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Viksit Bharat@2047

Theme: Environment for Lifestyle


Background of Viksit Bharat@2047:

Viksit Bharat@2047 is a transformative initiative aimed at propelling India into a developed

nation by its 100th year of independence. It builds upon India's progress over the decades and
sets ambitious targets for holistic development across various sectors.

Significance of the program:

The program holds immense significance as it aligns with India's aspirations for rapid economic
growth, social progress, technological advancement, and global leadership. It aims to address
key challenges while leveraging opportunities to create a sustainable and prosperous future for
all Indians.

Vision and Goals of Viksit Bharat@2047

Vision statement:

The vision of Viksit Bharat@2047 is to create a prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable India
that excels in economic growth, human development, infrastructure development, and global
competitiveness by the year 2047.

Specific goals:

• Achieve a high GDP growth rate to propel India's economy to the ranks of developed
• Improve human development indices including education, healthcare, and standard of
• Develop world-class infrastructure in sectors such as transportation, energy, digital
connectivity, and urban development.
• Enhance India's global competitiveness through innovation, entrepreneurship, and a
conducive business environment.
Economic Development Strategies

Promotion of entrepreneurship and investments:

• Encouraging entrepreneurship through policy support, funding, incubation centers, and

skill development programs.
• Attracting domestic and foreign investments through ease of doing business reforms,
tax incentives, and investment-friendly policies.

Boosting manufacturing, exports, and financial inclusion:

• Promoting manufacturing industries with a focus on value addition, technology

adoption, and global supply chain integration.
• Enhancing export competitiveness through trade facilitation, market access, and export
promotion schemes.
• Ensuring financial inclusion by expanding banking services, promoting digital
payments, and microfinance initiatives.

Focus on agriculture, MSMEs, digital economy, and skill development:

• Modernizing agriculture with technology adoption, irrigation infrastructure, market

linkages, and farmer welfare programs.
• Supporting MSMEs with access to finance, technology, marketing support, and
capacity building.
• Fostering the digital economy through digital infrastructure development, e-
governance, and digital literacy programs.
• Enhancing skills and employability through vocational training, industry-academia
collaborations, and apprenticeship programs.

Infrastructure Development Initiatives

• Developing modern and efficient transportation networks including roads, railways,
ports, and airports.
• Investing in high-speed rail, metro systems, logistics hubs, and multimodal transport
• Improving last-mile connectivity and rural infrastructure for inclusive development.


• Diversifying the energy mix with a focus on renewable energy sources such as solar,
wind, hydro, and nuclear power.
• Enhancing energy efficiency, grid reliability, and access to clean energy for all citizens.
• Promoting sustainable energy practices and reducing carbon emissions.

Water resources:

• Conservation and management of water resources through watershed development,

rainwater harvesting, and efficient irrigation techniques.
• Addressing water scarcity, pollution, and ensuring access to safe drinking water.

Digital connectivity:

• Expanding broadband coverage, 5G deployment, and digital infrastructure in rural and

remote areas.
• Promoting digital inclusion, e-governance services, and digital literacy programs.
• Leveraging technology for smart cities, digital healthcare, education, and agriculture.

Urban infrastructure:

• Planned and sustainable urban development with focus on smart cities, affordable
housing, and green infrastructure.
• Improving urban mobility, waste management, sanitation, and public amenities.
• Enhancing resilience to climate change and natural disasters in urban areas.

Education and Skill Development Reforms

Revamping the education system:

• Improving quality of education, curriculum reforms, teacher training, and educational
• Promoting digital learning, experiential learning, and creativity in education.
• Ensuring universal access to education and reducing dropout rates.

Vocational training programs:

• Aligning vocational training with industry needs, skill mapping, and certification.
• Establishing skill development centers, apprenticeship programs, and career counseling
• Encouraging entrepreneurship and self-employment through skill development

Digital classrooms and industry-academia collaborations:

• Integrating technology in education with digital classrooms, e-books, and online

learning platforms.
• Fostering partnerships between educational institutions and industries for practical
training, internships, and research collaborations.
• Promoting innovation, research, and development in educational institutions.

Healthcare and Social Welfare Programs

Accessible and affordable healthcare services:

• Strengthening healthcare infrastructure with hospitals, clinics, medical equipment, and

trained healthcare professionals.
• Ensuring universal health coverage, access to essential medicines, and preventive
healthcare services.
• Promoting telemedicine, digital health records, and health insurance schemes.

Social welfare initiatives:

• Targeted programs for marginalized communities, women, children, elderly, and

persons with disabilities.
• Providing social security benefits, nutrition support, housing assistance, and livelihood
• Empowering communities through capacity building, awareness campaigns, and
community participation.

Governance and Administrative Reforms

Good governance and transparency:

• Strengthening institutions, rule of law, accountability mechanisms, and anti-corruption

• Promoting transparency in government processes, public procurement, and decision-
• Enhancing citizen engagement, grievance redressal mechanisms, and feedback loops.

Administrative reforms:

• Streamlining bureaucracy, decentralization of power, and devolution of

• Digitization of government services, e-governance platforms, and online service
• Improving efficiency, responsiveness, and effectiveness in public administration.

Environmental Sustainability Efforts

a) Policy Integration and Implementation

India’s Vision 2047 underscores the integration of environmental sustainability into

policy frameworks across sectors. This involves not only formulating robust
environmental policies but also ensuring their effective implementation at all levels of

b) Strengthening Environmental Regulations

India is committed to strengthening environmental regulations to safeguard its natural

resources and biodiversity. This includes stringent enforcement mechanisms to prevent
environmental degradation and ensure responsible industrial practices.
c) Promoting Green Technologies and Innovation

As part of its vision, India is investing heavily in research and development to foster
innovation in green technologies. This encompasses areas such as renewable energy,
waste management, sustainable agriculture, and clean transportation. National
Adaptation Fund for Climate Change (NAFCC) and the National Clean Energy Fund
serve as shining examples of India's commitment to promoting clean energy and
supporting climate-resilient infrastructure.

d) Community Participation and Awareness

Recognizing the role of communities in environmental conservation, India's Vision

2047 advocates for increased public participation and awareness campaigns. Engaging
citizens in sustainable practices and empowering local communities to take ownership
of environmental initiatives are crucial aspects of this endeavor.

e) Conservation and Restoration of Ecosystems

India is committed to conserving its rich biodiversity and restoring degraded

ecosystems. This involves measures such as afforestation, wetland restoration, and the
protection of critical habitats for endangered species.

f) Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Addressing climate change remains a top priority for India. In line with its vision, the
country is ramping up efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions through the
widespread adoption of renewable energy sources, energy-efficient technologies, and
afforestation initiatives. Additionally, adaptation strategies are being developed to build
resilience to climate change impacts, particularly in vulnerable regions. The target of
India is 45% reduction in emissions intensity of GDP and a 50% share of non-fossil
fuels by 2030, with a net-zero target by 2070 should be achieved.

g) International Collaboration and Partnerships

India recognizes the global nature of environmental challenges and the need for
collaborative action. As part of its vision, the country is actively engaging with
international partners, organizations, and forums to exchange best practices, mobilize
resources, and collectively address environmental issues on a global scale. Green Grids
Initiative (GGI), International Solar Alliance (ISA), Coalition for Disaster Resilient
Infrastructure (CDRI) & Infrastructure for Resilient Island States (IRIS) are the projects
which should run efficiently.

h) Empowering Sustainable Industries and Businesses

India is taking steps to promote sustainable business practices and green investments.
This includes supporting industries in their transition to low-carbon technologies,
sustainable supply chains, and eco-friendly manufacturing processes. These efforts are
aimed at creating a more environmentally friendly business environment.

i) Education and Capacity Building

Education and capacity building are fundamental pillars of India's environmental

sustainability efforts. This includes integrating environmental education into school
curricula, providing training programs for professionals in various sectors, and
fostering a culture of environmental stewardship and responsibility.

j) Measuring Progress and Accountability

India is committed to regularly monitoring and evaluating its environmental

sustainability efforts to track progress and ensure accountability. This involves
establishing clear indicators, benchmarks, and reporting mechanisms to assess the
effectiveness of policies and initiatives over time.

By pursuing these comprehensive strategies, India aims to achieve a harmonious

balance between economic development and environmental conservation, laying the
foundation for a sustainable and resilient future for generations to come.

Technology and Innovation Initiatives

Leveraging technology for development:

• Promoting research, innovation, and technology transfer in key sectors.

• Supporting startups, incubators, accelerators, and innovation hubs.
• Harnessing emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, Internet
of Things (IoT), and biotechnology for societal benefits.

Digital infrastructure development:

• Expanding digital connectivity, broadband access, and ICT infrastructure.

• Promoting digital literacy, cybersecurity, data privacy, and digital rights.
• Encouraging digital entrepreneurship, e-commerce, and digital marketplaces.

Partnerships and International Collaboration

Collaborations with stakeholders:

• Engaging with international organizations, development partners, foreign governments,

and multilateral agencies.
• Building strategic partnerships with private sector entities, civil society organizations,
academic institutions, and research centers.
• Facilitating technology transfer, investments, knowledge exchange, and capacity
building through partnerships.

Benefits of collaboration:

• Access to expertise, best practices, resources, and funding.

• Opportunities for joint research, projects, and initiatives.
• Strengthening diplomatic relations, trade ties, and global cooperation.

Lifestyle for Environment

Sustainable Consumption and Production: Sustainable consumption and production refer to

responsible practices that minimize environmental impact and conserve resources throughout
the product lifecycle. This includes:

• Encouraging individuals and businesses to choose products and services that are eco-
friendly, such as those with minimal packaging, recyclable materials, or energy-
efficient designs.
• Promoting sustainable production processes that prioritize resource efficiency, waste
reduction, and environmental certifications like ISO 14001.
• Supporting initiatives that raise awareness about the importance of sustainable
consumption and production among consumers, producers, and policymakers.

Energy Conservation and Efficiency:

Energy conservation and efficiency involve reducing energy consumption and optimizing
energy use to minimize environmental impact. This includes:

• Encouraging individuals and organizations to adopt energy-saving habits such as

turning off lights when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and optimizing
heating and cooling systems.
• Promoting renewable energy sources like solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal energy to
reduce reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
• Supporting energy-efficient building designs, smart grid technologies, and energy
management systems to improve overall energy efficiency.
• India’s energy goals by 2047 include achieving 175 GW of installed renewable energy
capacity, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 1.5 billion tones, and increasing energy
• The country aims to become a net-zero energy economy by the middle of the century.
To achieve these goals, the government has announced various policies and initiatives,
including the National Clean Energy Mission, the National Solar Mission, and the
Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan.
• The policies aim to promote the use of clean energy sources like solar, wind, and
hydropower, while phasing out coal-based power plants. Additionally, the government
is also focusing on increasing energy storage capacity and improving energy

Waste Reduction and Recycling:

Waste reduction and recycling focus on minimizing waste generation, promoting recycling
practices, and adopting circular economy principles. This includes:

• Educating individuals and communities about the importance of reducing, reusing, and
recycling waste to conserve resources and reduce landfill waste.
• Encouraging proper waste segregation at source to facilitate recycling and composting
of organic waste.
• Supporting initiatives that promote the use of recycled materials, upcycling of products,
and extended producer responsibility (EPR) schemes to manage waste sustainably.
• India’s goals for waste management include reducing waste generation, recycling,
composting, and promoting reuse.
• The country has also set up a system of Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) in different
areas across India to encourage waste recycling and waste-to-energy processes.
• Additionally, India is striving to reduce its dependence on landfilling as the primary
method of waste disposal, and promote responsible waste management practices among
urban and rural communities.
• The government has also introduced several policies such as Extended Producer
Responsibility (EPR) which makes manufacturers responsible for the entire life cycle
of their products, including end-of-life disposal or recycling,
Biodegradable/Compostable Rules, and Single Use Plastics Ban to achieve these goals.

Water Conservation and Management:

Water conservation and management involve responsible use of water resources, efficient
water management practices, and conservation measures. This includes:

• Promoting water-saving habits such as fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances,

and practicing responsible irrigation techniques in agriculture.
• Supporting water conservation initiatives in industries, municipalities, and households
through water audits, reuse/recycling systems, and rainwater harvesting.
• Advocating for sustainable water management policies, watershed protection, and
equitable access to clean water for all communities.
• Water conservation and management are crucial for India's vision 2047 of becoming a
developed nation. The Ministry of Jal Shakti has been working on the Water Vision @
2047, a key part of “Vision India @ 2047”.
• The initiative was launched in 2023 and is being implemented by the Ministry of Jal
Shakti. The Ministry has prepared a detailed action plan to achieve the goals of “Water
Vision @2047”, which includes: -
i. Promoting rainwater harvesting: Rainwater harvesting is a simple and effective
way to conserve water. The government is providing incentives to encourage
people and institutions to adopt rainwater harvesting practices.
ii. Improving irrigation efficiency: Irrigation accounts for a major share of water
use in India. The government is investing in improving irrigation infrastructure
and promoting micro-irrigation techniques to reduce water waste in agriculture.
iii. Treating wastewater: Wastewater treatment is essential for protecting water
quality. The government is building new wastewater treatment plants and
upgrading existing ones.
iv. Reducing water pollution: Water pollution is a major challenge in India. The
government is implementing stricter pollution control laws and regulations.
v. Raising awareness: Public awareness is essential for the success of any water
management program. The government is running campaigns to educate people
about the importance of water conservation and sustainable water use.

“Water Vision @2047” is an ambitious initiative, but it is essential for India to achieve its goal
of water security for all. The success of the initiative will depend on the commitment of the
government, the private sector, and the public.

Transportation and Mobility:

Sustainable transportation and mobility focus on reducing carbon emissions, promoting

alternative transportation modes, and improving urban mobility. This includes:

• Encouraging the use of public transit, carpooling, walking, and cycling to reduce
reliance on private vehicles and alleviate traffic congestion.
• Supporting the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), fuel-efficient technologies, and
clean fuels to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from transportation.
• Promoting sustainable urban planning that prioritizes pedestrian-friendly infrastructure,
bike lanes, public transport networks, and green spaces.
• The Indian government has outlined its vision to make the country a developed nation
by 2047, with a major focus on the shift towards electric vehicles (EVs). The plan
includes tax incentives, production linked incentive schemes, and the mandatory
provision of charging infrastructure to support the adoption of EVs.
• The fast-growing EV market in India is catching the eye of global players. India's
electric vehicle market is expected to grow to 1 crore units in annual sales by 2030 and
create five crore direct and indirect jobs, according to the Economic Survey 2022-23.
• The government aims to decarbonize the freight transport sector by shifting modal share
from road to rail. To achieve decarbonization in the transport sector, various strategies
and technologies can be employed. Some potential approaches include:
i. Alternative Fuels: Expanding the use of alternative fuels, such as biofuels,
hydrogen, and synthetic fuels, can help decarbonize various modes of transport,
including aviation, shipping, and heavy-duty vehicles.
ii. Energy Efficiency: Implementing measures to improve the energy efficiency of
vehicles, including the adoption of lightweight materials, aerodynamics, and
advanced propulsion systems, can contribute to emission reductions.
iii. Regulations and Incentives: Implementing regulations and providing financial
incentives to encourage the purchase of low-emission vehicles, reward energy-
efficient transportation practices, and penalize high-emission practices can
drive behavior change.

Biodiversity Conservation and Green Spaces:

Biodiversity conservation and green spaces involve protecting natural habitats, preserving
biodiversity, and promoting green infrastructure. This includes:

• Advocating for the conservation of forests, wetlands, coral reefs, and other ecosystems
that support biodiversity and provide essential ecosystem services.
• Supporting afforestation, reforestation, and restoration of degraded landscapes to
enhance biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and climate resilience.
• Promoting the creation of urban green spaces, parks, gardens, and green roofs to
improve air quality, reduce heat island effects, and enhance urban biodiversity.

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation:

Climate change mitigation and adaptation focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
enhancing resilience to climate impacts, and promoting climate-smart strategies. This includes:

• Advocating for policies and actions that reduce carbon emissions from industries,
transportation, energy production, and land use practices.
• Supporting climate-resilient agriculture, water management systems, disaster
preparedness plans, and community-based adaptation initiatives.
• Raising awareness about climate change impacts, mitigation measures, and the
importance of global cooperation to address climate challenges effectively.
• India has set a target to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2070 as part of
the Paris Agreement. This means that India aims to eliminate its carbon footprint and
achieve a balance between greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals by the end
of the century.
• To achieve this goal, India has implemented several initiatives, including increasing its
renewable energy capacity, promoting energy efficiency, and implementing global best
practices in industries such as cement, steel, and iron.
• The country has also launched various programs to encourage the use of electric
vehicles, promote circular economy, and reduce deforestation and degradation.
• India has taken several measures to combat climate change, including:-
i. Reforms in Transport Sector: India is accelerating its e-mobility transition with
the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles
Scheme. A voluntary vehicle scrapping policy to phase out old and unfit
vehicles complements the existing schemes.
ii. Role of Government Schemes: The Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana has helped
88 million households to shift from coal-based cooking fuels to LPG
iii. Role of Industries in Low-Carbon Transition: The public and private sectors in
India are already playing a key role in meeting the climate challenge, helped by
growing customer and investor awareness, as well as increasing regulatory and
disclosure requirements.
iv. Hydrogen Energy Mission: Focus on generation of hydrogen from green power
v. Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT): It is a market-based mechanism to further
accelerate as well as incentivize energy efficiency in the large energy-intensive

Education, Awareness, and Behavioral Change:

Education, awareness, and behavioral change initiatives aim to promote environmental literacy,
empower individuals, and foster sustainable lifestyles. This includes:
• Integrating environmental education into school curricula, vocational training
programs, and adult learning initiatives to build knowledge and skills for sustainable
• Conducting awareness campaigns, workshops, seminars, and community events to
engage citizens, businesses, and policymakers in environmental stewardship.
• Encouraging behavioral change towards pro-environmental attitudes, values, and
actions through incentives, social norms, and role modeling.

These components of Lifestyle for Environment under the Viksit Bharat@2047 program
collectively contribute to building a more sustainable and resilient society that respects the
natural environment, conserves resources, and promotes well-being for current and future

Challenges and Opportunities


• Funding constraints and resource mobilization.

• Policy implementation challenges and regulatory hurdles.
• Socio-economic disparities and inclusivity issues.
• Environmental degradation and climate change risks.
• Technological disruptions and cybersecurity threats.


• Demographic dividend with a young and skilled workforce.

• Market opportunities in emerging sectors and global markets.
• Technological advancements driving innovation and productivity.
• Sustainable development agenda attracting investments and partnerships.
• Growing awareness and activism for social and environmental causes.

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

Importance of monitoring and evaluation:

• Tracking progress, performance, and outcomes of Viksit Bharat@2047 initiatives.

• Identifying bottlenecks, gaps, and areas for improvement.
• Making data-driven decisions, course corrections, and strategic interventions.
• Ensuring accountability, transparency, and stakeholder engagement.

Components of the framework:

• Key performance indicators (KPIs) for each sector and program.

• Regular reviews, impact assessments, and progress reports.
• Stakeholder feedback mechanisms, surveys, and consultations.
• Independent evaluations, audits, and peer reviews.


Key findings and insights:

• Viksit Bharat@2047 is a transformative initiative with a comprehensive agenda for

India's development.
• Success depends on effective implementation, stakeholder engagement, and continuous
• Collaboration, innovation, and sustainable practices are essential for achieving long-
term goals.


• Strengthening governance mechanisms, institutional capacities, and policy

• Promoting partnerships, investments, and knowledge sharing across sectors.
• Prioritizing inclusivity, sustainability, and resilience in development strategies.

Impact on India's development journey:

• Viksit Bharat@2047 has the potential to propel India towards becoming a developed
nation by 2047.
• Sustainable growth, social progress, and global competitiveness are key outcomes to be
• Continuous adaptation, learning, and adaptation are necessary for overcoming
challenges and seizing opportunities.

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