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Nashwa P A

M.A Development Studies, First Year

Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad

Unlocking Equality: Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM Education and Careers in India

25 March 2023

In India, the gender gap in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

education and careers presents a significant challenge. This article examines this issue through

the lens of Amartya Sen’s concepts of functionings and capabilities. We explore how the gender

gap in STEM deprives women of certain functionings and discuss policy measures tailored to the

Indian context to address this pressing concern.


In the realm of higher education worldwide, an unsettling gender disparity persists within the

STEM disciplines. Statistics reveal that while 35% of boys choose to pursue STEM degrees, only

18% of girls embark on the same academic journey. This gender gap becomes even more

pronounced when we scrutinize STEM subfields. India, a nation at the forefront of technological

progress, is not immune to this global challenge. Sahoo and Klasen (2021) claim that girls are

approximately 20 percent less inclined than boys to pursue academic paths in science (STEM)

and commerce compared to humanities in India (p. 20).

Girls are particularly underrepresented in this field, and in-depth analysis of this developmental

issue suggests that the roots of gender inequality in economic outcomes, such as occupational

segregation and gender-based wage disparities, can be traced back to gendered educational

trajectories established much earlier in life, particularly during the school years (Sahoo &

Klasen, 2021).The aim of this article is to explore the multifaceted dimensions of the gender gap
in STEM in India, delving into its implications and proposing policy measures inspired by

Amartya Sen’s concepts of functionings and capabilities.

Analyzing the Gender Segregation in Education

The expansion of India’s higher education sector in the early 21st century has led to significant

shifts in attitudes within Indian families, particularly concerning female participation in STEM

higher education. Recent studies show gender parity in non-STEM fields but disparities in

STEM. Females dominate in biological sciences but lag in physical sciences. Progress is seen in

computer, information, and electronics engineering, but challenges persist in mechanical, civil,

and electrical engineering. The intricate and multifaceted gender dynamics within society

continue to affect female access to STEM higher education and employment (Kumar, 2021).

According to Gupta, While the number of women achieving doctoral degrees in diverse fields of

science and technology continues to rise each year, the number of female scientists entering the

job market is not increasing at a similar rate. It’s essential to comprehensively explore and

analyze the reasons behind their reluctance to enter the science and technology fields (2019).

Gender segregation in education reflects not merely career choices but a complex interplay of

societal norms, expectations, and limited access to diverse educational opportunities. The root

causes of this segregation are not individual choices but rather a reflection of deeply ingrained

societal beliefs (Gupta, 2019). These beliefs shape the choice of academic subjects and influence

career aspirations and, ultimately, economic outcomes of the women.

Women often exit STEM fields for various reasons, some known to society while others remain

concealed but significantly influential; the majority can be attributed to societal and cultural

factors. In many cases, educational choices are family decisions rather than individual ones,

driven by considerations such as collective family resources, status, and marriage prospects. This

is particularly pronounced for girls, where family and societal consequences often outweigh

personal interests (Sahoo & Klasen, 2021).

Household income is a significant factor affecting the choices of economically disadvantaged

students when it comes to pursuing STEM education, which tends to be more expensive than

humanities. Data from the NSS indicates that students in science and commerce spend over twice

as much as those in humanities at the high school level (Sahoo & Klasen, 2021). Science and

engineering degrees are typically more costly than arts or commerce degrees, thus creating

financial barriers.

Another factor is the difference in parental education levels. Parental education influences the

duration of their children’s schooling or academic progress. Sahoo and Klasen suggest that

greater equality in parental education might lead to more gender-balanced choices in academic

streams. Additionally, access to STEM education is crucial, especially in India; students often

face limited availability of specific streams in local schools. Concerns about safety may also

discourage girls from enrolling in their preferred stream if it requires longer commutes.

Gendered family roles and expectations, prioritizing daughters’ domestic responsibilities, further

discourage the pursuit of science. Additionally, the patriarchal family model prevalent in Indian

culture significantly burdens female family members (Gupta, 2019). The patriarchal society also

plays a role in discouraging female students from pursuing higher education in STEM, whether it
is the parents or teachers, calling them “not capable.” Moreover, the male-dominated nature of

STEM fields creates discomfort for girls, but more women are entering these fields despite these


Implications of the Gender Gap in STEM in terms of Deprivations of Functionings

According to Sen, Functionings refer to the various things a person values and has reason to

pursue. Functionings encompass the basic necessities and the more complex aspects of human

life. On the other hand, capabilities are the real opportunities or abilities individuals have to

achieve the functionings they value. These capabilities are not just what someone is currently

doing (functionings) but what they are capable of doing (Deneulin & Shahani, 2009).

The gender gap in STEM deprives women of many functionings, education being the first and

foremost. Education is a critical component of society that serves several functionings, including

skill development, socialization, personal growth, economic mobility, etc. Education is crucial in

enhancing people’s capabilities because it empowers them with knowledge, skills, and

opportunities (Gracia‐Calandín & Tamarit‐López, 2021). The gender gap in STEM education in

India limits the choices and aspirations of young girls. They are deprived of the educational

functioning that would enable them to pursue STEM fields freely, potentially hindering their

future opportunities.

Addressing gender disparities in STEM education and careers in India is crucial not only for the

individual capabilities and well-being of women but also for the overall development and
progress of the nation. Some of the other deprivations in the capability to access functionings


1. Economic Independence: Limited access to STEM education and careers can result in lower

earning potential for women, reducing their economic independence and financial security. This

results in economic and career deprivations. Women miss out on high-paying jobs and face

obstacles in career progression, reducing their economic capabilities.

2. Professional Opportunities: Disparities in STEM fields can restrict women’s access to high-

paying and influential professions, limiting their career growth and opportunities.

3. Participation in Policy and Decision-making: The scarcity of women in STEM leadership

roles limits their participation in shaping policies and decisions related to technology and

scientific advancements, hindering their agency in these domains.

4. Empowerment: STEM education empowers individuals with knowledge and skills that can

enhance their decision-making abilities. Women who are deprived of this education may have

limited control over their lives and choices.

5. Healthcare Access: STEM-related innovations often lead to advancements in healthcare.

Women deprived of STEM education may have reduced access to improved medical

technologies and healthcare services.

6. Role Models: Few visible female role models in Indian STEM fields deprive young girls of

inspirational functionings. This scarcity can discourage them from considering STEM careers as

viable options.
7. Gender Equality: STEM fields can be instrumental in promoting gender equality. Women’s

exclusion from these fields can perpetuate gender disparities and societal inequalities.

8. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Deprivation of STEM education can hinder women from

participating in innovation-driven entrepreneurship, limiting their potential to contribute to

economic growth and technological advancements (Jones et al., 2000).

9. Participation in Research and Development: STEM fields are crucial in research and

development. Women’s exclusion from these areas can result in a lack of diverse perspectives

and ideas in shaping the future.

10. Global Competitiveness: In a globalized world, proficiency in STEM is often linked to a

country’s competitiveness. By depriving women of STEM education, a nation may hinder its

own progress on the global stage.

Additionally, this gap also reinforces the gender stereotypes associating women with lesser

aptitude in STEM subjects, depriving girls of the functioning related to self-esteem and

confidence. These stereotypes deter them from pursuing their interests in these fields. Often, it is

seen that parents and teachers alike discourage girls from pursuing their interests in Mathematics

because, stereotypically, “they are not capable.”

Also, STEM careers’ demanding nature deprives women of the functioning of work-life balance

—the difficulty in balancing family responsibilities with a STEM career forces many women to

reconsider their options.

Viewed through the lenses of power, fairness, and financial support, promoting girls’

participation in the physical sciences can create opportunities that diverge from conventional,
lower-paying occupations traditionally dominated by women. Achieving a balance between male

and female representation in engineering and physical science professions has the potential to

reshape the dynamics and ethos within these fields, thereby influencing the landscape for

generations to come (Jones et al., 2000).

Policy Measures to Address the Issue

Efforts to promote gender equality in STEM should be a priority to unlock the full potential of

women and drive societal advancement. The government should ensure affordable and accessible

STEM education for girls. This involves offering scholarships, promoting STEM awareness from

a young age, and enhancing the quality of STEM education.

Redefining gender roles is also crucial. Campaigns can be launched to challenge gender

stereotypes and encourage women to pursue STEM careers. These efforts can expand the range

of capabilities available to girls. The situation demands a grassroots strategy to approach the

issue; not just the parents need education on gender norms and their consequences, but the

teachers should also be well educated. The government can bring about initiatives to promote

women in STEM, including gender-responsive policies, family-friendly work environments, and

incentives for organizations supporting gender diversity.

Additionally, stricter enforcement of anti-discrimination laws and policies in workplaces,

coupled with mentorship and support programs, can help women overcome workplace biases.

Bridging the gender gap in STEM education and careers in India is not just a matter of social

justice but also essential for economic growth and innovation. Amartya Sen’s framework of

functionings and capabilities provides a valuable perspective on this developmental issue,

emphasizing the importance of addressing deprivations faced by women.

Educators bear the responsibility of portraying science as equally suitable for both girls and

boys, anticipating that girls can proficiently utilize scientific tools, and fostering a culture where

both genders actively participate in scientific endeavors.

The issue cannot be further avoided. “To continue the status quo without transforming the

culture is to condemn girls to remain on the sidelines of science (Jones et al., 2000).” By

implementing targeted policies and initiatives, India can move closer to gender equality in

STEM, unlocking the full potential of its women in these vital fields and contributing to a more

inclusive and prosperous society.


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