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Intensive Rehearsal Notes ​#5

Bath Theatre Academy
The Egg Theatre, The Roper Room

Notes taken by: Ella Rayner & Susie Beare

Date: 19/04/24 Time: 09:45-17:00 Location: The Natural Theatre Company

Attendees: Cat Giles [CG] Susie Beare [SB] Katie Jones [KJ] (AM) Nat Simone [NS] (PM)

Absences: David Alexander [DA], Max Barlow [MB], Will Histed [WH], Noah Edmondson [NE]


09:45 - 10:00 Student led Warm Up

10:00 - 10:05 Introduction to the Space by SB

10:05 - 10:15 Run down of the plan for the day

- setting tasks for cast to think about (thinking of their characters movement and

10:15 - 11:30 Making movement to go with the song made yesterday for Orpheus
Link for the movement piece: 19/04/24

11:30 - 11:45 Break

11:45 - 12:20 Continuing on working on movement for Orpheus

12:20 - 13:00 Bacchae movement session

- finding their language and style
- Creating the transition scene from the creation into Philemon and Baucis

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 15:30 Diana and the nymphs movement session

15:30 - 15:45 Break

15:45 - 16:30 Phaethon and Phoebus

- creating movement for scene

16:30 - 17:00 Myhrra

- exploring movement for trapeze with Esme
- students complete feedback forms


1A. No notes today, thank you.


2A. Please could we get an A1 print out of the front on set image in the final design presentation for Monday?

Intensive Rehearsal Notes ​#5
Bath Theatre Academy
The Egg Theatre, The Roper Room

2B. SB to oversee sign in/out forms from Monday. See 7A.

2C. Stage Management to do a mark out on Monday AM. Dependent on receiving an updated ground plan.

2D. Please can we source the following props for the Phaethon and Phoebus on sticks: moon, shooting stars, seagull,
plane, Santa. We are not sure what these will look like yet.

2E. Please can we source 2 boards for cast to wave to create wind effect in Phaethon and Phoebus- don’t need to
make sound.


3A. Please could we get an updated ground plan with accurate deck sizes. OJ confirmed BV may have this depending
on the deck available.

3B. Please could we have an elevation plan showing the front on view of the set with final height measurements of
the decks by Monday if possible.

3C. Please could we discuss the possibility of the set being pushed back so that the trike can be ridden across the
front of stage and sit facing the audience. Current rehearsal trike dimensions - Length: 700mm, Width: 500mm.
This will likely affect the treads upstage.


4A. Please could explore adding a child’s cape with painted flames on it for Phaethon. This would be put on before
he mounts the trike.

4B. Please could we have a rail of rehearsal costumes for Monday at the Naturals. SB has emailed AD a list of what is


5A. No notes today, thank you.


6A. No notes today, thank you.


7A. Recurring issues with lateness due to buses/trains. Sign in/out sheets to be used in the Naturals from Monday to
track attendance. SB to send to Tutors, AS and JC daily.

7B. NS has asked for the cast to please confirm any appointments/reasons to leave early with JC from Monday.
Please could JC inform Stage Management. Students won’t be allowed to leave the space unless SB has
confirmation from JC.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Intensive Rehearsal Notes ​#5
Bath Theatre Academy
The Egg Theatre, The Roper Room

Thank you.

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