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PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 196603 (2019)

Critical Spin Fluctuation Mechanism for the Spin Hall Effect

Satoshi Okamoto ,1,* Takeshi Egami ,1,2,3 and Naoto Nagaosa4,5
Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996, USA
Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996, USA
Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan

(Received 15 May 2019; revised manuscript received 10 August 2019; published 6 November 2019)

We propose mechanisms for the spin Hall effect in metallic systems arising from the coupling between
conduction electrons and local magnetic moments that are dynamically fluctuating. Both a side-jump-type
mechanism and a skew-scattering-type mechanism are considered. In either case, dynamical spin
fluctuation gives rise to a nontrivial temperature dependence in the spin Hall conductivity. This leads
to the enhancement in the spin Hall conductivity at nonzero temperatures near the ferromagnetic instability.
The proposed mechanisms could be observed in 4d or 5d metallic compounds.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.196603

Introduction.—The spin Hall (SH) effect is the gener- temperatures could provide a route to improve the effi-
ation of spin current along the transverse direction by an ciency of the SH effect.
applied electric field [1,2]. Because it allows us to manipu- For magnetic systems, the effect of finite temperatures
late magnetic quanta, i.e., spins, without applying a has been studied for the anomalous Hall effect in terms of
magnetic field, this would become a key component in skew scattering [22] and resonant skew scattering [23–25].
creating efficient spintronic devises. By combining the SH Theories for the resonant skew scattering were further
effect and its reciprocal effect, the inverse SH effect [3], a developed by considering strong quantum spin fluctuations
variety of phenomena have been demonstrated (for recent for systems with the time-reversal symmetry (TRS), there-
review, see Refs. [4,5]). As in the anomalous Hall effect [6], fore for the SH effect rather than the anomalous Hall effect
the relativistic spin-orbit coupling (SOC) plays the funda- [26–28]. Later, the relation between the anomalous Hall
mental role for the SH effect, and both intrinsic mecha- effect below the ferromagnetic transition temperature T C
nisms [7,8] and extrinsic mechanisms [9–12] have been and the SH effect above T C was investigated by including
proposed. Whereas many theoretical studies considered nonlocal magnetic correlations in Kondo’s model [29,30].
static disorder or impurities at zero temperature, the effect A recent investigation on Fex Pt1−x alloys also reported the
of nonzero temperature T in the SH effect has been enhancement in the SH effect near T C [31]. So far, the
addressed using phenomenological electron-phonon cou- magnetic fluctuation at finite temperatures has been theo-
pling [13,14] or first-principle scattering approach [15]. retically treated on a single-site level [26–28] or using static
At present, the intensity of the SH effect is too weak for approximations [22–25,29]. When localized moments have
practical applications [16]. One of the pathways to enhance long-range dynamical correlations near a magnetic insta-
the spin-charge conversion efficiency or the SH angle bility, it is required to go beyond such a treatment (e.g., see
ΘSH ¼ σ SH =σ c , where σ SHðcÞ corresponds to the SH Refs. [32–35]). This could open new pathways for novel
(charge) conductivity, is to reduce the charge conductivity spintronics.
σ c . For example, Ref. [17] proposed to use 5d transition- In this paper, we address the effect of such magnetic
metal oxides, IrO2 , where the strong SOC comes from Ir, fluctuations onto the SH effect by calculating the SH
rather than metallic materials. The SH effect in the surface conductivity of a model system in which conduction
state of topological insulators with spin-momentum locking electrons are interacting with dynamically fluctuating local
has been also studied [18]. More recently, Jiao et al. magnetic moments. We start from defining our model
reported the significant enhancement in SH effect in Hamiltonian and then identify two different mechanisms
metallic glasses at finite temperatures [19]. Because such for the SH effect. The similarity and dissimilarity with the
enhancement is not expected in crystalline systems [20], it SH effect arising from impurity potential scattering or
was suggested that local structural fluctuations [13,21] phonon scattering are discussed. The SH conductivity is
are responsible for this effect, similar to the phonon computed using the Matsubara formalism by combining the
skew-scattering mechanism. Thus, the fluctuations of self-consistent renormalization theory [34]. We show that
lattice or some other degrees of freedom at finite the SH conductivity is enhanced at low temperatures when

0031-9007=19=123(19)=196603(6) 196603-1 © 2019 American Physical Society

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 196603 (2019)
(a) Potential (b) Side jump (c) Skew
between a conduction electron and a local moment. These
Up electron or terms are odd (linear or cubic) order in J n and s and induce
the electron deflection depending on the direction of Jn or s
as depicted in Figs. 1(b) and 1(c). As discussed below, the
F 2 term and the F 3 term, respectively, generate the side-
Down electron
or jump- and the skew-scattering-type contributions to the SH
In order to see the different types of contributions, we
analyze the velocity operator, from which the charge current
FIG. 1. Scattering processes involving (a) F 0;1 terms, (b) F 2 and the spin current operators are defined. Importantly, a
terms, and (c) F 3 terms. Yellow arrows indicate conduction side-jump-type contribution to the SH effect arises from the
electrons, and green arrows indicate local moments. In the F 2ð3Þ anomalous velocity as in the conventional SH effect. The
scattering processes, the electron deflection depends on the velocity operator is defined by v ¼ ði=ℏÞ½H; r. Among
direction of the local moment (the electron spin), leading to various terms, lowest order contributions to the spin Hall
the side-jump-type (skew-scattering-type) contribution to σ SH . conductivity come from
X ℏk i X X X iðk0 −kÞ·Rn
the system is in close vicinity to the ferromagnetic critical v¼ a†kν akν − e
point at T ¼ 0. Possible realization of this effect in 4d or 5d k
m ℏN n k;k0 ν;ν0
metallic compounds is discussed.
Model and formalism.—To be specific, we consider the × fF 2 Jn þ 2F 3 ðJn · sνν0 ÞJn g × ðk0 − kÞa†kν ak0 ν0 : ð2Þ
s-d or s-f Hamiltonian proposed by Kondo [22,36], H ¼
P Here, a term involving F 1 is neglected because it is
H0 þ HK with H0 ¼ k;ν εk a†kν akν and proportional to (k þ k0 ) and does not contribute to σ SH at
the lowest order. The second terms involving F 2;3 are the
1X m XX
anomalous velocity. The charge current and the spin current
eiðk −kÞ·Rn a†kν ak0 ν0
HK ¼ − are then given by using the velocity operator as jc ¼ −ev
N n k;k0 ν;ν0 P
  and js ¼ −efð1=NÞ k szνν0 a†kν akν0 ; vg, respectively. Note
× 2ðJn ·sνν0 Þ F 0 þ2F 1 ðk·k0 ÞgþiF 2 Jn ·ðk0 ×kÞ that jc and js have the same dimension.
Now, we consider the side-jump-type mechanism

arising from the anomalous velocity in Eq. (2) combined
þiF 3 ðJn ·sνν0 ÞðJn ·ðk0 ×kÞÞþðJn ·ðk0 ×kÞÞðJn ·sνν0 Þ with the spin-dependent potential scattering F 0;1 in Eq. (1).
 At this moment, one could notice some analogy between
− ðJn ·Jn Þðsνν0 ·ðk0 ×kÞÞ : ð1Þ the current model and the previous ones utilizing the
3 potential scattering V n [10–12] as F 0;1 Jn s ↔ V n and
F 2 Jn ↔ λ2 V n s; i.e., the spin s dependence is switched
Here, akν is the annihilation (creation) operator of a from the anomalous velocity to the scattering term.
conduction electron with momentum k and spin ν, εk ¼ Therefore, the second-order processes involving F 0;1
½ðℏ2 k2 Þ=2m − μ is the dispersion relation measured and F 2 terms could generate the side-jump-type contribu-
from the Fermi level μ with the carrier effective mass m, tion to the SH effect. The diagramatic representation
sνν0 ¼ 12 σ νν0 is the conduction electron spin with σ the Pauli of this side-jump-type contribution to the SH conductivity
matrices, and NðN m Þ is the total number of lattice sites is presented in Fig. 2. Note that this contribution is
(local moments). Jn is the local spin moment at position OðF 0;1 F 2 hJn J n0 iÞ. If the F 3 term in the anomalous
Rn , when the SOC is weaker than the crystal field splitting velocity is used, it would become OðF 0;1 F 3 hJ n J2n0 iÞ,
and could be treated as a perturbation, or the local total odd order in the local moment. Such a contribution
angular momentum, when the SOC is strong so that the
total angular momentum is a constant of motion.
Parameters F l are related to Fl defined in Ref. [22] as
discussed in the Supplemental Material [36]. In this work,
we focus on three-dimensional systems. While the current
analysis could be applied to other dimensions, lower-
FIG. 2. Diagrammatic representation for the side-jump contri-
dimensional systems require more careful treatments. bution. Solid (wavy) lines are the electron Green’s functions (the
In Eq. (1), F 0;1 terms correspond to the standard s-d or spin fluctuation propagators). Squares (circles) are the spin
s-f exchange interaction, acting as the spin-dependent (charge) current vertices, with filled symbols representing the
potential scattering as schematically shown in Fig. 1(a). velocity correction with F 2 , i.e., side jump. Filled triangles are
F 2;3 terms represent the exchange of angular momentum the interaction vertices with F 0;1 .

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 196603 (2019)

vanishes when the local moments have the TRS in a

paramagnetic phase above magnetic transition temperature.
How about the skew-scattering-type contribution?
Unlike the side-jump-type contribution, the F 2 does not
contribute to σ SH arising from the third-order perturbation
processes combined with F 0;1 terms. This is because such
processes are OðF 20;1 F 2 hJn Jn0 Jn00 iÞ and vanish by the TRS
in the local moments. In fact, the skew-scattering-type FIG. 3. Diagrammatic representation for the skew-scattering
contribution arises from the third-order processes involving contribution. Filled pentagons are the interaction vertices with
F 0;1 and F 3 terms as OðF 20;1 F 3 hJn Jn0 J2n00 iÞ. Therefore, F 3 . The definitions of the other symbols or lines are the same as
in Fig. 2.
such skew-scattering-type contributions are possible with-
out introducing unharmonic (third-order) magnetic corre-
lations, while it is second order in the spin fluctuation Because of the phase factor eiq·ðRn −Rn0 Þ, the ferromag-
propagator OðD2 Þ as discussed below. This contrasts with netic fluctuation is essential for the SH effect. When the
the phonon skew scattering, where unharmonic phonon spin fluctuation has characteristic momentum Q ≠ 0,
interactions are essential [13]. eiQ·ðRn −Rn0 Þ has destructive effects.
Matsubara formalism and spin fluctuation.—In what Spin-Hall conductivity.—With the above preparations,
follows, we use the Matsubara formalism to compute the now we proceed to examine the SH conductivity. Based on
SH conductivity given by the diagrammatic representations in Figs. 2 and 3, σ SH is
expressed in terms of electron Green’s function G and the
Z 1=T propagator of local magnetic moments D. The full expres-
σ SH ðiΩl Þ ¼ dτeiΩl τ hT τ jsx ðτÞjcy ð0Þi; ð3Þ sion is presented in Ref. [36].
iΩl V 0
We carry out the Matsubara summations, the energy
integrals, and the momentum summations as detailed in
where Ωl is the bosonic Matsubara frequency, and V is the Ref. [36] to find
volume of the system. At the end of the analysis, iΩl is  
2 2
analytically continued to real frequency as iΩl → Ω þ i0þ . side jump 2e nm 1 2 2 4
σ SH ≈ τ IðT;δÞ F 0 kF − F 1 kF F 2 N F ð4Þ
We will then consider the dc limit, Ω → 0, to obtain σ SH . m c 3 5
This formalism allows one to treat conduction electrons
for the side-jump contribution and
coupled with dynamically fluctuating local moments Jn . To
describe the latter, we Pconsider a generic Gaussian action 4e2 ℏn3m 2 2 2k4F
given by AGauss ¼ 12 q;l D−1 q ðiωl ÞJ q ðiωl ÞJ −q ð−iωl Þ with σ skew scat
≈ τ I ðT;δÞðF 0 þ F k2 2
1 F Þ F 3 N ð5Þ
−1 2
15 F
Dq ðiωl Þ ¼ δ þ Aq þ jωl j=Γq . Here, ωl ¼ 2lπT is the
bosonic Matsubara frequency, and A is introduced as a for the skew-scatting contribution. Here, nm ¼ N m =N is the
constant so that Aq2 has the unit of energy. δ is the distance concentration of local moments, and N F ¼ mkF =2π 2 ℏ2 is
from a ferromagnetically ordered state and is related to the the electron density of states per spin at the Fermi level.
magnetic correlation length as ξ2 ∝ δ−1 . Jq ðiωl Þ is a space The function IðT; δÞ defined in Ref. [36] is the direct
and imaginary-time τ Fourier transform of Jn ðτÞ, where we consequence of the coupling between conduction electrons
made the τ dependence explicit. In principle, δ depends on and the dynamical spin fluctuation. There are a number of
temperature and is determined by solving self-consistent limiting cases where the analytic form of IðT; δÞ is
equations for a full model including non-Gaussian available. For clean systems (Γq ¼ Γq, i.e., no momentum
terms [32–35,37]. Γq represents the momentum-dependent cutoff) at low temperatures, where δ þ AðaT=ℏvF Þ2 ≪
damping. In clean metals close to the ferromagnetic ℏvF =Γ is satisfied, IðT; δÞ ≈ ð1=8πδÞðaT=ℏvF Þ3 with a
instability, Γq ¼ Γq. When elastic scatting exists due to being the lattice constant. When the system is on the
impurities or disorders, q has a small cutoff qc ∼ l−1 ¼ quantum critical point for the ferromagnetic ordering, δ is
1=vF τc with l being the mean free path of conduction scaled as δ ∝ T 4=3 [34]. Thus, IðT; δÞ ∝ T 5=3 is expected.
electrons, vF ¼ ℏkF =m the Fermi velocity, and τc the For clean systems at high temperatures, where δ þ
carrier lifetime. Therefore, the damping term at q ≲ qc AðaT=ℏvF Þ2 ≫ ℏvF =Γ is satisfied, IðT; δÞ ≈ ½ðℏvF Þ=
has to be replaced by Γqc [38]. With this propagator D, ð4π 2 Γδ2 ÞðaT=ℏvF Þ3 . At such high temperatures, δ is
the spatial and temporal correlation of Jn is given linearly dependent on T [34,39]. Therefore, one expects
by hT τ Jn ðτÞJn0 ð0Þi¼ðT=NÞ q;l e−iωl τþiq·ðRn −Rn0 Þ Dq ðiωl Þ. IðT; δÞ ∝ T. Similar analyses are possible for dirty systems,
Theoretical analyses based on this model have been where Γq has a small momentum cutoff. In this case, one
successful to explain many experimental results on itinerant expects IðT; δÞ ∝ T at both low temperatures and high
magnets [34]. temperatures (see Ref. [36] for details).

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 196603 (2019)

(a) respectively, at low but nonzero temperature T max . This

T max is approximately given by T F ð5τee;0 =τdis Þ1=2 when
T F ≪ T D or T D ðτep;0 =2τdis Þ1=5 when T F ≫ T D . As the
(b) temperature is lowered to zero, σ SH goes to zero as
σ side
∝ τdis IðT; δÞ ∝ T 5=3 and σ skew SH
∝ τ2dis I 2 ðT; δÞ ∝
T 10=3 −1
because of the nonzero τdis , and the residual SH
conductivity is due to disorders or impurities. At higher
temperatures, the carrier lifetime is suppressed by the
electron-electron or electron-phonon interaction, and there-
fore σ SH is decreased. The overall T dependence of
σ skew
. is schematically shown in Fig. 4(c).
In dirty systems, Γq involves a small cutoff momentum.
FIG. 4. Schematic temperature dependence of (a) τ−1 sf and
Because τdis is dominant, we expect σ side SH
∝ T and
IðT; δÞ, (b) τ−1
dis (dashed line), τ −1
ee (dotted line), and τ −1
ep (dash- σ SH
skew scat
∝ T at low temperatures as discussed in
dotted line), and (c) σ skew
. Red lines and blue lines correspond Ref. [36]. When the temperature is increased above
to the clean system and the dirty system, respectively. At a low T ∼ minfT F ; T D g, σ SH decreases with T because τc is
(intermediate, high) temperature regime, τ−1 c is dominated by τdis
suppressed. Thus, σ SH is expected to be maximized at
−1 −1 −1
(τsf , τee or τep ), creating σ SH;max at T max .
skew scat
around T max as discussed for clean systems, yet the
maximum value depends explicitly on τc ’s. In fact, the
In addition to IðT; δÞ, the temperature dependence of σ SH enhancement in τ−1 sf;ee;ep with increasing T always induces a
is induced by the carrier lifetime τc . This quantity comes momentum cutoff in the damping term Γq at high temper-
from several different contributions as atures. Therefore, we expect that clean systems and dirty
systems behave similarly at high temperatures, i.e.,
τ−1 −1 −1 −1 −1
c ¼ τsf þ τee þ τep þ τdis þ …: ð6Þ σ side jump
∝ τc T and σ skew scat
∝ τ2c T 2 .
Discussion.—How realistic is the current spin fluctuation
Here, τ−1 sf is from the scattering due to the spin fluctuation. mechanism? Here, we provide rough estimations of
Using H K and the same level of approximation, τ−1 sf is given σ side jump
SH;max and σ SH;max . According to a free electron model,
skew scat
by τ−1 sf ≈ ½ð2n 2
m Þ=ℏIðT; δÞðF 0 þ 2F k
1 F
2 2
Þ [36]. τ−1
sf and F 0 is expected to be ∼0.1 eV for both transition metal and
IðT; δÞ have the same T dependence as schematically actinide compounds [43]. (In Ref. [43], J0 , corresponding
shown in Fig. 4(a). τ−1 −1
ee and τep are from the electron- to F 0 in this study, was estimated to be 0.7 × 10−12 erg for
electron interactions and the electron-phonon interactions, the s-d interaction in Mn and 2.5 × 10−13 erg for the s-f
respectively. Their leading T dependence is given by τ−1 ee ≈ interaction in Gd.) Since F 2;3 k2F involve the integral of
−1 2 −1 −1 5
τee;0 ðT=T F Þ [40] and τep ≈ τep;0 ðT=T D Þ [41,42], where higher-order spherical Bessel functions, j1;3 , i.e., p-wave
T FðDÞ is the Fermi (Debye) temperature. τ−1 scattering, than F 0 , j0 , i.e., s-wave scattering [22], F 2ð3Þ k2F
dis is from the
disorder effects, and its T dependence is expected to be would be an order (two orders) of magnitude smaller than
small. Figure 4(b) summarizes the T dependence of τ−1 F 0 . Therefore, taking a rough estimation F 2 k2F ∼ 0.01 eV,
dis;ee;ep .
The overall T dependence of σ SH is determined by the F 3 k2F ∼ 0.001 eV and typical values of kF =π ∼ 109 m−1
combination of IðT; δÞ and τc . The strong enhancement is and ½ðℏ2 k2F Þ=2m ¼ μ ∼ 10 eV [44] for s electrons in
thus expected at the ferromagnetic critical point, where the metallic compounds, optimistic estimations are σ side jump
SH;max ∼
magnetic correlation length ξ ∝ δ−1=2 diverges as T −2=3 . 103 Ω−1 m−1 and σ skew 5 −1 −1
SH;max ∼ 10 Ω m . The difference

This results in τ−1 sf and hence the electrical resistivity σ c

−1 side jump
in magnitude between σ SH;max and σ skew scat
SH;max . comes from
scaled as T 5=3 [39]. Since τ−1 side jump
sf ∝ IðT; δÞ, σ SH and side jump
the small factor F 2 =F 0 in σ SH;max and the large factor
σ SH
skew scat
are expected to be maximized when the spin μ=F 0 in σ skew SH;max . Thus, σ SH;max . could be comparable to
scat skew scat

fluctuation dominates τc as the largest σ SH reported so far [16].

Could there be systems that show the SH effect by the
e2 ℏ F 2 k2F
σ side jump
SH;max ≈ N ð7Þ proposed mechanisms? The crucial ingredients are the
m 3F 0 F coupling between conduction electrons and localized but
not ordered magnetic moments. Suitable candidate materi-
als would be 4d or 5d metallic compounds with partially
filled d shells, such as Ir, Pt, W, and Re. Because of the
e2 ℏ3 2F 3 k4F
SH;max ≈
σ skew scat
NF; ð8Þ large SOC than 3d compounds, the intrinsic mechanism
m2 nm 15F 20 could contribute to the SH effect. One route to enhance σ SH

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