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* Menunjukkan pertanyaan yang wajib diisi


Choose the best answer!

Below is the generic structure of procedure * 1 poin

text, except . . .

Action verbs




You visit my house usually * 1 poin

My house is visited by you usually

My house are visisted by you usually

My house was being visited by you usually

My house has been visited by you usually

According to the text, on what day will the * 1 poin

road be opened?





Lemper is …… in a banana leaf. * 1 poin





Arini : What time do you get up every day? * 1 poin

Sinta : I usually…………… 5 o'clock

Get up

Have got up

Gets up

Got up

Our school has a library. It is between the * 1 poin

school o!ce and the laboratory. Our librarian

is Mr. Pranata. Mr. Pranata is in his o!ce. It is
in the library. He is sitting behind his desk. He
is numbering the new books. He is a busy and
hard working librarian.

Our school library opens everyday but Sunday.

It starts at 8 a.m. and stops at 2 p.m. On
Friday, it closes earlier, usually at 11 o’clock.

There are some students in the library now.

Some are looking for books. The others are
reading magazines, newspapers or books.

What is Mr. Pranata?

a. A librarian

A headmaster

A laboratory assistant

A teacher

Change the sentence into negative form. * 1 poin

Your brother visits your grandma's house every


Your brother is not visit your grandma's house every


Your brother are not visit your grandma's house

every week.

Your brother do not visit your grandma's house

every week.

Your brother does not visit your grandma's house

every week

The purpose of Narrative text is... * 1 poin

describe something

persuade the readers

tell past events

entertain the readers

Salisa watches movie on youtube * 1 poin

Movie has been watched by Salisa on Youtube

Movie are watched by Salisa on Youtube

Movie is watched by Salisa on Youtube

Movie was being watched by Salisa on Youtube

What is the brand of drug Above? * 1 poin



Paracetamol tablets


The name of product is….. * 1 poin

A blend of apple juice, banana, pineapple juice and

coconut milk

Banana smoothie

Pineapple, coconut & banana smoothie

Pineapple smoothie

If this month is March, next two month is......... * 1 poin





The Generic Structure of Report Text…. * 1 poin

Classification, Description

General classification, Information

General Classification, Description

Classification, Information

This is one of the most commonly found street * 1 poin

food in Indonesia. It is made of minced meat

mixed with tapioca starch and then shaped in
round shaped. It is completed with tasty soup
and boiled noodles. The food is called...




Fried chicken

MILK CALCIUM Dietary Supplement 600mg * 1 poin

100 Soft gels SupplementFacts Serving size : 1


Amount per 1 soft gel % DailyValue* Vitamin

D 200 IU 50

Calcium (from milk) 600mg 60 Zinc 15mg *

*Daily value has notbeen established

Other ingredients:Gelatin,Glycerin,
PurifiedWater Directions:As a dietary
supplement, take one softgel for adults daily.

Manufactured for: EXP 04 27 10


Walnut, CA 91789 Made in U.S.A.

The label is telling us about............ of a dietary


The information

The Materials

He usage

The benefits

Our school has a library. It is between the * 1 poin

school o!ce and the laboratory. Our librarian

is Mr. Pranata.Mr. Pranata is in his o!ce. It is
in the library. He is sitting behind his desk. He
is numbering the new books. He is a busy and
hard working librarian.

Our school library opens everyday but Sunday.

It starts at 8 a.m. and stops at 2 p.m. On
Friday, it closes earlier, usually at 11
o’clock.There are some students in the library
now. Some are looking for books. The others
are reading magazines, newspapers or books.

What time does the school library begin?

8 a.m

10 a.m

11 a.m

2 a.m

What time is it? * 1 poin

It is quarter past nine

It is half to nine

It is quarter to nine

It is half past nine

What date was the road opened? * 1 poin





The moral value from the Story of Sangkuriang * 1 poin

is . . . .

you must hide the truth

you must leave your parents

you should not hide the truth

you must leave home if you have a problem

Which of the following sentences included as a * 1 poin

correct form of simple present tense?

Your teacher is not teach in my class.

Your teacher does not teaches in my class.

Your teacher not teach in my class.

Your teacher does not teach in my class

An elephant is the largest and strongest * 1 poin

animal. It is a strange looking animal with its

thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging
ears, a small tall, little eyes, long white tusks
and above all it has a long noise, the trunk.

The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature,

and it has various uses. The elephant draws up
water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its
body like a shower bath. It can also lift leaves
and put them into its mouth. In fact the trunk
serves the elephant as a long arm and hand. An
elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet
it can move very quickly.

The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its

intelligence combined with its great strength
makes it a very useful servant to man and it
can be trained to serve in various ways such as
carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even

The text tells us about...

The Elephant’s peculiar feature

An elephant

Useful servant

Strange looking animal

Write the sentences from the following time! * 1 poin

22.35 pm

It is thirty five to ten

It is thirty five past ten

It is twenty five past ten

It is twenty five to ten

Write the sentences from the following time! * 1 poin


It is half past nine

It is quarter to ten

It is half to ten

It is half to nine

Aslan : ................ is it * 1 poin

Joan : it's seven o'clock

What the time is?

What it the time?

What time is it?

What is the time?

Which one is correct? * 1 poin

February is second month in a year

October is ninth month in a year

September is eleventh month in a year

August is sixth month in a year

Read the text Zein's Monday Activities Today is * 1 poin

Monday. Zein gets up at four o’clock in the

morning the he takes a bath. At six o’clock he
has breakfast after that he goes to school. Zein
goes home at half past twelve. He has lunch at
one o’clock in the afternoon. He goes to the
mosque at three o’clock in the afternoon . He
does ashar praying then he reads Al Quran
until Magrib. He has dinner at seven o’clock in
the evening. He studies at half past seven at
night. He prepares the book for tomorrow at
nine o’clock at night. He prays before sleep at
half past nine.

What does Edo do at 06.00 am?

He takes a bath

He goes home

He has breakfast

He goes to school

“Use medicine according to physician’s * 1 poin


What is the meaning of the text above?

It means that we can use the medicine whenever

It means that we can use the medicine only once

It means that we can use the medicine according to

the instruction

It means that we can not use the medicine

1.knowing dayang sumbi cheated him * 1 poin

,sangkuriang got very angry.

2.dayang sumbi got very worried .

3.she was thinking hard again to find a way to

fail him.

4.the genies thought that the morning was

almost broken. is now known as mount tangkuban perahu. dawn both the lake and the boat were

almost done.

7.she asked the people in the village to burn

the woods in the east, so that the light made
all the cocks in the village crow.

8.they ran away as fast as they could,leaving

the boat unfinished.

9.then,she had an idea.

10.he kicked the boat so hard that it went

upside down.

The correct order is . . . .





An elephant is the largest and strongest * 1 poin

animal. It is a strange looking animal with its

thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging
ears, a small tall, little eyes, long white tusks
and above all it has a long noise, the trunk.

The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature,

and it has various uses. The elephant draws up
water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its
body like a shower bath. It can also lift leaves
and put them into its mouth. In fact the trunk
serves the elephant as a long arm and hand. An
elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet
it can move very quickly.

The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its

intelligence combined with its great strength
makes it a very useful servant to man and it
can be trained to serve in various ways such as
carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even

The third paragraph is mainly about the fact


Elephant are very useful

Elephants are strong

Elephant must be trained

Elephants can lift logs

Read the text * 1 poin

Zein's Monday Activities Today is Monday. Zein

gets up at four o’clock in the morning the he
takes a bath. At six o’clock he has breakfast
after that he goes to school. Zein goes home at
half past twelve. He has lunch at one o’clock in
the afternoon. He goes to the mosque at three
o’clock in the afternoon . He does ashar
praying then he reads Al Quran until Magrib.
He has dinner at seven o’clock in the evening.
He studies at half past seven at night. He
prepares the book for tomorrow at nine o’clock
at night. He prays before sleep at half past

What time does Zein study?

07.00 pm

07.00 am

07.30 pm

07.3O am

Complete the dialogue below! * 1 poin

Lina :……………………………………..
Siti : To have strong lungs

What do you jog?

What for we jog?

What did you jog?

What for should we have jog?

We celebrate our Independence Day on............. * 1 poin

August 17th

November 20th

May 20th

January 1st

What do the people say on other people's * 1 poin

success, achievements, good fortune?

I hope and wish

I don't agree with you


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