IB-14 - SCON - TBG Punch - Scope of Work Rev 00

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Waltersmith Petroman Oil Limited

Assa Workover Scope

Ibigwe 14 Re-entry Work Scope

(SCON:C4.0 sand & Tubing Punch)

August 2022

Waltersmith Petroman Oil Limited

Assa Workover Scope


This document provides a scope of work for Ibigwe 14 well re-entry for the plug setting,
deployment of SCON across the C4.0 sand and tubing punch including the technical requirements
for tendering of the workover rig.

Ibigwe-14 was spudded on the 17th of February and drilled as a development well to
+/8,410ftMD/7443ftTVD. The objective was to optimally target the C4.0, C6.4 and D2.0 sands on
which the wells were to be completed. The 16” hole was drilled vertically from surface to 1,500ftMD
/ 1,498ftTVD and 13-3/8” casing was run and cemented to surface. The 12-1/4” hole section was
drilled to 8,410ftMD / 7,443ftTVD. Pressure samples were taken in the B4.0 sand at 6,035ftMD /
5,743ftTVD and 50ft core was taken in the D2.0 sand prior to drilling to well TD. The 9-5/8” casing
was run to 8,400ftMD/7430ftTVD and cemented to in-place.

The 12 1/4" hole section was logged with USIT to check the cement bond integrity. The 12 1/4"
hole section was logged with USIT to check the cement bond integrity. The C4.0 sand (6726.5 –
6731.5ft/MD), C6.4 sand (7444 – 7452ft/MD) and D2.0 sand (8260.0 – 8265.0ft/MD) were
perforated independently on wireline with 7” guns loaded with 18spf BH charges. Due to
unavailability of Sand Consolidation (SCON) materials in-country to deploy across the C4.0 sand.

The decision to perforate and complete the C4.0 sand in the long string with D2.0 while C6.4 is
planned for perforation and completion in the short string. A 2.313” sliding sleeve was placed across
C4.0 perforation to temporarily isolate the interval while a 5-1/2” 270micron Expandable Sand
Screen (ESS) was placed across D2.0 sand and C6.4 sand intervals.

The Ibigwe 14 current well diagrams are shown in the Appendix.


1.1.1 Well Objectives

The objectives for the Ibigwe 14 Well re-entry are stated below:
§ To isolate the C6.4 sand at the X-nipple with a PX plug and prong
(reservoir sand details: low GOR:10scf/stb, API: 21.5deg)
§ To carry out SCON job on C4.0 sand and allowed to cure for 24 hours. (Reservoir sand
details: low GOR:10scf/stb, API: 21.5deg)
§ To carry out tubing punch in the short string with E-line

Waltersmith Petroman Oil Limited

Assa Workover Scope


o A slickline unit will be required for the tubing punch activity.
o A coiled tubing unit will be required for the SCON deployment
o Mechanical perforation using slickline will be used for the Tubing Punch in the short string


• Rig up slickline on the short string with PX plug and pressure test
• RIH 2.313” PX plug to 7215ftMD and plug in the X-nipple. POOH to surface
• Rig up and RIH prong to 7215ftMD.
• Set prong in the plug and POOH to surface with SB running tool
• POOH to surface and close the swab valve
• Pressure test PX plug to 3500psi for 15mins
• R/Up mechanical tubing puncher assembly
• RIH tubing puncher and slowly tag the PX plug for depth reference
• Correlate depth and space out tubing puncher
• Energize puncher and punch the tubing open. Record the well parameters
• POOH mechanical tubing puncher assembly to surface
• Close the upper master valve, bleed off pressure at the choke manifold
• R/D Slickline and close the swab valve
• Rig up coiled tubing on the short string arm and pressure test same to 3500psi for 15mins
• RIH CT to 5ft above the punched depth while circulating brine at low rate
• Check pick up weight every 1000ft
• Pump SCON chemicals as per program
• Close the choke manifold, POOH CT to surface, close the swab valve and rig down CT to
inspect nozzle

Waltersmith Petroman Oil Limited

Assa Workover Scope



o Hold pre-job safety meeting

o Close the swab valve and the choke manifold, then open the wing valve
o Rig up slickline on the short string with pumping sub and M/U 2.313” PX plug to X-line
running tool/slickline bottom hole assembly (BHA). Take zero reference at the tubing
o Pull back slickline BHA into the riser and make up connection
o Flush and pressure test slickline blow out preventer (BOP) and lubricator against the swab
valve to 500psi low pressure for 5mins and to 3500psi high pressure for 10mins
o Bleed off pressure at the choke manifold and close
o Confirm the TRSCSSSV line pressure is maintained at 5000psi and ensure the pressure is
monitored regularly on the hand pump gauge by the slickline crew throughout the entire job
o Open the lower and upper master valves
o Open the swab valve slowly to equalize shut-in tubing head pressure
o RIH 2.313” PX plug and set it on the X nipple at *7215ftMD.
o POOH slickline with X-Line running tool to surface.
o Rig down X-Line running tool and rig up 2” SB-equalizing prong
o Take zero reference, pull back into the riser, stab in and make up riser connection
o Flush and pressure test slickline stack to 500psi low and 3500psi high pressure for 5mins and
10mins respectively
o Open the swab valve and RIH SB-equalizing prong to *7215ftMD. Set prong in the plug
o POOH SB running tool to surface
o Bleed down SITHP at the choke manifold to 200psi and close the choke manifold. Monitor
pressure for 30mins
o If inflow test is good, close the swab valve, bleed off pressure and pressure test PX plug to
3500psi for 15mins. Bleed off pressure at the choke manifold.
o POOH SB-running tool to surface and close the upper master valve
o Bleed off pressure at the choke manifold, close the swab valve and R/D slickline
o Rig up tubing puncher on slickline E-line, take zero reference and M/U riser/BOP to the
wellhead X-over
o Open the swab and upper master valves
o RIH tubing puncher assembly to *7215ftMD and slowly tag the plug to reference the depth
o Work out tubing punch depth from the plug reference depth and space out
o Record CHP and SITHP. Energize puncher and punch tubing open to access C4.0 sand
o Monitor CHP and SITHP to confirm tubing punch
Waltersmith Petroman Oil Limited

Assa Workover Scope

o POOH Tubing punch assembly to surface

o Close the upper master valve and bleed off pressure at the choke manifold
o R/D slickline


• The procedure is based on using an 8.44ppg 2% KCl filtered brine using a straight bull head
down the production tubing.
• The procedure assumes that the production tubing is full of filtered brine.
• Connect pump lines to allow injection into the production tubing and pressure test lines to
5000 psi.
• Record Casing and Tubing pressures.
• Using the stimulation pump; Perform a step rate test; inject; 0.5,1, 2, 3, 4 … 10 BPM (or until
reach 90% of frac pressure) hold each rate until pressure is stabilized, record pressure.
• Compare/plot pressures from Step rate test.
• Pump pre-flush at optimum rate. Bring Chemical injection pump on-line.
• Perform main treatment by injecting down the tubing.
• Perform over-flush and tubing displacement by injecting at optimum rate.
• Stop pumps, let pressure bleed of into the formation.
• Monitor well for 15 minutes.
• Leave the well shut in for at least 6 hrs.
• Bring well on production slowly and Perform clean-up flow.
• When bringing the well on production focus on rate rather than the choke size.
• Sand Aid may cause improvement in PI and as such the well may produce at a better sand
free rate while on a smaller choke.
• Open up the well while monitoring sand/fines production until the agreed Maximum Sand
Free Rate is established.
*Note that some initial sand production may be noticed during the clean-up flow. This
should stop after the treatment water has been produced.

Waltersmith Petroman Oil Limited

Assa Workover Scope


S/N Section Description BCWT (days) 50/50 Days Cost US$

1 R/Up slickline on SS with PX plug and pressure test

2 Set PX plug at 7215ftMD. POOH to surface

R/Up mechanical tubing puncher assembly. Perforate SS.


4 Pump SCON chemicals as per program


Contingency 10%

Well Total

Waltersmith Petroman Oil Limited

Assa Workover Scope


Parameter Abbreviation Data Acquisition Frequency

Manual Electronic
Wellhead Pressure WHP 1min for 15mins after each 1min
choke change
Annulus Pressure UAP N/A 1min
Annulus Temperature UAT N/A 1min
Wellhead Temperature WHT 15mins 1min
Choke Downstream Pressure WHDP 15mins 1min
Bottom Hole Pressure BHP N/A 1sec
Bottom Hole Temperature BHT N/A 1sec
BS&W at wellhead BSW 15mins NA
Separator Pressure SEPP 15mins 1min
Separator temperature SEPT 15mins 1min
Gas Line Pressure GLP 15mins 1min
Gas Line temperature GLT 15mins 1min
Gas Diff Pressure DP 15mins 1min
Oil rate OR 15mins 1min
Oil Line temp OT 15mins 1min

Waltersmith Petroman Oil Limited

Assa Workover Scope


Risk Mitigation

o Check PH of Injected Brine, confirm it is not

Acid Effect on the Fluid- Acid would o Avoid Performing Acid Treatment before and
1 prevent Agglomeration after the Sand Aid Treatment

o Lab Testing with representative Samples

from the Formation.

Non-Adequate Lab Testing- Results in poor o Pre-Screening Test is a must

2 Agglomeration o Onsite Test is required
No Sand Clean Out prior to
Operation: Results in poor Agglomeration
3 o Perform Sand Clean out prior to Treatment
In-adequate Treatment Coverage and Sand
4 Aid Coating leading to Poor Agglomeration o Design Job for Multistage Treatment

o Bring the well on production slowly

and perform clean up flow
o Focus on rate then choke size
Post Treatment Formation Clean up/
Flowback- Results in dis integration of o Produce the well at limited rate until the
5 Agglomerated Sand well is cleaned

Pumping Treatment at Frac Rate results in o Perform Step Rate Test and ensure Pumping
6 Poor Agglomeration o Rate is at Matrix Rate

Waltersmith Petroman Oil Limited

Assa Workover Scope

Ibigwe 14 Final Well Status

Waltersmith Petroman Oil Limited

Assa Workover Scope


Well Production Challenge
JOB SCOPE / Well Intervention Objective Carry out SCON across C4.0 sand using Coiled
Well Name Ibigwe-14
Well Type Oil Producer
Location Ibigwe-14
Top of Sediment (if any)
Customer Name
Completion Type Two Strings Dual
Hole Size, in 9-5/8"
Vertical / Deviated / Horizontal Well? Deviated
Well Spacing, m
Tubing Size & Weight, in 2-7/8" 6.5#
Casing Size & Weight, in 9-5/8" 47#
Casing TD, m 8410ftMD/ 7605.53ftTVD
Hole TD, m 8410ftMD/ 7605.53ftTVD
Permanent Packer Depth, m 6,555ft
Is tripping out an option?
Formation Name C4.0
Lithology of Producing Interval Sandstone
Formation Mineralogy of Producing Interval Qtz, off wh, ltgy, trsp-trsl, fri-sl cons, vf-f,
occ m grn, sr-r, msrtd-psrtd, arg mtx, non calc
Existing Perforation Intervals Depth MD 6,726.5' - 6,731.5'
Existing Perforation Intervals Depth TVD 6,214' - 6,217'
New Perforation Intervals Depth MD/RT N/A
New Perforation Intervals Depth TVD N/A
Bottomhole Temperature @ and reference depth 183degF
Static Reservoir Pressure @ and reference depth 2674 psi @6048ft TVDss
Bottomhole Producing Pressure @ and reference
Waltersmith Petroman Oil Limited

Assa Workover Scope

Drawdown Pressure ~125 psi

Frac Gradient, psi/ft 0.728
Bottomhole Frac Pressure, psi ~4530 psi @6048ft TVDss
Average Porosity in Perforated Interval, % 26.0%
Average Permeability in Perforated Interval, mD 4220 mD
Horizontal Permeability, mD
Vertical Permeability, mD
Reservoir Fluid Type OIL
Oil API Gravity 25.1
Oil Specific Gravity 0.904
Gas Specific Gravity 0.696
Produced Water Specific Gravity
Condensate Specific Gravity N/A
Water Saturation 46%
H2S Concentration, % 0%
CO2 Concentration, % 0%
Reservoir Fluid Viscosity (at reservoir 9.72
conditions), cP
Produced Water Viscosity (at reservoir
conditions), cP
Water/Oil Contact Depth ODT
Gas/Oil Contact Depth
Drive Mechanism Aquifer drive
Under Water or Gas Injection? N/A
Well flowing under any kind of artificial lift? Gas lift
Water Salinity, mg/L 700-904 mg/l
Are Low Permeability Barriers Present? Unknown
Are Natural Fractures Present? No
Any History of Water/Sand/Scale Production? up to 70% BSW
Has casing/tubing been pressure tested and known Short String Pressure tested to 4,500psi Okay
to be leak free?
Are current and original water analyses similar?
Are injection and produced water analyses


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