don't mind the noise or
pollution. However, older people often prefer the place and fresh air of the
answer five of the questions that follow:
1. Scan the text and write two advantages of living in a city.
2. Accommodation in a city is cheap. (true\ false)
3. How do people feel in a city?
4. Who prefers city life?
5. Older people usually enjoy the life in .............. (Complete the sentence)
6. A suitable title is….............…. a. Life in a city b. The variety of city life

280 280
B/ Answer or complete five of the following sentences using information from
your textbook: (10 M.)
1. A graphic design course teaches how to..................
2. What are the complaints people have about wind turbines?
3. What qualifications are required from an interpreter?
4. One of the main responsibilities of a banker is ........................
5. Holidays can give you a chance to...................
6. What happens to the diabetes when their blood sugar drops too low?

Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

Q.2) A/ Follow the instruction in brackets and do 10 only.

1. Will you come to my party? He asked me......................... . (Reported speech)
2. I …............……. (sit) in the park when someone kicked a ball at me. (Use the
correct form of verb)
3. I would fly happiness if I …...............…… . (Complete the sentence)
4. (they \ be \ married). (Question with how long)
5. He didn't park his car carefully so he crashed it. (Regret. If only...)
6. was delivered when mail the? (Put the words in the correct order)
7. Adam has come from Beirut yesterday, (correct the sentence)
8. Look somebody.................... (drop) his wallet here. (Use present perfect simple
or continuous)
9. He…….............… (not buy) Armani clothes. (Use the correct form of used to)
10. he’s going to be a librarian. He decided …............…… . (Future simple)
11. Morocco, ….............…. I spent my holiday, is an attractive city. (Which,
Whose, Where)
12. Somebody is cleaning the room right now. (Put into passive)

B/ Choose the best alternative. Do 5 only
1. The film was so boring / bored that I fell asleep.
2. I like these shoes can I try on them / try them on?
3. The story is wonderful / wonderfully written
4. Doctors are not as cheap / cheaper as they used to be.
5. Shall we / Shall I stop for lunch? Good idea
6. Please put out your cigarette. You needn't / mustn't smoke in a petrol station.

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

A/ Complete the sentences with the suitable words from the box.
instalments allergies enhance buried luxurious literal
1. People take computer courses to….....……. their skills in computer.
2. Waste is either burnt or …..........……… .
3. The monthly ….......……. are not very high since the car is not new.
4. It's really ……….....….. to stay in a five star hotel.
5. ……......……. transition doesn't always convey the sense.

B/ Match the words with their collocations.

1. conveyor a .expectation
2.thorougl b. enjoy
3.boading c. business
4.lived up to d. belt
5. Risky e. card

282 282
C/ Fill in the blanks, Do 5 only
1. admit, admittance; enroll, ….................……
2. steal, stolen; leave, …...............……
3. Time limit, deadline; vital, …..............…..
4. moral, immoral; connect, ……................…
5. elbow, joint in an arm; …..............….
6. Co, company; bldgs, …................……

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete the following questions. (Do 5 only)

1. How did the woman describe her heart after the death of the canary?
2. After the death of the canary, the woman decided not to …………….. .
3. The Canary is about a …................... woman who found in the canary her
perfect company.
4. The Swing is an invitation to sustain
5. How did Sattar convey his message?
6. Two of Mohammed’s Kudhair works are ……............….

written Component (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B

Choose A or B (20 M.)

A/ Write 100 to 120 works on this topic Cigarette advertising should be illegal

these questions may help you.
1-How harmful are cigarettes to the health of smokers and passive smokers?
2-Where can cigarette advertisements be seen? Who sees them? Do children
and young people see them?
3-What sort of messages do cigarette advertisements give? Do they show
successful, popular, attractive people smoking? Do they mention the dangers of
4-Are young people easily influenced? Could they be influenced by cigarette
5-How common is smoking among young people?

B/ Write an e-mail of 100-120 words about a really bad day out where
everything went wrong.

284 284
Read these texts carefull(10M)

A/ Read the following text carefully then answer five of the questions that follow:
(10 M.)
Once upon a time, a great Caliph of Baghdad had a servant. He was very ugly to
look at yet the Caliph loved him very much. One day his courtiers asked the Caliph.
Oh lord how is it that you love this servant more this others? He is very ugly. The
caliph answered once as I was going through the streets of Basra, a camel of my
train slipped and fell in the street. From the camel's back there fell an ivory box
containing my most precious pearls. The pearls rolled away on the muddy street. I
said to my servants. There are all my precious pearls. Go and pick them up
.Everybody will keep what he finds. All the servants went away to pick up the pearls
except this ugly servant. I asked him. My good fellow, why don‘t you go and join
your friends? The man replied, you are the most precious pearl. I am staying to
guard you. The courtiers said in one voice. 'Oh caliph, you are wise to love him.

Now answer (five) of the following questions:

1. Whom did the Caliph lose?
2. What happened to one of the camels of the Caliph's train?
3. What was there in the ivory box?
4. Why did the servants go away?
5. Did the ugly servant join his friends? Why?
6. Give the passage a suitable title.

B- Reading Comprehension (10 M)
Answer the following sentences with (True) or (False): (Choose 5)
1. Financially- minded people who follow the markets invest in stocks and
2. A banker needs to be a good architect
3. Radar speed guns can be maintained if they are checked and fixed regularly.
4. Freelance means people who don‘t can't to be away from the office for more
than a few hours.
5. Saving accounts benefit people who don't need to access the money.
6. Mustafa's father was suffering from diabetes.

Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

A- Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets: (5 only)

(10 M)
1. The Iaon ….....……. (pay back) with interest at the end of the year.
2. When I….......……. her at the airport. Lind was wearing a new dress (meet).
3. If you had stayed in bed and rested, you ….............……. (got) better more
4. You mustn't …….......…. (drives) without your seat belt on.
5. I haven't ……....…. (pack) my suitcase yet.
6. Were your cheques …….......…. (be) sent to the wrong address?

286 286
B- Re-write the sentences follow the instructions between brackets: (Choose 10

only) (20 M)
1. Stamp collecting is a nice hobby, when did you (it - up - take) (put in the correct
2. Keep your passport in a safe place. (Give an advice)
3. They didn‘t train every day. That's why they lost the match. (regret starting with
if only or I wish)
4. He's going to a painting class this evening. I found out he .............…. (Re-write
using the future in the past)
5. Somebody will grade our homework over the weekend. (Re-write in the passive
6. If she (not apply) for a scholarship, of course she won't get one. (put the verb in
the correct order)
7. Put your case in the car. There's still …....……. space left. (Choose: a few a little)
8. This is a new computer. So I think it is faster than the other one. (Re-write the
sentence with should or shouldn't)
9. Somebody teaches English every month. Re-write the sentence in the passive form.
10. …....……. (you - ever - sleep) under the stars in the desert? (Use: present perfect
11. Horse riding. is my brother Andy's favorite sport, is expensive. (Use: Whose -
12. My cousin hid my purser under the stairs while I ……......... (not / look) (put the
verb in the correct order)

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

A) Compete the sentences with the suitable word from the box: (Choose
5only) (10 M)

sore - businessman - information - instilled - competitive - fingerprints – bit

1. The library has a range of …….....…. for people who are looking for the right
2. We offer a …....……. salary and excellent terms and conditions.
3. My eyes are …....……. form the chemicals in the pool.
4. Holiday's arc important for everyone, not just the ……..............….
5. When the police got to the crime scene they found footprints and ….........…….
6. The shark ….....……. Zaid‘s arm.

B- Complete the sentences with the suitable word. (5 M)

1. If you …...........……. a crime, the police will arrest you.
2. You shouldn't keep keys on a …….........…. by the window.
3. I am writing about the government's plan to build a wind ……........…. off the
4. ……........….a piece of plastic you can use to pay for things.
5. Emergency …….........…. Safia Khoury took the call

C) Write the missing word. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)

1. approve, disapprove; fortunate, ….......…….
2. Pace, step; kind, ……….............

288 288
3. pain, painful; peace, …….......….
4. danger, dangerous; practice, …….........….
5. leave, left; buy, ……..........….
6. direct, indirect; polite, …….........….

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or Complete these sentences (10 M)

1. Sattar and Haleema ate ……........…. before lunch
2. I can see him coming out of the bag and heading toward us. Without a head
or h ands and legs just like…….….
3. Mohammed achieved fame in the Middle East after publishing his short
stories the swing and ….....…….
4. What does the story (the swing) stress on?
5. ….....…….was the author of the canary.

written Component (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B

Choose either A or B:
A- Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal. Write 100 to 120

B- Write 100 to 120 words on “The advantages of studying English in Britain"

Read these texts carefull(10M)

A. Read the following article then answer five of the following questions.
A few years ago, if a new electronic item broke down, most people took it to a
repair shop. Not and more! These days, if a new item breaks, more and more
people simply throw it away and buy a new one. Why have we become a
throwaway society? The easy answer is price. You can buy a TV for $99, but what
if breaks? If a major part needs to be replaced, it could cost more than the price,
so the TV would cost more to repair than to replace. Some repair shops have a
minimum charge of $25 just to look at a crashed computer. Are they making
millions of dollars? No. A recent survey found that more and more repair shops
are closing because they cannot afford to stay in business. In 1992 there were
more than 20,000 repair shops in the United States; by 2004, there were fewer
than 9000. But price is not the only reason. According to a repair shop owner,
customer psychology has changed. 'It is a disposable society...people want the
newest and the hottest. 'the only way to change it is to make it expensive to throw
things away, but we do not do that until the mountains of rubbish are so high we
can't breathe.
answer five of the following questions.
1. What do people do if an electronic item breaks down?
2. What makes people dispose their broken items?
3. In the last twenty years, the number of repair shops …...........……..
.(increased, decreased, stay the same)
4. How can we prevent people from throwing away their broken items?
5. Why are some repair shops closing?
6. Choose the suitable title. a. Repair…don't replace b. Low prices cause
mountains of rubbish.

290 290
Reading comprehension (10 M.)
B/Answer or complete the following sentences using information from your
book 'English for Iraq': (Do 5 only)

1. What was Zaid Tariq doing when the shark attacked him?
2. How can we show our families that we care about them?
3. Why did the writer go to the Central Library of Baghdad regularly?
4. Wearing seat belts can prevent …………............…… .
5. Wind power is efficient because …….....……….. .
6. A difficult part of a banker's job is that he cannot ........................

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

A. Complete the sentences with a word from the box. (5 M.)

enhance ,essential, statement, astounded, literal ,sprained

1. I'm waiting for the bank ...................... to check my balance.
2. It is ................... to find ways to reduce the pollution of the environment.
3. Why did the writer go to the Central Library of Baghdad regularly?
4. Wearing seat belts can prevent ............................
5. His .................. ankle prevented him from playing with the team.

B. Give suitable meaning for the following words or phrases. (Do 5 only) (5 M.)
1. the remains of a building
2. Body language
3. A fine welcome
4. Unemployed
5. Occurred
6. Puzzle

C. Choose the best alternative. (Do 5 only) (5 M.)

1. I thoroughly/ considerably enjoyed my staying here.
2. Banks usually pay/ charge interest.
3. I withdrew/ deposited all my balance so I have no money in my bank account
4. You must be 18 to belong/ join the military
5. His throat is sore. He cannot swollen/ swallow.
6. The wind is renewable/ nonrenewable source because it doesn't run out.

D. Complete the following. (Do 5 only) (5 M.)

1. The prefix …...............….. means to reduce or remove.
2. Enhance, enhancement; register, ……................
3. The adjective of attract is …................…….
4. The opposite of fortunate is ..................
5. The past form of admit is ......................
6. Appointment can abbreviated into ......................

292 292
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

A. Follow the instruction and do five of the following sentences. (10 M.)
l. The children cried because the film was so frightening/ frightened.(Choose the
right alternative.)
2. You failed the driving test because you didn't follow the rules.(Show regret.)
3. The hotel is luxurious. I think you will enjoy being there.(Show expectation
using should/ shouldn't)
4. There wasn't ............. space to put all my baggage. (many/ much/ a few)
5. Offer to drive your brother to the match, (Use shall)
6. The university hostel was comfortable. I stayed there for four years.
(Combine u sing where.)

B/ Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. (Do 5 only) (10 M.)
1. I am reading a novel and I ................. (cover) ten chapters so far.
2. I couldn't board the plane because I ................ (lose) my boarding card.
3. What would you buy first if you .................
4. There ................... (not used to) be many malls in my old town.
5. They are films producers. They..................... (make) films since they
graduated from university.
6. Don't phone me after 11 pm tomorrow. I ................. (sleep).

C/ Complete the following sentences. (Do 5 only) (10 M.)

1. They are presenting the new play right now. The new play ...................... .
2.'Can I borrow some money?’ She asked me ............................ .

3. Education is better than 50 years ago. Education is not as …..................…. .
4. The leaves fell because of the wind. The wind made …................... .
5. If you study hard, you ….......................…. .
6. She is going to have a course in English. She decided ……...............……. .

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Q.4) Complete the following. (Do 5 only)

1. In the Swing the writer tries to teach us to live in peace, to love ................ and
.............. family life.
2. War leads to …....................
3. Mohammed Khudhair is an …....……. From ….........….. .
4. How did the woman in "The Canary" describe her heart after the death of
the Canary?
5. The canary is a story about a ................... who found her company in the
.......................... .
6. In The Canary, the woman couldn't take the nail out because she wanted to
................... .

written Component (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B

Q.5( Choose A or B)
A/ Write a short essay giving your opinion about this statement ‘Studying while
you're working is worth all the hard work.‘Your essay should have
introduction and conclusion. You should write 100-120 words.

294 294
B/ Write 100-120 words about this topic 'The government should ban smoking
in all public places.' Link your
ideas and sentences. You can use the following notes to help you.
How harmful cigarettes to the health of smokers and passive smokers? Where
can cigarette advertisements be seen? Who sees them? What sort of messages
de cigarette advertisements give? Do they show successful ,popular, attractive
people smoking? Do they mention the dangers of smoking? Are young people
easily influenced? Could they be influenced by cigarette advertisements? How
common is smoking among young people? Give your own opinion.

Read these texts carefull(10M)

Then answer (five) of the questions that follow: (10 M)

As Anna and Family were on their way to visit some friends. Their car broke
down. Anna, like most people, knew nothing about cars. Luckily, there was a
garage not far away from the spot and with the help of some people the car was
brought there. Soon the mechanic came and without noticing the engine claimed
that the matter was serious and they had to leave the car there, for it needed a
full day's work. The mechanic had certainly discovered that his visitors knew
nothing about cars. Family suggested that he should at least look at the engine
for it might need some fitting. The mechanic opened the bonnet and again
insisted that it was serious. Then he turned to his workshop waiting for their
decision. It happened that Family noticed a loose wire and asked Anna to put it
in place. She did so and to their great pleasure the engine started. The mechanic
was astonished to find out that the car had disappeared when he came back

1. Was the mechanic honest?

2. Why was the mechanic surprised?
3. What was the matter with the car?
4. What did the mechanic claim?
5. What did Emily suggest to the mechanic?
6. Give the passage a suitable title.

296 296
B- Answer (5) of the following questions using the information from your

text book. (10 M)

1. What can high blood pressure cause?
2. What is the most important aspect of wind power?
3. One of the banker's skills is to be good at Maths. (True\ false)
4. What does Latifa, Mustafa's mother, suffer from?
5. Why do some officers direct traffic?
6. What saved Tariq?

Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

Q2) A) Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between

brackets: (10 only (20 M.)

1. Somebody left these books in the classroom. (Passive form)
2. This is the girl ….......…comes from pain. (Use a relative pronoun)
3. Help your friend with his baggage. (Offer)
4. We were speeding when we (see) the police car. (Correct the form of the verb)
5. I can't remember when (I \ took up \ it.) (put in the correct order)
6. Ali would be really happy if be (can) spend the summer studying in London.
(Put the verb in the correct farm)
7. Unfortunouty, my sister phoned me but I wasn't at bome. (regret use. I wish)
8. I'm going to learn Chinese. I decided ……......….. (future in the past)
9. Let’s sake Jameel to the new Italian restaurant. He never went there. (Re-
write the sentence correctly)

10. I've studied hard for the test, so I think I'll pass. (Write the sentence with
should or shouldn't)
11. She's writing letter. She started at two o'clock. (Write in present perfect
continuous with since or for)
12 …………. If is the most important meal of the day. (Use an imperative to give

B) Choose one of the two words between brackets (5 only) (10 M.)
1. Have you (ever\ never) seen our new website?
2. I'm in a really good mood because (I've just finished \ I've just been finishing)
my exams.
3. The children were very (frightened\ frightening) when our car broke down in
the desert.
4. When you get in a car, you (must \ mustn't) put on your seat belt.
5. I haven't seen her (since \ for) three months.
6. I've got (a few \ a little) work to finish, so can you wait a minute?

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with suitable word from the box: (10 M.)

sore - architect - faint - canteen - enroll - boarding card

1. I'm hungry. Let's have lunch in the college …........……..
2. I can't find my ……..........…… I won't be able to get on the plane if I don't
find it.
3. I can't swallow. I have a …........……. throat.

298 298
4."Who designed that amazing building?" My uncle, he's a famous …...........…..
5. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to ……............…..

B) Match the words and phrases in list A with their meanings in list B. (Choose 5)

List A List B
1. put someone in prison a. civilian
2. unemployed b. be in charge
3. without success s c. paramedics
4. supervise d. out of job
5. outside the military e. arrest
6. medical helpers (not doctors or curses ) f. to no avail

C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)
1. joint in the arm, s……........….
2. polite, impolite; usual, ………......…
3. frequent, freq ; computer, ……........…..
4. big, bigger; dangerous, ………........…
5. attend, attendance; register, …......……..
6. speak, spoken; go, ….............…….

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete the following: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.)

1. Why did the woman in "The Canary" forget the evening star?
2. The two main characters in "The Swing" are ….....…… and …...........….
3. Missus was happy to have the Canary because she lived (a lonely \ an
unlonely) life
4. What does the story "The Swing" stress on?
5. The visitor described the child's father as ……...........……..
6. How does the story of "The Canary" end?

written Component (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B

Choose either A or B:
A) Write 100 to 120 words on the advantages of studying English in Britain.
These notes may help you: -You can hear people speaking English all day, in
many different situations -Lots of opportunities to practice speaking. Especially
if staying with a British family. -Watch TV and films in English and listen to
radio. –Read English newspapers, advertisements, notices - Observe British
way of life family.
B) Write 100 to 120 words on this topic "Cigarette advertising should be

300 300
Read these texts carefull(10M)
Q1) A) Read this text carefully then answer (Five) of the questions that follow:
After living and working in London for more than a year, Linda still felt lonely.
She had done all kinds of things in order to make friends but she still had none.
Her only friend was Prince Albert that belonged to the old woman who rented
Linda a room in her house. One day Linda and Prince Albert were walking in
Small Street when the dog pulled her towards a lamp post. The A man was
sitting behind the wheel "Hey! Clear off! Don't come near this car in a low but
clear voice. Linda heard another voice behind her" Get away from to bark at
the second man who was holding a large bag and jumped at him. And the two
men were caught. They were bank robbers.
1. Was Linda happy in London?
2. What was the second man carrying?
3. What were the two men?
4. Did Linda have many friends?
5. What was the name of the dog?
6. Give a suitable title to the passage?

B) Answer (5) of the following questions using the information from your

textbook. (10M)
1. Why does the author say wind power is efficient?
2. Police must be trained to use the radar gun correctly. (True / False)
3. Samira read about the subject of oil in order to ….....…………
4. Workaholics are those people who ……………...……
5. Who rescued Tariq by boat?
6. Where did Mustafa find his mother?

Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

Q2) A) Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between

1. My sister (not be) to college for three days because of a cold.
2. What time have they gone to bed last night. (Re-write the sentence correctly)
3. Hassan thinks he will enjoy a career in graphic design. Hassan thought
….....……, but now he isn't so sure.(Future in the past)
4. Somebody was opening the gates when we arrived. (Re-write in the passive)
5. I can't remember when I / took up / it. (Put in the correct order)
6. Unfortunately, he fell over during the race. That's why he didn't win. (Regret)
7. You have always wanted to fly. I think you will like the Air Force. (Use
"should or shouldn't" to express expectation)
8. If Noor (go) to the shop tomorrow, I won't have to go. (Correct)
9. How long have you been waiting for Samir?
(Write the direct question as a reported question: begin with: He asked me)
10. She (not be) so thin, but she got very ill last year and lost a lot of weight. (Use
the correct form of used to)
11.While my baggage (go) through the X-ray machine, I walked through the me
12. (go to the shops before the plane leaves). (Suggestio)

B) Choose one of the two words between brackets: (Choose 5 only)

1. Your room is a mess. When (are you going to clean it up / do you clean it up)
2. If I had / have) a computer we could search the Internet.
3. I think he (will like/ will be liking) the work.

302 302
4. Souhaib (who's / whose) brother lives in California, is planning a trip to the
USA soon.
5. When you get in a car, you (must/ mustn't) put on your seat belt.
6. Have you worked here (since / for) you graduated?

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the suitable words from the box:

(Pickpockets, seafront, goes up, twisted, architect, placement test)

1. In Britain, the number of diabetics …………….. every year.
2. An ………………… is someone who designs buildings
3. On the first day the students take a ……………………
4. Let's go for a walk along the ……..………… this evening.
5. Crowded areas attract …………………….. who try to steal people's wallets .

B) Match the Compound nouns and words in list A with their definitions in list B.
List A List B
1. Ferry a. the company has a space for a new employ
2. boarding card b. activity in your bank account.
3. Spectacular c. hotels will often give you this if you're go
4. Transactions d. if you lose this, you can't get on an airplane
5. vacancy e. a boat that transports people and goods.
6. packed lunch f. something which is wonderful to look at.

C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only)
1. see, saw; bite, …….................…
2. The opposite of deep: …….............…
3. healthy, unhealthy; moral, …..........……
4. Freq, frequent; comp, ………...........….
5. alerted, called; investigate, ………..........…
6. register, registration; apply, ...........................

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer (5) of the following questions: (Choose 5 only)

1. was the Canary perfect company to the woman?
2. The visitor described the child's father as (smoke / water).
3. When did Mohammed Khudair write "The Swing"?
4. Name two of Mohammad Khudair's works?
5. Why did the woman's heart feel hollow?
6. Why did Sattar come to his friend's house?

written Component (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B
Q5) Choose either A or B: Writing: (20Marks)
A- Write an e-mail of 100 – 120 words telling a friend about a company you
have recently set up with a friend or relative. The company could be producing
one the following: Jewellery, cosmetics, perfume, food or footwear.

B- Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your

statement that you didn't make. Write 100 to 120 words.

304 304
Read these texts carefull(10M)

Q.1) A/ Read this text carefully then answer five of the questions that follow.
Social networking sites become more and more popular every day, and they are
popular all around the world. Now, the top site all over the world is the
Facebook. In fact, Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sited
in the world. Why is the social networking spreading so quickly? One reason is
that because people are sociable. We like to communicate with other people; we
make friends with people in school, at work and online. Most people like to stay
closely connected to their friends and family. We use
call phones, Email, messaging and websites to learn what our friends are doing.
The internet is a good way to socialize and communicate and social websites
allow people to do this in many ways. Social networking is
interactive and personal. People can share photographs of themselves and of
others. They can tell people what they are doing at any moment and keep in
touch. They can join groups with others who share their interests.

1. Skim the paragraph and tell what is it about?

2. Why is the Facebook spreading quickly?
3. How can people keep connected with their friends and family?
4. The word sociable means ......................... (a. like to use the internet b. like to
5. Why is social networking personal?
6. Networking sites are all personal. (True / False)

Reading comprehension (10 M)

B) Answer, complete or decide if the statement is True or False.

1. Mustafa's mother suffers from high blood pressure. (True / False)
2. Radar speed guns work by sending..........................
3. What is one of the skills required from a banker?
4. Define a workaholic.
5. People complain that wind turbines are ...................... and ...........................
6. To train as an interpreter, you need to get a degree in ................... and

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

Q.2) A/ Choose the suitable alternative. (Do 5 only)

1. Trees are (renewable / non-renewable) source of energy.
2. The ferry (works / operates) throughout the year.
3. An elbow is a (join / joint) in the arm.
4. I can (make / take) a withdrawal at an ATM at any time.
5. A large meeting to discuss something is a (conference / workshop)
6. If you don't have a confidence in someone. you (distrust / discourage) him.
B/ Choose a suitable word from the box to fill the blank.
1. The total ................ was less than a million.
2. The waste is ................ into different types.
3. Some people say wind farms ..................... The landscape.
4. I'm going to ........................... in a computer class.
5. Arabs are famous for their .....................

306 306
C/ Fill in the blank: with correctly-spelt wards. (Do 5) (5 M. )
1. The adjective of delight is ......................
2. The past form of wear is .......................
3. Apply, application; register .......................
4. The abbreviation of computer is .....................
5. can not, can't; must not ......................
6. Polite, impolite; conscious ...................
separated balance displayed enroll hospitality spoil

Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

Q.3) A/ Follow the instruction and do 10 of the following. (20 M.)

1. Did Salwa's family moved house yet? (Correct the sentence)
2. The person stole the money. He must be punished. (Combine with who)
3. I met my old friend and he (not change) much. (Correct the verb in brackets)
4. You parked illegally and you got a fine. (Regret use if only .............)
5. Buy some magazines before boarding the plane. (Suggestion)
6. The police found fingerprints in the crime scene. (Change into passive)
7. They trained hard. I don’t think they will lose the match. (should /shouldn't
for expectation)
8. I'm sorry. l can‘t go with you. I (have) an interview with the security
manager. (Use the correct future from)
9. If you had told me about your problem. .................. (Complete the sentence
using your own idea)

10. 'Have you ever been to Europe?' He asked me. (Reported speech)
11. They arrived late because of the traffic jam. The traffic jam
………......….. (Complete the sentence use made)
I2. Define a cameraman. (Use: operate the camera for films or programs.)

B/ Choose the best alternative. (10 M.)

1. She (learns/ is learning) a lot of new things in the course.
2. Yesterday a message (displayed / was displayed) on the screen.
3. If l (see/ saw) him. I will tell him your news.
4. You (don’t have / needn't) give me a lift. I'll take a taxi.
5. Look! Somebody (has dropped / has been dropping) his wallet here.
6. What (he is doing / is he doing) right now?

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Q.4) Answer or complete five of the following:

1. "The canary" is a story written by .....................
2. The woman described the canary as a perfect ........................
3. How did the story of the canary end?
4. Mohammed Khudhair wrote a story about war although he had a crude
5. Sattar couldn't find any other way than to tell the child that her father
6. The Swing is an invitation to ......................

308 308
written Component (20 Marks)
Choose either A or B

Q.5) Write 100 to 120 words. Choose either A or B

A- Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown in your
statement that you didn‘t make.

B- Write an email to your friend who wants to get a job as a security guard.

Read these texts carefull(10M)

Q.1) A) Unseen passage: [10M]

The bus stopped near the park. Several people got out. As the conductor was
going to ring the bell
for the driver to start the bus again, he saw a small boy. The boy was standing
at the bus- stop crying. "What’s the matter?" the bus conductor said to the boy.
"I've lost my money: I had fifty pence but I've lost' it in the park. Now I shall
have to walk at the way' home". "That's all right", 'said the conductor, ".come,
on .We'll take you". The small boy thanked him and got onto the bus. The
Conductor rang the bell, and the bus started. "How far are you going?" asked
the conductor. The boy gave him the name of the place. It was two miles’ a way,
the ticket would have cost twelve pence. Suddenly the boy began to cry again."
What's the matter with you now?" The conductor said." You're on your way
home, aren't you?" "Yes, I ' am'" said the boy, "but what about my change?
You haven't given me that yet. I had fifty pence".

Now answer (five) of the following Questions:

1. Was the boy crying or shouting?
2. The conductor took the boy in the bus. (True or False)
3. The conductor was kind to the boy. (True or False)
4. Did the boy cry during the journey or was he quiet?
5. Give a suitable title.
6. How far was the boy's house from the park?

B) Reading Comprehension: [10M]

Answer with (True or False):
1. Radar detectors are still one of the most common tools in law enforcement.
2. When Mustafa couldn't help his mother he called the emergency services.
3. Literal translation is sometimes useful in interpreting.

310 310
4. A banker needs to be a good communicator.
5. Financially minded people who follow the markets invest in stocks and shares.

Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

A) Choose the correct words: (5 only) (10M)

1. I was thinking ’about you (while / and) then you rang.
2. I don't think I can fit in that parking place. There isn't (much / many) space.
3. Khalil Gibran, (who / whose) wrote a book called the prophet, was a famous
Lebanese poet.
4. The money in a bank account (used / is used) in many ways.
5. I (have / haven't) my suitcase yet.
6. This story is very (bored / boring) I fall a sleep whenever I try to read it.

C) Re-write the sentences follow the instructions between brackets: (5 only)

1. Help your sister with her baggage. (Offer)
2. His car has broken down. He bought it last month. (Combine these sentences
with a relative clause)
3. Unfortunately, they didn't train every day. That's why they lost the match.
(Regret starting with if only or I wish)
4. .................... It’s the most important meal of the day. (Use the imperative to
give advice)
5. She is going to her computer course tomorrow I found out she .......................

6. Smoking is terrible. You should (give - up - it) (put the verb and the object
in the correct order)

Use (must - mustn't - have to - don't have to - need to – needn’t)

1. Please put out your cigarette .You .................. smoke in the police station.
2. What do you ..................... be able to do to get this job?
3. Do you .......................... be 18 to get a driver's licence?
4. You ........................ wash the car today. It looks very clean.
5. Elham ........................ go to the super market today because Dina went
6. ........................the interpreters always translate literally?

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

1 - Match the words in list A with the words in list B that have the same
meaning: [4M]
List A: a place where a bird rests – scraped - precious - fancy.
List B: tidy - removed the dirt - perch - imagination - valuable.

2- Answer or complete the following sentences from your text book. [6M]
a. What does the story “the swing” stress on?
b. The two main characters in "the swing" are ....................... and .......................

312 312
Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

Complete the sentences with the suitable word from the box. (Choose 5)

dams - bit - disadvantages - severe - punctual - diabetes – hired

1. Wind power does have some ...........................
2. The stress of modem life can cause ................. problems.
3. All three countries have ................................. on the river.
4. He was trying to swim a way when the shark ............................ his arm.
5. You should dress well and be .......................................
6. Latifa Mustafa's mother, suffers from .................................

B) Spelling: / Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (5 only) [5M]
1. like dislike; obey, ......................
2. successfully, successful; thankfully, ....................
3. chemistry, chemical; medicine, .........................
4. swim, swam; examine, ...........................
5. blgs., buildings. co., ..........................
6. legal, illegal; smokers, ..................................

written Component (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B
Choose either (A) or (B):
A) Write 100 to 120 words about [ways people can help to improve the
B) Write 100 to 120 words on this topic [Cigarette advertising should be illegal]

Read these texts carefull(10M)
Q1/A/ Read this text carefully then answer five of the questions that follow:
Mary and her husband harry lived in a tiny village one of Mary's prize
possessions was a little white lamb which her husband had given her one
evening the lamb was missing the rope had been cut so it was obvious that the
lamb had been stolen when harry came in from the fields his wife told him what
had I agen ted so he set out to find the thief after telling several of his friends
about the theft harry found out that his neighbor hart had suddenly acquired
anew lamb harry immediately went to Bert's house and angrily accused him of
stealing the lamb he told him he had better return it or he would call the police
Bert denied taking it and led harry into his back yard it was true that he had
just bought a lamb he explained but his lamb was black harry apologized to
Bert for having accused him while they were talking it began to rain and harry
stayed in Bert's house until the rain stopped when he went outside half an hour
later he was astonished to find that the little black lamb was almost white it's
wool which had been dyed black had been washed clean by the rain.

1. What did harry accuse Bert of?

2. Had the lamb been dyed?
3. Why did harry stay in Bert's house for half an hour?
4. What color was Mary's lamb?
5. Why did harry get a surprise when he went outside?
6. Did Bert show harry his new lamb?

B/ Answer 5 of the following questions using the information from your text
1. Why should people save money for the future?
2. Holidays are important for everyone not just the businessman. (true/false)
3. Mustafa had to stand on a chair to …………
4. Why should interpreters read newspapers?
5. Zaid Tariq was ……….. (a- a bad swimmer b- on holiday e- working in
6. How does a reader speed gun work?

314 314
Grammar and Functions: (20 Marks)

Q2/ A/ re write the following sentences follow the instructions between

brackets: (choose 10 only) (20 m)
1. my bedroom ………. (paint) so I'm sleeping in the living room .(complete with
the correct passive from )
2. Adam has come back from Beirut yesterday. (Correct the sentence)
3. The star restaurant has a lovely garden. (you can have a meal there on
summer evenings) (use the correct relative pronoun to make a sentences )
4. You meet a pilot. You ask (how long / be a pilot) (write a question using the
words in brackets)
5. They ……. In the desert when they ……..a large snake. (camp/see) (put the
correct verb in the correct tense past continuous or past simple )
6. unfortunately they didn‘t train everyday that‘s why they lost the match.
(regret use I wish )
7. I'm going to learn Chinese. I decided …….. (Future in the past)
8. if he (log on ) to the British council site, he (find) quite a lot of useful
information about courses in British .(correct)
9. The previous owner cut down the trees. (re-write in the passive form )
10. (meet at 3.00 in the departure lounge ). (Suggestion)
11. ……….. (you / buy) any maps of London or guidebooks yet? (Complete with
the correct from)
12. He (like) going out, but now he always wants to stay at home. (Use the
correct from of used to)

B/ Choose one of the two words between brackets (choose 5 only)
1. When we got to the cinema, the film (has/had) started.
2. Dana (is going to volunteer / volunteers) at the hospital when she has more
3. I've got ) work to finish so can you wait a minute?
4. Please put out your cigarette. You (mustn‘t needn‘t) smoke in the hospital.
5. I 'm sorry I can't go with you. I (will go to the dentist's then / am going to the
dentist's then)
6. He’s a very (interested / interesting) person. He has lots of great stories to tell.

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

Q3/A/ Complete the sentences with the suitable word from the box:

(value, mandatory, online, valid, application, buried )

1. waste is often burnt or …….............…..
2. you must send your ….....……to the school by 10 may if you want to start in
July .
3. A qualification in English is ……….......... if you want to study in England.
4. The …........…….. of an investment can go down as well as up .
5. If you have internet access you can bank ……....….

B/ match the words and phrases in list A with their meanings in list B. (choose 5
List A List B
1. a person who saw or heard something at the time of a crime . a. conference
2. Ambitious b. hospitality
3. a large meeting to discuss something. c. the emergency service.

316 316
4. unemployed. d. witness.
5. the police, fire department , ambulance e. ambitious
6. a fine welcome f.

C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words: (choose 5 only)

1. take, took; throw ……….........
2. apt, appointment; co …….....……….
3. small, smaller; good, …………......
4. make certain, ensure; taken quickly, …….....……
5. enhance, enhancement; admit ………......….
6. injured, hurt; investigate, ………........……

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer (5) of the following questions:

1. What does the swing tell about?
2. The nail to the right of the front door brought back the sweet memories of the
bird to missus .(true / false)
3. The swing stresses that war …........……..
4. when missus said:" when I found him lying on his back with his eyes dim" she
meant he was ………
5. The two main characters in "the swing" are ….........….. and ……....…..
6. People have the idea that birds are heartless and cold little creatures. (true /

written Component (20 Marks)
Choose either A or B

Q5/ choose either A or B:

A/ write a steps Casey guying your opinion about this statement "studying while
you 're working is worth all the hard work" your essay should have a short
introduction and a conclusion remember to use linking words and phrases .
You should write 100 -120 words.
B/ write 100 - 120 words on the advantages of studying English in Britain

318 318
Read these texts carefull(10M)
Q1/ A. Read the following story.
An important businessman went to see his doctor because he could not sleep at
night. The doctor examined him carefully and the said to him, 'Your trouble is that
you need to learn to relax. Have you got any hobbies? The businessman thought
for a few moments and then said, No, doctor, I haven't. I don't have any time for
hobbies. Well, the doctor answered; that is your main trouble, you see you don't
have time for anything except your work. You must find some hobbies, and you
must learn to relax with them, or you'll be dead in less than five years. Why don't
you learn to paint pictures?' All right, doctor, ‘The businessman said.’ I'll try that.
The next day he telephoned the doctor and said,' That was a very good idea of
yours, doctor. Thank you very much. I've already painted fifteen pictures since I
saw you.

Answer the following. Choose 5 only. (10 M.)

1. Why did the businessman go to his doctor?
2. What did the doctor advise him to do?
3. What would happen to the businessman if he didn't listen to the doctor's
4. The businessman had a lot of time for hobbies. (True/ false)
5. The businessman painted 51 pictures. (True/ false)
6. Choose the suitable title: a. The doctor's hobbies b. Not able to sleep

B/ Answer or complete the following sentences. Choose five only.
Reading comprehension (10 M.)

1. Why are holidays important?

2. What is a radar detector?
3. To train as interpreter, you must get a degree in ………...…..…. and a
……...…..……… in interpreting.
4. Mustafa was puzzled because his mother ……....…...……
5. People think that wind turbines are unattractive and …….............…..
6. One of the duties of a police officer is to ………......…………

Grammar and Functions: (20 Marks)

Q2) A/ Do as required. Do 10 only.

1. Citiies ………....……… (not be) polluted. (Use to)
2. While he …………………… (skate), he fell over. (use the correct form of the
3."What are you doing?'.He asked me ……....……….. (reported the question)
4. What would you buy if you ..................... (win) a million pounds? (Complete
using the correct conditional.)
5. Somebody is cleaning the room right now. (Put the sentence into passive)
6. (How long/ you/ be a pilot?) (Question use present perfect simple or
7. He is going to register in an English course. He decided ……....………..
(Complete using future in the past.)
8. They lost the match. (show regret using if only ……...…)

320 320
9. I …………………. (lock) the door before I left the house. (Use past perfect
or past simple)
10. (help you with your baggage) (offer. Use shall.
11. My father asked someone to fix the computer. My father …………… (Use get)

B/ Choose the correct alternative. (Do 5 only) (10M)

1. I think she (will like/ will be liking) the work.
2. Beirut, (where/ which) is full of cafes, is very interesting.
3. We left two hours early. We (should/ shouldn't) miss the plane.
4. We hope that we can live (peaceful/ peacefully) together.
5. I like these shoes. Can I (try on them/ try them on)?
6. You are driving fast. You (have/ needn't) slow down.

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

Q3. A\ Complete the following sentences from words in the box. (10M)
( Boarding, empty, buried ,withdrawal, stressful ,loan)
1. Workig alone in a booth is ………………..
2. There is nothing in the bag. It's …………………
3. I lost my ….....……card, so I couldn't get into the plane.
4. I got a …............... from the bank to buy a car.
5. Waste is often burnt or.............…

B/ Choose the correct option. Do 5 only 5M
1. We considerably/ thoroughly enjoyed all the entertainment.
2. If you dislike/ distrust someone you don't have confidence in them.
3. In the military, you can have a test to become an officer / official.
4. I deposited/ installed 5 million Iraqi dinars this morning.
5. Let's go on a package / packed deal to Italy.
6. My ankle/ elbow hurts. I can't walk.

C/ Complete the following. (Do 5 only) 5M

1. Company, co.; years ………………..
2. Meet, met; sleep …………………
3. Polite, impolite; expensive, …………………
4. Show, display; stuff ……............…….
5. Apply, application; enhance …….......……
6. Wonder, wonderful; luxury, ……........……

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Q4. Answer or complete the following. (Do 5 only)

1. The Swing is a story written by …........…who was born and educated in
2. The Swing is about a soldier Sattar …...................
3. In The Canary, The woman was very sad because ….......…………
4. How did Sattar convey his message to the little girl?
5. What was the canary to the woman?
6. Where was Katherine Mansfield born?

322 322
written Component (20 Marks)
Choose either A or B

Q5. Writing. (20 Marks) Choose A or B.

A. Write 100 to 120 words about this topic. “Cigarette advertisements should be

B. Complete an e-mail of 100-120 words to your friend telling her of a company

you set up recently. You can choose any product. Dear Badria,

Read these texts carefull(10M)

Q.1) A. Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the following questions. (10M)
A famous writer who was visiting Japan was invited to give a lecture at a
university to a large group of students. As most of them couldn't understand
spoken English, he had to have an interpreter. During his lecture he told an
amusing story which went on for rather a long time. At last he stopped to allow
the interpreter to translate it into Japanese, and was very surprised when the man
did this in a few seconds, after which all the students laughed loudly. After the
lecture, the writer thanked the interpreter for his good work and then said to him
"Now please tell me how you translated that long story of mine into such a short
Japanese one." "I didn't tell the story at all, "the interpreter answered with a
smile "I just said," "the honorable lecturer has just told a funny story. You will
all laugh, please."

1. Did the famous writer speak Japanese well?

2. Why was the writer surprised?
3. What invitation did the writer in the story receive?
4. Who took rather a long time to tell the story?
5. The interpreter told the students a different funny story. (True/ False)
6. Why did the students laugh?

B/ Answer or Complete (5) of following sentences using information from your

text book:
1. What two complaints do people who live near wind turbines have about them?
2. "Workaholics" are those people who …..............…..
3. How is the daily selection of newspapers and magazines in a library useful?

324 324
4. Why did Zaid Tariq scream?
5. Investing in stocks and shares. (a. is fun for some people b. will always
make a profit )
6. Banks that work with large companies can ….................….

Grammar and Functions: (20 Marks)

A/ Re-write the following sentences follow the instructions between brackets:

(Choose 10) (20 M.)
1. A scorpion (hold) (write true sentence with "never" about you)
2. Luckily, didn't drive very fast. The child ran into the road. (join use "when")
3. Unless he makes a big effort this term, he (not get through) the end of -year
exams. (correct)
4. Most smokers (take up/it) as teenagers. (put in the correct order)
5. My mother asked somebody to paint the house. (rewrite using the correct form
of get or make)
6. (give me your passport) (polite request)
7. "Have you ever had a scary experience when flying?" she asked …..............
(reported question)
8. Unfortunately, I didn't wake up early. That's why I missed my bus. (regret use
"I wish")
9. He …..............… (tell) Dana she passed the exam. (put the verb in the correct
future form)
10. My father wrote this letter. (Re-write in the passive form)
11. Bashir is going to buy a car very soon. (He passed his driving test last week)
(use the correct relative pronoun to make one sentence)

12. ….....… at least a liter and a half every day. Tea, coffee and soft drinks
are not water. (use an imperative to give advice)

B/ Choose of the two words between brackets: (Choose 5) (10 M)

1. If I had passed the test, I (would become/ would have become) a pilot.
2. He studied hard. He (should/ shouldn't) pass the exam.
3. The volunteer promised the children he (was/ would be) back the following
4. He has had that motorbike (since /for) three years.
5. This book is very (bored/ boring). I fall asleep whenever I try to read it.
6. The machine (is repaired/ is being repaired) at the moment.

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

Q.3/ A/ Complete each sentence with suitable word from the box:

( deforestation, hostels, involve, burglar, faint, spectacular )

1. We have our own students' ….........….
2. As the sun began to set, we had a …............… view of the city.
3. The process of cutting down large number of trees is called ….......….
4 I feel dizzy. I think I am going to …............…
5. A ……............. can hide behind trees and bushes

B/ Choose the best selection:

1. In the military, you can take a test to become an (officer official).

326 326
2. She is a (geometric/ medical) student. She should qualify as a doctor
in two years' time.
3. To cross the river we had to (sail/ board) a ferry.
4. (This/ That) is Samir Esam.
5. I'm calling (about/ because) your advert in yesterday's paper.
6. At 11.15, police were (called/ alerted) by Mr. Smith.

C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words: (5 only)

1. beauty, beautiful; danger, …......….
2. break, broken; ride, …….........
3. deep, shallow; military, …..........…
4. surprised, puzzled; snatched, ….......…..
5. ankle, joint; bandage, …..............…
6. teach, teacher; rob, …............….

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Q.4) A/Answer or complete (three) of the following:

1. Mohammed Khudair's short stories appeared in …...........……
2. Why does Katherine Mansfield remain famous?
3. Sattar and Haleema ate …............……
4. Why was the woman in "The Canary'' happy to have the canary?
5. Was the canary perfect company to the woman?

B/ Match in list A with the words in list B that have the same meaning. (Do
4 only)
List A: 1. blouse 2. neat 3. scarcely 4. wondered 5. Sustain
List B: a. hardly b. support emotionally c. woman's shirt d. tidy e. asked or
thought about

written Component (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B

Q.5) Choose either A or B.

A/ Write an e-mail of 100 to 120 words about a really bad day out where
everything went wrong. Use your imagination. Start like this: Dear … I had a
terrible day last Saturday. I wish I had stayed in bed then all this would not
have happened.

B/ Write a short article for a travel magazine of about 100 to 120 words on: "A
wonderful holiday I have had"

328 328
Read these texts carefull(10M)

Q.1/ A. Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the following questions. (10M)
Sarah Chris is a freelance who work at home. She bought a laptop from a
superstore at a last price. When she took it home, she discovered that the screen
was scratched. The store agreed to exchange it. When a new laptop was brought
to her home, Sarah fount that the outside cover was broken. Again she
complained, so the store offered her another computer but this one didn't work
right, either. Some of the keys on the keyboard were loose. Finally she was offered
an over checked one, but is was out of work a week after she started using it. At
this point, Sarah got angry and she wrote the manager a letter explaining that
she was losing work because of all the computer problems. The store offered
Sarah the full price of the computer price 1000$ for all the problems she had

1. How many laptops did Sarah receive from the store?

2. Where does Sarah work?
3. Why was Sarah angry?
4. The price of the computer was 1000$. (True/False)
5. Why did Sarah lose work?
6. Choose the suitable title a. The keys were loose b. Sarah's laptop
Reading comprehension
B/ Read the following and answer, complete or say if true or false: (do 5 only)
1. One of the police officer's duties is to ….........…..
2. Wind power is renewable because it ....................

3. How can we invest our money?
4. Why are holidays important?
5. Mustafa's blood pressure dropped too low. (True/ False)
6. To be a good interpreter you should think fast. (True/ False)

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

Q2/A: Complete the following from the words in the box:

( hospitality, loan, vacancies, replace, detector literal)

1. They served us with a variety of food. Their ……………….. was incredible.
2. I wanted to train as a web designer but there were no ………………..
3. ……………….. translation doesn't convey the sense.
4. I have to ……………….. the door it is not solid
5. He took a ……………….. to pay for his car

B/ Choose the correct answer (Choose 5 only)

1. My throat is very sore, I can't (swallow/ swollen)
2. The holiday lives up to my (expectation/ wishes)
3. I'm afraid your card is no more (expired/ valid)
4. A person who rescues swimmers is a (tour guide/ lifeguard)
5. To get on a list of people means to (enhance/ register)
6. The ferry (operates/ works) throughout the year.

C/ Complete the gaps. (Do 5 only) (5 M.)

1. admit, admission; enroll, ……............….
2. appt, appointment; exp, ………............…

330 330
3. Polite, impolite; trust, ………............…
4. Steal, stolen; hit, ……........…....
5. Cream, medicine; ankle, …….........…..… 6. Wind, power; global,

Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

Q3.A/ Follow the instructions and do (10) of the following: (20 M.)
1. (leave keys in the flower pot). (Give advise)
2. If I won a million pounds ….............……. (Complete the sentence)
3. Girls (not go) to school? (used, use to)
4. I have been reading a story and so far I …............... finish three sections. (put
the verb in the correct tense)
5. When are you going to get out of bed? My mother asked me ………....…
6. Unfortunately you drove through red light. You failed the driving test. (show
7. You know your friend. (Question, how long).
8. They signed the cheque last week. (Put the sentence into passive)
9. Salwa wants to be interpreter. She speaks three languages. (Combine with a
relative pronoun)
10. As he was running, he …........….. (fall) down. (Put the verb in the correct
11. I asked someone to paint my room off white. (Re - write the sentence using

B/ Choose the correct alternatives (Do 5 only) (10 M.)
1. The English course (begins/ is beginning) on the first March
2. He couldn't recognize the place because it (changed/ had changed) a lot
3. I've studied hard for the exam I (should/ shouldn't) fail
4. You (mustn't/ don't have to) smoke in hospitals.
5. The film is (wonderful/ wonderfully) directed.
6. We haven't met (since /for) we were in school Literature Focus

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete the following: (Do 5 only) (10 M.)

1. What does Mohammed Khudhair think of war?
2. How did Sattar convey his message to the little girl?
3. Two of Mohammed Khudhair's work are ….....……
4. When did Katherine Mansfield become famous?
5. How did the woman in The Canary describe her heart after the death of the
6. The people were attracted by the …...........…. of the canary. Writing

332 332
written Component (20 Marks)
Choose either A or B

Q5/ Choose either A or B.

A/ Write an e-mail of 100 to 120 words to a friend telling him about a bad day
when everything went bad

B/ Write 100 to 120 words about the advantages of learning English in

Britain. These notes may help you - You can her people speak English in
many different situations. - Lots of opportunities to practice speaking,
especially if studying with a British family. - Watch T.V. in English and listen
to radio - Read English newspapers, advertising and notices - observe British
way of life. - Possible stay with British family.

Read these texts carefull(10M)

Q1/A/Read this text carefully. Then answer (5) of the questions that follow

Mr. Jones had a few days’ holiday, so he said "I'm going to go to the mountains
by train.”He put on his best clothes, took a small bag, went to the station and got
into the train. He had a beautiful hat, and he often put his head out of the window
during the trip and looked at the mountains. But the wind pulled his hat off. Mr.
Jones quickly took his old bag and threw that out of the window too. The other
people in the carriage laughed. "Is your bag going to bring your beautiful hat
back?" they asked. "No. "Mr. Jones answered, "but there's no name and no
address in my hat, and there's a name and an address on the bag. Someone's going
to find both of them near each other, and he's going to send me the bag and the
1. How did Mr. Jones go to the mountains?
2. Mr. Jones threw his hat out of the window. (true/ false)
3. Why did the people in the carriage laugh at Mr. Jones?
4. Why did Mr. Jones throw his bag out of the window?
5. What did Mr. Jones often do during the trip?
6. Give a suitable title.

B) Answer or complete the following sentences using information from your

text book: (Choose 5) (10 M.)
1. Why do brain and body need a break?
2. At the library the writer can learn how to apply for jobs. (True/ False)

334 334
3. What did Mustafa tell the emergency operator?
4. What is the most important aspect of wind power?
5. When Zaid Tariq got back to the dry land he was taken ………..…. (a.
straight back to his hotel b. to get medical attention)
6. What is the difficult part of the banker's job?

Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

A) Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets:

(Choose 10 only) (20M)

1. The journey normally takes four hours so I think we will get there about six.
Use (should or shouldn't for expectation)
2. Define a tour guide.
3. These trousers were too long so (I/ took up/ them) to make them fit. (put in the
correct order)
4. My sister (hide) my purse under the bed while I (not look). (correct)
5. She is going to her computer course tomorrow night. I found out she
…..........….. (future in the past)
6. Let's take Jameel to the new Chinese restaurant. He never went there. (correct
the sentence)
7. I asked the mechanic to check the brakes. (Re-write with the correct form of-
have/ make-)
8. He ….........……. (leave) at 10.00 . (put the verb in the correct future form)
9. Somebody stole my wallet last week. (Re- write in the passive form)
10. How long was the training? He asked ……............….. (reported question)

11. you bought some shoes last week. You've decided you don't like them.
(regret use "if only")
12. He (be) more attractive if he shaved his beard off. (correct)

B) Choose one of the two words between brackets: (5 only) (10 M.)
1. Hiba (needn't / mustn't) go to the supermarket today because Dana went
2. Muna (gets/ got) married to Ghassan two years ago.
3. When you say you are sending something with the letter, you say (Here's .../ I
enclose ...) for formal letter.
4. My bedroom (is being painted/ is painted), so I'm sleeping in the living room
5. What's the most (excited/ exciting) thing, you have ever done?
6. How (many/ much) exercise does he take a week?

Vocabulary and Spelling (20 Marks)

A: Complete sentences with the suitable words from the box. (10 M.)

(Canteen / obey / excursion / skill / register / recycled)

1. In some countries, more than 50% of waste is ……………
2. Hotels will often give you packed lunch if you are going on a full day
3. you can …………… for this class by completing a form online.
4. Drivers must …………… the speed limit.
5. Breakfast is provided and students can buy other meals in the on – side

336 336
B: Match the words and phrases in list (A) with their meaning in the list (B)
(Choose 5 only) 5 M.
List (A) List (B)
1. headphones a. a person who is looking for a job
2. vacancy . b. a written request
3. jobseeker c. things you put over your ears to listen privately
4. seat belt d. the company has a space for a new employee.
5. application e. medical helpers (Not doctors or nurses).
6. paramedics f. this protects you when you are driving or flying.

C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words: (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)
1. ring, rang; fly, …...............….. 2. Fast, faster; funny, …….........….
3. 18 years, 18 yrs.; driving licence, …..............….
4. Joint in the arm, e…....……… 5. happy, unhappy; efficient, …...........…….
6. attend, attendance; enhance, …........…….

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete (5) of the following questions:

1. Will the women in the (The Canary) have another bird?
2. How old was Mohammed Khudair when he wrote "The swing"
3. In 1917 Katherine Mansfield became ill with (a. diabetes b. tuberculosis)
4. Sattar came to his friend's house to ……......………
5. How did the Canary greet his owner in the morning?

6. Mohammed Khudair's best works include: 1. ……............…. 2.
7. Where did the woman in the Canary use to hang the Canary cage?

written Component (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B

Q5/ Writing: (20 Marks) Choose either A or B.

A/ Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your
statement that you didn't make. Write 100 to 120 words.
B/ Write 100 to 120 words about ways people can help to improve the

338 338
‫قواعد إضافة (‪(ing‬‬

‫‪ -1‬اذا انتهى الفعل بحرف ‪ e‬يحذف واضيف ‪ ing‬للفعل‬

‫‪Write _ writing‬‬
‫‪Come ____ coming‬‬
‫‪Queue _ queuing‬‬
‫‪Drive driving‬‬

‫‪ -2‬اذا انتهى الفعل بحرف صحيح وقبله حرف عله يضاعف الحرف الصحيح واضيف ‪ing‬‬
‫‪Put __ putting‬‬
‫‪Cut _ cutting‬‬
‫‪Stop __ stopping‬‬
‫‪Swim ____ swimming‬‬

‫‪ - 3‬اذا انتهى الفعل بحرف ‪ y‬سواء قبله حرف صحيح أو حرف عله ال يقلب ‪ i‬فقط أضيف ‪ing‬‬
‫‪Play _ playing‬‬
‫‪Study _ studying‬‬
‫‪Fly flying‬‬
‫‪Stay _ staying‬‬
‫‪Cry ____ crying‬‬

‫‪ - 4‬اذا انتهت هذه األفعال بحرف ‪ ie‬تقلب إلى ‪ y‬واضيف ‪ing‬‬

‫‪Tie _ tying‬‬
‫‪Die __ dying‬‬
‫‪Iie _ lying‬‬
‫‪ -5‬اذا انتهت األفعال ب ‪ ee‬فقط أضيف ‪ing‬‬
‫‪Agree ____ agreeing‬‬
‫‪See ____ seeing‬‬

‫‪-6‬هذه الكلمات فقط نضيف ‪ing‬‬

‫‪Open ____ opening‬‬
‫‪Listen ____ listening‬‬
‫‪Visit _ visiting‬‬

‫قواعد إضافة (‪(ed‬‬

‫تضاف ‪ ed‬لألفعال عندما تكون الجملة في صيغة الحاضر التام والماضي البسيط والتام‬
‫والمستقبل التام وفي صيغة المبني للمجهول في االفعال النظامية‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬اذا كانت الكلمة منتهيه بـ ‪ e‬عند اضافة ‪ ed‬نحذف الـ ‪ e‬ونضيف الـ ‪ ed‬مثل ‪ :‬يفضل ‪like → liked‬‬
‫يستخدم ‪use → used‬‬
‫‪ -2‬اذا كانت الكلمة منتهيه بـ ‪ y‬يسبقة حرف ساكن عند اضافة ‪ ed‬نحذف الـ ‪ y‬ونضيف ‪ ied‬مثل ‪ :‬يدرس‬
‫‪study → studied‬‬
‫‪ -3‬اذا كانت الكلمة منتهيه بـ ‪ w‬او ‪ y‬يسبقة حرف صوتي عند اضافة ‪ ed‬ال تحذف اي شيء وال نضعف اي‬
‫شيء سوا ‪ ed‬فقط حتى لو سبق بالحرف الصوتي حرف ساكن مثل ‪ :‬يلعب ‪play → played‬‬
‫‪ -4‬اذا كانت الكلمة منتهيه بحرف ساكن ‪ +‬حرف صوتي عند اضافة ‪ ed‬نضعف الحرف االخير من الكلمة ثم‬
‫نضيف ‪ ed‬مثل ‪:‬يخطط ‪plan → planned‬‬

‫‪340‬‬ ‫‪340‬‬
‫قواعد إضافة (‪(ed‬‬

‫‪ -1‬تضاف ‪ s‬لألسماء واالفعال عندما تكون الجملة في صيغة الحاضر البسيط‬

‫‪ -2‬اذا كانت الكلمة منتهيه بـ = ‪z – sh – ch – s – ss‬عند اضافة ‪ s‬للكلمة نضيف ‪ es‬وليس فقط ‪ s‬مثل ‪:‬‬
‫‪bus→ Buses -3‬‬
‫‪ -4‬اذا كانت الكلمة منتهية بـ ‪ o‬يسبقة حرف ساكن عند اضافة ‪ s‬نصيف ‪ es‬عوضا ا عن ‪ s‬مثل ‪do → does :‬‬
‫‪ -5‬اذا كانت الكلمة منتهيه بـ ‪ y‬يسبقة حرف ساكن عند اضافة ‪ s‬نحذف الـ ‪ y‬ونضيف ‪ ies‬مثل ‪:‬‬
‫‪cry → cries‬‬


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