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Tiangco, Mark Lorenze Ms.

Marzl Sudario 02 Task Performance 1

BT401 Systems Integration & Architecture Prelim
Marketing Strategy

 Targeted digital marketing: Create customer segments based on the requirements and
interests of your target audience by using data from SAP S/4HANA to create content for
social media, email campaigns, and online ads. Reach, engagement, and conversion rates
may all rise as a result.
 Omnichannel customer experience: By integrating data from SAP S/4HANA, you can
create a seamless experience for customers across all touchpoints (online, in-person
stores, and social media). This facilitates efficient order fulfillment, personalized
recommendations, and consistent messaging, all of which increase customer satisfaction
and loyalty.
 Building communities and promoting brands: Make use of social media and online
forums to let riders, influencers, and brands get in touch with one another. Promote user-
generated content, hold virtual competitions, and provide members of the community
with special advantages. Through word-of-mouth referrals, this fosters brand loyalty,
raises brand exposure, and creates organic marketing.

Pricing Strategy
 Dynamic pricing: involves modifying prices in response to demand, seasonality, and
rival offerings by leveraging SAP S/4HANA's real-time market data and competition
analysis features. In doing so, profit margins are increased, and price competitiveness is
 Value-based pricing: Go beyond cost-based pricing and use data from SAP S/4HANA
to comprehend how customers value a product. To increase customer acceptability and
readiness to pay, price your products in accordance with the perceived value proposition,
considering elements like performance, innovation, and brand reputation.
 Subscription model: Via an integrated online platform connected to SAP S/4HANA,
provide subscription services such as bike rentals, training programs, or access to unique
content. This develops ongoing revenue streams, strengthens client connections, and
produces a steady flow of income.

Customer Strategy
 Personalized customer service: Make use of SAP S/4HANA's purchase history,
preferences, and service interaction data to offer proactive outreach, focused help, and
tailored recommendations. As a result, there is an improvement in customer satisfaction
and retention and a feeling of valued customer connections.
 Establish loyalty programs: Connect SAP S/4HANA to a loyalty program that gives
early access to new items, discounts, points, or special incentives to loyal consumers.
This enhances customer lifetime value, builds brand loyalty, and encourages repeat
 Loop for client feedback: Surveys, reviews, and social media interaction can all be used
with SAP S/4HANA to gather consumer input. Examine this information to find areas
where goods, services, and marketing tactics need to be improved. As a result, trust and
brand loyalty are increased and responsiveness to client needs is demonstrated.

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