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Population dynamics

population refers to the existing number of humans in the world. currently the world
population size is more than 7 billion. over a period of time the population is steeply rising.
It is estimated that by the Year 2100,The world population will be approximately 11.2 billion.

world population is unevenly distributed with small concentrations of large numbers of

people living in the same area. of the seven continents on Earth, 6 are permanently
inhabited on the large scale with about 60% of the world population Asia tops the list as the
most popular continent. China and India are the majorly populated countries constituting
about 37% of the world's population. Africa is the second most populated continent
accommodating around 15% of the word population does not have any permanent
population hear the population is small and fluctuating that tends to increase in the summer
months and decrease significantly inventor as visiting researchers return to the home

Distribution of population in the world

population distribution refers to the pattern in which people live. Places which are sparsely
populated contain few people. Places which are densely populated contain many people.
The density of population is the major that finds out the concentration of people leaving a
particular area or region. It is calculated by dividing the number of people by the area and is
usually shown as the number of people per square kilometre. The unequal distribution of
population happens due to various physical and human factors.

Physical factors:
These factors refer to the natural living conditions that support human life. Climate, relief
features, soil quality and proximity to natural resources are some of the factors that influence
Human living.
Climate::Temperature of a place is very important for sustaining populations. Places with
extreme temperatures, that is very cold and very hot climate, are not suitable for human
living, growing crops etc. People prefer to live in places where there is enough rainfall and
no extremes of temperature.
Relief features: Human settlements relay on relief features too. Places with very steep
slopes make it difficult to build houses, roads and Railways, rendering these region
inaccessible. Hence we find fewer people in the mountainous terrains than on the Planes.
Proximity to Natural Resources: People prefer leaving in areas where there is continuous
source of water for example river banks. Also, areas with natural resources like coal or
petroleum means there will be industries and employment opportunities. Hill stations with
scenicbeauty often attract tourists, therefore bringing job opportunities.
Soils : Areas with fertile soils for example river Delta signify high agriculture output and
therefore self sufficiency for population.

human factors these factors are the living conditions influenced by human activities. and the
good network of transport and communication influence the concentration of population in
certain places.
employment opportunities occupation is Primary Industries like farming fishing etc
encourage people to move there to find work this is also applicable to the manufacturing and
service sector.
transport and Communications places with good network of transport such as roads and
Railways will make it more and their four the density of population in These areas will be
higher communication system such as connectivity through post internet and phone is also
essential in today's facilities Populated.
overpopulation and under population density of population is a determinant of
overpopulation and under population.
over population
a situation when there are more people in a country then its physical and human resources
can support a liquid living standards in other words overpopulation refers to a situation
where the population exceeds the available resources of a country overpopulation results in
people completing for the available resources and their will be a General for instantly of
living of the people while the expirations of making it big in the cities pull a lot of crowd from
the rural areas the reality is that they and up living for quality life in sub standard housing in
overcrowded areas like some Slums Lack of water sanitation and security of life and
property characteriselums the situation of overpopulation can be controlled by family
planning discouragement of early marriage increase in food supply encouragement of
monogamy limiting the size of towns provisions of game full employment for women
stiffening of immigration laws sex and Mass education from childhood and encouragement of
immigration from thickly or densely populated areas to lonely populated areas.
under population:
where the available resources of a country are more than its population it then means that
the size of the population is so small that the available resources of a country seems in
abundance returns population is too small relative to the available resources the standard of
living of the area can be increased if the population is increased.
in Mumbai is one of the largest lamps in the world it is home to about 1 million people with
an area of just over 2.1 square kilometres also one of the most densely populated areas on
earth Impact of Umar population and under population on the society
resources there will be abundance of resources in areas where there is resource
endowment shortage of resources and increase competition for available resources.
employment due to the small size of the population and abundance of resources
employment opportunities will really be available however small population size me also lead
to lack of skilled workforce. employment opportunities will be less people will compete for
employment and there will be a fall in the remuneration due to more supply of people in fact
it may also leave to unemployment that is people will be rain door jobless or disguised
unemployment that is more people doing the same job then actually required.
social immunities also low pressure on social Amethi in the area there will supply of basic
Emirates like water electricity of the people to Cater to the needs of the people over
population of these amenities become some Vikram samast planning and infrastructure
going to the low population These areas are properly plant for recent living also due to low
population there will be low or no congestion in housing traffic etc population overload
makes planning for towns and cities almost impossible accommodating the surplus
population is very difficult this results in crowding in housing traffic
Crime Crime lower the population less is the crime also it is easier to implement regulations
when the population sizes Mall law and order can be better managed when population sizes
big competing for available resources can lead to higher crime rates it is to manage law and
order in a highly populated area .
However it is not that under population is always good there are also disadvantages too.
overpopulation means availability of skill workforce due to concentration of industries in
these areas.They are adept in optimum utilisation of resources andMaximum production
output with increase demand and large market size but in under populated regions the
availability the available labour force is grocery inadequate to manage the abundant
resources available in the country resulting in low levels of production hands workers
generally on low as a result of low level of production income and this leads to low Savings
and investment. the standard of living will eventually fall as a as a result of low level of
income the size of market is usually very small due to low demand finally as a result of low
output of goods and services there is always Hello hello export and for these goods and
factors affecting the population of a place
there are two factors that result in an increase in the size of population first there is net
natality or birth rate which means the number of individuals that are added to a population
over a period of time due to reproduction usually birth rate is the number of individuals born
4000 individuals per year an example of both rate would be if a population of 5000 people
results in the birth of 50 children in a year which would hell about rate of 10 individuals 4
year it is often reported as a percentage of the population and can have drastic effects on
the overall human population.
the second factor that can cause a rice in a population is immigration immigration is the
arrival of individuals into a region resulting in influxe of population immigration is a factor that
can influence the size of a specific population of humans but does not influence the overall
human population.
few factors have the opposite influence that is the decrease the population size the first
factor that results in shrinkage in the population size is mortality or death rate is the number
of individual dates in a population individuals per year and is also describe as a percentage
of population used to describe how many individuals in specific age Groups for example the
death rate of infants is offer as important statistics investigate when looking at changes in
the population the second factor that can affect that can decrease the size of the population
is immigration immigration decrease the population within the area like immigration
immigration to does not have an influence on the wall population Overall human population
on earth because people are not leaving Earth to move on a new planet
population composition some of the Other distinguishing attributes of the population are
occupation education and life expectancy this form the important characteristics of a
population besides it size and growth rate in which its members are distributed according to
age sex and urban rural status.
Age structure the number of people in different age groups indicates the each structure of a
population a large size of population in the group of 15 to 59 years shows the chances of
having a larger working population if the number of children in the population is high the
dependency ratio will be high similarly a growing population in the age group of 60 +
indicates greater expenditure on the care of aged.
A structure can be a three types
1 the waste European type in this type of each structure children constitute less than 30%
while 15% of the population are old
the North American type in this type of a structure children constitute 35 to 40% of the
population and the 10% are old people
the Brazilian type in this type of structure 45 to 55% of the population are children and old
people constitute only 4.8% of the total population
with the future of a nation because old age dependency as well as the youngest
dependency pros to be severe burden on the economy of a country.
sex composition
the relative numbers of male and female in a is an important demographic characteristic
defined as the number of females per thousand males in the population are the number of
males 4000 females in the population sex ratio is an important social indicator of the equity
prevailing between males and females at a given point of time some of the factors that
influence the sex ratio are
differentials in mortality for example the practice of female 40 side female infanticide and
domestic violence against women
sex selective migration Like men night have migrated to other areas for employment or
female moving to spouses place
sex ratio at birth
sex differential in population enumeration
population pyramid
to describe a distribution and sex ratio of populations population pyramids are used a
population pyramid is a bar chart or graph in which the length of each bar represents the
number or percentage of persons in an age group and move on to the older segments till the
oldest come at the top grams with the population plotted on the x-axis and age and one
showing female in a particular population in 5 year age groups also Malesar conventional
shown on the left and female on the right they are measured as a percentage of total
population population pyramids are considered the most effective graphical depiction of age
and sex distribution of a population rural urban composition another significant attribute to
population distribution is the division between rural and urban areas in terms of geographical
distribution of population almost half of the world's population lives in cities it is estimated
that about 8 million people have live in cities by 2013 and 80% of them would be living in
developing countries a prominent feature of population rate distribution especially in
developing countries is the growth of major cities the general rule for developing countries is
that the rate of growth of urban areas is twice than that of population as a whole
accessible easily approachable or reachable
enumeration complete order listing of all the items in a collection
in front side crime of Killing In funds
densely populated
or distributed or distributed Sustaining provide with mental and physical support
population refers to the existing number of humans in the world
world population is anyone lead distributed with small concentration of large numbers of
people living in the same area.
population distribution refers to the pattern of their people live.
equal distribution of population happens due to various physical and human factors.
density of population can determine overpopulation and under population overpopulation
means availability of force due to concentration of industries in this areas
there are different factors that result in an increase in the size of population growth rate
which means the number of individuals that are added to a population over a period of time
due to reproduction and immigration
some of the Other distinguishing attributes of the population are occupation education and
life expectancy
the number of people and different age groups indicate the age structure of a population
the relative number of males and females is an important democratic demographic
to describe a distribution and sex ratio of population population pyramids are used
another significant attribute to population distribution is the division between rural and urban
areas in terms of geographical distribution of population.
Population Dynamics
Population refers to the existing number of humans in the world.
currently the world population size is more than 7 billion over a period of time the population
is deeply Rising
it is estimated that by the year 2100 the world population will be approximately 11.2 billion
world population is anyonely distributed with small concentrations of large numbers of
people living in the same area
of the seven continents on Earth 6 are permanently inhabited on the large scale
Africa is the second most populated continent with accommodating around 15% of the
world's population.
Antarctica does not have a permanent population.
of population in the world
population distribution refers to the pattern where people live
the density of population is a major that finds out the concentration of people living in a
particular area Origin region
the unequal distribution of population happens due to various physical and human factors.
physical factors
climate temperature of a place is very important for sustaining populations
relief features human settlements relay on relief features 2 hands we find your people living
in mountainous studies then in the Planes.
natural resources people prefer leaving in areas where there is continuous source of water
for example river banks
soils :
Areas with fertile soil for example river deltas means high agricultural output therefore self
sufficiency for the population
human factors
employment opportunities occupations in Primary Industries like farming fishing etc
encourage people to move there to find work
transport and communication
places with good network of transport such as roads and Taxes and Railways will make it
more accessible
overpopulation and under population density of population can result in types over
population and under population
overpopulation a situation where there are more people in a country then its physical and
human resources that can support a request living standards.
under population a situation when the available resources of a country are more than its
factors affecting the population of a place
there are two factors that result in an increase in the size of population
over a period of time you to reproduction the second factor that can cause and population is
few factors that have the opposite influence that is the decrease the population size
the first factor that results in the population size is mortality
the second factor that can decrease the size of a population is emmigration
Population composition
a structure the number of people in different age groups indicates the age structure of a
population a large size of population in the age group of 15 to 59 years shows the chances
of having a large working population
of three types
the west European types
the North American types
the Brazilian type
has a direct relation with the future of a nation because old age dependency as well as
youngest dependency prusth to be a severe burden on the economy of a country
sex composition Demographic characteristic some of the factors that influence the sex ratio
differentials in mortality for example the practice of female foeticide female infanticide and
domestic violence against the women
sex selective migration like men might have migrated to other areas for employment or
female moving to spouses place
sex ratio at birth 6 differential in population enumeration.
Population pyramid to describe age distribution and sex ratio of populations population
pyramids are used a population pyramid is a bar chart or graph in which the length of each
bar represents the number of percentage of persons in an each group males are
conventionally shown on the left and female on the right they are measured as a percentage
of the total population population pyramids are considered the most effective graphical
depiction of the age and sex distribution of a population
rural urban composition
another significant attribute to population distribution is the division between rural and urban
areas in terms of geographical distribution of population. almost half of the world's population
lives in cities it is estimated that about 8 million people will live in cities by 2013 and 80% of
these would be living in developing countries a prominent feature of population Re
distribution especially in developing countries is the growth of major cities.

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