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Current situation of Business loan in PVcombank

Instructors : PhD. Phung Thi Thu Hương

MSc. Cu Nguyen Ha Trang

Students : Tran Minh Anh – 21050379

Nguyen Thi Nam Giang – 21050415

Mai Thi Phuong Hue – 21050436

Dinh Gia Khuong – 21050454

Nguyen Thi Hong Ngoc – 21050498

Truong Thi Xuan Mai – 21050480

Dao Nhat Tan – 21050532

Class code : FIB2005 – E 6

Class : QH-2021-E TCNH CLC 2

Ha Noi, April 20
I. Introduction..............................................................................................................2
II. Overview of the Business Loan Market...................................................................2
1. The concept of business loan...............................................................................2
2. Types of Business Loans.....................................................................................3
3. Analyze factors affecting the demand for business loans....................................3
III. Current situation of Business Loans at PVcombank..............................................4
1. Overview of the PVcombank..............................................................................4
2. Procedures for business loans at PVcombank.....................................................6
3. The products and services for business loans provided by PVcombank.............6
4. Factors influencing the Business Loan situation.................................................9
5. The assessment of PVcombank business loan activities using the SWOT
6. Current business loan interest rates at PVcomBank..........................................13
IV. Strategies and Future proposals.............................................................................14
V. Conclusion.............................................................................................................15
VI. References.............................................................................................................16

I. Introduction
The economic landscape of Vietnam has witnessed remarkable growth in
recent years, thanks to a dynamic business environment driven by
entrepreneurship and innovation. Banks play a crucial role in the country's
economic development. Banking activities provide capital to stabilize and
develop industries, create jobs for workers, support investors, stabilize market
prices, curb inflation, and develop the capital market. So, to have a stable and
developing economy, it is necessary to have a stable and efficient banking
In Vietnam, business loans are crucial for driving economic growth and
supporting the development of enterprises. These loans provide essential capital
for companies to expand, invest in new technologies, and develop innovative
products and services. Particularly important for small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs), business loans enable them to start, grow, and sustain their
operations, fostering entrepreneurship and innovation. Overall, business loans
play a vital role in promoting economic development, financial inclusion, and
entrepreneurship in Vietnam. So, to ensure the efficient operation of the
commercial banking system and minimize potential risks, the first issue that
needs special attention is the accurate identification and assessment of lending
activities by banks. As one of Vietnam's prominent banks, PVcombank -
Vietnam Public Joint Stock Commercial Bank, offers a diverse range of loan
products to meet the needs of businesses in various industries.
The topic: "Current situation of Business loan in PVcombank", will
provide a comprehensive understanding of the current situation of Business loan
in PVcombank in particular and financial institutions in general, by delving into
factors such as loan availability, accessibility, interest rates, and lending criteria.
Through this topic, our group aims to provide knowledge to help people
understand more deeply the challenges and opportunities that PVcombank faces
in implementing business loans, thereby suggesting strategies and policies for
improvement and development of business loan.
II. Overview of the Business Loan Market
1. The concept of business loan
A business loan is a loan specifically intended for business purposes.As
with all loans, it involves the creation of a debt, which will be repaid with added
interest. There are a number of different types of business loans, including bank
loans, mezzanine financing, asset-based financing, invoice financing,
microloans, business cash advances and cash flow loans.

In other words, a business loan is a loan taken out by a business to pay
for business expenses such as equipment purchases, to cover operating
expenses, or to expand into new markets.
2. Types of Business Loans
There are various types of business loans, each suitable for a different
purpose. The most common types of business loans are:
● Term loans: These are the simplest type of business loan, where you will
receive a lump sum and pay it back over a number of years.
● SBA loans: These are loans from the SBA that generally have low rates
and long repayment periods.
● Working capital loans: These loans are used to pay for operating
expenses to keep businesses solvent.
● Equipment loans: These loans are used to purchase specific equipment
that a business needs to operate.
3. Analyze factors affecting the demand for business loans
3.1. Economic Conditions
The overall state of the economy significantly impacts the demand for
business loans. During periods of economic growth, businesses may seek loans
to expand operations, invest in new equipment, or hire more employees.
Conversely, during economic downturns, businesses may reduce borrowing to
conserve cash flow.
● Growth Rate: High GDP growth rates generally correlate with increased
business confidence and investment, leading to higher demand for loans.
● Unemployment Rate: Lower unemployment rates indicate a healthier
economy, potentially boosting business expansion and loan demand.
● Consumer Spending: Strong consumer spending can stimulate business
growth, prompting companies to seek financing for expansion..
3.2. Interest Rates
Interest rates set by central banks influence borrowing costs for
businesses. Lower interest rates typically stimulate demand for loans as
borrowing becomes cheaper, while higher rates may discourage borrowing.
● Central Bank Policies: Changes in central bank interest rates directly
affect borrowing costs. Lower encourages borrowing, while higher rates
deter it.
● Market Interest Rates: Fluctuations in market interest rates
3.3. Government Policies and Regulations

Government policies, such as tax incentives for investment or regulatory
changes affecting lending practices, can influence loan demand.
● Financial Regulations: Regulatory changes can impact lending standards,
affecting the availability of loans.
● Tax Policies: Tax incentives for business investment may stimulate loan
● Government Programs: Subsidized loan programs or guarantees can
influence businesses' decisions to borrow.
3.4. Credit Market Conditions
The availability of credit and the terms offered by lenders play a crucial
role in loan demand. Tighter lending standards or unfavorable loan terms may
reduce borrowing, while more accessible credit may stimulate demand.
3.5. International Factors
For businesses engaged in international trade, exchange rate fluctuations
and global economic conditions can impact loan demand. Currency risks and
trade financing needs may influence borrowing decisions.
● Foreign Exchange Rates: Businesses involved in international trade may
borrow to hedge against currency risks.
● Global Economic Conditions: Global economic trends and trade
agreements impact export-import businesses and their loan needs.
By analyzing these factors, banks, credit institutions, and businesses can
gain a better understanding and anticipate changes in the demand for business
loans, allowing them to make informed decisions and adjust their strategies
III. Current situation of Business Loans at PVcombank
1. Overview of the PVcombank

Vietnam Public Joint Stock Commercial Bank (PVcomBank) was

founded on September 16, 2013, as a corporate amalgamation between
PetroVietnam FinanceJoint Stock Corporation (PVFC) and Western Joint Stock
Commercial Bank (WesternBank). On October 1, 2013, PVcomBank officially
operated with a charter capital of 9,000 billion VND and total assets of more
than 100,000 billion VND, equivalent to 390M USD & 4.4B USD. Up to now,
PVcomBank has developed a strong network of 110 transaction points with
more than 5000 employees and the total assets of 200,000 billion VND.

❖ Mission
- Bringing the best financial products and services to customers

- Continuously increase value for shareholders
- Build a professional working environment for staff
- Join hands to contribute to community development
❖ Core values

PVcomBank always takes the Core Values as the foundation to realize its
mission, which are:

- Customers are the center

- People are precious assets
- Honesty comes first
- Efficiency is always valued
❖ PVcombank’s customers

PVcombank serves a variety of customer segments, including:

Individuals: Individuals can be PVcombank's primary customers, using

services such as savings accounts, checking accounts, credit cards, and online

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): PVcombank provides financial

products and services tailored to the needs of small and medium enterprises,
including loans, trade financing, cash management, and investment banking

Large Corporations and Groups: PVcombank offers corporate banking

services to large corporations and groups, including capital financing, cash
management, international transactions, and investment banking services.

High-net-worth Individuals and Wealth Management: PVcombank

provides asset management services for high-net-worth individuals and
families, including investment advisory, portfolio management, and wealth

International Remitters and Receivers: PVcombank offers international

money transfer services for individuals and businesses, facilitating both sending
and receiving funds from abroad.

Investors and Financial Services Users: PVcombank may provide

investment advisory and portfolio management services for investors and other
financial services users.
→ PVcombank serves a diverse range of customer segments from individuals
to large corporations, offering a wide range of financial services to meet the
varied needs of its customers.

2. Procedures for business loans at PVcombank

Procedures for business loans at PVcombank include the following steps:
❖ Step 1: Receive customer information
Bank staff will collect customer information. Basic information
customers need to provide includes: loan purpose, loan amount, loan period,
monthly income, etc.
❖ Step 2: Prepare loan documents
After continuing to receive information and understanding the customer's
loan needs, the bank staff will review the loan based on actual conditions,
thereby guiding the customer to provide complete business loan documents.
business according to bank regulations.
❖ Step 3: Appraisal of documents and assets
After receiving the customer's documents, bank staff will verify assets
according to regulations. The appraisal process includes reviewing all
documents provided by the customer, evaluating information, and going on site
at the customer's workplace and residence. During the verification process, you
may need to add additional documents/candidates from related sources,
customers are willing to provide documents according to notification from the
bank staff.
❖ Step 4: Loan approval
After completing the verification process, the bank staff will set up a
credit proposal and seek approval by the person with verification authority.
Based on the records and information reported by the reporting staff, the
competent level will approve the account.
❖ Step 5: Loan decision and loan disbursement
Once your business loan account information has been approved, you
should check all the original documents of the profile photos provided to the
bank in step 2 and wait for the next notification from the bank.
3. The products and services for business loans provided by

For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs):

Supplementary Working Capital Loans: These loans offer flexible
repayment methods, flexible collateral options, and can provide up to 85% of
the asset value. PVcombank provides credit limits for each request from
businesses needing working capital.

Fixed Asset Investment Loans: Designed to finance the purchase of fixed

assets for small and medium-sized enterprises, these loans offer flexible
repayment terms, various borrowing options, and long-term repayment periods
suitable for the needs and repayment sources of the business. Interest rates are
offered at attractive rates, such as 7.49% for a 3-month period or 8.99% for a 6-
month period, and the loan-to-value ratio is based on the quality and term of the
assets used.

Car Purchase Loans: PVcombank offers quick approval within 4 hours

and loan periods of up to 72 or 120 months, depending on the business.
Enterprises using PVcombank's car purchase loan service can borrow up to 80%
of the vehicle's value. This service provides financial support for all types of
business car purchases at competitive interest rates.

Contractor Financing: This type of loan is based on flexible cash flows

specifically for construction companies. With features like lending based on
collateral assets (60% for future receivables; 90% for existing receivables),
PVcombank provides comprehensive credit, guarantee, L/C, and fixed asset
procurement support to complete construction projects under construction
contracts. The loan-to-value ratio for real estate can reach up to 85%, and
interest rates are offered at different periods, controlling lending based on
flexible cash flows.

Refinancing: PVcombank facilitates the quick and flexible transfer of

loans from other banks to optimize business benefits. With preferential interest
rates over different periods, businesses will be granted additional loan amounts
according to the agreement between PVcombank and the customer.

Import-Export Preferential Loans: With interest rates as low as 7.5% per

year, prepayment fees waived, and preferential exchange rates, loan limits can
reach up to 2000 billion VND. Businesses using this service can enjoy many
preferential programs tailored to PVcomBank's import-export businesses.

Fuel Credit: Aimed at meeting the financing needs of businesses in the
fuel trading sector, this form of credit provides high borrowing ratios and
accepts fuel vouchers as collateral. It helps fuel businesses access capital
quickly and easily.

For large enterprises:

Comprehensive Project Financing: Providing comprehensive credit,

guarantee, and payment services, PVcombank offers maximum credit limits for
projects, attractive interest rates for the entire project, and guaranteed project
execution. This form of financing supports input and output suppliers in the
value chain to enhance project efficiency while providing comprehensive
financial support throughout the project.

Project Investment Loans: Serving the capital supply needs of investment

projects, these loans help businesses expand their operations with high
borrowing limits of up to 85% of the project, with potential grace periods until
the project is operational. With flexible repayment methods tailored to the
project's characteristics and diverse collateral portfolios, these loans offer
competitive interest rates and flexible repayment terms to meet project

Additionally, PVcombank offers other credit products, including:

Online Business Credit: With simple loan procedures, fast approval

systems, and secure information handling, PVcombank provides post-
submission advice to businesses. This form of credit meets the fastest and most
convenient borrowing needs of businesses through online application

Business Credit Cards: These tools provide capital supply and transparent
management of business operating costs. When using PVcombank's business
credit cards, businesses can easily manage expenses through monthly statements
or instant notifications when transactions occur. The cards are issued free of
charge and annual fees waived for the first year, with credit limits up to 5 billion
VND and up to 10 cards issued per business. Additionally, non-collateral credit
limits can reach up to 1 billion VND. By using PVcombank's business credit
cards, businesses can enjoy up to 55 days of interest-free repayment.

Overdrafts: PVcombank offers high overdraft limits, allowing businesses
to access funds immediately without demonstrating their intended use. Through
automatic loan collection systems, interest is minimized, repayment is based on
actual balances, and spending can be managed proactively through internet
banking/mobile banking without going through the bank. Competitive interest
rates and reasonable fees are also provided.

Domestic Letter of Credit: This solution ensures payment for all purchase
contracts within Vietnam's territory, enabling businesses to easily utilize capital
from PVcomBank, manage cash flows with quick money receipt mechanisms,
and ensure transaction safety for all goods purchases within Vietnam's territory,
accurate transactions ensure the business's reputation with partners, businesses
using this service will enjoy a fee. Trading in the most preferential group in the

4. Factors influencing the Business Loan situation

3.1. External factors
The economic environment in recent years has seen many strong
activities, with fierce competition between credit institutions in general and
commercial banks in particular. Many businesses are looking for loans to
recover products after the COVID-19 pandemic;
Low interest rate environment: 2023 has been a year of general
difficulties for the economy after COVID-19, conflicts around the world
continue to take place, Vietnam's interest rate is low, the deepest decline in 20
years. The year caused difficulties for the banking industry;
Inflation is controlled: influenced by the economic, political and social
situation in the world, in the first quarter of 2024, control in Vietnam is at an
appropriate level, CPI increased by 3.97% compared to in the same period last
Be proactive in facing the pressure of absorption rate: In the first months
of 2024, the absorption rate in Vietnam is tending to increase because Vietnam
actively implements the open-door policy, and gold prices increase for people.
direction to switch to buying USD. Dynamic price rates have an impact on
import and export businesses, from operations to the business's ability to repay
The legal environment for corporate lending activities at PVcombank is
relatively synchronous, in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law. A
healthy legal environment, clear, non-overlapping legal documents... create a

solid legal corridor, contributing to healthy competition between commercial
banks, thereby creating Good environment for developing credit lending
3.2. Internal factors
The staff at PVcomBank are all young, so their capacity and professional
qualifications are still limited. It can be said that people are the decisive factor
in the success of managing a bank's lending activities, so the recruitment of
credit officers needs to be carried out carefully, ensuring both safety and
integrity. The ability and strengths of each person can be used to break down
violations in the process of performing lending tasks, contributing to improving
the efficiency of the bank's lending activities;
PVcomBank's customer policies, marketing, and customer care activities
are still unclear, implemented irregularly, and with low efficiency. More
investment is needed for this activity to attract more customers and investment
Bank policies and regulations develop separate lending policies suitable
to the characteristics and conditions of the bank to ensure the highest efficiency
in lending activities, limit risks, and ensure ensure the safety of the bank's
business operations;
The customer's main financial capacity can be implemented in the capital
base, automatic financial support ability, and the customer's main financial
standards. If the borrower has strong financial potential, high solvency, and
production and business activities that bring high and stable profits, it means
that the business is efficient and capable. The ability to repay debt to the bank in
full and on time will help the bank feel more secure in lending money to
customers. Each such customer will make the bank's quality signal constantly
strive and strengthen.
5. The assessment of PVcombank business loan activities using the
SWOT model.
4.1. Strengths
Debt quality is strictly controlled: control work after borrowing,
strengthening risk prevention right from the review stage, so the rate of overdue
debt for business loans accounts for the proportion of debt controlled in
accordance with regulations of the State and the situation of PVCB.
Corporate credit products are increasingly diverse and rich, especially
with new products such as car loans, short-term debt repayment loans,
preferential import loans, and home financing for construction and installation.

attract more and more customers. Customers come to borrow money for
business mainly in the form of pledging collateral. Credit balances are also
Divide into many business loan customers with rich products and services
suitable for each customer; including individual customers, micro enterprises
(mSMEs), small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and large enterprises. The
individual customer segment is mainly foreign currency trading and trading, so
the borrowing frequency is quite large, this is an important source of interest
PVCB welcomes customers to borrow for business activities with the
most competitive interest rates on the market; Loan from 6-12 and over 12
months interest rate is 7.99%. Interest rates are applied flexibly according to
each customer segment, credit product and loan term. The bank regularly
implements preferential interest rate programs for business loans, helping
customers save costs.
PVCB has simplified loan procedures, helping customers save time and
effort. Loan documents are simple and easy to prepare. Fast approval process,
disbursement within 24 - 48 hours.
PVCB is one of the leading reputable banks in Vietnam with more than
20 years of experience operating in the field of business lending. The Bank has
been awarded many prestigious awards in the field of finance and banking.
PVCB is always committed to providing customers with the best quality
products and services
4.2. Weakness
PVCB's lending interest rates may change from time to time based on
fluctuations in the money market and the State Bank's interest rate policy. This
may affect customers' ability to repay their loans, especially in the context of
rising interest rates.
PVCB has strict lending regulations for business loans, especially for
loans without collateral. Customers need to fully meet the conditions of
financial capacity, credit reputation and collateral to get a loan. This may make
it difficult for some businesses and individuals to access loans.
Although PVCB has simplified loan procedures, for some complex loans,
loan procedures can still be complicated and time-consuming. Customers need
to prepare many documents and complete procedures according to bank

The business loan market in Vietnam has high competition among banks.
Other banks also offer business loan products and services with many attractive
incentives, giving customers many choices.
Loans are not supported for all business lines. The disbursement process
may be delayed in some cases. Service quality may vary between
branches/transaction offices.
4.3. Opportunities
The foundation for macroeconomic development of the Vietnamese
economy is relatively high: Vietnam is ranked among the developing countries
in the world with an annual economic growth rate of about 4-5%. In particular,
the growth rate of the banking industry is also high at 20%/year. When Vietnam
joined the WTO, import and export opportunities increased rapidly, increasing
the need for international payments and attracting foreign investment capital.
The Vietnamese Government is promoting the disbursement of public
investment capital for transportation, infrastructure, energy projects, etc. This
will create opportunities for businesses to participate in these projects and
promote the need to borrow capital for investment.
Vietnam's banking industry is increasingly developing with the
participation of many new banks, including foreign banks. This will help
enhance competition in the industry, thereby motivating banks to improve the
quality of services and business loan products.
Society is increasingly interested in using financial products and services,
especially loan products. This will open up opportunities for PVCB to reach
more potential customers.
International economic integration helps PVCB learn a lot of experience
in banking operations from foreign banks. Creating motivation to promote the
way Vietnam Foreign Trade Bank operates, the financial market will develop
faster, creating conditions for banks to develop new types of services…
4.4. Threats
The economic environment is still not really stable, exchange rates are
also volatile, inflation is increasing, making businesses and business households
more cautious when borrowing for fear of not being able to repay the debt.
PVcombank may face higher credit risk if it focuses on lending to high-
risk industries or areas. Corporate customers' ability to repay debt can be
affected by macroeconomic factors such as economic recession, rising interest

PVcombank may have difficulty meeting customers' payment needs if
they experience cash shortages. Liquidity risk may increase if PVCB depends
too much on short-term capital sources. The ability to manage liquidity risk can
be impaired by system or process deficiencies.
Competition between banks: It can be said that in the current period, the
banking and finance sector is developing very rapidly and there is fierce
competition between banks in terms of scale, service quality, diversity of
products... Particularly in the field of business lending, there are many banks
participating, from large banks such as VCB, BIDV to smaller banks, in
addition to participation of financial leasing companies. Competition for the
market among financial institutions has made it difficult for PVCB to attract
customers. In that competitive environment, PVCB needs to have its own
strengths and outstanding advantages in its customer attraction strategy.
6. Current business loan interest rates at PVcomBank
Besides mortgage loans, PVcombank also offers mortgage loan
credibility. PVcomBank's mortgage interest rate is one of the lowest in the
market today, creating favorable conditions for customers:
o The average interest rate ranges from 7.49% to 8.99% per year, ensuring
rationality and competitiveness for customers
o For car loans, lenders can flexibly borrow at an annual interest rate of
7.49% for the first 6 months and 8.99% for the next 12 months.
o For family business loans, the minimum interest rate is only 6.8% per
o For the purpose of purchasing, constructing, and repairing houses or land,
the interest rate for the first 6 months is 7.49% per year, and for the
following 12 months it is 8.99% per year.
o Through Topup loans, customers will receive a monthly interest rate of
only 0.9%.
Vietcombank Bank:
o The annual operating interest rate is 7.5%
o The loan term is 60 months
o The maximum loan amount is 10 billion yuan.
BIDV bank:
o The preferential interest rate is 6.7% to 7.5% per year
o The loan period is 5 years.
MBBank bank:
o The preferential rate is 7-8% per year
o The longest loan period is 180 months.
o The loan limit is as high as 90% of the capital demand.
ACB bank:
o The preferential rate is 7%/ year.
o The loan term is six months.
o The maximum loan amount is 5 billion yuan.
In summary, PVcombank's mortgage loan interest rates are generally
competitive, particularly for car loans and topup loans. However, some other
banks may offer slightly lower rates for specific loan products such as BIDV for
mortgage loans and ACB for family business loans. PVcombank's strength lies
in offering a wide range of loan products with competitive interest rates tailored
to different customer needs.
IV. Strategies and Future proposals
Against the backdrop of macroeconomic instability and many difficulties
faced by the real estate market and corporate bonds, the US central bank's
interest rate policy has put pressure on exchange rates, interest rates, and
inflation. Combined with the risk of tight liquidity, the banking industry will
face an increase in capital costs next year. This will lead to a decrease in the
bank's profit margin. Therefore, improving credit quality and managing credit
risks will increasingly attract the attention of commercial banks
In the first months of 2023, the State Bank of Vietnam will adjust and
reduce operating interest rates, regularly review and complete legal regulations
related to credit granting activities to facilitate the operations of credit
institutions. credit institutions. In 2023, PVcombank has introduced flexible
operating policies, suitable for each period, consistent with the goal of growth
coupled with safety quality, sustainable development and efficiency. In the last
months of 2022 and early 2023, deposit interest rates continuously increased
sharply. Following closely the directions of the Government and the State Bank,
PVcomBank implements many measures to reduce operating costs, reduce
interest rates for customers with loan needs, preferential policies, and minimize
procedures. Operate and support customers to quickly access capital. Besides,
PVcombank still needs to come up with solutions to avoid risks caused by credit
Firstly, the Bank needs to build a strict credit granting process, creating
conditions to control credit risks right from the moment they appear. In the
credit appraisal/analysis stage - a part of the credit process, banks have focused

on analyzing the borrower's operating situation; Research and improve the
quality of appraisal of loans and investment projects, pay attention to analyzing
efficiency and factors affecting the project to see the risks of the loan. Perform
credit checks well, coordinate well with internal control in cross-checking.
Second, Develop and apply an internal credit rating system to measure
credit transaction risks: Banks' internal credit rating system is often structured
separately for 3 groups of subjects. Main customers include: corporate customer
group; individual/business customer groups and financial institution customer
groups. Although the internal credit rating system only helps banks measure
transaction risks, not assessing overall portfolio risk, the construction and
application of the internal credit rating system shows a step forward. New
progress of banks in the process of applying international standards on risk
management to specific conditions in Vietnam.
Third, focus on investing more in information technology to serve the
analysis, evaluation, and measurement of risks, including credit risks. Risk
management requires a lot of information both inside and outside the bank, the
amount of information that needs to be collected and processed is large, on the
other hand, the information is required to be updated and classified according to
appropriate criteria. to promptly serve management and administration
requirements. Therefore, in order for risk management to be as effective as
desired, investment in information technology must be paid more attention.
Finally, promote credit inspection and control throughout the system,
using arising financial operations to limit banking risks. For commercial banks
in Vietnam, these operations are still very new. Therefore, researching and
applying these operations in management is an effective measure to limit
possible risks that can lead to negative consequences for commercial banks and
the whole economy.
V. Conclusion
In conclusion, the analysis of the current situation of business loans in
PVcombank highlights both challenges and opportunities. While the bank has
shown resilience in its lending practices, there are areas for improvement to
ensure sustained growth and competitiveness in the dynamic market landscape.
By focusing on enhancing digital infrastructure, streamlining loan processes,
and adapting to evolving customer needs, PVcombank can position itself as a
trusted partner for businesses seeking financial support. Further, To succeed in
today's competitive environment, PVcombank needs to focus on developing
innovative products and services, improving risk management and enhancing

customer service quality. Additionally, maintaining a robust risk management
framework will be crucial to mitigate potential threats and capitalize on
emerging opportunities. With strategic initiatives and a customer-centric
approach, PVcombank can navigate the complexities of the business loan
market effectively and drive sustainable success in the future.

VI. References
1. The concept of business loan
2. Factors affecting the demand for business loans
3. Factors affecting small and medium enterprises borrowing capital from
banks (2024),
4. Interest rate
5. Interest rate
6. General Statistic Office of Vietnam – Inflation
7. Thực trạng cho vay khách hàng tại ngân hàng TMCP Phát Triển thành
phố Hồ Chí Minh
8. Annual report PVCB 2022
9. Business interest rates at PVCB 2024

10. The products and services for business loans provided by PVcombank
11. Business loan interest rates at PvcomBank


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