Lab Training Exercises

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Draw structural formulas and name (using both the Δ and ω nomenclatures) :
a) 18-carbon chain length fatty acid with two double bonds at ω6 and ω9 positions;
b) 20-carbon chain length fatty acid with three double bonds at Δ5, Δ8, and Δ11 positions.
c) Which of these fatty acids must be included in the diet and why?

2. Explain how carbohydrate catabolism is related to fatty acid synthesis.

Carbohydrate catabolism and fatty acid synthesis are linked through the shared intermediate
acetyl-CoA. Carbohydrate breakdown produces acetyl-CoA, a key substrate for both energy
production (via the citric acid cycle) and fatty acid synthesis. Additionally, NADPH, essential
for fatty acid synthesis, is generated through pathways like the pentose phosphate pathway,
branching from glycolysis. This integration allows cells to balance energy production and
storage based on nutrient availability and metabolic demands.

3. Explain how carbons for fatty acid synthesis are transported from mitochondria into the cytosol.
Draw a schematic depiction of this process.

Citrate shuttle
kC < Citrate D
- -

Azety-CoA +
Barty (OA
+ Oxal.
I p-citram
↓ ---
Acety COA
↓ ↓
Fatty Acids oxalantall

Acids Syn

4. What is the preparatory reaction of fatty acid synthesis? Which enzyme catalyzes this
reaction? Briefly describe the catalytic activity(-es) of this enzyme and indicate coenzyme.

Acet ye-CoA + ATP + +

ACC utilizes the coenzyme biotin to transfer a carboxyl group from bicarbonate to acetyl-
CoA, forming malonyl-CoA. This step is crucial for the regulation and initiation of fatty acid
5. What is the enzyme complex that catalyzes synthesis of palmitic acid? Briefly explain the
enzymatic activity(-ies) of this complex. Indicate coenzymes necessary for this complex

The enzyme complex responsible for synthesizing palmitic acid is fatty acid synthase (FAS).
FAS carries out a series of enzymatic activities, including acetyl and malonyl transfers,
condensation, reduction, dehydration, and enoyl reduction. These activities, repeated in cycles,
add two-carbon units to the growing fatty acid chain until palmitic acid is formed (C16:0). The
coenzymes involved are NADPH and the carrier protein ACP (Acyl Carrier Protein).

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