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Fareast International University

Assignment On

Navigating Perceived Risks: A Strategic Approach for Prospective Students at Far East International
University (FIU) in Banani, Dhaka

Submitted To

Mr. Ahmad Bin Yamin

Assistant Professor

Course: BUS 2313 Consumer Behavior

Submitted By

MD. Mahadi Hassan

ID: 21101002
Department: BBA (EVE)

Date of Submission: Sunday, November 26th, 2023

Semester: Fall 2023

Perceived risks significantly influence the decision-making process of potential students when
choosing a university. Far East International University (FIU), located in Banani, Dhaka, is not
exempt from these considerations. This assignment explores the perceived risks among potential
students of FIU and proposes effective strategies to address these concerns.

Perceived Risks at FIU:

Perceived risks may encompass various dimensions, including academic, financial, social, and
environmental concerns. Prospective students might be apprehensive about the quality of
education, the financial burden, social integration, and the overall campus environment at FIU in
Banani, Dhaka.

Addressing Perceived Academic Risks:

Example: FIU can alleviate academic concerns by showcasing its faculty credentials,
accreditation status, and collaborations with industry experts. Offering virtual campus tours,
webinars, and access to sample classes can give potential students insights into the academic rigor
at FIU.

Addressing Perceived Financial Risks:

Example: FIU in Banani can establish a transparent communication channel about tuition fees,
scholarship opportunities, and financial aid options. Providing real-life examples of students
successfully managing their finances during their time at FIU can help build confidence in the
institution's commitment to affordability.

Addressing Perceived Social Risks:

Example: Emphasizing the vibrant and inclusive campus life in Banani, FIU can highlight student
clubs, cultural events, and community engagement initiatives. Sharing success stories of students
who found a welcoming social environment at FIU can alleviate concerns about social integration.

Addressing Perceived Environmental Risks:

Example: FIU can address environmental concerns by promoting campus safety measures, green
initiatives, and partnerships with local communities in Banani, Dhaka. Providing information
about the surrounding amenities, accommodation options, and extracurricular activities can
contribute to a positive perception of the campus environment.

1. Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (15th ed.). Pearson.

2. Yankholmes, A., & Pandya, D. (2012). Understanding perceived risk in higher education.
International Journal of Educational Management, 26(2), 183-198.

3. Dhaka Tribune. (2022, [date]). FIU Banani Campus: A Glimpse into Campus Life. [Link to the
article if available]

Effectively addressing perceived risks is pivotal for FIU in Banani to attract a diverse and talented
student body. Through transparent communication and strategic initiatives, such as showcasing
academic excellence, financial support systems, vibrant social life, and a safe and supportive
campus environment, FIU can enhance its appeal to prospective students and foster long-term

Thank You

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