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1. The area was frequently affected by flooding.

The __________________________ repeated floods.

2. They aren't keeping as many dogs in the dog shelter as

last year.
There are keeping __________________________ at
the dog shelter than last year.

3. Kate was told to wait for an hour before her appointment.

Kate __________________________ an hour before her

4. It's very unlikely that we will win the lottery.

There is very __________________________ the

5. We found him trying to steal the confidential documents.

We __________________________ steal the
confidential documents.

6. The company hid all the details of their wrongdoing.

Details of their wrongdoing
__________________________ by the company.

7. She was extremely pleased when she won the lottery.

__________________________, she won the lottery.
8. She sought advice from Stephen about the new project.
She wanted to __________________________ about the
new project.

1. The stories of them being divorced are not true.

Despite information __________________________ not

2. It's not really known for sure that she cheated in the
It's by __________________________ cheated in the

3. He would have completed his project, but there was no

more funding available.
He would have completed his project had

4. Is it alright if I borrow your car for the weekend?

Would __________________________ borrowing your
car for the weekend?

5. Despite the worsening weather, he continued with his

He __________________________ the worsening
6. Why don�t you listen to me when I tell you something
important? said my husband.
My husband accused me of
__________________________ when he was telling me
something important.

7. The baby didn't wake up even during the loudest parts of

the film.
The baby __________________________ despite the
noise of the film.

8. Luke forgot his mother's birthday due to being busy with

the children.
Luke was busy with his children and his mother's birthday
completely __________________________.

1. He used his connections to secure a place at the

prestigious university for his daughter.
He __________________________ to secure a place at
the prestigious university for his daughter.

2. I never thought of asking my boss about training courses.

It's __________________________ ask my boss about
training courses.

3. She would never even consider lying to her boss.

She __________________________ to her boss.
4. She told John that he couldn't both save for a car and
save for a house.
You can't __________________________, John, either
you buy a car or save for a house.

5. It's not surprising that she won the competition given

her training.
Given her training, it's __________________________
the competition.

6. Her promotion to manager shouldn't surprise you.

Her promotion to manager
__________________________ to you.

7. He was too slow to catch up with the rest of the runners

in the marathon.
He couldn't __________________________ of the
runners in the marathon.

8. Sales have decreased significantly in the past month.

There __________________________ in the past month.

In the following text, are the prepositions in CAPITALS in

the sentences correct or incorrect?

1. The breeding IN�tropical fish

a. correct
b. incorrect

2. Is probably the most rewarding part OF fish keeping

a. correct
b. incorrect

3. and ABOUT which many books have been written.

a. correct
b. incorrect

4. The breeding habits ABOUT fish are many and varied.

a. correct
b. incorrect

5. They can be live-bearers, that is they give birth OF live

fish or they can be egg-layers.

a. correct
b. incorrect

6. For the live-bearers the number of fish born can vary

from ten AT a hundred.

a. correct
b. incorrect

7. The novice aquarist has visions of his tank becoming

densely populated OF a very short time.
a. correct
b. incorrect

8. However the young fish make excellent food and are

quickly consumed, often BY their parents.

a. correct
b. incorrect

1. We are delighted that you will be working with us,

welcome ______!

a. in
b. to
c. aboard

2. Can I come and sit ______ you ?

a. beside
b. around
c. next

3. They have achieved so much ______ the difficulties they

have had to overcome.

a. considering
b. regarding
c. against
4. The cottage nestled ______ woodland on one side and
pasture land on the other.

a. in
b. behind
c. between

5. This is the fourth floor and you need to go to the second

floor to get to the bookshop. The ______ escalator is over

a. under
b. down
c. below

6. They galloped on horseback ______ the length of the

beautiful coastline.

a. over
b. along
c. through

7. I'm just going ______ to water the garden.

a. outside
b. on
c. outwards

8. Thank you for your letter ______ my outstanding debt. I

will be in contact with you next week.
a. of
b. concerning
c. for

9. I like you ______ I'm not sure that I love you.

a. but
b. besides
c. despite

10. They ran ______ each other hugged each other tightly.

a. near
b. besides
c. towards

1. U.S. aquacultural production comprises ______ food fish,

ornamental fish, baitfish, mollusks, crustaceans, aquatic
plants, algae, and some reptiles.

a. the producing
b. produce
c. the production of

2. _______ are grown in a wide variety of climates.

a. These organisms
b. The organism
c. That organism
3. ______ are grown in open freshwater ponds.

a. Catfish
b. Catfishes
c. This catfish

4. The United States is one of ______ largest exporters of

seafood products.

a. the worlds
b. the world's
c. world's

5. ______ is one of the most important textile fibers in

the world.

a. Cotton
b. Cottons
c. The cotton

6. Since 1990, per capita consumption of ______ has held


a. the fresh fruits and vegetables

b. fresh fruits and vegetables
c. a fresh fruit and vegetable

7. ______, such as Chile and Peru, are dominant suppliers to

the U.S. market.
a. These countries
b. A country
c. Some countries

8. _____ in the source of irrigation water play a major role

in how vulnerable different crops are to shortfalls in
surface water supplies.

a. Differences
b. The difference
c. A difference

9. Crops such as rice, cotton, and _____ depend heavily on

off-farm surface water.

a. the beans
b. beans
c. a bean

10. Farms that use ______ of gravity irrigation are the

most able to limit evaporation losses during the drought.

a. least amount
b. the least amount
c. a least amoun

1. The Prime Minister welcomed the Prime Minister of

Pakistan to Downing Street following ______ at the
commemorations earlier this morning.
a. attending
b. their attendance
c. his attending

2. The leaders took ______ to discuss a number of regional


a. an opportunity
b. this opportunities
c. the opportunity

3. ______ set out their support for finding a diplomatic

solution to the crisis.

a. A leader
b. Leader
c. The leaders

4. He also updated the Prime Minister on Pakistan's ______

towards a peace process.

a. works
b. the works
c. work

5. The Prime Minister said that it was the wider ______

interest to see a close working relationship between both

a. region's
b. regions'
c. region

6. Today we stand together to honor ______ of the

thousands of men and women who served our country.

a. the bravery and sacrifices

b. the braveries and sacrifices
c. a bravery and sacrifice

7. We also pay tribute to the outstanding contribution of

our civilians and aid workers who continue to risk their
______ in the service of others.

a. life
b. lives
c. lifes

8. We are equipping all three of our services with the best

and most modern military hardware ______ can buy.

a. monies
b. the monies
c. money

9. It is important to go ahead with the plans for increased


a. sanctions
b. sanction
c. sanctioning

10. Britain is clear that there cannot be a military ______

to the conflict.

a. solving
b. solution
c. solutions

1. The scientific history of radium ______ beautiful.

a. was
b. is
c. had been

2. Radium is no more a baby but the conditions of the

discovery were somewhat peculiar, and so it is always of
interest ______ them and to explain them.

a. in remembering
b. to remember
c. to have remembered them

3. Professor Curie and I worked at that time in the

laboratory of the school of Physics and Chemistry where
Professor Curie ______ his lectures.

a. is holding
b. was holding
c. held
4. All the elements ______ such radiation I have termed

a. emitting
b. emission
c. are emitting

5. I wanted ______ if there were other elements, giving

out rays of the same kind.

a. knowing
b. to know
c. know

6. If we ______ a practical point of view, then the most

important property of the rays is the production of
physiological effects on the cells of the human organism.

a. take
b. are taking
c. takes

7. And in that way it has been proved that the radioactive

elements are constantly ______ and that they produce at
the end ordinary elements, principally helium and lead.

a. disintegrating
b. to disintegrate
c. being disintegrating
8. Then I ______ that there should be in the minerals some
unknown element having a much greater radioactivity than
uranium or thorium.

a. am thinking
b. thought
c. think

9. Other radioactive elements ______ since: actinium

(Debierne), radiothorium and mesothorium (Hahn), ionium
(Boltwood), etc.

a. were discovered
b. have been discovered
c. are discovered

10. In chemical terms radium ______ little from barium.

a. is different
b. differed
c. differs

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