Power Sharing

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Ch-1 Power Shaung

Dein Ehe allauing teumb

1Ethnic- Asocial division based On shanad

cultur Peoble belongins
to sane ebhnie qhoub believe in thoih comnon doscent.
lhey noed nat aluay have bhe sane heligion Oh
2Majouritahuarism- A belia Ehat the _majouhity commuh
should be able bo hule aco unbuy in
Luhicheuc way it wata, by dis hegarnding
Ehe wishe on needs ominahiEy

3 CLvil won- A vidlent con lict between oppabing ghaubs uiiEhun

cOuntu that becoas bo ibene Ehat t apbeas
ike aw0

4 Community gavemmenb-At b elecbed by beskle belonguy bo

Ce LangLage commuhity -Oubch, Drench and
geuman-sheaking ha mabter whte Ehe ve
Ihis gouennment hab baulo neqarding culeuhal
educabi.onal and lanquaae thelabd issuea

5 Prudentiol -Baxed on Pruden.ce,o on cahell calculabion of

qauns and losseb. Prudenkial decisiona ahe a l y
conthalbed with decision based bunely on
mohal conbidehatio
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Chabto- 1 d dndk
Pow o Shaing


bwen Shanug is the

disbribubion o þolibicall power ina
demachacy amon a many citizens os þossiblo wLth vahLed
powe shabtu ng abhang mont.Exaimple: Hohizonbal distribubion o pol
Vontical listhibution ol bowa
Why Pouer Shating?
Shahina Bhe oueh betuueen the Leqis lature, Executiue and
Judiciany iveny ebential ko be deaign ol denac. ha.cy
Sbozies hom Belauum and Sai lanka bell us how demacsacy
handle demands loh Pouwer Shahing L

Snall countty in Euhobe, Smallen in aoa bhan Hatyana
Bohdes: France, Nether lands, Grehmany and Luxemberg Euraoe
Pobulabion: Above 1 choh
Ethnic Combobibich o bobulation i-

50 0%
1. Live in Flemish Aegion 1Live Ln Wallania n0gior 1 h@rman
2 sheak Dubch Languae 2 Steak Fnench Lang uage

Capibal ciby BRUSSELS

0 20%
speak hondh sbenR Dubch
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lensions bebaeen Dukch speaking and Frenah. speaking

Communities laso's 1960)

nohiby Enench sbeaRina cammuunity usab hich ad bouwend

ahidh was hat dked by the Dutch speaking commiunity uha gat
Eka bene{ths o eco -develapm@nt and educabion_much late

Tensons wenL moh0accute in BhusL

Shecia hablam in Bruseh Dutch sþeaking besble const/Eutes
la majpniky in Eha. caunthu, but a minoniby in tha cabikal
What could halppen in
such a
he Dubch comimuniby could baka.
advantage o its mijahity
and lotce its til on Bee Fiench and
This woul push Hhe conlict henan 3eakLng Ptbulaton
2E could lead bo Aueu mossy
2Both bhe bides uwoul pahtibion ol tha countEy
claim_conthal oueh Ehe cabibal, BRUssELS
Date 30-03 21

Pouweh Shahing

Accommodabion un Belgiun /Steps taken by Belaium Lsadoss

The Bclauumleades Look a dilleant þath.
They hecoquised he exigbence of heqional and Cultuhal
Between1910 and 1g93 bhey anended then.conbibubion 4 bimes ba
enabe eueny one Eo ve boqehar within the sane counEy.

kEloments o Belgiuum model OR The amaangments bhey cooRad aut

b dilh.ant hom any other countuy and i ve inntuaiue."Tut

Consbi bubion phaschiba that bhe numbe of Dukch and Erench-spea

-kina minisbehs shalL be equal in bhe cenEhal gavehunent Some
speciall aus heajue Bho bubpont omajohiby omembênshan each
Gnguisbic.qhau Ths, ha inglo commuriky can make.de cisions
Many pous@ns oEhL cenbhallgouement. haue been qiven ko Ababe
oouehnm@nta o bha buso hegions o tha counbhy The babe gouchnmené
a92not 8ubohdinate bobhe Centhal Cnauerumenb
Bhussdla ha a ephate goument in which bobh bhe cammunikles
haue equal rehhosenbabion Tha EhNch-8heaRing peoplo accepbed
eAual nephesentabion in Brussels because the Bubeh sheaklng
lcommuniby has accepted equal ho. phosentationLn Cenbaal Ga ouerunment
Aantson bha Cenbhal and Sbabe qoueumenb, thane is a bhind kind
pl aouenvnent. Lemmunity Gouerunhm@hE) is elecbedbyYbelonging baone
lanauage Commuriby- Dukch, French and Gehman-sbeaking-na matber
ehgne bhey live. Th goueunenb has þawer heganding culbusal
Page Ho

educabional, and Lonnuaae-helaked isugs
TheTheBelgian model is indeed uey complicatod but Ehien
hale chRed uoll 30 ja Hous'
Tha halped auiod ciwic sbrile between the Ewo majo

Cammunibies and a. þosibla division of caunbuy on linguis tic liva

when man counies of Euncpe.carne Eoqethen bo ahm Euopean
wion, Bauussels wa dhosen as lta headquabors
E Page No.


Powe Shahing

*Main domands ol Si Lankan Tamil1

Recognition o Tamils a an ollicial langunoe

Reaional Autonomylindependent þawen)-
Eualiy o oponunilty in educabion and jobs
Stnaned Rolaios between Sinhala and Tamil Communities

AL the gevenment measuhe) incheased the Joaling alienabion

omono Snilan kan Tanib

Ihe olt thak nane dthe ma on Polibi.col Panties lod by buddhist

sinh ala Qeadens uxis sensibive ta Ehein langung e+Cultuno.

hay olt that bhe Constitubion and qovenment Poli.bi.cian donied

Ehem eajual political aights

They dischiminated anaint them in gebting jdbs and in naed theia


stepa baken by Snilakan Tanils

They aundhod Panties and stugaLea Jon necognition oTamils a an
clicial, lanaunae

2 Fon eaienal aukonomuy and eauality ef obpahtunibyin secunina

educabic and jebs

3B1930's seuenal. Peliticml onganigationg seno armod demanding an

EPage No.


bndebendent Tamil Eclam state in Nonthon and Eabesn pants

Si Lon ka

Results o. the civil wan-

he distaust between the, tioo commlunities tuned ibnto wide.sph@ad

esnlict and stanbed a civil wah

housaindb ol þeable o both bhe commuunlties haue been killed

>|Many lomilies wene Johced to leaue the county a> ralugeb,

manu eapl logb hain iwoihood

he civil wa ho3 caused atesnible. 3etback ta the socinl, cullbual

and e.conpmie ife o the countay which ended in 2009

What do we leodun nom the 2 stoes o BelaiumSilanka.

Both ane democnibics, yet they dealth with the question oy Pou@r
shasing dijleneny
Belgium- leaden haue realised baat uniky of counby ia þouibla
onliy by 0specting the Jeeling and inkenests of dilferant commuuitias
and neaions

SriWlanka- SE shauA a conbhatig examble -SE shouws that i a

maicity commiuniba wants bo okce its dominance aue othexs and
heluges to skara þouwen , ib can undesmino, the niEy q Eha.counbay
EPage No.

Ch-1 Powen shanung

Reasons lo Poueh Shaniuna being desihablo

Two diylenant seb oheaonb in Jauou o Pouse Shaina

1 Phudential Reaona:
t heduces the powibiliby o conlict betuwoen
Social qnoubs Social con licE
leads bo viclence and political inbba.bilitu
Pouwd hainq is oa good ua to ehuuhe stability o
Polikical ohdets
Lmpesiung Bhe wi dmajchiby comimunlby oveh obh@hs
udamLndk b
uniby o bhe nabioM Tus, poueh sharing helbs n
uniting the counthl
bwen shaninq wil bnina akout betben outcome

2.Motna Reayonb
tis sbihit a demockac9 Ademachatic aulo inualaA shatung
bow uida
bhobe allected by tbs exercise, and uha hauo.bo hve wita its ellecks
Peable haue highE to be co nsulted on hau bheu d Eo be oauerned
I n a legibimake aouement citizens acauihe a staka in bhe
thozouan panticiatien
Embhases the gcE pouen ghmaring a ualualole.u

Nakion ol Pauso Shabina

t has enehaed inoppasgi.tion bo bhe naion ol undivided Polikical Pauweh
Fan aLovna bimeib was believed bhat all houa@h ala gouenment musb tOside
wLth one ponson 0a aLouh o behnbons inaame blace.
Atwas Jolb Bhat i bhe the baiwer bodecide.isdiskehsed,ib iculd not ie
ossihle. to bako.quick decisions and enlozoe bhenm
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Dub theso nationa hauo ahangod with bhe emengarce ofdemOa

which i bsad on the baskc þanbiclo thaki
Peoble.ahe the sohce of al0 Polibical Pau@
institukions of Sel/ Chouornunank
Peable hulo bhemselueb theuouqh
Due Rebbeo.t& qwen bo diuene qaups ahd viuues bhat
Pouseh bhauld be
henelch@Lb Jollouwa thatunademochacs_Polikicad
dis bulbuted amona as many citizenb asposaLblo


Paueh ishabed amcng diloent ongans ol hoveulmehE:
(loqiuslabue,Exocutiue, Judicahu
Ihis ib called HORIZON TAL DISTRIBU TION OF PawERbecause it
djenantohaan ol goueinnment þlaced at bhe same loicl bo
dionant pauwehb
Such sebhation enNe baak vaane of tho oaans can exehcise
Each ohgan checksthe othehs. ThishLbulksia balarce a poLwen ainorq
ALthaug ht udgn ane apþainted by the executiue they can cheak bhe
unctionung o Ehe execubive oh laug made by bhe leaislature
Ihibahhanqument i called astem ok chock and balancok

Powe can be shahed amonq govement at dilleent leuels

haenana qauE: Jon the entire counthy
Tho goub. at Ahouincial on Reqional level

Theeneal qoub. Jot. the ehtihe counby i called Fedeal Couesvimenb

SnTndia Union Ghouohinnent/Cenkhal Gauethment
The houeTnmentat bhe Phouincial ch hegioral le uel ahe alled hy dllenant namo
ndirant countenies Ladia State hoveanmen
In the couhbeniesuhehe thoe aho dilohenb levels of Chauennnent, the constituta
oleah lays doun Ehe poulh ol diloent lauels.al qouemment -Ves in Belgiun
Page No.

buthelmed in Sni. Lanka

Same Buncuhle can be extonded to Bhe leuels ol Govennment Louen Erun Bhe
state Chout En Municipality.anchaualt
of pouoon inuolving andLouw@t
evebs o Ghoueunment

ouwo mau also be ghaned among dileant socialaOupSu

the Relioiot and Linguiskic Ghouhs

Comimuuniby Chauehniment un Belgium

n somecounberies thien ane comstitubibnal ahhangments whene sacially
eakosections and women ahe sephosentod in taeadministhation
Resehuved Constitaences in asanbliest+bhe Panlisent, it guves sþace to
diverso gaciall qaa aouenniment ad admiuubtabion whn ath@h
wise utould leel alienated
s metbcd i sed to gue minohiky cammunittes a aih shatne in þousene

auien shahina the.ouah Polibical Panties, PngALuNe asouh and mauenmenks sha
nence Braxe in Pouu@ni

Polibica Pamkios
n ademachacu Bhe citizeas mut haue (heedom bochooe among UakioLb
cowkendah to paw This bake bhe ahm of cambebltion amang dillehant þantias
Such combe.i.on ensunes Ehat boweh doos nalt homain in ong.hand In the long
hun poweh ib shoned amang dilenant aolitical pahties bhat sepheenb
Alenent idalbgies and social qhoups
Thi aind ol skaiia can bedihect uhen 2ohmote banbies lonman allehce
boconbest election
these alliance ibele.cted, they Jom a coalition ogovehmenb and bhuk shahe ouen
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Presue Gnauhs
Tnademachacy we find intenest qioupd such a those of bhadens, buAines&men
indusbhialisE, JanmenAst indusbaial aos-kina
hey aba hauo a shane in anuchnenb powen, eibhen bhaugh anticibatian in
auenmental comittes oh bhiunaung un uence on the decision
malkuna þhoces
2 Page No.


fower Shaninq

Souce Based 0uestionb

uodilonant sets oAeAnanb act of pouer s harig 0s valuabla.

about the
denty Eha stakemenb which ia nat. Exue
Tunanvical tarun of govenumenE
DEbubed on electona competiti.an.

2Which ohe ol the JolLowingstabemenbs about bouwer-Shahlhg ahhangemen

Eveny Sooieky needs some foom ol houwershaning eehi is small k.dog
not have social diuuision

3-Monal neasokao bouen-shating sthesses on Bhe act bhe:

D-St Ehe veny spisik ofdemaChaey

n ademocnacy olibcal auen should be dikribuked among as many citizen

ab pobbLble because
n CSt buld bning aboub bebben outcoma
Powo Shanung ChoLAwOsLd

D P e
d N s

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