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Chapter I

Problem and Its Setting

Parking management optimization is a critical challenge faced by
many urban areas around the world. In densely populated cities, limited
parking spaces can lead to congestion, increased pollution, and wasted
time as drivers circle around in search of available spots. This problem is
further exacerbated by inefficient utilization of existing parking spaces
due to factors such as lack of real-time information, poor design, and
inadequate management systems (Han, 2017).
In this context, optimizing parking space utilization through
innovative solutions and technologies has become imperative to address
these issues. By leveraging advanced analytics, sensor technologies, and
smart parking management systems, we can effectively maximize the
efficiency of parking spaces while enhancing the overall urban mobility
experience for both drivers and residents.
To achieve this goal, it is essential to design a comprehensive
framework that integrates various data sources, such as occupancy
rates, traffic patterns, and consumer behavior, to dynamically allocate
parking spaces and provide real-time information to users. Additionally,
implementing pricing strategies, incentives for alternative transportation
modes, and intelligent routing systems can help reduce congestion and
streamline the parking process (Bismantoko, 2019).
In its simplest form, parking space management is the process of
optimizing the usage of a parking area to provide the desired level of
parking service in an efficient and cost-effective manner. An effective
parking management plan should take into account several key
components, including assessing parking needs, implementing effective
strategies, and enhancing the overall parking experience. Each of these
components plays a critical role in maximizing the efficiency of a parking
area. Assessing parking needs involves analyzing the demand for parking
in a particular area. Then, determining the appropriate number and
types of parking spaces to meet that demand. This may involve
conducting surveys, analyzing traffic patterns, and considering the needs
of different user groups (Buitlier, 2023).
In a school setting, finding a parking spot or poor parking
management can often be a frustrating task, especially for students. One
way to solve this issue would be to have dedicated parking spots and
effective parking management schemes for students and the school
community as well. This would allow the vehicle and motorcycle user to
have a specific location that they know is always available for them to
park at, and it would also ensure that students will no longer have any
trouble finding a spot when they are running late to class or work
(Parklio, 2023).
With the given scenario, this study tries to analysis the current
parking management of the school and optimize parking management by
identifying key issues such as congestion, inadequate capacity, and
safety concerns. This study aims to analyze the factors contributing to
inefficient parking managements and to explore potential solutions for
improving the parking management of Bambad National High School,
considering factors such as spatial constraints, budget limitations, and
sustainability goals.
Statement of the Problem
Generally, this study aims to analyze and explore the parking
management of Bambad National High School. This study will be
conducted on March-April 2024 during the school year 2023-2024.
Specifically, this intends to explore the following objectives.
1. To assess the current parking management of Bambad National
High School by identifying the key issues on.
a. inefficient use of existing parking capacity,
b. confusing parking policies,
c. safety mechanism, and
d. vehicle users’ data.
2. To explore potential solutions for improving the parking
management optimization at Bambad National High School in
terms of.
a. parking management rules and regulations,
b. parking management scheme, and
c. vehicle users’ information.

Significant of The Study

This study aims to optimize the parking space utilization for the
parking space at Bambad National High School. Thus, the finding of this
study will be beneficial to learners, teachers, parents, and
To the students. This study holds significant importance for
students at Bambad National High School as it directly impacts
their daily experience and safety within the school premises. A
well-designed and efficient parking management can alleviate
congestion, enhance accessibility, and promote overall campus
safety. Moreover, the study's findings can serve as a valuable
learning opportunity for students interested in urban planning,
civil engineering, or architecture, empowering them to understand
and contribute to the improvement of their immediate

To the Teachers and Administration. This study holds significant

importance for teachers and administration at Bambad National
High School as it directly impacts their daily routines and safety.
By addressing parking inefficiencies and safety concerns, teachers
can experience smoother arrivals and departures, reducing stress
and improving punctuality. A well-designed parking lot enhances
accessibility, ensuring that teachers can easily access their
workplace without disruptions. Additionally, an optimized parking
area promotes a safer environment, reducing the risk of accidents
and conflicts. Ultimately, this study empowers teachers by creating
a more conducive and secure parking environment, thereby
enhancing their overall work experience at the school.

Visitors. This study holds significant implications for visitors

coming to Bambad National High School by directly impacting their
daily experiences and safety within the school environment. A well-
designed and efficiently managed parking lot enhances
accessibility, reduces congestion, and promotes safer traffic flow,
thereby facilitating smoother arrivals and departures for students,
staff, and visitors. Additionally, an improved parking infrastructure
can contribute to a more conducive learning atmosphere by
reducing stress associated with parking struggles and potential
safety hazards. Ultimately, this study aims to enhance the overall
student experience and promote a safer and more efficient
educational environment at Bambad National High School.

For Future Researchers. This study holds significance for future

researchers by providing a valuable foundation for further
exploration and enhancement of parking infrastructure in
educational institutions. The insights gained from analyzing
parking challenges and proposing effective solutions at Bambad
National High School can serve as a reference point for similar
institutions facing similar issues. Future researchers can build
upon this study by conducting comparative analyses,
implementing innovative technologies, or exploring alternative
design strategies to optimize parking facilities in diverse
educational settings, contributing to the advancement of urban
planning, transportation engineering, and sustainable campus
development practices.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is only limited to analysis and exploration of the
parking management and its related key issues specifically within the
premises of Bambad National High School. It focuses on the experiences
of teachers, students, and visitors in the parking management scheme of
the school. This is only limited for the 60 participants which is 20 for the
students, 20 for the teachers, and 20 for the visitors. The selected
participants will be the respondents of the study who will answer the
self-administered questionnaires. Thus, the gathered results will be the
basis for crafting possible solutions for the optimization of parking
management. This study will be conducted only in Bambad National
High School during the school year 2023-2024.
Definition of Terms
The following terms used in the study are defined conceptually and
operationally for clarity and a better understanding of the concepts.

Parking Management refers to various policies and programs that

result in more efficient use of parking resources. It investigates
problems with current parking planning practices, discusses the
costs of parking facilities and the savings that can result from
improved management, describes specific parking management
strategies and how they can be implemented, discusses parking
management planning and evaluation, and describes how to
develop the optimal parking management program in a particular

Optimization is the act, process, or methodology of making

something (such as a design, system, or decision) as fully perfect,
functional, or effective as possible. It is also the act of changing an
existing process in order to increase the occurrence of favorable
outcomes and decrease the occurrence of undesirable outcomes.
Operationally, it is important because it helps to improve the
performance of a system, process, or model, and can also help to
reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve the quality of the

Analysis or System Analysis is a method for identifying and solving

problems that looks at each component in the overall system for
the purpose of achieving specific goals. It is also an in-depth
evaluation of the processes involved in creating a product or

Exploratory Research is a type of research undertaken to gain a

better understanding of a problem or issue, to clarify or define
parameters of the problem, or to refine a general idea into a more
specific research problem.

Framework of the Study

This part includes the theoretical framework which presents the
theory and concepts as the basis or foundation of the study and the
conceptual framework which shows the relationship among variables
used in the studies.

Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework for this study draws upon principles
from urban planning, transportation engineering, and user experience
design to address the parking management challenges at Bambad
National High School.
Urban Planning: This framework involves analyzing the spatial
organization of the school premises, including zoning regulations, land
use patterns, and accessibility requirements. Urban planning principles
guide the design proposal by ensuring efficient use of space, optimal
traffic flow, and compliance with regulatory standards.
Transportation Engineering: Concepts from transportation
engineering provide insights into parking demand analysis, queuing
theory, and traffic management strategies. This framework informs the
assessment of parking efficiency, safety, and capacity utilization within
the school's parking area. By applying transportation engineering
principles, the study aims to identify opportunities for improving parking
infrastructure and optimizing vehicular movement.
User Experience Design: User experience (UX) design principles
focus on understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of
students, teachers, and visitors interacting with the parking facilities.
This framework incorporates elements of environmental psychology and
place attachment theory to explore how individuals perceive and interact
with their parking environment. By considering the psychological aspects
of parking experience, the study aims to enhance user satisfaction,
comfort, and overall well-being.
By integrating these theoretical frameworks, the study seeks to
develop a comprehensive understanding of the parking situation at
Bambad National High School and propose design solutions that
effectively address the needs of stakeholders while promoting efficient
and sustainable parking practices.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Analysis of Exploration of
Current Parking Potential
Management Solutions for
Key Issues Improving the
Parking Optimization of
a. inefficient use of Management
existing parking Parking
capacity a. parking Management of
management rules Bambad
b. confusing
and regulations, National High
parking policies,
b. parking School
c. safety
mechanism, and
scheme, and
d. vehicle users’
c. vehicle users’

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram Showing the Developmental Processes

The figure above shows the conceptual framework of the study. It
follows the stages where the researchers will gather information. In the
process stage is the Analysis of Current Parking Management Key Issues
on inefficient use of existing parking capacity, confusing parking policies,
safety mechanism, and vehicle users’ data. The process stage is the
exploration of potential solutions for improving parking management as
to parking management rules and regulations, parking management
scheme, and vehicle users’ information. Lastly, the output stage is the
optimization of parking management of Bambad National High School.

Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter contains a review of related literature and related

studies after the in-depth search done by the researchers which has
bearing on the study. This also presents the conceptual literature and
studies that are significantly relevant to the study. The review of
literature is thematically organized based on the variables used in the

Parking Management
Parking is considered a major land use challenge in campus
planning. The problem can be in terms of scarcity (few available spaces
compared to demand) or management (inefficient usage of available
facilities). Many studies have looked at the parking problem from the
administrative and management points of view. However, it is believed
that mathematical models and optimization can provide substantial
solutions to the parking problem. This study investigates a model for
allocating car parking spaces in the university environment and
improves on the constraints to address the reserved parking policy on
campus. An investigation of both the exact and heuristic techniques was
undergone to provide solutions to this model with a case study of the
(Luke Oluwaseye Joel, 2013)
Parking choice is an essential part of individual transportation;
however, many travel demands and traffic simulations do not include
parking. This paper reports on a proposal for a simple parking model and
describes how this model was implemented into an existing, agent-based
traffic simulation. The parking model provides feedback to the traffic
simulation so that the overall simulation can react to spatial differences
in parking demand and supply. Simulation results of a scenario in the
city of Zürich, Switzerland, demonstrated that the model could capture
key elements of parking, including capacity and pricing, and could assist
with designing parking-focused transport policies. The paper also
discusses possible work, such as microsimulation of the search for large-
scale parking. (Rashid A Waraich, Kay W Axhausen, 2012).
Many cities build public garages at great cost but with scant public
scrutiny or economic analysis. Other than aiming to recover the cost of
debt service and operations, cities appear to have few clear policies aims
in managing these garages. In this paper, we outline how U.S. cities
currently manage off-street parking structures under their control. We
argue that this management largely ignores the logic of both economic
and public benefits. We also make the conceptual case for how cities
should manage their parking assets to maximize public benefits. (Ahmed
Mohamed Zaki, SK Towfek, Weiguo Gee, Wang Zhang, Marwa Adel
Soliman, 2023).
The optimization model was tested with four different sets of data
that were generated to mimic real life situations of parking supply and
demand on campus for reserved and unreserved parking spaces. These
datasets consist of the number of parking lots and office buildings in the
case study. The study also investigates some optimization algorithms
that can be used to obtain solutions to this problem. An exact solution of
the model was generated with CPLEX solver (as incorporated in AIMMS
software). Further investigation of the performance of the three meta-
heuristics to solve this problem was done. A comparative study of the
performance of these techniques was conducted. Results obtained from
the meta-heuristic algorithms indicate that the algorithms used can
successfully solve the parking allocation problem and can give solutions
that are near optimal. The parking allocation and fitness value for each
of the meta-heuristic algorithms on the sets of data used were obtained
and compared to each other and also to the ones obtained from CPLEX
solver. The results suggest that PSwarm performs better and faster than
the other two algorithms and gives solutions that are close to the exact
solutions obtained from CPLEX solver. (Gregory Pierce, Hank Willson,
Donald Shoup, 2013).
In this paper, we present a bi-level approach to determine optimal
parking management in large parking lots with multiple user classes and
different types of parking spaces. The upper level of the model aims to
maximize the social benefits of the local parking system, such as the
system searching time and walking time by drivers. The lower level is a
simulation system constructed using the multi-agent modeling
environment NetLogo. However, it is essential to understand how drivers
choose their parking location, then we can describe drivers’ movements
and responses to different parking management strategies in the micro-
simulation system. This study presents the results from a stated
preference experiment on the choice behavior of drivers in Shanghai,
China. The model attributes are walking distance, traveling time and
uncertainties towards finding a vacant parking spot, which were selected
based on a literature review. A simulated annealing algorithm is adapted
to solve this bi-level simulation optimization model. The approach is
applied to optimize parking management in the campus of Tongji
University, China. The results show that the implementation of different
duration limits is useful to adapt the time-varying demand with different
user classes. The approach provides a powerful tool for strategically
designing parking management, and for assessing parking policies and
parking information systems. (Cong Zhao, Siyu Li, Wei Wang, Xinghua
Li, Yuchuan Du, 2018).
This research endeavors to advance the realm of parking space
surveillance through a meticulously designed methodology situated
within the critical context of urban planning and the dynamic landscape
of smart city development. Focused on addressing the challenges posed
by escalating urbanization and burgeoning vehicular density, our study
introduces a carefully curated dataset comprising images of parking
spaces annotated with bounding box masks and occupancy labels. The
methodology unfolds across distinct phases, commencing with a
comprehensive dataset description that unveils its diversity and
intricacies. Feature extraction techniques, harnessing the capabilities of
cutting-edge architectures such as AlexNet and ResNet-50, play a pivotal
role in enhancing pattern discernment, which is essential for accurate
detection. The crux of our approach lies in the integration of Neural
Networks with optimization algorithms, including Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO), Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO), and the innovative
Dipper Throated Optimization (DTO). Results are presented without
explicit mention of tables and figures, strategically emphasizing the
methodology's effectiveness in enhancing parking space detection
accuracy. Notably, Dipper Throated Optimization (DTO) emerges as a key
contributor to optimized Neural Network performance, achieving an
impressive accuracy of 0.9908. (Donald C Shoup,1999).
Advanced parking space management strategy design: An agent-based
simulation optimization approach
In this paper, we present a bi-level approach to determine optimal
parking management in large parking lots with multiple user classes and
different types of parking spaces. The upper level of the model aims to
maximize the social benefits of the local parking system, such as the
system searching time and walking time by drivers. The lower level is a
simulation system constructed using the multi-agent modeling
environment NetLogo. However, it is essential to understand how drivers
choose their parking location, then we can describe drivers’ movements
and responses to different parking management strategies in the micro-
simulation system. This study presents the results from a stated
preference experiment on the choice behavior of drivers in Shanghai,
China. The model attributes are walking distance, traveling time and
uncertainties towards finding a vacant parking spot, which were selected
based on a literature review. A simulated annealing algorithm is adapted
to solve this bi-level simulation optimization model. The approach is
applied to optimize parking management in the campus of Tongji
University, China. The results show that the implementation of different
duration limits is useful to adapt the time-varying demand with different
user classes. The approach provides a powerful tool for strategically
designing parking management, and for assessing parking policies and
parking information systems. (Transportation Research Record 2672 (8),
901-910, 2018)

Agent-Based Parking Choice Model

Parking choice is an essential part of individual transportation;
however, many travel demands and traffic simulations do not include
parking. This paper reports on a proposal for a simple parking model and
describes how this model was implemented into an existing, agent-based
traffic simulation. The parking model provides feedback to the traffic
simulation so that the overall simulation can react to spatial differences
in parking demand and supply. Simulation results of a scenario in the
city of Zürich, Switzerland, demonstrated that the model could capture
key elements of parking, including capacity and pricing, and could assist
with designing parking-focused transport policies. The paper also
discusses possible work, such as microsimulation of the search for large-
scale parking. (Transportation Research Record 2319 (1), 39-46, 2012)
Luke Oluwaseye Joel
Parking is considered a major land use challenge in campus
planning. The problem can be in terms of scarcity (few available spaces
compared to demand) or management (inefficient usage of available
facilities). Many studies have looked at the parking problem from the
administrative and management points of view. However, it is believed
that mathematical models and optimization can provide substantial
solution to the parking problem. This study investigates a model for
allocating car parking spaces in the university environment and
improves on the constraints to address the reserved parking policy on
campus. An investigation of both the exact and heuristic techniques was
undergone to provide solutions to this model with a case study of the
University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), Westville Campus.

Parking Management Optimization Model

The optimization model was tested with four different sets of data
that were generated to mimic real life situations of parking supply and
demand on campus for reserved and unreserved parking spaces. These
datasets consist of the number of parking lots and office buildings in the
case study. The study also investigates some optimization algorithms
that can be used to obtain solutions to this problem. An exact solution of
the model was generated with CPLEX solver (as incorporated in AIMMS
software). Further investigation of the performance of the three meta-
heuristics to solve this problem was done. A comparative study of the
performance of these techniques was conducted. Results obtained from
the meta-heuristic algorithms indicate that the algorithms used can
successfully solve the parking allocation problem and can give solutions
that are near optimal. The parking allocation and fitness value for each
of the meta-heuristic algorithms on the sets of data used were obtained
and compared to each other and also to the ones obtained from CPLEX
solver. The results suggest that PSwarm performs better and faster than
the other two algorithms and gives solutions that are close to the exact
solutions obtained from CPLEX solver. (University of KwaZulu-Natal,
Durban, 2013)
Gregory Pierce, Hank Willson, Donald Shoup
Many cities build public garages at great cost but with scant public
scrutiny or economic analysis. Other than aiming to recover the cost of
debt service and operations, cities appear to have few clear policies aims
in managing these garages. In this paper, we outline how U.S. cities
currently manage off-street parking structures under their control. We
argue that this management largely ignores the logic of both economic
and public benefits. We also make the conceptual case for how cities
should manage their parking assets to maximize public benefits.
(Transport Policy 44, 89-95, 2015)

Advancing Parking Space Surveillance using A Neural Network Approach

with Feature Extraction and Dipper Throated Optimization Integration
This research endeavors to advance the realm of parking space
surveillance through a meticulously designed methodology situated
within the critical context of urban planning and the dynamic landscape
of smart city development. Focused on addressing the challenges posed
by escalating urbanization and burgeoning vehicular density, our study
introduces a carefully curated dataset comprising images of parking
spaces annotated with bounding box masks and occupancy labels. The
methodology unfolds across distinct phases, commencing with a
comprehensive dataset description that unveils its diversity and
intricacies. Feature extraction techniques, harnessing the capabilities of
cutting-edge architectures such as AlexNet and ResNet-50, play a pivotal
role in enhancing pattern discernment, which is essential for accurate
detection. The crux of our approach lies in the integration of Neural
Networks with optimization algorithms, including Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO), Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO), and the innovative
Dipper Throated Optimization (DTO). Results are presented without
explicit mention of tables and figures, strategically emphasizing the
methodology's effectiveness in enhancing parking space detection
accuracy. Notably, Dipper Throated Optimization (DTO) emerges as a key
contributor to optimized Neural Network performance, achieving an
impressive accuracy of 0.9908. (Journal of Artificial Intelligence and
Metaheuristics 6 (2), 16-25, 2023)

Chapter 3
This chapter contains all of the study's procedures as well as the
specifics of the researcher's continued development. It includes the
research design, locale of the study, study respondents, data collection,
data analysis, and general procedures.

Research Design
The research design for this study involves a mixed-method
approach or exploratory design comprising both qualitative and
quantitative methods. Initially, qualitative data will be gathered through
observations and interviews to understand the current parking situation,
including user behaviors and perceived challenges. This qualitative
phase will inform the development of a quantitative survey questionnaire
to collect data on parking preferences, satisfaction levels, and
demographic information from teachers, students, and visitors.
Statistical analysis, including descriptive statistics and possibly
inferential tests, will be employed to analyze the quantitative data and
identify patterns and correlations. Additionally, spatial analysis tools
may be used to assess parking capacity and distribution. The findings
from both qualitative and quantitative analyses will be integrated to
formulate recommendations for improving the parking facilities at
Bambad National High School.

Research Locale
This study will be conducted at Bambad National High School
located at Barangay Bambad, Isulan Province Sultan Kudarat. The figure
shows the study site will be conducted at Bambad National high School
due to its accessibility and cooperation from the school administration.
Bambad National High School provided a suitable environment for the
study, with its diverse student population and adequate facilities for data
collection and analysis.
Figure 2. Geographical Location of the Research Study

Participants of The Study

Out of 200 hundred potential participants with vehicles or
motorcycles at Bambad National High School, the researchers randomly
selected 60 participants using purposive sampling. It will then be divided
into 20 participants for the students, 20 for the teachers, and 20 for the
visitors. The students, teachers and the visitors will answer self-
administer survey questions. The respondents of the survey will be from
different groups that have motorcycles and vehicle who utilizes the
parking area of Bambad National High school.

Gathering of Data
Data for this thesis will be gathered through a combination of
methods. Qualitative data will be collected through on-site observations
of parking behaviors and interviews with stakeholders, including
teachers, students, and visitors, to understand their perspectives and
experiences with the parking management. Quantitative data will be
obtained through surveys administered to the same participants,
capturing quantitative metrics such as frequency of use, satisfaction
levels, and demographic information. Additionally, data on parking
capacity and utilization may be gathered through spatial analysis tools
and documentation provided by the school administration. This mixed-
method approach will provide a comprehensive understanding of the
parking situation at Bambad National High School and inform the design
proposal effectively.
The optimization of parking management will be done after the
exploratory analysis of the key issues. This includes the development of
parking management rules and regulations, parking management
scheme, and vehicle users’ information.

Analysis of Data
After the data gathering, the results undergone analysis using
coding, collating, and data matrix. Descriptive statistics using mean and
standard deviation will be utilized. It will then be presented and
summarized through textual and tabular presentation. The table below
shows the level of the willingness of participants in the developed
Optimized Parking Management in Bambad National High School.

Table 1. Scoring Rubrics for the Level of Satisfaction of the Proposed

Optimized Parking Management

Scale Mean Range Level Description

The participants strongly
5 4.20-5.00 Strongly support the proposal of the
Agree new optimized parking
The participants support
4 3.40-4.19 Agree the proposal of new
optimized parking
The participants have no
3 2.60-3.39 Neutral comments to the proposal
of new optimized parking
Oppose the idea of new
2 1.80-2.59 Disagree optimized parking
Strongly oppose the idea of
1 1.00-1.79 Strongly new optimized parking
Disagree management.

Research Ethics
The research ethics for this study prioritize the well-being, rights,
and confidentiality of participants. Informed consent will be obtained
from all participants, including teachers, students, and visitors, prior to
their involvement in the study. Participants will be assured of anonymity
and confidentiality, with their personal information protected throughout
data collection, analysis, and reporting. Any sensitive information
disclosed during interviews or surveys will be treated with the utmost
discretion. Moreover, the research will adhere to ethical guidelines
regarding the respectful treatment of participants, ensuring that their
voices are accurately represented, and their perspectives valued.
Additionally, any potential conflicts of interest will be transparently
disclosed, and measures will be taken to mitigate bias in data collection
and interpretation.
References (improve)
Ahmed Mohamed Zaki, SK Towfek, Weiguo Gee, Wang Zhang, Marwa
Adel Soliman
Cong Zhao, Siyu Li, Wei Wang, Xinghua Li, Yuchuan Du, 2018)
Elaine Mullan* Health Promotion Division, National Assembly for Wales,
Cardiff, UK, 2002)
Gregory Pierce, Hank Willson, Donald Shoup, 2013).
Luke Oluwaseye Joel
McCarthy, 1999).
Rashid A Waraich, Kay W Axhausen, 2012)
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013). Luke Oluwaseye Joel

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