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Course: 24INL1337N Cycle: XIII Date: April 15th, 2024

COMPETENCY: Imagine your best friend is coming to visit Peru for a month. Write a letter in more
than 300 words, give Pablo some advice about what to do and what not to do in the country.
Recommend some places to visit, food to eat, and activities to do. Use MODAL VERBS covered in the
course”. READ THE RUBRICS BELOW. Consider the structure a mail has and don’t write all your
message in one paragraph, organize your ideas in at least two paragraphs.

If you copy from the internet or a friend, your score is 00. If you don´t highlight the requested content,
you will lose points.

La descripción del foro debe incluir:

● 300 words
● Grammar points: modals of necessity and modals of prohibition and permission.
● Give advice to your friend about what to do and what not to do in the country
● Write ate least 2 paragraphs.
● Additional information and your conclusions

Indicator Indicator description Score

The student addresses and fulfills the task appropriately
considering enough support for the main idea and
Content 0-5
produces at least the minimum number of words
The forum shows coherence and cohesion throughout its
Organization 0-5
The forum contains vocabulary and grammar covered in
Language the units studied. The students highlight the target 0-5
grammar/vocabulary requested in the task.
The forum incorporates appropriate spelling, punctuation
Mechanics 0-5
and capitalization

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