Science Trial Exam-1 Icp - Summary, Review and Exercises

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by: Dessy Puspita Rini, S.Pd.

Thinking and Working Scientifically

Instruction: Choose the correct answer from the multiple choice questions below!

Chapter “Quantities and Measurement”

[Materi “Besaran dan Pengukuran”]

 Pada nomor 1-3 di bagian “Thinking and Working Scientifically”, anak-anak sholih-sholihah
diperintahkan untuk memilih 1 jawaban yang benar dengan tipe soal pilihan ganda. Serta di
bagian nomor 4-5 disediakan sebuah ilustrasi teks/bacaan dan anak-anak menjawab pertanyaan
uraian singkat berdasarkan apa yang terdapat pada isi teks/bacaan tersebut.

1. 34,5 kilometre equal to … .

a. 34.500 cm
b. 345 hm
c. 3450 m
d. 3450 mm

2. See the illustration below!

Image of a window illustration

Hilsya loves all things aesthetic. One day she wanted to change the curtains on her
bedroom window. She started measuring the window using a pencil and her arm because she
had lost her ruler somewhere. The results show that the length of the window is 18 times the
length of the pencil and 6 times the length of her arm. The measurement results are different
because ... .
a. a pencil is a writing instrument, an arm is not
b. pencils and arm are not measuring instruments
c. the pencil and her arm have different lengths
d. pencil shaped is different from arm shaped

3. Take a look at the following picture of a screw micrometer!

The measurement of the screw micrometer is … .

a. 10,40 mm
b. 10,40 cm
c. 10,45 mm
d. 10,45 cm
Instruction: Answer the following questions correctly and clearly!

Chapter “Physical and Chemical Changes”

[Materi “Perubahan Fisika dan Kimia”]

Look at the illustrations below to answer questions 4 and 5!

Techno Circus Shinjuku in Japan has caught the attention of many people. The
reason is that there are many interesting things that make the audience amazed when they
see it. Like an elephant that can interact with people. During the show, the elephant
performed a platter dance attraction using its trunk. However, due to something
unexpected, the plate broke into pieces, causing the audience to spontaneously cheer. This
did not discourage the circus performers. They immediately distracted the audience with
another welcome attraction, the arrival of 5 circus performers who could blow flames from
their mouths and then manage to burn the coloured paper placed in front of them. The
supporting poles in the centre of the stage were seen to be towering, with the circus
performers hanging from them. Some of the poles appear to have rusted with age.

4. On the basis of the figure above, try to find 1 examples of events that are included in the physical
changes !

5. On the basis of the figure above, try to find 1 examples of events that are included in the chemical
changes !

Instruction: Checklist the correct answer!

Chapter “Chemical Changes and Food Additives”

[Materi “Perubahan Kimia dan Zat Aditif Makanan”]

 Pada nomor 6-10 di bagian “Chemistry”, anak-anak sholih-sholihah diperintahkan untuk

memilih 1 jawaban yang benar dengan cara memberi tanda centang “√” pada lingkaran yang telah
disediakan di setiap pilihan jawaban.

6. The fruit is left to rot for days is an example of … .

o biology change
o astronomy change
o physical change
o chemical change

7. Examples of chemical changes include :

o burning of wood into charcoal
o paper is cut into small pieces
o dry wood is transformed into chairs and tables
o rice is ground to flour
 Additional Resources [Materi Tambahan terkait Food Additive/Zat Aditif Makanan]
Macam-macam zat aditif:
 Pewarna/Coloring → turmeric/curcuma, erythrosine, tartrazine, etc.
 Pemanis/Sweeteners → sugar, honey, aspartame, saccharine, cyclamate, sorbite, etc.
 Pengawet/Preservatives → vinegar, sodium benzoate, sorbic acid, benzoic acid, etc.
 Penyedap rasa/Flavourings → cinnamon, clove, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), etc.

8. Additives added to foods as sweeteners are :

o Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
o tartrazine
o sodium benzoate
o saccharine

9. Compounds that can be used as food preservatives are :

o saccharine
o benzoic acid
o tartrazine
o Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

10. Ingredients that are added to foods and have a flavouring function are :
o Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
o erythrosine
o sorbite
o sorbic acid

Earth and Space

Instruction: Circle the correct answers below!

Chapter “Solar System”

[Materi “Tata Surya”]

 Pada nomor 11-15 di bagian “Earth and Space”, anak-anak sholih-sholihah diperintahkan untuk
memilih jawaban yang benar dengan cara melingkari tulisan yang dicetak tebal berdasarkan
konsep tata surya yang sudah dipelajari.

 Additional Resources [Materi Tambahan terkait Tata Surya]

Bagian-bagian Bumi meliputi: atmosfer, hidrosfer, dan litosfer.

Atmosfer terdiri atas: troposfer, stratosfer, mesosfer, termosfer, dan eksosfer.

Akibat Rotasi Bumi:
 Pergantian siang dan malam [Day and night changes]
 Perbedaan waktu di berbagai tempat di Bumi [Time differences around the world]
 Gerak semu harian Bintang dan Matahari [Daily apparent Star and Sun motion]
 Perubahan arah angin [Wind direction change]
 Penggembungan khatulistiwa dan pemampatan kutub-kutub Bumi [Equatorial bulging and
compression of the poles of the Earth]

Akibat Revolusi Bumi:

 Perbedaan lama siang dan malam [Day and night length difference]
 Gerak semu tahunan Matahari [Annual apparent motion of the Sun]
 Perubahan musim [Seasonal changes]
 Perubahan penampakan rasi Bintang [Constellation appearance changes]

11. The exosphere/troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere that is closest to the Earth.

12. The earth's revolution/rotation causes seasonal changes.

13. I’m the smallest/largest planet in our solar system. My name's Jupiter.

14. I’m the closest/farthest planet from the Sun. I am called Mercury.

15. I’m the coldest/hottest planet in our solar system. My name’s Uranus.

Instruction: Match the statements with the correct answers to the biology questions below!

Chapter “Classification of Living Things; Ecology and Biodiversity of Indonesia”

[Materi “KLasifikasi Makhluk Hidup; Ekologi dan Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia”]

 Pada nomor 16-25 di bagian “Biology”, anak-anak sholih-sholihah diperintahkan untuk mengisi
jawaban yang benar dengan cara menjodohkan pilihan jawaban yang tersedia pada tabel dengan
pernyataan soal di setiap nomornya.

16. The characteristics of living things about the ability to relocate or bend/sway.

17. Process through which organism get rid of waste from chemical processes.

18. Sequence of animal taxon before “Class”.

19. Can be used as a handle for movement of the microscope from place to place.

20. Known as animal-like protists because of their ability to move through the presence of
21. This kingdom is a type of unicellular or single-celled organism and is classified as prokaryotic
(does not have a nuclear membrane).

22. Other names for animals whose main body axis is the spine.

23. Receives nutrients by digesting the surface they live on.

24. Living things like a coconut tree, a hamster, and a human belong to the level of life organization.

25. What do you call this symbiosis relationship between shark and remora fish?

Vertebrate Monera Phylum Excretion Mutualism Symbiosis

Fungi Genus Algae Commensalism symbiosis Movement
Protozoa Individual Avertebrate Arm of the microscope Population

Instruction: Answer the following questions correctly and briefly!

Chapter “Science and The Scientific Process; Temperature and Heat”

[Materi “Hakikat Ilmu Sains dan Metode Ilmiah; Suhu dan Kalor”]

 Pada nomor 26-30 di bagian “Physics”, anak-anak sholih-sholihah diperintahkan untuk mengisi
jawaban uraian singkat dengan benar.

26. There are several branches of science. The branch of science that studies celestial bodies in the
universe is ... .

27. Look at the following dangerous symbols in science labs!

(1) (2) (3) (4)

The teacher at Arjuna and Haydar's school requires all students to understand the
information and symbols about hazardous chemicals in the science laboratory, to be careful and
thorough, and not to be careless when preparing tools and materials in the lab. The following is
the correct numerical sequence of hazardous symbols in science laboratories in the form of toxic,
flammable, explosive and corrosive materials is … .
28. Look at the table below!

Numb. Quantities Units

1. mass kg
2. quantity of the substance mol
3. velocity m/s
4. temperature K
5. volume m3
6. acceleration m/s2

Based on the table above, the main quantities and their units in the International System (IS) are
found in the number ... .

29. Look at the following diagram of changes in the state of matter!


Solid Liquid

The processes of change of form referred to in points 3, 4 and 5 are ... .

30. Look at the graph of changes in the state of the substance below!
Temperature (˚C)

Caloric (Joule)

The process of ice changing from solid to liquid is shown by the line ... .

~good luck~

Score Parent’s Appreciation Parent’s Sign

Glossaries & Translations
[Glosarium & Terjemahan]

 equal to → sama dengan  ability → kemampuan

 curtains → tirai/gorden  locomotion → alat gerak
 window → jendela  single-celled organism → organisme
 arm → lengan bersel satu
 result → hasil  nuclear membrane → membrane sel
 length → panjang  spine → tulang belakang
 measurement → pengukuran  digesting → mencerna
 different → berbeda  surface → permukaan
 shape → bentuk  symbiosis relationship → hubungan
 screw micrometer → mikrometer simbiosis
sekrup  branches of science → cabang dari
 caught the attention → menarik ilmu ipa
perhatian  celestial bodies → benda-benda langit
 trunk → belalai  universe → alam semesta
 plate broke into pieces → piring pecah  dangerous symbols → symbol-simbol
menjadi beberapa bagian berbahaya
 blow flames → menyemburkan api  toxic → beracun
 burn the coloured paper → membakar  flammable → mudah terbakar
kertas berwarna  explosive → mudah meledak
 poles have rusted with age → tiang  corrosive → mudah melepuh
berkarat termakan usia  main/base quantities → besaran
 physical changes → perubahan fisika pokok
 chemical changes → perubahan kimia  derived quantities → besaran turunan
 food additives → zat aditif makanan  mass → massa
 left to rot → dibiarkan membusuk  quantity of the substance → jumlah
 wood → kayu zat
 charcoal → arang  velocity → kecepatan
 include → meliputi  temperature → suhu
 ground to flour → ditumbuk hingga  acceleration → percepatan
menjadi tepung  solid → padat
 coloring → pewarna  liquid → cair
 sweeteners → pemanis  melting → mencair
 preservatives → pengawet  freezing → membeku
 flavourings → penyedap rasa  evaporating → menguap
 turmeric/curcuma → kunyit  condensing → mengembun
 vinegar → cuka  sublimating → menyublim
 cinnamon → kayu manis  crystallising → mengkristal
 clove → cengkeh
 earth and space → bumi dan luar
 solar system → tata surya
 atmosphere → atmosfer
 layer → lapisan
 relocate → berpindah tempat
 rid → menyingkirkan/membuang
 waste → sisa/sampah
 sequence → urutan
 handle → memegang
 animal-like protist → protista mirip
 plant-like protist → protista mirip

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