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Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is an electronic spreadsheet program which is developed

by Microsoft Corporation. This program is specially designed to
calculate mathematical problems such salary sheet, electricity bill,
student mark ledger, etc.

How to start Microsoft Excel?

- Press <window > + <R>
- Type "Excel"
- Click on OK
Layout of Microsoft Excel

Prepared : Govinda Neupane Sanothimi Campus Sanothimi

1. Workbook: A file containing one or more worksheets. Microsoft Excel file
is called workbook. In another word, collection of worksheets and chart
sheets are called workbook.
2. Worksheet: Actual Data is stored in in worksheet. A single spreadsheet
within a workbook that contains cells arranged in rows and columns.
Combination of R and C.
3. ROW: Horizontal Line. Row number is appeared as 1,2,3, .., 1048576.
The rows in a worksheet are identified by numbers located on the left-
hand side of the worksheet, and they represent the horizontal sections of
the spreadsheet.
4. Column: Vertical Line,. Column number is appeared as A, B, C….,AA,
AB, …. AZ, BA, BB…. XFD (Total no of Columns = 16384).
5. Cell: The intersection of a row and a column in a worksheet, which
contains data, formulas, or functions. Cell Address is appeared as A1, A2,
A3 etc.

Second Class
1 Reference Operator
 In Microsoft Excel, the reference operator is the comma (",") that is
used to separate two or more cell references within a formula or
function. The reference operator is used to create a range of cells or
to specify multiple cells within a formula.
 Colon (:)  Range Operator [A1 : A5]
 Comma (,)  Union Operator [A1, A2, A3]
 Space ( )  Intersection Operator [A1: A3: A2:A4]
2 Relation Operator
Relational Operator Returns TRUE or FALSE value, if the condition is
true,,, it shows TRUE. If the condition is false, it shows FALSE.

Prepared : Govinda Neupane Sanothimi Campus Sanothimi

 Equal to (=)   Greater than or equal (>=) 
 Greater than (>)   Less than or equal (<=) 
 Less than (<)   Not equal to ( <> ) 

-Equal to ( = ) 
7=7 True, 7=8  False
-Greater than ( > ) 
5 > 12  False, 6 > 3 True
-Less than ( < ) 
9 < 7  False, 2 < 5  True
Greater than or equal to ( >= ) 
7>=7  True (7 greater than or equal to) True
Less than or equal to ( <=) 
4 <= 5 True 5<=4 False
- Not
Prepared equal
: Govinda Neupane <> ) 
to ( Sanothimi Campus Sanothimi

8 <> 5 True, 8<>8 False


Prepared : Govinda Neupane Sanothimi Campus Sanothimi

Prepared : Govinda Neupane Sanothimi Campus Sanothimi
Reference means cell address which is changeable. There are three
types of references.

1. Relative Reference: - No dollar sign before column name and

row number. A1, A5, A6, B1:B4

2. Absolute Reference - Dollar sign before column name and row

number. $B$7, $C$8, $A$1:$A$8

3. Mixed Reference : The combined features of absolute and

relative reference. $A5 or A$5, $C6 or C$6, $A1:$A3, or A$1:A$5

Operator is a sign or symbol
which is used for calculation.
There are different types of
operators which can be explained

Write a different types of

operator with example:

Prepared : Govinda Neupane Sanothimi Campus Sanothimi

Prepared : Govinda Neupane Sanothimi Campus Sanothimi
Microsoft Excel Functions:

Text Functions:
Char Function
=CHAR (Number)
Code Function
Left Function:
Syntax: Left (Text,[num_chars])

Prepared : Govinda Neupane Sanothimi Campus Sanothimi

Right Function:
Syntax: Right (Text,[num_chars])
-Middle Function
-Lower Function
Syntax: =Lower(text)
Upper Function

Trim Function

Essential Math Function

-Abs Function
Sum Function

Prepared : Govinda Neupane Sanothimi Campus Sanothimi

=sum(num1,num2,num3,…) or =sum(num1:numn)
: reference operator
-Min Function
=MIN(num1,num2,num3,..) or =min(first_num : last_num)
-MAX Function:
Write yourself
Average Function
Syntax: =Average(Num1, Num2……)
Count function:
Syntax: =Count(Value1,Value2,….)
SQRT function:
Syntax: =SQRT(number)
Sumif Function:
Syntax: =SUMIF( range,criteria,[sum_range])
=sumif(A2:A8,">2",B2:B8) optional
Rank Function
Prepared : Govinda Neupane Sanothimi Campus Sanothimi
=RANK(num, reference/range, [order])

Prepared : Govinda Neupane Sanothimi Campus Sanothimi

Logical Function
-True and False Exercise
-AND function :- to check the condition and returns true if
all condition is true.
-OR function: - to check the condition and returns true if
any one condition is satisfy or if any one condition is true.

- NOT Function : NOT function returns opposite result of

the given logical expression. It take only one logical
Example: =NOT(true)  False (result)

IF Function
"IF" function verifies the condition. If the condition is true,
it returns the value of true part otherwise it returns the
value of false part.
=if(logical_test, true_value,false_value)

Prepared : Govinda Neupane Sanothimi Campus Sanothimi

=IF(4>2,"satisfied", "dissatisfied")
Example:= IF(A2="Principal",500,100)
Or =IF(D5>=35,"Pass","Fail")

Prepared : Govinda Neupane Sanothimi Campus Sanothimi

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