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TEST BOOKLET Sl. No. 02544

Su Code : 20 Subject : PhysicS

Allowed:3 Hours Maximum Marks: 165




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RS - 17t22 (Turn over)

4. Estimate the flux of F across a small
1 Let f(x, y, z) = +y\22 '
which . circle C of a radius a if div F at the
center of the circle is 3 :

is defined everywhere except at the

(A) 6na2
origin. Compute Jvf . dr where c is
(B) 6na
any curve from (1 ,2,2) to (3, 4, 0) :

t (C) 3na2
(D) 0

5. Let F be defined on a simple

(B) connected region in space. lf crul
(c) (A) Conservative
(B) Non-conservative
(D) (C) Rotational
(D) lrrotational
2. lf F is the conservative vector field,
; 6. , Which one of the following functions
then V xF =?
satisfies the functional eouation
vc.., r,,'l
(A) rc
f(f(x)) = xforevery realnumberx:

(B) 2n (A) f(x) = 2,

(C) 4n .. (B) f(x) = x2

(D) 0 (c; r1x;=2-*

3. Calculate the divergence of F, if F = (D) f(x) = zJx
_ fi * zxyj: 7 . What is the value of arg z+ arglTl?
(A) 6 (A) 2n
(B) 1
(B) 2nn
(c) 0 (c) 3n
(D) 5 (D) 0

RS - 17t22 (2) Contd

8 lf u is a Harmonic function, the value (C) r(m+n)= r(m) + p(n)
of V2u is
(D) r(n+1) =n r(1)

(A) T 11. The betafunction valueof the integral

7l =[ffi.'''
(A) 4
fi (B) 1t4
t (c) o
3n (D)
(D) T 3/5

12. A Fourier series is defined as an

9. The modulus of the product of any expansion of afunction in a series of :

number of complex quantities is (A) Sinesfunction only

equalto the : (B) Cosinesfunctiononly

(A) Product of their moduli

(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
(B) Complex conjugate of their
13. The expansion of esin(*) is
moduli '
(A) 1 +x+ x2l2*xal}*....
(C) Sum of their moduli
(B) 1 +x+ x2l2=xal8*..'.
(D) Divsion of their moduli (C) 1 +x- x2l2*xal}*..'.

10. The recursion relation (D) 1 +x+x3/6-x5/10*....

of gamma function can be written 14' The vatue of (1+ i;10 is .............?

(A) 16i
(B) 2i
(A) r(m+n)= r(m)x p(n)
(c) 0
(B) r(n+l)=nP(n) (D) 32i

RS - 17t22 (3) (Tum over)

15. Who discovered Fourier series ? 19. A system for which the potentialV is

(A) Jean Baptiste de Fourier

(B) Fourier Joseph called as:

(C) Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (A) Non-conservative system

(D) Jean Fourier (B) Non-dimensional system

16. What isthefundamental period of the (c) Qgnservative system

signal ? (D) Multi-dimensionat system

(A) 2ntw 20. For a system with N dimension and

(B) 2fitu? 3 holonomic constraints, how many

generalised co-ordinates are


17. What is unit of Dirac function ?

(A) x

(B) i-l

21. For a Lagrangian L(q, q t), write an

- 1 n", expression for the variation 6L

18. The function g(z) = cos(=)
corresponding to a free particle :

an isolated singularity atthb point ?

(A) z= 0

(B) z= 112
(c) 6L = mci/ 6ci .'4 {,};
(C) z= - 112
(D) 6L = mci6ci

RS - 17122 (4) Contd.

22. Considera free particle in 2D space. 25. The Lagrange's equation of motion

Obtain Lagrangian in (t 0) spherical

coordinate system ? d dL
- dq = 0 can be used
(A) t=*, 1t+?b21

(B) t= }m (i-re) for

(C) t= }m 1i+ 162) Conservative and non-

(D) t= }m (i+ re)
holonomic systems

23. What is the Lagendre transformation (B) Conservative and holonomic

of the function fG) = e'? systems

(A) /np(p - 1)
(C) Non-conservative and pon-
(B) tnp - 1
holonomic systems
(c) p(/np - 1)
(D) Non-conservative and
(D) tn(tnp-11
holonomic systems

A particle with poiition x and

26. lf the Lagrangian, L, is unchanged
momenfum p has angularmomenfum
under the translation of the system
L = x x p. Evlauate the Poission
along the time t leads conservation
bracket {p,, Q.The indies l, iand k
to Cartesian components :

(A) Linear momentum

(B) Energy

(C) Angular momentum

(D) Parity

RS - 17t22 (5) (Tum over)

27. lf {p' qi}, {9,, Q,} are the Lagrangian (C) [A, {8, C}] + [8, {A, C}] +
brackets and [p,, p,l, [Q1, p;l are
tc, {A, B}l= o
Poisson brackets then which below
(D) [A, {B, G}] + [B, {C, A}] +
equation is correct :

lc, {A, B}l= o

(A) ) [ , {n', e, } [p,,
*) l], {e,, c,}
30. The mathematical representation of
lq', P/ = su
spherical wave travelling outwards
(B) lil,{o',ai}tnp n/ * )ll,{or,ei} from a point source is :

[91' Pil = 6', (A) Areik'

(c) )]1.,{n,,q,}hr tt* )l],{e,,e,}

(B) 4"-ikr/r

lQs, P,l= o
(c) n"ikr '
' (D) (D) or"-ikr
)i],{n,,oi}tq, n/ * )ll,ter,ai}
[q,,Pl]= 6', 31. ln a simple harmonic oscillator,

28. Which value' of the bracket when the particle is at the mean
' form transformation is called
Position Y = 0 then, what is the value
canonical ?
of kinetic and potential energy ?
(A) [Q, P1 =

(B) [P, P] = 1
el .
Kinetic energy is maximum
and potentialenergy is zero
(C) {Q, P1= 1

(D) [Q' P1= 1

(B) Kinetic energy is zero and
potential energy is zero
29. ldentify the Jacobi identity:

(A) [A, [8, CII + [8, [C, AJI + (C) Kinetic energy is zero and
potential energy is maximum
[C, [A, B]]= O

(B) [A, [8, C]l + [8, [A, C]l + (D) Kinetic energy is maximum

[C, [A, B]]= O

and potential energy is


RS - 17n2 (6) Contd

32. The rigid spheres are connected by
(D) r =, K( *? - r1l

a light flexible rods with relative

ffi3 ='1 1
34. The ratio of intensity of magnetisation
What are the normal modes of the to the magnetisation force is known
system in the x direction :

(A) xl + x3, and x., + 2xr+ x3 (A) Flux density

(B) x1 - x3, and x., + 2\* X3 (B) Susceptibility

(C) X1 * X3, and x., -2xr+ x, (c) Relative permeability
(D) x1 - x3, and x, -2xr+ x, (D) None of these

33. Consider the problem of two 35. Aconductor ol length L has current I

par:ticles of similar mass M passing through it, when it is placed

connected by a spring of constant parallelto a magneticfield. The force
K.,, and further each particle experienced by the conductor will
connected to fixed points with be:
springs of constant K. lf the motion (A) Zero
of particles is restricted to direction (B) BLt
along the x-axis only, so the
\ I t a' .r
Ir,:.-:?t I a
(c) B2Lr
SyStem has two degrees of freedom
(D) BLt2
Xr and x, that give the displacement

of the masses from their respective 36. The force between two long parallel

equilibrium position, what is the cond uctors is inversely proportional

kinetic energy of the system ? to:

(A) Radius of conductors
(A) T KO<? * *Z) (B) Cunent in one conductors

(C) Product of current in two

(B) r= jnlrr, Z-;,?l conductors

(D) Distance between the

(c) T=, M(i? *tZl 1 conductors

RS - 17 t22 (7) (Turn over )

37 . A square cross-sectional magnet has 41. !f a current carrying conductor is
a pole strength of 1 x 10 Wb and placed in uniform magnetic field
cross sectional area of 20 mm x
parallelto direction of field then force
20 mm. What is the strength at a
experienced by conductor will be :
distance of 100 mm from the unitpgle
in air: (A) ILB x cos0

(A) 63.38 NM/b (Bl rBL

(B) 633.8 NM/b (C) Zero
(c) 6338 NM/b
(D) ILB x sin0
(D) 63380 NM/b
42. Consider a long coaxial cable of
38. Magneticfield inside a solenoid is :
radius b and length l, with a center
(A) Zero
conductor of radius a. The outer
(B) lnfinite
shield is a perfect conductor and is
(C) Strong
shorted to the linear conductor at the
(D) Uniform
right end. At t = 0, a voltage Vo is
39. When a charged particle mov€s at suddenly applied at the left end and
. right angle to a magnetic field
remains constant thereafter.
quantity that changes is :
Assuming the cunent is uniform along
(A) Momentum
the length of the cable 1 > > b, what
(B) Energy
is the current as a function of time
(C) Speed
(r(t)) :
(D) Momentof lnertia

40. Value of magneticfield thatwilleruse

(A) * (1+ eitl
a max force of 7x1O-3N on a 20 cm
(B) * ( e it )
wire carrying current of l0Awill be :
(A) 1.5 x 1o-t
(B) 3.5 x 1O-37 (c) * (e ir )

(C) 4.5 x 1O-37

(D) * (1-e-lrr'1
(D) 2.5 x 1O-37
RS - 17122 (8) Contd
43. A circular wire of radius R is centered 46. Find the electricfield intensity of two

atthe origin, while straight segment charges 2C and- 1C separated by

extend to uniform along the x-axis.A a distance 1m in air :

uniform current lo is suddenly turned (A) 18 x 10e

on at t = 0, remaining constant (B) 36 x 10s
thereafter. What will be the scalar
(C) 9, 10s
potential at the origin ?
(D) -18r10e
(A) 2n
47. For a test charge palced at infinity,
. (B) TI
the electricfield willbe :
(C) Zero
(A) Un'ty
(D) to/R2

(B) 0
44. In a source free region, the value
of Maxwell equation V . E is equal (c) oo

to: (D) -oo

(A) 0
tl'-t' 48. Three charged rylindricalsheets are
(B) p
present in three spaces with o = 5
(C) pte
(D) p/€o
o = - 3 at R = 5m. Find the flux
45. Find the force on a charge 2C in a density at R = 1m :

field 1 V/m:
(A) o
(A) 0N
(B) 2
(B) 2N

(c) 1N
(c) 1

(D) 3N (D) 3

RS - 17 t22 (e) (Turn over)

49. Gauss lawcan beevaluated inwhich 52. Find the electric flux density of a
coordinate system ? materialwith charge density 16 units

in unitvolume:
(A) Cartesian
(A) 1t16
(B) . Cyclinder
(B) 16t
(C) Spherical (c) 16

(D) Depends on the Gaussian (D) 162

surface 53. ldentify which type of polarization

depends on temperature ?
50. Find the Maxwell equation derived

from Faraday's law:

(A) Electronic

(A) Div (H) =.1 (B) lonic

(C) lnterfacial
(B) Div (D) = I

(D) Orentational
(C) Curl (E) = {B/dt

(D) Curl (B) = -dH/dt 54. Find the reflection coefficient of the

wave passing through two media

51. The charge build up in the capacitor
having intrinsic impedances of 4 and
is due to which quantity ?
9 respectively:
(A) Conduction current
(A) 0 38
(B) Displacementcurrent
(B) 1

(C) Convection current

(D) Direct current
(D) 0'1

RS - 17t22 (10) Contd

55. Find the vector potentialwhen the 59.. The waveguide imitates which type
field intensity 60x2 varies from of filter characteristics ?
(0, O, 0) to (1, 0, 0):
(A) Low'passfilter
(A) 120
(B) High pass filter
(B) -20
(C) Band pass filter
(c) - 180
(D) 60
(D) Band rejectfilter

56. The Laplacian of the magneticvector 60. The resonant circuit in a waveguide

potentialwill be :
refers to the :

(A) -pJ (A) Tankcircuit

(B) -pl (B)


RC circuit

(c) -pB (C) Bridge circuit

(D) -pH (D) Attenuatorcircuit

57 . The guided phase constiant of a TEM

61. The attenuation constiant is 0.5 unib.
wave in a waveguide with a phase
The skin depth will be :
constant ot2.8 units is:

(A) 2.8 (A) 0.5

(B) 1.4 (B) 0.25

.(c) 0 (c) 2
(D) lnfinity (D) 4

58. The mode of propagation is 62. The Smith chart is a polar chart
determined bywhich factors ? which plots:
(A) Type of excitation device (A) RvsZ
(B) Locationof excitation device (B) RvsZ nolm
(C) Type and location of the
(c) TwZ
excitation device
(D) TvsZ nom
(D) Waveguidecharacteristics

RS - 17t22 ( 11 ) ( Tum over )

63. ln lossy dielectric, the phase (c) zJc
difference between the field E and (D) ctz
the magnetic field H is :

66. Which one of the following

(A) e0
field patterns represents a TEM
(B) 60 wave travelling in the positive x

(c) 50 direction ?

(D) 0 (A) E=+8y,H=-42

(B) E=+22,H=+2y
64. Which equation will hotd good for a
magneticmateriat? (C) f=-2y,H=-32
(D) f=-3y,H=+42
(A) Line integra!of H is zero

(B) Surface integral of.B is zero 67. Consider a 4-fold degenerate state
with orthonormal eigen functions
(C) Line integralof B is zero
u1, U2, ua and' uo. There is a
(D) Surface integral of H is zero
perturbation H', ltis givep tQ! H.'r, =
65. The capacitance per unit length and g; g >'0 and allthe other
ryzt= -
the characteristic impadence of a matrix elements are zero. Find the

lossless transmission line are C and Z splitting and corresponding wave

respectively. The velocity of a functions :

travelling wave on the transmission (A) g,-g,o,o

line is (B) 29, g, o, o

(A) zc (C) g,g,0, g i.l,ei ii:.

"' ';
(B) ltzc (D) g, o, o, o

RS - 17 t22 (12) Contd.

68. Consider a 4-fold degenerate state 70. Consider a 4-fold degenerate state

with orthonormal eigen functions with orthonormal eigen functions

u1, u2, U3 and uo. There is a Ul, U2, u, and uo. There is a

perturbation H'. lt is given that H'.,, perturbation H'. lt is given that

H'1, = H'22= 29 ,H'12= H'21= g
= H'21= - g; g > 0 and allthe other
matrix elements are zerc. Find the and allthe'othei matrix elements are

svave functions of the split levels :

zero. Find the wave functions of the

split levels :
(A) ul,U2, u, and u4 .

(A) ul,U2,uaand ua
ut -Uz u1 +u2
T'T '
ut-Uz u1+u2
'T'T, u.and uo

V,t-2uz u,+2u,
T'6''u.anduo \-2u, ut+Zu,
J2 ' J, 'uranduo
u., - 3u, u, + 3u,
T,T, u,, - 3u, u, + 3u,
(D) -T' , E:, uaand uo

69. Consider a 4-fold degenerate state

' . rcrllll''r' r:'
with orthonormal eigen functions 71 A Crooke's Tube (a tube containing

u1, u2, ua and uo. There is a rarefied gas through which a current
perturbation H'. lt is given that H'.,.,
is passed between a cathod and an
=H'22= 29,H'12=H'21= g and dll
anode) was used in the discovery of
the other matrix elements are zero.
Find the splitting and corresponding the electron by:

wave functions :
(A) R. A. Millikan
(A) g, g, o, o
(B) J. J. Thosmson

(C) J. S. Townsend
(c) 39, g, o, o

(D) 49, g, o, o (D) M. Planck

RS-17t22 (13) (Tum over)

72. When an electron falls from an orbit (C) The model only applies to
where[=2ton=1? Hydrogen like atoms

(A) A photon is emitted (D) The model only applies to light

(B) A photon is absorbed atoms

(C) No change in atomic energy 75. The Compton Effect supports

(D) The atomic energy decreases which of the following

to zero theories ?

(A) SpecialTheoryofRelativity
73. When an electron jumps from an
(B) Light is a wave
orbitwhere n = 1 to n= 4,its energy
(C) Thomson modelof the atom
in terms of the energy of the ground

level(El) is:
(D) Light is a particle

(A) Etts 76 Neutrons have a:

(B) Ett16 (A) Positive charge and a mass

approximately equal to an
(c) 2Et
proton :.
(D) 16 Et
(B) Positive charge and a mass
74. Which of thefollowing is a limitation approximately equal to an
of the Bohr Modelof the atom ? electron

(A) lt does not explain atmoic (C) Neutral charge and a mass
spectra approximately equal to an

(B) lt successfully predicts the proton

intensity of the photons emitted (D) Neutral charge and a mass

' when electrons change energy approximately equal to an

levels electron

RS - 17 t22 (14) Contd.

77. Which of the following formulas can (D) The more precise a Particle's
be used to determine the fle Broglie momentum can be measured,
wavelength ? ' the less precise its position can

(A) I = hmv be measured

(B) ). = h/mv
80 Knowledge of the wave function of a
(C) l" = mv/h
particle enables the probabilities of
(D) ). = hm/c
the particle's position, momentum,
78. \'Which one of the following objects, energy and other characteristics to
moving at the same speed, has the
be calculated. !n classical physics,
greatest de Broglie wavelength ?
what is the analogue of the wave
(A) Neurton
function ?
(B) Electron
(A) The particle's momentum
(C) Tennis ball
(B) The particle's energy
(D) Bowling
(C) The particle's mass
79. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
(D) The sum of the forces on the
(A) The more precise a particle's

energy can be measured, the '81 Which theory explains the interaction

less precise its position can be of photons with mafter (electrons) ?

(A) Quantum Chromodynamics '
(B) A particle's position can be
(B) The Standard Model
measured exactly
(C) String Theory
(C) A particle's energy can be
measured exactly
(D) Quantum Electrodynamics

RS - 17122 (15) (Turn over)

82. Which theory explains the attraction (B) (Er * E2) th
between protons and neutrons ? (c) . (cr - c2) th
(A) QuantumChromodynamics (D) (Cr * c2l th
(B) QuantumElectrodynamics
85. A particte in the inifinte square well
(C) String Theory
has the initialwavefunction V(x, 0) =
(D) The Grand Unified Theory
Ax(a x), where (0 < x < a),what is a
83. Suppose you add a constant Vo to value of y outside the well ?
the potential energy, which showthe (A) 1

wavefunction with a time dependent

(B) a
phase factor: exp(- I V.UA). What
(c) 0
effect does this have on the
(D) -a
expectation value of a dynamical
variables: 86. ln harmonic oscillator the motion is

(A) Effect on phase factor governed bywhich law ?

(B) No effect on the expectation (A) Euler's law

. value (B) Schr6dingefs laur

(C) Effect bpth phase and (C) Hooke's law
expectation value
(D) Ampere's law
(D) No effect on phase factor
87 . What is the 1sr excited energy states
84. Suppose a particle starts out in a
in the simple harmonic oscillator ?
. linear combination of just two
(A) 3t2 ha
stationary states :

(B) 5t2 ha
V(x, 0) = c1\U1(x) + c2v2(x). What is
the angularfrequency ?
(C) 1t2 ha
(A) (Er - E) th (D) tttoo

RS - 17122 (16) Contd.

88. A free particle has the initial wave (C) Lx Lp > hl2

function V(x, 0) = 4s-alxl, where (D) o, op > hl2

A and a are positive real constants.
91. Twofunctions are orthogonal if
What is the normalized value of
(A) Their inner product is 1

rp(x,0) ?
(B) Their inner product is 0
(A) Jza
(C) They are normalized
(B) ltJa
(D) "' Theyare mutuallyorthogonal
(c) G
(D) ltJh 92. lf two(or more) linearly independent

eigenfun-ctions share the same

89. A free particle has the initial wave
eigenvalue, then the spectrum is said
fu nction V(x, 0) =Ae*2, where A and
a are constants. What is the
expectation value of <p> ?
(A) Degenerate

(A) ah
(B) Nondegenerate

(B) 0
(C) Normatized

(c) 1
(D) Orthogonal

(D) ah 93. What isthefirstexcited energyof the

hydrogen atom, if the ground state is

90. A free particle has the initial wave

function V(x, 0) =Ae*2, whereAand

- 13.6 eY ?

a are constants. What uncefrainty (A) - 6.8

principle hold forthe above ? (B) - 13.6

(A) <x> <p> > hi2 (c) -3.4

(B) Lx Lp > hl2 (D) - 1.7

RS - 17 t22 (17 ) (Turn over)

94. lf the Bohr's radius is a, what is the (1 0
most probable value of r, in the Io 1

ground state of hydrogen ?

(i 0
(A) 4a
97. Suppose a spin 112 particle is in the
(B) 3a 1 1+i
state x What is the
(C) 2a
G 2

probability of getting filZ, if you

(D) a
measure S?
95. Considerthe earth-sun system as a
(A) 5/6
gravitational analog to the hydrogen
(B) 2t3 ,-
atom. What is the potentiaienergy

function ?
(c) 1t6

Mm (D) 1t3
(A) V(r)=-9;
98. Aspinning charged particle constitutes
(B) V(r)=- -"-2 Mm
a magnetic dipole. lb magnetic depole
-. r
Mm moment is p, is proportionalto its spin

angularmomentum S, thenwhich one

e2 Mm
(D) istrue ?
4nes r
(A) Yxs
96. Which one isthe Paulispin matrixfor
x .(B) tr = ys
(C) P=YxS
(A) (l ;)
(D) p= -yS
0 1)
1 o)

RS - 17t22 (18) Contd

99. The Stark effect js the shifting and 102. From the following change in entropy

splitting of spectral lines of atoms depends what ?

and molecules due to the presence (A) Only on the transfer of heat

of what ?
(B) Onlyon change of temperature
(A) Anexternal magneticfield
(C) On the transfer of mass
(B) An external electromagnetic
(D) On the thermodynamic state
103. Thq Gibb's function G in
(C) Anextemalelectricfield
thermodynamics is defined as G =
(D) None of these
H - TS. ln an isothermal, isobaric,
100. The first law of thermodynamics is
reversible process, G :
conservation of :
(A) Remains constant but not zero
(A) Momentum
(B) Varies linearly
(B) Energy
(C) Variesnon-linearly
(C) Both of these
(D) lszero
(D) None of these
104. When applied to solar radiation,
101. The change in entropy is :
Planck's law reduces to Wien's law
(A) Positive in a reversible change in which region :

(B) Negative in an irreversibte

(A) Ultraviolet region
(B) Microwave region
(9) Positive in an irreversible
(C) lnfrared region
(D) Visible region
(D) Nagative in a reversiblechange

RS - 17 t22 (1e) (Turn over)

105. Accrording to Maxwell's law of (B) N umber of particles decreases
distribution of , velocities of in lower energy levels at low
molecules, the most probable
temperatures and high
velcoity is :
(A) Greaterthan the meanvelocity
(c) Numberof particles increase in.
(B) Eqqalto the mean velocity
lower energy levels at high
(C) Equal to root mean square
temperatures and low
(D) Lessthanthe rootmean souare
velocity (D) Number of particles decrease

in lower energy tevets at high

106. ln a micro canonical ensemble, a
systemAof fixed volume is in contact
temperatures and lour
'with pressures
a large reservoir B. Then which
situation on will arise :
108. The quantum statistics reduces to
(A) A can exchange only energy classical statistics under wnicn
with B
following condition:
(B) A can exchange.only particles
(A) P 1.3 =1
with B '
(B) p 1.3 >> 1
(C) Acan exchange neitherenergy
nor particles with B (C) p 1.3 << '1

(D) A can exchange both energy (D) P=o

and particles with B
109. Specific heat of metals can be
107. ln case of Bose-Einstein expressed as:
(A) 13
(A) Numberof particles increase in
(B) AT + BT2
lower energy levels at Iow
temperatures and high (C) AT2 + BT3

' pressures (D) AT + BT3

RS - 17 t22 (20) . Contd.

110. The representation of octal number 114. How manyAND gates are required

(532.2)8in decimalis : torealizeY=CD+EF+G?

(A) (346.2sX0

(B) (532.8e+X0 (B) 5

(c) (340.67X0
(c) 3

(D) 2

111. The largest two digit hexadecimal

115. According to the lC fabrication
number is :
process logic families can be
(A) (FEX6
divided into two broad categories
(B) (FDX6

(c) (FFX6
(A) RTLand TTL
(D) (EFX6
(B) HTL and MOS
112. Theexpression forAbsorption law is
given by:
Bipolar and MOS
(A) A+AB=A
(B) A+AB=B 116. The difference between a flip-flop

and latch is:

AB + AA'- A
(D) None of these (A) Both are same

(B) Flip-flop consist of an extra

(C) Latcheshastwo inputs butflip-
(B) I
flop has two
(c) (1 + AB)

(D) A
(D) None of these

RS - 17t22 (21) ( Turn over )

117. Thecircuitthat is primarily responsible 120. Atomic packing factor is :

for eertain flip-flops to be designated

(A) Distance between two adjacent
as edge-triggered is the :
(A) Edge-detectioncircuit
(B) Projected area fraction of
(B) NOR latch
atoms on a plane
(C) NAND latch
(C) Volumefraction of atoms in cell
(D) Pulse-steeringcircuit
(D) ' None of these
118. The observation that a bubbled input
121 . Miller indices for Octahedral plane in
OR gate is interchangeable with a

bubbled outputAND gate is referred cubic crystal ?

toas: (A) (100)

(A) A Karnaugh map .

(B) (111)

(B) DeMorgan's second theorem (c) (110)

(C) The commutative law of (D) None of these

122. Schottky-defect in ceramic material
(D) The associative law of
(A) Pairof nearbycation and anion
119. Repeatab.le entity of a crystal
structure is known as:

(A) (B) Vacancy-interstitial pair of

(B) Lattice
(C) Unitcell
(C) lnterstitial impurity

(D) Miller indices (D) Substitutionalimpurity

RS - 17122 (22) Contd.

123. Calculate the drift velocity of the 126. Amount of energy that valence

free electrons with mobility of electron must have in orderto jump

3.5 x 1o- 3m2rus in copper for an from Valence band to conduction

band is called ?
electric field strength of 0.SV/m :

(a) 3.5 m/s

(A) Energy band
(B) Energy gap
(b) 1.75x103m/s
(C) Energy baud
(c) 11.Sm/s
(D) Energy core
(d) 1 .75 x 10- 3m/s

127. For paramagnetic material,which of

124. The Fermitemperature of a metal is
the following is correct ?
24600K. The Fermivelocity is
(A) Magnetic susceptiability < 0
(a) 0.5 m/s
(B) Magnetic susceptiability > 0
(b) 1.38 m/s
(C) Magnetic susceptiability = 6
(c) 0.8633 x 106m/s
(D) None of the mentioned
(d) 9.11 x 10-3m/s
128. With an increase in the area of
125. Which of the following causes
hysteresis curve, power loss will
acousticalgrating ?
(A) lncreases

(a) Magnetic waves (B) Decreases

(b) Electricwaves
(C) First decreases then increases

(c) Magnetostrictioneffect
(D) First increases then
(d) Ultrasonicwaves decreases

RS - 17t22 (23 ) ( Turn over )

129. Which of the following parameter is ZeZa
used to assess the magnetic ability 4nm

of the material ?
t- Zeza
(A) Magnetic flux density
(B) Magnetization (D) |
(C) Magnetic dipole moment
132. Pauli paramagnetism plays an
(D) Susceptibility
interesting role in supercond uctivity.
130. When the electrical conductivity of
Pauli paramagnetic splitting refers
semiconductor is only due to the
breaking of its covalent bonds, then
' (A) Creation of Cooper pairs by a
the semiconductor is said to be :

(A) Donor

(B) Acceptor
(B) Annihilation of Cooperpairs by

a magnetic field
(C) lntrinsic

(D) Extrinsic
(C) Creation of CooperpairS byan

1.31. Paul Langevin's theory of
(D) None of these
diamagnetism applies to materials
. containing atoms with closed shells.
_133. An unknown chemical element is
Afield with intensity B, applied to an presented by the following
electron with charge e and mass m, wnat is the ndme of
formula }'.
gives riseto Larmorprocession. lf the
number of revolutions per unit time
(A) Atomic mass number
is o/2zrthen the current for an atom
(B) Atomic number
with Z electrons is :

(C) Principle quantum number

(A) l=- 4r.m (D) Orbitalquantumnumber

RS - 17122 (24) Contd.

134. An unknown chemical element is 137. Which of the following particles has

presented by the following formula the smallest mass ?

|. wnat is the name of indexA? (A) Proton

(A) Atomicmass number (B) Electron
(B) Atomic number
(C) Neutron
' (C) P{nciple quantum number
. (D) Nucleus
(D) Orbitalquantumnumber
138. Which of the following statements
135. The atomic number is equivalent to
about the mass of an atom is true ?
which of the following :

(A) The numberof neutrons in the (A) lt is evenly divided between the

atom , . protons and the orbiting

(B) The number of Protons in the electrons

atom (B) lt isevenly.divided between the

(C) The numberof nucleons in the nucleons and the orbiting
(D) Thenumberofo-particlesinthe
(C) lt is concentrated in the electron
' cloud
136. The atomic mass number is
(D) lt is concentrated in the nucleus
equivalentto which of the following :

(A) The numberof neutrons in the 139. Which of the following is correct
atom for the number of.neutrons in the
(B) The number of protons in the nucleus ?
(A) N =A-4
(C) The numberof nucleons in the
(B) N = Z-A

(D) Thenumberofo-particles inthe

(C) N=Z+A
atom (D) N=Z
RS - 17t22 (25 ) (Tum over)

140. How many electrons are in tne 1!C (B) Conservation of angular
atom ? momentum
(A) 12 ' (C) Conservation of llnear
(B) 6 rhomentum

(c) 18
(D) Conservation of energy

(D) 3 145. Why are nuclear energy levels

2,,oofVe more complexthan electron ener$y
141. How rnany nucleus are in ttre
levels ?
atom ?
(A) Nuclear energy levels depend
(A) 12
only on attractive forces
(B) 30
(B) Nuclear energy levels depend
(c) 18 on attractive and rep u lsive forces
(D) 20
. (C) Nuclear energy levels are an

142. How many neutrons are in tfre 2.,lNa order of one hundred times as
great as electron energy levels
atom ?
(A) 12
(D) Electron energy level depend
. on the interaction between
(B) 11
neutrons and electrons
(c) 18
146. Which of the following about the
(D) 24 ' nuclearforce is true ?
143. How many protons are in tne 1]trt (A)
lt is an attractiveforce between
atom ? ' electrons and protons in an
(A) 14 atom

.(B) 6 (B) lt is an attractive force between

electrons and neutrons in an
(c) 7
' atom
(D) 10
(C) lt is a storng,short-range,'
444. What law did Ernest Rutherford use attractive force between the
to estimate the size of the nucleus ? nucelons

(A) Conservation of nucleon (D) lt is much weaker than the

number gravitational force

RS - 17122 (26) Contd

147. What force is responsible for the (C) Theamountofenergyrequired
' radioactive decay of the nucleus ? to break a nucleus apart into

(A) Gravitationalforce electrons and neutrons

. (B) Weak nuclearforce (D) The amount of energy relased

(C) Strongnuclearforce when neutrons change energy

(D) Electromagneticforce levels.

148. lsotopes of an element: 150. lf m, is the atomic mass of

(A) Have the same number of .Hydrogen, mn is the mass of a
. protons and electrons, but a neutron, M is the atomic mass of the

diferent number of neutrons atom,which of the following is the

(B) Have the same number of mass defectformula ?

protons and neutrons, but a (A) Am= Z.rrru+N.m^-M

d ifferent n umber of electrons (B).Am=2.^
(C) Have different number of (C) Am=2.^
(D) Am = M. 2. muHN- N .m-
(D) Have different number oi
151. When nucleons form a stable
nucleus, binding energy is:
149. Binding energy is :
(A) Created from nothing
(A) The amountofenergyrequired

to break a nucleus apart inio

(B) Destroyed into nothing

protons and neutrons (C) Relased as high energy

(B) The amountof energyrequired photons or particles

to break a nucleus apart into (D) Absorbed as high energy

protons and electrons photons orpartichs

RS - 17t22 Q7 ) (Tum over)

152. When a nucleus is divided into its (C) To provide more attractive
constituents, energy is :
electromagnetic force

(A) (D) To provide more attractive

Created from nothing
strong nuclearforce to balance
(B) Destroyed into nothing
the repulsive electromag n"ii.
(C) Transformed into visible light force

(D) Apsorbed bythe nucleuswhich 155. Which of the following is the alpha

then breaks it apart particle?

(A) *?"
153. An isotope with a high Binding
Energy per nucleon
(c) !n
(A) Will decay in short period of
(D) 1^"
156. Which of the following is the p-
(B) ls very unstable particle?

(C) lsverystable (A) *?"

(D) Hasveryfewelectrons (B) 9"


(c) fn
154. Why do heavier nuclei have greater
ratio of neutrons to Protons'than
157. Which of the following is the p*
lighter nuclei ?
' particle?
(A) To add more nucleons so that
(A) .!e
the binding energy is greater (B)

(B) To Prcivide a greater weak (c) !n

nuclearforce (D) ln
(28) Contd.
RS - 17122
158. Which of the following about the 161 . What is the missing element from the

gamma ray is true ? foltowing equation -.!e z

(A) lt carries a positive charge (A) t?*

(B) lt carries a negative charge

(C) lt has zero rest mass and a

(D) It can be deflected by an
162. A 1009 sample of a radioactive
electrjc field
element has a half-life of Sdays. How

159. Which type of radiation is stopped by

many grams of radioactive material

a sheet of paper ?
will remain after 15 days ?

(A) Alpha particle (A) 1009

(B) Beta particle (B) 509

(C) Gamma ray (c) 25g

(D) X-ray
(D) 12.5s

160. What isthe missing elementfrom the

. 163. A reaction that releases more energy
foltowing equation
'?3*, -+lrtleZ than is put into it is called :

(A) ,rrB*n a
(A) Endothermic
(B) ?*n

(C) Nuclear

(D) Chemical

RS - 17t22 (2e ) ( Turn over )

164. The following reaction 165. The following reaction

[n + $!5u -+ [[1aa + !frrr + 3[n ?u *? H -l He + [n is called :

is called :
(A) Fusion
(A) Fusion (B) Fission
(B) Fission
(c) Alpha decay
(C) Alpha decay
(D) Beta decay (D) Beta decay


(30) Contd.
RS - 17122

RS - 17t22 (2,56A) (3t I Physics


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