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Dears/ from Koch international organization- social

funding program
After more than ten years we were very delighted that an international organization has
taken a look at Halabja city. As you have stated in the announcement” a long history of
internal conflicts has led to a failure in economics, social, dictionary, educational, and
safety development in the country”, which Halabja city has these problems and even
As you have pointed out” Koch international organization will financially fund 24 civil
society organizations in the cities of Basra, Fallujah, Hawija, Halabja, Mosul, and Tall
’afar”. You have also stated out” organizations which are based in these regions (Basra,
Fallujah, Hawija, Halabja, Mosul, and Tall ‘afar) that are committed and have full
transparency in experience”.

The organizations were optimistic that an international organization will help them in
organizational development in the cities so that we can help the Young, women, and
people in our society.
Some of the organizations in Halabja have responded to your announcement and
presented several projects. However, except of one the organizations, the others couldn’t
make it to the second round.

We believed that organizations which are based in Halabja and have their own office and
staff, will be given projects, because they are more familiar with Halabja city problems
and it will be a motivation to serve and help their society and develop their organization.
For years, the government and political parties have marginalized Halabja city, however
we did not expect to be marginalized by organizations too.
We understand that points were used in selecting the wining projects but we believe that
this is not a justifiable criterion for Halabja city. Because in the case of capabilities we
cannot compare Halabja city to the organizations of Sulaymaniyah and Erbil. The
organizations of Halabja should be given this opportunity to improve their works and
develop their organization. If not, then when and how are we going to develop our

Sulaymaniyah and Erbil cities organizations carrying out the projects in Halabja will not
have a good result:
1- the organizations of Sulaymaniyah and Erbil are not familiar with the problems of
Halabja, also some of the funds will be wasted in office and transportation fees.
2- the organizations in Halabja which have a lot of passion in doing their works will no
longer have the motivation or trust in doing organizational works and will close down
their offices then the staff unfortunately will be obligated to move to other cities like
Sulaymaniyah and Erbil or even emigrate to Europe.
That’s why we request that about 75 percent of the projects to be given to Halabja
organizations or a partnership between two organizations: Halabja and Sulaymaniyah-
Halabja and Erbil.

If our request is not accepted and replied in three days, unfortunately we as Halabja
organizations will have to make a statement in a press conference and then rise a petition
to the consulates, the international organizations, and stakeholders.

The names of the organizations:


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