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In this world there are many trials in life sometimes we tend to overcome it and answers were given but what if the
trials are difficult to overcome?. Like war where there is battle, there is failure, revenge, and death, we all fight for
something what if, the time has come when our fears Suddenly we are suprise by our environment, we don't even
expect but it will happen with certainty? when? whos interval?

War in the whole world will come out and bring out the hundred thousand soldiers and weapons to engage in the
bloody battle that is called World War. We know why this kind of things happen. There are many reasons such as
fighting for land or territory and there is no unity, because they want to posses, they are jealous of simple things so
the conflict grows which causes them to have disagreement.Dont you see that the situation in life is getting worse
and worse and it seems that we are the ones who are being tortured, we don't know when this problem will
come.There are also many people who are powerful and arrogant, stubborn and always want to take revenge and
fight while, they don't know if someone sympathize with their wishes.What about the people who wants silence,
peace, and freedom and an orderly life, who don't want to heard loud explosions and shot of guns or any war
equipment, who scared to heard crying, scream that frighten unconscious lives. A war that every one thought was
only happening on TV but, they didn't know that is happen in real life. Maybe they haven't experienced yet or been
through it but many people experience it already, how fierce and how much suffering they experienced.As they
saw the people who are hungry, thirsty, cried and cried because they finding there family, love ones, friends and
other people who die in the middle of war.

A war that gave us a depression, and nervous because we are scared to die, and everytime you hear the news on
what is happening in the world, just like what you see on TV like the war between Israel and Hamas which is so sad
to watch like of them they don't expect that they experience that kind of war that gave them a big impact to
suffer.As a Filipino I don't want to experience a war, I heard about issue about war between Philippines and China,
that makes me feel like I can survive anymore, but I know that all of us are doesn't want to experience that cause
we want peace we don't want to get trouble or anything.As up now I know that their so many parents who don't
want their children to become soldiers because they know the burden of the role to hold but, the soldiers know
that they are fighting for their own country not just for themselves so, no one can take away their freedom and
peace but we also know that is not the end of the world and no one can know when it will happen, written in the
Bible, Matthew 24:6–7.You will hear battle and hear of wars in different places,but do not worry because they will
really happen although it's not the end of the world. Nations will fight against each other and so will
kingdoms.There will be famines and earthquake in many places, So lessen carefully there is never an excuse or
reason good enough to declare war because we are people who want peace and liberty and all I can say that Jesus
is bigger and powerful than our enemies.

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