Combustor and Fuel Nozzle Desing

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111111 '
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Chosun University
Kwangju, Republic of Korea

ABSTRACT p density
: angle of axial swirler
A combustor and a fuel nozzle for a small aircraft ✓ : temperature ratio
gas turbine were designed and appropriateness for design
requirements were evaluated and confirmed through the SuktvalatfumtSaminscilMst
cold and hot test. For the Purpose of studying the flame
stability of a pilot atomizer under ignition, firing tests a : air b : width, burner
d discharge f : fuel
were carried out at the various fuel supply prfassfueb. As
the results of the experiment and design revision, the lx : hole, height : nozzle
optimal combination of the fuel nozzle which is suitable sw sinner t total
to the design requirement was obtained without the fuel 2 : compressor exit 3 : combustor exit
splash phenomena and unstable flame. The combustor * : total or stagnation value
was designed and evaluated with detailed investigations
and experiments for design requirements. As the results
of the hot test, it was confirmed that the combustor in linnooticnoN
this study had proper profile and pattern factors,
&immobility limit, total pressure loss and combustor The combustor is a major component of acre gas
efficiency within design requirements. turbine engines. A liquid fuel system can be combusted
by injecting the correct fuel quantity by the spraying
system, forming the proper fuel mixture nos by mixing
NOMENCLATURE and evaporating, and firing by the proper ignition device.
The spraying system can be divided into the pressure
A : area or geometric parameter atomization type and the twin fluid atomization type.
C coefficient The first type ejects the liquid at high velocity into a
D, d : diameter relatively slow moving stream of air, and the second
G : mass flow type exposes the relatively slow liquid to a high velocity
• airstream. hi this study the main fuel nozzle was the
k : specific heat ratio twin fluid or airblast atomization type and the pilot
M : Mach number nozzle was the pressure atomization type. After various
N : number of swifter blade experiments with design variants, several design
▪ : mass flow rate modifications of the fuel nozzle were carried out, mid
11 number of tangential hole finally the optimal feature of the fuel nozzle was
vein-red In order to confirm the results in the
P : pressure
R : gas constant or radius preliminary design phase and to alleviate the risk of a
T : temperature full combustor test, the major components of the
combustor, for instance the main fuel nozzle, pilot fuel
nozzle, and ignition device, were tested and evaluated
under simulated environmental conditions. In this study
a : excess air / fuel ratio the experimental combustor was confirmed to meet
• : discharge angle design requirements such as the total pressure loss of no
• : efficiency more than 11%, profile factor of no more than 10%,

Presented at the ASME ASIA '97 Congress & Exhibition

Singapore -onSeptember
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pattern factor of no more than 35%, flamability limit of The pilot pressure atomizer is shown in Fig. 3. The
at least 23%, efficiency of at least 98%, reliable starting, spray cone angle was determined by the relative
pure eidianst flame, no fracture, no fusing, and no magnitude between the axial and radial components of
burn-out phenomena in the hot test. the nozzle exit velocity. In designing the pilot nozzle, a
major consideration was frictional loss. Frictional loss
had characteristics such as decreasing the discharge
DESIGN TARGETS AND LAYOUT OF COMBUSTOR coefficient and decreasing useful pressure to atomize
fuel, but it had different characteristics such as
Based on the combustor's requirements and the increasing the discharge coefficient by decreasing the
designer's experience level, the design target of the inlet core diameter of the swirter.
combustor were determined as follows For an inviscid fluid, the variations of the discharge
Combustion efficiency ; 21 98% coefficient and the spray cone angle with the geometrical
Parameter, defined by equation (1), are shown hi Fig. 4.
p - p;
• Total pressure loss S11% 2 Rk
- Pattern factor r max 30% Since the optimal geometrical coefficient has been
• Profile factor ; r 10% known to be 2, based on experience the discharge
Design parameters at the design point were selected coefficient (Ca) and spray cone angle (8) could be
from the cycle analysis results as follows selected as 03 and 80" respectively.
- Combustion efficiency ; a = 98% The diameter of the injecting orifice was calculated
• Air mass flow rate; = 30.978 KeHr by using the equation (2).
4 • G1
- Combustor inlet total temperature ; 71 = 429K (2)
r • Cd • V 2pAPi
• Fuel mass flow rate ; nit = 608 Kgffir The discharge coefficient increases as much as the
• Fuel injection pressure ; 4P1 = 12.0 Kg-fiat? ratio of Raid,, but it should be kept small to reduce
• Combustor outlet total temperature ; the friction loss. The rotational radius (Rh) of the
7 3 = 1189K tangential direction holes was determined from the
following equation (3),
From the layout design, the combustor type was
straight flow annular ; the outer casing was composed of RA = ( 2-3) ' 4 (3)
a front and rear and sheet walls, and the inner casing The diameter (da) of the tangential directional hole,
was composed of a flange and sheet walls. The flame was determined by the following equation (4),
tube had a snout, a head, outer and inner liners and a 2 • RA' d a
42 - (4)
fuel manifold with eleven burners including plot and •A
main nozzles_ The pilot nozzle was a simplex atomizer The length of the injecting orifice could be
and the main nozzle was an airblast atomizer with axial calculated by the following equation (5).
and radial swiriers(Figure 1). L.= (1-2) (5)
From the above equations, the design results of the
pilot fuel nozzle are shown hi Table I.

In the preliminary design phase, maximum fuel flow Table 1. Design Results for Pilot Plt.altlt. Atomizer
could be calculated under extreme operating conditions in Item la lb lc
the flight envelope such as sea level, maximum flight 2 2
Number n 2
Mach number, and mmum atmospheric temperature.
Circular fin 1.1 11 1.1
Moreover, the starting fuel flow rate of the pilot nozzle Tangential Hole
was determined by considering the ignition capability on
Diameter dh 05 OA 0.45
ground starting or in air starting. The required
Injecting Orifice Diameter dh 0.45 05 OA
maximum fuel flow rate at fuel pressure
Geometrical Coefficient A 1.98 3.44 2.17
API = 8Kffilan 2, SA. and M = as was 675 Kg/Hr Injecting Angle 81 96 83
(63541fg/Hr/for each nozzle), mid the required MIMS= Flow Rate a 6.82 6.8:2 6.82
fuel flow rate at the fuel pressure AP, = 12.0 ifgf / at?
was 75 Kg/Hr (6.82 Kg/Hr/for each nozzle). Each tanner Denton of main MCI atonic
had an axial sander, a radial swider, a premixing
chamber, a snout, calibrated metering orifices, a pressure Because the fuel flow rate of the main fuel nozzle
atomizer, a deflector and a stabilizer(Figure 2). was 5622 Kg/Hr at 41Pf=8 Kg,/&, it might be designed
by using a calibrated metering orifice, changing the
Peskin of allot fuel nozzle shape of the axial swifter around the main fuel nozzle,
and changing the size and number of the fuel

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discharging hole(Table 2, Figure 5). D2. g2
D2snl = A a exa

Table 2. Design Results for Main Nozzle = (1.6 -2.0) D2..

L. = 0.5 (9)
Var. I Var. 2
Tangential Hole Number n 6 8
Thr D 0.8 02
Fuel Row Rate Cs 56.82 56.82
'2 eliot feel
From the engine performance analysis, the selected
design parameters of the combustor were as follows, The pilot fuel nozzle was manufaetzmed with
• Combustor inlet temperature : T1=496R designed configuration and then the feel flow rate and
• Combustor inlet pressure : Pl=5.66Kgr/cm2 spray angle were tested by changing the fuel supply
• Combustor inlet air flow rate : 62=8.66Rg/see pressure In order to adjust the required fuel flow
• Total air excess coefficient : a=3.44 characteristics with variation of the geometric parameter
ma A, various tests with variants of configuration were
(where a = APR ; stoichiometric
APR, conducted. The results are shown in Table 3.
air-fuel ratio)
• Combustor outlet temperature : T3. -11881C Table 3. Results of Experiments for Pilot Pressure
From the above design parameters, to calculate the
swirler area, the total area for billowing air of the
combustor liter was determined by the following Item Var. la Var. lb Var. le
equations. Here the linear hole air velocity (Ve) was Flow Coefficient Ca 0.33 0.23 0.36
assumed to be 100 m/s.
Injection Angle P 69 73 70
Flow Rate Gi 8.10 8.48 693
At = AF- R . [1+ t-1- M2 ]
" Vs 2
v, According to visual inspection from the test results
(6) of variations la, lb, and le, atomization status was
il kRy '42
2 satisfactory. However, a difference of fuel flow rate
The air excess coefficient of the svnrler was between tests and the design target due to pressure
changes was observed. Variation le which had 2.3%
assumed to be 0.44, and therefore the swirler area (A,,,)
difference in fuel flow rate from the design target value,
was calculated from equation(7). After dividing the
was selected for the pilot fuel nozzle.
twirler area ratio of the axial swirlier and the radial
swirler as 4 to 6, each &wirier area could be determined. Test of main fuel nozzle
A,: a, = an (7)
From the calculated axial swirlier area (AI), The atomizing fuel of the main fuel nozzle was
coufiguration of the axial strider was sized as follows, broken up into small size drops and was mixed with
• Number of blades = 6 - 8 EA inflowing air in the premixing chamber. The design
• Blade angle : 6 = 50' - 60' results were confirmed and modified during the
• SiVillar inlet area = - Nz experiments. In the early experimental phase, the fuel
• Swirler outlet area : Al an = (1.6 22)' Aa flow rate with pressure of the main nozzle test was
The outlet inside diameter of the axial swirlier was verified. A fuel flow rate change due to pressure change
determined from the configuration of the pilot fuel was observed. In the hot test, the design results were
nozzle, and the outlet outside diameter of the axial reconfirmed and modified.
swirler was calculated from the axial sties outlet area. In order to verify the design results of the main
Intl nozzle, and the axial and radial SWITICT, as well as
= il A 1...a + D1 4,2 (8)
to select the optimal fuel nozzle with optimal spray
The configuration of the radial swirlier was sized conditions, the fuel nozzle assembly was tested_ The
as follows, variants of the main components for the fuel nozzle are
• Number of blades : Ni = 6 - 8 EA shown in Fig. 6. For the ignition possibility of mixture
• II21eS area: A4 c hz • h2 • Nz of fuel and air in the snout, a reverse splash
• OutJetarea:Azn lS.A, phenomenon upstrt:am of the axial swirlier with bad
The inside and outside diameters of the radial influence in the combustor was observed.
swirler and the diameter and length of the stabilizer The fuel flow rate and discharge coefficient with
were determined as follows, variation of pressure of air and feel and drop size under
D2. 6, = Dhabi 262 various conditions were measured. Fuel was pressurized
by compressed nitrogen gas and was studied through a
pilot fuel Rae and main fuel Rue to the test section of

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the fuel nozzle test facility. Compressed air from a combustor, combustor ignition capability, ignition
blower was accumulated in the air tank and provided to stability, and combustion efficiency in the hot test were
the swirlers and the inside and outside lines of the test confirmed.
section. The air flow rate was measured by an osifice, The test feature of the combustor is shown in Fig. 14,
and the pressure was measured with the strain gage and the geometrical values of the combustor are shown
type pressure transducer near the test section. in Table 4. Range of the test bed was 3.2 Kgiat of
A schemetic diagram of the fuel nozzle test fatality pressure and 500K of temperature respectively.
is shown in Fig. ?.
Water instead of the JET Al fuel was used for the Table 4. Geometry of Combustor
fuel nozzle test. Although the reverse splash phenomenon
upstream of the aim] swirlier was not observed in this Axial Swirler(E) : No. of Blade Charnels 6
test, water was deposited along the inside wall of the Area (11 SW) 10.4 cm`
combustor. This phenomenon was resulted from Radial Swirler(e2) : Height of Blades 6.5 mm
aturhing a weak main fuel jet to the rear wall of the Area (11 SW) 1537 an'
axial swirler with a flat vane. To remove this Total Swirler Flow Area 2627 cm`
phenomenon, various axial swiders such as 2a, 2b, 2c, Outer Line': 1 Row (Main Holes) 170 x 22 EA
2d, and 21 were considered. From the tests result 21 was Total Area 49.94 cm'
a"leritorl but it did not remove above phenomenon 2 Row (Main Holes) 7L x 15 Dia x 22 EA
Total Area 6128 anl
entirely. Therefore to eliminate it completely, an axial
Cooling Holes Area 7 an`
swirler with a curved vane may be used.
Total Flow Area 11692 cm'
Figures 8 and 9 show the variation of the swirler
Inner Liner : 1 Row (Main Holes) 16 0 x 22 EA
air flow rate and the swirler discharge coefficient versus
Total Area 4423 an'
swirler air pressure ratio of various fuel flow rate for 2 Ftow (Main Holes) 7 L x 12 Dia x M EA
the 1a+2a.3a+41)+5b combination fuel nozzles. It was Total Area 4336 cm'
found that the swider air flow rate increased with the rAnling Holes Area 250 x90 EA
swirler air pressure increase, but the swirler discharger Total Area 4.0 cm'
coefficient was decreased with the swider air pressure Total Flow Area 92.00 an'
increase. Total Flow Area (Inner + Outer) 237 cm'
Figure 10 shows the atomizing phenomena from the
outlet of the Ic+21+3a+4c+5e combination fuel nozzle with The fuel used was JET Al equivalant and its low
constant air pressure and increasing main fuel pressure heating value was 10,250 Kcal/Kg, and its density was
of 0.1 Rini& and 8.0 Kgthat. From Fig. 10, a 0.78 gip'. Fuel was supplied by three lines and its
cotmterrotating swirling flow phenomenon was observed pressure and fuel flow are shown in Table 5.
and the atomization was better with main fuel pressure
Table 5. Pressure and Fuel flow rate of fuel supplying
In order to confirm the ignition capability and the
proper igniter position the hot test of the pilot fuel lines
nozzle was performed. It was ignited by the torch ignitor
system of Figure 11 and a fuel pressure of 1 to 6 Km/at Item Press' (ligilan2) Flow rate (Kew)
and a low fuel flow rate was applied to prevent Cuing. Pilot Nozzle 12 75
From the hot test results, it was found that the Main Nozzle 8 625
best combination nozzle of the variant 1c.21.3a+4ct5c Torch Ignition Line is 1.43
had good performance characteristics as follows
• Ignition and stabilization at low fuel pressure drop A torch ignitor was also utilized to save the cost
of A Pn = 1.5 to 2 Km/at (Figure 12) and time in a short development time. Since the flame
More stabilized flame and better atomization with strength of the torch ignitor was strong, ignition in the
fuel pressure increase and air flow rate increase combustor was easy and its specification are shown in
(Figure 13) Table 6.
Frame stability up to Cm = 12, which is the
flame-out limitation
Table 6. Specification of Torch ignitor

Power 2J
Temperature Range -55t — 120t
In order to CO:12firro the design results and to reduce Weight 13 Kg
the risk of experiments with a real combustor, the Length (From Frame) 36 rnm
individual combustor components were tested under 8 mm
simulated environmental conditions. In this study the
design requirements of the combustor such as pressure
loss, temperature distribution at the outlet of the For the ccmbustor inlet conditions, the Math
number was selected as a variable and the exhaust

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nozzle was used for real condition of the combustor 184. Because of fuel leakage, real Q ra. may be greater
outlet Tests were conducted at a lower inlet air than the measured value at lid= 0.45.
Pres-care of 1312. ‘3-Kgriat and then at real air inlet During this test, it was simulated at three operating
pressure (Table 7). points with total inlet pressures of 12 to 2 Kgriaf, total
temperatures of 410 to 450 R and air excess factors of
Table 7. Combustor test conditions 33 to 3.9. It was confirmed that the combustor had no
smoke, reliable startiog, no fractures and no fusing.
wit 131. Tie Ti 02 GE Cu Go grans However, it was found that there was local buckling of
a M
Na Kgi/cm 2 r t Kam icor Kg/a Keel- Nestle the outer liner of the rear support and necks between
1 3 220 966 33 0313 4.6 340 50 290 the primary holes in the inner liner.
2 2 190 942 33 0383 3.1 227 47 180 w
3 1.2 190 942 33 036 1.8 130 45 85 w/o Kuusurement_iit_temparglwit_arsftet_matl_snlent_
For the outlet temperature distribution of the design
specification requirements, numerous tests were The Purpose of the second phase of the tests was
conducted. Mainly liner holes were considered, because the development of the optimal liner by changing hole
they affected the outlet temperature distribution of the position, size, and shape of the liner to satisfy the
combustor. A rotational measurement device was used to temperature limit determining turbine stator and rater
measure outlet temperature distribution and a fixed life. The design factors in the temperature limit at the
measurement device was utilized to calibrate total combustor outlet were the pattern factor related to the
pressure and temperature. Gas sampling measurement
turbine stator and the profile for related to the turbine
was used to survey the combustion efficiency.
rotor. In these tests the target values were 35% for the
pattern factor and within 10% for the profile factor
Four shapes of liners, Al to A., were considered for
Through the first phase test, total pressure loss,
the optimal finer. Test results showed that penetration of
ignition performance and combustion limit were
AI was enough but a seriously high temperature was
measured. In the total pressure loss, radial direction
observed in the outer liner. With the Ar shape, to
change of total pressure loss was more important than
maintain the penetration the whole air hole area was not
circumferential direction change. In this test facility, the
changed, but the inner liner dilution hole area was
mean radial directional total pressures from five points
deceased and the outer dilution hole area increased. For
at the combustor outlet were measured, but only one
quick change, half of the inner dilution boles were closed
point at the combustor inlet was measured.
(deceased area 21ert, -8.9%), and outer dilution holes
Therefore, to obtain mincemeat accuracy at the inlet
were added (010x12, increased area 17a4, +62%). In the
position, several tests were added. Due to growth of the
test results, the penetration was still sufficient, but the
boundary layer from the diffuser wall at Mach number
high temperature area was reduced.
(M) from 0.33 to 0.4, measured total pressure was higher
Therefore the As shape was considered as follows.
by 0.3 to 0.5% than the misdated mean radial
Since penetration was sufficient the inner and outer
directional to pressure.
dilution areas were increased (+5.5%), and inner dilution
The total pressure loss, which is a function of the
holes were added to the front area ( 10x 11 increased
Mach number at the combustor inlet and is linearly
area 8a1). To affect the #12 belt, outer dilution boles
camels:nal to M2, was also considered. In a Mach
were added in the rear area (0 7x23, increased area 9
number range from 0.25 to 0.53, total pressure loss in
cd). In the test results of A3, penetration was still
unburned conditions was measured. A target value of
sufficient Circumferential temperature change was
11% (Including hot loss) of total pressure loss was
estimated to be about 200 K due to insufficient miring
of fuel and inflowing air through the added air holes.
Ignition performance was affected no total inlet
After selection of As as the optimal liner shaPe,
temperature, total pressure, Mach number, and air excess
• some tests were conducted to modify the pattern mid
factor (a). In the focus of development, the inlet Mach
profile factors. The Omer and outer areas were slightly
number of the combustor was most important. For
increased (+122%). and first, to balance APR due to
M0.13 to 0.41, ignition capability was confirmed at eight
adding the dilution area, air holes were added to the
test points for air starting capability. When M was
primary hole area (#6x22, +5.5%). The existing inner
increased, ignition capability decreased. In this test the
dilution holes were also enlarged and the last row
air excess factor waged from 7 to 13, but fuel leakage
cooling holes were eliminated. To decrease the pattern
was observed during the test so that real a may be
factor, the holes between *1 and #11 in the other liner
higher than the measured values.
were made larger than the other holes (changed dilution
Flammability limit depended an a a,. measured as
hole diameter #12 to #14, primary hole diameter 06 to

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4 7). After these changes in the A4 liner, penetration pressure increase and air flow rate increase
was enough and profile factor improved satisfactory. • Best combination of components variation Ic+21+3a+
As a result the pattern factor of Az was excellent 4t+5c
but the profile factor was not good because of the The combustor produced the following results ;
closing of the temperature limit on the outer liner wall. • Best configuration with variant A3
Also, since the As air hole total area was decreased to • Profile factor within the required value of 10%
2322of from the Ai area of 2372at, total pressure loss • Pattern factor within the required value of 35%
was expected to exceed the target value of 11%. • Flammability limit of a. = 19 to 23
Therefore As with its good temperature distribution was • Total pressure loss within the required value of 11%
selected as the best choiceMgare 15). • Combustor efficiency within the required value of 98%
• Reliable starting and no smoke
Itepr4mimgpt_e_igm_tggaym_dacky • No fractures, fusing or burnout

In the third test phase with As selected as the

optimal liner, total pressure loss, ignition performance, REFERENCES
and combustion limit were verified. To measure the
combustion efficiency, a gas sampling analyzer was used. Kong, C.D., Isfm, sx., Yi, Y.K., Rim, S.H., Salm,
Since the Al total air hole area was larger than that J.L., 19%, 'The Study of Design and Test for Fuel
of Ai, a reduction of total pressure loss could be Nozzle in Aircraft Gas Turbine Combustor', The Korean
anticipated. But because of increasing air velocity in the Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, VoL 23, No.
outer annulus in this section, total pressure was 2, pp. 52-60
increased but the overall total pressure loss value did Lefebvre, AIL, 1983; Gas Turbine Combustion,
not change. As a result, total pressure loss with M = McGraw-Hill
0323 was 42% in the outer aimulus, and 14% in the Sanborn, .1 W Lantz, J.E., Johnson, JD_ 1989,
inner annulus, while the overall combustor total pressure 'Advanced Turbofan Engine Combustion System Design
loss was 109%. and Test Verification', Journal of Propulsion, Vo15„ No.4.
In the ignition performance, the test results of Ai pp. 502-509
were used because they were the same as these of A3. Smith, CS., Fuller, EJ., Crocker, D.S., 19%,
In the combustion limit, an a. value from 19 to 33 'Dual-Spray Airblast Fuel Nozzle for Advanced Small
was verified with total inlet pressure from 13 to 23 Gas Turbine Combustors', Journal of Propulsion and
Kgriai and total temperature from 440 to 450K. Power, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 244-251
To estimate the combustion efficiency, two methods
were used the energy balance method and the exhaust
gas analysis method. With the energy balance method,
the efficiency of As varied between 92 and 97%, but no
special trend due to variation of the test conditions was
observed. However, with the gas analyzer the
combustion efficiency was measured at 99%. The reason
of the difference between the two methods for
combustion efficiency was considered to be that the total
temperature in the equipment for air flow measuring was
Out Casing
observed at 50 to 130K higher than the combustor total Outer Annulus
• er

Prediffuse rner Flame Tube

a II; Inner Liner
In this study a combustor including fuel nozzles to
Inner Annulus
meet design target and parameters was developed.
The fuel nozzles produced the following results ;
• No reverse splash flow
• Good atomizing and spray angle Figure 1. Combustor Configuration
• Attaching fuel flow along the inner wall of the
premixing chamber at low fuel pressure
An improved configuration variant a of the main
spray nozzles induced the following results,
• More stabilized flame and better atomization with fuel

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1 — Axial Swider 5 — Calibrated Metering

2 — Recala Swine: Orifice
3 — Premixing Clamber 6 — Pressure Atomizer
4 — Spout 7 — Deflector

Figure 2. A detail construction of the fuel nozzle Figure 3. Pilot pressure atomizer

nut swirier

1.0 180
L t"a

f12Pw 11 1111
rnit fuel splay hole

0.8 160 AWN Si lin"k

0.6 120

GA 80
Ansa' MO
2 4 6 8 10
Geometric Parameter A

Figure 4. The Bow characteristic of the plot pressure Figure 5. Maio spray nozzle

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Component Var Description Performance
la dh=0.5mm ; dr,=0.45mm
Pilot atomizer Str—Ms'
lc dh=0.45mm : d0.4mm
2a 41.
4.0,,,,i 6 canals d=0.8 (6 holes after canals)
Nut-svrirler 2d F=0.945cm2 d=0.6 (6 holes after blades)
(axial-flow swirler 2b A h., 8 canals d=0.7 (8 holes after canals)
Ird. lr SIII01

and main fuel spray 2c ha< F=1.26cm2 the same and step 5
nozzle) 6 canals
F=0.945cm2 d=1.0 (6 holes in blades)
3a au il ______ h=6.5mm (F=1.443cm2)
Radiahflow swirler
3b '.-"Th
(1 — Cr h=8mm (F=1.776an2)
4a A=15. D=25. L=2mm
Deflector 4b --",& A=20, D=26. L=2mm
L or,
4c A=20. D=26. L=8mm
5b 7 . . r, L=23, C=5 .
Stabilizer IV/a.---
5c LL L I L=29. C=9

Figure 6. The variants of main components for fuel nozzle

M0440411? ter ra.:1
SO-alb •
N• Tank

II 000 AMP.
Oil Pump 0 No r
ruel Tank
0G • 4 4
Pilot rue VWCO Camera

sou 1.4
I nne r kr
00 0
Test nozzle
Os ReCever Tank • •• I
Roots Mower ti 11
Outer Air

Air Mowing

Figure 7. A schematic diagram of the fuel nozzle test facility

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-0 -G• OS
21 • • • Go • 7.722 ( - G • 0.0
001 - • - Ga • 7.722 (
i-O- GO • 6142/ ( +- Ga • 40.0
GP • 61/13 (


• ■•■•• 10 06



IS .........

CS 1 112 "To 104 TM 106 IC 10 i ii III 102

Sims Owe Onom•Rsre

Figure 8. The variation of swirler air flowrate with Figure 9. The variation of discharger coefficient with
swirler air pressure ratio for various fuel fiONVIMICS swirler air pressure ratio for various fuel &wrote
(1a+2a+3a+4b+5b combination nozzle) (la+2a+3a+4b+5b combination nozzle)

(a) tp= 01 Egi/cm2 (b) tf'r = 8.0 Rigt/cm2

Figure 10. The variation of fuel sway Photos with fuel pressure (1a+22+32+4c+5c combination nozzle)

. TAtif72 : - . •
1. —

Figure 12. Flame pattern with fuel pressure of .n.Pn = 2

Figure 11. Flame torch igniter system
Kef/cm 2

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Figure 11 The sketch of processing of fuel atomization Figure 14. Combustor hot test facility
duriog test

0 1 ID II A D s 10
Plum kcizr A) Ave Cat ty.)

(a) Pattern factor (b) Profile factor

Figure 15. Combustor exit temperature field


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