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Roger M. Prewitt

The site arrangements and plant arrangements for an elec­ solid waste disposal for the specific site. The National Envi­
tricity generating power plant are drawings that provide the ronment Policy Act (NEPA) is the basic national charter for
basis for the engineering and design of a power plant project. protecting the environment. NEPA establishes policy, sets
The site arrangements show the locations of major facilities goals, and provides the means for carrying out that policy.
and areas on the power plant site, the locations of the major Federal agencies initiate the measures needed to direct their
utilities and facilities entering and exiting the site and inter­ policies, plans, and programs so as to meet national environ­
connecting the major areas on the site, and traffic patterns for mental goals. Individual states typically adopt parallel pro­
the site. The plant arrangements define the physical arrange­ grams for actions within their particular state.
ment of the specific buildings on the site. This includes the The major federal statute regulating water quality and
location and spacing of support columns for the building; the wastewater discharges is the Clean Water Act (CWA). The
location of exterior and interior walls; the locations of floors, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for
doors, walkways, access ways, platforms, and roofs; and the administering the CWA. Individual states determine if more
location of the significant equipment within the building. stringent standards are required to meet their standards and
These drawings provide a primary means of communica­ they administer permits and review water treatment system
tion and coordination between the various design engineer­ designs.
ing disciplines on a specific project, and offer a primary The federal requirements for potable water supplies are
means of communication between the architect-engineer, established by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). Indi­
client/owner, regulatory agencies, and other interested par­ vidual state agencies implement provisions of the SDWA
ties. Because the site and plant arrangement drawings are and require the use of standard plumbing codes.
used in these ways, they must be developed at the very The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is
beginning of a project. the controlling federal legislation for the regulation of solid
The location of a building relative to other buildings, waste disposal. The EPA and individual state agencies are
facilities, and areas on the site impacts the physical arrange­ responsible for implementing the provisions of the RCRA.
ment of that building. Therefore, it is necessary to determine The Noise Control Act (NCA) provides the statutory
and develop the site arrangements before developing plant guidance for federal noise control activities. The EPA and
arrangements of the individual buildings. More importantly, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
the site arrangement drawings are essential for the licensing are responsible for determining noise emission standards and
and permitting of a project, which occurs prior to the more administering the requirements of the NCA. The impact of
detailed design associated with the plant arrangements. these regulations must be carefully considered during the site
screening process.
The screening process used to select the site for a new
19.1 SITE ARRANGEMENTS power plant should involve the following major steps:

19.1.1 Site Selection • Define the potential types and sizes of power plants to be
placed on the site.
The first step in producing the site arrangement for a power
• Define the area from which the site is to be selected. This
plant is selecting the site. The site must be carefully chosen,
generally includes the owner's service territory, if the owner is
considering the economics of site development, plant life­ a utility, or may include areas near a proposed load center or
time costs, environmental factors, socioeconomic factors, qualifying cogeneration host if the owner is an independent
and licensability factors. These requirements are frequently power producer, developer, or cogenerator.
in conflict with one another and require careful screening to • Characterize the siting area by reviewing USGS maps, aerial
ensure the optimum location is selected. photographs, and transmission maps. These maps and photo­
A major consideration for site selection is the impact of graphs should be reviewed to identify major existing water­
federal, state, and local regulations on air quality, water ways, existing transmission routes, and potential sources for
allocation, water quality, wastewater treatment, noise, and fuel.

Site/Plant Arrangements 643

• Define exclusion areas based on proximity to national or state analyses can be of help in determining how the evaluation
parks, Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) nonat- factors affect the scoring and ranking of the sites.
tainment areas, and other areas where a power generating
facility could not be sited. 19.1.2 Development of Site Arrangement
• Identify potential sites by further reviewing the maps; photo­
graphs; and available data on hydrology, soils, vegetation, and Once the site has been selected, the arrangement of the
land use. The potential sites need to consider water sources, power plant on the site can be developed. The development
fuel sources, transportation access, access to adequate trans­ of the site arrangement should be conducted in an orderly
mission lines, provisions for combustion waste disposal, to­ and logical fashion. To establish a site arrangement, the
pography, geology, land availability, environmental impacts, following items should be defined and identified, as appro­
and availability of a work force. priate for the type of power plants or sites:
Once the potential sites have been identified, a score or • Fuel delivery modes (rail carriers, barge, truck, pipeline, etc.);
value should be determined for each of the factors noted • Location of railroad connections;
previously for each site. Based on these scores, an overall • Location and type of water sources;
ranking of the sites can be determined. From this ranking, • Location of connection points to water and sewer lines;
several of the top ranking sites can be selected for further • Amount of water to be stored on the site and the storage
detailed evaluation. It is recommended that both a primary method (tanks or pond);
site and a secondary site be considered so that the plant can • Type of circulating water system (cooling tower or once-
be relocated if insurmountable problems occur during land through);
acquisition or permitting and licensing. • Location of public road connections;
During detailed evaluation of the selected sites, site visits • Location of connection point to electrical transmission system;
are mandatory to verify map work and to investigate existing
• Probable location of wastewater discharge points;
site conditions. These site investigations can help verify the
• Location of combustion waste disposal areas and amount of
amount of wetlands, the likelihood of hazardous waste, or
combustion wastes to be stored on the site;
the types of foundation materials encountered. A factor that
• Direction of prevailing winds for winter and summer;
plays a large part in the determination of the site is the
availability of water. Water sources and the long-term via­ • Amount of fuel storage and flue gas desulfurization system
bility of these sources must be carefully evaluated. In some additive storage to be maintained on site;
areas, an onsite reservoir may be necessary to store water for • Location of environmentally sensitive areas on the site or
use by the plant during periods of drought. In addition, the adjacent to the site that may affect the site arrangement; and
site should be located so that two competitive sources of fuel • Location of areas for construction facilities and construction
are available. Fuel cost is one of the largest lifetime operat­ laydown.
ing costs of a project, and in a deregulated environment, Of primary interest among these items are the major high
competition between sources of fuel and transportation com­ unit cost utilities and facilities entering and exiting the cen­
panies or transportation modes is the surest guarantee for an tral plant complex, and the traffic patterns throughout the
economical delivered cost of fuel. For areas where selected site. The central plant complex includes the power genera­
sites are remote or isolated, the problems of housing and tion facilities area, the control center area, and the air quality
infrastructure for construction and operations staff must be control equipment facilities. The major utilities and facilities
addressed. and comparative installed unit costs typically include the
Following the site visits, site-specific evaluation criteria following:
and parameters should be defined. These criteria will include
Major utility/facility entering Comparative installed
fixed charges, rate of return, water sources, competitive fuel or exiting the central plant complex unit cost*
sources, transportation access, access to adequate transmis­
Plant access roads $ X per foot
sion lines, provisions for combustion waste disposal, site
Railroad trackwork $ X per foot
topography, environmental considerations, licensability fac­ Natural gas pipeline $ X per foot
tors, and site development cost factors. The specific sites can Plant makeup water pipeline $ X per foot
then be evaluated and scored based on these criteria and Electrical transmission lines $2.5X per foot
parameters. By comparing the scores and evaluations, the Circulating water pipeline $7X per foot
Coal conveyors
sites can be ranked and a primary and secondary site se­
On ground $10X per foot
lected. Overhead $20X per foot
It is sometimes necessary to perform sensitivity analyses
*The access roads, trackwork, and pipelines have a similar unit cost,
for selected sites to determine the importance of one or more denoted by the value "X." The comparative unit costs for the remaining
of the evaluation factors on the overall rankings of the sites. items in the list are denoted as a multiple of "X" (2.5 time X, 7 times X, and
so on).
The sensitivity analyses are performed by varying the degree
of importance for one or more of the evaluation factors with Having established the major utilities/facilities and their
respect to the overall score for a site. The results of these unit costs, the "radial concept" of site arrangement can be
644 Power Plant Engineering

ELECTRICITY • Fuel supply,

и • Transmission lines,
• Makeup water, and
• Access road.

After establishing these directions, at least three site ar­
rangements should be developed for evaluation. Figures
19-2,19-3, and 19-4 show three proposed arrangements for a
multiple-unit, pulverized coal power plant site with a cooling
tower circulating water system. For each arrangement, the
fuel supply is delivered by rail from the south of the site, the
transmission lines exit the site to the north, and the makeup
Fig. 19-1. Radial concept. water and plant access road enter the site from the north.
Each of these arrangements was developed considering the
used to begin development of the arrangement. The radial appropriate items from the screening process and the radial
concept involves arranging the major utilities/facilities in a concept, as follows.
radial manner around the central plant complex so that these The central plant complex is centrally located on the site
major utilities/facilities do not interfere with one another. in each arrangement to support the radial concept. This
Figure 19-1 illustrates the radial concept. central location enables optimum use of the site for the
The first step in developing the site arrangement is to remaining major areas (including coal storage area, combus­
analyze the shortest distance to bring the following major tion waste disposal area, cooling towers, recycle basin, and
items from offsite to the central plant complex while adher­ water supply storage pond) and allows for expansion of the
ing to the radial concept: storage and disposal areas. The central location also creates

Fig. 19-2. Alternative site arrangement A.

Site/Plant Arrangements 645

LINES - - _ ,

ROAD >»||

Fig. 19-3. Alternative site arrangement B.

open space, or "buffer zones," between the central plant and deliveries are interrupted. This storage capacity may range
property adjacent to the site. from as little as 15 days of operation to as many as 120 days,
When the remaining major areas of the site are first ar­ depending on the reliability of delivery system.
ranged, the prevailing winter and summer winds must be For rail delivery systems, space is required for a track
taken into account. The drift from the cooling towers (dis­ loop for efficient unit train delivery for a high-capacity,
cussed in Chapter 12) carried by the prevailing winds can 3,500 to 4,000 tons per hour unloading system. Unloading
create a major operating problem for the electrical substation rates are determined by the length and net tonnage of the unit
equipment, transmission lines between the substation and train and the free unloading time allowed by the railroad. A
central plant, and generator transformers located at the cen­ series of "ladder tracks" may be required for systems with
tral plant. Mechanical draft cooling towers should be located random-car dumping systems. These systems may have
so that the prevailing winter wind cannot blow the cooling longer free unloading times to allow for car switching. The
tower drift onto the substation. Drift should also be pre­ railroad curves and grades required to reach the storage area
vented from blowing onto the coal storage area or the central and the length of the train to be used for delivery constrain
plant complex, if possible. In any case, mechanical draft the actual unloading point in the storage area. As noted
cooling towers should be located a minimum of 1,000 ft from previously, the unit cost of coal conveyors is the highest of
a substation and 700 ft from a major structure such as the any of the major utilities/facilities and this cost must be
central plant complex. These location requirements some­ considered in the location and arrangement of the coal stor­
what dictate the length of the circulating water piping be­ age area relative to the central plant complex.
tween the towers and the central plant, but this piping length If coal is handled by track, provisions should be made
should be kept as short as practical because of the high unit onsite to allow for a queue of trucks waiting to weigh or
cost of this piping. Once the central plant and cooling towers unload. Special treatment of the access road and its intersec­
have been located, the coal storage area should be located. tion with the public road system will likely be required for
Coal storage requires a large, level space. The storage the increased truck traffic.
area should be large enough to contain sufficient coal to For barge delivery of coal, the distance between the barge
allow the plant to continue operation in the event that coal dock, storage area, and the central plant should be kept to a
646 Power Plant Engineering



ROAD ^ |



Fig. 19-4. Alternative site arrangement С

minimum to minimize the conveyor length. Space must be trucks or other mobile equipment can pick up the wastes for
provided adjacent to the coal storage area for a runoff pond transport to the disposal area. Bottom ash can be handled
to catch and treat rainfall runoff from the storage area. The either wet or dry. When it is handled wet it is sluiced from
prevailing seasonal wind directions must also be considered the steam generator in the central plant to ponds in the waste
in the location of the coal storage area so that coal dust is not disposal area. The sluice water is then decanted and returned
blown onto the central plant complex or onto the adjacent to the plant for reuse.
property. See Chapter 5 for more details on coal handling Whether the combustion wastes are handled and stored
systems. dry, wet, or in a combination of the two, the site soil condi­
Onsite combustion waste disposal requires significant tions and environmental requirements must be reviewed to
storage area. Typically, this area is sized to contain all the determine if the ground in the disposal area must be lined.
combustion waste generated over the life of the plant. For the The disposal area should be developed such that only small
examples shown in Figs. 19-2, 19-3, and 19-4, the combus­ areas are active at any one time. As with the coal storage
tion waste disposal area requires approximately 10% of the area, space must be provided adjacent to the combustion
total site area. An alternative to onsite storage that should be waste disposal area for a pond to catch and treat any rainfall
investigated is to return the combustion wastes to the coal runoff from the disposal area.
mine supplying the fuel for the plant. Combustion wastes For the water storage area, sufficient storage capacity
generated in a pulverized coal power plant typically include should be provided to allow the plant to continue operation
bottom ash, fly ash, and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) in the event that the supply of water to the site is interrupted
system waste. Fly ash and FGD system wastes are typically or the water treatment equipment located at the plant site is
handled dry. Short-term storage for these wastes, usually 3 out of service. This storage capacity is usually between 3 and
days accumulation, is provided at the central plant, where 7 days of operation.
Site/Plant Arrangements 647

The recycle basin and other ponds designated for the to show enough detail to indicate the overall size and shape
containment of waste water should be sized to contain the of the piece of equipment; its length, width, and height; the
runoff resulting from a 100-year, 24-hour storm. location of major piping connections; the space required for
With these major areas sized and located in alternative disassembly or inspection of the equipment (such as tube or
arrangements as shown in Figs. 19-2,19-3, and 19-4, a com­ shell pull space for a heat exchanger, or access door opening
parative cost evaluation can be performed using the unit space for a cabinet); the arrangement of any significant
costs for the major utilities and facilities noted previously. In appurtenances on the equipment that impacts the building
comparing Figs. 19-2, 19-3, and 19-4, the site arrangement layout; and enough detail to allow the construction contrac­
shown in Fig. 19-2 has the lowest cost for transmission lines, tor to properly set and install the equipment. This level of
access road, and coal and waste handling systems. It has a detail provides a significant amount of information without
slightly higher cost for water supply pipeline and the cost duplicating information that is available on other drawings
for its railroad is higher than the arrangement in Fig. 19-3, or from other sources.
but less than that in Fig. 19-4. Overall, the cost for the The primary purpose of the plant arrangement drawings is
arrangement in Fig. 19-2 is approximately 20% less than the to provide the basis for engineering design. By defining the
cost for the arrangement in Fig. 19-3, and approximately physical arrangement of a building and the location of equip­
30% less than the cost of the arrangement in Fig. 19-4. ment, the foundations, structural steel supports, platforms
The process of developing alternative site arrangements and floors, and roof and floor drain systems can be designed,
and performing cost evaluations should be repeated until an and the architectural design can be developed. The plant
optimum arrangement is achieved. arrangement drawings provide the basis for designing the
The development of an optimum site arrangement is a piping systems that interconnect the mechanical equipment
detailed and complicated process that involves the consid­ and provide the basis for routing these piping systems. The
eration of a wide variety of factors. As explained and illus­ plant arrangement drawings also provide the basis for the
trated previously, in many cases, these factors will be in design and layout of the electrical power and control cable
conflict with one another. However, if the development pro­ systems and the design and layout of the raceway system for
cess is performed as described, an efficient and economical these power and control cable systems.
site arrangement can be determined. The plant arrangement drawings provide a primary means
of coordination and communication among the various de­
sign engineering disciplines on a particular project. They
19.2 PLANT ARRANGEMENTS also provide a primary means of communication between the
architect-engineer, client/owner, regulatory agencies, and
As stated previously, plant arrangements are drawings that other interested parties.
define the physical arrangement of a building and the loca­
tion and arrangement of the major equipment within that 19.2.1 Development of Plant Arrangements
building. Major equipment is generally that equipment that
Plant arrangement drawings typically are produced for every
has a significant effect on the building layout.
building of a power plant project. However, to illustrate the
The physical arrangement of a building includes the over­
development process, only the plant arrangement drawings
all length, width, and height of the building; the location and
for a portion of the central plant complex are discussed in
spacing of support columns; the location and heights of
this chapter. The central plant complex includes the power
floors, platforms, and roofs; the location of exterior and
generation facilities area, the control center area, and the air
interior walls; and the location of vertical and horizontal
quality control facilities area. The power generation facilities
access ways, including stairs, elevators, access aisles, and
area and the control center area compose what is commonly
referred to as the Generation Building. The power generation
Equipment within the building is typically located by the
facilities area is typically separated into the steam generator
use of a three-coordinate system (X, Y, Z). The X and Y
area and the steam turbine-generator area. For the purposes
coordinates are horizontal dimensions off the building col­
of this chapter, the development of the Generation Building
umn rows. The Z coordinate is the elevation of the equip­
plant arrangements for a 675-megawatt (MW) pulverized-
ment. These coordinates are typically the dimensions to the
coal-fueled power plant are discussed in detail. The meth­
centerline of the equipment. However, a piece of equipment
odology and procedures described are appropriate and appli­
may be composed of several subassemblies that each have a
cable for any building of a power plant project.
centerline. In this case, to avoid confusion, it is typical to
The steps that should be followed in developing the plant
dimension to a corner of the piece of equipment with the X
arrangements for the Generation Building are as follows:
and Y coordinates and to dimension to the bottom of the
equipment with the Z coordinate. • Identify all the major equipment that will be located in the
When showing the arrangement of a piece of equipment building and that will be shown on the plant arrangement
on a plant arrangement drawing, it is not necessary to show drawings.
every detail of the piece of equipment. What is important is • Review and locate each piece of equipment with respect to its
648 Power Plant Engineering

requirements for maintainability, constructibility, and oper­ development of plant arrangements. The criteria for main­
ability. tainability, constructibility, and operability that apply specif­
• Based on the equipment locations, determine the overall ically to developing the plant arrangement drawings are
length, width, and height of the building; the location and discussed in the following sections.
spacing of building support column rows; the location and
heights of floors, platforms, and roofs; the location of exterior Maintainability. Plant equipment should be de­
and interior walls; and the location of vertical and horizontal signed to be maintained in place, if possible, with minimum
accessways including stairs, elevators, access aisles, and disassembly of surrounding equipment and minimum usage
doors. of temporary scaffolding and handling equipment. Perma­
nent maintenance platforms should be located where re­
An important consideration in the development of plant quired to ensure safety and efficiency.
arrangements is the impact of federal, state, and local regula­ Plant building arrangements, piping routing, and cable
tions on the arrangement. Common federal regulations to be tray locations should be designed for maximum equipment
considered include the Uniform Building Code (UBC), Na­ accessibility and to allow the following types of access:
tional Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards, and
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) • Space should be provided to allow plant personnel easy access
standards. Where these regulations directly affect the ar­ to all equipment which may require maintenance.
rangements, they are referenced in the text. The individual • Space should be provided to give unobstructed access for
states typically have construction codes and building codes maintenance tools and equipment required for maintenance on
that must be adhered to. permanently installed equipment.
The first step in the development process is identifying • Ample space should be provided to facilitate removal of any
equipment that cannot be maintained in place or that may
the major equipment to be located in the Generation Building
require replacement.
(Table 19-1). This is only a partial list, but it includes a
variety of equipment with unique characteristics and loca­ Permanent cranes and hoists should be provided for
tion requirements. equipment that is not easily maintainable with mobile equip­
Before beginning the second step in the process, the ment. Lifting eyes and other portable equipment supports
general criteria for maintainability, constructibility, and should be provided.
operability that apply specifically to the development of Structures and internal building spaces should be de­
plant arrangements need to be reviewed before applying signed to minimize housecleaning requirements by avoiding
these concepts to the individual pieces of equipment. These dead pockets and difficult to reach horizontal surfaces.
three concepts are part of a larger concept commonly repre­ Floor and equipment drains should be installed within
sented by the acronym MARCO—maintainability, avail­ buildings and structures and at material handling areas so
ability, reliability, constructibility, and operability. The con­ that hose sprays can be used for washdown.
cepts of availability and reliability are more appropriate for Special attention should be given to providing enclosures,
system and equipment design and so are not included in this curbs, drip guards and collection systems for fugitive water,

Table 19.1. Generation Building Equipment List

Steam Generator Area Steam Turbine-Generator Area Control Center Area

Steam generator Steam turbine-generator Main control room equipment

Coal pulverizers Turbine lube oil reservoir Water treatment equipment
Coal feeders Hydrogen seal oil unit HVAC equipment
Coal silos Electro-hydraulic control unit Battery and inverter equipment
Air heaters Gland condenser Water quality laboratory equipment
Primary air fans Surface condenser
Forced draft fans Turbine-driven boiler feed pumps
Bottom ash hopper Motor-Driven startup boiler feed pump
Ash sluice pumps Deaerator
Boiler blowdown tank Condensate pumps
High-voltage switchgear
Secondary unit substations
Motor control centers
Generator transformer
Main auxiliary transformer
Reserve auxiliary transformers
High-pressure feedwater heaters
Low-pressure feedwater heaters
Closed cooling water heat exchangers
Turbine lube oil storage and purification equipment
Site/Plant Arrangements 649

hose spray water, chemicals, oils, and coal dust so that ing. Detailed information on the design and operation of the
equipment areas are kept as clean as possible. equipment listed is included in the chapter addressing that
specific piece of equipment in this book. Constructibility. Site traffic routes should be es­
tablished to move material, personnel, and equipment to • Steam Generator Area
their required position with a minimum of effort and time, —Steam Generator. The steam generator is apulverized-coal-
and in as short a distance as practical. The establishment of fueled drum-type reheating unit. The maintenance require­
traffic routes determines access points to each building. ments consist of providing access to the drum, burners,
After access points are established at the buildings, verti­ access doors, instrumentation, and various associated com­
cal and horizontal access routes within the buildings should ponents such as soot blowers. Access stairs and platforms
must be provided as required by the steam generator manu­
be provided.
facturer's design. Horizontal and vertical access ways must
Construction openings should be provided where equip­ be provided for component removal. The operability of the
ment access route penetrate walls and slabs, and where steam generator is generally addressed by the manufac­
equipment, materials, and personnel must use the route after turer's design, but the location of related equipment, such
the walls or slabs are placed. as fans and coal pulverizers, does impact operation, and the
Preassembly of equipment and materials should be con­ requirements for this equipment are discussed. A more
sidered to reduce onsite labor costs if it also contributes important requirement for locating the steam generator is
to reduced overall project cost or schedule benefits. its position relative to the steam turbine-generator. Since
Piping and ductwork should be routed to minimize con­ the steam generator is providing the high-pressure, high-
flicts between contractors competing for the same work temperature steam to the turbine, it is important that the
relative locations of these two major pieces of equipment
result in an economical arrangement of the steam piping Operability. Each piece of equipment must be connecting them. This arrangement is described in greater
located to ensure that it operates correctly and performs most detail in the discussion of the fourth and final step of the
efficiently. This can be illustrated with an example of a pump process later in this chapter.
that is to be located inside a building and that is fed by On the basis of these requirements, the steam generator
gravity from a storage tank outdoors. Assuming that the is located with its principal axis parallel to thefluegas flow
and oriented in a north-south direction. The steam drum is
storage tank is adjacent to the building and supported at
arranged perpendicular to the principal axis, on the south
grade elevation, the pump should be located near the outside side of the steam generator. This orientation provides a
wall adjacent to the tank and no higher than grade elevation good arrangement of the steam piping to the turbine. The
in the building. This helps ensure a flooded suction for the steam generator elevation must be established to provide
pump and results in maximum utilization of the storage space below it for the bottom ash hopper and related ash
volume in the tank. removal equipment.
Systems and equipment should be located for easy opera­ —Coal Pulverizers, Coal Feeders, and Coal Silos. It is as­
tional access and logical operational sequences. Special at­ sumed that a 675-MW unit requires eight coal pulverizers,
tention should be given to adequate lighting, ventilation, and with a feeder and a silo associated with each pulverizer.
acoustic dampening of all operational spaces. Each pulverizer requires clear space around it and access
To the extent practical, all equipment that requires opera­ space for journal maintenance. Each feeder requires access
space around it for maintenance and inspections. For proper
tor manipulation, including valves, switches, inspection
operation, the coal silo must be located above the feeder,
ports, and dampers, should be located so that the operator and the feeder must be located above the pulverizer to allow
can manipulate the equipment from a standing position with­ for gravity feed of the coal from the silo to the feeder and
out obstruction and without having to climb ladders or hav­ from the feeder to the pulverizer. The pulverizers are very
ing to climb on top of equipment. large rotating pieces of equipment and should be located at
The second step in the development process is to review grade elevation so that their foundations can be designed to
each piece of equipment with respect to its requirements for properly isolate the vibrations that occur during operation.
maintainability, constructibility, and operability. This step is The pulverizers are connected to the steam generator by
very closely related to the third step, which is actually locat­ coal feed pipes supplying a coal-air mixture to the steam
ing the equipment. To illustrate these two steps, each piece of generator burners. It is important that these coal feed pipes
equipment listed in Table 19-1 is reviewed here and its loca­ be as short as possible to keep pressure drops low and
reduce material costs. There must also be sufficient space
tion identified. What becomes apparent is that maintain­
above the pulverizers for proper routing of the coal feed
ability and operability are the primary criteria for locating pipes.
equipment. Where used in these descriptions, the general
This coal feeding equipment can be positioned around
reference "access for maintenance" means there is no partic­ the steam generator in several configurations to satisfy
ular or unique requirement for that piece of equipment other these requirements. The eight pulverizers can be positioned
than the general criteria previously noted. in a single line, parallel with the steam drum and between
The equipment locations are shown in Figs. 19-5 through the steam generator and the turbine-generator areas. This
19-8, plant arrangement drawings for the Generation Build­ location would result in more steam piping between the
650 Power Plant Engineering

© ® @ @ @

Fig. 19-5. Generation building arrangement: ground floor elevation 100'-0".

Site/Plant Arrangements 651

У—1X31—У—ЖИ—У-—19-f У H^ У жч>- У я-д- V м'-о- У 7 »■-«• У 7 я-с V

0^ @ @ @

Fig. 19-6. Generation building arrangement: mezzanine floor elevation 12Г-0".

652 Power Plant Engineering

( t ^ t f õ | d Õ ä d õ ^ t f õ ä t f õ | Ä õ « ) d ^ Ä õ ä t f õ i )
Vх x-t- \r' ю-»- VX м-»- \S »■-»• Ч- 7 М--Д- у ' мч- V^ «--с- УГ *>-'• У »'<■ >/

6> ®
Fig. 19-7. Generation building arrangement: operating floor elevation 142'-0".
Site/Plant Arrangements 653

© © © © © © ©® © © "© © © ©

Fig. 19-8. Generation building arrangement: section elevation—east.

turbine and the steam generator. This is not economical access for maintenance of motors, bearings, and lubricating
because this steam piping is the most expensive in the plant. oil systems. Vertical access is required adjacent to the air
This location would also create obstructions for electrical heaters for removal and replacement of cold-end baskets.
tray and other piping which must be routed between the Access and space are required around the fans for removal
steam generator area and turbine area. A second choice is to and replacement of rotors and drive motors. The air heaters
position all the pulverizers on either the east side or the west typically are located and arranged by the steam generator
side of the steam generator. This location is not preferred manufacturer to be compatible with the steam generator
since it would require more coal feed piping because four of design. With the orientation and expected design of the
the pulverizers would be significantly farther from the steam generator, the air heaters are located at the rear
burners. The optimum choice is to place four pulverizers (north) of the furnace and elevated to minimize the inter­
along the east side of the steam generator and four along the connecting ductwork with the steam generator. The fans are
west side of the steam generator. This arrangement offers large pieces of rotating equipment and, like the pulverizers,
the most economical and efficient routing of coal feed must be supported at grade elevation for vibration isolation.
piping and meets the specified maintenance requirements. From an economical and efficiency perspective, it is impor­
Specifically, the pulverizers are located at the ground tant to place each fan as close to its associated air heater as
floor elevation and are spaced 30 ft apart. The coal feeders possible to minimize the amount of interconnecting duct­
are approximately 56 ft above grade, directly above the work, On this basis and because of the noted maintenance
pulverizers, to allow space for routing the coal pipes. The requirements, the two primary air fans are located on the
coal silos are directly above the feeders. ground floor elevation directly below the primary air heater,
-Primary Air Fans, Forced Draft Fans, and Air Heaters. and one forced draft fan is located on the ground floor
The 675-MW unit has two centrifugal primary air fans, two elevation directly below each secondary air heater.
axial forced draft fans, a single primary air heater, and two -Bottom Ash Hopper and Ash Sluice Pumps. The bottom ash
secondary air heaters. These items of equipment are re­ hopper and the ash sluice pumps require access for mainte­
viewed together because the air from the fans is discharged nance and inspection. For proper operation, the bottom ash
through ductwork to the air heaters. The air heaters require hopper must be directly below the steam generator furnace
654 Power Plant Engineering

so that the bottom ash can flow by gravity from the furnace equipment support operation of the turbine-generator and
into the hopper. The ash sluice pumps supply water to sluice are furnished by the turbine-generator manufacturer. These
the bottom ash to waste storage and to sluice rejects from items of equipment vary between manufacturers, but there
the pulverizers to waste storage. These pumps typically are common items. Each manufacturer has specific require­
take suction by gravity from a storage tank, so it is impor­ ments for the location of their equipment and these require­
tant to locate them at grade elevation for proper operation. ments must be adhered to for proper operation of the ma­
On the basis of these requirements, the bottom ash hopper chine. Some of the common items of equipment, their
must be directly below the furnace at the ground floor maintenance requirements, and their locations according to
elevation. The steam generator elevation must be estab­ typical manufacturer's requirements, are as follows:
lished to provide space for this hopper. Ideally, the ash (a) Turbine Lube Oil Reservoir. Access is required
sluice pumps should be near the perimeter of the building for inspection and maintenance of pumps and other
since they take suction from an outdoor storage tank. But in equipment on top of the reservoir. Vertical access is
the steam generator area, it is more important that that area required above the reservoir for removal of lube oil
be used for locating the pulverizers and fans. Therefore, coolers. The top of the reservoir is at an elevation 21 ft
these pumps are located at the ground floor elevation adja­ above grade and adjacent to the south side of the
cent to the ash hopper to limit the amount of piping from the turbine to allow gravity drainage of lube oil from the
pumps to the ash handling equipment. turbine-generator bearings to the reservoir.
—Boiler Blowdown Tank, The blowdown tank receives con­ (b) Hydrogen Seal Oil Unit. Access is required for inspec­
tinuous blowdown from the steam drum and various other tion and maintenance of components on the unit. The
high-pressure and high-temperature blowdowns from the unit is on the ground floor elevation and adjacent to
steam generator. The tank also receives drains by gravity the south side of the generator end of the machine.
from the steam generator when the steam generator is
(c) Electro-Hydraulic Control Unit. Access is required
drained for maintenance. Access should be provided around
for inspection and maintenance of the components on
the tank for inspection and maintenance. Vertical access
the unit. Horizontal clear space is required for tube
must be provided above the tank because the tank must be
pull of heat exchangers located on the unit. The unit is
vented to atmosphere for proper operation. The tank should
on the ground floor elevation, on the north side of the
be as near as possible to an outside wall so that the hot
turbine end of the machine.
drains from the tank can be routed directly to an exterior
drain manhole. The tank should be at grade elevation to (d) Gland Condenser. Access is required for inspection
allow for gravity drainage of the steam generator. and maintenance. Horizontal clear space is required
for tube pull from the gland condenser. The gland
On the basis of these requirements, the boiler blowdown
condenser is located at an elevation 21 ft above grade,
tank is located on the ground floor elevation on the east side
adjacent to the south side of the turbine and west of
of the steam generator and north of the pulverizers.
the turbine lube oil reservoir. This location allows for
• Steam Turbine-Generator Area
gravity drainage of the turbine steam seal piping.
—Steam Turbine-Generator. The steam turbine-generator is
a tandem compound, four-flow machine. Because of the —Surface Condenser. The surface condenser consists of two
size and weight of its components, the turbine-generator condenser shells, one for each low-pressure section of the
must be accessible by an overhead crane for disassembly, turbine-generator. The shells must be located directly be­
maintenance, and reassembly. Sufficient clear space must low the low-pressure sections to accept the downward ex­
be retained around the machine for laydown of the various haust from these sections and to provide the most efficient
components during disassembly. Space must be provided at operation of the unit. The condenser tubes are arranged
the generator end of the machine for pulling the generator perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the turbine-
rotor. A properly sized vertical access way should be lo­ generator. Horizontal clear space must be provided on the
cated adjacent to the machine for transferring components south side of the condenser for removal and reinstallation of
into and out of the building. The turbine-generator must be tubes. The two hot wells are connected and provide conden­
elevated so that the steam exhausts downward from the sate storage for suction to the condensate pumps.
low-pressure turbine sections into the surface condensers. On the basis of these requirements, the condensers are
This elevation must be sufficient for the proper design and located on the ground floor elevation, between the turbine
operation of the surface condensers. For proper support, the pedestal legs for the low-pressure sections.
turbine-generator requires a reinforced concrete, pedestal- —Turbine-Driven Boiler Feed Pumps. Two steam turbine
type foundation that is isolated from the rest of the building driven, barrel-type boiler feed pumps are provided. Access
foundations and structure. is required for inspection and maintenance. Clear space is
On the basis of these requirements, the turbine-gene­ required for pump rotor removal and for disassembly of the
rator is located at an elevation 42 ft above grade elevation. steam turbine. For operability requirements, the turbines
The longitudinal axis of the machine is oriented east-west, must be close to the surface condenser so that the turbine
with the turbine to the east and the generator to the west. exhaust duct to the condenser is as short as possible.
This orientation gives the most economical and efficient On the basis of these requirements, the boiler feed
routing of the steam piping between the turbine and the pumps and drive turbines are located at an elevation 42 ft
steam generator. above grade, adjacent to the north side of the main turbine-
—Turbine-Generator Auxiliary Equipment. Several items of generator. They are offset from the low-pressure turbines,
with one located next to the generator and one located next
Site/Plant Arrangements 655

to the high-pressure turbine. These locations offer several Each heater has extraction steam piping from the tur­
advantages. At this elevation, the turbine room crane can be bine; condensate or boiler feed water piping; and, if appli­
used for maintenance, disassembly, and reassembly of the cable, heater drains piping from the next higher pressure
pumps and turbines. These locations allow for a direct and heater connected to it.
flexible routing of the turbine exhaust ducts from the bot­ On the basis of these requirements and considerations,
toms of the turbines to the condensers, while avoiding the the heaters are located as follows. The lowest pressure
congestion with the low-pressure turbine extraction piping heater is actually supplied as two, half-capacity heaters
from the condenser necks. At this elevation and location, with each one located in the condenser neck directly below
each pump will require a reinforced concrete pedestal type a low-pressure turbine section. These heaters require the
foundation. largest diameter extraction steam piping. Locating them in
—Motor-Driven Startup Boiler Feed Pump. This pump re­ the condenser neck limits the length of this piping and
avoids the use of floor space for the heaters.
quires access for maintenance and clear space for pump
rotor removal. This pump is designed only for initial plant These heaters are designed for tube pull, instead of shell
startup and low-load operation. It takes suction from the pull, to the south of the condenser. The remaining heaters
deaerator storage tank. For proper operation, it should be are located between the turbine-generator and the steam
located as low as possible to allow for the most net positive generator, below the deaerator. The low-pressure heaters
suction head (NPSH) available. get extraction steam from the low-pressure turbines and are
On the basis of these requirements, the pump is located located at the generator end.
on the ground floor elevation, north of the turbine end of the The high-pressure heaters get extraction steam from the
main turbine-generator. high-pressure and intermediate-pressure turbines and are
located at the turbine end. This minimizes the extraction
—Deaerator. The deaerator consists of a deaerating section piping from the turbine to the heaters. In addition, the
mounted on top of a storage tank section. Access is required heaters are located with the succeeding extraction stage
around the deaerating section for removal and reinstallation heaters placed at elevations below the preceding stage
of trays. Access is required around the storage tank for heaters. This means the heaters are stacked vertically, with
maintenance and inspection. The deaerator provides the re­ a lower pressure heater located below the next higher pres­
quired NPSH for the turbine driven boiler feed pumps and the sure heater. This arrangement facilitates the heater drain
startup boiler feed pump. The deaerator should be located piping layout and minimizes the required length of the
as high as possible so that adequate NPSH is available at all larger diameter extraction steam piping associated with
times to ensure proper operation of the boiler feed pumps. each succeeding heater by locating heaters with larger pip­
On the basis of these requirements, the deaerator is ing at a lower level. Also, this arrangement facilitates the
located at approximately the same elevation as the steam layout of the condensate and boiler feed water piping since
generator steam drum, on the south side of the steam gener­ the condensate piping is routed from the condensate pumps
ator. The actual elevation of the deaerator is dependent on through the low-pressure heaters to the deaerator, and the
the NPSH of the boiler feed pumps actually furnished. boiler feedwater piping is routed from the boiler feed
—Condensate Pumps. Two vertical, multistage, centrifugal, pumps through the high-pressure heaters to the steam gen­
can-type condensate pumps are provided. Access is re­ erator. On the basis of these requirements, the second low-
quired to the pumps for inspection and maintenance. Clear pressure heater is located 21 ft above grade elevation with
space is required above the pumps for removing the pumps shell pull to the east.
from the cans. For proper operation, the pumps should be The third low-pressure heater and the first high-pressure
located as close to the condenser as possible. The pumps heater are located 42 ft above grade, with the low-pressure
should be lower than the hot wells to allow for gravity flow heater shell pull to the east and the high-pressure heater
of condensate from the hot wells to the pump cans and to shell pull to the west. The fourth low-pressure heater and
allow for the most NPSH available. the second high-pressure heater are located approximately
On the basis of these requirements, the pumps are lo­ 63 ft above grade with shell pulls like the preceding heaters.
cated at the ground floor elevation. The cans will be embed­ This location typically is adjusted to be consistent with the
ded in the foundation, below grade. The pumps are located elevation of the access platform for the first burner level on
to the west of the west boiler feed pump pedestal to allow the steam generator. The third high-pressure heater is lo­
for vertical pull of the pumps, clear of the pedestal, using cated approximately 78 ft above grade with shell pull to the
the turbine room crane. The pump suction piping between west. Again, this location typically is adjusted to be consis­
the hot wells and the pumps is located below grade in a tent with the access to the second burner level on the steam
trench in the foundation. generator.
—High-Pressure and Low-Pressure Feedwater Heaters. The
feedwater heaters are horizontal, U-tube, closed type —Transformers. The generator transformer, main auxiliary
heaters. There are four low-pressure heaters and three high- transformer, and reserve auxiliary transformers require ac­
pressure heaters. Access is required around the heaters for cess for inspection and maintenance. The transformers
inspection and maintenance. Clear space is required at each must be located outdoors for safety and to meet National
heater for pulling the heater shell. In addition, an important Fire Protection Association (NFPA) code requirements.
consideration in locating the heaters is the economical rou­ The generator transformer should be located as close to the
ting of all the piping connected to and interconnecting the main generator as possible to minimize the length of the
heaters. isolated phase bus duct from the generator terminals to the
656 Power Plant Engineering

transformer. The main and reserve auxiliary transformers reservoir. The floor of this room should be approximately
should be located as close as possible to the generator 4 in. lower than the ground floor elevation for oil spill
transformer to minimize the length of bus duct intercon­ containment.
necting these transformers.
• Control Center Area. The arrangement of the facilities and
On the basis of these requirements, these transformers
equipment in the Control Center Area is typically very spe­
are located at grade elevation, south of the generator and
cific to the needs of the particular plant and client. Because of
outside the building. The main and reserve auxiliary trans­
this, only general location requirements are discussed for the
formers are located to the west of the generator transformer
equipment to be located in this area. The Control Center Area
to avoid interference with the condenser tube pull space and
is located adjacent to the generator end of the main turbine-
to facilitate routing of bus duct to the high-voltage switch-
generator and north of the high-voltage switchgear and SUS.
gear. The turbine area exterior wall adjacent to the trans­
This location provides the best access for control cable from
formers and the fire walls between the transformers are
the steam generator and turbine-generator areas and for
designed to meet NFPA code requirements.
power cable from the turbine-generator area.
—High-Voltage Switchgear. Access is required around the Water treatment equipment, typically consisting of con­
switchgear for breaker removal and maintenance. The densate polisher equipment, is located on the ground floor to
switchgear should be located as close as possible to the minimize the length of interconnecting piping with the con­
main and reserve auxiliary transformers to minimize the densate pump discharge piping. The water quality laboratory,
length of bus duct interconnecting them. including water sampling and analysis and fuel analysis
On the basis of these requirements, the switchgear is equipment, is located on the second floor. The battery and
located directly north of the transformers, inside the build­ inverter rooms are also located on the second floor. The main
ing, at an elevation 21 ft above grade. This elevation accom­ control room and associated control equipment, and operating
modates the location of the bus duct connections on the personnel facilities such as offices, toilets, kitchen, lunch
transformers and allows for connecting the bus duct to the room, and meeting rooms are on the third floor of the area.
bottom of the switchgear. A fire wall is required to isolate The final step in the plant arrangement development pro­
the switchgear from adjacent equipment to meet NFPA cess can be accomplished after the above listed equipment is
requirements. located. This step is to determine the location and spacing of
—Secondary Unit Substations (SUS) and Motor Control Cen­ the building support column rows; the location and heights of
ters (MCC). The SUS require access for breaker removal floors, platforms, and roofs; the location of exterior and inte­
and maintenance. The MCC require access for removal of rior walls; and the location of vertical and horizontal access
starters and maintenance. The SUS are fed from the high- ways including stairs, elevators, access aisles, and doors. The
voltage switchgear and should be located as close to the plant arrangement drawings shown in Figs. 19-5 through 19-8
switchgear as possible to minimize the interconnecting bus are the result of this development process and should be
duct and cable. The MCC are fed from the SUS and should referred to during the following discussion.
be as close to the SUS as possible to minimize the intercon­
necting cable. —Building Support Column Rows. The east-west column
row spacing for the Generation Building is based on the
On the basis of these requirements, the SUS are located
support requirements for the steam turbine-generator. Re­
on the ground floor elevation directly below the high-
voltage switchgear. The MCC are located on the ground ferring to Fig. 19-5, six column rows (102 through 108)
floor elevation directly north of the SUS. spaced 30 ft apart most effectively accommodates the
turbine-generator. A 30 ft wide bay to the east of the
—Closed Cooling Water Heat Exchangers. Two horizontal, turbine end is provided for routing of the main steam, hot
shell and tube type heat exchangers are provided. Clear space reheat, and cold reheat piping and for the closed cooling
is required for tube removal and replacement. The heat water heat exchangers. A second 30 ft wide bay is provided
exchangers receive cooling water from the circulating water to the east for the vertical access opening required for
system and should be located as low as possible to mini­ transferring turbine-generator components from the tur­
mize the amount of interconnecting piping with that system. bine floor to the ground floor. An air lock is located directly
On the basis of these requirements; the heat exchangers north of the vertical access bay for staging equipment and
are located on the ground floor elevation, west of the tur­ components into and out of the building, and to isolate the
bine foundation. rest of the building from this area during the transfer of
—Turbine Lube Oil Storage and Purification Equipment. This components. Two 30-ft wide bays are provided to the west
equipment is required for draining, storing, and purifying of the generator end to accommodate the SUS and switch-
the main turbine lubricating oil. Access is required for gear and to accommodate generator rotor removal. Overall,
inspection, maintenance, and delivery and removal of lube the turbine-generator area is 300 ft long from column row
oil in barrels or tank truck. For oil spill containment, the 100 to column row 110.
equipment should be located as low as possible and should This column row spacing accommodates the steam gen­
be enclosed by a curb or other means. The equipment erator area and the control center area. With its north-south
should be located as close as possible to the turbine lube oil axis centered between rows 104 and 105, the steam genera­
reservoir to minimize the length of interconnecting piping tor can be located between the three 30-ft bays between
between the reservoir and the equipment. rows 103 and 106. The 30-ft bays to the east and west of the
On the basis of these requirements, the equipment is steam generator (between rows 102 and 103 and rows 106
located in a separate room directly to the south of the and 107) can effectively accommodate the routing of hot air
Site/Plant Arrangements 657

ducts to the pulverizers and burners and the routing of coal turbine. This down-crossover-down-across arrangement
piping from the pulverizers to the burners. The 30-ft bays will effectively provide the required piping flexibility
between rows 101 and 102 and between 107 and 108 provide (while minimizing piping lengths) to accommodate pipe
the location for the pulverizers and adequate space for expansion. The auxiliary bay includes a vertical pipe chase
maintenance access to the pulverizers. The space above the dedicated to the accommodation of vertical piping runs
pulverizers is effectively used for locating the coal feeders including extraction steam, condensate, boiler feedwater,
and coal silos. Overall, the steam generator area is 210 ft and other auxiliary piping systems that require significant
long from column row 101 to column row 108. The control elevation transitions. An elevator is also provided in the
center area is located between column rows 108 and 110, auxiliary bay.
which provides sufficient space for the equipment and facil­ Continuing on to the north, five 30 ft wide bays are
ities in this area and aligns the west column line of this area provided to accommodate the steam generator and coal
with turbine generator area. feed equipment. Two vertical access ways are provided
The north-south column row spacing is keyed off the between column rows 101 and 102, and between 107 and
turbine-generator arrangement in the turbine area. From 108 at column row M. These access ways extend the full
the longitudinal centerline of the turbine-generator, two 21- height of the steam generator and provide the location for
ft, 6-in. bays are located to the south to provide the neces­ transferring equipment and components up and down the
sary maintenance space on the turbine floor, and the neces­ building. The area to the north of column row N is not
sary space on the lower levels for equipment, piping, and dimensioned, as this will depend on the actual arrangement
other facilities that must be located near the turbine genera­ of the air heaters. The ground floor level in this area will
tor. The turbine generator area south column line is desig­ accommodate the primary air and forced draft fans and
nated column row A. The turbine lube oil storage and ductwork.
purification equipment room is located to the south of The control center area is located between column rows
column row A between column rows 101 and 103. Two 21- F and К to provide sufficient space for the equipment and
ft, 6-in. bays are located to the north of the turbine generator facilities located in this area.
centerline to provide space for the turbine driven boiler
feed pumps on the turbine floor and space on the lower —Building Floor Heights. Figure 19-8 is the Plant Arrange­
floors for equipment, piping, and other facilities. An 18 ft ment Sectional Elevation drawing for the Generation
wide bay is provided between column rows E and F that Building and identifies the major floor heights. The ground
runs the length of the turbine generator area. This bay is floor elevation is set at 100 ft for reference purposes. Based
provided as a maintenance and access aisle to provide on the equipment locations and to allow sufficient spacing
convenient access to all parts of the area. No equipment is for structural steel, multilevel electrical raceway, and mul­
located in this bay. The turbine generator area from column tilevel piping to be installed and maintained above head­
row A to column row F is 104 ft wide and accommodates a room, the floor-to-floor spacing in the turbine generator
100 ft wide turbine room crane located above the turbine- area is 21 ft. The mezzanine floor elevation is 121 ft, and the
generator. operating floor elevation is 142 ft. These floor elevations are
A 30-ft bay is provided between column rows F and G, consistent throughout the turbine generator area and extend
and a 14-ft bay is provided between column rows G and H. from column row A to column row G. The turbine room
These bays provide a transition area between the turbine- crane elevation is determined by the hook height required to
generator area and the steam generator area that is com­ allow removal of the largest turbine generator component
monly referred to as the auxiliary bay area. The bay be­ (other than the generator stator). Typically, this height is
tween rows F and G provides the location for the feedwater set by the height required to lift a low-pressure turbine hood
heaters and deaerator and the location for the boiler to over the highest component on the turbine generator and is
turbine piping transition. The bay between rows G and H determined by the turbine generator actually furnished. The
contains the steam generator south wall support wind brac­ turbine generator area roof elevation is determined by the
crane elevation and crane clearance requirements.
ing and provides a transition area for the unit to unit cross­
over of auxiliary services associated with the addition of In the auxiliary bay area, a feedwater heater support
future units. The auxiliary bay extends the full height of the floor is located at an elevation of approximately 163 ft. This
steam generator. elevation should be adjusted to be consistent with the ac­
As stated previously, a primary factor in determining cess floor for the first burner elevation on the steam genera­
the location of the steam generator relative to the turbine tor for efficient movement through the building. A second
generator is the need for flexibility in the high-pressure/ feedwater heater support floor is located at an elevation of
high-temperature piping that interconnects these compo­ approximately 178 ft. This elevation is typically adjusted to
nents. This piping will be routed from the top, front south of match the access floor for the second burner elevation on
the steam generator to the front east centerline of the tur­ the steam generator. The deaerator elevation will be based
bine. The main steam and hot reheat steam piping will drop on the actual NPSH requirements for the boiler feed pumps,
vertically from the top of the unit, along the front cen­ and the deaerator should be no higher than necessary. For this
terline, to a midpoint elevation crossover. This crossover example, the deaerator is located such that the deaerating
from the steam generator centerline to the east end of the heater section is at the same elevation as the steam drum,
auxiliary bay will be followed by a second vertical drop to with the storage tank directly below. Access floors are
the ground floor level. At the lower level, the piping will provided for each. Additional floors will be provided in the
run from the east end of the auxiliary bay to the front of the auxiliary bay as necessary for access to other equipment.
Power Plant Engineering

The major floor in the steam generator area is the coal Exterior walls for the steam generator area are located
feeder floor located at approximately elevation 156 ft. The along column rows 101 and 108. Interior walls are avoided
actual elevation of this floor is dependent on the size and in this area as much as possible unless required for noise
arrangement of the pulverizers actually furnished. All re­ or dust control or to meet code requirements. Partial inte­
maining floors and platforms in this area will be located rior walls are located along column row H between 101 and
based on the access requirements for the steam generator 102, and between 107 and 108 to isolate the pulverizers from
and auxiliary equipment actually furnished. Access plat­ the turbine-generator area for noise and dust control.
forms or floors will be required around the ash hopper, These walls extend from the ground floor up to the feeder
around and above the pulverizers, around the air heaters, floor.
at all burner elevations, at all sootblower elevations, at all Access hatches are provided in the operating floor above
access doors on the steam generator and ductwork, at the the condensate pumps and above the turbine lube oil
coal unloading equipment elevation above the coal silos, at coolers to allow the turbine crane to be used for removal
the steam drum, and at other locations as required for of the pumps and coolers.
inspections and maintenance. Access stairs are located in the turbine generator area
The floors in the control center area are set to match the and auxiliary bay area as noted on the drawings. Access
mezzanine floor and operating floor elevations to accom­ stairs will be provided in the steam generator area as re­
modate the routing of control and power cable and piping quired by the specific design of the steam generator, but
interconnecting this area with the rest of the building, and to typically would be located along column row M, adjacent
allow efficient movement through the building. to the two vertical access ways.
-Walls and Access Ways. Exterior walls in the turbine gener­ Large doors are provided at grade level at each end of
ator area are located along column rows A, 100, and 110. the maintenance aisle between column rows E and F to
Interior walls are avoided as much as possible in this area facilitate moving components and equipment into and out
because they hinder maintenance and access and they cre­ of the building. Large doors are provided at grade elevation
ate dead spaces that affect cleanliness and ventilation. Inte­ on the north and south sides of the air lock in the turbine
rior walls are required for the air lock along column rows area.
101 and E from the ground floor up to the operatingfloor.A Large doors will be provided at grade elevation in the
wall is also required along column row 108 at the mezza­ steam generator area near the pulverizers to accommodate
nine floor to isolate the high-voltage switchgear to meet pulverizer maintenance and journal removal.
NFPA code requirements.
Exterior walls for the control center area are located
along column rows 110 and K. Interior walls are located
along column rows 108 and F from the mezzanine floor up 19.3 SUMMARY
to provide a clean environment for the control room and
other facilities located in this area. Additional interior walls
The procedures described in this chapter illustrate that the
will be provided as required to accommodate the facilities
development of the site arrangements and plant arrange­
in the area.
The wall along row 110 is designed for expansion to a ments for a power plant project is a complicated and difficult
future unit. This design would allow the turbine generator task involving significant time and the resources of a wide
areas and the control center areas of the two units to be variety of technical disciplines. The procedures presented
connected. This would also allow the turbine room crane to are based on significant experience with a broad range of
be used for the second unit. power plant sites and technologies.

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