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Intermediate Knowledge of Spreadsheets


2020/2021. MOD. A

• There are 3 multiple-choice questions.
• Time allocated to solve this questionnaire is 5 minutes.
• There is only one correct answer in each question.
• Each correct answer gives you 3.33 points.
• Each incorrect or empty answer does not give you any points (no penalties are
• In the real test, there were several possible questions for each question, and they
randomly appeared.

Question 1 (Easy level theory)

1. The tables in Excel are:
a. A set of data organized into rows and columns without any additional functionality.
b. A set of data organized into rows and columns whose only functionality is to allow
convenient sorting by any column.
c. A set of data organized in rows with its own entity in Excel and that facilitates
several functionalities.
d. None of the answers are correct.

2. Regarding the format of a table:

a. You can alternate the formatting in the rows (to create horizontal bands) but you
cannot alternate the formatting in the columns (to create vertical bands).
b. In columns, it is only possible to differentiate the formatting of the first column.
c. It is not possible to hide the header row.
d. None of the answers are correct.

3. When a filter of any kind is applied to a table:

a. Can only be filtered if the data is numeric
b. Table data that does not meet the filter condition is hidden
c. The rows in the table are deleted.
d. None of the answers are correct.

4. Regarding the selectors that appear in the columns of the table header when creating it
allow, it is possible for a single column:
a. Sort but do not select.
b. Select but do not sort.
c. Sort and select.
d. None of the answers are correct.
Intermediate Knowledge of Spreadsheets

5. The buttons serve to...

a. Sort the data
b. Filter the data
c. Move a data record
d. No answer is correct

6. Regarding the selection of cells to create a PivotTable:

a. It is necessary to select the cells beforehand
b. Cells can be pre-selected or selected in a later step
c. No need to select any cell
d. None of the answers are correct

Question 2 (Medium level theory)

7. When a new row is inserted into a table:
a. The calculation formulas in the column are not inherited.
b. Number, date, etc. formats and formulas are inherited
c. The last row of the table automatically exits because the table has not been resized.
d. After the table is created, rows cannot be inserted.

8. Select the FALSE answer regarding the following claims about the selectors that appear in
the columns of the table header when creating it:
a. Filtering can be done by one or more columns.
b. You can make sorts by a column.
c. Filtering can be done based on the colour of the cell.
d. None of the answers are correct.

9. Regarding the arguments of the functions of Databases:

a. They have all the same arguments and in the same order: data range, criteria range,
and field name.
b. They have all the same arguments and in the same order: data range, field name,
and criteria range.
c. They have according to whether they are mathematical functions (such as DSUM(),
DMIN() or DAVERAGE()) or search functions (such as DGET()) different arguments.
d. They use different arguments depending on the function in question since different
information is sought. As an example, it is not the same to search for DMIN()
information as to extract a data using DGET().

10. A PivotTable is:

a. A normal Excel table since it facilitates the interpretation of data and is defined as
"dynamic" because it allows to obtain different totals, filtering data, changing the
presentation of the data, visualizing or not the source data, etc.
b. A double-entry table that facilitates the interpretation of data and is defined as
"dynamic" because it automates through hidden macros the graphical
representation of information in graphs or sparklines.
c. A double-entry table that facilitates the interpretation of data and is defined as
"dynamic" because it allows to obtain different totals, filtering data, changing the
presentation of the data, visualizing or not the source data, etc.
d. None of the answers are correct.
Intermediate Knowledge of Spreadsheets

11. The pivot table field configuration panel consists of:

a. Three parts to identify the columns, rows and summation of values.
b. Three parts to identify columns, rows and values, which can use different functions
such as summation, counting, average, variance, etc.
c. Four parts, to identify columns, rows, sum of values and data filtering.
d. Four parts to identify columns, rows, data filtering and values, which can use
different functions such as summation, counting, average, variance, etc.

12. From a PivotTable:

a. A static graph can be taken out simply and immediately.
b. You can get a pivot chart simply and immediately, but not a static chart.
c. It is not possible to extract a PivotTable from the PivotTable, but it is possible to
extract it from the original data that was used to extract the PivotTable.
d. You can take out sparklines but not dynamic graphics.

Question 3 (Practical)
13. Given the following table: What options appear if I right-click on a certain cell?

a. If I place myself on cell B3 and put it on the right button, the options to sort were
different than if I placed myself in cell F3.
b. If I placed myself on cell H3 and put it on the right button, the options to sort were
different than if I placed myself in cell A3.
c. If I placed myself on cell C3 and right-clicked, the sorting options were different than
if I placed myself in cell D3.
d. It does not matter which cell within the Table I am in, because it always presents the
same options.

14. Given the following table of employees and criteria area. It is desired to calculate the
number of employees with children who have joined since the year 2000. How would it be

a. Using the DCOUNTA(A7:G12; E7; A3:G4)

b. Using the DCOUNTA(A7:G12; A3:G4; C7)
Intermediate Knowledge of Spreadsheets

c. Using the DCOUNTA(A7:G12; E7; A3:G4)

d. None of the answers are correct

15. Given the following table of employees and criteria area. It is desired to calculate the
minimum wage among employees who have joined since the year 2000. How would it be

a. Using the DMINIMO(A7:G12; G7; A3:G4)

b. Using the DMINIMO(A7:G12; A3:G4; G7)
c. Using the DMIN(A7:G12; G7; A3:G4)
d. None of the answers are correct

16. Given the following table of employees and criteria area. You want to calculate the total
salary of employees who have joined from the Year 2000.

a. You can use the DSUM(A7:G12; G7; A3:G4)

b. You can use the DSUMA(A7:G12; G7; A3:G4)
c. You can use the DADD(A7:G12; G7; A3:G4)
d. None of the answers are correct
Intermediate Knowledge of Spreadsheets

17. Given the following table of employees and criteria area. What will the
BDGET(A7:G17; B7; A3:G4) function return?

a. #VALUE!
b. #NUM!
c. Guerrero Garcia
d. None of the answers are correct

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