Highway Design Manual

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CHAPTER 200 GEOMETRIC DESIGN AND STRUCTURE STANDARDS Topic 201 - Sight Distance Index 201.1 Sight dace i the continu length of highnay shad visible to the iver. our types of sigh Gistance are considered here passing sopin, ‘scsi, an corner. Pasting sight dnc sed ‘whee ue of an opposing an can rovide psing ‘Spporunies (eo Index 2013). Stopping sight Aisunce isthe minimum sight distance to be Provide ‘on mui highways and on. ane Fouls when "paing sigh ditnce is ot conocalyobiinabe, Stopping sph stance tso is to” be. provided forall clement of inirchangrs eed trerecions ot wade, clang private road conection (see Tope 04, Index 4051, & Figure 4087) Decision sight dances ted bt major decision points (se Indexes 2017 tnd 5042) Comer sight distance is ued at Insects (28 Index 408.1, Figure 4087, and Figure $04.30) General Table 201.1 ol i (2 Fr sutanel enero soy sna “Table 201.1 shows the standards for stopping Sight stance related to design speed, and these ‘Shall be the minimum value ured in dag ‘Asa sown are the sles for en proving posting ight tance. Chapter 3 of "A Poi 28 Geametic Design of Highways and. Steet,” AASHTO, contains a Thorough cecussion of te servation oF sopping, sieht distance. 201.2 Passing Sight Ditance Pasig sipkt citance & the minimum sight ‘nace rege or the diver of one vile pss ator vehicle safely und comforably Prsing must be acomplished suming an the design speed, wilt reduction, afer the ‘veraking manewver is sated ‘he sight distance avaible for pasting at any piace ir the longest disance af which ¢ver fahase yes are 1070 mm above the pavenoat Surface can sete top ofan objet 1300 igh fon te road. Se Table 201. fr the cele | oes Ut re esvocnbed with vous design In general, 2 highs shoud be designed 1 Provide for pacing were posible, expecially Trove routes ‘wih high volumes of tks or reeeatoral vehicles. Pasig shuld be done on tangent holon aligamsns with constant grades fra sight sg vera eave. Not ony ae drivers eae to pss ona long eet veel eur, bal tdstance for eet veto caves is 71017 tes longer tate stopping ght dsance. ‘Oncinaily, passing sight distance is provided at Tncaions where sombirations of alignment and profie do not rgure he we of crest vertical Passing sight distunce is onsiered only on ane road At erica! loess, sretch of 3 lane sing secon ith sping ight sane Is ometines more econoneal an fo lanes wth pessing ih tance, Pasig on sag vrzal curves canbe socompished ‘both dy and igh because heights can be een rh te nie curve. See Part 3 of the Manual on Uniorm Trafic CConrot Devies (MUTCD) fr eteriareaing 0 the plicement of barr etiping for no-psting 2a. Noe tat the pasing sgt since shown Inthe MUTCD are Bad on taf operator Ciera Tae operational criteria ae diferent from he design carats used to develop the lcs provided in Table 20. and Chapter 3 of “A Polly om Geometric Desig of Highways sd Sir" AASHTO. The foremeoned ble and ‘AASHTO reference ate also used to sgn the ‘eral profile an Rrzonal ligament of the Tphway. Cont the Headguaters (10) afc [aon when using te MUTCD errs fr wae ‘peraing-contel needs, Otter means for providing passing opportunities, ‘che climbing nes o trout sre cused In Tee 205. Caper 3 o"A Policy on Geoneric Design of Highways and. Steet, AASHTO Eenzains a thoough iscsson of the derivation of 201.3 Stopping Sight Distance The minimum stopping. sight distnce is the dlsanes routed by the diver of @ veel, traveling ata given see, to bring the vile oa Stopping sight dotance is measured fom te dhivers eyes which ae assumed to be [070 man shove the pave sufice to an object 50 mm igh on herd Sot index 1003.10) for bye Stopping sight distance suace ‘Th stopping sight tne in Table 201.1 should ‘etincensed by 20% on susined downorades ‘Spe i 4nd longer an 9 kn Figure 2014 shows graphically te relationships eon lengih of ret verti cove, design spend and algerie difrence in aries Anyone flier canbe deteined when the oer two 6 own 2015 Stopping Sight Distance at Grade Sags From the curves in Figure 201.5, the minimum Tenth of vertical curve which previdesealght sioht distance in grade saps Ora given design Speed ean be baie heat sigh dstane is not bsnable at rade ‘om, lghng may be considered The Design {Coordinator snd he HQ Traffic Lision stall be ented 1 evew proposed grade sag Tht Setemine i veh es poroprine 201.6 Stopping Sight Distance on Horizontal Curves ‘Where an objet off he pavement such a bide ple, balding, et slope, o mural growth estes Sight distane che miu ad of curvature is [3] Recher crs slope oft Supersievation The dite fom the tion where the high ede of the sperleting ston RunoM"L)—suaces are at «cos slope of 0% fo the stan where he eae ros section iat fal spesevaton The dsance fom the station wher the high side of he superlevaing sections sre rowed at a cros slope of 2% fhe ston where the eae cos sein Is at il ‘operlevaion. The Crown Rano Length pls the Supereevaon Rua Length (L) ‘Sin the Sperlevaton Transion Length The percentage ofthe superlevation runoff length (L) tht i ule ofthe curve (213). See nex 20250), ‘The pereontage ofthe superlevation un gt (L) thats within th eure (1/3). See Index 20232). The Oo Tangent apd %¢ On eure values mus ol 1084 ¢ Blements of a Superelevation Transition (Right Curve) 202.6 Superclevation of Compound Curves ‘Supeslevatonof compound eu shoud ol ‘he arsedut as shown in Figute 202.6, Wiss 202.7 Superelevation on City Streets and County Roads rates of lca streets and roads State righ of way (vith Without convection to State felt) to AASHTO standards, for the ‘luniicaton ofthe fality in question. the oe aseny tain jusdton ‘s_the oss ausson salons ‘Sands hat exeed AASHTO sandr. shen he Seo Index 202.2 and Table 2022 for Frontage Roads within the Sate ight of way. Frontage roads that il be relingised afer conseton ‘ould fallow AASHTO or laa standande at sted above, Topic 203 - Horizontal Alignment 20s Horiootal lignent should provide for safe and onfnacus operation at nfo design speed for Sbstntal lengths of highway” ‘The sre SWhchTllow poly to eurvatue en both ane tnd mutilane hphoays except when otherwise ed These sania aso apply t0 potions of [eel sets and roads win the State ight a ‘which cooect dey to feeway or express, for are expected fo do so in the forseable itu For local falls which are within the ‘ght of way and where theres no connetion {he connection info. non-contrlled. tcese {eit (eonventonal” highway), AASHTO Tvingjuisdicion oner_dieloal_faiio in ‘usslon munis sands ht exo AASHTO General Control ‘The major consideration in orzo ligament design ae sal, profle, typeof elt, desi ‘pend, geotechnical features opoerapy, right of ‘ys caridered, either Sel ordeal. On fieeways in meaoplitan ares, aeatve stiles oie indicate ta right of way consiertons ‘er Topography contol bo eave dis and sign speed toa le exert. Te desen speed tum, contol sigh dst, but sight stance mist be "consigredconcuray wah opowanty bcaite i oflen demands luge adie han tht dksign speed. All hese fics must be balanced duce an_algrnentwhih optimizes the Scievement of various ebjectves sch a sf, ist hanrony With he natal contour of th land, tnd atthe same sme adequat forthe design ‘nso ofthe gy. orizonta alignment stall provide at fas he ‘nimam stoping ih distance forthe chosen ‘esign speed a all poits om the highs geen by Table 20LL and caplatned tn 4013. Se dex TOL focal ection in “sian speed 203.2 Standards for Curvature “Table 2052 shall be the minimum radius of carve for specie design speeds Thistle is feed pon spect lon; ft ignore the sah in Table 2032 doer mt provide shal over, Every effo should be mae to exced minimum Sales, and sich minima rai shoul be ase only when the cout or other advene effete of Falaig a higher standard re inoritnt wi the benefits AS an aid to designers, Figure 202.2 Alplays the maximum conorable speed for (figure 2022, ni ofthe shove standards must be documented sued in nde #22. “The recommended minimum rai fr fovea are a CASE 2 Figure 202.6 ‘Superelevation of Compound Curves. = tenath of superetvaton runt m fy "= “Tlperlvaton rte for amar due cure ~ min or percent SL Stperelevaton tte for larger ras curves - mim or pont loan ane faa | tone r iS (ogee ge Ree aseant wy ve 4 smn yy =| RCTATION gr ceonee than 105m, SuperevtonTanston AT gos 9 |_poramion® __} e | g eagle seen ora median aries contemplate, iter inal or ultimately, ajsinens may be ecessaty 1 aia the eguied sight distance on ves on divided highway In such aes, ager farve fits oro wer meen ny be rd ‘voughout the length of te curve. For design purposes, plating sren i presumed tobe 24 m frie See Chater? ofthe Tae Man or gre Table 203.2 Standards for Curve Radius Devan Speed Tinian Rasa tev of Curve) 0 70 30 100 60 150 80 260 0 x0 no ao 120 00 130 1200 Sle reductions in ligament standards shoul be ‘voided. Whste_sysialosisins-on une ‘ds_saotbe-ctecome anthems ‘age than-13 kivh[nboducion of ares with lower desnn spats ould be voted a theca leng_sngsnis, seep downarads,_or_a_oter Jocalons hse high apansch-stonis-may_ be ania. “The hovizotal and ver alignments shoud be corsitdsich that brio cies ae ot Faden behind est veical curves Shap evil curves sho! wot follow lng agents toa sme drivers tet devsop higher peed onthe angeat and could or dive eave See “Combination of Horizontal and Versa Aliment” in Chaper Il of “A Pocy on Geomarie Design af Highways and Stee” AASHTO, for flther guidance on alignment 203.4 Curve Length and Central Angle ‘The minimum cuve Jeng for cea angles less shan TO degrees shold be 240 m 1 avoid the pearance Of Kink Fr cena angles salt than 30 mnie, no une ix roqed. Above = ‘000 m ras, parole curve may be wed Ie 0 even should sight distance or othr fey ‘Stnsidertions be saetified to meet the above reuiemen (On 21a ond 2 crve sould not exceed a ength ‘F#m a shoud be nosh ha 150m 2035 Compound Cures Compound curves shoud be avoided becase sie who have adjusted the fst curve could tvr dive the second ue ihe cond curve Pt 1 olla than the ft. Exceptions ean ocr in mouralous teria oer ston whee use ofa simple curve would result in excessive cos ‘Where compound core is necteny, the shanat radi sould be at less to-hids he longrsadus ven bors i 200-m ost On on ‘The lal are length of «empound curve shouldbe sot ens han 150. 203.6 Reversing Curves ‘connote the sided snecleion cut ‘Epsnon Figs 202. Ici nt posible ts 2% per 20m e of ange auld govern ce Index 202505. When fesse, a minima of "Bo of anget should be conde, 203.7 Broken Back Curves ‘A broke back curve consis of two caves inthe same direction joined by short tangent. Broken back cures are unsightly and unex 2038 Spiral Transition Spiral wanstio curves arent standard pease. 2039 Alignment at Bridges Due to the diet in constcting dg with superelvaion res greater than 10% the che ran bridges shouldbe designed to accommodate SSperlevaon rates of 10% or less Set Ind 22.2 for standard suprlevatio aes Sopesetaton transitions on bridges ae difcu to tppesrance of the bridge andthe Bridge raling Therefore, if possible, eran cuves should tein and end suffice distance fm he Bdge ro that no par of the supaslevaton naan ‘eds onto the bldg, Alignment ad safety considerations however re aramoute and must not be screed to eet the ove eter Topic 204 - Grade 204.1 General Control ‘The grade line is reference tne by hich the slovalon of he pavement snd eter tues of the highway ae exalshe. Its coavlled mainly by ‘opography, pe of highway, horizontal alignment, ‘aforumce CF heey weiss, Hah Of ay cont Safe, sight dance, constuction cos, cultural development, danage, end pleasing appearance AIL ponions of the grade Tine must meet sight ance reqerements for the design speed daft fhe oad In fatter the elevation ofthe grade ln i fen onl by dtuinage considerations, In rling tera sone undulation ithe roe ie fo oe Sventagoous for constuction eeonany. Ths Should be dove with appearance In mind, for trample, a grade line on tangent alignment hing 8 series of humps vile fr some Aistanee ahead. should be_svcided whenever fos. In roling hilt or mousainous temain, awever he pale line usualy Is move closely dependent upon physi contro In considering akerave profes, comomie emparsons involving earthwork guaties andor fesning wall should be made Atlan Cartork designs most os effecive. When long lor steep gas are volved, cone comparisons ‘oul inlode vekiceopetng cor ‘The standard in Tope 204 ao spy potions of local sets and rons within the Sate igh of ay stich comet dey to a reway expressway, trae expected todo so inthe fcssale fate. facitly(eomventionl highway, AASHTO. ‘andards shall preva th gl any having istigion ower the_osal lion vesion ‘iain. stan th_ewecd AASHTO Gente lal acc r meal 2042 Position With Respeet tc Cross Setion ‘The gre lne should generally conde with the axis of roution for supercevton (Gee Index 224). ti rlaton tthe ros secon soa be ss flows (D Undtvded Righways. The gue tine sholé eine with he highway cet. (2) Ramps and Freewayofeeuay Cometons. Although the grde ie i usulypotoned st the left edge of tveled way, citer edge oF trveld myo enerline ay be ue ‘mule cies, (8). Divided Highays. The gre live shouldbe pestoned a the eeneine ef he mean for ved medians 20m. ie or les Es Soking 2 "sw tot” selon which cat reduc horizontal topping sgt distance. ‘The grade line may be pustoned at the ute ian edge of waved way hen: (@) The matin edges of aveled way ofthe vo oadvaye ae a egal lvation. (ie to realm we at diet he minum eh of eels meen EheteaSietininet a" Btuldietgale Sch aunts oat ee EN bin sepa me (0 By wi tem me ae en oo ae a tunead cafe af on toe ae sc ids nh ta et 2043 Standards for Grade iusa ane 72063 dows te menen pe wei SD ce Mevuatbcctccdrtcoedute iets, Sftaews pps bc oi Seo should not be close ogee than 13m and atl Stop, grades afect_ock pets and overall SP grade beaks within 60m soul not exceed capacity They also cause oprnalproblens at Intreions, for thse reo i desiale oO Prove he Tanat grader pacicble (ee Index Since at verti crves may develop por dnage 5304S foc infomaton on tck sss wih ps). at the ovel section, ating the gute pad or Shonening th vera cove may overeone ay Table 204.3 srnage protien Maximum Grades for Type of (On 2lane roads, exrenly long cet veil Saves, over Ti hold be avid, since many Highway and Terrain Conditions rivers refuse to. pass on such curves despite STN RT KRY T= ia nance someines more Type of Frewayrand Font — Urban mil construc pasing lane tan oan Tera __Expresoays_Highways Highways pasing sh distance by fue of lng vertical Tat om cane Rong % 9% Om Bre ck eri ue oi of ow ounainoxs t uve nthe same deton seri By s “ fre tangent 'Apfle with such carvanie foal should be avoided paelrly i sgs Mininu aries shoud be 03% in sow county Wie ee of ah ces ot sg. ank_029% a oee_Ioos. «Except for Conventional highways euro orsubutanwesme 2045 Sustained Grades tel pre nes prmisibiein level eran Whe (2), ever Marimum ge i ot & complete $e i lopes are 1 of later and ies ae ot Seartecte Te athofen itl pees needed carn wat nthe roadbed, Fat grades Impaaaswel, enue ats cape, {re not permis in saperlevtion tanstons doe inet ofscsce ed drey wher sow Nong {0a spots which ese onngo the roadbed track, bones and ‘eranal hier ae ‘Ramp rade shuld notexceed 84, On descending presen nvamps and asendag ofFamgs, 16 seeps Is allowed (Ge Index 304215), 2044 Vertical Curves Property designed vertical caves should provi lego ight stances, comfortable ding ‘00d drainage, and pesing perce. ‘A parboic vercal cue is used, Figure 208-4 Tver all nossnry mathemati relations foe ‘ompaing a veteal carve cess OF SBS. ansLdesign spss eal oor eats an 6O Kas rigur 204 Verte euves Port y weit | Ses ER I atr vERTCAL CURVE: wc: (cou Le Leng oteune- masa totaal Da. Soe @w yesvespeve ay) Oe Gt). 4er S--Sopotinetangrso me cave tan om pee On MP pee He teatonef 700 pot ston soa) On “ee and?» Komtonon pace paces bianca now armen parent Oe 98) ‘Hechange nga On ee @ wes Ow kids @ 0 HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAT. 0.1 ‘A common criterion for al typeof highway i to consider the adton of limbing lane Where te running speed of teks fll IS kavh or moe below the running speed of remaining tae. Figure 2065 shows he ‘pend ceducton cues fora 180 kgW tuck, Which is repesercve of lenge tucks peating near maximum gross weigh. THe 1 tah reduction entero may be used a one method of determining ne, however te Highway Capacity” Manual should be one for ead alas Fracway Climbing Lanes F design year tale volumes ae expected be tea pect, ight of way aeqsion an grading fora fire Tare thule te considered. a theta ine encends 13m, Regadless of trac volumes, the need fora climbing ane sould be iovestigaed on Sustained upgrades greater an 2% if he toa tse io greuer Gan 75 m.” Refee to the Highway Capacley Manual fr passenger car ‘quvalent factors tnd sample cleultions. ‘Desinon ssh distance Cable 20.7 should ie crovied “ot clini lane esos on fieorays, Tolan Road Clbing and Posing Lone imbing and ping eer re mt fv ce pil gate on caving spat were the spect alfa wong vee Sia Climbing and pig es ‘Hud weal ot contd on eget Seon wre the nh of eget eso Creede the posing sit diane, tee fang awe el he dbl tana abe iteae dy fr opgonng nae” Wire the ADT eters S000, lane ping Seciont my be opie Set Init S05) fran ated ‘The Headguaters Division of Trae Operations shoud be consuedregrding the length of climbing and passing lanes, which wil vary with the ign speed of the ighvay, he afl volume, an ober ft. Damo (@) Goveral, On 9 90-ae highway where sng ir limite, Sexton 21656 of the Gloria Venice Cade reques sw ‘moving vehicles followed by Five or more ‘icles tot off at Sesgnted unos or wherever suicient sea for a sale ttrout ents" Designed turnout ny te constucted in hilly or mountainous ‘erin oon winding od in ther ares. (0) Length. Desig touts should be Som 60 6150 lng inclaing a shot taper (osually 18m) at_ ech end [Approach speeds, grades taf volumes, {nd elle pcr are some eto To Be Considered in demining the ng. The Headquaers Tae Lisson should be ensued (longer tunous are desis (6) Wit Paved wis fa east 45 in {il section and’ 6m ut setons ae ectmmended, Width is mesured fom tho olge of tavded way. On te ousice Of curves. alwe. sep fil slopes. oF ‘ropot grata wither he inwtlon ‘of gril shoud be conieed (@ Location, Turnout shold be Tested where here i sping spt distance or Spyosting divers ib. ee velicls Icing and een th tough anes. 1204.6 Coordination of Horizontal and Vertical Alignment A. proper balinse between curve and rader fhotle be souk When posi, vera curves Should be speimposed ox bozo curves. This reduces the aumber of sight restos on the Project, makes changes in profile lest apparent, Darisaly in rolling uty, and veut i 8 lowing appearance. Wher the change” in oval alignment ta. ade summit_is modes, «pleasing apjearane my be atin ‘making te vere! euve overlap te oral Figure 204.5 Critical Lengths of Grade for Design TAI TT ATTN : \ ar 7 AAS p | N SO LY | < ~~ LH = ! Length of Grade, (meters) ASSUMED TYPICAL HEAVY TRUCK (OF 180 kgikW MIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL 2002 ‘When hovizonal and verical_ curves are 204.8 Grade Line of Structures ‘perinposed, the combination of superlvaion aes Scrfiegaie nyc dunn owe See Oe tay ovement edger which oslo dainse r Sa Seems or conse drives at ight In auch Some of nse ae pan pe of martin, Stations adge of pavemere profes should be ee cae eee aed ad sooth cures lated to lininte Prlininry planing a ein the ph 1 fy fnegulrtsercisorion ‘anton ltd bw tay tad in sting On themes in_ moines o-ring tein ‘Pade ns at rae spats ‘ogo he bsizmal curve shold bet fas + Single tack, though ger ype ‘unl toda of he cts ov es end not mace han structresas 1S m depth fom top of {Sv kowhy Jess thn te ested oan fall to sce. sof (tart oF runnin (8. percenle pss of ashes onthe aide. smocachoaduny. : Deckype stirs: for simple sane (On lon open carve, 3 aif grade lee should te dis depth o span to)~ 0.08 fr be wed because roling pale makes fora poor onsinuous motile span seucre se pearance {dem 0.07. Thee as do not ineude ‘headin 06m rgued above ie ‘dc for alist and all ght. (6) Highway Stucnes. Hosiortal and vericl crvtire a inersstions ‘ould be fat physical conditions permit See “Combination of Horizontal and. Viel Alignment” in. Chapier Ill of “A. Poly on + Strats with single pas of 30m oe Geomedio Design of Highways and ‘Stet Tes ase dar 0.06, [AASHTO for firber guidnce on alignment See - ‘sien BO mand $m ue de 0.085. 204.7 Separate Grade Lines + Conon sci ih mate ‘Separate or independent grade ins ate appropiate eee Insome eases for feeways an express + Continuous stctes wih muliple Sans of more than "30m tse ‘They are not normaly considered, appropiate one ‘whore medians re los thin 20 wide (oe de 5056)" Exceptions to his maybe minor Geonames te “ieencesbeoeen opposing gre lines inspec DOS prie to prepuation ofthe Projet Report stuatons. aes 2 tht prlininarystfes canbe prepared. Pliny edge pe selection should be = In adsiton, for citer interim or inate ce oe eames fxresemays, any appreciable grade difeenial teen eudbods should be evoied inthe vicinity st avpraie intersections, For rae enrng fom fhe cromroad,confsion "and wrong) ‘movements could rst if he pavement of te fat Toadway is bvcued becine of erent pale ‘erent soe HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL Table 204.8 Falsework Span and Depth Requirements Desi Sapa Maio Tee pe tp» Up somal Renting 18Sm 245m 305 365m witha Fewer Faciiyio Tlic —=—‘Opeing Wilh Nara Ninian aaa eSpumnet Opening Proves or Spun) | Sse ores oe id a Tim 2tne +2408 LS m 16m Ml Mmm 915m 0 M47 3. Lanes #24 m 81S 172m 8mm 105mm 1005 90mm ‘Shoes Wim 4 Lanes #24 m2 LS 208m 000mm LOHR 1090 118mm Souler Rovienay on ie aa als ee San SaaS ST 96m lane 212mShodes “Am 610mm Sem Mom 91S mm am Lanes 224 mShoe 165m 815mm SIS SED HOM 156m Lanes 224mSholes Im SH 1S LOS 01S am Lanes +224mSovlkee 217m 100mm 0S me 10S:m 120 Fae Gonna Sees om) Fam Sin SoD — SAT Jrntvaysca) 96m 2Laner+2-12mSbeudes 96m(3) 610mm Sem BHM 915m Ty Trends Sm fr Fpray als an ion se [BGernara tee meerernatchamat vy 3) Noten Kl povided, 2) Soci 248 fe clini deh ose os, Far or tl infrsion ‘Sot he Divs of Enpnzing Sonny Se ips eerie rage Dein Ai, (2) Sel oF Precast Concrete Sractares,_ Stel esos of tho local agence, conto in the Sn prec conte des ne of ea-n= foum of existing ft, andthe pace place concrete sini flsewor, sad ay Problems of fatewor onenton Permit ower gre ies and nodal The nomal_nisinun with of infi pron fil ight.” Potential cst savings See fram elimintion of fasewor, lowered rade ete ace eee lines, and he ably to sccomodstesetlement As laa ‘beneath eaten shouldbe considered leslie Ha strstr tp sletion along wih unt pis, When temporary Kili ed 1 protect he ‘estes, nif, and any ther relevant fsework, space must by provided or Foes. Note that’ grate lines a gade deflection. The normal spans shown is Table sepamions freqerly need to be ated 2148 provide 6 m oe tis election ‘fer al strc depths are determined (= tn special cases, waere iting constants Indes 208213), Dela of tfc dling rule it impacted to comply wih te and stage consoucion should be provided ‘annum wid of ali openags tt fot ‘wea the bridge site pani submited to the intuwie ‘2088, amc wl maybe BOS, 6 deg ar emi of approved bythe Distiet "Director with structure affected (se Dring and Plans foncareace fom te Headgarers Project Manual, Section 33.2) Development Coordin () Depressed Grade Line Under. Sractres “The minim vera faework derance Bridge and drainage design wil Fequety be rer Sorways and suaferways shal bo ‘Simplified fhe low poi in the gra ine fs simplified if he low pont in the sae ine i Ge m The Glleving tems should be of the cenerlins ofthe stutue and the cout ‘ighway so tat damage sutres lst the + Mix, volume and spe ofa scr ote “+ eft of inceted vertical clearance (9) Grade Lin on Bridge Decks. Vera curves onthe gad ct adjacent sections (on bridge decks should provide a mininum, 5 FN of 10 mm pee 20m. Tie fal should ot extend vera fength sete than 30m. The Closing local stets to all wae or Manes ‘lovable tangent grade should be + Daous, — + Camying esl aie rough (9) Folsework In many ess itis economically fenstton cn subgrade stifled to have flbework over tie ding q ‘nation inorder a hae 8 support ‘open area beneuh the permanent Sbucre Temporary © peraneit lowering of theesising Bt ‘The: climinnion of permanent osteo + Cos of high: cleance vers cost of tual outweigh objection to the emporry trate conta inconvenience of faework during : Desires ofl agency. Recensttgtgeeane Sethi al oe sows | Ee tence ‘significantly affect costs, special care should ‘clearances less than 4.6 m should discuss the Skea | Sey eee Tovesae cree Temporary hevizonal cleuances ss tan shown in Table 2048 of tenga vert ‘learaees les than 6 soo Be note in ‘be PS&E Transmit! Report To esablish the pre of stucue 1 be Sanstueted witha fkework oping, Sllowanee mat be made fo the dep of flsework. The minimum depths ogre fr ‘sous widths of eae opening re stowa ‘Table 2048. Where veri! lees, eer temporary or permanent are ere, the Disc aod te DOS should week in clone conjunction ding te erly design stage when the preliminary rade, Srtre depths, and alsework depths an be adjusted withow.ncirng major sign changes Where he vertical also clean is ee than 6 my advance warn devices ae 1 be ‘pecifedo shown onthe plan. Such devices ‘ay const of iain is overhead ns, ‘vecheght dott, of a combination of ‘hese other devices Waring signs on he eros road orn avance ofthe previous fram may be rll for ‘verelgt permit loads Check With the Regional Permit Manager. ‘Ae establishing the operingrequteens 2 Fe review ofthe ridge site shoud be male by the Dist designe to ensure at existing facies (rinage, ater badges, oF road ‘sys wil ot conit withthe alow The placement snd removal of fework reques special cosieraton During thse ‘operations afc should eer be stoped for Sor intervals or diverted away fom he pan takes te placement or removal perio: tbe being performed. The method of vate Iaing: ding these operations 1s 10 be noe nthe Sac Prion Topic 205 - Road Connections ‘and Driveways 208.1 Access Openings on Expressway Acotss openings re used only on expresvays Te tem ces opcning ois 0 eins land wneahps whose remain sce Hs ave ben acqied by he Sate (1) Crtra for Lacan. Secess opening should ‘tbe saad closer han $00 oan adiacent ‘ble ad nerd o canoer ee ‘ces opine —that—is—wider an ‘I0-m When sever! secs openings re ‘losely spices, 2 fonape read shouldbe oir os Index 1083) ‘To dssourase provided (ie Index 4081), (2) Width The noxmal sot opening with shouldbe 10m, A reter with may reskin Tage savings in right of way costs in some innmcey, but shouldbe Snedered with ‘ton beause of he posit fat public se might develo. Covenon of private te consent of the CTC, which camot be ‘commited in advance Goethe Projet Developient Procedures Maral (9) Receseddceest Openings, Recessed acess peings, 42 shown on Fie 205. a sible all pots where rive acest is emited and should be provided whenever {hoy an be stsned "wihout requing erations wo xing aljacatinprovemens. ‘When reesed openings se require, the ‘pering. souls be loeaké minimum ‘beans of 25m fom the nate edge the tevelod way. (9 oie Openings A joint acces opening ferving two or more parcels of tnd 8 Sccinble whenever fest If the propery line na oral othe ght of way ie cre shouldbe taken in designing the Joint oping So thar Bah owers re adequately seve (5). Sufecng_ AN pins of privite sects shuld bese with adequate wih and depth of pavement io serie the anicpted tae The racing should extend from the edge of the freed vay tothe ight of way le Figure 205.1 ‘Access Openings on Expressways RECESSED OPENING ores: + By widening the exresuay _shouléer, celeron lanes maybe povided where juste. + This deta, witout he ees, may be sed on anventonal highways 205.2 Private Road Connections ‘The minimum private road conoction design is shown on Flue 208. Sight distance equieeats forthe misimam private road ‘onrestion are shown on Figure 4087 (ee Index fe. 205.3 Urban Driveways ‘These insteton apply tthe dein of dies to sere property abuts on Stat highways i ces or where vibes ype develope is Deal fordivevay consruction Snded Plane For Samer Index 405.108). () Corelation with Local Standards. Where thee. isa Toe requirement egulting ‘iveway consti, the higher Sandan ‘il normaly gover (2) Driveway Width. The width of diveways for oth reside ant commercial sage i ‘measured at thet, exlasive of ny fares. (CW as shove in Sn Plan ABTA). (0) Residential Driveways. The width of single sential iveways. should be 36m inka and 6 maximo, ‘The with of ‘double rein dveway such a wed for rile elings shuld be 6 imum ad 10. mando. The with sled ould be aed. an an analysis of te lmiipted volun, ie and speed of taf, Tecan of ulings and garages, with of (8 Commercial Driveways. Commer ‘kivewnys shoal! te fined wo te flowing (6) When te diveany Is wed fr one-way trig, the maim width shoul be in ifthe diveway serves sarge pre, ‘vk large volumes of voices o large Weblcles are oxpected, the enance Insti width sould be 12 mand the ‘x mam wth soul be 10 (©) When he dives Is usd for two-way traffic, the macimum with shouldbe Tim Ifthe drvemay serves sae parcel, where lage volumes of veils ot Hage voile are expe then the ‘makimum wnsoul be 5. 0 o {When only one diveway seve 2 given propery, im no eae shoula He with of the diveway’tnclaing the ide slope dUsanesexceod the proper ona. (@ When more than one driveway ft serve 2 given propery the teal wd ofall ‘dvewayt should pot exceed 70 percent fof the Homage whee such a fomage 50 mor ess. Whee te fone is more an 30-m, the otal iveay with ‘should nat exceed 6D percent of he Homage la eter ese, te with ofthe Individual iveway-shoold pt exceed those given in the preceding paragraphs. ‘Wheres more’ tat one dvewsy necessary 10 seve any ofe prope, ot [estan 6 m of fl gt curb shouldbe Provided between “arveways. This ‘sans between divenays aso applies fo prject where cas and pers re nt ‘obeplace (6) Corain aban commercial dveways may ‘ent to scormodate the ain el ‘ehile. ‘The with wil be determined by ‘he se of rck in empl. Surfacing Whore cube, gues, and Sewals are to be placed, divevays souls te construct of pra cement once ‘Where only curbs and guters are te placed tnd podesian tafe or adjacent Improvements do net warant_ concrete dtveway construction, the driveway ay be paved with the some materiis wed lor Eritngsirficng onthe propeny to be Pederian and. Disabled. Persons Accs Whee sidewalks vere cows, soessibityreguions role Ua feltvely level 4 ran tos fall) path Teast 122 m wide, Is povided. Provision of this fete indies inthe Standard Pls, may rogue the sequision ofa constuction ‘Goemnt or addional right of way. [Assesment ofthese needs mst be performed arly enough in te design to allow tine foe eguiring any necesnry permits or right of tay. Adoaly, designers sould comer the flowing HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAI 1+ Where rest paking zones have een ‘xablsed (iter blue or white pated nes) adjacent to driveways, bono Feasonably close ramp soos (othe Sidewalk exis, conideron shold be vento reducing the maximum slope of {he devenay fom 10% 10 833% to rovie sidewalk acces tote disabled + Inman cates providing te pathway along the tack of te dveway Wil Tower the ‘ovation at the beck othe sidewalk Depending on grades behind the sidewalk the potential ay. exis for roadway eerie ran 0 eter orate propery The need for tres sucha lw Doms thin the consrtion ets or intl fetch Raia upto of te Avy should be dri ‘When pedsian stv is either presen, or expected tobe preent itn the ‘scnable fre, the deiger may develop veway. deals that lime th ater orton alog the back ee in ie of wing the Standard Plane for crvewys Refer to “Topic 15 for aan infomation elated to esesrin tie 205.4 Driveways on Frontage Roads and in Rural Ateat (Om fotage toads and in rural areas where the maximum legal vile must be secommodste, Stadard truck tele sold be sed 19 ‘dri driveway ids whee the cub rege eel way Issa oloe to feriht of way line thar ueble connection sant be povided within the stnda imi Where county oF cy regulations der fom the Suies, it may. be desinble flow ther ‘equliions, particulary whee jeition of the Fomtge rood wil ulna be inhi hans Desi for deivenay consteton ar shown onthe Stundnd Plans. For corner sight distance, se Iden 408.120, 2085 Financial Responsibility (2) ane dong tne whan dened fr tuck oftaacking, at amp "emia with lege nck ning Volumes, ‘when new constuction atees existing Tonia with nro ane wit. Exeive Cranston lengths snot necesay ae ‘widening dows ct rset theives expos. Thastion tapes for these pes Reconstacting or reacting any ces penta, Priva road connecting, or dveways regu by Fevsions to the State highway faciity should be one at Sate expense by the Sate or is ages sould be pad for bythe requesting party. Topic 206 - Pavement Transitions ‘eons boul tea 1 (9 Stor Widening Sot wing 261. General Transition Standards ‘boul somalybetcolise a manret {at proves # snot anton, bt cn e Pov itn a dete tna sold be Consse. wih he scton having the ihe secomplied witht tape ifoseny Schoen secon wicnser pole ndshog 2063 Pavement Redations ‘oi eto with horns and vets sigh’ (1) Through Lame Drops When a ane i 10 be Glsance vestions, Wher feb tee onal Sold doe Boeing xed fansion shold he vise tothe diver of 3 sistance saul o QS)W wine W= Wot ‘hice pprnhing the narower secon The stlane ier deg ant'V" Design See User slid be ch tat nesta grade {neem the ers shad br on te ‘tine uason ae wees For derision aft ar eae tote eh Figue {okteemnce tne rps lex 21 53862 poids seen tants of wep ite dope at ln cn wnaons. The 262 Pavement Widenngs eign sete BY ra (1) Trowgh Lame Addons. Where thogh fi line dopey merge movement on 8 ee ae ‘Wanch conection ish ir scoped Asie, the mininum recommend tee sing 50 pe over ih to ation waffe_one he (2) Ramp and Speed Che Lanes As shows ia ‘Sikora wih 78m per tne Figs Figures S028 and Sot Ce andar pet 5962 Saws seer examples of scepale feraanp ers roa hugh fan itis fr ang ane ech deo © SO: Where rp ne re rnp eo von phy. the mere wit Be tah ey, te arin oe ‘comune tapers Sr dian spends Tess ae ins ite fe over 75 lav an pet tassel fe "ah tar oat lap To am, sald sno) HV fr sped 75 ev Gly coor ower a ag of The "Ramp Metr Design Gsidelins” ai SPn” gts stoner han 3m ae rovide trate on recommend nd dcsoputle wine dg speris ae beh ‘ina apes foamy ane meres Tee 4S kmh or or soins sed Inox {idle vas ae peal ted Ineo tesa. Sreana tghectway aon, Where infest nin wih i ave ‘esl forthe ei cndtons sted ‘2 poi fo Te tr ans, tou tae tte pele. ‘wil have tbe shied tothe cute See Figures 4052A, Band’ C for secpuble rthods of widening pavement 0 prove for mela tr ne, Figure 206.2, ‘Typical Two-lane to Four-ane wee Ey o wee “ys 300M-NOUDES ANZ OL HOVOMSAY GRIND 3S¥O on o ates vg MOWWN- NOUDES BT OLHOWOHSY G3MUNO 54 BSD MIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL wot Figure 4059 shows the standard tape 0 be ‘sed for dropping an acelertion lane a & ‘Shulzed intrscion, Ths taper et also be ‘sed when arsiloning median acceleration Tones Figues 40524, 8 and C show the Feeommendedaehods of asitning ovement back ino the median aes 09 ‘onvetional highways afer te eliinaton of Ten anes. (9) Lave Reductions. At any lation whee ne ‘ids ae beings the inne eth ‘ustvhishnassanplish ite inson shoud Inesuunl i 2SIWY, See Inder 5086 for ‘nine line retort trang (0) Shoulder Redaction Shouler reins Should tpialyeecur oer a lrg equal © ‘WV. “However, when shoulder widths ae being reduced in conunetion wha tne tion or widening (a in A A of Figure '043K), the shoulder reduction shouldbe ‘accomplished over the same discs a the ‘ton or widening 206.4 Temporary Freeway Transitions Its hh sible tht the design stands fora ‘umporary tnston btveon the nd of a eewsy ‘nstion unit and am exising highwny shoud ‘ot change rip fom the fee sandal Temporary fecvay tas must be reviewed by the Design Coordinator, Topic 207 - Airway-Highway Clearances 207. Introduction A) Oboes Aficsing Navigable Arpace. An bec is consigered a9 obsiution 1 it vga any portion of at ejects of Tight teter than the approsch ond trnstere sures extending otward and Spear fom the aipor ranway. Thee shjecs nelude™ overhead signs, light Sandards, moving vetieles onthe highway and overcrosing sutures, eulpmont wed tring consetion. nd plans (2) Refrence. The Festal Aviation Admins tion PAA) has pabisot 8 Feder vation Regulation (FAR) lave to apace Steranee ened, FAR Part 7, Obstructions ‘Afi Navigable spice’, dated March 1993, "This isan sproved reference 10 be ‘ed in conjuction ih hs man 207.2 Clearances (@) inl Aipors-SeeFgue 20728 (6) Hsiponts-SoeFigure207.2. (@) Miltary Aipors-See Flue 2072C. (® Novy Carer Landing Practice Fields-See Figure 20720, ‘The following proedue must be ebsewed in ennection wh iray-tighvay cleancs nthe ‘ony oF aipors and hor Dosice to the FAA ix equal when highway onscton & planed teat an apart (eile tala) oF 2 elpor. A "Note of Proposed CConeeton of Aeration should be submits 19 the FAA Administer when reid der tera sted in Paragaph 7.13 of the nest Federal Aviation Regulations, Pat 7. Such note shouldbe given asso a highay alignment and (ge ae Firmly esl Ie should be noted Tar tase requlerens apply to both permaneat fects and constueion equipment. When resid our copies of FRA Form 160-1, "Note ff Proposed Contacto, and scoring Sead maps must bests 10 the FAA, Western Pacific" Regional Ofie,” Chiefs Trafic Divison, AWP'520, 1590. Avision Bodlevatd, Hawthoms, CA” 96250. Copies of FAA Form “Heo maybe obtained fom te PAA, Wes Pcie Reponal Offie or Calan, Division of ‘aeonauies Figure 207.20 Airway-Highway Clearance Requirements (Civil Airports) HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL 0.33 Figure 207.28 Airway Highway Clearance Requirements (Heliport) notes: 2, DMENSIONG AND "ARE THE SAME AND ARE EQUAL TO ONE ANE PUBLIC ROADS, AND 20m FOR PRIVATE ROADS, “4 CONTACT THe HELPORT OWNEROPERATOR TO DETERMINE THE AP>ROVED KS | reaper oro 0st HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL Figure 207.2¢ Airway-Highway Clearance Requirements (Military Airports) Leon mavens | SA Be cc wce rece ne mc 130 5 Renee. Sean a SANS ENS BAS b Rete sar uae p Banca feneeceas Figure 207.20 Alrway-Highway Clearance Requirements (Navy Carrior Landing Practice Field) eae @ = ee vay a LEGEND [ED wee EB tae ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION vem FEE] ve am0.36 HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL ‘Te sealed maps sesompanying FAA Foum 74601 hou consi the flowing inimam information, + Distance frm projet to nearest runway. + eyation of un theabols + Relationship between the _ proposed hay orion alignment ae veal otic to the mere anny or heliport Primary surface Include levaons of ‘boc eferenced 10 the elevation ofthe fend of the run, sch as overhead Tips, ‘Sens srotres,ndesping sr veils (One copy of FAA form T4601 shold. be fervarded tothe Division “of Design fr infrmation and one copy to the Division of ‘Asronaies for infomation and land se ‘tty seview. ‘Not: The Inertial language for ght is English iis. Three, ll emmoniaon sith the PAA and Division of Arona feladng al imuping, tbe fn US Contomary (Eng) te, nt mete. Topic 208 — Bridges, Grade Separation Structures, and ‘Structure Approach Embankment 208.1 Bridge Width aaa ee oye eas eeaecaaen fonds shall wot bave les than 99.6 Wile roadbed for ADT tes than 40, i not les than 12m for ADT greater ‘tan 400 (se (©) Whew the approach shoulder width is fess than 1.2'm, the minimum fet ‘hall be “he width shouldbe messed normal to the enter line between faces of ex orang Inesurd at te puter fine For ofc 5 Sate shape bares ee Figure 28.1 For horizontal and verte clearances, so Topi 309 (2) Roads Under Other ura. (4) Ovesrosng Wishe-(Se index 3081) (©) Undersrossing. Span Length -Inta fonction should provide forthe Uti reguiemen. I areas where the Toc juridtion has define plan of fevlopment the lime ght Of Way Swit or at leas that partion needed for the roadbed and sidewalks shold be spanned. If the andceroning set road has no ‘afin, one shuld be povided whete ocessry to ascommoda Iefu lass (OF the center pes ofthe underossing ‘Where it appears that an oad willbe dog fr the foresees ft, ut 90 Tht of way wth eben ebb 8 tin pan feng scent fora 13.0 tm roudbed should be provided ‘Addtiona span length tuld be provided to pom ie sdewals wher tere 3 foreseble rece. If i i reasoably Feeseale that meth two aes ‘be required ultimately, gremer with Should be spanned. (© For horizontal and vert lesrances, sce 208.2 Cross Slope ‘he crown is normally centred on the bridge opt fr one ridge wher sight east flop in on dvs shouldbe used. The eoss Hlope sould be the sume as forthe appeach pavers! (eo ides 3012). sev ema 2m (rane) Figure 208.4 Offsets to Safety-Shape Barriers FREEWAYS sour srl ‘CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAYS te Sennen 208) oe | sms? 200.38 HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL, 2083 Median Escepons require Tnvidal alsin See (Chapier ofthe Traffic Manual fr mein baer, 2084 Bridge Sidewalks Bridge sidewalks sould be provided whee jsf by pedestan vai Se Figure 208.108). 208 Open End Structures Embankment ed slopes at open end structures ‘ould be no steeper than 118 fral highways. 208.6 Pedestrian Overcrossings and Undererossings ‘-inimum width of wall ‘strnsnge Soul ie 2m. Determination ofthe with ad eight of pedntin ndercossings reires naividal alysis Insure adequate viibiiy tough the structure and approaches Index 1082 Peiestan ramps. should be provded_on all pedestan separation structure. The ramp should fave amor longing slope of €.359% with ‘natin ris of 760 mm between landings. The Tangng shold be. minimam of 1525 mam ‘oe Tope 309 for veri lores 208.7 Equestrian Undererossings Such stucues should normally provide sear pening Smtigh and 3m wide. Shewed crossings Soul be avoided. The sete soul be salah So the ene length can be seen ffom each end. Switined gdes should be a maximum of 10. Decomposté grate or soar mate shuld be ted forthe tril srface. While AC i permisie, PCC sure sould be woe. 2088 Cattle Passes, Equipment, and Deer Crossings Private tle passes an equipmerterstings may te consraed wen economical jutifed by a igh of ay appr outed in Sexton 171808.00 oe Right of Way Maral ‘he standard atl pss should cess of eter 2 stand bo elves ith an operng 2.4m wide fd 24m high or tal pip 000 mm in Teter. "The ver of mal pipe sou be paved ‘wit once er buns paving materia I equesian tai expected tose the cv minimum 3m wide by 3 hgh sbuctre may be Provided. However, he ue of th fc should fe" coniaced™ to deermine the specie requirements onion indice reasoablened fora larger han stindard eal pas it may be provided If covomiealy justified bythe right of way sopra 1m some cases he ntlation of eupmet or det ‘osings fs jute on the basi sf pablo interest ‘or needa than economies. Examples are 9) A deer erosing ofthe strate for ‘vironmental protection purposes. (©) Equipment crossings or the Forest Seve or ter governmental agencies ot as aright of ay oblipsce ‘Ther ite should nse where necessary ss determined by corulation wih the appropiate ‘ced eats ‘Aclertine of sgt should be provided trough tbe 208.9 Railroad Underpasses nd Overhends oer, is desiable 0 contract overends ‘ater thin inderpaseswherover iis necasary fora higheay and rallead to oss. Raloass shouldbe cared over highway ay when theres nother reaconable aerate Som undsible etres of undepses a: (@) They create botleeeks for atoad operations. HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL 0.39 (6) tes iticuto wide th bighvay. (6) edetian RangeThete ranes ee: (6) Pumping plant ae ota routed to dn ent padeians fom azide alin ae Wom ihe stucare and, Inthe case of fencesype rallig, reduce the sk of (They ae ihely to ead to cont thie eing copped on the ondway [tipnton cntoveie for ial td rtowe Whore te iy aces to Fire construction fieabled persone and the prof grade exceeds 3%, hantll for se by the isabled_mectg both the Site and Feder rgusions mus be provide (©) Shoo (emporary teks) se generally requlied during consrcton. (9 Raiosds ae coneemed about the Sot maine and Baby cost (2 Bioele Raling—These rings sein oo = Dejan ides on esc They ty be sei Soper byes Advantages of oven: rn ote eg (0 Raids cans most of tr Hak of tba ar sumound by Oo ornare fence or meal hn (0) Overheads ante widened a aselaively (Poller Tose the sh of bi ena {ow con and wii dist seams oc Heo ot seb Ne ‘soma oh fa of ces alin (6) Les damage ay be ued in he vet Sind be neal ang neces faerie ‘Stra rhan-ares (928 (@ Aareents fo design sn ainerance omit anda Cole ‘Shreahe oe hao Sere ill be Soneed Torte ponte side of sts having (© nt cots ar gee love. Slew Sererng shouldbe ised at ‘The Site the roads, an the pif ene foc ether foes Seermine a be an sry bent om he eomscton of 29 rope. ‘ered rote aterm a ders Ralings and bai with siden sould ‘See Topie 309 for erica dernes. tot bd on sacs with posed see fester than 45 mh (2A ew) wot 208.10 Bridge Barriers and Railings ier spran, "Al rc alas wih ‘idea inthe Stina Ps are proved (1) Gana Tae a or chats of rine, for posted pets up to 4 gh (24 ko). ‘Soh ned pram» fren cto Peres ate nstacasien (@) Vehiclar Baer Ratings—The primary Sides o traces with posted speeds Function of tae rains it rein and rater than 48 mph (2.4 kn) shal have ‘efit emu eis Srvc separate beenen the roadway (Connon tier Barend ee fd eral, The ari spin Oe {San Rang Tse alge pron te dhe eg ll eon equ arrow {Gal incon of eaning bth veils ty fog Tafa on Sod. pedestians on the ig Thy ‘The aproved pe of rings for we on ont of two pate-A conte pat Vege suctues ae Ted telw and Slit genely wi iewale ad used In Figucs 208108, B, ad’ C sme anraling or ce-9pe ling. Rating pes ot lnted ter onger ener tie however, thy may be special [tow css where ti desble to match an exiting eondon, o « ‘The Distt shoul spexfy nthe bie site dae submit ther ype tobe wed fer fmidention fs been gen 10 the ‘commendations of the lel sgeny (bee ‘ppllale) andthe DES-SD, Vehewar Borers. Sex Figure 208.108 (@) Concrete Baier Type 732 and 735 ‘Tse vebicular baer ae fr general se adjacent to tai. — Figure 2081 Ios the poston of the baie relative tothe edge of vee ay. CConrete Barr Type 80-Lse of this barier requires approval by the HQ ‘Traffic Linon. I infeded for eo lower peed seni rear wre more soe through are i dese han i provided by ‘ald concrete parapet Combination Rings. Se Figure 20810. (@) Baier Railing Type 26-TRis is the trier cling for general se when Sewals are provided on bridge. I must be sccompanied wih a tbulr Iandraling ora fenceype rang, The rinimum akewalk wlth is 1S However, this width may be vated as Sioumstanees requir. (©) Barer Railing Type S0SW-Simiar to the Type 80, modied with a sed Seva and tubular handling Use of {his baer eequles approval y the HO “Trafic inion i tended fo es lower peed seni areas where moreso through area is desed tans provided by ‘old concrete parapet (©) Chain Link Rang Type 7-This is the fencesype raling for general we wi ‘Type 26 taser ral Wi sidewalk to rec te rk of object being ropes ‘on the rnday below Won shew {Type 26 rain) i provided on one side ofa bridge and Type 732 bari alg fon the oer side, Type 7 rling may be pisced ‘on top of the Type 752. ab ioral” secon fom dropped ‘jects Conieraton soul be given 0 the effect of the Type 7 ring on sight ® 0 0 HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL, stance at th beige ens and view over the side of the bride. Liping fixtures ‘maybe povided with Type 7 allies. () Chain Link Raling Type 6~This ling ‘may be used in ley Type 7 when Special architectural weatment fs eqie. Trstoud not be ed om earved ligament ‘ecsse of treatin ial, () Tubular Handraling-This ling is usd with Type 26 and Type SW to ineresse ‘he combined rail eight ote ey of Pesan I snulé be aed in eu af ‘ype were objet doping wil ot be a potion of atthe ents of bridges to Increase ight ditanee if enceype railing woul eit sia distance, Pedesrion Rings. So Figure 208.10C (@) Chin Link Ralling Type This alii ‘edo pedestrian sacs to reac the Fisk of ‘objects being sropped on the ready below (©) Chain Lik Ring Type 7 (Mode) ‘This rling isla Type 7 excep tha eis mounted onthe sere a he Sidewalk level (6) Chin Link Rating (1.8 m)=This railing iS not oo high Types 3 or 7 and therefore, Ho use is atte to thooe lation where objet dropping oF rowing wll bbe a pb. (@ Chain Link Raling (Moen) Exiting rang may. 86- modified or severing under the prtve scceing policy. The DES-SD shuld be contd for deals ‘Beyele Rallng The misinum height of ‘eel ale 4 m above te desk sure Padeianvalings and contain rags onting ofa once ber suoured By 1 Teoe oe tubular raling a satsictry for thet if at eat Lt m igh Diels are ot coniered to operate on sida rept ip special cases whore signs ‘pecealy det ysis ous te sidewalk ‘Axa senza alc ice lings sould he faced at followin losions, o o o HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL (6) Ona Chase ikewas. except that a ower rahe sedi cs sisal nat joel ee hero oe mae ‘Shey fiom the cal oa sould less 24'm wid xis one ths a thea (6) On the ouside of a Chis UL or Ut ‘Blows unlesr ced stbwal ot fianed fr eve ose, smu the hea rom eal (© In etter locations whee the designer eos it reasorable ad appropri [ridge Approach Raiinge Ap ratings brie vans enpoved to approach rae. Refer to Chapter 7 ofthe Tile Manual for placement and design tris of uaa. 11 Structure Approach Embankment GGeneral_Stctre approach embankment is that portion of he fll materi waht Spyrotinaily 50m lngudily of the Suctre Refer to Figure 208.11 for imi, ‘he Standad Speciation, and. Standard Spi Provisions for mor infrmaion. Quality requirements for embankment rater are nomaly spesied only In the {ase of imported borrow. When sec ates ‘roc brow for ein stctureabubnent frnlanknents i shown on the lan, the Resident Englner (RE) i responsible for assuring the adequney ofthe quay and {paliy ofthe speifed maura The Project Engineer should elude adequate iformation snd guidance inthe RE Fle asst he RE Fung tis respensiiiy Foundations and Embankment Design ‘Overall perforce of th igway approach to the bridge depends, toa signer dees, upon the Tangri setlenentonolgaton fof the approseh foundation al sactare tment embakent. A design th nimizs hs post constuction semen! 0 onsolition ie cuenta Facon, at Infoecesetemesionaoidtin include sil types ani dep, ste and djramic loss, ound water Teel, ajasnt operation, end hangs in ay of the above The PE mast follow the" foerdain and embankment recommendations ty” the, Division of Engioerng Services, Geotchicl Services (DES-GS) and Diss Materials Engineer, (OME). The OME andl DES-OS must, Spprove any deviaions fom their fecommendaons \nelding Consction ‘Change Orders (CCC), ‘Te rlatve compaction of mei within the embankment Limits must be at Teast 93%, opt forthe outer 13 m of embankment Ines horizontal fom the sd slope Ge Fire 208.114) Te DME sndlor OSF ray recomend sing Sect matt, local anor Imported bowow tase that the compaction rerement are met and tht sane problems ste avoned” They" may abo commend. a heght ani duration f| femtankment " sinbarge to acceler foundaon console. oor qaity materia, sch expansive sl, ‘mt be precede abutment enknens umes west. If sult ‘gly roadway’ sxcevaion material is nevlable for cinctng of sucne ‘unentebanknent, the designer Tay Specify select mal, local torow, oF Imported borow 10 sai the dan Abument Drainage. Special atetion must te given 10 proving postive drinage sytem that minimis he potenti or ar imge oe sire aproad femtankent. see Chapter 870 for further ‘delle. The Division of Entering Services (DES), ‘Stuctsrer Design “(DESSD) is rerporibl forthe design of the seuctre ‘proach dinage syste, which nels Figure 208.108, 810mm | Type 132 CONCRETE BARRIERS TYPE 732 AND TYPE 736 12min SeeFig ABT 915mm = ave ay CONCRETE BARRIER TYPE 80 Figure 208.118 Limits of Structure Approach Embankment Material me Figure 208.118, + A geocompesite drain covered wth fer fabric paced tend oly the abutment all and wingvall iat in gue South, +A slouod plastic pipe din, enapsulted ‘wih ead peoneable mately placed long tbe ve of the lide Tce of the Shumest wall at ilusted In Figure sonia, ( Seope Treatment See Topie 707, Slope Tresiment Under Srctre for guisrce ‘epmding the tenant of ridge approach cndslopes ‘The Distiet Hydraulic Engineer of Proeet Engineer mist design pipe ott that te inthe stare approach rings system Hest the sete. Appelt sjstem Should cary the cole wate oa Feation “where wl noe sae eroron. Storm Water Best Management Prats should be Incororaed. Foe fuer iforation on Storm Water Management, vst he Divison ‘of Design Som Water website Coorsinaion with DES is necssry fo the fit locaton ofthe pipe system. The ot ‘ype shoul be chosen fom he sundad edge Gain out ype shown nthe Standard Plans ‘rad no an underground dinage 5m The PE mus review the drsiage sgn 10 ensure the adequney of the dinage ties between the svete approach arise system and either new or exiting riage Elites For alemaive deals, soe Bridge Design Als. Topic 209 - (currently not in use) Topic 210 - Reinforced Earth ‘Slopes and Earth Retaining ‘Systems, 2104 Introduction Consteting. roadways on ew alignment, Widening rondwaye on an extng alignment, ot ‘epuing earth slopes damaged y lansties ae Suatons that may rege the ie of reno act slopes or eat etaning systems. Using cut ‘nd embanknent slopes tare congue at slope ‘asta ar ble withet sing reifrcement Sly profared) however topogrenly, vironmental concerns, and ight of way UW) Tats may requle the need for reinoreed cart slopes orn sath reining system “Te need for reinforced ea slopes or an earth ‘sng stom shouldbe ented ery Inte reject developer procs as possible, peeaby Suing the Project intation Document (PID) ase 210.2 Consteuetion Methods and Types (1) Consraction Meta Both einfced each slopes and canh ‘ening sens con be ied by the ‘ood In which hy are costed, ether pdown ce boom. + “Topdowa?” costuction Tis method of constuction begins tthe tp ofthe ‘enforced lope or earth retaining 3m nd procea nil to the bat of the ‘nfrced slope oeathetaing system. 1 requted,reinoeet ise ito ‘hein sity mater rng exaation + Bogor” coutrastion ~ This method fenton ein a the boom of he ‘fred slope or eat ening sem, ‘shee a foxingleveing pad connate, comrucion thin procads toward the top a the eared slope ot ath reining. system, IF requie, ‘enfrcemen placed ebind the ce of the reinfreed lope oF eth vtining ‘stom HU shuld be noted tht if & Realning Wall eath reining system to be ued in at sution, 2 temporary back cot or abing syst Is requed tend the wal, ‘he Distict Projet Engineer (PE) should ondit antl le vist and semen! 0 Gere all "poten! constuction Tiiatins, "The "prefered constetion rmethed is topdown’ due to the. reduced ‘hring xcaiton lacking However, o o ‘sporopriate. based onthe piyiland [eoecnial she sonigons. The site shoul Sho be examined for RW orl ‘Goose tht woud restit he. ype of ‘rcavaion or limit the ise of some ‘rumen In adton the accessibility to he Se for contructon and contac sing ties thuld be cone Table 2102 summarizes the varius reinforced cath slopes and earth reaiing ‘ystems that are caren aaible for Use, ong with te method in which they ao cena Reiforced Barth Slopes (PS&E by Disret 75 Renfree sath slopes incorporate metalic ‘r noorneallicrsafreement a eanstton ‘St embukmets and evt slopes witha slope langle ater than 70. depress fom the forizral plane "Reinforee! earth slopes should be ted in conuncton with esion tigation meanest minimize fare Isntenaee costs. The slope fice ypialy fronon proce wih thea of systems such 1 go-to, bio-stailization, rock slope ott, or eared once fing orth Retaining Stems anh retsning systems can be divided io five mor categories depending upon the ‘ature of Be design and wheter they. ate ‘esigned ty the owner (State designed), 8 Propitary tendo or combiraton terol ‘The term “Sat designed” a efereteed hazel ized to encompass ear reining stems tht are dino! by the Ste or by heal o Private ents on behalf the Sie "Nov assignment “of os” and responses Is intend. "The five ateores areas allows (0) Site Desioned Ean Resining Systons which ulze Standard Pans (PSRE Dist PE). Standard Plane ae aisbe fra varity of cath reining systems eiiing ‘was Leading condions and foundation HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL. requinments se a shown on the Stdand Plan, For sits ith euemens that ae not covered bythe Suniard Plans, a. spel eesign is roid. To ans confeance with he ‘ecie Standard. Plan condos and ‘elements and subseqpent completion of the PS&E in a timely Eston De Distiet PE should roqust « foundation investigation foreach lcaion where @ reanig wall Is eng. considered. Retning wal that is Standard Plans trea flow: + Reusing Wall Typs 1, 14 and 2 (Cenc Cantleve) These vals hve design eight p10 109m 38 im and 67 m, rerpecvely, but re med economical slow 60m, Conereecanever wale can ‘ecommodste irae. bariem, nd Srsinage files efienly. Sex Sandi Plans B31, 85-2 63-3, BS- {A B+8 and BE for fer del + Reaning Wall Types 3 and 4 (Concrete Counter). These als hve design hig p10 109 m and 1 respocvely. “ese wall may be dead where min mam horizon small defen deed. When wed Je conjunction with concrete never walle, thew should be an ‘et nthe plane ofthe wal faces to mask the diflerece in deletion betwen he two wall pes. The cost sf hee wal is geally more than for coeret canter wal of sar Tighe See Standard Plan BSS an "Be fr iter ede ‘+ Retuniog Wall Type $ (Concrete ‘Type Cantilever). This wall Assign Height up 1036 m. Although ‘more coy tam sanover wal, those was may be required where ‘te resins 9 not alow for 8 feoing projection bond the face of the wall tem, Se Stdrd Pl 83-7 fe rer deal HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL m0. Retaining Wall Type 6 (Concrete with curves or anole points roe ‘Mason Wall). These vals may Be ‘pecially priclly when the ed whee he design height ofthe rll fc is ere, Because ob wal Swat doer not exsed 18m. These Taees can be climbed, they ar not ‘wal are general ess coat ha all resammended forte i stan ‘ta td sgn walls grviy Ineations whe they may be acessbe ‘walls Where raf acento the ‘oe publi top ofthe wal, pra sould beset ee back ano ip tbe Standard Pans See ttard Plan BSI for fuer cheques Seca Designs. ‘et, Some locaons wil rove a special i Walls. The flowing operate SU, los monde ere ss ‘available: © ology, conte, rates Covert Cit Wal This ype of opis eth ating els wal ay be sad fr desi syns be filo eign pf 161m. Conerae walls are sued Yo coat + Stand Pn Walls (PSRE_ by ‘Seu and higher elevation where Seucture PEL The design longs ‘ali and ding als it sighs, and oper of walt i the the svie Iie of othe pes of Standard Tse cover fequet cp wll ‘Ser Standard Plans plicaions for cath seaing GIA IoC fr turther deal Syms Honover, special designs are neces) the ped ang cians tht shown onthe Sd Pen Balad ve los balling Surcharge bade nosed yon wal re Hah in weg ely Sorts ekaon arnoearies transported “and, installed: and, ‘examples leading conditions that oot oa Lea wil route spa desi. ce esate tle Feundaton ction ha ease pile seston eas, See Stunt Sp forth wal an ne ois 9 ae eee the wal gore ssn spec = cuereaee . Tinker ii Wall Ts ype of ce wall may be ed for lan eis upto 60m Timber nb vals tease pence Shien mates tem sae fr {oe inal enone When of the woo! members we service life of timber erb walls is ompantle oat of cone of Sel cb wal. See Stn Bras COA ‘and C98 for er ‘Stel Cb Wall THe ype of id wall may be sed fr design feighr up to 109m. Ste ens ‘Timber and concrete eid walls ‘onstrcted on tgp igen 20050 HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL Table 210.2 ‘Types of Reinforced Earth Slopes and Earth Retaining Systems" TARTHRETAININGSYSTEM — [Comtractod PS&E | Typical Facing [Recommented) Abie Method! | By) | "Matera | Maine | Tolerate sgn _lsettonent™ [Rear Rar Soe Rens Emin [Dae | Vege wa], Rosie Anche “To [baie P| Set Reck wa] Sie Designed arth Retaining Syren wih Sandra Plans ConcreeCanlever Wal, Type ing ?'| OU [psa PE] —Comae [10958 F Corre Cana Wal Types @4 | — BU [Diana PE_| Conese [109.91] Corer Caneve Wal ypeS-| — Bu — [bis PE | Cone see Corrs Monty Wal Tape 6 Bu [bart [ — ee ‘ib Walt Conte, Ses 0 Tine re oe Sint Desiged Earth Rtaning Stems Wie Regu Spe Das ‘Sueded Pin Wale wit medded val [BU JStePEY" Choos Se To] Ee, rig [OSinse No Gri Cover Wal - She le Wall 1 Saree] Set so ‘Sider Pe WAT WIS LGA TOIT sree P| Cone, Sy, so] FG “espe Sai Pie Wal [TOE SwoenePe| — Caner so] Sec Sle i Wal "To [sts Pe| — Conse so] Sir lang Wal “Tose | era Spore] 36] Das Soi ig Wa Th [sews Pe| Sheer 3 Ea Tachres Wall SeicuraloeGund | 1D ]seucse PE) Conte, Se a] Fo hasten) “inter - Gey Wal Concree Gay Wa [Sesser] Canes Tar, Rook Gravy all ‘BU [ae Pe | ace so} —e Gin ase Wall TU [et | We Ra sole Tal Renbrsonen Sane esha Sables) banat [BU [Srsane PE] —Conente [153] a Sage Mil Retis Wal BU [Date Pe [Ses tar soa SiN Wal "1D [sve FE Cone sbsce| ms] — i Ansired Tine Wal BU [owwiePe [Tinker mole "Thelstel Preappoved nti wale the weal oon nd PTOTONS "nse une sew by DSSS. Yor ee rman ss nde 1020. perimental Sate Designed arth Retsinag Sisters “Geet Reet Wale Bo Reecas PE Cone ma] ‘se | as Core aos Gav Wal | OU [Divi PE eS zs —F fae ee i ae HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL most Nen-GravityCantlevewd Wall Rock Gravy, and Gabion Basket (Se by Structure PE) These vals Wall, Ince sect pile wall, sole ple walls with agsing tangent soles pile tral, soant solr ple wal ley lapis wal and dep soll mixing snl These wal re most practi Sit sections ad are Rest ed foe Situntons whee excavation for a Fetining wall witha foting is Impact because of tt, wtities, ‘xing builings of UW reteons Tn embaaker etn, a nog levered wall is practal sion Ter a oasway widening where design Feit are les tht 8 m They are sto practical for slfpeu conection. Cone Grvity Walls (SAE by Stuctre PE) Concrete gravity walls tue moe eoromis! a deign bigs telow 12 me, Howevey fey tay be fonscied a elghs up 1 18m ‘These wale an be zed in connection caterer all slong lengths rll wit depn eigh o les han 1 my ae equled. A Type 50C concee bare, see Slnéad Pls, ‘San serve a» praviy retaining wal st Toetions where the dileresal eit etwean he olin oalay grades Is equa ores tan 0.9m, [Newgraviy canilevered walls can Rock Gravity Walls (PS&E by Distt consist of concrete sel, Hiner, ot PE). Rock gravity walls const of ‘enented si piles that may be eer rook that ae 0 9 1000 Kg sacked Sven io plane or paced in led On top of ext oer at sight bate. hoes nd wench, ‘These walls we piel aed i reas Anchored Walls (PSRE by Strvetue cs es ar eae CSnpted fie se ears Be ‘args fom 05 4m, bt mest fray cantilevered wall, bat dec ean coe tonal tral rsisance from Gabon Baker Walls (PSRE_ by frond anchors (heck), corte Distt PE}. Cabion basket walls we Scho, or pile anchors These comparmentd units ied with stones Score sre “Tocted tend the Snd an be costae up t0 80 min fig Each unit is a revtangular et made of galanin sel Wire Stray The method of suppot “Te stones 1021 405 mm in ie fn anchorage depends on sie Gabion tact walls ae spell xed ‘ondtons, design eight, and Toading for sil and sar bak bileatin. Imposed "The ow ofthese walls Service if ofthe gabon task al is variable depending on eat euing highly depenent on the eionmert requirements site geology. aeshetie In which they are pice.” Conan, ‘onidration ond ste resins, bat ion, ck ipl, Te and [peer ger than "Standard Design ‘andl a examples of stospeiic ‘Walle forthe sun wall gore and cos that nul inlenc the sevice lealing condos. Anchored vals Ife of the all and shoul be akon may he wed to sbize am untble int considention by the Disct PE ie proviged ‘hat adequate mai dig the dsign of the project. See feat at the sie for the. anchors ‘Stand Pas DIO0A and DIGOB fr Economia wal Heights up 10280 m forthe del Soe + Soil Relnoement Systems. Soll Gravity Wall Systems hat require ‘enforcement ois offing speci designs are Conte Gravy, ‘eens a soil enforcing elements 208 incorporate ino a compacted or i sta so magn The rlfrced 3 Ist funn simlar to 8 ral val Soil reinforcing slaments can be any metal tha provides tne srenih hd pullout reste, and posses SStsfctony croep characterises and fevice Iie. Generally reinforcing flements ae ts, but polymeric and ‘Berle systems maybe wed Facing levers for mow systems re site enforced concrete, Tight ging Fel, or ened wood.” Polymeric infeed walls may be fed with ‘masonite element of even plated ‘wit Tocal vegetation. Selection of Tacing pe i gored by sess sndervice ie Wall eighs of sil enforcement systems ae. conoled mini by Tearing cacy of the Tounlaon teal ‘tnd she sabi. Wall eights in exes of 18 m a feasible where condtons permit Foundation Inveseaons for sol reinforcement ‘ystems ae sir to lessons {Sr convection! eaiing wal Special deails we required. when Srimge ste, overead ign port oF noise bees on plea ae ‘thin te reinforced. soi! mass Conte atic Daviess require 2 special design ronpoc sab hn sed Whe top of he facing of thee Systams. These systems. camot be Shed where site restrictions do. not pcement of te soll reinforcing ‘ements: Soll senfrement systems that require special design areas flows: Mechanically Stabilized Embanknen (0438) (PSE by Siew PE) THIS Systm ses welded sel wie mas, Sel srpe or polymere mateals fol senfocing elements. The facing element ae procast cnr. In many ese, this system car be contructed ‘ing onsite ek il materi When the botoaip constuction ‘neha is possible adhe eonions Det ther use, thaw systems ae fener the moat eenamcl ehoie for wal highs gree than 6m They may lobe the nat econo system fo wall eight nthe 3.0 © {80 mange, depending on he specie Because ofthe acted ate ofthe fing element tes ster se, hey fan" olerte ever illeretal Setlement than an ‘monolithic feeatonal gi etning wal ich ‘sconce cnleer ening wll Ste! elements usd i his metho ae fived to provide sail see 10 mpenat for anced concsio; fd may be galanzrd 0 provide ‘ional proeion. Salvaged Maori Retining Wall (PSBE by Disvit PE) Tals system Maes C-cbanet section a6 0 ‘enforcement. Galvanized metal bea (bard, tinker pas oF concrete frocks ie wea fcing cement, Den hese materials ane sage fom projec. The Dist Regee Coordinate shouldbe consul a 10 ‘hevalebliy of salageé mari Soll Nall Wall PSEE by Stace PE). Ths yem riforer ete the ciginal pound oe an exsing fmtanknent dung the excavation proces, Soll nating i. alwaye scomplished fromthe top-don stage tat we ypicaly 1200 18m inv heigh. After ech stage of ‘excavation, cooson protected sil enforcing ements, "soll mai se placed and grote ito holes which fave boc delle a nls note in slut. The fe ofeach stage of ‘ketvation ie prota ty a yer of

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