Essay 1

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In Kurdistan, we have many special and unique traditions and cultures regarding

marriage. Throughout history, asking for hand has been in our traditional practices.

Asking for someone’s hand from their parents for marriage is one the beautiful things that
I am fond and proud of in our marriage traditions, because this indicates that the lovers
care about not only themselves but about each other’s families/parents which brought
them into this life and provided for them. This is why I want to share this tradition in the
United States, as it gives a positive impression for the partners, for example it may show
respect, commitment, and sincerity. Thus, asking for hand and approval from the parents
of both sides is essential to build a strong relationship between the families which are
again of a larger community. I believe there is a reciprocal relationship between a well-
built family and a well-organized successful community.

Conversely, I want to bring some ideas of the United States into our country, for example
the great importance that United States gives to young leaders and how they value each
and every idea of the back bones of their society which are the young leaders. They train,
guide, and teach them how to be a good leader and have confidence in their skills and
ideas. Not only in the United States they have programs for guidance and support of
leaders but also in other countries. For example, in Iraq they have ILYP program.

In general, it can be said that, both Kurdistan/Iraq and United States have different and
unique ideas, beliefs, and style of living, that if combined, it would make a successful
developed community.

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