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Stephanie Review

 Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that seamlessly combines computer-generated

elements with the actual, physical environment, offering users an interactive and enriched
experience. Unlike virtual reality, which immerses users entirely in a digital environment,
augmented reality enhances the real world by overlaying digital information onto it.
 AR experiences can be accessed through various devices, including smartphones, tablets,
smart glasses, and headsets.These devices use cameras, sensors, and other technologies to
perceive the real world and superimpose digital elements onto it.
 An example of an augmented reality (AR) based instructional material for
computer hardware systems could involve a virtual overlay providing detailed
information and guidance on assembling a computer.

The statement that "the implementation of these materials is limited to classroom settings and
should be facilitated under the guidance of a qualified faculty member to ensure effective and
safe utilization" is likely referring to the use of specific educational materials, technologies, or
tools. Several reasons support this cautious approach:

 Safety Concerns: Some educational materials or technologies may involve physical

equipment, experiments, or tools that could pose safety risks if not used properly. The
presence of a qualified faculty member ensures that students follow safety protocols and
guidelines, minimizing the risk of accidents or injuries.
 Proper Usage and Understanding: Educational materials often require a certain level of
expertise to use effectively. A qualified faculty member can provide guidance, answer
questions, and ensure that students understand the correct usage and purpose of the
materials. This helps in achieving the intended educational objectives.
I don't have specific information about the context or institution referred to as "SLSU - Lucena."
However, if a statement suggests that the implementation of certain materials or technologies is
limited to students of a particular institution, it could be due to several reasons:

 Resource Limitations: The availability of resources, including educational materials,

technologies, or specialized equipment, may be limited to a specific institution. This
could be due to budget constraints, technological infrastructure, or other resource-related
 Curriculum Alignment: The educational materials or technologies may be specifically
designed or integrated into the curriculum of the institution. This alignment could be
based on the educational goals, learning outcomes, or specific needs of the students at
SLSU - Lucena.

The choice of using 100 end-users and five professors of computer technology in programming
as respondents and experts, respectively, suggests a particular research design and sampling
strategy. Here are some reasons why the researchers might have made these decisions:
 Representativeness: Using 100 end-users provides a reasonably sized sample that may
be considered representative of the larger population of users. This assumes that the end-
users selected are diverse enough to capture a range of perspectives and experiences
related to computer systems and hardware.
 All-Out Enumeration: If the goal is to include all end-users who have computer systems
and hardware as their subject, an all-out enumeration is a practical approach. This ensures
that every eligible end-user is included in the study, avoiding potential biases associated
with sampling.
 "End users" refers to the individuals or entities who ultimately use a product, system, or
service in its final form. These are the people for whom a particular technology, software,
application, or any other solution is designed and intended. End users interact directly
with the product or system to accomplish specific tasks, achieve goals, or fulfill their
 In the context of your previous question, where the researchers used 100 end-users, it
means they selected a group of individuals who are the final consumers or operators of
computer systems and hardware. These end users would likely include individuals who
use computer systems and hardware for various purposes, such as students, professionals,
or any group targeted by the research.
 Understanding the perspectives, needs, and experiences of end users is crucial in
designing effective and user-friendly technologies. It helps ensure that the developed
systems meet the requirements and expectations of the people who will use them in real-
world scenarios. The feedback and insights from end users are valuable for improving the
usability, functionality, and overall user satisfaction of a product or system.

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