Recorder 2024-04-19 06 30 22

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Application started
06:30:22.790: (I) 2204: Timestamp: QDateTime(2024-04-19 06:30:22.790 Hora est.
Pacífico, Sudamérica Qt::LocalTime)
06:30:22.790: (I) 2204: OS version: "Windows 10 Version 2009"
06:30:22.790: (I) 2204: Kernel version: "10.0.22631"
06:30:22.790: (I) 2204: CPU architecture: "x86_64"
06:30:22.790: (I) 2204: Build ABI: "x86_64-little_endian-llp64"
06:30:22.790: (I) 2204: Executable: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Icecream Screen
Recorder 7/recorder.exe"
06:30:22.790: (I) 2204: BuildVersion: "7.3.1"
06:30:22.793: (I) 2204: DisplayVersion: "7.31"
06:30:22.793: (I) 2204: IceDesktopApp headers: 1.38
06:30:22.793: (I) 2204: PID: 7116
06:30:22.793: (I) 2204: Main thread id: 2204
06:30:22.793: (I) 2204: Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling: true
06:30:22.793: (I) 2204: Qt::AA_DisableHighDpiScaling: false
06:30:22.793: (I) 2204: Qt Screen 0: primary, winScale: 100%, pixelRatio: 1,
logDpi: 96, phyDpi: 100.968, log/phy: 95%, geometry: {x:0, y:0, w: 1366, h: 768},
available: {x:0, y:0, w: 1366, h: 720}
06:30:22.793: (I) 2204:
06:30:22.796: (I) 2204: IceTranslator::IceTranslator() : Translations
directory: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Icecream Screen Recorder 7/translations" , file
prefix: "lang" system locale: "es_PE"
06:30:22.798: (W) 2204: IceTranslator::translate() : Can't translate:
LocaleName not found: "es_PE"
06:30:22.798: (W) 2204: IceTranslator::translate() : Can't translate:
LocaleName not found: "es_PE"
06:30:22.799: (I) 2204: IceTranslator::translate() : App translation
applyed. Locale: "es_ES"
06:30:22.799: (W) 2204: IceTranslator::translate() : Current
LocaleName is the same as requested: "es_ES"
06:30:22.806: (I) 2204: MetricSender::MetricSender() : send metrics:
06:30:22.806: (I) 2204: IceApplication::prepareNetworkAccessMana: Init SSL
libraries: begin
06:30:22.811: (I) 2204: IceApplication::prepareNetworkAccessMana: Init SSL
libraries: done, elapsed time: 17 msec , Enabled: true , Version: "OpenSSL 1.1.1p
21 Jun 2022"
06:30:22.811: (I) 2204: Application::init : Entering 'Init
06:30:22.811: (!) 2204: LicenseService::loadLicenseInfo() : "License file
not found: C:\\Users\\HP\\AppData\\Local\\Icecream\\Icecream Screen
06:30:22.824: (W) 2204: ScheduleModel::load() : Try load tasks
from prev app version!
06:30:22.824: (I) 2204: IceRemoteProcHandler::startHandler() : "C:/Program
Files (x86)/Icecream Screen Recorder 7/uservice.exe"
06:30:22.833: (I) 2204: `anonymous-namespace'::getDpiForMonitor(: Windows DPI:
06:30:22.862: (I) 2204: Application::runDxDiagGeneration() : Run DxDiag
06:30:22.863: (I) 2204: Application::init : Leaving 'Init
app'. Elapsed time: 39
06:30:22.863: (I) 13120: Application::runDxDiagGeneration::lambda: Run DxDiag from
thread pool...
06:30:22.863: (I) 2204: Application::runUpdateChecker : Entering 'Init
update checker...'
06:30:22.863: (I) 13120: Application::runDxDiagGeneration::lambda: Run DxDiag
tool complete. File already exists
06:30:22.875: (I) 2204: Application::runUpdateChecker : Leaving 'Init
update checker...'. Elapsed time: 11
06:30:22.875: (I) 2204: IceStyleManager::IceStyleManager() : Init
StyleManager done
06:30:22.875: (I) 2204: IceStyleManager::setCurrentStyle() : Set current
style: "DefaultStyle"
06:30:22.875: (I) 2204: IceStyleManager::setCurrentStyle() : Default app font
was changed to QFont(Segoe UI,-1,14,5,50,0,0,0,0,0)
06:30:22.897: (I) 2204: Ui::createMainWindow : Entering 'Create
main window'
06:30:22.898: (I) 2204: IceWindow::IceWindow() :
MainWindow(0x200bcf228e0) early restore geometry: true QRect(178,57 1010x606) dpr:
1 QFlags<Qt::WindowState>(WindowNoState)
06:30:23.714: (I) 2204: IceCloudClient::enableAutoRefresh() : disable cloud
06:30:23.758: (W) 2204: OpenType support missing for "Segoe UI", script 20
06:30:23.759: (W) 2204: OpenType support missing for "MS Shell Dlg 2", script
06:30:23.760: (W) 2204: OpenType support missing for "Arial", script 20
06:30:23.760: (W) 2204: OpenType support missing for "MS UI Gothic", script 20
06:30:23.761: (W) 2204: OpenType support missing for "SimSun", script 20
06:30:23.763: (W) 2204: OpenType support missing for "Segoe UI Emoji", script
06:30:23.763: (W) 2204: OpenType support missing for "Segoe UI Symbol", script
06:30:23.764: (W) 2204: OpenType support missing for "Nirmala UI", script 20
06:30:23.798: (I) 2204: AudioDeviceInternal::enumAudioDevices() : Audio output
devices count: 1
06:30:23.799: (I) 2204: AudioDeviceInternal::enumAudioDevices() : Speaker
(Realtek(R) Audio), id: {}.{93b1536c-adfb-450e-bbf7-b3f4cdac8f49},
exclusive use: false, exclusive prefer: false
06:30:23.800: (I) 2204: AudioDeviceInternal::enumAudioDevices() : Audio input
devices count: 1
06:30:23.800: (I) 2204: AudioDeviceInternal::enumAudioDevices() : Varios
micrófonos (Intel® Smart Sound Technology for Digital Microphones), id:
{}.{3cae7aaf-8446-4f8c-a2b3-2217ddc8fa2c}, exclusive use: true,
exclusive prefer: true
06:30:23.810: (I) 2204: CameraGrabber::availableDeviceNames() : Camera devices
count: 1
06:30:23.810: (I) 2204: CameraGrabber::availableDeviceNames() : HP
TrueVision HD Camera
06:30:23.838: (!) 2204: LicenseService::loadLicenseInfo() : "License file
not found: C:\\Users\\HP\\AppData\\Local\\Icecream\\Icecream Screen
06:30:23.839: (!) 2204: LicenseService::loadLicenseInfo() : "License file
not found: C:\\Users\\HP\\AppData\\Local\\Icecream\\Icecream Screen
06:30:23.840: (I) 2204: WinApiPrivate::WinApiPrivate() : DWM
composition enabled: true WinApi resolved
06:30:23.841: (I) 2204: Ui::setHotkeysState() : Global hotkeys
state changed from Ui::HotkeysState::Unknown to Ui::HotkeysState::MainWindow
06:30:23.843: (I) 2204: Ui::createMainWindow : Leaving 'Create
main window'. Elapsed time: 945
06:30:24.790: (I) 2204: Updater::onFinished() : Updater. exit
code: 0 status: "NormalExit"
06:30:24.806: (I) 2204: Updater::handleResponse() : Compare
versions. server version: "7.40" current version: 7.31 result: 9
06:30:24.806: (I) 2204: Updater::handleResponse() : Emit
newVersionAvalible: "7.40"
06:31:06.056: (W) 2204: MetricSender::sendNext::lambda() : Send analitics
failed: "Connection timed out"

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