Christmas Carol Script

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Scene 1

Children- (Child 1) Yay tomorrow is Christmas! We are going to have a lot of fun
tomorrow. (Child 2) We are perky with the delight and wonders of Christmas!
(Mr. Scrooge passes by and hears children talking)
Mr scrooge – Bah! Hambug !, Christmas! This is all rubbish! This is just an
excuse for lazy people to have fun.
( passes by)
Scene 2

Narrator 1- Ebenezer Scrooge is sitting in his house, counting money. The clock
strikes seven.)

Scrooge: (grumpy) Christmas! A poor excuse for picking a man's pocket every
twenty-fifth of December!

Narrator 2- The door opens, and Jacob Marley's ghost enters, wrapped in chains.)

Marley: Ebenezer Scrooge!

Scrooge: (startled) What do you want from me?

Marley: I am here to warn you, Ebenezer. I wear the chains I forged in life. I
made it link by link and yard by yard. I girded it on of my own free will, and of my
own free will, I wore it. You have a chance and hope of escaping my fate.

Scrooge: (nervously) What are you, then?

Marley: I am doomed to wander through the world and witness what I cannot
share but might have shared on earth and turned to happiness! I cannot rest, I
cannot stay, I cannot linger anywhere.

Scrooge: (fearful) Why are you haunting me?

Marley: I am here to save you. Tonight, you will be visited by three spirits. Expect
the first when the bell tolls one.

(Marley vanishes, and Scrooge is left in shock.

Scene 3

Narrator 1When the bell chimed one

Narrator 2 Scrooge lies on the bed as the room is filled with soft light. The Ghost of
Christmas Past appears.)

Ghost of Christmas Past: Rise, Ebenezer Scrooge! I am the Ghost of Christmas

Past. Look upon me.

Scrooge: What do you want from me?

Ghost of Christmas Past: I am here to show you the silhouette of the things that
have been. Come, walk with me.

( When they visit the baby Scrooge’s time.)

(They travel through time, witnessing scenes from Scrooge's past.)

Baby Scrooge- Hooray! Today is Christmas, I will be gathering lots of gifts and
chocolates surplus the blessing of elderly ones and God.

Christmas Past- Look,! , Look Scrooge!, how you used to thrive with joy, love, and
thrill for Christmas! Although, after such pleasant memories of Christmas you had,
you dissolved all those consequences that you captured while you were a little

Ebenezer Scrooge- I have changed with time, from a benevolent personality who
used to respect the significance of Christmas to a covetous one.

Christmas Past- Change your mindset!

Narrator 2- The Ghost of Christmas Past dissipates and after Scrooge travels
through time and returns to his own house.

Scrooge: Ah! Ah! This must be a bad dream!

Scene 4

*Narrator 1 – when the clock resonated two.

Ghost of Christmas present manifests.

Ghost of Christmas Present: Ebenezer Scrooge, I am the Ghost of Christmas

Present. Nudge my robe.

Narrator 2- They travel through the city, observing Christmas celebrations. They
suddenly notice
Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim are seated around the table.

Scrooge: Spirit, tell me if Tiny Tim will reside or not.

Ghost of Christmas Present: I see a vacant seat in the poor chimney-corner and
a crutch without an owner. If these shadows remain unaltered by the future, the child
will die.

(The ghost of Christmas present disappears and Scrooge returns to his home again)

Scene 5

Narrator- When the bell tolls 3

(The ghost of the future Christmas appears )

Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come: I am the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. You
will see what is yet to come if you continue down this path.

(They observe scenes of death and mourning.)

Scrooge: Spirit, I fear you more than any specter I have seen. Lead me away from

(They travel to Tiny Tim's house.)

Scrooge: Tell me, will Tiny Tim live?

Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come: (points to Tiny Tim's empty chair)

Scrooge: No, no. Oh, kind Spirit, assure me that I may yet change these shadows
you have shown me by an altered life!

( The Ghost gives no answers to Scrooge’s question but disappears)

(Scrooge finds him on his bed and sleeps in deep thoughts)

Scene 6

(Scrooge wakes up on Christmas morning.)

Scrooge: I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year.

(Scrooge becomes generous, and embraces the spirit of Christmas.)

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