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Step 1:
Firstly I used LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator
search to generate a list of potential
decision makers in our target market. You
can filter this search using Company and
Role data points.
Step 2:
Once I was happy with my Sales Navigator
search, I copied the URL and opened
Phantombuster. I then set up the “Sales
Navigator Search Export” phantom, this
gave me an export of the contacts and all
the information on their LinkedIn Profile.
Step 3:
Now I have my LinkedIn contact information
I used to find and verify email
addresses. I did this in 4 steps...
1. Upload companies to and run a
bulk domain search.
2. Upload names and domains to a hunter
bulk email finder. This gave me 70% of
the email addresses.
3. Use Google sheets formulae to workout
every possible email structure and run
the bulk email verifier in
4. Filter out the email addreses with the
best validity scores.
Step 4:
I uploaded the contacts to my CRM and
created new contacts . I Included all the
LinkedIn information points and email
validity scores, as these will be useful later.
I’ve used Hubspot, Active Campaign and
Mailchimp in this system.
Step 5:
I used ChatGPT to create my email template.
Within this template I added one highly
personalised paragraph using the contact
data I had already collected.

This paragraph will be created per conatct

at scale later but I created a contact
property to store this personalised
paragraph next to each contact in my CRM.

I then created an email template in my CRM

& email automation tool (Hubspot). Adding a
personalisation token for the personalised
Step 7:
I needed a separate prompt to create the
personalised email paragraph and I used this
simple prompt...

“Write a 100 word personalised paragraph to go into

this cold email...

[add email template copy].

The goal of the email is to get the recipient to

request a meeting about [My business value prop].

The paragraph should use the below information to

produce this...

{LinkedIn Profile summary}

{LinkedIn Profile title description}
{LinkedIn Profile title description}
{LinkedIn Profile company Name}
{LinkedIn Profile company industry}”
Bonus Step:
The more information you have on the
individual or company the more
personalised the message.

You can use a LinkedIn Company Export

Phantom to get company information.


Use ChatGPT to tell you about the company

using their website.

Then you can add this information to the

Google Sheet and the prompt.
Step 6:
To create the personalised paragraph at
scale I connected the Google Sheet (with
the LinkedIn information) to ChatGPT using
Zapier. I created the Zap using the steps on
the next page...
1. Trigger when Google Sheets cell is
2. Conversation with chatgpt, adding the
personalised paragraph prompt I made
earlier and adding the information from
the Google Sheet row.
3. Update Google sheets row with the
ChatGPT output from step 2.
4. Add more ChatGTP conversations if you
have mor ethan one email
5. Create or update contact in Hubspot.
Step 10:
I then created my email automation adding
my email templates.

Set the trigger for when the contact

property for the personalised email
paragraphs are updated to add the contact
to the workflow.
Step 11:
Lastly I turned my Zap on and watched my
Google Sheet fill up with personalised email
content, my email workflow auto enroll new
contacts, emails sending automatically and
my inbox fill with meeting requests!
Cover your bases...
Run the same system for LinkedIn
connections and messages.
Repeat for the influencers at the same
target companies.
Run retargeting ads on LinkedIn, Meta
and X.
Run awareness or Lead gen paid
campaigns on LinkedIn, targeting the
companies and the functions.
Add some search spend to brand or
campaign topic keywords to capture a
search step after seeing your content.

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