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Student nº: 140122004, Chi Him Kuan

Dear Mr. Glenn,

I am writing you this letter on behalf of Margaret Simms in response to your letter
informed, regarding the dismissal of her employment with ToyToc. We have reviewed
all the allegations outlined in your correspondence and we refute that at least two of
the declarations as entirely false.

Firstly, the claim of disposing confidential informations to unauthorized third parties

is untrue. Margaret has has always observed her obligation to maintain the
confidentiality clause contained in her employment agreement and has never disclosed
any information to unauthorized individuals.

In addition, the allegation of poor performance is unfounded. We, including all of her
colleagues, recognise that Margaret has performed her duties diligently and meet the
company's expectations successfully.

Based on these baseless claims, we must inform you that Margaret intends to take
legal actions against ToyToc for defamation. Such false accuse have not only damaged
her professional reputation, but also caused economic damages.

We are looking forward to see your immediate retraction and the corresponding
cessation of further dissemination of theses defamatory statements.

Thanking you in advance. Any further correspondence on this letter should be sent to, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards,
Adriano Chi Him Kuan

(Margaret's legal representative)

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