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“Any important work that doesn’t

begin with BISMILLAH is devoid of

“You’ll never change your life until you
change something you do daily. The secret of
your success is found in your daily routine.”

— John C. Maxwell
Unit 1
Present Tenses
Present simple, Present continuous,
State verbs
What to study:

Warmer Listening
01 Miming Game 02 Listen and state T/F

Grammar Practice
03 Present simple vs
Present Continuous
04 Present simple vs
Present Continuous
Miming Game
You are going to hear a woman
interviewing a student for a
survey about what people do in
their free time.
Before you listen, look at the pictures.
which activities do you think the student does in
their free time?
LISTEN, check if you were right.
Before we compare, Let’s review one by one

Present Simple Present Continuous

Read about present tense
Read about present continuous and state verbs
Present Simple vs Present Continous
Ordinary Days

at the moment
Present Simple vs Present Continous
Ordinary Days

at the moment
Choose the best
Fiona is watching
television ….

a. because her favorite

film star is on

b. when she has time

I’m having my lunch

a. at one o’clock

b. early today as I have an

I do the shopping ….

a. at the same time every


b. today for a friend

who’s ill
What are you doing

a. to your sister when she

behaves badly?

b. to your sister? Leave

her alone?
I wear casual clothes

a. at the weekend.

b. because we’re having a

party at lunchtime.
Teachers work hard

a. to get the concert

ready for next week.

b. but they get long

The company’s
financial situation is
improving ….

a. now that it has a new

Chief Executive.

b. when there is greater

demand for its
Serge is thinking of
retiring early ….

a. every time something

bad happens at work.

b. because he isn’t happy

at work any more.
What did we

What will
we study?

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