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Disciple Christian College

Year 3 Science: Science Investigation

Student Student no.

Teacher Maximum Decimus Meridius

What is my task?

In pairs, you are going to conduct an experiment to answer the

following question. Observe, record and explain…

How the position of the sun and shadows change throughout

the day.

What do I need to do to complete the task?

Resources provided:
• Chalk
• Your school iPad
• Measuring instrument (your choice – what might be best?)

1. Meet with your allocated partner.
2. Choose 4 different times of the day to measure your shadow.
3. Collect your chalk and decide how you will measure your shadows.
4. At each chosen time, stand in the sun and observe where your shadow falls.
5. Use the chalk to mark the length of your shadow at each time.
6. Take a photo of your shadow each time to.
7. Measure the length of your shadow each time you mark its length.
8. Record the time and measurements.
9. Analyse the data (your 4 measurements and the times they were taken) and draw conclusions (what
happened to the shadow as the time of day changed).
10. Write a science report to communicate your findings.

Your Science Report should follow the outline below:

The aim of your experiment
Your hypothesis
Equipment you used
Methodology – how did you conduct the experiment
The results from your experiment
Discussion and interpretation of your results
Due: Week 4
Resources: As provided
This investigation will be completed during class time.

Date issued 1/02/2024

Due date 29/03/2024


☐ WEEK 1: I met with my partner.

☐ WEEK 1: We have chosen the 4 times we will measure our shadows.

☐ WEEK 1: We have collected our chalk and decided what measuring instrument we will use.

☐ WEEK 2: We have completed the experiment this week

☐ WEEK 3: We are analysing our data and drawing conclusions this week

☐ WEEK 3: I started writing my report and have chosen the photos and data to include

☐ WEEK 4: I have finished writing my report and am editing it. I have included photos and a data table.

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