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Published on 19 October 2015. Downloaded by Universite Grenoble Alpes INP on 3/25/2024 12:58:40 PM.

Influence of the size and charge of gold

nanoclusters on complexation with siRNA:
Cite this: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,
2015, 17, 30307 a molecular dynamics simulation study†
Sathish Kumar Mudedla,ab Ettayapuram Ramaprasad Azhagiya Singam,a
Kanagasabai Balamurugana and Venkatesan Subramanian*ab

The complexation of small interfering RNA (siRNA) with positively charged gold nanoclusters has been
studied in the present investigation with the help of classical molecular dynamics and steered molecular
dynamics simulations accompanied by free energy calculations. The results show that gold nanoclusters
form a stable complex with siRNA. The wrapping of siRNA around the gold nanocluster depends on the
size and charge on the surface of the gold cluster. The binding pattern of the gold nanocluster with
siRNA is also influenced by the presence of another cluster. The interaction between the positively
charged amines in the gold nanocluster and the negatively charged phosphate group in the siRNA is
responsible for the formation of complexes. The binding free energy value increases with the size of the
Received 24th August 2015, gold cluster and the number of positive charges present on the surface of the gold nanocluster. The
Accepted 19th October 2015 results reveal that the binding energy of small gold nanoclusters increases in the presence of another
DOI: 10.1039/c5cp05034k gold nanocluster while the binding of large gold nanoclusters decreases due to the introduction of
another gold nanocluster. Overall, the findings have clearly demonstrated the effect of size and charge of gold nanoclusters on their interaction pattern with siRNA.

1 Introduction Polymers, lipids, peptides, proteins and nanomaterials have

been used as siRNA delivery systems.12–28 Polymers, such as
The discovery of RNA interference by Fire and Mello has kindled polyethyleneimine and dendrimers, have been employed as
numerous activities in biological sciences. It is a regulatory attractive vehicles for the delivery of siRNA.29–31 Molecular
mechanism to control pathogenic and over-expression of gene dynamics simulations have been performed to understand the
activity.1–3 RNA interference is a highly useful technique in curing complexation of siRNA and dendrimers.32 Nanomaterials such
many diseases such as cancers, genetic disorders, infections and as gold nanoparticles, silica nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes,
autoimmune diseases.4–8 Small interfering RNA (siRNA) has magnetic nanoparticles and semiconductor quantum dots are
attracted a lot of interest as it mediates RNA interference.9 The used in the delivery of siRNA to the targeting cells.33–37 The
affected gene expressions can be silenced by the delivery of siRNA unzipping of siRNA has been observed in the molecular
to the diseased cells.10,11 One of the major challenges is the delivery dynamics study on the carbon nanotubes and siRNA complex
of siRNA to the desired location. The crossing of cell membrane is due to the p–p stacking interaction.38 Several reports have been
a significant challenge for siRNA due to its large size and negative published using gold nanoparticles as siRNA carrying agents
charge. The siRNA molecules can also be destroyed by the due to their tunable reductive preparation, high chemical
nucleases and they are unstable in blood and extracellular stability, biocompatibility and surface chemistry which allow
environments. Therefore, an effective delivery system is neces- for easy functionalization with biomolecules.39 The optical prop-
sary to carry the siRNA into the interior of the cells. erties of gold nanoparticles provide applications in the field
of bio-imaging.40 Two strategies were developed to form the
Chemical Laboratory, CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute, Adyar, complexes of siRNA with gold nanoparticles: (i) siRNA conjuga-
Chennai-600 020, India. E-mail:,; tion with the gold nanoparticle surface via the gold–thiol
Fax: +91 44 24911589; Tel: +91 44 24411630 covalent bond and with the conjugated molecules through
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), CSIR-CLRI Campus,
sulphur–sulphur bonds and (ii) siRNA conjugation with the
Chennai 600 020, India
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Table S1 and Fig. S1–S12.
gold nanoparticle surface by the electrostatic interaction.41
Movies of pulling and adsorption of gold nanoclusters and siRNA complexes. See Several experimental reports have revealed the successful delivery
DOI: 10.1039/c5cp05034k of siRNA and DNA to the cells using the electrostatic interaction as

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a mechanism.41–46 In this connection, the application of gold interaction between siRNA and gold nanoclusters, the complexes
nanoclusters has been considered as a possible counterpart to of Au38 (SC5NH13)24 and Au102 (SC5NH13)44 with siRNA were
develop appropriate delivery systems. Furthermore, the positively considered in this study. Thiolated Au38 and Au102 clusters were
charged gold nanoparticle effectively passes through an extra- known to form stable structures, hence, the same clusters
cellular lipid membrane compared to the negatively charged and were selected.64,65 To investigate the interaction of siRNA with
neutral particles.47 The penetration of gold nanoparticles into the the gold nanocluster in the environment of another cluster, the
cells depends on the size, shape and charge present on its complexes of (Au38 (SC5NH13)24)2 and (Au102 (SC5NH13)44)2 with
Published on 19 October 2015. Downloaded by Universite Grenoble Alpes INP on 3/25/2024 12:58:40 PM.

surface.48–50 It is also possible that gold nanoparticles function- siRNA were considered. The optimized geometries of gold
alized with the positively charged ligands can effectively interact nanoclusters (Au38 (SC5NH13)24 and Au102 (SC5NH13)44) were
with the negatively charged siRNA with the help of the above- taken from the previous investigation.66 The gold nanoclusters
mentioned electrostatic approach. Au38 (SC5NH13)24, Au102 (SC5NH13)44, (Au38 (SC5NH13)24)2 and
Recently, gold nanoclusters (size below 2 nm) which contain (Au102 (SC5NH13)44)2 are represented as AU38, AU102, 2AU38 and
a few number of atoms have been synthesized and they act as a 2AU102, respectively, in the remaining part of the text. Molecular
bridge between atomic and nanoparticle behaviors.51–55 Gold dynamics simulations were performed using the GROMACS-
nanoparticles have the property of plasmonic resonance whereas the 4.6.2 package.67–69 All-atom AMBER03 force field was used for
gold nanoclusters exhibit photoluminescence.56 Gold nanoclusters the siRNA.70 The force field parameters for the ammonium alkyl
have received widespread attention because of their importance in thiolate group (SC5NH13) were derived using antechamber.71,72
various applications such as bio-sensing and bio-imaging.57,58 The partial charges for the alkyl group were derived using the
Recently, we have investigated the interaction between gold restrained electrostatic potential method at the B3LYP/6-31G*
nanoclusters and proteins as well as the associated changes in the level of theory using Gaussian 09 suit of programs.73–79 The force
structure and dynamics of proteins.59 Previous study has revealed constants for the bonds (Au–Au and Au–S) and angles (Au–S–Au)
that the smaller gold nanoparticles (50 nm) have advantages over the were taken from the literature and used to maintain the rigid
larger nanoparticles (100 nm) in the uptake and permeability in structure of gold nanoclusters.80,81 The Lennard-Jones para-
tumor tissues.60 Therefore, gold nanoclusters can penetrate into meters for gold atoms were taken from the previous studies
lipid membranes easily when compared to gold nanoparticles due to and they were treated as chargeless particles.82,83 The structures
their small size. The passage of herceptin into the nucleus using of both siRNA and gold nanoclusters were placed in a cubic box
herceptin-conjugated gold nanoclusters enhances the anticancer and solvated using a TIP3P water model. The overall positive or
activity of drug.61 Tao et al. have reported the synthesis of poly- negative charge of the complexes was neutralized using the ions
ethyleneimine conjugated gold nanoclusters (size below 2 nm) Na+ and Cl . All the complexes were subjected to energy mini-
which can be used for the efficient delivery of genes.62 The gold mization using the steepest descent method to relax the whole
nanocluster minimizes the cytotoxicity of polyethyleneimine system. The minimized structures were equilibrated by imposing
and enhances the gene transfection efficiency. The excellent the position restraints for 1 ns at 293 K temperature and 1 bar
photoluminescence properties of gold nanoclusters provide a pressure. Velocity rescale (V-rescale) and Parrinello–Rahman
versatile strategy for fluorescence imaging and the fluorescent algorithms were used to control the temperature and pressure
probe tracks the transfection behavior. The binding pattern of with coupling constants of 0.1 and 2.0 picoseconds, respec-
siRNA and the energetics for the formation of non-covalent tively.84–86 Production run was carried out for 60 nanoseconds
complexes of siRNA with gold nanoclusters remain still elusive. (ns) with a time step of 2 femtoseconds (fs) in an NPT ensemble.
The understanding of the complexation process of siRNA and The Particle Mesh Ewald method was used to calculate the
gold nanoclusters would be useful to develop new carriers electrostatic interactions with an interpolation order of 4 and a
for gene delivery. Therefore, in this study, the complexation grid spacing of 1.6 Å.87 Bonds between hydrogen and heavy
process of siRNA with positively charged gold nanoclusters has atoms were constrained at equilibrium bond lengths using the
been investigated using classical molecular dynamics and LINCS algorithm.88 The obtained trajectories were visualized by
steered molecular dynamics simulations. The following points using the VMD package.89
have been addressed in this study The configurations obtained from MD simulations were
(1) Understanding the complexation of siRNA with positively taken for the steered molecular dynamics (SMD) simulations.
charged gold nanoclusters. The same force field parameters were used for the siRNA
(2) Exploring the structural changes in the siRNA upon and gold nanoclusters. The complexes of siRNA and gold nano-
interaction with positively charged gold nanoclusters. clusters were solvated with water using the TIP3P model. After
(3) Predicting the energetics of the complex formed between the energy minimization, the complexes were equilibrated for
siRNA and the positively charged gold nanocluster. 1 ns in an NPT ensemble by imposing position restraints. SMD
simulations were carried out for 4 ns with a time step of 2 fs in
an NPT ensemble. During the SMD simulations, the position
2 Computational details of siRNA was restrained and the gold nanocluster was pulled
at a velocity of 0.005 nm ps 1. The harmonic spring constant
The coordinates for the structure of siRNA were taken from of 2500 kJ mol 1 was used to pull the siRNA from the gold
protein data bank (pdb id: 2F8S).63 In order to understand the nanocluster. The snapshots of configurations in the trajectories

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obtained from SMD simulations were taken for the umbrella due to the binding with the surface of gold nanoclusters (AU38,
sampling windows. AU102, 2AU38 and 2AU102) and it reaches a plateau value. The
decrease in the radius of gyration is more in the case of AU38 in
contrast to other models due to the complete wrapping of
3 Results and discussion siRNA around the Au38 cluster.
The number of water molecules within 3 Å around the
Initially, the distance between the centers of mass of the gold gold nanocluster as a function of time is presented in the ESI†
Published on 19 October 2015. Downloaded by Universite Grenoble Alpes INP on 3/25/2024 12:58:40 PM.

nanocluster and siRNA was kept at 40 Å, to understand the (Fig. S3). It can be seen that the number of water molecules
complexation of siRNA with AU38, AU102, 2AU38 and 2AU102. decreases up to 5 ns to facilitate the interaction of nanoclusters
The distance decreases during the dynamics due to the electro- with siRNA. The number of water molecules at 0 ns for AU38,
static interaction between the positively charged gold nanocluster AU102, 2AU38 and 2AU102 is 241, 363, 415 and 692, respec-
and the negatively charged siRNA. The process of complexation tively. The average number of water molecules present around
can be understood from the number of contacts between the gold the gold nanocluster throughout the simulations is 162, 287,
nanocluster and the siRNA. The calculated number of contacts 354 and 593 for AU38, AU102, 2AU38 and 2AU102, respectively.
within 4 Å is shown in the ESI† (Fig. S1). It can be noted that the The average number of water molecules decreases with respect
number of contacts increases when compared to the starting to initial values. The reduction in the number of water mole-
geometries for all the gold nanoclusters. The calculated average cules is high for 2AU102 because siRNA interacts with two
number of contacts between gold nanoclusters and siRNA are clusters. The decrease in the number of water molecules is
738, 762, 749 and 616 for AU38, AU102, 2AU38 and 2AU102, more in the case of AU38 compared to AU102 and 2AU38. It is
respectively. The number of contacts is higher for AU102 due to complete wrapping of siRNA around the Au38 cluster.
when compared to AU38, 2AU38 and 2AU102 complexes. The The decrease in the number of water molecules in the hydra-
available surface area for the interaction of siRNA increases in tion shell around the gold nanocluster assists the binding with
accordance with the size of the gold nanocluster. The number siRNA which is in close agreement with contact analysis.
of positively charged particles in the gold nanoclusters avail- Previous report has shown that the NH3 group present in the
able on the surface also increases with the increase in size of gold nanocluster can coordinate to three water molecules
the cluster. Hence, the binding of siRNA with AU102 enhances through hydrogen bond formation.81 In order to understand
when compared to that of AU38. The complexation of siRNA the coordination of water molecules with the NH3 group, the
with gold nanoclusters can be seen from the snapshots of the number of hydrogen bonds between gold nanoclusters and
trajectory at different intervals of time. The snapshots from the water molecules was calculated. The calculated number of
trajectory of AU38 are depicted in Fig. 1, and it illustrates that hydrogen bonds is depicted in Fig. 2. It can be observed that
Au38 is encapsulated by the two terminals of siRNA. The snap- the number of hydrogen bonds decreases with respect to initial
shots from the trajectories of AU102, 2AU38 and 2AU102 are values. The initial number of hydrogen bonds (at 0 ns) is 71, 123,
displayed in Fig. 1. The complete wrapping of siRNA does not 134 and 249 in AU38, AU102, 2AU38 and 2AU102, respectively.
take place, further it adsorbs onto the surface of gold nano- The average number of hydrogen bonds is 54, 101, 118 and 204
clusters (AU102, 2AU38 and 2AU102). Among various clusters, for AU38, AU102, 2AU38 and 2AU102, respectively. The decrease
Au38 facilitates the wrapping of siRNA around the gold nano- in the hydrogen bonds is high in the case of 2AU102. The
cluster due to its smaller size. The length of siRNA is not reduction in hydrogen bonds shows that the coordination shell
enough to wrap the larger sized gold nanocluster (Au102). In structure of water around the gold nanocluster is disturbed due
the case of 2AU38, two gold nanoclusters interact with both to the binding of siRNA.
sides of siRNA. To reduce the repulsion between two positively To unravel the complexation process, the gold nanoclusters
charged Au38 clusters, during the start of simulations, those were considered at different initial positions with respect to
clusters were placed on both sides of siRNA. The siRNA is unable siRNA. The different initial structures for AU38 and 2AU38 are
to wrap any one of the Au38 clusters like in the case of AU38 given in the ESI† (Fig. S4). All the models were simulated for
because of the competition between two gold nanoclusters. The 60 ns. The complete wrapping of siRNA can be found from the
binding of the 2AU102 nanocluster with siRNA is different from ESI† (Fig. S4) in the case of AU38. For 2AU38, two gold nano-
that of AU102. The siRNA lies between the two Au102 nanoclusters. clusters interacted with the siRNA on both sides. After simulation,
The maximum number of contacts is observed in AU102 owing it is evident that the two gold nanoclusters interact with siRNA
to its size in contrast to AU38. The minimum number of on both sides without any wrapping in stark contrast to the
contacts is found in 2AU102. The two Au102 clusters interact interaction of a single gold cluster with siRNA due to the
from both sides of siRNA. As a consequence siRNA is unable to repulsion between two clusters.
wrap onto the surface of any one of the Au102 clusters. There- In order to understand the influence of the presence of
fore, the wrapping of siRNA depends on the size and number of another gold nanocluster on the binding process, the Au38
gold nanoclusters present in the vicinity of siRNA. The calcu- (Au102) cluster was interacted with the final snapshot of the
lated radii of gyration for siRNA in all the models (AU38, AU102, siRNA–AU38 (siRNA–AU102) complex. In this context, two models
2AU38 and 2AU102) are presented in the ESI† (Fig. S2). The were considered. These models are represented as AU38 + Au38
radius of gyration of siRNA decreases with progression of time and AU102 + Au102. The snapshots of the trajectory at 0 ns and

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Fig. 1 The snapshots from the trajectory for the interaction of gold nanoclusters with siRNA.

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Fig. 2 The number of hydrogen bonds between gold nanoclusters and water.

60 ns are shown in Fig. 3. It can be noticed that the presence of the complex formation. Thus the origin of the binding of siRNA
another gold nanocluster does not disrupt the structure of the with gold nanoclusters is electrostatic interaction in nature.
siRNA–gold nanocluster complex. The introduction of a new The radial distribution function (RDF) gives information about
cluster binds at the other side of siRNA. The calculated number how the density of molecules varies with respect to distance. The
of contacts between siRNA and two gold nanoclusters is given electrostatic interaction between the positively charged gold
in the ESI† (Fig. S5). Significant changes are not observed in the nanocluster and the negatively charged siRNA is responsible for
number of contacts of cluster-1 (from siRNA–AU38 (siRNA– the formation of the complex. To understand the microscopic
AU102) complex) with siRNA after the interaction of cluster-2 picture in the binding of the gold nanocluster with siRNA, radial
(new cluster (Au38 or Au102)). Furthermore, the number of contacts distribution functions were calculated between the positively
increases in the case of cluster-2. These results point out that the charged amines (gold nanocluster) and the negatively charged
presence of another gold nanocluster does not disrupt or enhance phosphate group (siRNA). The calculated radial distribution
the binding of the cluster with siRNA. function is displayed in Fig. 5. It illustrates that the RDF value
To understand the predominant interactions involved in of the phosphate group is high within the 0.5 nm distance in all
the formation of complexes of siRNA with the gold nanocluster, the cases which is in good agreement with the energetics for the
van der Waals and electrostatic energies between siRNA complex of siRNA with gold nanoclusters.
and gold nanoclusters were calculated from MD simulations. To investigate the effect of charge on the interaction
The calculated van der Waals and electrostatic energies are between the two systems, the number of positive charges (24)
plotted in Fig. 4 and the ESI† (Fig. S6). The Lennard-Jones and on the surface of the Au38 cluster was reduced to 8 by replacing
columbic interaction potentials were used to calculate the van the NH3 groups with CH3. The molecular formula of the cluster
der Waals and electrostatic energies between siRNA and gold is Au38 (SC6H13)16(SC5NH13)8 and it is represented as AU38-8NH3
nanoclusters, respectively. It can be seen from Fig. S6 (ESI†) in the remaining part of text. Interestingly, the complete
that both electrostatic and van der Waals energies increase due wrapping of siRNA around the Au38 cluster is not observed in
to the interaction of siRNA with gold nanoclusters. In the case the case of AU38-8NH3. The snapshots for the siRNA-AU38-8NH3
of 2AU102, a marginal decrease in van der Waals energy is complex are depicted in Fig. 6. Therefore, the wrapping of siRNA
observed. The increase in both van der Waals and electrostatic depends on the size and number of positive charges present on
energies favors the formation of the complex between siRNA and the gold nanocluster.
gold nanoclusters. In particular, the contribution of electrostatic It is well known that the stability of the helical structure
energy is dominant when compared to van der Waals energy for of the siRNA depends on the stacking and hydrogen bond

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Fig. 3 The snapshots from the trajectory for the interaction of gold nanoclusters with siRNA in the presence of another cluster.

Fig. 4 The electrostatic and van der Waals interaction energies between
positively charged gold nanoclusters and siRNA.
Fig. 5 The radial distribution of amine groups in the gold nanocluster
around the phosphate groups of siRNA.

interactions between nucleobases. To understand the struc-

tural stability of siRNA, the number of hydrogen bonds The number of hydrogen bonds between two strands of siRNA
and stacking energy were calculated as a function of time. is shown in the ESI† (Fig. S7). Significant changes are not

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values of major and minor groove widths for all the cases are
listed in Table S1 (ESI†) along with the initial values. It can be
seen that there is a marginal increase in the major groove and a
decrease in the minor groove for AU102, 2AU38 and 2AU102. In
the case of AU38, both major and minor groove values decrease
when compared to starting values. Marginal changes are
observed in the major and minor grooves in the case of AU38
Published on 19 October 2015. Downloaded by Universite Grenoble Alpes INP on 3/25/2024 12:58:40 PM.

with respect to starting values. Overall, significant changes

have not been observed in the minor and major grooves of
siRNA after interaction with gold nanoclusters. The distribu-
tion of backbone dihedral angles including alpha (a), beta (b),
gamma (g), delta (d), epsilon (e) and zeta (z) for both strands of
siRNA was calculated (Fig. S10, ESI†). It can be seen from
Fig. S9 (ESI†) that the dihedral angles of siRNA significantly
vary upon interaction with gold nanoclusters. The variations in
the dihedral angles are due to the wrapping of siRNA around
gold nanoclusters.
The conformational entropy was calculated using the quasi
harmonic oscillator approximation method.91 In this method,
the associated vibrational frequency is estimated by the principle
component analysis (PCA). PCA was performed on the trajec-
tories obtained from MD simulations for all the models (siRNA,
AU38, AU102, 2AU38 and 2AU102). The calculated conforma-
tional entropy values are 9.06, 10.11, 8.42, 8.37 and 7.71 kJ mol 1
K for siRNA, AU38, AU102, 2AU38 and 2AU102, respectively. It
Fig. 6 The snapshot from the trajectory for the interaction of AU38-
8NH3 with siRNA at 60 ns. can be seen that the conformational entropy of siRNA decreases
upon binding with the gold nanocluster except for the AU38
model. The lower value of conformational entropy indicates the
observed in the number of hydrogen bonds throughout simula- rigidity of the siRNA upon interaction with the gold nanocluster.
tion in all cases (AU38, AU102, 2AU38 and 2AU102). At time t = 0 The motion of the siRNA has been restrained through the
of simulations, the number of hydrogen bonds is found to be interaction with the gold nanocluster. The calculated residue-
47 and it is in agreement with the previous study.37 The average wise root mean square fluctuations (RMSFs) of siRNA for all the
number of hydrogen bonds is found to be 37, 41, 42 and 45 in models siRNA, AU38, AU102, 2AU38 and 2AU102 are depicted in
the cases of complexes formed by AU38, AU102, 2AU38 and Fig. S11 (ESI†). It can be seen that the fluctuations of siRNA have
2AU102 with siRNA. The least number of bonds is found in the been reduced upon interaction with the gold nanocluster, and
AU38 complex due to the complete wrapping of siRNA. The these fluctuations are in close corroboration with conforma-
stacking interaction in the strand of siRNA is defined as its total tional entropy values.
van der Waals energy.90 The calculated van der Waals energy is Cluster analysis was carried out on the trajectory for all the
shown in the ESI† (Fig. S8). The calculated stacking energies for complexes obtained from MD simulations. The predominant
siRNA, 2AU38 and 2AU102 are in the range from 250.0 to structures were collected from cluster analysis and used as
550.0 kJ mol 1. Therefore, there are no significant changes in initial structures for SMD simulations. SMD simulations were
the strands of siRNA after the interaction with the gold nanoclus- performed for the complexes of siRNA and gold nanoclusters.
ter in the cases of 2AU38 and 2AU102. It can be noticed that the In these simulations, the center of mass (COM) of the gold
stacking energy ranges from 220.0 to 550.0 kJ mol 1 (strand-1) nanocluster was pulled in the direction perpendicular to the
and 160.0 to 530.0 kJ mol 1 (strand-2) in the case of AU38 COM of siRNA. During the pulling of the gold nanocluster, the
whereas the same fluctuates around 200.0 to 500.0 kJ mol 1 position of siRNA was restrained. In the case of two gold
(strand-1) and 150.0 to 500.0 kJ mol 1 (strand-2) for AU102. nanocluster models (2AU38 and 2AU102), one cluster was pulled
The stacking energy decreases marginally in the case of AU38 away from the complex and subsequently the other bound
and AU102. The reduction in energy points out that there are cluster was pulled away from siRNA. The pulling simulations
marginal perturbations in the stacking pattern of nucleobases corresponding to 2AU38 and 2AU102 are denoted 2AU38-1,
present in siRNA. 2AU38-2, 2AU102-1 and 2AU102-2, respectively. The pulling of
In order to understand the structural changes in minor and gold nanoclusters was performed at the velocity of 0.005 nm ps 1.
major grooves of siRNA, their widths were calculated (Fig. S9, The dissociation of gold nanoclusters from the siRNA at the
ESI†). The widths of minor and major grooves were estimated velocity of 0.005 nm ps 1 in all the models is shown in Fig. S12
by measuring the direct phosphorus (P)–phosphorus (P) distance (ESI†), using the snapshots at different time intervals. The force
between sugar groups in two strands of siRNA. The average profiles for the complexes of siRNA and gold nanoclusters are

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Fig. 7 Force profiles for all the complexes of siRNA–gold nanoclusters.

presented in Fig. 7. The maximum force is higher for the gold

nanocluster in the complex of AU102 when compared to other
models. The order of maximum force required to pull the
siRNA is found to be AU102 4 2AU38-2 4 AU38 4 2AU102-2
4 2AU38-1 4 2AU102-1. The configurations obtained from the
SMD simulations were used for umbrella sampling. From
the SMD trajectories, 62, 56, 67, 49, 63 and 49 configurations
were collected using a space of 0.2 nm between the COMs of
siRNA and gold nanoclusters for the complexes AU38, AU102,
2AU38-1, 2AU38-2, 2AU102-1 and 2AU102-2. Umbrella sampling
simulations were carried out for 3 ns on each window collected
from SMD simulations. The data obtained from the simulation
of each window were analyzed using the weighted histogram
analysis method (WHAM) of Kumar et al.92 The calculated free
energy of dissociation for gold nanoclusters from siRNA using
the WHAM method is presented in Fig. 8. The calculated
binding energy values are 149.55, 270.7, 66.56 120.6, Fig. 8 Potential of mean force (PMF) profile for different model systems.
65.3 and 189.9 kcal mol 1 for the AU38, AU102, 2AU38-1,
2AU38-2, 2AU102-1 and 2AU102-2 complexes, respectively. The
total binding free energy (sum of binding energies of 2AU38- 187.16 and 255.2 kcal mol 1. The order of binding free
1(2AU102-1) and 2AU38-2(2AU102-2)) for 2AU38 and 2AU102 is energies is observed to be AU102 4 2AU102 4 2AU38 4 AU38.

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