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1. What is the purpose of a cleanroom in photolithography?

Answer: B) To restrict access to the product or process

A) To increase the temperature and humidity levels
B) To restrict access to the product or process
C) To encourage eating and drinking
D) To allow the use of perfume and makeup

2. How are cleanrooms classified based on the number of particles in a certain

Answer: D) By the number of particles > 0.5 μm in a specific volume
A) By the number of bacteria present
B) By the size of solid contaminants
C) By the amount of liquid impurities
D) By the number of particles > 0.5 μm in a specific volume

3. What is the primary function of a HEPA filter in a cleanroom?

Answer: C) To control contaminant content in the air
A) To control temperature levels
B) To regulate humidity
C) To control contaminant content in the air
D) To provide lighting

4. Why is lithography considered a critical step in MEMS fabrication?

Answer: D) Due to its role in defining and transferring patterns
A) Due to its impact on device thickness
B) Because it determines lateral dimensions
C) Because it influences material selection
D) Due to its role in defining and transferring patterns

5. Which step follows exposure in the photolithography process?

Answer: B) Development
A) Coating with photoresist
B) Development
C) Soft baking
D) Mask alignment

6. What is the purpose of surface conditioning before applying photoresist?

Answer: B) To create a hydrophobic surface for resist adhesion
A) To remove heavy metal impurities
B) To create a hydrophobic surface for resist adhesion
C) To cool down the wafer after baking
D) To align the mask for exposure

7. How does positive resist differ from negative resist in photolithography?

Answer: A) Positive resist becomes less soluble after exposure, while negative
resist becomes more soluble.
A) Positive resist becomes less soluble after exposure, while negative resist
becomes more soluble.
B) Positive resist requires longer exposure times than negative resist.
C) Negative resist is more sensitive to UV light than positive resist.
D) Negative resist is used for thicker layers compared to positive resist.
8. What is the primary function of an alignment mask in photolithography?
Answer: C) To align different layers accurately during exposure
A) To remove organic contaminants from the wafer surface
B) To protect areas of the film during etching processes
C) To align different layers accurately during exposure
D) To cool down the wafer after development

9. Why is RCA clean considered a standard process in microsystem fabrication?

Answer: A) It removes organic contaminants and heavy metals effectively.
A) It removes organic contaminants and heavy metals effectively.
B) It enhances the resolution of lithography processes.
C) It increases lateral dimensions of MEMS devices.
D) It improves material selection for fabrication technologies.

10. How does dust impact photolithography processes?

Answer: B) Dust particles behave as extra opaque regions on masks.
A) Dust particles enhance resolution capabilities.
B) Dust particles behave as extra opaque regions on masks.
C) Dust particles improve adhesion between layers.
D) Dust particles reduce sensitivity to UV light.

11. What is the significance of feature size in selecting a MEMS fabrication

Answer: C) It affects precision and dimensional accuracy achievable.
A) It influences mass and stiffness of MEMS devices.
B) It determines lateral dimensions of devices.
C) It affects precision and dimensional accuracy achievable.
D) It indicates materials that can be utilized in fabrication technologies.

12. How does device thickness influence MEMS fabrication technologies?

Answer: B) It affects mass and stiffness of MEMS devices.
A) It determines lateral dimensions achievable.
B) It affects mass and stiffness of MEMS devices.
C) It influences materials selection for fabrication processes.
D) It indicates assembly requirements for producing MEMS devices.

13. Which factor determines how large a device can be made by a fabrication
Answer: C) Lateral dimension capability of the technology
A) Precision achievable with the technology
B) Materials that can be utilized in fabrication processes
C) Lateral dimension capability of the technology

14. How are cleanrooms classified according to ISO standards?

Answer: A)
B) ased on particle size distribution
B) ased on temperature and humidity levels

15. Why is lithography crucial in determining feature sizes achievable in MEMS

Answer: D) Lithography plays a key role in defining and transferring patterns
A) Lithography impacts lateral dimensions only
B) Lithography influences mass and stiffness only
C) Lithography affects precision and dimensional accuracy only
D) Lithography plays a key role in defining and transferring patterns

16. How does lithography impact device thickness in MEMS fabrication technologies?
Answer: B) Lithography influences mass and stiffness
A) Lithography determines lateral dimensions
B) Lithography influences mass and stiffness
C) Lithography affects precision achievable
D) Lithography defines pattern transfer onto layers

17. What is one reason why lithography is considered a bottleneck in achieving

small structures in MEMS fabrication?
Answer: D) Lithography impacts how small structures can be made
A) Lithography enhances resolution capabilities
B) Lithography introduces additional opaque regions on masks
C) Lithography requires precise alignment during exposure
D) Lithography impacts how small structures can be made

18. How does lithography contribute to transferring patterns onto thin film layers
during microsystems fabrication?
Answer: C) Lithography transfers patterns using photoresist masks
A) Lithography defines feature sizes accurately
B) Lithography aligns multiple layers precisely
C) Lithography transfers patterns using photoresist masks
D) Lithography controls material selection for thin films

19. Which step follows mask alignment but precedes development in photolithographic
Answer: C) Layers coating with photoresist
A) Lateral dimension determination
B) Layers cleaning procedure
C) Layers coating with photoresist
D) Layers soft baking process

20. What role does developing play after exposure in photolithographic processes?
Answer: C) Layers removal based on exposed areas only
A) Layers cleaning procedure before etching
B) Layers soft baking process after mask alignment
C) Layers removal based on exposed areas only
D) Layers protection using hard masks

21. What is the first step in applying resist to a wafer?

Answer: A) Mounting the wafer onto a vacuum chuck
A) Mounting the wafer onto a vacuum chuck
B) Pouring the resist onto the wafer
C) Spinning the wafer to distribute the solution
D) Pre-baking to reduce water
22. Which of the following is NOT one of the main requirements for applying resist?
Answer: D) Post-baking to increase solvent content
A) Adherence to the surface
B) Uniform thickness across the wafer
C) Predictable thickness from wafer to wafer
D) Post-baking to increase solvent content

23. How can molecular water be effectively reduced before applying photoresist?
Answer: B) Pre-baking in an oven at 200-250°C
A) Using an adhesion promoter like HMDS
B) Pre-baking in an oven at 200-250°C
C) Spraying the resist for uniformity
D) Applying a layer of oxide beneath the resist

24. What is the purpose of an adhesion promoter like HMDS in the resist process?
Answer: C) Enhance resist adherence to the substrate
A) Increase resist thickness
B) Reduce molecular water on the surface
C) Enhance resist adherence to the substrate
D) Improve resist uniformity across the wafer

25. Which parameter affects the resist film thickness during spinning?
Answer: C) Rotational spin speed (ω)
A) Polymer concentration (C)
B) Viscosity (η)
C) Rotational spin speed (ω)
D) Experimental constants (K, α, β, γ)

26. What poses the largest danger during the coating step of resist application?
Answer: A) Dust contamination
A) Dust contamination
B) Solvent evaporation
C) Edge bead formation
D) Resist adhesion issues

27. What are striations in spinning artifacts related to resist coating?

Answer: A) Variations in resist thickness due to solvent drying
A) Variations in resist thickness due to solvent drying
B) Residual ridge at the edge of the wafer
C) Radial patterns caused by hard particles
D) Non-uniform resist layer thickness

28. Which type of machine is used for transferring patterns from a mask to a wafer?
Answer: A) Contact aligner
A) Contact aligner
B) Projection stepper
C) Spin coater
D) Edge bead remover

29. What type of light source is commonly used in modern optical transfer equipment
for lithography?
Answer: A) High-pressure mercury-xenon vapor lamp
A) High-pressure mercury-xenon vapor lamp
B) LED light panel
C) Laser diode array
D) Halogen bulb

30. What is the term for the image projected onto the surface of photoresist during
Answer: A) Aerial image
A) Aerial image
B) Latent image
C) Shadow image
D) Optical image

31. What does Dp represent in lithography when referring to positive resist?

Answer: A) Dose to clear for positive resist exposure
A) Dose to clear for positive resist exposure
B) Dose to develop latent image in negative resist
C) Dose for post-exposure bake process
D) Dose for removing edge bead residues

32. Which printing method relies on shadow casting from opaque and transparent
regions of a mask?
Answer: A) Contact printing and proximity printing
A) Contact printing and proximity printing
B) Projection printing
C) Direct printing
D) Indirect printing

33. What distinguishes projection printing from contact and proximity printing
Answer: A) Ability to change size of projected image
A) Ability to change size of projected image
B) Use of shadow casting
C) Reliance on opaque and transparent regions
D) Direct transfer of mask pattern

34. How does projection printing differ from shadow printing methods regarding mask
Answer: A) Mask lifetime is virtually unlimited
A) Mask lifetime is virtually unlimited
B) Masks need frequent replacement
C) Masks are more prone to damage
D) Masks require manual alignment

35. In projection printing, what role do lenses play in reducing geometrical

Answer: B) To minimize deviations for high-quality images
A) To increase deviations for better resolution
B) To minimize deviations for high-quality images
C) To create shadow effects on the wafer
D) To enhance edge bead formation
36. What is the purpose of an objective lens in a lithographic projection system?
Answer: C) To focus UV light onto the wafer surface
A) To reduce mask features by a factor
B) To project aerial images onto photoresist
C) To focus UV light onto the wafer surface
D) To reduce geometrical deviations in imaging

37. How does contact printing differ from proximity printing in terms of feature
Answer: A) Contact printing creates exact replicas of mask features
A) Contact printing creates exact replicas of mask features
B) Proximity printing reduces feature sizes on photoresist
C) Both methods create identical features on photoresist
D) Proximity printing uses shadow casting more effectively

38. What is the term for the dose required to expose the resist so that it
completely develops?
Answer: A) Dose to clear
A) Dose to clear
B) Dose to blur
C) Dose to fade
D) Dose to enhance

39. Which type of resist becomes more soluble to the developer after exposure?
Answer: A) Positive resist
A) Positive resist
B) Negative resist
C) Neutral resist
D) Inverse resist

40. What is used as a developer for positive resist?

Answer: A) Alkalis such as NaOH or KOH
A) Alkalis such as NaOH or KOH
B) Organic solvents such as benzene
C) Acids and chlorinated hydrocarbons
D) Plasma ashing

41. How is leftover exposed/unexposed resist removed after exposure in the

development process?
Answer: A) Mild oxygen plasma treatment
A) Mild oxygen plasma treatment
B) Chemical stripping
C) Mechanical scrubbing
D) Thermal treatment

42. Which method is usually used for stripping positive resist?

Answer: A) Wet stripping
A) Wet stripping
B) Dry stripping
C) Thermal stripping
D) Mechanical stripping
43. What are the two methods available for stripping resist?
Answer: A) Wet and dry stripping
A) Wet and dry stripping
B) Chemical and mechanical stripping
C) Thermal and plasma stripping
D) Ultrasonic and laser stripping

44. What does the term "Resolution" refer to in lithography?

Answer: A) The smallest distinguishable feature size of a transferred pattern
A) The smallest distinguishable feature size of a transferred pattern
B) The thickness of the resist layer
C) The exposure time required for development
D) The temperature during post-treatment

45. How can resolution be increased in projection printing?

Answer: A) Making λ small and numerical aperture big
A) Making λ small and numerical aperture big
B) Using thicker lenses and cheaper optics
C) Increasing the exposure time
D) Decreasing the contrast in the resist material

46. What is the depth of focus defined as in lithography?

Answer: A) The distance across which the aerial image is in focus.
A) The distance across which the aerial image is in focus.
B) The thickness of the resist layer.
C) The distance between the mask and wafer.
D) The resolution limit of the projection system.

47. Which type of resist has vertical sidewalls after exposure?

Answer: A) Positive resist
A) Positive resist
B) Negative resist
C) Neutral resist
D) Inverse resist

48. What does lithographic sensitivity refer to in positive resist?

Answer: A) Dose required to completely clear out the resist after development.
A) Dose required to completely clear out the resist after development.
B) Sensitivity to light exposure during development.
C) Contrast between exposed and unexposed regions.
D) Thickness of the developed resist pattern.

49. What is needed for negative resist to start polymerization processes within the
Answer: A) Critical dose Dgi
A) Critical dose Dgi
B) High temperature exposure
C) Intense UV light
D) Mechanical agitation

50. How can vertical sidewalls be achieved in lithography for positive resist?
Answer: A) Small wavelength, absorbance, dose to clear, k2, and large NA
A) Small wavelength, absorbance, dose to clear, k2, and large NA
B) Large wavelength, absorbance, dose to clear, k2, and small NA
C) Small wavelength, absorbance, dose to blur, k2, and large NA
D) Large wavelength, absorbance, dose to blur, k2, and small NA

51. What is another term for mask alignment in lithography?

Answer: A) Registration alignment
A) Registration alignment
B) Pattern alignment
C) Layer alignment
D) Feature alignment

52. Which type of mask is used to enhance resolution by shifting phases?

Answer: B) Phase shift mask
A) Binary mask
B) Phase shift mask
C) Attenuating phase shift mask
D) Alternating phase shift mask

53. What materials are commonly used for creating masks in lithography?
Answer: A) Glass or high-resolution emulsion
A) Glass or high-resolution emulsion
B) Metal or plastic
C) Silicon or rubber
D) Paper or fabric

54. Which technique involves dipping the wafer into an organic solvent during
Answer: D) Dip-pen lithography
A) Micro-contact printing
B) Nanoimprint lithography
C) Scanned probe lithography
D) Dip-pen lithography

55. In diode fabrication, what follows after SiO2 etching?

Answer: A) Implantation/diffusion of acceptor dopant
A) Implantation/diffusion of acceptor dopant
B) Exposure of contact opening mask
C) Metal etching through photoresist mask
D) Resist removal after aluminum etching

56. What follows after exposure of the metal mask in diode fabrication?
Answer: A) Etching of aluminum and resist removal
A) Etching of aluminum and resist removal
B) Exposure of contact opening mask
C) Post-exposure and development of photoresist
D) After SiO2 etch

57. Which method is typically used for creating masks using a projection printing
machine called a stepper?
Answer: D) Projection printing machine called a stepper
A) Micro-contact printing
B) Nanoimprint lithography
C) Scanned probe lithography
D) Projection printing machine called a stepper

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