Effect of Coating of Waste Toner Powder Weight Con

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Effect of coating of waste toner powder weight

concentration on absorber plate of solar still
Cite as: AIP Advances 14, 045208 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0191247
Submitted: 12 December 2023 • Accepted: 12 February 2024 •
Published Online: 4 April 2024

Pradeep Boka,1,2,a) Hitesh Panchal,3,a) Md Irfanul Haque Siddiqui4,a) and Mohd Asif Shah5,6,7,a)

Research Scholar, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad 382424, Gujarat, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government Engineering College, Palanpur 385001, Gujarat, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government Engineering College Patan, Patan 384265, Gujarat, India
Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
Department of Economics, Kebri Dehar University, Somali, Kebri Dehar, Ethiopia
Centre of Research Impact and Outcome, Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University,
Rajpura-140401, Punjab, India.
Chitkara Centre for Research and Development, Chitkara University, Baddi, 174103, Himachal Pradesh, India.

Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed: bokapradeep@gmail.com; Engineerhitesh2000@gmail.com;
msiddiqui2.c@ksu.edu.sa; and drmohdasifshah@kdu.edu.et

A solar still is a device that uses sun energy to convert brackish or salted water into drinkable water and its distillate output is lower. In addition,
it is the primary issue with the solar still; thus, researchers are looking for fresh ideas to raise the distillate output. The primary goal of this
study is to examine the effects of mixing different weight concentrations (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) of toner waste powder (TWP) nanoparticles
with black paint on distillate output and energy–exergy efficiency analysis. Two solar stills of similar dimensions have been used in the current
study from February to March 2023 at Palanpur, Gujarat, India. Basin water, inner glass surface temperature, distillate output, and intensity of
solar radiation are all monitored hourly for solar stills. This research indicates that the application of TWP coating to absorber plates increased
the distillate output, and the highest distillate output of 955 ml was achieved at 10 wt. % concentration of nanoparticles, which is 40.03% higher
than a conventional solar still (CSS) and 33.38%, 10.40%, and 30.64% higher than 5, 15, and 20 wt. % concentrations of nanoparticles at the
same water depth, respectively. In addition, it was discovered that adding TWP to the solar still enhanced energy and exergy efficiency. Based
on this research, it can be concluded that TWP is a suitable, inexpensive resource to boost energy and exergy efficiency and distillate output
of solar still.
© 2024 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0191247

I. INTRODUCTION crisis has several countries searching for new water sources. In order
to make salted or brackish water drinkable, they were discovering
Water sustains a connection to all aspects of life and is nec- technologies to do it.3–7
essary for it. Every single person needs to have access to clean, Desalination has been around for a long time and is still one
drinkable water. Freshwater makes up only 2.5% of the planet’s total of the most common ways to obtain safe water. The desalination
water volume; however, it is projected to be 1.386 × 109 km3 . The process is one way to purify salty water into drinkable water.8,9 A
amount of freshwater present in lakes and river reservoirs as liquid simple solar still (SS) device uses solar energy to convert salty or
is only 0.3% of the total, with the remaining 30.8% coming from brackish water into potable water at a minimal cost. Solar stills have
subsurface sources. It contains permafrost, swamp water, and soil been the subject of much study in an attempt to maximize out-
moisture. Glaciers and permanent snow cover account for 68.9% put by optimizing their form, water depth, and overall design.10–12
of the water in this system.1,2 The industrial revolution and pop- Many researchers used the solar still with solar collectors: flat plate
ulation increase have made water more and more essential, and collectors, and parabolic trough collectors to improve the distil-
a global water catastrophe is all but inevitable. The present water late output. Experimentally, they get a higher distillate output than

AIP Advances 14, 045208 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0191247 14, 045208-1

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conventional solar still.13–18 Several researchers attached evacu- 12.3%, 7.2%, and 2.6%. Panchal and Sadasivuni40 used with and
ated tubes to enhance the performance of conventional solar stills, without the use of the zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles and drip-
and they discovered through experimentation that this increased ping arrangement. They obtained higher water temperature and
the distillate output by attaching the evacuated tubes to the solar distillate output than conventional ones. The absorber plates were
stills compared to conventional.19–25 Researchers used various tech- coated with a 10% weight proportion of micro- and nano-coated
niques, such as using energy storage materials, reflectors, etc., to Fe2 O3 particles by Balachandran et al.41 Their experimental results
increase the productivity of traditional solar stills and experimentally showed that solar stills coated with nano-Fe2 O3 received distillate
get good results.22,25–30 Many researchers used condenser coupled to output 4.39 kg/m2 compared to 3.23 kg/m2 for solar stills coated
the solar still and discovered that the productivity in modified stills with micro-Fe2 O3 . Manoj Kumar et al.42 coated absorber plates
was greater than that in the passive solar still.30–35 They experimen- with SiO2 nanoparticles at different depths of water. Lower water
tally proved that combining the above configurations, such as solar depths resulted in an 8.78% increase in distillate output compared
stills coupled with evacuated tubes, condenser, and energy storage to a non-coated absorber plate. In order to create zinc (Zn) sample
materials, gives a higher distillate output.34,35 specimens with different weight concentrations, Ahmad et al.43 uti-
Combining the nanoparticles with basin water, researchers lized metallic zinc (Zn) nanomaterial and black paint. Their research
were able to conduct experiments with cuprous oxide (CuO) at showed that zinc coating on metal plates reduced the amount of
two distinct water depths.36,37 The results demonstrated that com- heat that could be transmitted by the sun compared to bare alu-
pared to a conventional solar still, the distillate output was higher minum. The addition of reduced graphene oxide (RGO) nanosheets
at lower water depths. In one experiment, Kabeel et al.38 combined to the absorber plate increased the temperatures of the basin water
CuO nanoparticles with black paint at 10%–40% at weight con- by 14.7% and the absorber by 15.7%, according to Thakur et al.44
centrations. Through experimentation, they found that solar stills A study comparing solar stills with coated absorber plates using
containing nanomaterials had productivity between 16% and 25% RGO-reduced graphene oxide and activated carbon pellets to solar
higher productivity than those without. Al2 O3 nanoparticles of dif- stills was carried out experimentally by Thakur et al.45 By combin-
ferent masses were employed in a single-slope, double-basin solar ing RGO with activated carbon pellets, they were able to increase
still by Modi et al.39 According to their findings, nanoparticle weight the distillate ouptut of water by 58.15%. In order to determine
concentrations were found to enhance distillate output by 17.6%, the impact of nanoparticles of manganese oxide (MnO2 ) in black

FIG. 1. Preparation of absorber plate coating with TWP.

AIP Advances 14, 045208 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0191247 14, 045208-2

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paint on distillate production, Panchal et al.46 performed studies. absorption rate, raising the water’s temperature and increasing the
Experiments with nanoparticle weight concentrations found a 19.5% pace at which evaporation occurs. Also, thermal efficiency increased
improvement between 20% and 50% MnO2 nanoparticle weight by 42.85% with coating at lower water levels in the basin according
concentration. Rasachak et al.47 studied solar stills in both indoor to Dhasan et al.51
and outdoor settings to see how a coating of tin oxide (SnO2 ) According to the reviewed literature, the absorber plate temper-
nanoparticles affected the temperature. There was a direct corre- ature is the most significant parameter for determining the distillate
lation between the absorber plate’s temperature and the weight output of a solar still. A faster rate of evaporation occurs when
concentration of SnO2 , with a maximum rise of 53.67% seen at a 15% the water temperature in the basin is higher. Coating the absorber
weight concentration. Hasanianpour Faridani and Ameri48 inves- plate is one way to accomplish this. However, coating the absorber
tigated the effects of γ-Al2 O3 nanoparticles on distillate output of plate to increase the solar still’s production has only been done
solar still with a single slope basin. The distillate production was by a few researchers. The following are the primary goals of this
found to increase by 60.03% when 0.3 weight percent of γ-Al2 O3 article:
was added to the water in the still. In a study conducted by Alqsair
et al.,49 nano-coating NC, parabolic solar concentrator (PSC), and ● Investigate the impact of different weight concentrations
an external condenser were utilized. The researchers found that the of toner waste powder (TWP) nanoparticles on coating
DSS productivity reached its peak at 0.3 rpm, leading to a 32% and uncoated absorber plates, with varying percentages of
increase in production and a 72% improvement in efficiency. Sathya- 5%–20%.
murthy et al.50 used the leftover soda cans that were coated with ● An examination of the energy–exergy efficiency of solar
carbon soot particles that were gathered from motor exhaust and still coated with toner waste powder (SSCWTWP) and
experimentally compared to the SSSS with uncoated pulsed-code conventional solar still (CSS) solar stills.
modulation (PCM) cans and those without energy storage; the SSSS
with coated PCM cans demonstrated notable improvements in ther- II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
mal performance and cumulative distillate output, with gains of
about 75.7% and 102.3%, respectively. Coating of the absorber plate A. TWP coating on absorber plate
with iron oxide for experimental work at different water levels in In CSS, commercially available black paint was used to paint
the basin found that the iron oxide nanoparticles increased the heat the interior surface of the basin and side walls. In modified solar still

FIG. 2. (a) and (b) FE-SEM images of the nano coating material at two different magnifications.

FIG. 3. (a) Absorber plate coating with TWP. (b) Absorber plate coating without TWP.

AIP Advances 14, 045208 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0191247 14, 045208-3

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FIG. 4. (a) Schematic diagram of SSCWTWP. (b) Schematic diagram of CSS. (c) Actual setup.

coated with toner waste powder (SSCWTWP), toner waste powder was performed. Using the spray, a mixture of black paint, turpen-
(TWP) is used as a nanomaterial. Initially, 50 g of black paint was tine, and TWP was applied to the SSCWTWP absorber plate. After
measured on an electronic weight scale, and then measured weight properly drying, the absorber plates were SSCWTWP and CSS, used
concentrations of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of nanomaterials accord- for the experimentations. The side walls of the SSCWTWP have
ing to the black paint were taken and manually stirred until proper mirrors attached to them for reflection purposes in experimenta-
mixing of the nanomaterials and black paint than 20 g of turpen- tions. Figure 1 depicts the steps used for applying the coating in this
tine were added. To ensure appropriate mixing, additional stirring work.

AIP Advances 14, 045208 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0191247 14, 045208-4

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B. Characterization of nano coating material (TWP) Wind speed is measured by an anemometer with an accu-
Initially, the TWP is collected from the used toner of the racy of ±3%, solar intensity is measured using a solarimeter with
printer from the Government Engineering College, Palanpur. The an accuracy of ±10 w/m2 , and distillate output is measured using
main objective is to raise distillate output at an economical a laboratory-calibrated beaker with a capacity of 1 l (accuracy
rate; hence, the absorber plate of the solar still is coated using ±2.5 ml). Equations for calculating the degree of uncertainty in this
the “best from the west” idea. To analyze the surface morphol- research are taken from Naveen Kumar et al.53 During the exper-
ogy and characterize TWP nanoparticles, x-ray diffraction (XRD) iment, the greatest amount of uncertainty that should be allowed
and field emission scanning electron micrographs (FE-SEM) were is 4%.
done. FE-SEM was done by Carl Zeiss Model Supra 55 Ger-
many and XRD by Bruker D8 Focus, X-ray Source-Copper Anode III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
v-40kv I-35 mA. Figures 2(a) and 2(b) illustrate the field emis- In this experimental investigation, the performance of both
sion scanning electron micrographs (FE-SEM) at two different modified SSCWTWP and CSS was examined for different weight
magnifications, which show the spherical shape of the nanoparti- concentrations (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) of nanoparticles (TWP)
cles. The mean size of the particles was 100 nm, with a range of at 2 cm water depth in the basin at Palanpur city’s location dur-
58–159 nm.52 It can be observed that the nanoparticles are uni- ing February 8, 2023–February 13, 2023. Table I gives the details
formly scattered across the whole surface of the absorber plate. of the days where readings were taken for different weight con-
Figure 3(a) and 3(b) shows the absorber plate coating with and centrations. In the solar system, the primary factors that determine
without TWP. performance are still wind speed, temperature, and solar radiation
intensity. Several characteristics were measured for the experimental
study, such as the temperatures of the water, glass, and atmo-
C. Experimental setup sphere, the strength of the radiation from the sun, and the distillate
In this work, two single-sloped solar stills—the solar still mod- output.
ified by coating with toner waste powder (SSCWTWP) and the
Conventional Solar Still (CSS)—with the same technical specifi- A. Hourly changes in the ambient temperature
cations and dimensions have been subjected to an experimental and solar radiation intensity during
analysis over a few days in the month of February 2023, in Palan- the experimental days
pur, Gujarat, which has a climate of 24.1724○ N and 72.4346○ E. The hourly fluctuations in temperature and solar radiation
Figures 4(a), 4(b), and 4(c) show the schematic diagram and actual intensity during test days in February 2023 are displayed in Fig. 5.
experimental setup of the experimental work, respectively. The There are similar patterns in the ambient temperature and the inten-
0.5 × 0.5 m2 (0.25 m2 ) solar still’s basin is made of a 2 mm thick sity of solar radiation. The solar radiation gradually increases until
galvanized iron (G.I.) sheet. The front, back, and side walls of the it reaches its highest point at midday, whereas the ambient tem-
solar stills were built using plywood, which works as a thermal insu- perature is lower in the morning throughout the duration of the
lator that is easily found at any local hardware shop. In addition, experiment. During the time of the experiment, the highest recorded
proper insulation has been used to prevent heat loss. The vapor- solar radiation intensity was 919 W/m2 on February 10th , 2023. In
ized water was condensed and gathered using a standard white glass addition, the maximum ambient temperature reached 37.03 ○ C on
cover that was 4 mm thick, and then, it was collected in a collecting February 8th , 2023.
jar with a proper pipe connection. The glass cover was positioned
at a latitude of 24○ at Palanpur, Gujarat, India. Silicone and rub- B. Water temperature variations
ber sealing strips are employed to prevent leakage from the basin With 10% weight concentrations of nanoparticles in the black
and to securely attach the glass. The tap water that feeds both stills paint at 2 cm water depths, the hourly variations of the water
is stored in a storage tank. The basin’s outflow was removed, and temperatures of the basin for both conventional (CSS) and mod-
pipes were built to deliver water to the basin from a storage tank. ified (SSCWTWP) solar stills are displayed in Fig. 6. At first, the
A buoyancy-controlled valve mechanism ensures a consistent water morning temperatures are nearly identical; however, as solar radi-
level in the basin. ation intensity increases, the temperature also increases, reaching
In order to optimize solar energy utilization and prevent the its peak at noon before progressively dropping in the afternoon.
occurrence of shadows, the two solar stills were positioned near Similar trends were observed at all weight concentrations, and the
each other, facing south. Experiments were carried out in Palanpur,
Gujarat, to investigate the effects of varying weight concentrations
(5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) of TWP nanoparticles. The experi-
ments took place in February 2023, from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. The TABLE I. Information of days of experiments for different wt. concentrations.
water level in the basin remained constant at 2 cm throughout the Sr. no. Date Wt. concentration of TWP (%)
For comparing the performance of the two stills, numerous fac- 1 08-02-2023 10
tors were measured throughout the experiment. These parameters 2 10-02-2023 15
included the amount of water in the basin, the glass cover, the ambi- 3 11-02-2023 5
ent temperatures, the amount of solar radiation, the wind speed, and 4 13-02-2023 20
the amount of distillate produced.

AIP Advances 14, 045208 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0191247 14, 045208-5

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FIG. 5. Hourly changes in ambient temperature and solar radiation intensity.

FIG. 6. The water temperature of the basin changes hourly with time at 10 wt. %.

AIP Advances 14, 045208 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0191247 14, 045208-6

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water temperature in a nano-coated absorber plate is higher than they were 51.38 ○ C at 10 wt. % concentrations of TWP, respectively.
that in a non-coated absorber plate because of the nanoparticle’s Variables, including the vapor temperature within the chamber,
increased capacity to absorb heat and due to the activation of solar the ambient temperature outside, the speed of the wind, and the
energy absorption with improved surface roughness. Furthermore, intensity of the solar radiation, contribute to the overall increase in
the water temperature is higher for concentrations of 10%, 15%, temperature.
20%, and 5% of weight, respectively. The highest temperatures ever
recorded in CSS were 55.12 and 58.94 ○ C at a 10% weight concentra-
D. Variation in distillate output
tion in MSS. A greater water temperature leads to a higher distillate
output because higher temperatures cause enhancement in water For different TWP weight concentrations, the distillate pro-
evaporation. duction of modified SSCWTWP and CSS hourly and cumulative
variations are depicted in Figs. 8 and 9. For modified SSCWTWP
at 5, 10, 15, and 20 wt. %, the hourly collected distillate at peak
solar radiation intensity was found to be 141, 185, 170, and 140 ml,
C. Inner glass cover temperature variations respectively, at a water depth of 2 cm. The higher distillate output
The variations in temperatures, which occur on the inner was achieved on February 8, 2023, at 10% weight concentrations
glass, are depicted in Fig. 7. During the morning, the temperatures of nanoparticles (TWP). That same day, the hourly distillate out-
on the inner glass were found to be lower than that of the out- put of CSS reached 127 ml at the highest solar radiation intensity.
side glass. They then rise with solar radiation, peak at midday. Cumulative distillate output of modified SSCWTWP at 5, 10, 15, and
In the afternoon, however, they fall during the hours when the 20 wt. % is found as 716, 955, 865, and 731 ml, respectively. The dis-
sun is not shining. The water temperature in the basin is reflected tillate output reached its peak at 955 ml when nanoparticles were
in the observed trend. The temperature of the glass cover rises applied at a concentration of 10 wt. % on February 8th, 2023. This
with increased basin water. The vapor produced inside the basin distillate output of 40.03% greater than the distillate output attained
rejects heat to the surrounding area through the glass cover by with CSS and 33.38%, 10.40%, and 30.64% higher than the obtained
conduction and convection. The accumulation of vapor within with 5, 15, and 20 wt. % concentrations of nanoparticles at the same
the chamber impacts condensation by raising the temperature of water depth. It can be observed that the coating of the absorber plate
the glass. Although the temperature is marginally greater for a 10 with toner waste powder is more effective at 10 wt. % concentrations
wt. %, the temperatures recorded on the surfaces of the glass are compared to 5%, 15%, and 20% weight concentrations of nanopar-
extremely similar in all instances of wt. concentrations of TWP ticles (TWP). At higher weight concentrations, nanoparticles were
were compared to other wt. concentrations of TWP. The highest not mixed properly, and due to this, it will not adhere properly on
temperatures observed in CSS were 49.66 ○ C, and in SSCWTWP, the absorber plate.

FIG. 7. Inner glass temperature variations at 10 wt %.

AIP Advances 14, 045208 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0191247 14, 045208-7

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FIG. 8. Changes in hourly distillate output of modified SSCWTWP and CSS at different weight concentrations of TWP nanoparticles.

FIG. 9. Changes in cumulative distillate output of modified SSCWTWP and CSS at different weight concentrations of TWP nanoparticles.

AIP Advances 14, 045208 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0191247 14, 045208-8

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FIG. 10. Variation of evaporative fractional exergy.

E. Thermal analysis (energy and exergy efficiency) (L), and the exergy for evaporation and convection (Exe,bw-ig, and
Higher energy–exergy factors influence the solar still’s distillate Exc,bw-ig ).
output. A solar still with greater energy and exergy efficiency rat-
ings will produce more output. The energy, exergy, and efficiency
study is a crucial factor to consider when evaluating the perfor- 1. Fractional evaporative variations
mance of a solar still. Thermal properties of a solar still coated Figure 10 illustrates the variations in the fractional evaporative
with nanoparticles, weighing 10% of the total weight, were assessed exergy for the redesigned SSCWTWP and CSS. The exergy evapo-
using formulas supplied in Refs. 25 and 29 during the investigation. ration fraction was calculated to range from 0.68% to 0.92%. This
These included the partial pressure of basin water vapor (Pbw ), and phenomenon is facilitated by the elevated evaporative heat transfer
inner glass surface (Pig ), the evaporative and convective heat trans- coefficient of the heated water in the basin. In addition, it was noted
fer coefficient (he,bw-ig , and hc,bw-ig ), the latent heat of vaporization that the fractional exergy efficiency of the modified SSCWTWP is

FIG. 11. Variation of convective fractional exergy.

AIP Advances 14, 045208 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0191247 14, 045208-9

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FIG. 12. Energy–efficiency comparison.

greater during the afternoon and till the evening periods. The pres- is lower, modified SSCWTWP produces more distillate output than
ence of the toner waste powder on the absorber plate has enhanced CSS.
its heat transfer -, resulting in this phenomenon.
3. Energy–efficiency comparison
2. Fractional convective exergy variations The energy and efficiency for the modified SSCWTWP and
Variations in the fractional convective exergy for both stills CSS using the experimental data are depicted in Fig. 12. It is
are depicted in Fig. 11. The computed value of fractional convec- found from figure that the energy and efficiency of modified
tive exergy for modified SSCWTWP remains lower from morning to SSCWTWP and CSS were 47.42% and 31.09%, respectively. Mod-
evening compared to CSS. At 8:00 am, it is 0.2878%, and at midday, ified SSCWTWP’s higher distillate output and exergy value result in
when sun radiation peaks, it is 0.0811%, decreasing the fractional a 52.52% higher energy–efficiency than CSS. The addition of TWP
convective exergy in modified SSCWTWP because of increased enhances the heat absorption capacity of the modified SSCWTWP,
convective heat transfer coefficient and exergy convection values. improves the heat transfer coefficient of evaporation, and results
Furthermore, the latent heat of vaporization of modified SSCWTWP in a higher production of distillate output. Both the MSS and CSS
is smaller than that of CSS. When the convective exergy efficiency systems distillate output nearly equal amounts of distillate in the

FIG. 13. Exergy–efficiency comparison between modified SSCWTWP and CSS.

AIP Advances 14, 045208 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0191247 14, 045208-10

© Author(s) 2024
AIP Advances ARTICLE pubs.aip.org/aip/adv

morning. However, as the solar radiation intensity increases, the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

modified SSCWTWP system produces a greater amount of distillate
The authors extend their appreciation to the Researchers Sup-
compared to CSS.
porting Project number (RSPD2024R999), King Saud University,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

4. Exergy–efficiency comparison
Figure 13 depicts the exergy–efficiency of modified SSCWTWP AUTHOR DECLARATIONS
and CSS based on the experimental results. The figures for exergy Conflict of Interest
efficiency for modified SSCWTWP and CSS are 16.23% and
4.31%, respectively. Because there is less water evaporation in The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
the morning due to the lower strength of solar radiation inten-
sity, the exergy for both modified SSCWTWP and CSS is the Author Contributions
same. However, due to the coating, modified SSCWTWP exhibits
a higher afternoon exergy generation value than CSS. The coating’s Pradeep Boka: Data curation (equal). Hitesh Panchal: Methodology
enhanced rate of water evaporation may lead to higher exergy (equal). Md Irfanul Haque Siddiqui: Formal analysis (equal). Mohd
efficiency. Asif Shah: Conceptualization (equal).


In this work, the performance of two equally sized CSS and The data that support the findings of this study are available
modified SSCWTWP was experimentally tested in the Palanpur cli- from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request.
mate in February 2023 under varying weight concentrations of 5%,
10%, 15%, and 20% of nanoparticle toner waste powder (TWP).
Toner waste powder (TWP) combined with 20 g of turpentine and NOMENCLATURE
50 g of black paint has been mixed, and a spray gun was used to
CSS Conventional solar still
coat the modified SSCWTWP’s absorber plate for research purposes.
FE-SEM Field emission scanning electron micrograph
Based on the results and discussion, the experimental investigation
SSCWTWP Solar still coated with toner waste powder
leads to the following conclusions:
TWP Toner waste powder
● Modified SSCWTWP produces more distillate output than wt Weight
CSS because of the coating of the absorber plate with TWP XRD X-ray diffraction
● At 10% weight concentrations of TWP nanoparticles, the
maximum basin water and glass surface temperatures of REFERENCES
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