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- Definition: Lab-grown burger, also known as cultured meat, is meat

that is produced by taking a muscles cells from living animals, doesnt
require raising and slaughtering animals.
- Process how to make: To make lab grown meat, also known as
cultured meat, scientists take a small sample of animal cells and grow
them in a lab using a nutrient-rich solution. The cells then multiply and
form muscle tissue, which can then be harvested and processed into meat
products. The process requires fewer resources and produces less waste
than traditional meat production, making it a more sustainable and ethical
- Differences between lab-grown meat and farm-grown meat? Which
is better? Whether it is amazing development?
+ There are several differences between lab-grown meat and farm-grown
 Firstly, lab-grown meat is produced using muscle cells, while farm-
grown meat is produced by raising and slaughtering animals.
 Secondly, lab-grown meat is more sustainable and environmentally
friendly than farm-grown meat because it requires fewer resources
while farm grown meat take lot ofs space and need water for raising
+ As for which is better, it depends on individual preferences and values.
Some people may prefer lab-grown meat because it is more sustainable
and ethical (dont have to slaughtering animals), limit bad genes and
pandemics that affect to human health directly ( it grow in laboratary)
+ Lab-grown meat is seen as an amazing development because it has the
potential to revolutionize the food industry by providing a sustainable and
ethical source of meat. However, there are still some challenges that need
to be addressed ( giải quyết) , such as the high cost of production and the
need to scale up production to meet demand.
- Definition: Juice from concentrate is made from fruit juice that has
been processed and had the water removed, leaving behind a concentrated
form of the juice. This concentrate is then reconstituted with water and
sometimes other additives before being sold as juice. On the other hand,
juice not from concentrate is made from fresh fruit that is squeezed or
pressed to extract the juice. The juice is then typically pasteurized and
bottled without any further processing or concentration. Overall, there
may be differences in the taste, nutritional content, and price of juices
made from concentrate compared to those not from concentrate.
- Why orange juice is a favorable drink? Why it is concentrated?
Differences between concentrated fruit juice and freshly squeezed

+ Orange juice is a favorable drink because it is a good source of vitamin

C and other nutrients. It is also a refreshing and flavorful beverage that
can be consumed at any time of the day.
+ Orange juice is often concentrated to make it more convenient to
transport and store. Concentrated orange juice is made by removing the
water content from freshly squeezed juice. This process involves heating
the juice and evaporating the water, leaving behind a highly concentrated
juice that can be easily shipped and stored.
+ There are some differences between concentrated fruit juice and
freshly squeezed juice. Freshly squeezed juice is made by pressing the
juice from the fruit and then separating out any pulp or seeds. It is usually
more flavorful and has a fresher taste than concentrated juice. However,
freshly squeezed juice does not have as long of a shelf life as
concentrated juice and may need to be consumed quickly.Overall, both
types of juice can be a healthy addition to a balanced diet, but it is
important to choose a juice with minimal added sugars and to consume it
in moderation.

- Examples and reasons why some animals are considered to be

- There are many animals that are considered amazing for a variety of
reasons. Here are a few examples:
+ Elephants - They are known for their incredible memory, intelligence,
and social skills. Elephants can communicate with each other through a
variety of vocalizations and body language.
+ Cheetahs - These big cats are the fastest land animals on earth, capable
of reaching speeds of up to 70 mph. They are also incredibly agile ('ajal
- nhanh nhẹn) and can change direction quickly to catch their prey.
+ Ants - ants are known for their impressive strength. They can carry
objects many times their own body weight.
- The animal you would love to have as a pet?
As for the animal I would love to have as a pet, I think a dog would be
the perfect choice. They are faithful, easy to take care of, and would be a
great companions for various activities such as excersice, outdoor activity
and relaxtion ( ban dong hanh). They also provide emotional support
when I feel bored or I just come back home. Plus, they can be trained
because they actually care about making humans happy.


- My childhood memory: One of my earliest childhood memories is of
my grandmother's garden. She had a small but beautiful garden in her
backyard, filled a bu earliest with flowers and vegetables.I remember
spending hours with her, planting seeds, and watering the plants. We
would talk about everything and anything, from school to hobbies to our
favorite movies. My favorite part of the garden was the tomato plants. My
grandmother would let me pick a ripe tomato whenever I wanted,and we
would slice it up and eat it together right there in the garden. I can still
remember the sweet taste of those tomatoes. Whenever I think back on
my childhood, I always remember those wonderful times spent with my
grandmother in her garden.
- Your memory ability (good/bad): I don’t have a good memory. I'm
quite forgetful and tend to be reliant on other people or reminder apps and
other tips to help me remember things. But what's funny is although I
have sticky notes everywhere in the house, I still forget my key several
times when I go out.
- Whether you'd love to have ultimate memory?: I think all people want
to have ultimate memory and I’m no exception. I suppose I would better
performace in exam and a deeper understanding of subjects. Additionally,
I may find it easier to learn a new skill as I can absorb and retain
- Examples of people with excellent memory: Well, I'm really struck by
Cooley who is able to remember a 40-line poem perfectly in 10 minutes. I
don't think there are many people who can remenber as he. You know, it's
beyond the power of a normal person. As well as that, I really admire he
who can remember so excellent .That's unbelievable/incredible.
- What techniques you use to help to remember things better? Well,
in actual fact, i can use several things to remember my memory. - Eat less
sugar - Try a fish oil supplement - Make time for meditation - Maintain a
healthy weight. I also hear about Connections Mnemonics for example:
To remember how to say the word “sedentarty”, leaners can make a
connection with pharse “send them to me” they both sound similar in


- Animal eyesight? Example of animals with good/bad vision?

Animal eyesight varies greatly depending on the species and their

environment. Some animals, like eagles with their amazing vision that
allows them to see a small rabbit from kilometers far aways. Or owls can
see perfectly in the dark. Others, like cats, have excellent night vision and
can see in low light conditions. Overall, animals have incredible eyesight
adapted to their environment.
- Your vision (good/bad)? My vision is not good. I am nearsighted with a
1-degree prescription, which means I can't see things from a distance. But
,I dont have to wear glasses when going out, studying, and even engaging
in personal activities.
- Whether it has changed over time? Vision can also change over time
due to age or other factors such as eye injuries or diseases.
-Reasons why people blink? People blink to keep their eyes moist,
protect them from irritants and dangerous objects, spreads tears across
your eyeballs, keeping your eyes comfortable.
- Human senses: 5 sense beings use five senses to experience the world:
-Your strongest sense? Your weakest sense? My strongest sense is
hearing and my weakest sense is sight.


- Reasons why you like/dislike taking photos?

Yes, I really enjoy taking photos. I find it to be a great way to capture
memories and moments that I can look back on later.
- Situations in which you often take photo? Why? I particularly enjoy
taking photos of nature and landscapes, as well as portraits of friends and
family.I also like to set different camera angles to create unique and
interesting photos.
- Tips for taking great photos? First, Use natural light whenever
possible. Avoid harsh or direct sunlight. Second, set close to your subject
to capture. Third, use the rule of thirds to compose your shot. Next, keep
it simple - avoid cluttering the frame with a bunch of stuff. In addition,
don't be afraid to edit your photos to enhance color and contrast. Finally,
practice, practice, practice! The more you shoot, the better you'll become.
- Whether you think photography is an interesting job: Photography
allows individuals to express their creativity through composition,
lighting, and subject matter. It provides a platform for artistic expression
and experimentation. In another hand, it can offer flexible working hours
and locations. Freelance photographers, in particular, have the freedom to
choose their projects to suit their interest, lifestyle


- Definition: where students can access their learning materials online at
any place and time. Online learning most often takes place in the form of
online course, online degrees, or online programs.
- My experiences with online learning: I have found online leaming to
be convenient and flexible, allowing me to learn at my own pace and on
my own schedule. However, others have also experienced technical
difficulties, lack of interaction with teachers, and decreased motivation
without face-to-face interaction. Overall, online learning has its pros and
cons and can be a valuable tool when used appropriately.
- Differences between online learning and traditional/conventional
Online learning and traditional learning have some notable differences.
Online learning is virtual and depends on the internet to access course
materials, whereas traditional learning happens in a physical classroom
where students can interact with their teachers and peers. In online
learning, students have more flexibility in terms of the time and location.
They can learn from anywhere and at any time, which makes it
convenient for everyone. On the other hand, traditional learning offers
face-to-face interaction between teachers and students, which allows for
more attention and immediate feedback. It also offers the opportunity for
students to build social connections with other students in the classroom
Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, and which is
better depends on the learner's preferences, goals, and circumstances.In
conclusion, both online and traditional learning have their strengths and
weaknesses, and the choice between the two ultimately depends on the
individual's learning style and preferences.
- Which is better for you? I think traditional learning will better for me
because it provides more social interaction and hands-on
experiences/real-world than online learning. Traditional learning provides
a environment where students can focus on their studies without
distracting by video game. I can access to a variety of resources, such as
libraries, laboratories, and other facilities. In traditional learning, students
can discuss things with friend, ask question directly and get feedback
- Which courses not suitable to learn online? Some courses that may not
be suitable to learn online include those that require hands-on or practical
experience, such as lab work or fieldwork (nghiên cứu thực địa) -
Whether university courses are completely online? University courses
may not be completely online, as different universities have different
approaches to online learning. Some universities offer fully online
programs, while others may offer a hybrid(hỗn hợp) approach with a mix
of in-person and online learning.


- Your favorite technology device or the technology device you dislike?

One of my favorite technology devices is smartphone. With a
smartphone, you can easily make calls, send messages, take photos and
videos, browse the internet, check emails, listen to music, and much
- A piece of technology device that help disabled people a limb
prosthetic is an artificial limb that replaces a missing body part. It helps
the people who have lost their arms or legs can do daily activities such as:
walking, eating,…
- In what ways robot/ automated machine help people? Robots and
automated machines can help people in a number of ways, such as
performing dangerous or repetitive tasks, providing assistance to people
with disabilities. For example, robots can be used in manufacturing to
assemble products more quickly and accurately, while automated
machines can be used in healthcare to administer medication and monitor
- How technology changes our communication. Technology has
changed our communication in a number of ways, such as making it
faster and more efficient. We can now communicate instantly with people
all over the world through email, social media, and messaging apps.
Video call allows us to have face-to-face conversations with people who
are far away.
- Your dream job? My passion is teacher. When I was a student, I used to
dream of becoming a teacher because teacher are the persons that I
always love and respect. They helped me very much not only in my
learning but also in my life. Therefore, I wish I can become a good
English teacher in the future. It makes a meaningful impact on young
mind. I will try my best to do that. And I hope that my dream will become
- Necessary skills for it? Some necessary skills include excellent
communication skills to lang nghe va giao tiep hieu qua voi hoc sinh , the
ability to manage a classroom sap xep va quan li lop hoc. Additionally, a
teacher should be adaptable and able to adjust their teaching style to meet
the needs of their students.
- Important factors when choosing a job? When choosing a job, I think
salary is the primary motivation that leads one person to choose a
particular job. Because a higher salary often gives a feeling of safety and
the opportunity to afford a comfortable lifestyle. I can take care of myself
and my family with financial stability.

- Some predictions about future of work: longer working age? Về già cảm
thấy lonely nên muốn kím niềm vui bằng việc đi làm
- Robots replacing humans in factory and school?
- Being self-employed or working for a company?
- Working from home (telecommuting) or working in the office? There
are various predictions about the future of work, but some of the most
common ones include: 1. Longer working age: As life expectancy
increases, it is likely that people will have to work for longer before
retiring. (Tuổi lao động dài hơn: Khi tuổi thọ tăng lên, có khả năng mọi
người sẽ phải làm việc lâu hơn trước khi nghỉ hưu.) 2. Increased use of
robots: In some industries, robots are already replacing humans, and this
trend is likely to continue in the future as technology advances. (Tăng
cường sử dụng rô-bốt: Trong một số ngành công nghiệp, rô-bốt đã thay
thế con người và xu hướng này có thể sẽ tiếp tục trong tương lai khi công
nghệ tiến bộ.) 3. Rise of self-employment: More people may choose to
work for themselves rather than for a company, as technology makes it
easier to start and run a business. (Sự gia tăng của việc tự kinh doanh:
Nhiều người có thể chọn làm việc cho chính họ hơn là cho một công ty,
vì công nghệ giúp việc thành lập và điều hành một doanh nghiệp trở nên
dễ dàng hơn.) 4. Growth of telecommuting: With the availability of high-
speed internet and collaboration tools, more companies may allow their
employees to work from home, which can increase productivity and
reduce costs. (Sự phát triên của làm việc từ xa: Với sự sẵn có của internet
tốc độ cao và các công cụ cộng tác, nhiều công ty có thể cho phép nhân
viên của họ làm việc tại nhà, điều này có thể tăng năng suất và giảm 5.
Hybrid work models: Many companies may adopt a hybrid work model,
where employees work both from home and in the office, to balance the
benefits of telecommuting with the advantages of working in person.
( Mô hình làm việc kêt hợp Nhiêu công ty có thê áp dụng mô hình làm
việc kêt hợp, nơi nhân viên làm việcở nhà và tại văn phòng, để cân bằng
lợi ích của việc làm việc từ xa với lợi ích của việc làm

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