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P. M. B. 21029, 21038, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria



Record ID: Inspector (FOI) Inspector (AWI) Activity Number –

Date Accomplished: # Issues: Operator/Applicant: Base:

Document: Operator’s Representative:

Instructions for Use:

1. Check `S’ column if you reviewed the record, procedure or event and it is
2. Check `U’ column if you reviewed the record, procedure or event and it is
3. Check NS (not seen) column if you did not review the record, procedure or event or
you do not have adequate information to make a valid comment.
4. Check NA (not applicable) column, if the line item is not required in this particular
5. ’Enter any notes on reverse side regarding a ‘U’ answer for transfer to the Safety
Issues Resolution Report.
6. For later reference, precede any notes with the appropriate question number.

This Activity must be coordinated between the FOI and AWI before granting acceptance
or approval by singing here: FOI……………………………..AWI……………………………..

S/N Coordinate with the Operator/Applicant S U N/S N/A

1 Have the following been submitted for review
(a) Manual or revision?
(b) Mass and Balance programme document (if not part of a
(c) Pertinent company procedures?
(d) Instructions for completing forms used in aircraft mass control
and aircraft loading?
(e) Mathematical justification for loading provisions or schedules?
(f) If the operator wishes to use an onboard mass and balance
computer system as a primary source for dispatch, has he
submitted this system for approval by the Authority?
2 The manual include the following: S U N/S N/A
(a) Procedures?
(b) Levels of authority?
(c) Information appropriate to Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations?
Note: If an initial cursory review of the Manual/programme
document shows that items at 1.and 2 above are not included,
or are seriously deficient, it would be prudent to meet with the
operator/applicant to further guide him on the requirements.
3 The manual contains an introduction including the S U N/S N/A
(a) Description of the philosophy and the goals of the manual
(b) Description of the division of contents between volumes if more

CL: O-OPS-006 006-1 26TH APRIL 2010

than one volume
(c) List of effective pages and date
4 There manual revision and distribution procedures, to ensure S U N/S N/A
(a) Current information is provided to manual holders
(b) Manuals are available to maintenance, operations and ground
personnel and are furnished
5 There is a definition section of all significant terms used in the
6 The definitions reflect the intended use
7 Any acronyms or abbreviations unique to the manuals are
8 There is a description of the organizational unit responsible for
the control and maintenance of the mass and balance
9 A description of the organizational unit include: S U N/S N/A
(a) Definitions of lines of authority
(b) Description of the support structure
10 The Manual Includes: S U N/S N/A
(a) Job descriptions for all elements
(b) Training programmes that include training for the following:
(i) Operations and dispatch personnel
(ii) Maintenance personnel
(iii) Ground handling personnel
(c) A means of documenting and retaining individual training
(d) Procedures for:
(i) Determining standards and schedules for calibration of scales
(ii) Pre-weighing instructions and requirements
(iii) Determining which aircraft are be weighed
(iv) Establishing and maintaining equipment list for each aircraft
(v) Recording the type and serial number for each scale used,
aircraft mass, residual fluids and scale tare mass
(vi) Initial weighing of aircraft
(vii) Monitoring and adjusting individual aircraft or fleet, empty mass
and CG
(viii) Periodic re-weighing of aircraft
(ix) Ensuring aircraft are configured in accordance with approved
(e) A loading schedule consisting of graphs/tables or a special
loading schedule for a calculator or computerize programme
Note: The loading schedule should be design to ensure that
pertinent data is available concerning all problem mass and
balance conditions of the aircraft.
(f) Instruction that the mass and balance documentation shall S U N/S N/A
contain the following:
(i) Thev aircraft registration and type
(ii) Flight identification Number and date
(iii) Identity of pilot in- command
(iv) Identity the person who prepared the document.
(v) The dry operating mass and the corresponding center of gravity
(vi) The mass of the fuel at takeoff and the mass of trip fuel
(vii) The mass of consumables other than fuel.
(viii) The component of the load including passengers, baggage,
freight and ballast
(ix) The takeoff mass, landing mass and zero fuel mass
(x) The load distribution
(xi) The applicable aircraft center of gravity positions

CL: O-OPS-006 006-2 26TH APRIL 2010

(xii) The limiting mass and center of gravity values
(g) The maximum allowable change in the number of passengers
or hold load acceptable as a last minute change (LMC)
(h) The LMC procedures must include the following:
(i) Informing the PIC
(ii) Entering the LMC on the mass and balance documentation
(iii) Instructions that if the maximum allowable LMC is exceeded,
new mass and balance documentation must be prepared
(i) Procedures for- S U N/S N/A
(i) Completing the load manifest.
(ii) Ensuring that the load manifest is carried on the aircraft
(iii) Retaining the load manifest for the time periods specified in
part 9 of the Nig-Cars
(iv) Distribution of the load manifest in accordance with
(j) Procedures to be used by crewmembers, cargo handlers, and
other personel concerned with aircraft loading, for the following:
(i) Distribution of passengers
(ii) Distribution of fuel
(iii) Distribution of cargo
(iv) Verification and acceptance of actual cargo mass as listed on a
bill of lading
(v) Restriction of passenger movement during flight, if applicable.
(vi) Dangerous Goods requirements, if applicable
(K) A drawing of each cargo and/or passenger configuration to
include emergency equipment locations.
(L) Mathematical justification for loading provisions or
Note: This may be included under separate cover and not as
part of the company
(M) An alternate procedure for allowing manual computations, if a
computerized mass and balance programme is utilized.
(N) Procedures for a mass range system, if applicable, that
(i) The range is typical of passengers carried on similar operations
(ii) Computations for critical load considerations support the
(iii) Personnel responsible for loading the aircraft are required to
prepare appropriate loading records
(iv) The system includes methods for loading passengers whose
mass are outside the range
(v) loading records indicates the number of passengers within the
stated range and account for passengers that do not fall within
the range
(O) Procedures to verify actual mass of cargo
(P) Standards and schedules for calibration of commercial scales
used to determine baggage/cargo mass
(Q) Procedures to ensure that:
(i) Carry-on baggage is limited to articles which may be place in
overhead compartments or under seats
(ii) Carry-on baggage mass is accounted for in the same manner
as check baggage or added to the average passenger mass
11 If mass and balance documentation is generated by a S U N/S N/A
computerize mass and balance system the manual must
have procedures for:
(a) Verifying the integrity of the output data
(b) Procedures for checking that amendment to the input data are
incorporated properly in the system.

CL: O-OPS-006 006-3 26TH APRIL 2010

(c) Procedures for verifying the output data at intervals not
exceeding six months to ensure that the system is operating
correctly on a continuous basses.
(12) Review the draft Opspecs- Paragraph E include the S U N/S N/A
(a) Aircraft make/model/series
(b) Type of loading schedules
(c) Loading schedules instruction for-
(i) Passengers and crew (average or actual mass)
(ii) Baggage (average or actual mass) and cargo (actual)
(d) Mass and balance control procedures
Note: The above must be reference by indicating the locations
in the operator/applicant manual; e.g volume, chapter



Additional comments attached □ =>

CL: O-OPS-006 006-4 26TH APRIL 2010

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