Lab 1 Visit To KCRE

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Lab 1

Date: 2080-12-07 (Wednesday)

Kathmandu Center for Research Education (KCRE) is an institution, which is established in
Tribhuvan University Nepal on the occasion of the CAS President BAI Chunli’s visit to
Tribhuvan University on April 7, 2014. The center was established to assist with international
scientific collaboration in the region. The field visit to KCRE was a part of an educational
initiative to explore advanced scientific instrumentation used in atmospheric and environmental
research. KCRE is renowned for its expertise in spectrometry and meteorological
instrumentation, making it an ideal setting to deepen our understanding of these technologies.
The primary goal of the visit was to observe and comprehend the operational mechanisms of a
spectrometer and an Automatic Weather Station (AWS). By gaining insights into these
instruments, we aimed to appreciate their significance in studying atmospheric dynamics, climate
patterns, and environmental changes.
This report summarizes the observations, experiences, and knowledge acquired during the visit,
shedding light on the applications and functionalities of spectrometry and AWS in scientific
research and practical applications within the field of meteorology.
1. Gain insights into the operational mechanisms of a spectrometer, specifically focusing
 Understanding the principles of mass spectrometry for isotopic analysis,
particularly delta oxygen-18 (δ18O) and deuterium (δD).
 Observing the sample introduction, ionization, mass separation, and detection
processes involved in spectrometry.
2. Explore the functionalities and applications of an Automatic Weather Station (AWS),
aiming to:
 Understand how an AWS continuously monitors and collects meteorological data,
including temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, and direction.
 Witness the data acquisition, transmission, and analysis methods employed by the
AWS for weather forecasting monitoring purposes.
Basic concept on isotopes: Atoms that have the same number of protons but different numbers
of neutrons are known as isotopes. Isotopes generally have different atomic mass.
Delta oxygen-18 (δ18O) and delta deuterium (δD) are isotopic ratios commonly used in
Atmospheric science. These ratios represent the difference in the abundance of heavier isotopes
(oxygen-18 and deuterium) compared to their lighter counterparts (oxygen-16 and hydrogen,
respectively) in natural substances like water.

Submitted By: Suyog Bhattarai
Lab 1
Date: 2080-12-07 (Wednesday)

The values of δ18O and δD are expressed as deviations from a standard reference, typically
Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW), and provide insights into processes such as
evaporation, condensation, and precipitation in the hydrological cycle.
Spectrometer Mechanism
A sample containing the atoms or molecules of interest is injected into an instrument called a
mass spectrometer.
1. Overview of Spectrometer
The spectrometer observed during the visit was a mass spectrometer used for analyzing isotopic
compositions, particularly delta oxygen-18 (δ 18O) and deuterium (δD). It functions by ionizing
and separating isotopes based on their mass-to-charge ratios.
2. Operational Mechanism
The operational workflow of the spectrometer involves sample introduction, ionization of
molecules, mass separation, and detection. Isotopic ratios are calculated based on the intensity of
ion signals detected.
3. Observations
 General information about instrumentation and the software used.
 Witnessed Calibrated instrument ensure accurate isotopic measurements.
 General idea about data acquisition and analysis software used to interpret isotopic data
for atmospheric and hydrological studies.
Following below is the image of Picarro Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) analyzers
installed at KCRE Centre for Real-Time Atmospheric Monitoring of Stable Isotopes and Trace
of H2O.

Submitted By: Suyog Bhattarai
Lab 1
Date: 2080-12-07 (Wednesday)

Figure: Picarro cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) analyzers Source:

The Picarro G2401 (CO2 + CO + CH4 + H2O) CRDS Analyzer is a field-deployable analyzer for
measuring atmospheric trace gases. It provides simultaneous and continuous measurement of
four atmospheric trace gases at a globally recognized for precision, accuracy, and portability.
Near-infrared Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) technology is capable of measuring
CO2, CO, CH4 and water vapor down to parts-per-billion (ppb) sensitivity with negligible drift
for months of continuous high quality data collection.
Picarro analyzers use time-based, optical
absorption spectroscopy of the target gases to
determine concentration or isotopic composition.
They are based on wavelength-scanned cavity
ring-down spectroscopy (WS-CRDS), a
technology in which light circulates many times
through the sample, creating a very long effective
path length for the light to interact with the
sample, thus, enabling excellent detection
sensitivity in a compact and rugged instrument.

Nearly every small gas-phase molecule (e.g., CO2, H2O,

H2S, NH3) and isotopologue (e.g., H218O, 13CO2, 15
N 14
O) uniquely absorbs specific wavelengths of near-
infrared light. The strength of the light absorption

Submitted By: Suyog Bhattarai
Lab 1
Date: 2080-12-07 (Wednesday)
is related to the concentration of a molecule in a sample and the distance that light travels
through the sample, called the pathlength. Conventional infrared spectrometers are typically only
sensitive enough to detect trace gases at levels in the part-per-millions. Cavity Ring-Down
Spectroscopy (CRDS), on the other hand, is one thousand to one million more times sensitive.
The increased sensitivity of CRDS is due to the design of sample cavity and the time-based
measurement. In the cavity, a series of mirrors reflects light through the sample, increasing the
distance that light travels through the sample. For a Picarro cavity of only 25 cm in length, the
effective pathlength within the cavity can be over 20 kilometers.
Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Mechanism
1. AWS Overview
The AWS at KCRE is a comprehensive meteorological station equipped with sensors to monitor
various atmospheric parameters in real-time. Parameters include temperature, humidity, dew-
point temperature, solar radiation, and wind speed/direction.
2. Functional Mechanism
The AWS operates continuously, collecting data at regular intervals (e.g., every minute) from
sensors placed at strategic locations. Data is transmitted wirelessly to a central database for
analysis and dissemination.
3. Observations
 Examined the integration of different sensors within the AWS system.
 Get information how meteorological data is processed and used for weather forecasting
and monitoring purposes.

Submitted By: Suyog Bhattarai
Lab 1
Date: 2080-12-07 (Wednesday)
Figure: Automatic Weather Station Source:

The visit to KCRE provided valuable insights into the functioning of a mass spectrometer and an
AWS. These instruments play critical roles in advancing scientific knowledge related to
atmospheric processes, climate variability, and hydrological cycles. The experience underscored
the importance of advanced instrumentation in modern environmental research.
Special thanks to Dr. Sunil Acharya and researchers Niranjan Adhikari and the staff member at
KCRE for facilitating the visit and sharing valuable insights into spectrometer and AWS

Submitted By: Suyog Bhattarai

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