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Understanding Health Marathon

14 Day Cycle
A Marathon lap is 10 days for players (customers) but the 4 days between laps is an
important time for Captains - Closing out the previous lap, working referrals,
introducing new players and preparing for the next lap in general. For this reason we
work in a 14 day cycle which is detailed in this handbook.

Customer Support & Results

The Marathon is an ideal environment for anyone who wants to progress their results
and anyone who just wants (or needs) some daily accountability in order to maintain
their results.

With regards to business, experienced Captains suggest that on average, their

customers who are in a Marathon team, typically consume more products, are more
consistent, and stay with Herbalife longer than their customers outside of Marathons.
Happy long term customers are key to sustainable growth and are also more likely to
bring referrals, which are key for royalty growth.

The Bigger Picture

It’s a well-known fact that the best Coaches often come from customers. When you
have a customer support system as good as the Marathon, the opportunity to
identify, create and develop Coaches from customers is unparalleled. This should be
a main focus for all Captains throughout the process.

A lot of what is shared in this handbook is designed to ensure that your Marathon
teams are constantly growing and you are developing new Assistant Captains,
Captains and in turn new Supervisors and Active Supervisors.

Marathons can be a sustainable method for growing royalties with Herbalife and
support you to reach higher levels in the Herbalife marketing plan.

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