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INTRO: The poem, ‘___’ from the collection ‘____’ published in _____ by Seamus Heaney explores the theme of

_______. Seamus Heaney employs ____, _____ and ______ to describe/ depict/ narrate/ illustrate/ portray _______
________ in the poem.

BODY: To begin with, the use of personal pronouns/ vivid verbs/ similes/ metaphor throughout the poem brings out
the intimate nature of relationship between Heaney and his father. As evident in the line “__________________”, the
use of _______, “_____” suggests/ portrays/ reveals how Heaney… Thus highlighting/ emphasizing/ evoking/
conveying …

In addition, by using _______, “_____” to create a visual imagery which illustrates/ depicts/ describes how Heaney’s
father… Thus highlighting/ emphasizing/ evoking/ conveying…

Furthermore, Heaney employs _______ in the same line to compare/ contrast/ refer/ allude ________ to _______
suggest/ portray/ depict/ describe … Thus highlighting/ emphasizing/ evoking/ conveying/ reinforcing …

CONCLUSION: Altogether/ To sum up, Heaney highly admired/ adulated/ idolised his father for his expertise at
farming as well as his physical strength and above all for his active parental role during his childhood which always
motivated and inspired him to follow in his footsteps as a young child and later as an adult to repay his father with love
and care during his old age.

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