19-20 Quiz Module 5 - Sol

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Intermediate Knowledge of Spreadsheets



• There are 3 multiple-choice questions.

• Time allocated to solve this questionnaire is 5 minutes.
• There is only one correct answer in each question.
• Each correct answer gives you 3.33 points.
• Each incorrect or empty answer does not give you any points (no penalties are applied).
• In the real test, there were several possible questions for each question, and they
randomly appeared.

1. The maximum number of records and fields in a Table in Excel is…

a) 65000 records de 250 fields
b) 65535 records de 255 fields
c) 65535 records de 256 fields
d) All are false

2. When deleting a table...

a) We can keep the data
b) We can keep the structure
c) We must select Eliminar todas las filas y columnas
d) All are false

3. The buttons are used to...

a) Sort
b) Filter
c) Move a record
d) All are false

4. To Access Autofilter we need to…

a) Push the button Autofiltro of the menu Herramientas
b) Push the button Filtro of the tab Datos
c) A and B are true
d) A and B are false

5. To create a summary of a data table we need to

a) Push the button Resumen of the menu Herramientas
b) Push the button Resumen of the tab Datos
c) Select the option Fila de totales of the tab Diseño
d) All the options are wrong
Intermediate Knowledge of Spreadsheets

6. To change format of a table, it is necessary to use the tab…

a) Vista
b) Formato
c) Insertar
d) Diseño

7. Which functions are valid to work with tables?

c) A and B are true
d) A and B are false

8. The symbol means..

a) That there is an active filter
b) That data is sorted alphabetically
c) That a data segmentation has been inserted
d) None of the others

9. To be able to create a pivot table…

a) It is necessary to select the cells previously
b) The cells can be selected in a prior step
c) No cell needs to be selected
d) All the other options are true

10. When filtering data…

a) The filtered data cannot be retrieved
b) A single value to display or all the values have to be selected
c) The values that we want to display have to be selected
d) None of the other options

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